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Tennessee Free Printable sls450_0723 for 2025 Tennessee State and Local Sales and Use Tax Return

There are only 22 days left until tax day on April 16th! eFile your return online here , or request a six-month extension here .

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State and Local Sales and Use Tax Return

TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE RV-R0012001 (7/23) State and Local Sales and Use Tax Return SLS 450 Filing Period Account Number Due Date Location ID Check if applicable: Amended return Legal Name Final return Mailing Address City State ZIP Code Location Address City State ZIP Code Change of mailing address Taxpayers should submit their return and payment from Line 23 by visiting the Department's website at https://tntap.tn.gov/eservices Round to nearest dollar 1. Gross sales................................................................................................................................................................................(1) ________________________ 2. Cost of personal property purchased on a resale certificate but used............................................................................(2) ________________________ 3. Cost of out-of-state purchases and property imported into Tennessee for use............................................................ (3) _________________________ 4. Fair market value of tangible personal property fabricated, produced, compounded, or severed from the earth for use in Tennessee............................................................................................................................................................... (4) _________________________ 5. Total sales and purchases (add Lines 1-4)........................................................................................................................... (5) _________________________ 6. Exempt transactions from Schedule A Line 11....................................................................................................................(6) _________________________ 7. State net taxable total (subtract Line 6 from Line 5).......................................................................................................... (7) _________________________ 8. State sales and use tax (multiply Line 7 by 7%)................................................................................................................... (8) _________________________ 9. State food tax (multiply Schedule A, Line1 by 4%).............................................................................................................. (9) _________________________ 10. Local sales and use tax from Schedule B, Line 8............................................................................................................... (10) _________________________ 11. Tax collected in excess of state and local levies................................................................................................................ (11) _________________________ 12. State tax on transactions subject to single article and reduced rates from Schedule C Line 9.................................. (12) _________________________ 13. Local tax on transactions subject to the special tax rate from Schedule C Line 15...................................................... (13) _________________________ 1 4. Central Business Improvement District Fee from Schedule D Line 10.......................................................................... (14) _________________________ 15. Prepaid Wireless 911 Surcharge $1.50 per retail transaction for prepaid wireless telecommunications less 2% administrative fee................................................................................................................................................................. (15) _________________________ 16. Local Occupancy Tax on Short-term Rentals total from Schedule F, Column H........................................................... (16) _________________________ 17. Hemp-derived cannabinoids, including Delta-8 and Delta-10 products from Schedule H, Column C......................(17) _________________________ 18. Net tax due (add Lines 8-17)................................................................................................................................................ (18) _________________________ 19. Vendor's compensation total for timely filed/paid return not to exceed $25.00. (Calculated from Lines 8, 9, and 12). (Annual Filers only, see instructions)..............................................................................................................(19) ________________________ 20. Credit memo balance........................................................................................................................................................... (20) _________________________ 21. Penalty (see instructions)..................................................................................................................................................... (21) _________________________ 22. Interest (see instructions).................................................................................................................................................... (22) _________________________ 23. Total tax due - If filed and paid timely, subtract Line 19 and 20 from Line 18. If filed or paid late, subtract Line 20 from Line 18 and add Lines 21 and 22................................................................................................................. (23) _________________________ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Schedule A- Exempt Transactions (See Separate Instructions) 1. Net taxable food sales............................................................................................................................................................. (1)_____________________ 2. Sales made to vendors or other establishments for resale, and sales of items to be used in processing articles for sale. (Certificates of Resale required)................................................................................................................ (2)_____________________ 3. Sales of items paid for with SNAP Benefits.......................................................................................................................... (3)_____________________ 4. Sales to federal or Tennessee governments and qualified nonprofit institutions (Certificate required)................... (4)_____________________ 5. Returned merchandise reported as sales on this or a previous return. Show on Schedule B, Line 2 _ amounts claimed on Schedule B, Line 4, of prior returns.................................................................................................. (5)_____________________ 6. Exempt industrial machinery and agricultural purchases............................................................................................ (6)_____________________ 7. Sales in interstate commerce................................................................................................................................................ (7)_____________________ 8. Repossessions - portion of unpaid principal balances in excess of $500 due on TPP repossessed from _ customers. Report same amount on Schedule B, Line 2................................................................................................... (8)_____________________ 9. Other deductions (See instructions)..................................................................................................................................... (9)_____________________ 10. Temporary exemptions (Total from Schedule G, Column C)............................................................................................. (10)_____________________ 11. Total exemptions (Add Lines 1 through 10; enter here and on First Page, Line 6)......................................................... (11)_____________________ Attention Sellers located outside Tennessee: Beginning October 1, 2019, all sales that originate from a business located outside of Tennessee and sold to a destination inside Tennessee must be reported using the tax rate applicable to the delivery destination. Report all your sales made by location using Schedule E and bring total of all sales from Columns B through I over to Lines 1 through 8 below. Schedule B - Local Sales and Use Tax (See Separate Instructions) 1. State net taxable total from First Page, Line 7....................................................................................................................... (1)_____________________ 2. Adjustments (total of Schedule A, Line 1 and any applicable amounts from Schedule A, Lines 5 and 8)...................... (2)_____________________ 3. Total with adjustments (add Lines 1 and 2)............................................................................................................................ (3)_____________________ 4. Excess amount over single article tax base............................................................................................................................ (4)_____________________ 5. Energy fuel sales taxed at full state rate................................................................................................................................. (5)_____________________ 6. Other deductions including sales of specified digital products and of merchandise sold through vending machines (6)_____________________ 7. Net taxable total (subtract Lines 4, 5, and 6 from Line 3)..................................................................................................... (7)_____________________ 8. Local sales and use tax (multiply Line 7 x the applicable local tax rate; Enter here and on the first page, Line 10)..... (8)_____________________ Schedule C - State Single Article Tax and Special Tax Rates (See Separate Instructions) If no taxable single articles were sold at $1,600 or above, or if you have no special tax rate products to report, put $0 on Lines 9 and 15 below and on Lines 12 and 13 on the first page. 1. Taxable single article sales from $1,600 to $3,200............................................................................................................... (1)____________________ 2. State single article sales tax (multiply Line 1 x 2.75%) ........................................................................................................ (2)____________________ 3. Industrial water sales............................................................................................................................................................... (3)____________________ 4. Industrial water tax (multiply Line 3 x 1.00%)....................................................................................................................... (4)____________________ 5. Industrial energy fuel sales...................................................................................................................................................... (5)____________________ 6. Industrial energy fuels tax (multiply Line 5 x 1.50%)............................................................................................................ (6)____________________ 7. Aviation fuel tax (total amounts from Lines A and B; multiply x 4.25%)............................................................................ (7) ____________________ A. Taxable aviation fuel sales ($__________) Gallons (__________) B. Out-of-state purchases for use ($_________) Gallons (__________) 8. Water carrier energy fuel tax (total amounts from Lines A and B; multiply x 7.00%).....................................................(8)_____________________ A. Taxable energy fuel sales to water carriers ($__________) Gallons (__________) B. Out-of-state purchases for use ($__________) Gallons (________) 9. State single article and reduced rates tax (add Lines 2, 4, 6, 7, and 8) _ Enter here and on Line 12 on the first page............................................................................................................................(9)___________________ 10. Local industrial water tax (multiply total sales x 0.50%)...................................................................................................... (10)___________________ 11. Specified digital products sales.............................................................................................................................................. (11)___________________ 12. Specified digital products local tax (multiply Line 11 x 2.50%)........................................................................................... (12)___________________ 13. Sales of merchandise through vending machines............................................................................................................... (13)___________________ 14. Local tax on merchandise sold through vending machines (multiply Line 13 x 2.25%).................................................. (14)___________________ 15. Total local special rates tax (add Lines 10, 12, and 14). Enter here and on Line 13 on the first page........................... (15)___________________ Schedule D- Central Business Improvement District (CBID) Schedule 1. Gross sales less exempt transactions (Page 1, Line 1 minus Line 6) plus net taxable food sales _ (Schedule A, Line 1).................................................................................................................................................................. (1)____________________ 2 . Sales of professional services included in Line 1 above..................................................................................................... (2)____________________ 3. Sales of lodging provided to transients not included in exempt transactions................................................................ (3)____________________ 4. Sales of tickets to sporting events or other live ticketed events not included in exempt transactions........................ (4)____________________ 5. Sales of alcoholic beverages subject to LBD tax not included in exempt transactions.................................................. (5)____________________ 6. Sales of newspapers and other publications not included in exempt transactions....................................................... (6)____________________ 7. .Sales of overnight and long-term parking not included in exempt transactions............................................................. (7)____________________ 8. .Total CBID exempt sales (add Lines 2 - 7)............................................................................................................................. (8)____________________ 9. .Net sales (subtract Line 8 from Line 1).................................................................................................................................. (9)____________________ 10. .Central Business Improvement District Fee (multiply Line 9 x 0.50%). Enter here and on Line 14 on the first page..(10)____________________ Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this report, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. ____________________________________________________ ______________________ ___________________________________________ Taxpayer's Signature Date Title ____________________________________________________ ______________________ _________________ _________________________ Tax Preparer's Signature Preparer's PTIN Date Telephone ____________________________________________________ _____________________________ _________ _________________________ Preparer's Address City State ZIP Code Preparer's Email Address____________________________________________________________________________________________ Schedule E - For Sellers Located Outside Tennessee Destination Sales Report A B D C City or County State Net Taxable Total Location Adjustments F E Adjusted Total Energy Fuel Sales Excess of Single Article Tax Base H G Other Deductions Local Net Taxable Total I Local Tax Totals Note: If you have additional entries to report, please add additional Schedules as needed. Report total of all sheets on last page. Schedule F - For Local Occupancy Tax due on Short-term Rentals A B C D E F City or County Location Short-term Rental Unit Receipts Deductions Net Rental Receipts Occupancy Tax Due Net Room Rental Nights G Total Nightly Fee H Total Due Totals Note: If you have additional entries to report, please add additional Schedules as needed. Report total of all sheets on last page. Schedule G - Temporary Exemptions A City or County Location B Temporary Exemption Type C D Exempt Sales Amount Exempt Sales Amount in Excess of Local Single Article Tax ($1,600) Totals Note: If you have additional entries to report, please add additional Schedules as needed. Report total of all sheets on last page. Schedule G should be used if any of the following temporary exemptions apply: -Sales Tax Holiday (Last Friday of July to the following Sunday) -Food Sales Tax Holiday (August 1, 2023 to October 31, 2023) -Broadband Infrastructure Exemption (July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2025) Enter total from Schedule G, Column C to Schedule A, Line 10. Any exemption or deduction not listed above should be taken elsewhere on Schedule A. See instructions for additional information. Schedule H - Hemp-Derived Cannabinoids A Product Type B C Gross Sales Total Tax (Gross Sales x 6%) Totals Note: If you have additional entries to report, please add additional Schedules as needed. Report total of all sheets on last page. Schedule H should be used if any of the following hemp-derived cannabinoids are sold: -Delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol -Delta-10 tetrahydrocannabinol -Hexahydrocannabinol -Tetrahydrocannabiphorol (THCp) -Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCv) -Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCa) -Other:_____________________________ Enter total from Schedule H, Column C to First Page, Line 17. See instructions for additional information.
Extracted from PDF file 2024-tennessee-form-sls450.pdf, last modified June 2023

More about the Tennessee Form SLS450 Individual Income Tax TY 2024

Form SLS-450 is used to report details regarding all the transactions made during the current tax year

We last updated the State and Local Sales and Use Tax Return in February 2025, so this is the latest version of Form SLS450, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form SLS450 directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Tennessee tax forms here.

eFile your Tennessee tax return now

eFiling is easier, faster, and safer than filling out paper tax forms. File your Tennessee and Federal tax returns online with TurboTax in minutes. FREE for simple returns, with discounts available for TaxFormFinder users!

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Related Tennessee Individual Income Tax Forms:

TaxFormFinder has an additional 65 Tennessee income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms. These related forms may also be needed with the Tennessee Form SLS450.

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Form SLS450 (Instructions) Sales and Use Tax Return (Instructions)

Download all TN tax forms View all 66 Tennessee Income Tax Forms

Form Sources:

Tennessee usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Tennessee Form SLS450 from the Department of Revenue in February 2025.

Show Sources >

About the Individual Income Tax

The IRS and most states collect a personal income tax, which is paid throughout the year via tax withholding or estimated income tax payments.

Most taxpayers are required to file a yearly income tax return in April to both the Internal Revenue Service and their state's revenue department, which will result in either a tax refund of excess withheld income or a tax payment if the withholding does not cover the taxpayer's entire liability. Every taxpayer's situation is different - please consult a CPA or licensed tax preparer to ensure that you are filing the correct tax forms!

Historical Past-Year Versions of Tennessee Form SLS450

We have a total of three past-year versions of Form SLS450 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2024 Form SLS450


2023 Form SLS450


2022 Form SLS450

SLS450 - State and Local Sales and Use Tax Return

TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:

While we do our best to keep our list of Tennessee Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/tennessee/form-sls450