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Tennessee Free Printable Application for Tennessee Inheritance Tax Waiver for 2025 Tennessee Application for Inheritance Tax Waiver

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Application for Inheritance Tax Waiver
Application for Tennessee Inheritance Tax Waiver

TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE APPLICATION FOR TENNESSEE INHERITANCE TAX WAIVER NOTICE: BEFORE COMPLETING THIS FORM READ EVERY ITEM CAREFULLY. PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. (IF A QUESTION DOES NOT APPLY, INDICATE NOT APPLICABLE.) This application must be submitted with the first request. Upon approval of this application, future releases can be issued by submission of the completed Inheritance Tax Release form. ESTATE OF (give complete name) COUNTY OF (resident county of decedent) DATE OF DEATH SOCIAL SECURITY NO. 1. Has a representative been duly appointed and qualified by the probate, chancery, or county clerk? Yes No a. If yes, give name of representative The inheritance tax return is not required if the gross estate of a resident decedent is less than the single exemption allowed by T.C.A. Section 67-8-316, the representative of the estate may file the Short-Form Inheritance Tax Return. In the case of resident decedent's dying between 2006 and 2012 the allowable exemption is $1,000,000; in 2013 the allowable exemption is $1,250,000; in 2014 the allowable exemption is $2,000,000; in 2015 the allowable exemption is $5,000,000. The Tennessee inheritance tax will not apply to estates of decedents dying in 2016 or thereafter. b. If no; please enclose a copy of the will ( ___ ) check if no will. 2. Has an Inheritance Tax Return been filed? Yes 2a. If no, will the return be filed by the due date? No Yes No 2b. If yes, give date filed and account number (if known) Question 3 enables the department to determine the taxable status of the estate. List all assets including jointly owned property and life insurance. If more space is needed, attach a separate sheet. Skip Question 3 if the estate meets either of the following criteria: 1. A Tennessee inheritance tax return has been filed by the estate, or 2. A Tennessee inheritance tax return will be filed by the estate within nine (9) months of death. In all other circumstances, Question 3 must be answered. 3. Please provide the following information concerning assets of the estate, valuation of assets, and heirs of the estate. (a) Real property-including jointly-held property. Location Fair Market Value $ (b) Personal property-including jointly-held property (stocks, bonds and other securities, bank accounts, certificates or money market accounts, life insurance, tangible personal effects, business interests and partnerships, and any other tangible or intangible assets). VALUE DESCRIPTION Total value of assets (If additional space is needed attach sheet to form) $ 4. Beneficiaries of the estate are: Relationship to decedent Name 5. Please list below the name and address of the qualified representative or attorney for the above estate. A daytime phone number should be furnished in order that any questions may be resolved. Name Signature of applicant Address Address of Applicant Daytime phone number Date of Application Instructions for completing the Inheritance Tax Release for Real or Personal Property are on the back of this form. RV-F1400301 (Rev. 6-12) IMPORTANT: READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING THE FORM-INHERITANCE TAX RELEASE FOR REAL OR PERSONAL PROPERTY. 1. If a return has not been filed and an administrator or executor has not been appointed by the court, issuance of the waiver may be delayed to permit an investigation. 2. A release for real estate in a non-resident estate will not be issued until a return is filed or sufficient information provided to determine no tax liability to the State of Tennessee. APPLICATION ON FILE: Check "Yes" if application has previously been filed. APPLICATION ATTACHED: Complete the application and mail it with the release form(s). File the application one time. Do not file additional applications with future release forms. Description of Property must be explicit. Complete one release form for each asset. Provide the following information for each asset requiring a waiver (release): STOCK: Corporate name, type of stock, trading symbol, number of shares or units. BOND: Name, type of bond, face amount, interest rate, maturity date. CREDIT UNIONS: Release is not required. BANK ACCOUNTS CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, SAVINGS BOND: Release is not required. INSURANCE OR RETIREMENT: Release is not required. REAL ESTATE: Sufficient legal description (location, map, parcel). AUTOMOBILE: Release is not required. SIGNATURE: The personal representative appointed by Probate Court, or designated by will, or the estate attorney must sign. Releases will not be approved if signed by anyone else. ADDRESS: Waiver (release) will be mailed to the address within the address block. Type or print name, address, city, state, and zip code. After completing the release form, keep the pink copy for your records. Mail the original and the yellow copy along with the application to the: Tennessee Department of Revenue 500 Deaderick Street Nashville, TN 37242-0100 For assistance call: For forms only call: Nashville (615) 532-6444 Memphis (901) 213-1400 Knoxville (865) 594-6100 Chattanooga (615) 634-6266 Taxpayer and Vehicle Services Nashville (615) 741-4466 LIMITED POWER OF ATTORNEY I (we), the authorized representative(s) of the estate listed above, do hereby appoint the following as agent(s) to represent the estate before the Tennessee Department of Revenue: Agent(s) Information Name of Agent _________________________________________________________ Title __________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________ Phone ( ) ____________________________________________________________ Name of Agent _________________________________________________________ Title __________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________ Phone ( ) ____________________________________________________________ This power shall include any and all acts necessary to obtain inheritance tax waivers on the aforementioned estate. The agent(s) is (are) authorized to receive and inspect confidential tax information and to perform any and all acts that I (we) can perform with respect to obtaining inheritance tax waivers. The authority does not include the power to receive refund checks, the power to substitute another agent, or the power to sign tax returns. Signature _____________________________________________________________ Print Name ____________________________________________________________ Title __________________________________________________________________ Date _____________ Signature _____________________________________________________________ Print Name ____________________________________________________________ Title __________________________________________________________________ Date _____________ NOTE: Department of Revenue personnel are prohibited from granting access to the estate's tax information to persons handling Tennessee inheritance tax waivers for the estate absent authorization through a limited power of attorney executed by the authorized representative(s) of the estate or other legal authorization.
Extracted from PDF file 2024-tennessee-form-inh-waiver.pdf, last modified June 2012

More about the Tennessee Form INH-Waiver Estate Tax TY 2024

Application for Inheritance Tax Waiver

We last updated the Application for Inheritance Tax Waiver in March 2025, so this is the latest version of Form INH-Waiver, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form INH-Waiver directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Tennessee tax forms here.

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Other Tennessee Estate Tax Forms:

TaxFormFinder has an additional 65 Tennessee income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.

Form Code Form Name
Form INH-Waiver Application for Inheritance Tax Waiver
Form INH-Extension Application for Extension of Time to File Tennessee Inheritance Tax Return
Form INH-Guide A Guide to Tennessee Inheritance and Estate Taxes
Form INH-Release Inheritance Tax Release
Form INH-301 State Inheritance Tax Return (Long Form)

Download all TN tax forms View all 66 Tennessee Income Tax Forms

Form Sources:

Tennessee usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Tennessee Form INH-Waiver from the Department of Revenue in March 2025.

Show Sources >

About the Estate Tax

The IRS, and many states, impose an estate tax on the transfer of cash and property between a decedent and their beneficiaries. These taxes generally only apply to estates over a certain size threshold, generally several million dollars, and therefore only affects the largest few percent of estates in the United States.

Historical Past-Year Versions of Tennessee Form INH-Waiver

We have a total of nine past-year versions of Form INH-Waiver in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2024 Form INH-Waiver

Application for Tennessee Inheritance Tax Waiver

2023 Form INH-Waiver

Application for Tennessee Inheritance Tax Waiver

2022 Form INH-Waiver

Application for Tennessee Inheritance Tax Waiver

2021 Form INH-Waiver

Application for Tennessee Inheritance Tax Waiver

2020 Form INH-Waiver

Application for Tennessee Inheritance Tax Waiver

2018 Form INH-Waiver

Application for Tennessee Inheritance Tax Waiver

2016 Form INH-Waiver

Application for Tennessee Inheritance Tax Waiver

2015 Form INH-Waiver

Application for Tennessee Inheritance Tax Waiver

Application for Tennessee Inheritance Tax Waiver 2012 Form INH-Waiver

Application for Tennessee Inheritance Tax Waiver

TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:

While we do our best to keep our list of Tennessee Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/tennessee/form-inh-waiver