Tennessee Franchise and Excise Tax Return Kit

Extracted from PDF file 2024-tennessee-form-fae-170.pdf, last modified December 2024Franchise and Excise Tax Return Kit
RV-R0011001 (12/24) TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE 2024 Franchise and Excise Tax Return FAE 170 Tax Year Beginning Account Number Tax Year Ending FEIN NAICS SOS Control Number Check all that apply: a) Amended return b) Final return Legal Name c) Public Law 86-272 applied to excise tax d) Taxpayer has made an election to calculate net worth per the provisions of Tenn. Code Ann. § 67-4-2103(g)-(i) e) Taxpayer has filed the prescribed form to revoke its election made per Tenn. Code Ann. § 67-4-2103(g)-(i) f) Annualized income installment method for quarterly estimates election Mailing Address g) Manufacturer single sales factor election City h) Revoke manufacturer single sales factor election i) Taxpayer has filed for federal extension State ZIP Code j) Triple weighted sales election k) Telecom Qualified Member Date Tennessee operations began (see instructions) Round to the nearest dollar Schedule A ‑ Computation of Franchise Tax 1. Total net worth Schedule F1, Line 5 or Schedule F2, Line 3 ........................................................................................ (1) 2. Taxpayer electing to calculate franchise tax based on property measure - enter total from Schedule G Line 15. All other taxpayers - leave blank.....................................................................................................................................(2) 3. Franchise tax (25¢ per $100 or major fraction thereof on the greater of Lines 1 or 2; minimum $100) ............... (3) Schedule B ‑ Computation of Excise Tax 4. Income subject to excise tax from Schedule J, Line 38................................................................................................. (4) 5. Excise tax (6.5% of Line 4) ............................................................................................................................................... (5) 6. Recapture of tax credit (Schedule T, Line 13) and additional excise tax on certified distribution sales............... (6) 7. Total excise tax due (add Lines 5 and 6) ........................................................................................................................ (7) _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Schedule C ‑ Computation of Total Tax Due or Overpayment 8. Total franchise and excise taxes (add Lines 3 and 7).............................................................. (8) _______________________________________ 9. Total credit from Schedule D, Line 10 (cannot exceed Schedule C, Line 8)......................... (9) _______________________________________ 10. Net tax (subtract Line 9 from Line 8; if Line 9 exceeds Line 8, enter zero here)................. (10) _______________________________________ 11. Total payments from Schedule E, Line 7.................................................................................. (11) _______________________________________ 12. Penalty (see instructions) .......................................................................................................... (12) _______________________________________ 13. Interest (see instructions) .............................................................................................................................................. (13) _______________________________________ 14. Penalty on estimated franchise and excise tax payments ........................................................................................ (14) _______________________________________ 15. Interest on estimated franchise and excise tax payments ....................................................................................... (15) _______________________________________ 16. Total amount due (overpaid) (add Lines 10, 12, 13, 14, and 15, subtract Line 11) ................................................. (16) _______________________________________ If overpayment reported on Line 16, complete A and/or B below: A. Credit to next year’s tax $_______________________________________ B. Refund $________________________________ penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this report, and to the best of my knowledge Power of Attorney - Check YES if this taxpayer's Under and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. signature certifies that this tax preparer has the authority to execute this form on behalf Title Date Taxpayer's Signature of the taxpayer and is authorized to receive and inspect confidential tax information Date Telephone Preparer's PTIN and to perform any and all acts relating to Tax Preparer's Signature respective tax matters. City Preparer's Address ZIP Code State YES Preparer's Email Address FOR OFFICE USE ONLY page 2 Taxable Year Account No./FEIN Taxpayer Name Schedule D - Schedule of Credits 1. Gross Premiums Tax Credit (cannot exceed Schedule C, Line 8)........................................................................................(1) __________________________________ 2. Green Energy Tax Credit from business plans filed prior to July 1, 2015...........................................................................(2) __________________________________ 3. Brownfield Property Credits ...................................................................................................................................................(3) __________________________________ 4. Broadband Internet Access Tax Credit carryover for service providers............................................................................(4) __________________________________ 5. Industrial Machinery and Research and Development Tax Credit from Schedule T, Line 11.........................................(5) __________________________________ 6. Job Tax Credit from Schedule X, Line 46.................................................................................................................................(6) __________________________________ 7. Additional Annual Job Tax Credit from Schedule X, Line 38................................................................................................(7) __________________________________ 8. Qualified Production Credit from Schedule QP, Line 12................................................................................. (8) _________________________________ 9. Employer Credit for Paid Family and Medical Leave from Schedule PL..............................................................................(9) _________________________________ 10. Total credit (add Lines 1 through 9; enter here and on Schedule C, Line 9)............................................................ ....... .(10) __________________________________ Schedule E - Schedule of Required Quarterly Installments and Payments Required Quarterly Installments Amount Paid 1. Overpayment from previous year, if available................................................................................................................. (1)__________________________________ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. First quarterly estimate............................................................................................... (2a) ____________________________ (2b)_________________________________ Second quarterly estimate.......................................................................................... (3a) ____________________________ (3b)_________________________________ Third quarterly estimate.............................................................................................. (4a) ____________________________ (4b)_________________________________ Fourth quarterly estimate........................................................................................... (5a) ____________________________ (5b)_________________________________ Extension payment.............................................................................................................................................................. (6)__________________________________ Total payments (add Lines 1 through 6; enter here and on Schedule C, Line 11)....................................................... (7)__________________________________ Computation of Franchise Tax Schedule F1 - Non-Consolidated Net Worth 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Net worth (total assets less total liabilities)............................................................................................................................(1) Indebtedness to or guaranteed by parent or affiliated corporation (cannot be a deduction).........................................(2) Total (add Lines 1 and 2)...........................................................................................................................................................(3) Franchise tax apportionment ratio (Schedules N, N1, O, P, R or S if applicable or 100%)................................................(4) Total (multiply Line 3 by Line 4; enter here and on Schedule A, Line 1)..............................................................................(5) _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ % _________________________________ _________________________________ Schedule F2 - Consolidated Net Worth Schedule F2 is to be completed only if the Consolidated Net Worth Election Registration Application has been filed. 1. Consolidated net worth (total assets less total liabilities of the affiliated group)..............................................................(1) _________________________________ % 2. Franchise tax apportionment ratio (Schedule 170NC, 170NC1, 170SF or 170SC)..............................................................(2) _________________________________ 3. Total (multiply Line 1 by Line 2; enter here and on Schedule A, Line 1)..............................................................................(3) _________________________________ Schedule H - Gross Receipts 1. Gross receipts or sales per federal income tax return ...........................................................................................................(1) ________________________________ page 3 Taxable Year Taxable Name Account No./FEIN Schedule I - Disregarded Entities List all disregarded Single Member Limited Liability Companies included in this tax return under the provisions of Tenn. Code Ann. § 67-4-2106(c): Entity No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Name Common Parent Corporation Federal Employer Identification Number Tennessee Secretary of State Control Number State in which Chartered or Organized Owned by Entity No. Ownership Percentage page 4 Taxable Year Taxpayer Name Account No./FEIN Computation of Excise Tax Schedule J1 - Computation of Net Earnings for Entities Treated as Partnerships Additions: 1. Ordinary income or loss (federal Form 1065, Line 23) .........................................................................................................(1) __________________________________ 2. Income items specifically allocated to partners, including guaranteed payments to partners.......................................(2) 3. Any net loss or expense distributed to a publicly traded REIT ...........................................................................................(3) 4. Total additions (add Lines 1 through 3)...................................................................................................................................(4) Deductions: 5. Expense items specifically allocated to partners not deducted elsewhere........................................................................(5) 6. Amount subject to self-employment taxes distributable or paid to each partner or member net of any pass-through expense deducted elsewhere on this return (if negative, enter zero) (include on Schedule K, Line 3).....................................................................................................................................................................(6) 7. Amount of contribution to qualified pension or benefit plans of any partner or member, including all IRC 401 plans (include on Schedule K, Line 3)..................................................................................................................(7) 8. Any net gain or income distributed to a publicly traded REIT .............................................................................................(8) 9. Any loss on the sale of an asset sold within 12 months after the date of distribution.....................................................(9) 10. Total deductions (add Lines 5 through 9)............................................................................................................................ (10) 11. Total (subtract Line 10 from Line 4; enter here and on Schedule J, Line 1)..................................................................... (11) __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ _________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Schedule J2 - Computation of Net Earnings for a Single Member LLC Filing as an Individual Additions: 1. Business Income or loss from federal Form 1040, Schedule C............................................................................................(1) __________________________________ 2. Business Income or loss from federal Form 1040, Schedule D............................................................................................(2) 3. Business Income or loss from federal Form 1040, Schedule E............................................................................................(3) 4. Business Income or loss from federal Form 1040, Schedule F............................................................................................(4) 5. Business Income or loss from federal Form 4797.................................................................................................................(5) 6. Other: federal Form __________ , Schedule ____________ ......................................................................................................(6) 7. Total additions (add Lines 1 through 6)...................................................................................................................................(7) Deductions: 8. Amount subject to self-employment taxes distributable or paid to the single member (if negative, enter zero; include on Schedule K, Line 3)..............................................................................................................................(8) 9. Total (subtract Line 8 from Line 7; enter here and on Schedule J, Line 1)..........................................................................(9) __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Schedule J3 - Computation of Net Earnings for Entities Treated as Subchapter S Corporations Additions: 1. Ordinary income or loss (federal Form 1120S, Line 22)........................................................................................................(1) __________________________________ 2. Income items to extent includable in federal income were it not for "S" status election ................................................(2) 3. Total additions (add Lines 1 and 2)..........................................................................................................................................(3) Deductions: 4. Expense items to extent includable in federal expenses were it not for "S" status election ...........................................(4) 5. Any loss on the sale of an asset sold within 12 months after the date of distribution.....................................................(5) 6. Total deductions (add Lines 4 and 5).......................................................................................................................................(6) 7. Total (subtract Line 6 from Line 3; enter here and on Schedule J, Line 1) .......................................................................(7) __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ _________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Schedule J4 - Computation of Net Earnings for Entities Treated as Corporations and Other Entities Additions: 1. Taxable income or loss before net operating loss deduction and special deductions (federal Form 1120, Line 28).....................................................................................................................................................(1) 2. a. REIT taxable income before net operating loss deduction and .special deductions (federal Form 1120-REIT, Line 21)........................................................................................................... (2a) ____________________________ b. REIT deduction for dividends paid (federal Form 1120-REIT, Line 22b).................... (2b) ____________________________ c. REIT taxable income after dividends paid deduction (subtract Line 2b from Line 2a)................................................(2c) 3. Unrelated business taxable income (federal Form 990-T, Line 5) .......................................................................................(3) 4. Other: federal Form __________ ................................................................................................................................................(4) 5. Contribution carryover from prior period(s)...........................................................................................................................(5) 6. Capital gains offset by capital loss carryover or carryback...................................................................................................(6) 7. Total additions (add Lines 1 through 6)...................................................................................................................................(7) Deductions: 8. Contributions in excess of amount allowed by federal government..................................................................................(8) 9. Portion of current year’s capital loss not included in federal taxable income...................................................................(9) 10. Total deductions (add Lines 8 and 9).................................................................................................................................... (10) 11. Total (subtract Line 10 from Line 7; enter here and on Schedule J, Line 1)..................................................................... (11) __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ _________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ page 5 Taxable Year Taxpayer Name Account No./FEIN Schedule J - Computation of Net Earnings Subject to Excise Tax 1. Adjusted federal income or loss (enter amount from Schedule J1, J2, J3, or J4).......................................................................(1) ______________________________ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Additions: Intangible expenses paid, accrued, or incurred to an affiliated business entity or entities deducted for federal income tax purposes.......................................................................................................................................................... (2) ______________________________ Any depreciation under the provisions of IRC Section 168 not permitted for excise tax purposes due to Tennessee decoupling from federal bonus depreciation for assets purchased on or before December 31, 2022.......................................................................................................................................................................... (3) ______________________________ Gain on the sale of an asset sold within 12 months after the date of distribution to a nontaxable entity..........................(4) ______________________________ Tennessee excise tax expense (to the extent reported for federal income tax purposes)....................................................(5) ______________________________ Gross premiums tax deducted in determining federal income and used as an excise tax credit.........................................(6) ______________________________ Interest income on obligations of states and their political subdivisions, less allowable amortization...............................(7) ______________________________ Depletion not based on actual recovery of cost........................................................................................................................... (8) ______________________________ Excess fair market value over book value of property donated................................................................................................ (9) ______________________________ Excess rent to/from an affiliate....................................................................................................................................................(10) ______________________________ Net loss or expense received from a pass-through entity subject to the excise tax (attach schedule)..............................(11) ______________________________ An amount equal to five percent of IRC Section 951A global intangible low-taxed income deducted on Line 27......................................................................................................................................................................(12) ______________________________ Business interest expense deducted in arriving at the amount reported on Sch. J, Line 1. Only complete if federal Form 8990 was filed. See instructions .......................................................................................................(13) ______________________________ Research and experimental expenditures deducted under IRC Section 174 in arriving at the amount reported on Sch. J, Line 1...............................................................................................................................................................(14) ______________________________ 15. Total additions (add Lines 2 through 14).....................................................................................................................................(15) ______________________________ Deductions: 16. Any depreciation under the provisions of IRC Section 168 permitted for excise tax purposes due to Tennessee decoupling from federal bonus depreciation for assets purchased on or before December 31, 2022 ....................................................................................................................................................................(16) ______________________________ 17. Any excess gain (or loss) from the basis adjustment resulting from Tennessee decoupling from federal bonus depreciation for assets purchased on or before December 31, 2022 (or other federal/state basis difference - see instructions)....................................................................................................................................................................................(17) ______________________________ 18. Dividends received from corporations at least 80% owned ....................................................................................................(18) ______________________________ 19. Donations to qualified public school support groups and nonprofit organizations.............................................................(19) ______________________________ 20. Any expense other than income taxes not deducted in determining federal taxable income for which a credit against the federal income tax was allowed.................................................................................................................(20) ______________________________ 21. Adjustments related to the safe harbor lease election (see instructions)..............................................................................(21) ______________________________ 22. Nonbusiness earnings (from Schedule M, Line 8)......................................................................................................................(22) ______________________________ 23. Intangible expenses paid, accrued, or incurred to an affiliated entity or entities (from Form IE, Line 4) Attach Form IE - Intangible Expense Disclosure.........................................................................................................................(23) ______________________________ 24. Intangible income from an affiliated business entity or entities if the corresponding intangible expenses have not been deducted by the affiliate(s) under Tenn. Code Ann. § 67-4-2006(b)(2)(N)...................................(24) ______________________________ 25. Net gain or income received from a pass-through entity subject to the excise tax (attach schedule)...............................(25) ______________________________ 26. Deductible Grants from governmental units..............................................................................................................................(26) ______________________________ 27. IRC Section 951A global intangible low-taxed income...............................................................................................................(27) ______________________________ 28. a. Business interest expense currently deductible. See instructions....................................................................................(28a) ______________________________ b. Business interest expense carryforward available for future tax years......(28b)___________________________ 29. Research and experimental expenditures currently deductible. See instructions.................................................................(29)______________________________ 30. Total deductions (add Lines 16 through 29, excluding 28b)......................................................................................................(30) ______________________________ Computation of Taxable Income 31. Total business income (loss) (add Lines 1 and 15, subtract Line 30; if loss, enter on Schedule K, Line 1)...............................(31)______________________________ 32. Excise tax standard deduction (enter the lesser of Line 31 or $50,000; if negative, enter zero)..............................................(32) _____________________________ 33. Adjusted total business income (loss) (subtract Line 32 from 31)...............................................................................................(33) _____________________________ % 34. Excise tax apportionment ratio (Schedules N, N1, O, P, R or S if applicable or 100%)..............................................................(34)__ ____________________________ 35. Apportioned business income (loss) (multiply Line 33 by Line 34) .............................................................................................(35)_____________________________ 36. Nonbusiness earnings directly allocated to Tennessee (from Schedule M, Line 11)................................................................(36)______________________________ 37. Loss carryover from prior years (from Schedule U).....................................................................................................................(37)______________________________ 38. Subject to excise tax (add Line 35 and 36, subtract Line 37; enter here and on Schedule B, Line 4)....................................(38)______________________________ page 6 Taxable Year Account No./FEIN Taxpayer Name Schedule K - Determination of Loss Carryover Available 1. Net loss from Schedule J, Line 31................................................................................................................................................... (1) __________________________ Additions: 2. Amounts reported on Schedule J, Lines 18 and 22...................................................................................................................... (2) ______________________________ 3. Amounts reported on Schedule J1, Lines 6 and 7, or Schedule J2, Line 8................................................................................. (3) ______________________________ 4. Reduced loss (add Lines 1 through 3; if net amount is positive, enter zero)............................................................................ (4) ______________________________ % 5. Excise tax apportionment ratio (Schedules N, N1, O, P, R or S if applicable or 100%)............................................................(5) ______________________________ 6. Current year loss carryover available (multiply Line 4 by Line 5)............................................................................................... (6) ______________________________ Schedule M - Nonbusiness Earnings Allocation Allocation and apportionment schedules may be used only by taxpayers doing business outside the state of Tennessee within the meaning of Tenn. Code Ann. §§ 67-4‑2010 and 67‑4‑2110. The burden is on the taxpayer to show that the taxpayer has the right to apportion. If all earnings are business earnings as defined below, do not complete this schedule. Any nonbusiness earnings, less related expenses, are subject to direct allocation and should be reported in this schedule. "Business Earnings" - 1) earnings arising from transactions and activity in the regular course of the taxpayer’s trade or business, or 2) earnings from tangible and intangible property if the acquisition, use, management, or disposition of the property constitutes an integral part of the taxpayer’s regular trade or business operations. Earnings which arise from the conduct of the trade or trades or business operations of a taxpayer are business earnings, and the taxpayer must show by clear and cogent evidence that particular earnings are classifiable as nonbusiness earnings. A taxpayer may have more than one regular trade or business in determining whether income is business earnings. "Nonbusiness Earnings" - all earnings other than business earnings Description of Nonbusiness Earnings (If further description is necessary, see below) Gross Amounts *Less Related Expenses Net Amounts Net Amounts Allocated Directly to Tennessee 1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Total nonbusiness earnings (Enter here and on Schedule J, Line22)__________________________________________________________________________ 9. Nonbusiness earnings allocated directly to Tennessee______________________________________________________________________________________ 10. Excise tax standard deduction (Enter $50,000 less amount reported on Schedule J, Line 32; cannot exceed Line 9)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. Net nonbusiness earnings allocated directly to Tennessee (Subtract Line 10 from Line 9; enter on Schedule J, Line 36.)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If necessary, describe source of nonbusiness earnings and explain why such earnings do not constitute business earnings as defined above. Enumerate these items to correspond with items listed above. *As a general rule, the allowable deductions for expenses of a taxpayer are related to both business and nonbusiness earnings. Items such as administrative costs, taxes, insurance, repairs, maintenance, and depreciation are to be considered. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, it is assumed that expenses related to nonbusiness rental earnings will be an amount equal to 50% of such earnings and that expenses related to other nonbusiness earnings will be an amount equal to 5% of such earnings(see Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1320‑06‑01.23(3)). page 7 Taxable Year Account No./FEIN Taxpayer Name Schedule N - Apportionment - Standard (Schedule N1 filers: complete the Schedule N property section, lines 1-12) Property In Tennessee Total Everywhere Use original cost of assets a. Beginning of Taxable Year b. End of Taxable Year a. Beginning of Taxable Year b. End of Taxable Year 1. Land, buildings, leaseholds, and improvements ........... ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Machinery, equipment, furniture, and fixtures............... ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Automobiles and trucks............................................................ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Inventories and work in progress ........................................ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Prepaid supplies and other property.................................. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Ownership share of real and tangible property of a partnership that does not file a return................... ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ a. b. a. b. 7. Excise tax total (add Lines 1 through 6) ............................. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Exempt inventory ....................................................................... ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ a. b. a. b. 9. Franchise tax total (subtract Line 8 from Line 7)............ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. Excise tax average value (add Lines 7(a) & (b), divide by two).... ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. Franchise tax average value (add Lines 9(a) & (b), divide by two)_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12. Rented property (rent paid x 8)............................................. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use 11X weighted sales factor a. In Tennessee b. Total Everywhere c. Franchise Ratio d. Excise Ratio % % % % 15. Payroll factor................................................................................. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ % % 16. Sales factor (business gross receipts)................................. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ % % 17. Total ratios (add Lines 13-15 and (Line 16 x eleven))... ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. Excise tax property factor (add Lines 10 and 12)............ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. Franchise tax property factor (add Lines 11 and12)...... ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 18. Apportionment ratio (divide Line 17 by thirteen, or by the number of factors with everywhere values greater than zero) (Enter franchise tax apportionment ratio on Sch. F1, Line 4. Enter excise tax apportionment ratio on Sch. J, Line 34.)............ % % Schedule N1 - Apportionment -Taxpayers electing to continue using triple weighted sales or any taxpayer required to use triple weighted sales by Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 67-4-2012(a) (Schedule N1 filers: complete the Schedule N property section, lines 1-12) Use triple weighted sales factor % 1. Excise tax property factor (add Lines 10 and 12)............ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Franchise tax property factor (add Lines 11 and12)...... ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ % % % 3. Payroll factor................................................................................. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ % % 4. Sales factor (business gross receipts)................................. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ % % 5. Total ratios (add Lines 1- 3 and (Line 4 x three))............ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Apportionment ratio (divide Line 5 by five, or by the number of factors with everywhere values greater than zero) (Enter franchise tax apportionment ratio on Sch. F1, Line 4. Enter excise tax apportionment ratio on Sch. J, Line 34.)............ % % page 8 Taxable Year Account No./FEIN Taxpayer Name Schedule O - Apportionment - Common Carriers (railroads, motor carriers, pipelines and barges) In Tennessee Total Everywhere Ratio 1. Total franchise mileage (odometer miles)....................................................................... _____________________________________________________________________________________________ % 2. Tennessee gross intrastate receipts and interstate gross receipts everywhere......... _____________________________________________________________________________________________ % 3. Total ratios (add Lines 1 and 2)......................................................................................... _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Apportionment ratio (divide Line 3 by two, or by the number of factors with everywhere values greater than zero) (Enter franchise tax apportionment ratio on Schedule F1, Line 4. Enter excise tax apportionment ratio on Schedule J, Line 34.)................................................................ Schedule P - Apportionment - Air Carriers In Tennessee Total Everywhere % Ratio 1. Originating revenue........................................................................................................... _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Air miles flown (Include in Tennessee column only air miles flown on flights either % % 3. Total ratios (add Lines 1 and 2)......................................................................................... _____________________________________________________________________________________________ originating from or ending in Tennessee or both).......................................................... _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Apportionment ratio (divide Line 3 by two, or by the number of factors with everywhere values greater than zero) (Enter franchise tax apportionment ratio on Schedule F1, Line 4. Enter excise tax apportionment ratio on Schedule J, Line 34.)................................................................ Schedule R - Apportionment - Air Express Carriers In Tennessee Total Everywhere % Ratio % 1. Originating revenue............................................................................................................ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Air miles flown and ground miles traveled (Include in Tennessee column only air miles flown on flights either originating from or ending in Tennessee or both. Include only ground miles traveled with respect to actual common carriage of % persons or property for hire.)............................................................................................ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ % 3. Total ratios........................................................................................................................... _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Apportionment ratio (divide Line 3 by two, or by the number of factors with everywhere values greater than zero) (Enter franchise tax % apportionment ratio on Schedule F1, Line 4. Enter excise tax apportionment ratio on Schedule J, Line 34.)............................................................... _______________________________ Schedule S - Apportionment - Manufacturer Single Sales Factor 1. Sales factor (business gross receipts) (Enter franchise tax apportionment ratio on Schedule F1, Line 4. Enter excise tax apportionment ratio on Schedule J, Line 34.)...... In Tennessee Total Everywhere Ratio % page 9 Account No./FEIN Taxpayer Name Taxable Year Schedule T - Industrial Machinery and Research and Development Equipment Tax Credit Part 1: Tax Credit Computation Franchise and excise taxes may be reduced by a credit on industrial machinery and research and development equipment purchased during the tax period covered by the return and located in Tennessee. The credit is generally computed at 1% of the purchase price of qualified industrial machinery and research and development equipment. The credit taken on any return cannot exceed 50% of the current year’s franchise and excise tax liability, but any unused credit may be carried forward 25 years under Tenn. Code Ann. § 67-4-2009(3). 1. Purchase price of industrial machinery and research and development equipment .....................................(1) __________________________ % 2. Percentage allowed (generally 1%*) .......................................................................................................................(2) __________________________ 3. Current year credit (multiply Line 1 by Line 2) .......................................................................................................(3) __________________________ 4. Credit available from prior year(s) (from Schedule V)...........................................................................................(4) __________________________ 5. Total credit available (add Lines 3 and 4) ...............................................................................................................(5) __________________________ 6. Franchise and excise tax liability before any credits (add Schedule A, Line 3 and Schedule B, Line 5)...........(6) __________________________ 7. Limitation on credit (50% of Line 6) ........................................................................................................................(7) __________________________ 8. Franchise and excise tax liability before any credits (add Schedule A, Line 3 and Schedule B, Line 5) ..........(8) __________________________ 9. Credits from Schedule D, Lines 1 through 4 and Schedule D, Line 7..................................................................(9) __________________________ 10. Tax before Industrial Machinery Credit (subtract Line 9 from Line 8) ..............................................................(10) __________________________ 11. Amount available in current year (enter the smaller value of Lines 5, 7, or 10 here, and on Schedule D, Line 5) ..................................................................................................................................................(11) __________________________ Part 2: Recapture of Tax Credit The Industrial Machinery Tax Credit previously established on this form must be partially recaptured if the equipment on which it was based was sold or removed from the state before the end of the equipment’s life as established for federal income tax purposes. The recapture amount is a percentage of useful life remaining at the time of sale or removal multiplied by the credit originally established on this form. Previously established credits have either offset tax or populated the carryover table Schedule V. Complete the Industrial Machinery Credit Recapture Worksheet and then enter the applicable recapture amounts on Lines 12 and 13 below. 12. Reduction to credit carryover table, Schedule V, from recapture worksheet, Part 2, Line 16 .....................(12) __________________________ 13. Recapture of credit from recapture worksheet, Part 2, Line 17 (enter here and on Schedule B, Line 6).....(13) __________________________ *The percentage allowed on Part 1, Line 2 above is 1%, unless the taxpayer has met the requirements of Tenn. Code Ann. § 67-4-2009(3)(I) and has been approved by the Commissioner of Revenue for an enhanced rate based on the investment amount. The statutory minimum investment requirements and applicable rates for the enhanced credit are shown on the following chart: Minimum Required Capital Investment Rate of Credit $100,000,000 3% $250,000,000 5% $500,000,000 7% $1,000,000,000 10% page 10 Taxable Year Account No./FEIN Taxpayer Name Schedule U - Schedule of Loss Carryover Year Period Ended (MM/YY) Original Return or as Amended Used in Prior Year(s) Expired Loss Carryover Available 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Total Amount (Enter here and on Schedule J, Line 37)............................................................................. Schedule V - Schedule of Industrial Machinery and Research and Development Equipment Credit Carryover Year Period Ended (MM/YY) Original Return or as Amended Used in Prior Year(s) Expired or Recaptured 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Total Amount (Enter here and on Schedule T, Line 4)............................................................................... Industrial Machinery Credit Carryover Available
FAE170 - Franchise & Excise Tax Return - For tax periods beginning January 1, 2024 and after
More about the Tennessee Form FAE-170 Corporate Income Tax TY 2024
We last updated the Franchise and Excise Tax Return Kit in March 2025, so this is the latest version of Form FAE-170, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form FAE-170 directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Tennessee tax forms here.
eFile your Tennessee tax return now
eFiling is easier, faster, and safer than filling out paper tax forms. File your Tennessee and Federal tax returns online with TurboTax in minutes. FREE for simple returns, with discounts available for TaxFormFinder users!
File Now with TurboTaxOther Tennessee Corporate Income Tax Forms:
TaxFormFinder has an additional 65 Tennessee income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.
Form Code | Form Name |
Form FAE-183 | Franchise and Excise Tax Annual Exemption Renewal |
Form BUS415-1B | County Business Tax Return - Classification 1B |
Form FAE-170 | Franchise and Excise Tax Return Kit |
Form FAE-173 | Application for Extension of Time to File |
FAE-Schd-174SC | Consolidated Apportionment Schedules |
View all 66 Tennessee Income Tax Forms
Form Sources:
Tennessee usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Tennessee Form FAE-170 from the Department of Revenue in March 2025.
About the Corporate Income Tax
The IRS and most states require corporations to file an income tax return, with the exact filing requirements depending on the type of company.
Sole proprietorships or disregarded entities like LLCs are filed on Schedule C (or the state equivalent) of the owner's personal income tax return, flow-through entities like S Corporations or Partnerships are generally required to file an informational return equivilent to the IRS Form 1120S or Form 1065, and full corporations must file the equivalent of federal Form 1120 (and, unlike flow-through corporations, are often subject to a corporate tax liability).
Additional forms are available for a wide variety of specific entities and transactions including fiduciaries, nonprofits, and companies involved in other specific types of business.
Historical Past-Year Versions of Tennessee Form FAE-170
We have a total of eleven past-year versions of Form FAE-170 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

FAE170 - Franchise & Excise Tax Return - For tax periods beginning January 1, 2024 and after

FAE170 - Franchise & Excise Tax Return - For tax periods beginning January 1, 2023 and after

FAE170 - Franchise & Excise Tax Return (2023)

FAE170 - Franchise & Excise Tax Return (2022)

FAE170 - Franchise & Excise Tax Return (2021)

FAE - Franchise and Excise Tax Return

Franchise and Excise Tax Return for tax periods beginning on or after 1/1/17


FAE170 2 2015 07-16-2015

FAE170 - Franchise Excise Tax Return 2013

2012 Franchise Excise Tax Return
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While we do our best to keep our list of Tennessee Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.