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Rhode Island Free Printable Microsoft Word - Incentive and Credit Overview for DLT for 2025 Rhode Island Amended Rhode Island Resident Return (Discontinued)

There are only 22 days left until tax day on April 16th! eFile your return online here , or request a six-month extension here .

Form 1040X-R is obsolete, and is no longer supported by the Rhode Island Department of Revenue.

It appears you don't have a PDF plugin for this browser. Please use the link below to download 2020-rhode-island-form-1040x-r.pdf, and you can print it directly from your computer.

Amended Rhode Island Resident Return (Discontinued)
Microsoft Word - Incentive and Credit Overview for DLT

State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations 2019 Form RI-1040 19100199990101 Resident Individual Income Tax Return Spouse’s social security number Your social security number Your first name MI Last name Suffix Spouse’s name MI Last name Suffix Address City, town or post office State ZIP code City or town of legal residence Check each box Primary that applies. Otherwise, leave blank. deceased? If you want $5.00 ($10.00 if a joint return) to go ELECTORAL to this fund, check here. (See instructions. This Yes CONTRIBUTION will not increase your tax or reduce your refund.) FILING STATUS Single Check one INCOME, TAX AND CREDITS Rhode Island Standard Deduction Single $8,750 Married filing jointly or Qualifying widow(er) $17,500 Married filing separately $8,750 Head of household $13,100 ð Married filing jointly ð Spouse deceased? Amended Return? * New address? If you wish the 1st $2.00 ($4.00 if a joint return) be paid to a specific party, check the box and fill in the name of the political party. Otherwise, it will be paid to a nonpartisan general account. Married filing separately ð Head of household Qualifying widow(er) ð 1 Federal AGI from Federal Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 8b ........................................................... 1 2 Net modifications to Federal AGI from RI Sch M, line 3. If no modifications, enter 0 on this line. 2 3 Modified Federal AGI. Combine lines 1 and 2 (add net increases or subtract net decreases)..... 3 4 RI Standard Deduction from left. If line 3 is over $ 203,850 see Standard Deduction Worksheet ........... 4 5 Subtract line 4 from line 3. If zero or less, enter 0........................................................................ 5 6 Enter # of exemptions from RI Sch E, line 5 in box, multiply by $4,100 and enter result on line 6. If line 3 is over $203,850, see Exemption Worksheet 6 7 RI TAXABLE INCOME. Subtract line 6 from line 5. If zero or less, enter 0................................... 7 8 RI income tax from Rhode Island Tax Table or Tax Computation Worksheet............................... 8 X $4,100 = 9 a RI percentage of allowable Federal credit from page 3, 9a RI Sch I, line 22...................................................................... Check ü to certify use tax amount on line 12 is accurate. b RI Credit for income taxes paid to other states from page 3, 9b RI Sch II, line 29..................................................................... Using a paper clip, please attach Forms W-2 and 1099 here. c Other Rhode Island Credits from RI Schedule CR, line 8...... 9c d Total RI credits. Add lines 9a, 9b and 9c................................................................................. ............. 9d 10 a Rhode Island income tax after credits. Subtract line 9d from line 8 (not less than zero) ............. 10a b Recapture of Prior Year Other Rhode Island Credits from RI Schedule CR, line 11.................... 10b Contributions reduce 11 RI checkoff contributions from page 3, RI Checkoff Schedule, line 37. your refund or increase 11 your balance due 12 ð USE/SALES tax due from RI Schedule U, line 4 or line 8, whichever applies .............................. 12 13 a TOTAL RI TAX AND CHECKOFF CONTRIBUTIONS. Add lines 10a, 10b, 11 and 12................. 13a RETURN MUST BE SIGNED - SIGNATURE IS LOCATED ON PAGE 2 Mailing address: RI Division of Taxation, One Capitol Hill, Providence, RI 02908-5806 * If filing an amended return, attach the Explanation of Changes supplemental page State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations 2019 Form RI-1040 19100199990102 Resident Individual Income Tax Return - page 2 Your social security number Name(s) shown on Form RI-1040 or RI-1040NR 13 b TOTAL RI TAX AND CHECKOFF CONTRIBUTIONS from line 13a............................................................... 13b PAYMENTS AND PROPERTY TAX RELIEF CREDIT 14 a RI 2019 income tax withheld from RI Schedule W, line 16. You must 14a attach Sch W AND all W-2 and 1099 forms with RI withholding. ........... b 2019 estimated tax payments and amount applied from 2018 return .... 14b c Property tax relief credit from RI-1040H, line 13. Attach RI-1040H........ 14c d RI earned income credit from page 3, RI Schedule EIC, line 40............ 14d e RI Residential Lead Paint Credit from RI-6238, line 7. Attach RI-6238.. 14e f Other payments...................................................................................... 14f g TOTAL PAYMENTS AND CREDITS. Add lines 14a, 14b, 14c, 14d, 14e and 14f......................................... 14g h Previously issued overpayments (if filing an amended return)..................................................................... 14h i NET PAYMENTS. Subtract line 14h from line 14g........................................................................................ 14i 15 a AMOUNT DUE. If line 13b is LARGER than line 14i, subtract line 14i from line 13b.................................... 15a b Enter the amount of underestimating interest due from Form RI-2210 or RI-2210A. (attach form) 15b This amount should be added to line 15a or subtracted from line 16, whichever applies............................. c TOTAL AMOUNT DUE. Add lines 15a and 15b. Complete RI-1040V and send in with your payment L J 15c 16 AMOUNT OVERPAID. If line 14i is LARGER than line 13b, subtract line 13b from line 14i. If there is an amount due for underestimating interest on line 15b, subtract line 15b from line 16.................. 17 Amount of overpayment to be refunded........................................................................................................ 17 18 Amount of overpayment to be applied to 2020 estimated tax................ 18 16 Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return and accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, accurate and complete. Declaration of preparer (other than taxpayer) is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge. Your signature Your driver’s license number and state Date Telephone number Spouse’s signature Paid preparer signature Paid preparer address Spouse’s driver’s license number and state Print name City, town or post office State Date Telephone number Date Telephone number ZIP code PTIN May the Division of Taxation contact your preparer? YES Revised 09/2019 State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations 2019 Form RI-1040 19100199990103 Resident Individual Income Tax Return - page 3 Your social security number Name(s) shown on Form RI-1040 or RI-1040NR RI SCHEDULE I - ALLOWABLE FEDERAL CREDIT 19 RI income tax from page 1, line 8 ................................................................................................................... 19 20 Credit for child and dependent care expenses from Federal Form 1040 or 1040-SR, Schedule 3, line 2 ........... 20 21 Tentative allowable federal credit. Multiply line 20 by 25% (0.2500).............................................................. 21 22 MAXIMUM CREDIT. Line 19 or 21, whichever is SMALLER. Enter here and on page 1, line 9a................. 22 RI SCHEDULE II - CREDIT FOR INCOME TAX PAID TO ANOTHER STATE (ATTACH COPY OF OTHER STATE(S) RETURN) 23 RI income tax from RI-1040, page 1, line 8 less allowable federal credit from RI-1040, page 3, line 22 ....... 23 24 Income derived from other state. If more than one state, see instructions.................................................... 24 25 Modified federal AGI from page 1, line 3......................................................................................................... 25 26 Divide line 24 by line 25 ........................................................................................................................................ 26 27 Tentative credit. Multiply line 23 by line 26............................................................................................................. 27 28 Tax due and paid to other state (see specific instructions). Insert abbreviation for state paid 28 29 MAXIMUM TAX CREDIT. Line 23, 27 or 28, whichever is the SMALLEST. Enter here and on pg 1, line 9b 29 _ . _ _ _ _ RI CHECKOFF CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE $1.00 $5.00 $10.00 Other 30 Drug program account RIGL §44-30-2.4 ............ 31 Olympic Contribution RIGL §44-30-2.1 ....... Yes 32 RI Organ Transplant Fund RIGL §44-30-2.5 ...... 32 33 RI Council on the Arts RIGL §42-75.1-1 ............. 33 34 30 $1.00 contribution ($2.00 if a joint return) RI Nongame Wildlife Fund RIGL §44-30-2.2 ..... 31 34 35 Childhood Disease Victim’s Fund RIGL §44-30-2.3 and Substance Use and Mental Health Leadership Council of RI RIGL §44-30-2.11 ............................... 35 36 RI Military Family Relief Fund RIGL §44-30-2.9 .... 36 37 TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS. Add lines 30 through 36. Enter here and on RI-1040, page 1, line 11 .................... 37 RI SCHEDULE EIC - RHODE ISLAND EARNED INCOME CREDIT 38 Federal earned income credit from Federal Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 18a................................................ 38 39 Rhode Island percentage ................................................................................................................................ 39 40 RI EARNED INCOME CREDIT. Multiply line 38 by line 39. Enter here 40 and on RI-1040, page 2, line 14d ............................................................ 15% State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations 2019 RI Schedule W 19101099990101 Rhode Island W-2 and 1099 Information - Page 4 Your social security number Name(s) shown on Form RI-1040 or RI-1040NR Complete this Schedule listing all of your and, if applicable, your spouse’s W-2s and 1099s showing Rhode Island Income Tax withheld. W-2s or 1099s showing Rhode Island Income Tax withheld must still be attached to the front of your return. Failure to do so may delay the processing of your return. ATTACH THIS SCHEDULE W TO YOUR RETURN Column A Column B Enter “S” if Spouse’s W-2 or 1099 Enter 1099 letter code from chart Column C Column D Column E Rhode Island Income Tax Employer’s Name from Box C of your W- Employer’s state ID # from box 15 of your W-2 or Payer’s Withheld (SEE BELOW 2 or Payer’s Name from your Form 1099 Federal ID # from Form 1099 FOR BOX REFERENCES) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Total RI Income Tax Withheld. Add lines 1 through 15, Col. E. Enter total here and on RI-1040, line 14a or RI-1040NR, line 17a................................................................................................................................................. 17 Total number of W-2s and 1099s showing Rhode Island Income Tax Withheld ...................................................... Schedule W Reference Chart Form Type Letter Code Withholding for Column B Box W-2 17 W-2G Form Type Letter Code Withholding for Column B Box 1099-DIV D Form Type Letter Code Withholding for Column B Box 15 1099-MISC M 16 15 1099-G G 11 1099-OID O 14 1042-S S 17a 1099-INT I 17 1099-R R 12 1099-B B 16 1099-K K 8 RI-1099PT P 9 RI-1099E E 9 State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations 2019 RI Schedule E Exemption Schedule for RI-1040 and RI-1040NR Name(s) shown on Form RI-1040 or RI-1040NR 19105999990101 Your social security number EXEMPTIONS Complete this Schedule listing all individuals you can claim as a dependent. ATTACH THIS EXEMPTION SCHEDULE TO YOUR RETURN Failure to do so may delay the processing of your return. 1a Yourself b Spouse (A) Name of Dependent (B) Social Security Number (C) Date of Birth (D) Relationship 2a b c d e f g h i j k l m Exemption Number Summary 3 Enter the number of boxes checked on lines 1a and 1b ........................................................ 4a Enter the number of children from lines 2a through 2m who lived with you ........................... 4a b Enter the number of children from lines 2a through 2m who did not live with you due to 4b divorce or separation ................................... .......................................................................... c Enter the number of other dependents from lines 2a through 2m not included on lines 4a or 4b. 4c Add the numbers from lines 3 through 4c. Enter here and in the box on RI-1040/NR, pg 1, line 6 . 5 5 Page 5 3
Extracted from PDF file 2020-rhode-island-form-1040x-r.pdf, last modified April 2012

More about the Rhode Island Form 1040X-R Individual Income Tax Amended Return

A separate Form 1040-X has been discontinued as of 2017 - Use Form RI-1040 and check the box that says "Amended Return".

We last updated the Amended Rhode Island Resident Return (Discontinued) in April 2021, and the latest form we have available is for tax year 2020. This means that we don't yet have the updated form for the current tax year. Please check this page regularly, as we will post the updated form as soon as it is released by the Rhode Island Division of Taxation. You can print other Rhode Island tax forms here.

eFile your Rhode Island tax return now

eFiling is easier, faster, and safer than filling out paper tax forms. File your Rhode Island and Federal tax returns online with TurboTax in minutes. FREE for simple returns, with discounts available for TaxFormFinder users!

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Other Rhode Island Individual Income Tax Forms:

TaxFormFinder has an additional 78 Rhode Island income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.

Form Code Form Name
Form 1040ES 1040 Estimated Tax Return with Instructions
Form 1040 Resident Tax Return
Form 1040NR-Schedule-II Schedule II - Nonresident Tax Calculation
Form 1040X-R Amended Rhode Island Resident Return (Discontinued)
Schedule W Schedule W - Rhode Island W-2 and 1099 Information

Download all RI tax forms View all 79 Rhode Island Income Tax Forms

Form Sources:

Rhode Island usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Rhode Island Form 1040X-R from the Division of Taxation in April 2021.

Show Sources >

Form 1040X-R is a Rhode Island Individual Income Tax form. An amended tax return is used to correct errors or omissions in a previously-filed tax return. While taxpayers will not generally be punished simply for correcting an error in a previous return, errors that resulted in an underpayment of owed tax can sometimes result in penalties or interest owed.

About the Individual Income Tax

The IRS and most states collect a personal income tax, which is paid throughout the year via tax withholding or estimated income tax payments.

Most taxpayers are required to file a yearly income tax return in April to both the Internal Revenue Service and their state's revenue department, which will result in either a tax refund of excess withheld income or a tax payment if the withholding does not cover the taxpayer's entire liability. Every taxpayer's situation is different - please consult a CPA or licensed tax preparer to ensure that you are filing the correct tax forms!

Historical Past-Year Versions of Rhode Island Form 1040X-R

We have a total of nine past-year versions of Form 1040X-R in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2020 Form 1040X-R

Microsoft Word - Incentive and Credit Overview for DLT

2019 Form 1040X-R

Microsoft Word - Incentive and Credit Overview for DLT

2018 Form 1040X-R

Microsoft Word - Incentive and Credit Overview for DLT

2017 Form 1040X-R

Microsoft Word - Incentive and Credit Overview for DLT

2016 Form 1040X-R

2016 1040X-R_Layout 1

2015 Form 1040X-R

2015 1040X-R_Layout 1

Amended Rhode Island Resident Return 2014 Form 1040X-R

2014 1040X-Rv2_Layout 1

Amended Rhode Island Resident Return with Instructions 2013 Form 1040X-R

2013 RI-1040X-R_Layout 1

2012 Form 1040X-R

2012 RI-1040X-R.qxp

TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:

While we do our best to keep our list of Rhode Island Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/rhodeisland/form-1040x-r