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Rhode Island Free Printable 2024 RI-1040ES_Layout 1 for 2025 Rhode Island 1040 Estimated Tax Return with Instructions

There are only 22 days left until tax day on April 16th! eFile your return online here , or request a six-month extension here .

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1040 Estimated Tax Return with Instructions
2024 RI-1040ES_Layout 1

2024 RI-1040ES Rhode Island Resident and Nonresident Estimated Payment Coupons WHEN AND WHERE TO MAKE ESTIMATES 12) Rebuild Rhode Island Tax Credit - RIGL §42-64.20 1st Estimate Due......................April 15, 2024 13) Stay Invested in RI Wavemaker Credit - RIGL §42-64.26 2nd Estimate Due.....................June 15, 2024 14) Historic Homeowner Assistance Act - RIGL §44-33.1 3rd Estimate Due.....................September 15, 2024 15) Low-Income Housing Tax Credits - RIGL §44-71 4th Estimate Due.....................January 15, 2025 You do not have to make your January 15, 2025 pay- CHARGE FOR UNDERPAYMENT OF INSTALLment if you file your 2024 return by February 15, 2025, MENTS OF ESTIMATED TAX An interest charge is imposed for underpayment of and pay the entire balance due with your return. an installment of estimated tax. The Rhode Island Mail to: RI Division of Taxation income tax law follows similar provisions of the One Capitol Hill JOINT RETURNS Internal Revenue Code with respect to exceptions. Providence, RI 02908 Married individuals may make joint payments as if they were one taxpayer, in which case the liability You may also file electronically using Taxation’s Portal Such charge on any unpaid installment shall be computed on the amount by which the actual paywith respect to the estimated tax shall be joint and Visit: https://taxportal.ri.gov ments and credits applied to the tax are less than several. No joint payments may be made if the mar80% of such installment at the time it is due. If it ried individuals are separated under a decree of ALLOWABLE CREDITS divorce or of separate maintenance. If joint pay- Only the following credits are allowed against Rhode appears there was an underpayment of any installment of estimated tax, you may attach Form ments are made, but the married individuals deter- Island personal income tax: RI-2210 (if any of the exceptions apply) to your mine their Rhode Island income taxes separately, 1) RI Earned Income Credit - RIGL §44-30-2.6(c)(2)(N) Rhode Island income tax return explaining why an the estimated tax, for such period, may be treated as 2) Property Tax Relief Credit - RIGL §44-33 the estimated tax of either individual, or may be 3) RI Residential Lead Abatement Credit - RIGL §44-30.3 additional charge should not be made. 4) Credit for Taxes Paid to Other States - RIGL §44-30-18 PENALTIES divided between them, as they may elect. 5) Historic Structures Tax Credit - RIGL §44-33.2 The law imposes penalties and interest charges for CHANGES IN INCOME 6) Historic Preservation Tax Credits 2013 - RIGL §44-33.6 failing to pay estimated tax due or for making false or Even though on April 15, 2024 you do not expect 7) Motion Picture Production Tax Credit - RIGL §44-31.2 fraudulent statements. your tax to be large enough to require making esti- 8) Musical and Theatrical Production Tax Credits OTHER QUESTIONS mated payments, a change in income may require RIGL §44-31.3 Further assistance may be obtained by calling the you to make estimated payments later. 9) Child and Dependent Care Credit Personal Income Tax Section at (401) 574-8829 and 10) Credits for Contributions to Scholarship HOW TO ESTIMATE YOUR TAX FOR 2024 selecting option #3, or by visiting the Rhode Island Organizations - RIGL §44-62 Your 2024 estimated income tax may be based upon 11) RI New Qualified Jobs Incentive - RIGL §44-48.3 Division of Taxation’s website at www.tax.ri.gov. your 2023 income tax liability. If you wish to compute 2024 Tax Rate Schedule - FOR ALL FILING STATUS TYPES your 2024 estimated income tax, use the enclosed Taxable Income (line 4) of the % estimated tax worksheet. WHO MUST MAKE ESTIMATED PAYMENTS Every resident and nonresident individual shall make estimated Rhode Island personal income tax payments if his or her estimated Rhode Island personal income tax can be reasonably expected to be $250 or more in excess of any credits allowable against his or her tax, whether or not he or she is required to file a federal estimated tax for such year. Over CREDIT FOR INCOME TAX OVERPAYMENT Your credit for income tax overpayment from your 2023 Rhode Island income tax return may be deducted from the first installment of your 2024 estimated tax, and any excess credit from succeeding installments. RECORD OF ESTIMATED PAYMENTS Payment Number Check Number $ 0 77,450 176,050 But not over $ 77,450 176,050 .......... A B Date Amount + Pay on excess --2,904.38 + 3.75% 4.75% 7,587.88 + 5.99% $ C 2023 Overpayment credit applied amount over 0 $ 77,450 176,050 D Total amount paid and credited (add column B and Column C) 1. 2. 3. 4. Total DETACH HERE AND MAIL WITH YOUR PAYMENT 2024 RI-1040ES STATE OF RHODE ISLAND ESTIMATED PAYMENT COUPON DIVISION OF TAXATION - ONE CAPITOL HILL - PROVIDENCE, RI 02908 23101599990101 YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER SPOUSE’S SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, IF JOINT PAYMENT Return this coupon with check or money order payable to: Rhode Island Division of Taxation One Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02908 Please do not send cash with this coupon. DUE DATE JANUARY 15, 2025 NAME ADDRESS ITE CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE FILE ONLY IF YOU ARE MAKING A PAYMENT OF ESTIMATED TAX 1. ENTER AMOUNT DUE AND PAID $ 00 PART 1 ESTIMATED RHODE ISLAND INCOME TAX WORKSHEET 1. Modified Federal AGI................................................................................................................................................... 1. Single $10,550 2. Rhode Island Standard Deduction Amount from Deduction Worksheet below............................................................ 2. Married filing jointly or Qualifying widow(er) $21,150 4. Taxable income. Subtract lines 2 and 3 from line 1.................................................................................................... 4. Married filing separately $10,575 Head of household $15,850 3. Rhode Island Exemption Amount from Exemption Worksheet below.......................................................................... 3. 5. Figure your 2024 tax on the amount on line 4 using the 2024 Tax Rate Schedule located on the front.................... 5. 6. Enter your 2023 Rhode Island income tax................................................................................................................... 6. 7. Enter the SMALLER of lines 5 or 6............................................................................................................................. 7. 8. Estimated Rhode Island credits. See instructions on the front for allowable credits.................................................. 8. 9. Line 7 less line 8.......................................................................................................................................................... 9. 10. Rhode Island income tax withheld............................................................................................................................... 10. 11. Estimated Rhode Island income tax. Subtract line 10 from line 9.............................................................................. 11. 12. Enter amount of 2023 RI overpayment elected for credit towards your 1st quarter 2024 estimated tax.................... 12. 13. Amount of estimated payments to be paid. Subtract line 12 from line 11.................................................................. 13. 14. Divide line 13 by the number of installments to be made and enter here................................................................... 14. EXEMPTION WORKSHEET DEDUCTION WORKSHEET 15. Enter Standard Deduction Amount from left margin 15. 23. Multiply $4,950 by the total number of exemptions 23. 16. Is the amount on line 1 more than $246,450? 24. Is the amount on line 1 more than $246,450? Yes. Continue to line 17. Yes. Continue to line 25. No. STOP HERE! Enter the amount from line 15 on line 2. No. STOP HERE! Enter the amount from line 23 on line 3. 17. Enter your Modified Federal AGI from line 1 17. 18. Deduction Phaseout Amount 18. $246,450 25. Enter your Modified Federal AGI from line 1 25. 26. Exemption Phaseout Amount 26. $246,450 19. Subtract line 18 from line 17. 19. If the result is more than $28,200, STOP HERE. Your standard deduction amount is zero ($0). Enter $0 on line 2. 27. Subtract line 26 from line 25. 27 If the result is more than $28,200, STOP HERE. Your exemption amount is zero ($0). Enter $0 on line 3. 20. Divide line 19 by $7,050. If the result is not a whole number, increase it to the next higher whole 20. number (for example, increase 0.0004 to 1). 28. Divide line 27 by $7,050. If the result is not a whole number, increase it to the next higher whole 28. number (for example, increase 0.0004 to 1). 21.Enter the applicable percentage from the chart below If the number on line 20 is: then enter on line 21 1 0.8000 29.Enter the applicable percentage from the chart below If the number on line 28 is: then enter on line 29 1 0.8000 2 0.6000 3 0.4000 4 0.2000 } 22.Deduction amount - Multiply line 15 by line 21. Enter here and on line 2 ..................................... 21. 22. 0.____ _ 2 0.6000 3 0.4000 4 0.2000 } 29. 30.Exemption amount - Multiply line 23 by line 29. 30. Enter here and on line 3 ...................................... 0 .____ _ 2024 RI-1040ES STATE OF RHODE ISLAND ESTIMATED PAYMENT COUPON DIVISION OF TAXATION - ONE CAPITOL HILL - PROVIDENCE, RI 02908 23101599990101 YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER SPOUSE’S SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, IF JOINT PAYMENT Return this coupon with check or money order payable to: Rhode Island Division of Taxation One Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02908 Please do not send cash with this coupon. NAME DUE DATE SEPTEMBER 15, 2024 ITE ADDRESS CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE FILE ONLY IF YOU ARE MAKING A PAYMENT OF ESTIMATED TAX 1. ENTER AMOUNT DUE AND PAID $ 00 DETACH HERE AND MAIL WITH YOUR PAYMENT 2024 RI-1040ES STATE OF RHODE ISLAND ESTIMATED PAYMENT COUPON DIVISION OF TAXATION - ONE CAPITOL HILL - PROVIDENCE, RI 02908 23101599990101 YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER SPOUSE’S SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, IF JOINT PAYMENT Return this coupon with check or money order payable to: Rhode Island Division of Taxation One Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02908 Please do not send cash with this coupon. NAME DUE DATE JUNE 15, 2024 ITE ADDRESS CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE FILE ONLY IF YOU ARE MAKING A PAYMENT OF ESTIMATED TAX 1. ENTER AMOUNT DUE AND PAID $ 00 DETACH HERE AND MAIL WITH YOUR PAYMENT 2024 RI-1040ES STATE OF RHODE ISLAND ESTIMATED PAYMENT COUPON DIVISION OF TAXATION - ONE CAPITOL HILL - PROVIDENCE, RI 02908 23101599990101 YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER SPOUSE’S SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, IF JOINT PAYMENT Return this coupon with check or money order payable to: Rhode Island Division of Taxation One Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02908 Please do not send cash with this coupon. NAME ADDRESS CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE FILE ONLY IF YOU ARE MAKING A PAYMENT OF ESTIMATED TAX DUE DATE APRIL 15, 2024 ITE 1. ENTER AMOUNT DUE AND PAID $ 00
Extracted from PDF file 2024-rhode-island-form-1040es.pdf, last modified September 2023

More about the Rhode Island Form 1040ES Individual Income Tax Estimated TY 2024

You must pay estimated income tax if you are self employed or do not pay sufficient tax withholding. Estimated tax payments must be sent to the Rhode Island Department of Revenue on a quarterly basis.

We last updated the 1040 Estimated Tax Return with Instructions in March 2024, so this is the latest version of Form 1040ES, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form 1040ES directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Rhode Island tax forms here.

eFile your Rhode Island tax return now

eFiling is easier, faster, and safer than filling out paper tax forms. File your Rhode Island and Federal tax returns online with TurboTax in minutes. FREE for simple returns, with discounts available for TaxFormFinder users!

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Other Rhode Island Individual Income Tax Forms:

TaxFormFinder has an additional 78 Rhode Island income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.

Form Code Form Name
Form 1040ES 1040 Estimated Tax Return with Instructions
Form 1040 Resident Tax Return
Form 1040NR-Schedule-II Schedule II - Nonresident Tax Calculation
Form 1040X-R Amended Rhode Island Resident Return (Discontinued)
Schedule W Schedule W - Rhode Island W-2 and 1099 Information

Download all RI tax forms View all 79 Rhode Island Income Tax Forms

Form Sources:

Rhode Island usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Rhode Island Form 1040ES from the Division of Taxation in March 2024.

Show Sources >

Form 1040ES is a Rhode Island Individual Income Tax form. While most taxpayers have income taxes automatically withheld every pay period by their employer, taxpayers who earn money that is not subject to withholding (such as self employed income, investment returns, etc) are often required to make estimated tax payments on a quarterly basis. Failure to make correct estimated payments can result in interest or penalties.

About the Individual Income Tax

The IRS and most states collect a personal income tax, which is paid throughout the year via tax withholding or estimated income tax payments.

Most taxpayers are required to file a yearly income tax return in April to both the Internal Revenue Service and their state's revenue department, which will result in either a tax refund of excess withheld income or a tax payment if the withholding does not cover the taxpayer's entire liability. Every taxpayer's situation is different - please consult a CPA or licensed tax preparer to ensure that you are filing the correct tax forms!

Historical Past-Year Versions of Rhode Island Form 1040ES

We have a total of nine past-year versions of Form 1040ES in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2024 Form 1040ES

2024 RI-1040ES_Layout 1

2022 Form 1040ES

2022 RI-1040ES_Capitol_Layout 1

2021 Form 1040ES

2021 RI-1040ES_PObox_Layout 1

2019 Form 1040ES

2018 RI-1040ES_Layout 1

2018 Form 1040ES

2018 RI-1040ES_Layout 1

2017 Form 1040ES

2017 RI-1040ES_Layout 1

2015 Form 1040ES

2015 RI-1040ES_Layout 1

2015 1040 Estimated Tax Return with Instructions 2014 Form 1040ES

2015 RI-1040ES_Layout 1

2014 1040 Estimated Tax Return with Instructions 2013 Form 1040ES

2014 RI-1040ES_Layout 1

TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:

While we do our best to keep our list of Rhode Island Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/rhodeisland/form-1040es