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Pennsylvania Free Printable Wrongful Death/Survival Action Approval Letter (REV-1518) for 2025 Pennsylvania Wrongful Death/Survival Action Approval Letter

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Wrongful Death/Survival Action Approval Letter
Wrongful Death/Survival Action Approval Letter (REV-1518)

REV-1518 (EX) MOD 01-20 IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR FIRMS REQUESTING A WRONGFUL DEATH/SURVIVAL ACTION APPROVAL LETTER FROM THE PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE The following information should be supplied with each request so that the request can be reviewed in a timely manner. Please allow 30 business days (approximately 4-6 weeks) from the date the department receives all of the needed documentation. 1. A copy of the petition prepared for the court. a. The copy provided to the department does not need to be a finalized copy, b. The department does not require the verifications to be signed. 2. Documentation concerning the decedent: a. Name of the estate, b. Copy of the letters granted, c. File number of the estate, d. Social Security number, e. Age of the decedent at death, and f. Educational history. 3. Nature of opening of estate: a. If testamentary letters were granted, a copy of the will. b. If administrative letters were issued, a listing of the intestate heirs. 4. If applicable, documentation concerning any pain and suffering incurred by the decedent prior to death. a. If death was caused by an error of a medical institution in diagnosing an illness, the length of time that individual had the illness prior to death. b. If death was caused by an error in caring directly for the decedent by a medical institution/nursing care facility, the length of time from the incident until death. 5. If applicable, documentation concerning the future wage loss of the decedent due to death. This material should include if possible: a. An economic loss report prepared by an expert in that field, b. Annual wage statement for the past three years, and c. Any other income being received by the decedent for the past three years. www.revenue.pa.gov Wrongful Death/Survival Action Approval Letter 6. If applicable, documentation concerning the future economic loss incurred by the wrongful death claimant. This should include: a. Monthly expenses paid by the decedent, b. Monthly work done by the decedent to supplement the claimant’s income, c. Rental expenses, food costs, and utilities paid by the decedent for the claimant, d. Claimant educational costs being paid by the decedent, and e. Any other information to support the future economic loss incurred by the claimant. 7. DO NOT PROVIDE: a. Police report of the accident scene, b. Autopsy report of the coroner, c. Medical records, d. The complaint. 8. Please expect a reasonable amount of time for processing. The average processing time is approximately 30 business days (approximately 46 weeks) from the date the department receives all of the needed documentation. Cases are reviewed in a first in/first out order regardless of the size of the claim. Reminder: The two months with the largest volume of requests for approvals are August and December as they are the last months for approval of medical cases paid under the MCARE Fund for a given calendar year. For additional information on how to handle settlements regarding MCARE or Nonresident Decedents see form REV-1517. 9. If using mail, send all proposals for a wrongful death/survival action claim response letters to: PA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE INHERITANCE TAX DIVISION ATTN: WRONGFUL DEATH/SURVIVAL ACTION REQUEST PO BOX 280600 HARRISBURG PA 17128-0600 10. Petitions can be submitted electronically to: [email protected] Do not email and mail the same proposal more than one time as it causes duplication in processing. If the petition is submitted more than once, we will use the last date received. If you have any questions or concern, please call the department at 717-787-8327. REV-1518 1
Extracted from PDF file 2024-pennsylvania-rev-1518.pdf, last modified February 2020

More about the Pennsylvania REV-1518 Individual Income Tax TY 2024

A wrongful death/survival action approval letter includes payments from the medical care availability and reduction of error fund (MCare) or for a non-resident decedent

We last updated the Wrongful Death/Survival Action Approval Letter in February 2025, so this is the latest version of REV-1518, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of REV-1518 directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Pennsylvania tax forms here.

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Other Pennsylvania Individual Income Tax Forms:

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Form Sources:

Pennsylvania usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Pennsylvania REV-1518 from the Department of Revenue in February 2025.

Show Sources >

About the Individual Income Tax

The IRS and most states collect a personal income tax, which is paid throughout the year via tax withholding or estimated income tax payments.

Most taxpayers are required to file a yearly income tax return in April to both the Internal Revenue Service and their state's revenue department, which will result in either a tax refund of excess withheld income or a tax payment if the withholding does not cover the taxpayer's entire liability. Every taxpayer's situation is different - please consult a CPA or licensed tax preparer to ensure that you are filing the correct tax forms!

Historical Past-Year Versions of Pennsylvania REV-1518

We have a total of three past-year versions of REV-1518 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2024 REV-1518

Wrongful Death/Survival Action Approval Letter (REV-1518)

2023 REV-1518

Wrongful Death/Survival Action Approval Letter (REV-1518)

2022 REV-1518

Wrongful Death/Survival Action Approval Letter (REV-1518)

TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:

While we do our best to keep our list of Pennsylvania Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/pennsylvania/rev-1518