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Pennsylvania Free Printable Schedule G - Inter-Vivos Transfers & Misc. Non-Probate Property/Schedule H - Funeral Expenses & Administrative Costs (REV-1737-6) for 2025 Pennsylvania Schedule G/Schedule H

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Schedule G/Schedule H
Schedule G - Inter-Vivos Transfers & Misc. Non-Probate Property/Schedule H - Funeral Expenses & Administrative Costs (REV-1737-6)

INHERITANCE TAX RETURN NONRESIDENT DECEDENT REV-1737-6 (EX) 09-18 SCHEDULE G INTER-VIVOS TRANSFERS & MISC. NON-PROBATE PROPERTY ESTATE OF START ➜ PART I Include all transfers of real estate and tangible personal property located in Pennsylvania. PART I – REAL PROPERTY OR TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN PENNSYLVANIA THAT WAS TRANSFERRED ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Include the name of the transferee, the relationship to Decedent and the date of transfer. DATE OF DEATH VALUE OF ASSET % OF DECEDENT’S EXCLUSION INTEREST (IF APPLICABLE) TAXABLE VALUE $ PART I TOTAL PART II Complete only when the proportionate method of tax computation is elected. PART II – ALL OTHER TRANSFERS ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Include the name of the transferee, the relationship to Decedent and the date of transfer. DATE OF DEATH VALUE OF ASSET % OF DECEDENT’S EXCLUSION INTEREST (IF APPLICABLE) TAXABLE VALUE $ PART II TOTAL TOTAL (Enter on Page 2, Line 7 of REV-1737-A) $ (If more space is needed, use additional sheets of paper of the same size) Reset Entire Form PAGE 1 NEXT PAGE PRINT FORM INHERITANCE TAX RETURN NONRESIDENT DECEDENT REV-1737-6 (EX) 09-18 START SCHEDULE H FUNERAL EXPENSES & ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS ESTATE OF ➜ PART I – FUNERAL EXPENSES ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT PART II – ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS ITEM NUMBER Personal Representative’s Commission(s) Name(s) of Personal Representative(s) (Submit requested information for additional personal representative’s on additional sheets) Social Security Number(s) or EIN Number(s) of Personal Representative(s) Street Address(es) City(ies) State(s) ZIP(s) Year(s) Commission Paid Attorney Fees Probate Fees Accountant’s Fees Tax Return Preparer’s Fees Miscellaneous Expenses TOTAL (Enter on Page 2, Line 9 of REV-1737-A) $ (If more space is needed, use additional sheets of paper of the same size) Reset Entire Form PREVIOUS PAGE PAGE 2 NEXT PAGE PRINT FORM Pennsylvania Department of Revenue Instructions for REV-1737-6 Schedule G/Schedule H REV-1737-6 IN (EX) 09-18 Inter-Vivos Transfers & Non-Probate Property/Funeral Expenses & Administrative Costs SCHEDULE G GENERAL INFORMATION value. A $3,000.00 exclusion may be taken per transferee, per calendar year. PURPOSE Use REV-1737-6, Schedule G to report transfers made by decedent during life, by trust or otherwise, to the extent they were made without valuable and adequate consideration in money or money’s worth at the time of transfer. TAXABLE VALUE Enter the taxable value by multiplying the Date of Death Value of Asset by the % of Decedent’s Interest minus the Exclusion (if applicable). NOTE: This schedule must be completed if you answered yes to questions 1 through 4 on Page 3 of the REV-1737-A. SCHEDULE INSTRUCTIONS ESTATE OF Enter the complete name of the estate as shown on the REV-1737-A, Pennsylvania Inheritance Tax Return Nonresident Decedent. PART I - REAL PROPERTY OR TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN PENNSYLVANIA THAT WAS TRANSFERRED List and describe all real property or tangible personal property located in Pennsylvania. PART II - ALL OTHER TRANSFERS List and describe all other transfers wherever located. IMPORTANT: Complete Part II ONLY when the proportionate method of tax computation is elected. ITEM NUMBER Enter the next sequential number for each asset reported. DESCRIPTION Include a description of each asset listed. The description should include the name of the transferee, their relationship to the decedent and the date of the transfer. NOTE: When reporting real estate, include a copy of the deed. VALUE AT DATE OF DEATH The taxable amount is the value of the asset as of the date of death. % OF DECEDENT’S INTERSET Report the percent of the decedent’s interest that is subject to tax. EXCLUSION Transfers made within one year of death are eligible for a $3,000.00 exclusion to the extent they exceed $3,000.00 in www.revenue.pa.gov PREVIOUS PAGE PART I TOTAL Total all items in the Taxable Value column in Part I and enter value here. PART II TOTAL Total all items in the Taxable Value column in Part II and enter value here. TOTAL Enter the total amount of Part I and Part II Total. Carry this value to Page 2, Line 7 of the REV-1737-A. INFORMATION FOR TRANSFERS SUBJECT TO TAX IF COMPLETING PART II IRAS, ANNUITIES AND PENSION PLANS Payments from Employment Benefit Plans such as pension plans, stock bonus plans, profit sharing plans, Individual retirement accounts (IRAs) IRAs are fully taxable if the decedent was 59½ years of age or older or considered disabled at any age. If the decedent was younger than 59½ years of age, it would only be taxable if he or she was disabled and not subject to the 10% penalty imposed by the IRS for a premature withdrawal. Annuities are fully taxable. Employer sponsored retirement plans are exempt from tax if the decedent, during his lifetime, did not have the right to possess, enjoy, assign or anticipate the payments made. A pension plan where the decedent’s only rights were to designate a beneficiary and receive a regular monthly payment would not be subject to tax. NOTE: When a retirement and/or pension plan is reported as being exempt, include a copy of the plan summary. TRANSFERS MADE WITHIN ONE YEAR OF DEATH Transfers made within in one year of death by a decedent are fully taxable to the extent that they exceed $3,000 in value. See exclusion. REV-1737-6 NEXT PAGE 1 RETAINED REVERSIONARY INTEREST Transfers where the decedent reserved the right to regain or reassert control of the asset are taxable if the reversionary interest exceeds five percent of the value of the transferred property. LIFE ESTATE Transfers in which the decedent reserved a life estate. This includes transfers where the decedent expressly or impliedly reserved for life or any period which does not, in fact, end before death, the income or the enjoyment or the property. For example, a reservation of a life interest includes the right to use or occupy the property or receive rents. Continued occupancy without the payment of rent would subject the property to tax. PROMISES BY TRANSFEREE Transfers in which the transferee promises to make payments to or care for the transferor during the remainder of the transferor’s life may be subject to tax. REVOCABLE AND TENTATIVE TRUSTS Trusts include transfers under which the decedent had the power to alter, amend, or revoke the interest of the beneficiary, e.g. in trust for (ITF) account. NOTE: When a trust is reported, include a copy of the instrument creating the trust as well as a valuation of the assets contained in the trust. SCHEDULE H GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSE Use REV-1737-6, Schedule H to report any expenses incurred by administering the estate. IMPORTANT: Complete Schedule H ONLY when the proportionate method of tax computation is elected. SCHEDULE INSTRUCTIONS ESTATE OF Enter the complete name of the estate as shown on the REV-1737-A, Pennsylvania Inheritance Tax Return Nonresident Decedent. A prepaid funeral account is deductible, provided that the prepaid account is reported as an asset of the decedent on Schedule E. PART II - ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS Administrative expenses description must include to whom the expense is payable and the nature of the expense. You may deduct, in reasonable amounts, fees for services rendered to the estate, personal representative fees and attorney’s fees which will be paid. When deducting personal representative commission include the name of representative, street address and the year(s) commission paid. ITEM NUMBER Enter the next sequential number for each expense reported. Administrative expenses include, but are not limited to: personal representative commission, attorney fees, cost of letters testamentary or administration, accounting fees, tax return preparation fees, estate notices, appraisal fees, costs for maintaining property administered, short certificates. Funeral expenses should be listed under Part I and all other administrative costs should be listed under Part II. AMOUNT List the amount of the expense reported. DESCRIPTION Include a description for each expense listed. TOTAL Total all items in the amount column and enter value here. Carry this value on Page 2, Line 9 of the REV-1737-A, Inheritance tax Return Nonresident Decedent. PART I - FUNERAL EXPENSES Funeral expenses description must include to whom the expense is payable and the nature of the expense. Funeral expenses include, but are not limited to: opening of grave, casket, flowers, funeral luncheon, burial lot, grave marker, fees for religious service. 2 REV-1737-6 PREVIOUS PAGE www.revenue.pa.gov RETURN TO FORM
Extracted from PDF file 2024-pennsylvania-form-rev-1737-6.pdf, last modified September 2008

More about the Pennsylvania Form REV-1737-6 Estate Tax TY 2024

We last updated the Schedule G/Schedule H in February 2025, so this is the latest version of Form REV-1737-6, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form REV-1737-6 directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Pennsylvania tax forms here.

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Related Pennsylvania Estate Tax Forms:

TaxFormFinder has an additional 174 Pennsylvania income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms. These related forms may also be needed with the Pennsylvania Form REV-1737-6.

Form Code Form Name
Form REV-1737-3 Schedule B/Schedule D
Form REV-1737-5 Schedule F
Form REV-1737-7 Schedule I/Schedule J
REV-1737-3 Schedule B - Stocks and Bonds
Form REV-1737-1 Nonresident Decedent Affidavit of Domicile
Form REV-1737-2 Schedule A
Form REV-1737-4 Schedule E
Form REV-1737-A Inheritance Tax Return - Nonresident Decedent

Download all PA tax forms View all 175 Pennsylvania Income Tax Forms

Form Sources:

Pennsylvania usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Pennsylvania Form REV-1737-6 from the Department of Revenue in February 2025.

Show Sources >

About the Estate Tax

The IRS, and many states, impose an estate tax on the transfer of cash and property between a decedent and their beneficiaries. These taxes generally only apply to estates over a certain size threshold, generally several million dollars, and therefore only affects the largest few percent of estates in the United States.

Historical Past-Year Versions of Pennsylvania Form REV-1737-6

We have a total of thirteen past-year versions of Form REV-1737-6 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2024 Form REV-1737-6

Schedule G - Inter-Vivos Transfers & Misc. Non-Probate Property/Schedule H - Funeral Expenses & Administrative Costs (REV-1737-6)

2023 Form REV-1737-6

Schedule G - Inter-Vivos Transfers & Misc. Non-Probate Property/Schedule H - Funeral Expenses & Administrative Costs (REV-1737-6)

2022 Form REV-1737-6

Schedule G - Inter-Vivos Transfers & Misc. Non-Probate Property/Schedule H - Funeral Expenses & Administrative Costs (REV-1737-6)

2021 Form REV-1737-6

Schedule G - Inter-Vivos Transfers & Misc. Non-Probate Property/Schedule H - Funeral Expenses & Administrative Costs (REV-1737-6)

2020 Form REV-1737-6

Schedule G - Inter-Vivos Transfers & Misc. Non-Probate Property/Schedule H - Funeral Expenses & Administrative Costs (REV-1737-6)

2019 Form REV-1737-6

Schedule G - Inter-Vivos Transfers & Misc. Non-Probate Property/Schedule H - Funeral Expenses & Administrative Costs (REV-1737-6)

2018 Form REV-1737-6

Schedule G - Inter-Vivos Transfers & Misc. Non-Probate Property/Schedule H - Funeral Expenses & Administrative Costs (REV-1737-6)

2017 Form REV-1737-6

Schedule G/Schedule H

2016 Form REV-1737-6

Schedule G/Schedule H

Forms/Publications 2015 Form REV-1737-6

Schedule G/Schedule H

Forms/Publications 2014 Form REV-1737-6

Schedule G/Schedule H

Forms/Publications 2012 Form REV-1737-6

Schedule G/Schedule H

Forms/Publications 2011 Form REV-1737-6

Schedule G/Schedule H

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While we do our best to keep our list of Pennsylvania Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/pennsylvania/form-rev-1737-6