Pennsylvania Business Tax Account Cancellation Form
Extracted from PDF file 2023-pennsylvania-form-rev-1706.pdf, last modified January 2021Business Tax Account Cancellation Form
IMPORTANT: FILL IN FORM MUST BE DOWNLOADED ONTO YOUR COMPUTER PRIOR TO COMPLETING (TR) MOD 12-22 REV-1706 OFFICIAL USE ONLY BUSINESS/ACCOUNT CANCELLATION FORM SECTION I BUSINESS INFORMATION Legal Name (For individual applicants give your full legal name) FEIN Trade Name or DBA (if different from Legal Name) SSN (sole proprietor’s if FEIN does not exist) SECTION II SALES TAX LICENSE CANCELLATION INFORMATION Sales Tax License is non-transferable. Sales Tax Account ID Reporting and Paying Under Another Account ID Number: Sales Tax Account ID: Cancellation Date Business Discontinued SECTION III WITHHOLDING ACCOUNT CANCELLATION INFORMATION Employer Withholding Tax Account ID Reason for Cancellation: Reporting and Paying Under Another Account ID Number: Employer Withholding Tax Account ID: Cancellation Date No Longer has Employee(s) Subject to PA Personal Income Tax Business Closed or Sold Other Income Withholding Account ID Reason for Cancellation: Reporting and Paying Under Another Account ID Number: Account ID: Cancellation Date No Longer Withholding PA Personal Income Tax Business Closed or Sold Retirement Withholding Account ID Reason for Cancellation: Other Reporting and Paying Under Another Account ID Number: Account ID: Cancellation Date No Longer Withholding PA Personal Income Tax Business Closed or Sold SECTION IV Other Other PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION ASSISTANCE FUND TAXES AND FEES/VEHICLE RENTAL TAX INFORMATION PTA License is non-transferable. PTA Tax Account ID Business Discontinued Date Reporting and Paying Under Another Account ID Number: PTA Tax Account ID: Vehicle Rental Tax Information: VRT Account ID SECTION V VRT Tax Account ID: Business Discontinued Date TOBACCO PRODUCTS LICENSE CANCELLATION INFORMATION Tobacco Products License is non-transferable. Tobacco Products License Number SECTION VI CONSUMER FIREWORKS TAX CANCELLATION INFORMATION Consumer Fireworks Tax Account ID Reset Entire Form Business Discontinued Date TOP OF PAGE Business Discontinued Date PAGE 1 NEXT PAGE PRINT IMPORTANT: FILL IN FORM MUST BE DOWNLOADED ONTO YOUR COMPUTER PRIOR TO COMPLETING REV-1706 (TR) MOD 12-22 SECTION VII WINE EXCISE TAX CANCELLATION INFORMATION Wine Excise Tax Account ID SECTION VIII Business Discontinued Date AFFIRMATION I hereby state under penalty for unsworn falsification to authorities (pursuant to 18 Pa.C.S. § 4904) that the undersigned has reviewed this document and the answers and information provided herein are true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. Name Signature Title Email Address Reset Entire Form PREVIOUS PAGE PLEASE SIGN AFTER PRINTING PAGE 2 Date Telephone Number NEXT PAGE PRINT Instructions for REV-1706 REV-1706 IN (TR) MOD 12-22 This form must be completed if the business was discontinued, sold or ceased operations in Pennsylvania. For immediate updates, users may make changes directly to their accounts at This form should be used for state/local sales/use tax, employer withholding tax, Public Transportation Assistance Fund taxes and fees, vehicle rental tax, Tobacco Product license, consumer fireworks tax and wine excise tax. When using this form for multiple taxes, the Account ID Numbers for the corresponding taxes must be entered. LINE INSTRUCTIONS SECTION II SALES TAX LICENSE CANCELLATION INFORMATION Complete this section to cancel a sales tax license when a business: ● Was discontinued, sold or ceased operations in Pennsylvania; ● No longer makes taxable sales, rentals or leases; ● No longer provides taxable services in Pennsylvania; or ● Reports and pays under another Account ID Number. SECTION III EMPLOYER WITHHOLDING TAX CANCELLATION INFORMATION If the business was sold, closed or no longer has employee(s) subject to PA personal income tax, complete this section. Provide the reason for the cancellation and the required cancellation dates on this form. OTHER INCOME WITHHOLDING If the business was sold, closed or no longer withholding on non-wage sources and issues forms 1099-MISC or 1099-NEC, complete this information and indicate the final cancellation date. RETIREMENT WITHHOLDING If the business was sold, closed or no longer withholding tax on retirement income and issues forms 1099-R, complete this information and indicate the final cancellation date. If the EIN is changed by the Internal Revenue Service, a new registration must be completed. Business/Account Cancellation Form SECTION IV PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION ASSISTANCE FUND TAXES AND FEES/VEHICLE RENTAL TAX INFORMATION If the business no longer has sales, rentals or leases subject to PTA/VRT taxes and fees, or the sales tax license was cancelled, indicate business-discontinued date on the form. If the business reports under another Account ID Number, indicate the new Account ID Number on the form. SECTION V TOBACCO PRODUCTS LICENSE CANCELLATION INFORMATION If cigarettes or other tobacco products are no longer sold or if the sales tax license was cancelled, complete this information and indicate the date the business ceased selling cigarettes and other tobacco products. SECTION VI CONSUMER FIREWORKS TAX CANCELLATION INFORMATION If fireworks are no longer being sold or if the sales tax license was cancelled, complete this information and indicate the date the business ceased selling fireworks. SECTION VII WINE EXCISE TAX CANCELLATION INFORMATION If the business is no longer a direct wine shipper licensed in Pennsylvania and is no longer responsible to collect and pay wine excise tax, or the sales tax retail license was cancelled, complete this information and indicate the businessdiscontinued date on the form. SECTION VIII AFFIRMATION Sign and date the form. Include a daytime telephone number, title and email. Fax or Email the completed form to: Fax: 717-787-3708 Email: [email protected] REGISTRATION METHOD To register, complete the Pennsylvania Online Business Tax Registration at PREVIOUS PAGE REV-1706 RETURN TO PAGE 1 PRINT 1
Business/Account Cancellation Form (REV-1706)
More about the Pennsylvania Form REV-1706 Other
We last updated the Business Tax Account Cancellation Form in January 2024, and the latest form we have available is for tax year 2023. This means that we don't yet have the updated form for the current tax year. Please check this page regularly, as we will post the updated form as soon as it is released by the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue. You can print other Pennsylvania tax forms here.
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File Now with TurboTaxOther Pennsylvania Other Forms:
TaxFormFinder has an additional 174 Pennsylvania income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.
Form Code | Form Name |
Form PA-1000 | Property Tax or Rent Rebate Claim |
Form PA-1000 Booklet | Property Tax or Rent Rebate Program Instruction Booklet |
Form PA-1000 RC | PA Rent Certificate - PA Rent Certificate and Rental Occupancy Affidavit (PA Property Tax/Rent Rebate) |
Form REV-1176 | E-TIDES Administrative Access Change Request Form |
Form REV-181 | Application for a PA Tax Clearance Certificate |
View all 175 Pennsylvania Income Tax Forms
Form Sources:
Pennsylvania usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Pennsylvania Form REV-1706 from the Department of Revenue in January 2024.
Historical Past-Year Versions of Pennsylvania Form REV-1706
We have a total of three past-year versions of Form REV-1706 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:
Business/Account Cancellation Form (REV-1706)
Business/Account Cancellation Form (REV-1706)
Business/Account Cancellation Form (REV-1706)
TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:
While we do our best to keep our list of Pennsylvania Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.