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Pennsylvania Free Printable Application for Refund Pennsylvania Realty Transfer Tax (REV-1651) for 2025 Pennsylvania Application for Refund PA Realty Transfer Tax

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Application for Refund PA Realty Transfer Tax
Application for Refund Pennsylvania Realty Transfer Tax (REV-1651)

IMPORTANT: FILL IN FORM MUST BE DOWNLOADED ONTO YOUR COMPUTER PRIOR TO COMPLETING 1651022105 (EX) MOD 10-22 (FI) REV-1651 BUREAU OF INDIVIDUAL TAXES PO BOX 280603 HARRISBURG, PA 17128-0603 APPLICATION FOR REFUND PENNSYLVANIA REALTY TRANSFER TAX Complete all requested information and mail to: PA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, BUREAU OF INDIVIDUAL TAXES, PO BOX 280603, HARRISBURG, PA, 17128-0603 or email to [email protected]. See additional instructions on the reverse side. START ➜ SECTION I APPLICANT INFORMATION Name Telephone Number Street Address SECTION II City State ZIP Code State ZIP Code DOCUMENT/TRANSACTION INFORMATION Book Page Instrument Number Date Recorded MM/DD/YYYY GRANTOR GRANTEE Name(s) Name(s) Name(s) Name(s) Name(s) Name(s) REAL ESTATE LOCATION Street Address City County SECTION III REFUND INFORMATION Amount of Refund Requested $ Explanation for Refund Request SECTION IV Signature SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT Date MM/DD/YYYY Please sign after printing. Please allow four to six weeks for processing of your refund application. 1651022105 Reset Entire Form TOP OF PAGE 1651022105 PRINT Instructions for REV-1651 Application for Refund Pennsylvania Realty Transfer Tax REV-1651 IN (EX) MOD 10-22 REFUND INSTRUCTIONS Please refer to RTT Bulletin 2022-02 - Realty Transfer Tax Payments and Refund Procedure, which provides additional information about the "Application for Refund" process as well as additional information regarding how to obtain a Realty Transfer Tax Refund. This application must be filed with the PA Department of Revenue within three (3) years from the tax payment date. Do not use this form to request a refund of amounts paid as the result of an assessment. To request such a refund, you must file a petition for refund with the department’s Board of Appeals within six (6) months of the assessment payment. The following information must be included with the application: 1. A copy of the applicable deed, with a legible tax stamp. 2. Evidence to show who paid the tax. 3. Completed REV-1894 Realty Transfer Tax Refund Consent Form(s) if applicable. Refer to RTT Bulletin 2022-01 for more information. 4. Documentation to support any overpayment claimed. Failure to include all requested information may result in a denial of the refund. FORM INSTRUCTIONS Complete all fields and sections on the application. SECTION I Transfer Tax Consent forms required for the applicant to receive the refund. SECTION II DOCUMENT/TRANSACTION INFORMATION • Provide the Book, Page, and/or Instrument Number, along with the date the deed was recorded at the recorder of deeds office. • Enter the names of the Grantor(s) and Grantee(s) listed on the recorded document. • Provide the street, city, state, zip code and county for the real estate associated with the transfer. SECTION III REFUND INFORMATION • Enter the amount being requested for refund. Do not include local tax amount. Local tax refund requests must be directed to the local municipality and school district. • Provide a detailed explanation as to the reason for the refund request. Provide all supporting documents such as copies of birth certificates, marriage certificate, divorce decree, court order, etc. Please only send copies. Documents sent to the department will not be returned. SECTION IV SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT The applicant must sign and date form. A refund request cannot be processed without a signature of the applicant. APPLICANT INFORMATION Enter all requested information. This application must be completed and signed by the Applicant. If the applicant is a Representative for either the Grantor or Grantee, a Power of Attorney must be sent with the application. The refund will be issued to the applicant. Please see RTT Bulletin 2022-01 regarding necessary REV-1894 Realty www.revenue.pa.gov RETURN TO FORM REV-1651 PRINT 1
Extracted from PDF file 2024-pennsylvania-form-rev-1651.pdf, last modified January 2018

More about the Pennsylvania Form REV-1651 Other TY 2024

We last updated the Application for Refund PA Realty Transfer Tax in February 2025, so this is the latest version of Form REV-1651, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form REV-1651 directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Pennsylvania tax forms here.

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Other Pennsylvania Other Forms:

TaxFormFinder has an additional 174 Pennsylvania income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.

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Download all PA tax forms View all 175 Pennsylvania Income Tax Forms

Form Sources:

Pennsylvania usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Pennsylvania Form REV-1651 from the Department of Revenue in February 2025.

Show Sources >

Historical Past-Year Versions of Pennsylvania Form REV-1651

We have a total of four past-year versions of Form REV-1651 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2024 Form REV-1651

Application for Refund Pennsylvania Realty Transfer Tax (REV-1651)

2023 Form REV-1651

Application for Refund Pennsylvania Realty Transfer Tax (REV-1651)

2022 Form REV-1651

Application for Refund Pennsylvania Realty Transfer Tax (REV-1651)

2021 Form REV-1651

Application for Refund Pennsylvania Realty Transfer Tax (REV-1651)

TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:

While we do our best to keep our list of Pennsylvania Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/pennsylvania/form-rev-1651