Pennsylvania Schedule PA-41X - Amended PA Fiduciary Income Tax Schedule

Extracted from PDF file 2024-pennsylvania-form-pa-41x.pdf, last modified December 2011Schedule PA-41X - Amended PA Fiduciary Income Tax Schedule
IMPORTANT: FILL IN FORM MUST BE DOWNLOADED ONTO YOUR COMPUTER PRIOR TO COMPLETING 2410310052 SCHEDULE PA-41 X Amended PA Fiduciary Income Tax Schedule START HERE ➜ PA-41 X 05-24 (FI) PA Department of Revenue TO RETURN TO INSTRUCTIONS CLICK HERE 2024 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Name as shown on the PA-41 Federal EIN or Decedent’s SSN CAUTION: This schedule must be filed with a PA-41, Pennsylvania Fiduciary Income Tax Return, indicating it is an amended return. An amended return is not filed until the department receives both the amended PA-41 and the Schedule PA-41 X. SECTION I A. Original amount or as previously amended B. Net change – amount of increase or (decrease) explain in Section III C. Correct amount INCOME Line 1 Interest Income and Gambling and Lottery Winnings 1. 1. 1. Line 2 Dividend and Capital Gains Distributions Income 2. 2. 2. Line 3 Net Income or Loss from the Operation of a Business, Profession, or Farm 3. 3. 3. Net Gain or Loss from the Sale, Exchange, or Disposition of Property 4. 4. 4. Net Income or Loss from Rents, Royalties, Patents, or Copyrights 5. 5. 5. Line 6 Estate or Trust Income 6. 6. 6. Line 7 Total Income. Add only the positive income amounts from Lines 1 through 6 for Columns A and C. 7. 7. 7. Line 8 Deductions from PA Schedule DD 8. 8. 8. Line 9 Net PA Taxable Income. Subtract Line 8 from Line 7 for Columns A and C. 9. 9. 9. Line 4 Line 5 Line 10 PA Tax Liability. Multiply Line 9 by 3.07 percent (.0307) for Columns A and C. 10. 10. 10. Line 11 Tax Withheld for Nonresident Beneficiaries 11. 11. 11. Line 12 Total PA Tax Liability. Add Lines 10 and 11 for Columns A and C. 12. 12. 12. WITHHOLDINGS, PAYMENTS, CREDITS, AND USE TAX Line 13 2024 Estimated Payments and Credits 13. 13. 13. Line 14 Nonresident Tax Withheld from PA Schedule(s) NRK-1 14. 14. 14. Line 15 Total Credit for Taxes Paid by PA Resident Estates or Trusts to Other States or Countries 15. 15. 15. Line 16 Total Other Credits from PA Schedule OC 16. 16. 16. Line 17 PA Income Tax Withheld 17. 17. 17. Line 18 Total Payments and Credits. Add Lines 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 for Columns A and C. 18. 18. 18. Line 19 Use Tax 19. 19. 19. Line 21 Penalties and Interest 21. 21. 21. 2410310052 Reset Entire Form 2410310052 PAGE 1 NEXT PAGE PRINT FORM IMPORTANT: FILL IN FORM MUST BE DOWNLOADED ONTO YOUR COMPUTER PRIOR TO COMPLETING SCHEDULE PA-41 X 2410410050 TO RETURN TO INSTRUCTIONS CLICK HERE Amended PA Fiduciary Income Tax Schedule PA-41 X 05-24 (FI) PA Department of Revenue 2024 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Name as shown on the PA-41 Federal EIN or Decedent’s SSN SECTION II CALCULATION OF REFUND OR PAYMENT DUE WITH AMENDED PA-41 A. Enter the amount of the amended PA tax liability from Line 12, Column C of Page 1. A. B. Enter the amount of the amended total payments and credits from Line 18, Column C of Page 1. B. C. Subtract Line B from Line A. C. D. Enter the amount of the overpayment (refund and carryover credit) from the original return or any previously amended returns. See the instructions. Do not report this amount on the amended PA-41.* D. E. Enter the amount of the amended use tax from Line 19, Column C of Page 1. E. F. Enter the amount of the amended penalties from Line 21, Column C of Page 1. F. G. Add the amounts on Lines C, D, E, and F. G. H. Enter the amount of all payments made with the original return and all previously amended PA-41 returns. Include any penalties and interest paid with those returns or after the filing of those returns. Do not report this amount on the amended PA-41.* H. I. Subtract Line H from Line G. If the result is positive, this is the amount owed with the amended return. Please follow the instructions for Payment Options found in the PA-41 instructions to make a payment with the amended PA-41. If the result is negative, this is the amount of the overpayment. Use Lines 24 through 25 on the amended PA-41 to notify the department how to disburse the overpayment. Do not report this amount on Line 22 or Line 23 of the amended PA-41.* I. * The department will automatically calculate the amended tax liability or overpayment. Including the amounts previously paid or refunded on the amended PA-41 return will delay processing and could result in avoidable correspondence from the department. SECTION III DESCRIPTION OR EXPLANATION OF CHANGES Provide a description or explanation for each change to amounts reported on the original or most recent amended return. Also include an explanation for any change to residency status if changed from the original or most recent amended return. Include supporting amended schedules and documentation as required. See the instructions. 2410410050 2410410050 Reset Entire Form RETURN TO PAGE 1 PAGE 2 NEXT PAGE PRINT FORM 2024 Instructions for PA-41 Schedule X Amended PA Fiduciary Income Tax Schedule PA-41 X IN 05-24 WHEN TO USE SCHEDULE INSTRUCTIONS Use the Schedule PA-41 X to report additional income discovered after an original or previously amended PA-41 Fiduciary Income Tax Return has been filed for an estate or trust. The PA-41 X may also be used to report changes that reflect reductions to the income and tax liability after an original or previously amended PA-41 has been filed. NAME Enter the name of the estate or trust as shown on the original PA-41 filed with the department. NOTE: There is no statute of limitations for reporting additional income on a tax return for Pennsylvania personal income tax purposes. However, for tax years beginning before Jan. 1, 2008, Schedule PA-41 X is not available to be used to report the differences. A statement must be included with the amended PA-41 providing the explanation of the differences. CAUTION: If you believe that you are entitled to a refund and you are close to the end of the timeframe for filing a petition for refund, do not file an amended return requesting the refund. An amended return is not a substitute for a petition for refund. The department is not obligated to act on an amended return and the filing of an amended return does not toll the statute of limitations for filing a petition for a refund. A petition for refund should be filed with the department’s Board of Appeals instead. GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSE OF SCHEDULE Use Schedule PA-41 X to report any changes - increases or (decreases) - in income, distribution deductions, withholdings, estimated payments, and tax credits that are discovered after filing an original or other amended return with the department. Schedule PA-41 X is not a stand-alone form and must be filed with a PA-41 Fiduciary Income Tax Return indicating it is an amended return. CAUTION: This schedule can only be used for the tax year indicated on the form. OTHER AMENDED PA-41 INSTRUCTIONS FILING STATUS If the residency status has been changed on the amended return, enter an explanation for the change in Section III of the schedule. PREVIOUS PAGE FEDERAL EIN OR DECEDENT’S SSN Enter the FEIN of the estate or trust from the original PA41. If the estate has not yet received a FEIN from the IRS, enter the decedent’s SSN. If the trust has not yet received a FEIN from the IRS, enter “APPLIEDFR” in the space provided. LINE INSTRUCTIONS SECTION I LINES 1 THROUGH 6 COLUMN A Enter the amounts of income from the original or most recently amended PA-41 on the corresponding lines of Schedule PA-41 X. COLUMN B Enter the amount of the net change - increase or (decrease) - and provide an explanation or reason for each change in Section III. Include additional documentation, such as amended PA Schedules RK-1 or NRK-1; amended PA Schedules A, B, C, F, D, E, or J along with any other documentation supporting the increase or (decrease) in income. Do not include PA schedules as originally filed or previously amended with this schedule or amended return. COLUMN C For each line, add any increases in Column B to the amounts reported in Column A and enter the total in Column C. Subtract any (decreases) in Column B from the amount in Column A and enter the result in Column C and on the corresponding line of the amended PA-41. LINE 7 COLUMNS A AND C See the instructions on Schedule PA-41 X. COLUMN B Enter the amount of the net change - increase or (decrease). PA-41 X NEXT PAGE 1 LINE 8 COLUMN A Enter the amount of distribution deductions from the original PA-41 or most recently amended PA-41. COLUMN B Enter the amount of the net change - increase or (decrease) - and provide an explanation or reason for each change in Section III. Include additional documentation, such as an amended Schedule DD, along with other documentation supporting the increase or (decrease) in deductions. COLUMN C Add any increases in Column B to the amounts reported in Column A and enter the total in Column C. Subtract any (decreases) in Column B from the amount in Column A and enter the result in Column C and on the corresponding line of the amended PA-41. LINE 9 COLUMNS A AND C See the instructions on Schedule PA-41 X. COLUMN B Enter the amount of the net change - increase or (decrease). LINE 10 COLUMNS A AND C See the instructions on Schedule PA-41 X. COLUMN B Enter the amount of the net change - increase or (decrease). LINE 12 COLUMNS A AND C See the instructions on Schedule PA-41 X. COLUMN B Enter the amount of the net change – increase or (decrease). LINES 13 THROUGH 17 COLUMN A Enter the amounts of estimated payments and credits, nonresident tax withheld, tax withheld, credit for taxes by resident estates and trusts to other states, and other credits from the original or most recently amended PA-41 on the corresponding lines of Schedule PA-41 X. COLUMN B Enter the amount of the net change - increase or (decrease) - and provide an explanation or reason for each change in Section III. Include additional documentation, such as amended Schedules NRK-1, Schedule OC, or Schedule G-L along with other documentation supporting any increases or (decreases) estimated payments, taxes withheld, or credits. COLUMN C For each line, add any increases in Column B to the amounts reported in Column A and enter the amount in Column C. Subtract any (decreases) in Column B from the amount in Column A and enter the amount in Column C and on the corresponding line of the amended PA-41. LINE 18 COLUMNS A AND C See the instructions on Schedule PA-41 X. LINE 11 COLUMN B Enter the amount of the net change - increase or (decrease). Enter the amount of Tax Withheld for Nonresident Beneficiaries from the original or most recently amended PA-41. LINE 19 COLUMNS A COLUMN B Enter the amount of net change – increase or (decrease). Include additional documentation, such as amended Schedules NRK-1 or amended PA-41 Schedule N along with other documentation supporting the change to PAsource income or nonresident beneficiary withholding. COLUMN C Add any increase in Column B to the amount reported in Column A and enter the total in Column C. Subtract any (decreases) in Column B from the amount in Column A and enter the result in Column C and on the corresponding line of the amended PA-41. 2 PA-41 X PREVIOUS PAGE COLUMN A Enter the amount of use tax from the original or most recently amended PA-41. COLUMN B Enter the amount of the increase and provide an explanation or reason for the change in Section III. See the instructions for PA-41 Line 19 for additional information about use tax. NOTE: An overpayment of use tax may not be claimed by filing an amended PA-41. A Petition for Refund (REV-65) must be filed to obtain a refund of use tax. COLUMN C Add any increase in Column B to the amounts reported in Column A and enter the total in Column C and on Line 19 of the amended PA-41. NEXT PAGE LINE 21 COLUMN A Enter the amount of penalties and interest from the original or most recently amended PA-41. COLUMN B Enter the amount of the net change – increase or (decrease) – and provide an explanation or reason for each change in Section III. COLUMN C Calculate the adjusted penalties and interest and enter the amount here. Include a statement providing a breakdown of the adjusted amounts along with all calculations. Please write “Amended” on the top center of any amended schedules included with the return. SECTION II CALCULATION OF REFUND OR PAYMENT DUE WITH AMENDED PA-41 The worksheet on Page 2 must be used to determine the amount of refund or tax due with the amended return. See the instructions on the worksheet for Lines A, B, C, E, F, G, H, and I. LINE D If this is the first amended return filed, enter the amount of the overpayment from Line 23 of the original return. If an amended return was previously filed and the amount on Line C of the worksheet was negative for the most recently filed amended return, enter the amount from Line C of that amended return as a positive number on Line D. PREVIOUS PAGE CAUTION: Do not enter amounts previously paid or refunded on the amended PA-41. Also, do not complete Lines 22 and 23 on the amended PA-41. See the worksheet for additional information and instructions. SECTION III DESCRIPTION OR EXPLANATION OF CHANGES For each change, include the line number and an explanation of the change. Also include the explanation for any changes to filing status or residency status made directly on the amended return. If additional space is required, include a supplemental statement. Include only those schedules and statements that are amended. Include documentation to support all changes to residency status. CAUTION: Do not include copies of schedules or statements included with the original PA-41 or previously filed amended PA-41. Such prior return records are maintained by the department. If amending a return to include income not included from a Schedule RK-1 from a partnership on the original return, the amended PA-41 would include Schedule PA-41 X, the Schedule RK-1 from the partnership and any amended statements or schedules where the partnership income is reported. If amending a return to change the amount of income included from a partnership on a previously amended return, the new amended PA-41 would include Schedule PA-41 X, the amended Schedule RK-1 from the partnership and only the amended schedules or statements where a change to the partnership income is reported. PA-41 X 3
2024 Schedule PA-41 X - Amended PA Fiduciary Income Tax Schedule (PA-41 X)
More about the Pennsylvania Form PA-41X Corporate Income Tax TY 2024
We last updated the Schedule PA-41X - Amended PA Fiduciary Income Tax Schedule in January 2025, so this is the latest version of Form PA-41X, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form PA-41X directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Pennsylvania tax forms here.
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eFiling is easier, faster, and safer than filling out paper tax forms. File your Pennsylvania and Federal tax returns online with TurboTax in minutes. FREE for simple returns, with discounts available for TaxFormFinder users!
File Now with TurboTaxOther Pennsylvania Corporate Income Tax Forms:
TaxFormFinder has an additional 174 Pennsylvania income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.
Form Code | Form Name |
Form RCT-127A | Public Utility Realty Tax Report |
Form RCT-900 | Public Utility Realty Report By Local Taxing Authorities |
Form PA-41 | PA Fiduciary Income Tax Return |
Form PA-20S-PA-65 A | PA Schedule A - Interest Income |
Form PA-20S-PA-65 NRK-1 | PA Schedule NRK-1 - Nonresident Schedule of Shareholder/Partner/Beneficiary Pass Through Income, Loss and Credits |
View all 175 Pennsylvania Income Tax Forms
Form Sources:
Pennsylvania usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Pennsylvania Form PA-41X from the Department of Revenue in January 2025.
About the Corporate Income Tax
The IRS and most states require corporations to file an income tax return, with the exact filing requirements depending on the type of company.
Sole proprietorships or disregarded entities like LLCs are filed on Schedule C (or the state equivalent) of the owner's personal income tax return, flow-through entities like S Corporations or Partnerships are generally required to file an informational return equivilent to the IRS Form 1120S or Form 1065, and full corporations must file the equivalent of federal Form 1120 (and, unlike flow-through corporations, are often subject to a corporate tax liability).
Additional forms are available for a wide variety of specific entities and transactions including fiduciaries, nonprofits, and companies involved in other specific types of business.
Historical Past-Year Versions of Pennsylvania Form PA-41X
We have a total of fourteen past-year versions of Form PA-41X in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2024 Schedule PA-41 X - Amended PA Fiduciary Income Tax Schedule (PA-41 X)

2023 Schedule PA-41 X - Amended PA Fiduciary Income Tax Schedule (Form and Instructions) (PA-41 X)

2022 Schedule PA-41 X - Amended PA Fiduciary Income Tax Schedule (PA-41 X)

2021 Schedule PA-41 X - Amended PA Fiduciary Income Tax Schedule (PA-41 X)

2020 Schedule PA-41 X - Amended PA Fiduciary Income Tax Schedule (PA-41 X)

2019 Schedule PA-41 X - Amended PA Fiduciary Income Tax Schedule (PA-41 X)

2018 Schedule PA-41 X - Amended PA Fiduciary Income Tax Schedule (PA-41 X)

2017 Schedule PA-41X - Amended PA Fiduciary Income Tax Schedule (PA-41X)

2016 Schedule PA-41X - Amended PA Fiduciary Income Tax Schedule (PA-41X)

2015 Schedule PA-41X - Amended PA Fiduciary Income Tax Schedule (PA-41X)

2014 Amended PA Fiduciary Income Tax Schedule (PA-41X)

2013 Amended PA Fiduciary Income Tax Schedule (PA-41X)

2012 Amended PA Fiduciary Income Tax Schedule (PA-41X)

2011 Schedule PA-41X - Amended (PA-41X)
TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:
While we do our best to keep our list of Pennsylvania Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.