Pennsylvania PA-41 Schedule NRK-1 - Nonresident Schedule of Shareholder/Partner/Beneficiary Pass Through Income, Loss, and Credits

Extracted from PDF file 2024-pennsylvania-form-pa-41-nrk-1.pdf, last modified September 2011PA-41 Schedule NRK-1 - Nonresident Schedule of Shareholder/Partner/Beneficiary Pass Through Income, Loss, and Credits
IMPORTANT: FILL IN FORM MUST BE DOWNLOADED ONTO YOUR COMPUTER PRIOR TO COMPLETING PA-41 SCHEDULE NRK-1 2404610053 Nonresident Schedule of Beneficiary Pass Through Income and Credits PA-41 NRK-1 (EX) MOD 05-24 (FI) PA Department of Revenue START ➜ 2024 Suffix Last Name First Name MI SSN Phone Number Name of Beneficiary Receiving NRK-1 (if other than an individual) FEIN First Line of Address Amended Schedule Final Beneficiary: Individual SECTION I Second Line of Address Beneficiary’s year-end distribution: ________% PA S Corp. All Other Corp. City or Post Office State ZIP Code Estate/Trust Partnership LLC Exempt Name of Estate/Trust Issuing NRK-1 City or Post Office State ZIP Code FEIN Short Year Fiscal Year MM/DD/YY Begin MM/DD/YY End SECTION II NOTE: Amounts from this schedule must be reported on the appropriate PA Tax Return. Enter whole dollars only 1 Income of/from Estates or Trusts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 PA Nonresident Tax Withheld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 Total Other Credits. Submit statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2404610053 Reset Entire Form TOP OF PAGE 2404610053 NEXT PAGE PRINT 2024 Instructions for PA-41 Schedule NRK-1 PA-41 NRK-1 IN (EX) MOD 05-24 GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSE OF SCHEDULE Estates and trusts use PA-41 Schedule NRK-1 to report the Pennsylvania-source income of estates and trusts and PA nonresident tax withheld to each nonresident individual or nonresident estate and trust beneficiary. A PA-41 Schedule NRK-1 is also used to report the Pennsylvania-source income of the estate or trust for each resident or nonresident partnership, PA S corporation or entity formed as a limited liability company classified as a partnership, or PA S corporation for federal income tax purposes. Nonresident estate and trust beneficiaries are subject to Pennsylvania personal income tax on their shares of the estate or trust’s distributed or distributable Pennsylvaniasource income. Resident estate and trust beneficiaries are subject to tax on their shares of the estate or trust’s distributed or distributable income, regardless of income source. NONRESIDENT BENEFICIARY RESIDENCY STATUS The fiduciary of an estate or trust must determine (through reasonable means) the residency status of each individual and/or estate or trust beneficiary. A fiduciary of an estate or trust that fails to keep an accurate list of beneficiaries may be subject to the tax, penalty, and interest of any beneficiary who was provided a PA-41 Schedule NRK-1 when a PA-41 Schedule RK-1 should have been provided. PA TAX WITHHELD FOR NONRESIDENT BENEFICIARY Each nonresident individual or nonresident estate or trust must also have PA income tax withheld at a rate of 3.07 percent (0.0307) on their shares of the estate or trust’s distributed or distributable Pennsylvania-source income. Complete PA-41 Schedule N to determine the amount of withholding for each nonresident beneficiary subject to withholding. WHO SHOULD RECEIVE A PA-41 SCHEDULE NRK-1 A PA-41 Schedule NRK-1 must be prepared and provided to every nonresident beneficiary who is an individual. A copy of the PA-41 Schedule NRK-1 for each nonresident beneficiary who is an individual must accompany the estate’s/trust’s PA-41, Fiduciary Income Tax Return. The estate or trust must prepare and provide both PA-41 Schedules RK-1 and NRK-1 to any beneficiary that was a/an: • Individual who was a part-year Pennsylvania resident; PREVIOUS PAGE Nonresident Schedule of Beneficiary Pass Through Income and Credits • Estate or trust; • PA S corporation; • Partnership; or • Entity formed as a limited liability company classified as a partnership or PA S corporation for federal income tax purposes. Both schedules for each such beneficiary must also be submitted with the PA-41, Fiduciary Income Tax Return. IMPORTANT: The department does not accept federal Form 1041 Schedule K-1 because the schedule does not properly reflect the classified Pennsylvania-taxable income amounts. PA-41 Schedules RK-1 submitted to nonresident and entity beneficiaries (including nonresident estates and trusts) should reflect the taxable income to Pennsylvania as if the nonresident beneficiary was a Pennsylvania resident even if the estate or trust preparing them is a nonresident. PA-41 Schedules NRK-1 issued to nonresident beneficiaries should reflect just the Pennsylvania-source income taxable to those beneficiaries. Additionally, only PA-41 Schedules NRK-1 issued to nonresident individuals and nonresident estates or trusts should reflect PA tax withheld for nonresident beneficiaries. HOW TO AMEND PA-41 SCHEDULE NRK-1 Where an amendment to the PA-41, Fiduciary Income Tax Return, results in a need to amend the PA-41 Schedule NRK1, an amended PA-41 Schedule NRK-1 must be forwarded to the PA Department of Revenue with the amended tax return, and a copy must be provided to each beneficiary. An amended PA-41, Fiduciary Income Tax Return and an amended PA-41 Schedule NRK-1 for each beneficiary must also be filed to correct any error on or reflect any change to the PA-41, Fiduciary Income Tax Return, whether or not an amended federal Form 1041 was filed for that year. To amend an original PA-41 Schedule NRK-1, use a blank schedule for the tax year to be amended and fill in the “Amended Schedule” oval at the top of the schedule. Do not send a copy of the original schedule. Complete the schedule by entering the corrected information and submit it with the amended PA-41, Fiduciary Income Tax Return. See “Where To File” in the PA-41 instructions. PA-41 NRK-1 NEXT PAGE 1 COMPLETING PA-41 SCHEDULE NRK-1 SECTION I FOREIGN ADDRESS INSTRUCTIONS (OTHER THAN CANADA) If the estate or trust is located outside the U.S., it is important to write the foreign address on the PA-41 Schedule NRK-1 according to U.S. Postal Service standards. GENERAL INFORMATION Failure to use these standards may delay any refunds requested or correspondence necessary to complete the processing of the return. To comply with foreign address standards, use the following rules when completing the address portion of the PA-41 Schedule NRK-1. • Eliminate apostrophes, commas, periods, and hyphens. • Use all capital letters to write all lines. • Write the name of the estate or trust in the space provided. • Write the name and title of the fiduciary in the space provided. • Write the address in the space provided, including street, building name and number, apartment or suite numbers, city name, and city or provincial codes. • Write only the name of the country in the space provided for the city or post office. • Write OC in the entry space for state to indicate out-ofcountry. • Leave the ZIP code spaces on the PA-41 Schedule NRK-1 blank. Providing the address in this format will better ensure that the department is able to send a refund on a timely basis or contact the estate or trust if additional information is required. Below is an example of a properly completed foreign address. Foreign Address Example. DIETRIC-FISCHER INGE TRUST PATRIK FISCHER TTEE WEIMARER STR 7 5300 BONN 1 GERMANY OC CANADA ONLY FOREIGN ADDRESS INSTRUCTIONS The same rules apply as for other foreign address instructions. However, when the Canada address contains a postal zone and two-character abbreviation for provinces and territories, there are special spacing rules for the address line for the PA-41 Schedule RK-1. On mail to Canada, there must be two spaces between the province abbreviation and the postal code. Below is an example of a properly completed Canada foreign address. SAUNDERS HELEN ESTATE OF JANET SAUNDERS EXECUTRIX 9 BOW ST OTTAWA ON K1A 0B1 CANADA OC If the estate or trust’s address does not fit in the available spaces on the PA-41 Schedule NRK-1 using the above formats, please include a separate statement with the return showing the complete address. 2 PA-41 NRK-1 PREVIOUS PAGE SSN Enter the nine-digit Social Security number (SSN) if the beneficiary of the estate or trust is an individual receiving the PA-41 NRK-1. LAST NAME, SUFFIX, FIRST NAME, MIDDLE INITIAL If the beneficiary of the estate or trust is an individual, enter the last name; suffix such as Jr., Sr., etc; first name, and middle initial of the individual beneficiary who is receiving the PA-41 Schedule NRK-1. FEIN Enter the nine-digit Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) of the entity beneficiary receiving the PA-41 Schedule NRK-1. NAME OF BENEFICIARY RECEIVING NRK-1 (IF OTHER THAN AN INDIVIDUAL) If the beneficiary of the estate or trust is an estate, trust partnership, PA S corporation, entity formed as a limited liability company classified as a partnership, or PA S corporation for federal income tax purposes, enter the FEIN and name of the entity receiving the PA-41 Schedule NRK-1. If the PA-Schedule NRK-1 is being issued to an individual beneficiary, leave this field blank. FIRST LINE OF ADDRESS Enter the street address of the individual or entity beneficiary receiving the PA-41 Schedule NRK-1. If the address has an apartment number, suite, or rural route (RR) number, enter it after the street address. Eliminate all punctuation such as apostrophes, commas, periods, and hyphens. The U.S. Postal Service preference is to put the actual delivery address on the line immediately above the city, state, and ZIP Code. NOTE: If the street address along with the apartment number, suite, or RR number does not fit on the first line of address, then enter the street address on the second line of address and the apartment number, suite, or RR number on the first line of address. SECOND LINE OF ADDRESS Enter the post office box, if appropriate, of the individual or entity beneficiary entity receiving the PA-41 Schedule NRK1. If there is no post office box, leave the second line of the address blank. Eliminate all punctuation such as apostrophes, commas, periods, and hyphens. For a foreign address, enter the city or municipal designation. See the Foreign Address Example. For a Canadian address, enter the city and postal delivery zone number. See the Canada Address Example. IMPORTANT: If the address has only a post office box, enter on the first line of address. NEXT PAGE CITY, STATE, AND ZIP CODE Enter the appropriate information of the individual or entity beneficiary receiving the PA-41 Schedule NRK-1 in each box. Eliminate all punctuation such as apostrophes, commas, periods, and hyphens. NAME OF ESTATE/TRUST ISSUING NRK-1 Enter the name of the estate or trust issuing the PA-41 Schedule NRK-1. CITY, STATE, AND ZIP CODE Enter the appropriate information in each box of the estate or trust issuing the PA-41 Schedule NRK-1. Eliminate all punctuation such as apostrophes, commas, periods, and hyphens. FEIN Enter the nine-digit Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) of the estate or trust issuing the PA-41 Schedule NRK-1. AMENDED SCHEDULE If the estate or trust is filing an amended PA-41, Fiduciary Tax Return, and the amount of income distributed to a nonresident beneficiary changes, fill in the amended schedule oval. the estate or trust changes from a fiscal to a calendar filer; • An entity is in existence during only part of the tax year. For example, the estate or trust tax year is the initial year. See “How to File a Short-Year Return” in the PA-41, Fiduciary Income Tax Return instructions. LINE INSTRUCTIONS SECTION II SHAREHOLDER/PARTNER/ BENEFICIARY DISTRIBUTIVE SHARE OF PENNSYLVANIA-SOURCE INCOME (LOSS) LINE 1 If the beneficiary is an individual or estate or trust, enter the beneficiary’s share of income from Section 2 of PA-41 Schedule N for the beneficiary named on this PA-41 Schedule NRK-1. If the beneficiary is an entity other than an estate or trust, use the following formula to determine the amount of Pennsylvania-source income for each nonresident beneficiary: FINAL If this is the final year of distributions to the beneficiary from the estate or trust, fill in the final oval. A x B = Pennsylvania-Source Income of Nonresident Beneficiary Reported on Schedule NRK-1 Line 1. BENEFICIARY’S YEAR-END DISTRIBUTION Enter the beneficiary’s percentage of year-end distributions from the estate or trust for the ratio of the beneficiary’s taxable distribution as reported on PA-41 Schedule NRK-1, Line 4 to the total distribution as reported on PA-41, Fiduciary Income Tax Return, Line 8. A = Total distributed or distributable Pennsylvania-source income from Section 1, Line 8 of PA-41 Schedule N. If Schedule N is not required, the lesser of Line 3b or Line 14b of PA-41 Schedule DD. Valid values for input on this line include the values of “00000” to “10000”. The decimal point is implied after the third character from the left. For example: • To indicate 100 percent, enter the value as “10000”; • To indicate 33.33 percent, enter the value as “03333”; or • To indicate 25 percent, enter the value as “02500”. BENEFICIARY Fill in the oval that designates what type of beneficiary received the PA-41 NRK-1. Fill in one oval only. FISCAL YEAR If the estate or trust does not file on a calendar-year basis, fill in the oval. Enter month, day, and year (MMDDYY) when the fiscal year begins and ends. SHORT YEAR A short year is an accounting period shorter than one year (and not a 52-53 week taxable year). A short-year return is required for the following reasons: • Changes in the annual accounting period. For example, PREVIOUS PAGE Where: B = Beneficiary’s year-end distribution percentage. The beneficiary’s year-end distribution percentage is obtained by taking the actual cash or property distributions made to the beneficiary and any amounts credited or payable or required to be currently distributed to the beneficiary and dividing that sum by the amount on Line 13a of PA-41 Schedule DD. Calculate the beneficiary’s year-end distribution percentage as if the beneficiary was a resident taxpayer. CAUTION: When calculating beneficiary’s year-end distribution percentage, do not take into account: • Amounts properly paid out of corpus as a gift or bequest of a specific amount of money; • Amounts required to have been distributed in any prior taxable year; or • The market value of property distributed in kind as a gift or bequest of the specific property. LINE 2 If the beneficiary is an individual, estate, or trust, enter the beneficiary’s share of nonresident tax withheld from Section PA-41 NRK-1 RETURN TO FORM 3 4 of PA-41 Schedule N for the beneficiary named on this PA41 Schedule NRK-1. If the beneficiary is an entity other than an individual, estate, or trust, do not complete this line. If nonresident tax was withheld, include this amount on Line 17 of the PA-40, Individual Income Tax Return, for a beneficiary that is an individual or include the amount on Line 14 of the PA-41, Fiduciary Income Tax Return, for a beneficiary that is an estate or trust. the trust did not utilize all of the credit(s), enter the unused EITC and/or OSTC to be passed through to the beneficiary of the QSST. A separate statement must also be provided to the beneficiary that identifies the type(s) and amount(s) of the credit(s) included on Line 3 of PA-41 Schedule NRK-1. CAUTION: No other types of restricted tax credits are permitted to be passed through to (a) beneficiary(ies) and no other types of trusts are permitted to pass restricted tax credits through to their beneficiary(ies). LINE 3 If the trust is a Qualified Subchapter S Trust (QSST) that received an Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) and/or an Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) and 4 PA-41 NRK-1 PREVIOUS PAGE RETURN TO FORM
2024 PA-41 Schedule NRK-1 - Nonresident Schedule of Beneficiary Pass Through Income and Credits (PA-41 NRK-1)
More about the Pennsylvania Form PA-41 NRK-1 Corporate Income Tax Tax Credit TY 2024
We last updated the PA-41 Schedule NRK-1 - Nonresident Schedule of Shareholder/Partner/Beneficiary Pass Through Income, Loss, and Credits in January 2025, so this is the latest version of Form PA-41 NRK-1, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form PA-41 NRK-1 directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Pennsylvania tax forms here.
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eFiling is easier, faster, and safer than filling out paper tax forms. File your Pennsylvania and Federal tax returns online with TurboTax in minutes. FREE for simple returns, with discounts available for TaxFormFinder users!
File Now with TurboTaxRelated Pennsylvania Corporate Income Tax Forms:
TaxFormFinder has an additional 174 Pennsylvania income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms. These related forms may also be needed with the Pennsylvania Form PA-41 NRK-1.
Form Code | Form Name |
Form PA-41 | PA Fiduciary Income Tax Return |
Form PA-41 PA-V | PA-41 Payment Voucher |
Form PA-41 RK-1 | PA-41 Schedule RK-1 - Resident Schedule of Shareholder/Partner/Beneficiary Pass Through Income, Loss and Credits |
Form PA-41A | PA-41 Schedule A - Interest Income and Gambling and Lottery Winnings |
Form PA-41B | PA-41 Schedule B - Dividend and Capital Gains Distributions Income |
Form PA-41DD | PA-41 Schedule DD - Distribution Deductions |
Form PA-41 N | PA-41 Schedule N - PA-Source Income and Nonresident Tax Withheld |
Form PA-41D | PA-41 Schedule D - Sale, Exchange or Dispostion of Property |
Form PA-41N | PA-41 Schedule N - PA-Source Income and Nonresident Tax Withheld |
Form PA-41 OI IN | Instructions for PA-41 Schedule OI - Other Information |
View all 175 Pennsylvania Income Tax Forms
Form Sources:
Pennsylvania usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Pennsylvania Form PA-41 NRK-1 from the Department of Revenue in January 2025.
Form PA-41 NRK-1 is a Pennsylvania Corporate Income Tax form. States often have dozens of even hundreds of various tax credits, which, unlike deductions, provide a dollar-for-dollar reduction of tax liability. Some common tax credits apply to many taxpayers, while others only apply to extremely specific situations. In most cases, you will have to provide evidence to show that you are eligible for the tax credit, and calculate the amount of the credit to which you are entitled.
About the Corporate Income Tax
The IRS and most states require corporations to file an income tax return, with the exact filing requirements depending on the type of company.
Sole proprietorships or disregarded entities like LLCs are filed on Schedule C (or the state equivalent) of the owner's personal income tax return, flow-through entities like S Corporations or Partnerships are generally required to file an informational return equivilent to the IRS Form 1120S or Form 1065, and full corporations must file the equivalent of federal Form 1120 (and, unlike flow-through corporations, are often subject to a corporate tax liability).
Additional forms are available for a wide variety of specific entities and transactions including fiduciaries, nonprofits, and companies involved in other specific types of business.
Historical Past-Year Versions of Pennsylvania Form PA-41 NRK-1
We have a total of fourteen past-year versions of Form PA-41 NRK-1 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2024 PA-41 Schedule NRK-1 - Nonresident Schedule of Beneficiary Pass Through Income and Credits (PA-41 NRK-1)

2023 PA-41 Schedule NRK-1 - Nonresident Schedule of Shareholder/Partner/Beneficiary Pass Through Income, Loss and Credits (Form and Instructions) (PA-

2022 PA-41 Schedule NRK-1 - Nonresident Schedule of Shareholder/Partner/Beneficiary Pass Through Income, Loss and Credits (PA-41 NRK-1)

2021 PA-41 Schedule NRK-1 - Nonresident Schedule of Shareholder/Partner/Beneficiary Pass Through Income, Loss and Credits (PA-41 NRK-1)

2020 PA-41 Schedule NRK-1 - Nonresident Schedule of Shareholder/Partner/Beneficiary Pass Through Income, Loss and Credits (PA-41 NRK-1)

2019 PA-41 Schedule NRK-1 - Nonresident Schedule of Shareholder/Partner/Beneficiary Pass Through Income, Loss and Credits (PA-41 NRK-1)

2018 PA-41 Schedule NRK-1 - Nonresident Schedule of Shareholder/Partner/Beneficiary Pass Through Income, Loss and Credits (PA-41 NRK-1)

2017 PA-41 Schedule NRK-1 - Nonresident Schedule of Shareholder/Partner/Beneficiary Pass Through Income, Loss, and Credits (PA-41 NRK-1)

2016 PA-41 Schedule NRK-1 - Nonresident Schedule of Shareholder/Partner/Beneficiary Pass Through Income, Loss, and Credits (PA-41 NRK-1)

2015 PA-41 Schedule NRK-1 - Nonresident Schedule of Shareholder/Partner/Beneficiary Pass Through Income, Loss, and Credits (PA-41 NRK-1)

2014 PA-41 Schedule NRK-1 - Nonresident Schedule of Shareholder/Partner/Beneficiary Pass Through Income, Loss and Credits (PA-41 NRK-1)

2013 PA-41 Schedule NRK-1 - Nonresident Schedule of Shareholder/Partner/Beneficiary Pass Through Income, Loss and Credits (PA-41 NRK-1)

2012 PA-41 Schedule NRK-1 -Nonresident Schedule of Shareholder/Partner/Beneficiary Pass Through Income, Loss and Credits (PA-41 NRK-1)

2011 PA-41 Schedule NRK-1 -Nonresident Schedule of Shareholder/Partner/Beneficiary Pass Through Income, Loss and Credits (PA-41 NRK-1)
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While we do our best to keep our list of Pennsylvania Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.