Pennsylvania PA Schedule OC - Other Credits

Extracted from PDF file 2024-pennsylvania-form-pa-40-oc.pdf, last modified November 2011PA Schedule OC - Other Credits
IMPORTANT: FILL IN FORM MUST BE DOWNLOADED ONTO YOUR COMPUTER PRIOR TO COMPLETING 2403010057 PA SCHEDULE OC Other Credits PA-40/PA-41 OC (EX) MOD 03-24 (FI) PA Department of Revenue 2024 OFFICIAL USE ONLY IMPORTANT: This Schedule is for tax year 2024 only. If you are filing this form for a different tax year, please refer to the department's website. START Identification Number Name of the individual or fiduciary claiming the credit(s). ➜ If you received more than one type of other (restricted) credit as an owner of a pass-through entity, that entity should have provided you with a breakdown by credit type of the amounts of credits you are eligible to claim. Enter the amount from the breakdown statement on the appropriate lines of this schedule. If all tax credits listed on this schedule are passed through to you from pass-through entities and the amount on that schedule does not include a resident credit from another state, the total on Line 23 should equal the sum of the amounts of Total Other Credits from Line 9 of your RK-1(s) or Line 7 of your NRK-1(s). Credit Description Code Awardee Tax ID Number 1. PA Job Creation Tax Credit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 2. PA Research and Development Tax Credit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 3. PA Film Production Tax Credit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 4. PA Keystone Innovation Zone Tax Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 5. PA Resource Enhancement and Protection Tax Credit . . . . . . . . 5. 6. PA Neighborhood Assistance Program Tax Credit . . . . . . . . . . . 6. 7. PA Educational Improvement Tax Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. 8. PA Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. 9. Keystone Special Development Zone Tax Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. 10. Historic Preservation Incentive Tax Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. 11. PA Organ and Bone Marrow Donor Tax Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11. 12. PA Coal Refuse Energy and Reclamation Tax Credit . . . . . . . . . 12. 13. Mixed-Use Development Tax Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13. 14. Entertainment Economic Enhancement Program Tax Credit . . . 14. 15. Video Game Production Tax Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15. 16 Waterfront Development Tax Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16. 17. Manufacturing and Investment Tax Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17. 18. PA Resource Manufacturing Tax Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18. 19. Beginning Farmer Tax Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19. 20. Airport Land Development Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20. 21. Housing Tax Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21. 22. Other restricted credits not listed above. Enter type: 22. . 23. Total PA Other Credits. Add Lines 1 through 22. Enter the total here and on Line 23 of Form PA-40 or Line 16 of Form PA-41. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2403010057 Reset Entire Form TOP OF PAGE 23. 2403010057 NEXT PAGE PRINT 2024 Instructions for PA-40/PA-41 Schedule OC Other Credits PA-40/PA-41 OC IN (EX) 03-24 WHAT’S NEW Beginning tax year 2023, a taxpayer and their spouse may file a joint tax return when either the taxpayer, spouse, or both are claiming any of the credits listed on this schedule. In addition, the tax credits earned by the taxpayer may offset the tax liability of the spouse and vice versa. GENERAL INFORMATION To obtain additional information and detailed instructions regarding the other (restricted) credits claimed on this form, visit the department’s website at FORM INSTRUCTIONS If you apply for and are awarded credits listed on this schedule, enter the amount of each credit you are utilizing on the appropriate line. If you are a shareholder of a PA S corporation or a partner in a partnership, enter your share of each credit from your PA Schedule RK-1 or PA Schedule NRK-1. CREDIT DESCRIPTION CODES For each credit you are claiming, enter the Credit Description Code that applies to the credit. Choose from the following codes: • CY – for current year credits awarded directly to the taxpayer; enter the FEIN of the original pass-through entity that received the credit before it was passed through by the next pass-through entity. If an EITC or OSTC was passed through by a QSST to the beneficiary of the QSST, the beneficiary should enter the FEIN of the original pass-through entity that received the credit before it was passed through to the QSST. IMPORTANT: If you are claiming credits from a passthrough entity of which you are an owner, verify with the entity that it contacted the Bureau of Business Taxpayer Accounting, Account Maintenance Corporation Tax Division (formerly known as the Bureau of Corporation Taxes, Accounting Division), to pass through the credit. Listing the amount of credit on the owner’s individual RK-1 or NRK-1 is not sufficient to pass through the credit. Contact information for the Bureau of Business Taxpayer Accounting, Account Maintenance Corporation Tax Division is on the credit award letter. CAUTION: If you received an Out-of State Credit listed on Line 9, Other Credits, of PA Schedule RK-1, report that credit on PA-40 Schedule G-L, Resident Credit for Taxes Paid to Other States. See the instructions for PA40 Schedule G-L and PA-20S/PA-65 Schedule OC for additional information. LINE INSTRUCTIONS • PT – for credits received from pass-though entities; 1. PA Job Creation Tax Credit See Note 1 on the next page. • PA – for credits purchased from or assigned by another taxpayer; or 2. PA Research and Development Tax Credit See Note 1 on the next page. • CO – for credits carried over from a prior year. If more than one code applies for any line, submit a statement to describe the credit or credits you are claiming on this schedule. Awardee Tax ID Number: If the business or farm that is awarded the credit reports its income on PA Schedule C or PA Schedule F, respectively, enter the SSN of the taxpayer who owns the business or farm in the Awardee Tax ID Number column. If the credit is a purchased or assigned credit, enter the seller’s FEIN or SSN in the Awardee Tax ID Number column. If the credit was passed through from a pass-through entity, enter the FEIN of the pass-through entity. If an Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) or Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) was passed through by a pass-through entity to another pass-through entity, 3. PA Film Production Tax Credit See Note 1 on the next page. 4. PA Keystone Innovation Zone Tax Credit See Note 1 on the next page. 5. PA Resource Enhancement and Protection Tax Credit See Note 1 on the next page. 6. PA Neighborhood Assistance Program Tax Credit See Note 1 on the next page. 7. PA Educational Improvement Tax Credit See Note 1 on the next page. 8. PA Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit See Note 1 on the next page. PA-40/PA-41 OC PREVIOUS PAGE NEXT PAGE PRINT 1 9. Keystone Special Development Zone Tax Credit See Note 1. 10. Historic Preservation Incentive Tax Credit See Note 1. 11. PA Organ and Bone Marrow Donor Tax Credit See Note 1. 12. PA Coal Refuse Energy and Reclamation Tax Credit See Note 1. 13. Mixed-Use Development Tax Credit See Note 1. 14. Entertainment Economic Enhancement Program Tax Credit See Note 1. 15. Video Game Production Tax Credit See Note 1. 16. Waterfront Development Tax Credit See Note 1. 17. Manufacturing and Investment Tax Credit See Note 1. 18. PA Resource Manufacturing Tax Credit See Note 1. 19. Beginning Farmer Tax Credit See Note 1. 20. Airport Land Development Program See Note 1. 21. Housing Tax Credit See Note 1. 22. Other restricted credits not listed above Restricted credits are tax credits which are included in PA legislation and must be applied for with specific PA agencies. If a restricted credit is not shown above, enter the type of credit in the space provided and the amount of credit received from the awarding PA government agency. 23. Total PA Other Credits Add Lines 1 through 22. Enter the total here and on Line 23 of Form PA-40 or Line 16 of Form PA-41. 2 NOTE 1: Enter the amount of the credit you are utilizing that was: • Awarded directly to you by the PA Department of Community and Economic Development and/or PA Department of Revenue; • Passed through to you by a pass-through entity (PA S corporation, partnership, or limited liability company) that was included on Line 9 of PA Schedule RK-1 or Line 7 of PA Schedule NRK-1; or • Purchased from or assigned to you by another taxpayer. IMPORTANT: If utilizing a credit awarded directly to you, you must include a copy of the award certification letter. If utilizing a credit passed through to you by a pass-through entity, a copy of Pages 1 and 2 of the award letter must be sent to the Bureau of Business Taxpayer Accounting, Account Maintenance Corporation Tax Division, by the passthrough entity prior to the filing of the pass-through entity return. If utilizing a credit purchased from or assigned to you by another taxpayer, you must include copies of the documentation you received with respect to that purchase or assignment that supports the transfer of the credit to you. If utilizing a credit that was awarded to you in a previous tax year that was carried forward because it was not utilized, you must submit documentation of the original award and a statement showing the amounts utilized in prior tax years. NOTE: A copy of the pass-through entity awardee documentation provided to the Bureau of Business Taxpayer Accounting, Account Maintenance Corporation Tax Division may also be requested by the Bureau of Individual Taxes. To enable more timely processing of your return, you may wish to also provide the same documentation with your individual, estate, or trust return, and the returns of all other pass-through entity owners claiming the credit(s). Social Security numbers on the documentation should be redacted to the last four digits of the SSN if the information is provided to more than one pass-through entity owner. PA-40/PA-41 OC PREVIOUS PAGE RETURN TO FORM PRINT
2024 PA Schedule OC - Other Credits (PA-40/PA-41 OC)
More about the Pennsylvania Form PA-40 OC Individual Income Tax Tax Credit TY 2024
This schedule needs to be filed along with your income taxes if you qualify for and wish to request any of the following credits: Employment Incentive Payments, Job Creation, Research and Development, Film Production, Organ and Bone Marrow Donor, Keyston
We last updated the PA Schedule OC - Other Credits in February 2025, so this is the latest version of Form PA-40 OC, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form PA-40 OC directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Pennsylvania tax forms here.
eFile your Pennsylvania tax return now
eFiling is easier, faster, and safer than filling out paper tax forms. File your Pennsylvania and Federal tax returns online with TurboTax in minutes. FREE for simple returns, with discounts available for TaxFormFinder users!
File Now with TurboTaxRelated Pennsylvania Individual Income Tax Forms:
TaxFormFinder has an additional 174 Pennsylvania income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms. These related forms may also be needed with the Pennsylvania Form PA-40 OC.
Form Code | Form Name |
Form PA-40 | Pennsylvania Income Tax Return |
Form PA-40 PA-V | PA-40 Payment Voucher |
Form PA-40 A | PA Schedule A - Interest Income |
Form PA-40 SP | PA Schedule SP - Special Tax Forgiveness |
Form PA-40 UE | PA Schedule UE - Allowable Employee Business Expenses |
Form PA-40 B | PA Schedule B - Dividend Income |
PA-40 ES (Individual) | Declaration of Estimated Personal Income Tax |
PA-40 | Income Tax Return |
Form PA-40 C | PA Schedule C - Profit or Loss From Business or Profession |
Form PA-40 D | PA Schedule D - Sale, Exchange or Disposition of Property |
View all 175 Pennsylvania Income Tax Forms
Form Sources:
Pennsylvania usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Pennsylvania Form PA-40 OC from the Department of Revenue in February 2025.
Form PA-40 OC is a Pennsylvania Individual Income Tax form. States often have dozens of even hundreds of various tax credits, which, unlike deductions, provide a dollar-for-dollar reduction of tax liability. Some common tax credits apply to many taxpayers, while others only apply to extremely specific situations. In most cases, you will have to provide evidence to show that you are eligible for the tax credit, and calculate the amount of the credit to which you are entitled.
About the Individual Income Tax
The IRS and most states collect a personal income tax, which is paid throughout the year via tax withholding or estimated income tax payments.
Most taxpayers are required to file a yearly income tax return in April to both the Internal Revenue Service and their state's revenue department, which will result in either a tax refund of excess withheld income or a tax payment if the withholding does not cover the taxpayer's entire liability. Every taxpayer's situation is different - please consult a CPA or licensed tax preparer to ensure that you are filing the correct tax forms!
Historical Past-Year Versions of Pennsylvania Form PA-40 OC
We have a total of fourteen past-year versions of Form PA-40 OC in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2024 PA Schedule OC - Other Credits (PA-40/PA-41 OC)

PA Schedule OC - Other Credits (PA-40/PA-41 OC)

2022 PA Schedule OC - Other Credits (PA-40/PA-41 OC)

PA Schedule OC - Other Credits (PA-40/PA-41 OC)

PA Schedule OC - Other Credits (PA-40/PA-41 OC)

PA Schedule OC - Other Credits (PA-40/PA-41 OC)

PA Schedule OC - Other Credits (PA-40-OC)

PA Schedule OC - Other Credits (PA-40 OC)

2015 PA Schedule OC - Other Credits (PA-40 OC)

2014 PA Schedule OC - Other Credits (PA-40 OC)

2013 PA Schedule OC - Other Credits (PA-40 OC)

2012 PA Schedule OC - Other Credits (PA-40 OC)

2011 PA Schedule OC -Other Credits (PA-40 OC)
TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:
While we do our best to keep our list of Pennsylvania Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.