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North Dakota Free Printable Schedule 38-TC 2024 for 2025 North Dakota Corporation Tax Credits

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Corporation Tax Credits
Schedule 38-TC 2024

TAX CREDITS OFFICE OF STATE TAX COMMISSIONER Schedule 38-TC SFN 28701 (12-2024) 2024 Attach to Form 38 Name of Estate or Trust Federal Employer Identification Number Important! All taxpayers must read this section. If claiming a credit on line 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6a, 7a, 7b, 8, 9a, or 14a of this schedule, this section must be completed. See "Property tax clearance" in instructions for details. ► Does estate or trust hold a 50% or more ownership interest in real property located in North Dakota? Yes If yes, enter name of each North Dakota county in which the estate or trust holds a 50% or more interest in real property: __________________________________________________________________________________ Attach to Form 38 the completed Property Tax Clearance Record obtained from each county identified above. For each credit, enter the total credit earned or received by the estate or trust on the applicable line, regardless of whether a portion of the credit is allocated to the beneficiaries. If a portion of any credit is allocated to the beneficiaries, report the allocated amount on page 2, line 22b. See separate instructions for more information. 1. Renaissance zone tax credit (Attach Schedule RZ) 1 2. Agricultural commodity processing facility investment tax credit (Attach documentation) 2 3. Seed capital investment tax credit (Attach documentation) 3 4. Biodiesel or green diesel fuel blending tax credit (Attach documentation) 4 5. Biodiesel or green diesel fuel sales equipment tax credit (Attach documentation) 5 6. a. Employer internship program tax credit (Attach documentation) 6a b. Number of eligible interns employed in 2024 6b c. Total compensation paid to eligible interns in 2024 6c 7. a. Research expense tax credit (Attach documentation) 7a b. Research expense tax credit purchased from another taxpayer in 2024 8. Angel fund investment tax credit carryover - only for unused credits attributable to investments made in angel funds organized and certified before July 1, 2017 (Attach documentation) 9. a. Workforce recruitment tax credit (Attach documentation) 7b 8 9a b. Number of eligible employees whose 12th month of employment ended in 2023 tax year 9b c. Total compensation paid for first 12 months of employment to eligible employees included on line 9b 9c 10. Geothermal energy device tax credit (only for devices installed on or after January 1, 2009, and before January 1, 2015): (Attach documentation) a. Date on which installation of device was completedenter as follows: mm/dd/yyyy 10a b. Amount of unused credit carryover 10b 11. Tax credit for wages paid to a mobilized employee (Attach Schedule ME) 12. a. Endowment fund tax credit from Schedule QEC, line 7 (Attach Schedule QEC) b. Contribution amount from Schedule QEC, line 4 13. Housing incentive fund tax credit carryover (Attach documentation) 14. a. Automation tax credit b. Automation tax credit carryover 12a 12b c. Endowment fund tax credit from ND Schedule K-1 (Attach ND Schedule K-1) d. Contribution amount from ND Schedule K-1 11 12c 12d 13 14a 14b No 2024 Schedule 38-TC SFN 28701 (12-2024), Page 2 15. Nonprofit private primary school contribution tax credit (Attach documentation) 15 16. Nonprofit private high school contribution tax credit (Attach documentation) 16 17. Nonprofit private college contribution tax credit (Attach documentation) 17 18. Developmentally disabled/mentally ill employee tax credit (Attach documentation) 18 19. Maternity home, child placing agency, or pregnancy help center credit (Attach Schedule MCP) 19 20. a. Apprentice tax credit (Attach documentation) 20a b. Number of eligible apprentices employed in 2024 20b c. Total compensation paid to eligible apprentices in 2024 20c 21. Add lines 1 through 6a, 7a through 9a, 10b through 12a, 12c, and 13 through 20a 22. a. Amount of line 21 retained by estate or trust. Enter this amount on Form 38, page 1, line 3 b. Amount of line 21 allocated to the beneficiaries. Enter the amount from this line on the beneficiaries' Schedule K-1 (Form 38) forms. See instructions for completing Schedule K-1 (Form 38) 22b 21 22a 2024 Schedule 38-TC SFN 28701 (12-2024), Page 3 General instructions If a fiduciary claims an income tax credit (other than the credit for income tax paid to another state or local jurisdiction), Schedule 38-TC must be completed and attached to Form 38. Supporting documentation. If the instructions do not specify an officially-prescribed schedule for a particular credit, a fiduciary must attach documentation to support eligibility for the credit and to show how the credit was calculated, including the use of an unused credit carried over from another tax year. In the case of a credit received from an estate, trust, partnership, S corporation, or a limited liability company treated like a partnership or S corporation, attach a copy of the North Dakota Schedule K-1. Property Tax Clearance North Dakota Century Code § 57-01-15.1 provides that, before certain state tax incentives may be claimed, a taxpayer must obtain a property tax clearance record from each North Dakota county in which the taxpayer holds a 50% or more ownership interest in real property. The property tax clearance record(s) must be attached to the North Dakota tax return on which the incentive is claimed. The credits subject to this requirement are identified in the box at the top of the schedule. If you are claiming any of the specified credits, you must complete the property tax clearance section at the top of the schedule. If you are required to attach a property tax clearance record from a county, obtain one by using the form Property Tax Clearance Record available on the North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner’s website at www.tax.nd.gov. Automation credit from a qualifying purchase under N.D.C.C. 57-38-01.41 made in 2023 and after requires the Property Tax Clearance record(s). Credit under N.D.C.C. § 57-38-01.36 for tax years 2019-2022 does not require a property tax clearance record. Disclosure notification Upon written request from the chairman of a North Dakota legislative standing committee or Legislative Management, the law requires the Office of State Tax Commissioner to disclose the amount of any deduction or credit claimed on a tax return. Any other confidential information, such as a taxpayer’s name or social security number, may not be disclosed. Specific line instructions On lines 1 through 20a, enter the total credit earned or received by the estate or trust on the applicable line, regardless of whether a portion of the credit is allocated to a beneficiary. If a portion of any credit is allocated to a beneficiary, also report the allocated amount on line 22b. Line 1 - Renaissance zone credit Enter on this line credits allowed under the North Dakota Renaissance Zone Program. For more information, see the Renaissance Zone Act Tax Incentives Guideline and Schedule RZ. Attach Schedule RZ. Line 2 - Ag commodity processsing facility investment credit If the estate or trust made a qualified investment in a business certified for the agricultural commodity processing facility investment credit program, enter the allowable credit on this line. The credit is equal to 30% of the total qualified investments made directly to a certified business during the 2024 tax year. Include on this line an agricultural commodity processing facility investment credit from a North Dakota Schedule K-1. If the estate or trust is unable to use all of a credit based on investments made during the 2024 tax year, the estate or trust may carry the unused credit amount over to subsequent years’ returns for up to 10 tax years. Unused credit carryover from a prior tax year. Include on this line an unused credit carried over from a prior tax year. Any unused credits based on investments made in tax years prior to 2014 are no longer allowed and may not be claimed on the 2024 tax return. Unused credits based on investments made in tax years 2014 through 2023 are allowed on the 2024 return, subject to the annual and lifetime limitations— see below. Annual limit. Of the total credits available for use on the 2024 return, including unused credit carryover from tax year 2014 and after, no more than $50,000 may be used on the 2024 return. Lifetime credit limit. A taxpayer is allowed no more than $250,000 in credits based on investments made in tax years 2005 and after. Attach a copy of the Ag Commodity Processing Facility Investment Reporting Form received from the certified business. Line 3 - Seed capital investment credit If the estate or trust made a qualified investment in a business certified for the seed capital investment credit program, enter the allowable credit on this line. The credit is equal to 45% of the total qualified investments made directly to a certified business during the 2024 tax year. Include on this line a seed capital investment credit from a North Dakota Schedule K-1. If an estate or trust is unable to use all of a credit based on investments made during the 2024 tax year, the estate or trust may carry the unused credit amount over to subsequent years’ returns for up to 4 tax years. Unused credit carryover from a prior tax year. Also include on this line an unused credit carried over from a prior tax year. Any unused credits based on investments made in tax years prior to 2020 are no longer allowed and may not be claimed on the 2024 tax return. 2024 Schedule 38-TC SFN 28701 (12-2024), Page 4 Unused credits based on investments made in tax years 2020 through 2023 are allowed on the 2024 return, subject to the annual limitation—see below. Annual limit. Of the total credits available for use on the 2024 return, including unused credit carryovers from tax years 2020 and after, no more than $112,500 may be used on the 2024 return. Attach a copy of the Qualified Seed Capital Business Investment Reporting Form received from the certified business. Line 4 - Biodiesel or green diesel fuel blending credit A tax credit is allowed to a North Dakota licensed fuel supplier (wholesaler) business that blends biodiesel or green diesel fuel in North Dakota with a minimum 5% blend (“B5”) meeting ASTM specifications. The credit is equal to $0.05 per gallon blended. Enter the allowable credit on this line. Include on this line a biodiesel or green diesel fuel blending credit from a North Dakota Schedule K-1. Also include on this line an unused credit carried over from tax years 2019 and after. The unused portion of a 2024 credit may be carried over to subsequent years’ returns for up to five tax years. Line 5 - Biodiesel or green diesel fuel sales equipment credit A tax credit is allowed to a North Dakota licensed fuel seller (retailer) of biodiesel or green diesel fuel that adapts or adds equipment to the seller’s facility in North Dakota to enable it to sell biodiesel or green diesel with a minimum 2% blend (“B2”) meeting ASTM specifications. The credit is equal to 10% of the costs to adapt or add the qualifying equipment. The credit is allowed in each of five tax years, starting with the tax year in which sales of the eligible fuel begin. Eligible costs incurred before the tax year in which sales of the eligible biodiesel fuel begin may be included. Enter the allowable credit on this line. Include on this line a biodiesel or green diesel fuel sales equipment credit from a North Dakota Schedule K-1. Also include on this line an unused credit carried over from tax years 2019 and after. The unused portion of a 2024 credit may be carried over to subsequent years’ returns for up to five tax years. (This five-year unused credit carryover period applies to each of the five tax years in which the credit is allowed.) Lifetime credit limit. No more than $50,000 in total tax credits is allowed for eligible costs incurred in all tax years. Line 6 - Employer internship program credit A tax credit is allowed based on compensation paid to an eligible college student hired as an intern under a qualifying internship program set up in North Dakota. The credit is equal to 10% of the compensation paid during the tax year. The credit is allowed for up to five eligible interns in a tax year. The intern must be enrolled in an institution of higher education or vocational technical education program in a major field of study closely related to the work to be performed and must be supervised and evaluated by the employer. The internship must qualify for academic credit. Lifetime credit limit. No more than $3,000 in total tax credits is allowed for eligible wages paid in all tax years. Line 6a. Enter the allowable credit on this line. Include on this line an employer internship program credit from a North Dakota Schedule K-1. Attach a schedule listing the names of the employees, their social security numbers, and wages paid. If the credit is received through a passthrough entity, attach a copy of the statement received from the passthrough entity. Line 6b. Enter the number of eligible interns employed during the 2024 tax year. Disregard this line if the credit is from a North Dakota Schedule K-1. Line 6c. Enter on this line the total amount of wages, salaries, or other compensation paid to eligible interns employed during the 2024 tax year (as shown on their 2024 Form W-2s). Disregard this line if the credit is from a North Dakota Schedule K-1. Line 7 - Research expense credit A tax credit is allowed for conducting qualified research activity in North Dakota. The credit is allowed on the excess of qualified research expenses over a base amount. The terms “qualified research expenses” and “base amount” have the same meanings as those defined under Internal Revenue Code § 41, except that they do not include research activity or sales outside North Dakota. The credit is equal to a percentage of the excess of North Dakota qualified research expenses over the North Dakota base amount for the tax year. On the first $100,000 of excess North Dakota qualified research expenses, the percentage is 25%. On excess North Dakota qualified research expenses over $100,000, the percentage is 8%. Alternative simplified method. For tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2019, a taxpayer may elect to use an alternative simplified method to calculate the credit on North Dakota qualified research expenses. This election may be made regardless of the method used to calculate the federal research credit. A taxpayer may choose between the regular method and the alternative simplified method each tax year, and the method used for a tax year is binding for that tax year. If the alternative simplified method is elected, the North Dakota research credit is equal to the sum of the following amounts:  17.5% of the first $100,000 of North Dakota alternative excess research and development expenses for the year.  5.6% of the North Dakota alternative excess research and development expenses in excess of $100,000 for the year. “North Dakota alternative excess research and development expenses” means the amount by which qualified research expenses incurred in North Dakota exceed 50% of the average qualified research expenses incurred in North Dakota for the three tax years preceding the tax year for which the credit is being determined. If a taxpayer has zero qualified research expenses in any of the three preceding tax years, the credit is equal to 7.5% of the first $100,000 of qualified research expenses plus 2.4% of qualified research expenses in excess of $100,000. 2024 Schedule 38-TC SFN 28701 (12-2024), Page 5 Unused credit. If a taxpayer is unable to use the entire credit based on qualified research during the 2024 tax year, the taxpayer must carry the unused credit back to the three previous tax years’ returns and then forward to subsequent years’ returns for up to 15 tax years. The unused credit must be carried back to the earliest tax year first, and then to each succeeding tax year. Election to sell, assign, or transfer unused credit. If a taxpayer obtains certification as a qualified research and development company, the taxpayer may elect to sell, assign, or transfer unused credits to another taxpayer. For the conditions and procedures, including the reporting requirements, see N.D.C.C. § 57-38-30.5. Application for certification must be made to the North Dakota Commerce Department’s Division of Economic Development and Finance (EDF). Line 7a. Enter the allowable credit on this line. Include on this line a research credit from a North Dakota Schedule K-1 and an unused credit carried over from a prior tax year. Do not include on this line any research credit obtained from another taxpayer through a sale, assignment, or transfer in 2024—report this amount on line 7b. Line 7b. Enter on this line a research credit obtained from a qualified research and development company through a sale, assignment, or transfer in 2024. Line 8 - Angel fund investment credit carryover Important! This line is only for an unused credit attributable to investments made in angel funds organized and certified before July 1, 2017. Enter on this line a carryover of an unused angel fund credit that is attributable to an investment made in tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2015, but made no later than June 30, 2017. Lifetime credit limit. For investments made in angel funds on or after January 1, 2013, and before July 1, 2017, a taxpayer is allowed no more than $500,000 in total credits attributable to the taxpayer’s own investments and any credits the taxpayer receives from a partnership, S corporation, or other passthrough entity that invested in an angel fund. Line 9 - Workforce recruitment credit A tax credit is allowed to an employer for using extraordinary recruitment methods to recruit and hire employees for hard-to-fill positions in North Dakota. The credit is equal to 5% of the compensation paid during the first 12 consecutive months to the employee hired to fill a hard-to-fill position. The credit is allowed in the first tax year following the tax year in which the employee completes the 12th consecutive month of employment. To be eligible for the credit, the employer must pay an annual salary that is at least 125% of North Dakota’s average wage as published by Job Service North Dakota and must have employed all of the following recruitment methods for at least six months to fill a position for which the credit is claimed: 1. Contracted with a professional recruiter for a fee. 2. Advertised in a professional trade journal, magazine, or other publication directed at a particular trade or profession. 3. Provided employment information on a website for a fee. 4. Offered to pay a signing bonus, moving expenses, or non-typical fringe benefits. The employer must provide a statement to the employee hired to fill the hardto-fill position containing the following: 1. Name of employer. 2. Federal employer identification number of employer. 3. Statement that employer qualifies for the workforce recruitment credit based on the employee’s employment. 4. Amount of signing bonus, moving expense, or non-typical fringe benefit payment. 5. Statement that the payment of the bonus, moving expenses, or fringe benefit may be deductible on the employee’s North Dakota income tax return. If a taxpayer is unable to use all of a credit first allowed in the 2024 tax year, the taxpayer may carry the unused credit amount over to subsequent years’ returns for up to five tax years. Line 9a. Enter the allowable credit on this line. Include on this line a workforce recruitment credit from a North Dakota Schedule K-1. Also include an unused credit carried over from tax years 2019 and after. Attach a schedule listing the names of the employees, their social security numbers, wages paid, and employment start date. If the credit is received through a passthrough entity, attach a copy of the statement received from the passthrough entity. Line 9b. Enter the number of eligible employees whose first 12 months of employment ended within the 2023 tax year. Disregard this line if the credit is from a North Dakota Schedule K-1. Line 9c. For the eligible employees included on line 9b, enter the total compensation paid during the first 12 consecutive months of employment. Disregard this line if the credit is from a North Dakota Schedule K-1. Line 10 - Geothermal energy device credit Complete this line only if (1) a qualifying geothermal energy device was installed on or after January 1, 2009, and before January 1, 2015, (2) part or all of the allowable credit was retained by the estate or trust, and (3) the estate or trust is carrying an unused credit attributable to the installation over to the 2024 tax year. Line 11 - Credit for wages paid to a mobilized employee Enter on this line the credit allowed for continued payment of compensation to an employee who is a member of the National Guard or Reserve while the employee is mobilized for federal active military duty during the tax year. Include on this line a credit for wages paid to a mobilized employee from a North Dakota Schedule K-1. For more information, see Schedule ME. Attach Schedule ME. 2024 Schedule 38-TC SFN 28701 (12-2024), Page 6 Line 12 - Endowment fund credit A tax credit is allowed for making a contribution to a qualified endowment fund. For more information, see Schedule QEC (for filers of Forms 38, 40, 58, and 60). Attach Schedule QEC. Note: If the estate or trust is carrying over an unused endowment fund credit from a prior tax year, enter it on the 2024 Schedule QEC, line 6. Lines 12a and 12b. Enter on these lines the applicable amounts from Schedule QEC. Lines 12c and 12d. Enter on these lines an endowment credit and the related contribution amount shown on a North Dakota Schedule K-1 received from a partnership, S corporation, estate, or trust. Line 13 - Housing incentive fund credit carryover Enter on this line an unused housing incentive fund credit carried over from tax years 2011 through 2016. Line 14a - Automation credit If the estate or trust qualified for the automation tax credit under N.D.C.C § 57-38-01.41, enter on this line the amount of the credit shown on the credit approval letter issued to the estate or trust by the Office of State Tax Commissioner. Include on this line an automation credit from a North Dakota Schedule K-1. The unused portion of a 2024 credit may be carried over to subsequent years’ returns for up to five tax years. Line 14b – Automation credit carryover The unused/unexpired portion of the credit may be carried over to subsequent years’ returns for up to five tax years. Enter on this line the amount of credit carried over from a prior year. Attach the Property Tax Clearance Record for carryover originating in 2023. A property tax clearance record is not required for automation credit carryover from tax years 2019-2022. Lines 15 through 17 - Nonprofit private school tax credits Tax credits are allowed for making charitable contributions to qualifying nonprofit private primary schools, high schools, and colleges located in North Dakota. A separate credit is allowed for each of the three categories of school—primary school, high school, and college. For each category of school, the credit equals 50% of the contributions made to all eligible schools within the category. For a list of the eligible schools within each of the three categories of schools, see the table on page 7 of these instructions. For an estate or trust, the rules that apply depend on whether the estate or trust acquires the credit by making a direct contribution to a qualifying school or by holding an interest in a passthrough entity that contributed to a qualifying school. A passthrough entity means an estate, trust, partnership, S corporation, or a limited liability company treated like a partnership or S corporation. Acquisition of credit by making a direct contribution. If an estate or trust acquires a credit by making a direct contribution to a qualifying school, the entire credit must be allocated to its beneficiaries. Report each beneficiary’s share of the allocated credit on the beneficiary’s North Dakota Schedule K-1. To qualify, a contribution must be made directly to, or specifically designated for the exclusive use of, a qualifying school. School network or organization. If a contribution is made payable to the account or fund of a school network or organization that governs or benefits multiple schools, the contribution will qualify only if the estate or trust specifically designates it for the use of a qualifying school, and the network or organization separately accounts for the funds on behalf of that school. The estate or trust must obtain a statement from the network or organization that identifies the qualifying school and the amount contributed to it. If the qualifying school falls into both the primary and high school categories, also see the next paragraph. Schools in both primary and high school categories. If a contribution is made to a qualifying school that provides education in one or more grades in both the primary school category (kindergarten through 8th grades) and the high school category (9th through 12th grades), a separate credit is allowed for the portion of the contribution designated for use within each school category. The estate or trust must obtain a statement from the qualifying school or the school network or organization that identifies the qualifying school and shows the amount contributed within each category of school. If the estate or trust does not obtain a statement, one-half of the total contribution will be deemed to have been made to each category of school. Election. An estate or trust may elect, on a contribution by contribution basis, to treat a contribution as having been made during the 2024 tax year if it is made on or before the due date, including extensions, for filing the 2024 Form 38. If this election is made for any contribution, attach a statement to the return containing the following: 1. A statement indicating that the election is being made. 2. Name of qualifying school. 3. Date of contribution. 4. Amount of contribution. Acquisition of credit by holding an interest in a passthrough entity. If an estate or trust acquires a credit by holding an interest in a passthrough entity, the rules that apply depend on whether the estate or trust retains the credit or allocates the credit to its beneficiaries. In the case of a credit received from a passthrough entity, an estate or trust may retain part or all of the credit. If the estate or trust allocates any part of the credit to its beneficiaries, report each beneficiary’s share of the allocated credit on the beneficiary’s North Dakota Schedule K-1. If the estate or trust retains any part of the credit, the amount of the credit that the estate or trust may claim within each school category is limited to the lesser of the following amounts:  The amount of the credit retained by the estate or trust.  50% of the tax on Form 38, page 1, line 1.  $2,500. 2024 Schedule 38-TC SFN 28701 (12-2024), Page 7 Completing lines 15 through 17. Enter the credit for each school category on the applicable line. Include both the portion allocated to the beneficiaries and the portion retained by the estate or trust. In the case of a credit received from a passthrough entity (on North Dakota Schedule K-1) that is retained by the estate or trust, only include the amount of the credit allowed after applying the limitations. Line 18 - Credit for hiring an individual with a developmental disability or mental illness A tax credit is available for employing an individual with a developmental disability or mental illness. To qualify, an employer must apply for and obtain certification from the North Dakota Department of Human Services, Vocational Rehabilitation Division, that the individual has a severe disability, is eligible for the agency’s services, and requires customized or supported employment to become employed. The credit is equal to 25% of the wages paid to the individual during the tax year, up to a maximum credit of $1,500 per eligible employee. Include on this line a developmentally disabled/ mentally ill employee credit from a North Dakota Schedule K-1. The total credit amount, including any credit from a North Dakota Schedule K-1, that a taxpayer may claim in a tax year may not exceed 50% of the taxpayer’s tax liability before credits. Attach a copy of the certification letter from Human Services. A copy of the letter is not required if the credit is from a North Dakota Schedule K-1. Line 19 – Maternity home, child placing agency, or pregnancy help center credit A tax credit is allowed for contributions to the following organizations: (1) a child placing agency licensed by the North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services (DHS), (2) a nonprofit maternity home located in North Dakota, or (3) a pregnancy help center recognized by DHS. The credit is equal to 100% of the contribution and is limited to 50% of a taxpayer’s tax liability. Enter on this line the amount from Schedule MCP, line 8. (Attach Schedule MCP) The credit is available to corporations, individuals, estates, trusts, and passthrough entities. A tax credit earned by a passthrough entity is passed through and allowed to each owner in proportion to their respective interests in the passthrough entity. Also include on this line any credit from a North Dakota Schedule K-1. (Attach North Dakota Schedule K-1) Unused credit. There is no carryover provision to succeeding tax years. Line 20 – Apprentice tax credit A tax credit is available for compensation paid by a taxpayer to an apprentice. The credit equals 10% of the stipend or salary paid to a qualified apprentice employed in North Dakota. The apprentice must be in an apprenticeship program certified by the U.S. Department of Labor or be an electrical apprentice registered under North Dakota law. The credit is allowed for up to five apprentices employed by the taxpayer at the same time. The credit allowed may not exceed a taxpayer’s liability for tax. There is no carryback or carryforward provision for amounts exceeding a taxpayer’s liability for the taxable year. Lifetime credit limit. A taxpayer is allowed no more than $3,000 in total tax credits for eligible wages paid in all tax years. Line 20a. Enter the allowable credit on this line. Also include on this line an employer apprentice program credit from a North Dakota Schedule K-1. Attach a schedule listing the names of the employees, their social security numbers, wages paid, and employment start date. If the credit is received through a passthrough entity, attach a copy of the statement received from the passthrough entity. Line 20b. Enter the number of eligible apprentices employed during the 2024 tax year. Disregard this line if the credit is from a North Dakota Schedule K-1. Line 20c. Enter on this line the total amount of wages, salaries, or other compensation paid to qualified apprentices employed during the 2024 tax year (as shown on their 2024 Form W-2’s). Disregard this line if the credit is from a North Dakota Schedule K-1. 2024 Schedule 38-TC SFN 28701 (12-2024), Page 8 Qualified nonprofit private schools (for Schedule 38-TC, lines 15 through 17) For purposes of the credits on Schedule 38-TC, lines 15 through 17, the following lists the qualifying schools in each school category. (Note: These lists are subject to change.) Primary Schools (Grades K through 8) Anne Carlsen Center (Jamestown) Bishop Ryan Catholic School (Minot) Brentwood Adventist Christian School (Bismarck) Capstone Classical Academy (Fargo) Cathedral of the Holy Spirit Elementary School (Bismarck) Children’s Montessori Center (Fargo) Christ the King Catholic Montessori School (Mandan) Dakota Memorial School (Minot) Dakota Montessori School (Fargo) Forest River School (Fordville) Full Circle Academy (Fargo) Grace Lutheran Elementary School (Fargo) Hillcrest SDA School (Jamestown) Holy Family – St. Mary’s Elementary School (Grand Forks) Holy Spirit Elementary School (Fargo) Hope Christian Academy (Dickinson) Invitation Hill Adventist School (Dickinson) Johnson Corners Christian Academy (Watford City) Little Flower Elementary School (Rugby) Martin Luther School (Bismarck) Nativity Elementary School (Fargo) New Testament Baptist Christian School (Larimore) Oak Grove Lutheran Elementary School (Fargo) Our Redeemer’s Christian School (Minot) Prairie Learning Education Center (Raleigh) Prairie Voyager Adventist School (Grand Forks) School of the Holy Family (Mandan) Shanley High-Sacred Heart Middle School (Fargo) Shiloh Christian School (Bismarck) SonShine Elementary (Minot) St. Alphonsus Elementary School (Langdon) St. Anne Elementary School (Bismarck) St. Ann’s Catholic School (Belcourt) St. Bernard Mission School (Fort Yates) St. Catherine Elementary School (Valley City) St. John’s Academy (Jamestown) St. John’s Elementary School (Wahpeton) St. Joseph Elementary School (Mandan) St. Joseph Elementary School (Devils Lake) St. Joseph’s Elementary School (Williston) St. Mary’s Academy (Bismarck) St. Mary’s Elementary School (Bismarck) St. Michael’s Elementary School (Grand Forks) St. Monica’s Montessori (Fargo) The Innovation School (Bismarck) Trinity Elementary East School (Dickinson) Trinity Elementary North School (Dickinson) Trinity Elementaryy School (West Fargo) Trinity Elementary West School (Dickinson) Trinity Jr/High School (Dickinson) Valley City Christian School (Valley City) Victory Christian School (Jamestown) Williston Trinity Christian School (Williston) High Schools (Grades 9 through 12) Anne Carlsen Center (Jamestown) Bishop Ryan Catholic School (Minot) Dakota Adventist Academy (Bismarck) Dakota Memorial School (Minot) Hope Christian Academy (Dickinson) Johnson Corners Christian Academy (Watford City) New Testament Baptist Christian School (Larimore) Oak Grove Lutheran Middle/High School (Fargo) Our Redeemer’s Christian School (Minot) Prairie Learning Education Center (Raleigh) School of the Holy Family (Mandan) Shanley High-Sacred Heart Middle School (Fargo) Shiloh Christian School (Bismarck) St. Mary’s Central High School (Bismarck) Trinity Jr/High School (Dickinson) Williston Trinity Christian School (Williston) Colleges (Education above 12th grade) Jamestown College (Jamestown) Trinity Bible College (Ellendale) Turtle Mountain Community College (Belcourt) United Tribes Technical College (Bismarck) University of Mary (Bismarck) ND Independent College Fund (Bismarck)
Extracted from PDF file 2024-north-dakota-schedule-38-tc.pdf, last modified September 2024

More about the North Dakota Schedule 38-TC Corporate Income Tax Tax Credit TY 2024

We last updated the Corporation Tax Credits in February 2025, so this is the latest version of Schedule 38-TC, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Schedule 38-TC directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other North Dakota tax forms here.

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Schedule 38-UT Calculation of Interest on Underpayment or Late Payment of Estimated Income Tax for Estates and Trusts

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Form Sources:

North Dakota usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated North Dakota Schedule 38-TC from the Office of State Tax Commissioner in February 2025.

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Schedule 38-TC is a North Dakota Corporate Income Tax form. States often have dozens of even hundreds of various tax credits, which, unlike deductions, provide a dollar-for-dollar reduction of tax liability. Some common tax credits apply to many taxpayers, while others only apply to extremely specific situations. In most cases, you will have to provide evidence to show that you are eligible for the tax credit, and calculate the amount of the credit to which you are entitled.

About the Corporate Income Tax

The IRS and most states require corporations to file an income tax return, with the exact filing requirements depending on the type of company.

Sole proprietorships or disregarded entities like LLCs are filed on Schedule C (or the state equivalent) of the owner's personal income tax return, flow-through entities like S Corporations or Partnerships are generally required to file an informational return equivilent to the IRS Form 1120S or Form 1065, and full corporations must file the equivalent of federal Form 1120 (and, unlike flow-through corporations, are often subject to a corporate tax liability).

Additional forms are available for a wide variety of specific entities and transactions including fiduciaries, nonprofits, and companies involved in other specific types of business.

Historical Past-Year Versions of North Dakota Schedule 38-TC

We have a total of four past-year versions of Schedule 38-TC in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2024 Schedule 38-TC

Schedule 38-TC 2024

2023 Schedule 38-TC

Schedule 38-TC (2023)

2022 Schedule 38-TC

Schedule 38-TC - Tax Credits (2022)

2021 Schedule 38-TC

Schedule 38-TC 2021 - Tax Credits

TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:

While we do our best to keep our list of North Dakota Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/northdakota/schedule-38-tc