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North Dakota Free Printable Schedule K-1 (Form 60) 2024 for 2025 North Dakota Form 60-K1 - Shareholder's Share of ND Income, Deductions, Adjustments, Credits

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Form 60-K1 - Shareholder's Share of ND Income, Deductions, Adjustments, Credits
Schedule K-1 (Form 60) 2024

SCHEDULE K-1 (FORM 60) OFFICE OF STATE TAX COMMISSIONER SFN 28738 (12-2024) Final Amended 2024 Corporation's tax year: Calendar year 2024 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 2024) 9. Employer internship program credit Fiscal year: Beginning _________, 2024, Ending _________, 20____ Shareholder's Share of North Dakota Income (Loss), Deductions, Adjustments, Credits, and Other Items See separate instructions Part 1 10. Research expense credit 11. a. Endowment fund credit (Schedule QEC) b. Contribution amount (Schedule QEC) c. Endowment fund credit (ND Schedule K-1) Corporation information d. Contribution amount (ND Schedule K-1) A Corporation's federal EIN 12. Workforce recruitment credit 13. Wages paid to mobilized employee credit B Corporation's name, address, city, state, and ZIP code 14. Nonprofit private primary school credit 15. Nonprofit private high school credit Part 2 16. Nonprofit private college credit Shareholder information 17. Angel investor credit (for investments made after June 30, 2017) C Shareholder's SSN or FEIN (from Federal Schedule K-1) 18. Automation credit D Shareholder's name, address, city, state, and ZIP code (from Federal Schedule K-1) 19. Develop. disabled/mentally ill employee credit 20. Maternity home, child placing agency, or pregnancy help center credit 21. Apprentice tax credit E What type of entity is this shareholder? ____________________________ Part 4 F If shareholder is an individual, estate, or trust, shareholder is a: Full-year resident of North Dakota Part-year resident of North Dakota Full-year nonresident of North Dakota G Is this an eligible nonresident shareholder who elected to be included in a composite filing? Yes H Shareholder's percentage of stock ownership for tax year (from Federal Schedule K-1) : ____________% Part 3 All shareholders: North Dakota adjustments and tax credits No Nonresident individual, estate, or trust shareholder: North Dakota income (loss) 22. Corporation's apportionment factor 23. Ordinary income (loss) 24. Net rental real estate income (loss) 25. Other net rental income (loss) 26. Interest income 27. Ordinary dividends 28. Royalties 29. Net short-term capital gain (loss) 1. Interest from U.S. obligations 2. Renaissance zone income exemption 3. New or expanding business exemption 4. Renaissance zone: a. Historic property preservation credit b. Renaissance fund organization credit c. Nonparticipating property owner credit 30. Net long-term capital gain 31. Net section 1231 gain (loss) 32. Other income 33. Section 179 deduction 34. Other deductions 35. I.R.C. § 179 property disposition gain (loss) All nonresident shareholders: North Dakota income tax withheld or composite tax paid 5. Seed capital investment credit Part 5 6. Agricultural commodity processing facility investment credit 36. ND distributive share of income (loss) 7. Biodiesel/green diesel fuel blending credit 8. Biodiesel/green diesel fuel sales equipment credit 37. North Dakota income tax withheld 38. North Dakota composite income tax 2024 Schedule K-1 Instructions for Shareholder SFN 28738 (12-2024), Page 2 Purpose of form North Dakota Schedule K-1 (Form 60) is a supplemental schedule provided by an S corporation to its shareholders. It provides information the shareholders may need to complete their North Dakota income tax returns. Resident individual, estate, and trust. If you are a North Dakota resident individual, estate, or trust, your entire distributive share of income from the corporation is subject to North Dakota income tax. You received this schedule only to show your distributive share of the corporation’s North Dakota statutory adjustments and tax credits (see Part 3). Nonresident individual, estate, or trust. If you are a nonresident individual, estate, or trust, you are subject to North Dakota income tax on your distributive share of the corporation’s income that is apportioned and allocated to North Dakota. You received this schedule to show your distributive share of North Dakota income, gains, losses, and deductions (see Part 4); North Dakota statutory adjustments and tax credits (see Part 3); and North Dakota income tax withheld or paid on your North Dakota distributive share of income (see Part 5). General instructions The instructions for Parts 3 through 5 of this schedule show where to report the information from Schedule K-1 (Form 60) on your North Dakota income tax return. Tax year. References to a North Dakota form and line number contained in these instructions are references to the form in use for the 2024 calendar year. However, if you file your return on a calendar year basis, but the corporation files its return on a fiscal year basis, report the amounts on your return for the year in which the corporation’s fiscal year ends. For example, if the corporation has a fiscal year ending in February 2025, report the amounts from the 2024 Schedule K-1 (Form 60) on your 2025 tax return. The corporation’s tax year is shown at the top of the schedule. Composite filing election. If you elected to include your North Dakota distributive share of income in a composite filing by the corporation, the information provided on the schedule is only for your information. Retain the schedule for your tax records. The composite income tax paid by the corporation satisfies your North Dakota income tax filing and payment obligations with respect to your North Dakota distributive income from the corporation. If you later choose to revoke your composite filing election and file your own North Dakota income tax return, follow the instructions to Parts 3 through 5 to transfer the amounts from the schedule to your return. Amended Schedule K-1 (Form 60). If you receive an amended North Dakota Schedule K-1 from the corporation, you generally must file an amended North Dakota income tax return to report the revised information. Attach a copy of the amended Schedule K-1 to your amended North Dakota income tax return. If you previously elected to be included in a composite filing, and you are not changing that election, no action is required and you should retain the amended Schedule K-1 for your tax records. Specific instructions Part 3 All shareholders–North Dakota adjustments and tax credits The following lists show where to enter an amount from Part 3 of Schedule K-1 (Form 60) on the North Dakota income tax return. Use the list corresponding to your return. “Not applicable” in the right-hand column means that the item does not apply and must not be entered on your return. Lines 1–21 Form ND-1 filer: Include the amount from this schedule Line Line Line Line Line Line Line Line Line Line Line Line Line Line 1 2 3 4a 4b 4c 5 6 7 8 9 10 11a 11b Line 11c Line 11d Line Line Line Line Line Line Line Line Line Line 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 On: Form ND-1, line 5 Sch. RZ, Part 1, line 18 Form ND-1SA, line 5 Sch. RZ, Part 4, line 7 Sch. RZ, Part 5, line 4 Sch. RZ, Part 6, line 6 Sch. ND-1TC, line 4 Sch. ND-1TC, line 3 Sch. ND-1TC, line 6 Sch. ND-1TC, line 7 Sch. ND-1TC, line 8a Sch. ND-1TC, line 9a Sch. ND-1TC, line 15b See instructions to Form ND-1, line 2 Sch. ND-1TC, line 15b See instructions to Form ND-1, line 2 Sch. ND-1TC, line 11a Sch. ND-1TC, line 13 Sch. ND-1PSC, line 4 Sch. ND-1PSC, line 13 Sch. ND-1PSC, line 22 Sch. ND-1TC, line 21 Sch. ND-1TC, line 17a Sch. ND-1TC, line 22 Sch. MCP, line 3 Sch. ND-1TC, line 25a Form 38 filer: Include the amount from this schedule On: Line 1 Form 38, page 2, Part 1, line 4a Line 2 Sch. RZ, Part 1, line 18 Line 3 Form 38, page 2, Part 1, line 4d Line 4a Sch. RZ, Part 4, line 7 Line 4b Sch. RZ, Part 5, line 4 Line 4c Sch. RZ, Part 6, line 6 Line 5 Sch. 38-TC, line 3 Line 6 Sch. 38-TC, line 2 Line 7 Sch. 38-TC, line 4 Line 8 Sch. 38-TC, line 5 Line 9 Sch. 38-TC, line 6a Line 10 Sch. 38-TC, line 7a Line 11a Sch. 38-TC, line 12c Line 11b Form 38, page 2, Part 1, line 2 Line 11c Sch. 38-TC, line 12c Line 11d Form 38, page 2, Part 1, line 2 Line 12 Sch. 38-TC, line 9a Line 13 Sch. 38-TC, line 11 Line 14 Sch. 38-TC, line 15 Line 15 Sch. 38-TC, line 16 Line 16 Sch. 38-TC, line 17 Line 17 Not applicable Line 18 Sch. 38-TC, line 14a Line 19 Sch. 38-TC, line 18 Line 20 Sch. 38-TC, line 19 Line 21 Sch. 38-TC, line 20a Part 4 Nonresident individual, estate, or trust shareholders only– North Dakota income (loss) Line 22 The apportionment factor is used to determine the North Dakota apportioned income. Lines 23-35 If you are a nonresident individual, estate, or trust, lines 23 through 35 of Part 4 show your share of the corporation’s North Dakota income, gains, losses, and deductions that you must report on your North Dakota income tax return. Transfer these amounts to your North Dakota income tax return as instructed below based on the type of return you are filing. If the full amount of any item is not included in your adjusted gross income on your federal income tax return because of limitations on the deductibility of a passive activity loss, capital loss, section 179 deduction, or for any other reason, enter on your North Dakota return only that portion of the item included in your federal adjusted gross income. Attach a statement to your North Dakota income tax return explaining any difference between an amount shown on North Dakota Schedule K‑1 (Form 60) and the amount reported on your North Dakota income tax return. 2024 Schedule K-1 Instructions for Shareholder SFN 28738 (12-2024), Page 3 Form ND-1 filer (nonresident only): Include the amount from this schedule Lines 23-25 Lines 26-27 Line 28 Lines 29-31 Line 32 Lines 33-34 Line 35 On Schedule ND-1NR, Column B: Line Line Line Line Line Line Line 6 2 6 4 8 6 4 Form 38 filer (nonresident only): Include the amount from this schedule Lines 23-25 Line 26 Line 27 Line 28 Lines 29-30 Line 31 Line 32 Lines 33-34 Line 35 On Tax Computation Schedule, Part 2, Column B: Line Line Line Line Line Line Line Line Line 5 1 2 5 4 4 or 7 8 5 4 or 7 Part 5 Nonresident shareholders only Attach a copy of North Dakota Schedule K-1 (Form 60) to your return. Line 36 Line 38 This is the net amount of your North Dakota distributive share of income (loss) from the corporation. Do not enter the amount from this line anywhere on your return. It is for your information only. Line 37 This is the amount of North Dakota income tax withheld by the corporation from your North Dakota distributive share of income. Enter this amount on your return as follows:  If an individual, enter on Form ND-1, line 26.  If an estate or trust, enter on Form 38, page 1, line 8.  If a partnership, enter on Form 58, page 1, line 4.  If an S corporation, enter on Form 60, page 1, line 5. If you elected to include your North Dakota distributive share of income (loss) in a composite filing, this is the amount of North Dakota composite income tax paid on your behalf by the corporation. For more information, see “Composite filing election” on page 1 of these instructions. Note: If you later choose to file your own North Dakota income tax return, you may claim this amount as income tax withholding on your return. Attach a copy of the North Dakota Schedule K-1 (Form 60) to your return to support the amount claimed.
Extracted from PDF file 2024-north-dakota-form-60-k-1.pdf, last modified July 2024

More about the North Dakota Form 60 K-1 Corporate Income Tax TY 2024

We last updated the Form 60-K1 - Shareholder's Share of ND Income, Deductions, Adjustments, Credits in February 2025, so this is the latest version of Form 60 K-1, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form 60 K-1 directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other North Dakota tax forms here.

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Related North Dakota Corporate Income Tax Forms:

TaxFormFinder has an additional 44 North Dakota income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms. These related forms may also be needed with the North Dakota Form 60 K-1.

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Form 60 KS Additional Schedule KS forms

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Form Sources:

North Dakota usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated North Dakota Form 60 K-1 from the Office of State Tax Commissioner in February 2025.

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About the Corporate Income Tax

The IRS and most states require corporations to file an income tax return, with the exact filing requirements depending on the type of company.

Sole proprietorships or disregarded entities like LLCs are filed on Schedule C (or the state equivalent) of the owner's personal income tax return, flow-through entities like S Corporations or Partnerships are generally required to file an informational return equivilent to the IRS Form 1120S or Form 1065, and full corporations must file the equivalent of federal Form 1120 (and, unlike flow-through corporations, are often subject to a corporate tax liability).

Additional forms are available for a wide variety of specific entities and transactions including fiduciaries, nonprofits, and companies involved in other specific types of business.

Historical Past-Year Versions of North Dakota Form 60 K-1

We have a total of twelve past-year versions of Form 60 K-1 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2024 Form 60 K-1

Schedule K-1 (Form 60) 2024

2023 Form 60 K-1

Schedule K-1 (Form 60) (2023)

2022 Form 60 K-1

Schedule K-1 (Form 60) - Shareholder's Share of North Dakota Income (Loss), Deductions, Adjustments, Credits, and Other Items (2022)

2021 Form 60 K-1

Schedule K-1 (Form 60) 2021 - Shareholder's Share of ND Income (Loss), Deductions, Adjustments, Credits, and Other Items

2020 Form 60 K-1

Schedule K-1 (Form 60) - Shareholder's Share of North Dakota Income (Loss), Deductions, Adjustments, Credits, and Other Items

2019 Form 60 K-1

Schedule K-1 (Form 60) - Shareholder's Share of North Dakota Income (Loss), Deductions, Adjustments, Credits, and Other Items 2019

2018 Form 60 K-1

Schedule K-1 (Form 60) - Shareholder's Share of ND Income (Loss), Deductions, Adjustments, Credits, and Other Items

2017 Form 60 K-1

Schedule K-1 (Form 60) - Shareholder's Share of North Dakota Income (Loss), Deductions, Adjustments, Credits, and Other Items

2016 Form 60 K-1

Schedule K-1 (Form 60) (2016) (2637 - Draft, VersiForm)

2015 Form 60 K-1

Schedule K-1 (Form 60) - Shareholder's Share of North Dakota Income (Loss), Deductions, Adjustments, Credits, and Other Items

Schedule K-1 (Form 60) - Shareholders Share of ND Income (Loss), Deductions, Adjustments, Credits, and Other Items 2013 Form 60 K-1

Schedule K-1 (Form 60) - Shareholders Share of ND Income (Loss), Deductions, Adjustments, Credits, and Other Items

2012 Form 60 K-1

Schedule K-1 (Form 60) (2012) (54301 - Draft, VersiForm)

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While we do our best to keep our list of North Dakota Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/northdakota/form-60-k-1