North Dakota Corporation Income Tax Return

Extracted from PDF file 2024-north-dakota-form-40.pdf, last modified July 2024Corporation Income Tax Return
CORPORATION INCOME TAX RETURN Form 40 OFFICE OF STATE TAX COMMISSIONER 2024 SFN 28714 (12-2024) Mark One: Calendar Year January 1, 2024, through December 31, 2024 , , 2024 and ending Fiscal Year beginning Have A Federal Extension? Name Yes If yes, must attach Date Of Incorporation Final Return Yes Federal Employer Identification Number* No Mailing Address Is This A Farming Or Ranching Corporation? City, State, ZIP Code Telephone Number Yes No Business Code (See Instructions) No Computation of tax liability 1. Income from (Mark the ONE circle that identifies the filing method - see instructions): a. Single Corp. Entity b. Combined Report Method c. b1. Water's Edge Combined Report Method Method Consol. Return c1. Water's Edge Method Consol. Return Round off to dollars d. Other (LA) 1 2. Total additions (Enter amount from Schedule SA, line 7) (LB) 2 3. Total subtractions (Enter amount from Schedule SA, line 16) (LC) 3 4 4. North Dakota apportionable income (Subtract line 3 from the sum of lines 1 and 2) (LE) 5 5. Apportionment Factor (Factor from Schedule FACT or CR) 6 6. Income apportioned to North Dakota (Line 4 multiplied by line 5) 7. Income allocated to North Dakota 8. North Dakota income (Add lines 6 and 7) (LF) 7 less related expenses 8 9. Exemption for new and expanding business (Attach worksheet-for consolidated return, amount from Sch. CR) (CL) 9 10. Renaissance zone income exemption (Amount from Sch. RZ - for consolidated return, amount from Sch. CR) 11. North Dakota income after income exemptions (Subtract lines 9 and 10 from line 8) (RE) 10 12. North Dakota loss carryforward (Attach worksheet - for consolidated return, amount from Sch. CR) (LH) 12 11 13. Subtotal (Subtract line 12 from line 11) 13 14. Gross proceeds allocated to North Dakota from sale of research tax credit (See instructions) (EF) 14 15. North Dakota taxable income (See instructions) (LI) 15 16. Income tax due (See rates below) (EE) 16 17. Surtax on water's edge method election (3.5% of line 15 - Water's edge filers only) (ST) 17 18. Total income tax due (Add lines 16 and 17) (LJ) 18 19. Tax credits (Enter amount from Schedule TC, line 25) (AZ) 19 Balance due or overpayment 20. Net income tax liab. (Subtract ln. 19 from ln. 18) (Corp. filing a consol. rtn., enter amt. from Sch. CR, Part 1, ln. 20a) 20 21. 2024 Estimated income tax payments and payment with extension (LN) 21 22. North Dakota income tax withheld on oil and gas royalties (Attach 1099-MISC) 23. Total payments and amount withheld (Add lines 21 and 22) (LW) 22 23 24. If line 20 is greater than line 23, enter difference as BALANCE DUE (Enter $0 if less than $5) a. Interest and penalty for balance due on line 24 (LR) 24 (LQ) 24a b. Interest on underpayment of estimated tax (Attach Form 40-UT) c. Total payment due (Add lines 24, 24a, and 24b - Pay to ND State Tax Commissioner) 25. If line 23 is greater than line 20, enter difference less line 24b, as OVERPAYMENT (Enter $0 if less than $5) (UT) 24b 24c (LV) 25 a. Amount of line 25 to be credited to 2025 estimated tax (Minimum $5) (AI) 25a b. Amount of line 25 to be REFUNDED (Subtract line 25a from line 25) (No refund under $5) I declare that this return is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. Date Signature Of Officer Title Date Signature Of Preparer Address 25b *Privacy Act Notice - See instructions FEIN Mail to: Office of State Tax Commissioner, 600 E. Boulevard Ave., Dept. 127, Bismarck, ND 58505-0599 Tax Rate Table $ 0 to $ 25,000 . . . . . . . . . . . 1.41% of North Dakota Taxable Income $ 25,000 to $ 50,000 . . . . $ 352.50 + 3.55% of amount over $ 25,000 $ Over 50,000 . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,240.00 + 4.31% of amount over $ 50,000 CIT I authorize the North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner to discuss this tax return with the preparer. PLEASE DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE 2024 Form 40 SFN 28714 (12-2024), Page 2 Schedule SA: Statutory adjustments This schedule is to be used by all corporations regardless of filing method. Additions 1. Federal net operating loss deduction (Federal Form 1120, line 29a) (CA) 1 2. Special deductions (Federal Form 1120, line 29b) (CB) 2 3. All income taxes, franchise or privilege taxes measured by income (CC) 3 4. Interest on state and local obligations (Excluding North Dakota obligations) (CF) 4 5. Contribution to endowment fund credit adjustment (CD) 5 6. Other additions (Attach worksheet) (CG) 6 7. Total additions (Add lines 1 through 6. Enter amount here and on page 1, line 2) 7 Subtractions 8. Tax refunds received in 2024 (Attach worksheet) (CH) 8 9. Foreign Derived Intangible Income Deduction (See instructions) (CJ) 9 10. Interest on United States obligations (Attach statement regarding obligations) (CI) 10 11. Allocable income (Attach worksheet) (LS) 11 12. Related expenses (Attach worksheet) (LT) 12 13. Balance (Subtract line 12 from line 11) (LD) 13 14. IC-DISC distribution to a non-corporate owner (See instructions) (CM) 14 15. Others subtractions (Attach worksheet) (CO) 15 16. Total subtractions (Add lines 8, 9, 10, 13, 14 and 15. Enter amount here and on page 1, line 3) 16 The following questions must be answered Yes 1. Has the IRS issued a Final Determination that affects a previously filed North Dakota return that has not been reported to North Dakota? 1 2. Is this return for a tax-exempt organization required to report unrelated business taxable income? 3. Is this return for a foreign corporation filing Federal Form 1120-F that does not have an office or place of business in the United States? 3 4. Has this corporation filed as a cooperative, a Foreign Sales Corporation, or a Domestic International Sales Corporation for federal purposes? 4 5. Is this return for an entity, or does the return include an entity, that filed a Financial Institution Tax return (Form 35) for 2012? If yes, mark the circle to indicate if this is an S corporation. 5 6. Does this corporation use the combined report method in any other states? If yes, attach a statement showing all states where the combined report method is used 6 7. Does this corporation file its federal income tax return as a member of a consolidated group? If yes, please enter the Federal Employer I.D. No. (AM) under which the consolidated return is filed. 7 8 8. Does the numerator of the apportionment factor on page 1, line 5 include the property, payroll and/or sales of more than one corporation required to file in this state? If yes: Filing method circle on page 1, line 1 must have been marked b1 or c1. How many corporations are included in the numerator? 2 Complete North Dakota Schedule CR, Parts I, II and III reporting the activities of each company apportioning income to North Dakota. 9. If this return is filed using the water's edge method, indicate which year of the five-year election this return represents. (List number: 1 through 5) 10. Is this a limited liability company? 10 11. Are any single member LLC's with business activity or apportionment factors in North Dakota that are treated as disregarded entities included in this return? (If yes, attach schedule with names and FEIN) 11 12. Is this corporation or any of its affiliates included in this return a captive real estate investment trust (REIT)? (If yes, attach schedule with names and Federal I.D. numbers of all captive REITS) 12 13. Has this corporation changed names, been involved in a merger, reorganization or takeover during this tax year? If so, provide former name and details of change. (former name) No 2024 Form 40 SFN 28714 (12-2024), Page 3 Schedule FACT: Apportionment factor for corporations NOT filing a consolidated North Dakota return This schedule is for corporations that are NOT filing a consolidated North Dakota return, i.e., corporations using filing method a, b, c, or d on page 1, line 1. Corporations that are filing a consolidated North Dakota return—i.e., corporations using filing method b1 or c1 on page 1, line 1— must use Schedule CR, Part II, on page 7. Do not use this schedule. If a sales factor weighting election applies, skip lines 1-8 and complete lines 9-12, 15 and 16. Property factor: Average value at original cost of real and tangible personal property. 2. North Dakota 1. Total 1. Inventories 1 (Use 6-digit decimal only) 2. Buildings and other fixed depreciable assets 2 3. Depletable assets 3 4. Land 4 5. Other assets (Attach detail) 5 6. Rented property (Annual rental x 8) 6 (BL) (BH) 7 (BA) (BJ) 8 (BC) 7. Total property (Add lines 1 through 6) 3. Factor (North Dakota divided by Total = Factor) Payroll factor: 8. Wages, salaries, commissions, and other compensation of employees Sales factor: 9. Gross receipts or sales (less returns and allowances, if applicable) 9 10. Sales delivered, shipped, or assignable to North Dakota destinations 11. Sales shipped from North Dakota to the U.S. Government, or to purchasers in a state or foreign country where the taxpayer was not subject to a tax measured by net income 12. Total sales (Add lines 9 through 11) (BM) 10 11 (BE) (BK) 12 13. Sum of factors (Add factors in column 3, lines 7, 8 and 12) 13 14. Apportionment factor—If a sales factor weighting election applies, skip this line and go to line 15. Otherwise, divide line 13 by the number of factors having an amount greater than zero in column 1 on lines 7, 8, and 12. Enter factor here and on page 1, line 5 14 Sales factor weighting election—If a sales factor weighting election applies, skip lines 1-8 and complete lines 15 and 16. See instructions. 15. a. Sales factor weighting election (Mark circle) (BS) b. Year of election period (1-5) 16. Apportionment factor—Enter the amount from line 12, column 3. Enter factor here and on page 1, line 5 (BO) 16 2024 Form 40 SFN 28714 (12-2024), Page 4 Schedule TC: Tax credits This schedule is to be used by all corporations to report the total allowable credit(s) regardless of filing method. Corporations filing a consolidated North Dakota tax return, i.e., those corporations using filing method b1 or c1 on page 1, line 1, report each corporation's separate credits on Schedule CR, Part I, line 19 under each corporation's separate column, and on Schedule CR, Part III - Tax Credits. If a credit is being claimed on lines 6-14, 16-18, or 22, a property tax clearance is required for each county the corporation has 50% or more interest in real property in North Dakota. The tax clearance requirement also applies to any officer responsible for the corporation's state tax filing or payment obligations. Failure to attach a copy of the property tax clearance for each county identified below may result in a credit being disallowed. See instructions for details. Yes No If yes, enter county name(s) Does this requirement apply? County name(s): _____________________________________________________________________ 1. Contributions to nonprofit private colleges credit (GS) (LK) 1 2. Contributions to nonprofit private high schools credit (LL) 2 3. Contributions to nonprofit private primary schools credit (EL) 3 4. Geothermal, solar, wind, biomass energy device credits carried forward (Attach worksheet) (LM) 4 5. Employment of individuals with developmental disabilities or severe mental illness credit (LX) 5 6. Research and experimental expenditure credits generated by taxpayer (Attach worksheet) (LY) 6 7. Research and experimental expenditure credits purchased by taxpayer (Attach worksheet) (TO) 7 8. Renaissance Zone credits (Enter amount from Schedule RZ and attach) (RC) 8 9. Biodiesel or green diesel fuel production credit (Attach worksheet) (LO) 9 10. Soybean and canola crushing equipment costs credit (Attach worksheet) (TB) 10 11. Seed capital business investment credit (Attach documentation) (TS) 11 12. Biodiesel or green diesel fuel blending credit (Attach worksheet) (TD) 12 13. Biodiesel or green diesel fuel sales equipment costs credit (Attach worksheet) (TF) 13 14. Agricultural commodity processing facility investment credit (Attach documentation) (TE) 14 15. Endowment fund contribution credit (Attach documentation) (TG) 15 16. Internship employment credit (Attach worksheet) (TI) 16 17. Angel fund investment credit prior to July 1, 2017 carried forward (Attach documentation) (TJ) 17 18. Workforce recruitment credit (Attach worksheet) Number of qualified employees hired (TT)________ (TW) 18 19. Wages paid to a mobilized military employee credit (Attach Schedule ME) (TQ) 19 20. Housing Incentive Fund credit carried forward (Attach documentation) (TU) 20 21. Maternity home, child placing agency, or pregnancy help center tax credit (Attach Sch. MCP) (XA) 21 22. Automation tax credit (See instructions) (TZ) 22 23. Contributions to Rural Leadership ND scholarship tuition program credit (TY) 23 24. Apprentice tax credit (Attach worksheet) (XB) 24 25. Total tax credits (Add lines 1 through 24. Enter amount here and on page 1, line 19) 25 Schedule WW: Combined report method income schedule This schedule is to be used by all corporations using filing methods b or b1 on Page 1, Line 1. 1. Federal taxable income (Consolidated Federal Form 1120, line 30) 2. Taxable income or loss included on line 1 from nonunitary corporations (Attach worksheet) 3. Balance (Subtract line 2 from line 1) 4. Taxable income or loss not included on line 1 from unitary U.S. corporations required to file a federal income tax return (Attach worksheet) (LP) 1 (WN) 2 3 (WU) 4 5. Book income before income taxes of unitary foreign corporations (Attach worksheet) 5 6. Optional: Book to tax reconciliation (Attach worksheet) 6 7. Subtotal (Add lines 5 and 6) (WF) 7 8. Income or loss from Foreign Sales Corporations, Interest Charge DISCs, and affiliated corporations incorporated in a Possession of the U.S. (Attach worksheet) 8 9. Intercompany eliminations for members of the unitary group (Attach worksheet) 9 10. Total income (Add lines 3, 4, 7, and 8, and then subtract line 9 from result. Enter amount here and on Form 40, page 1, line 1, and mark circle b or b1 on page 1, line 1) (WW) 10 2024 Form 40 SFN 28714 (12-2024), Page 5 Schedule WE: Water's edge method income schedule 1. Federal taxable income (Consolidated Federal Form 1120, line 30) Worksheets containing details of lines 2 through 7 and 10 are required (LZ) 1 2. Income or loss not included in line 1 from affiliated U.S. corporations required to file a federal income tax return (Attach worksheet) 2 3. Total income or loss from Foreign Sales Corporations, Interest Charge DISCs, affiliated corporations incorporated in a Possession of the U.S., and includable foreign affiliates (Attach worksheet) 3 4. Reversal of intercompany eliminations between water's edge corporations and non-water's edge corporations (Attach worksheet) 4 5. Intercompany eliminations for water's edge group corporations (Attach worksheet) 5 6. Total foreign dividends included in lines 1 through 4 (Attach worksheet) 6 7. Taxable income or loss included on lines 1 or 2 from 80/20 corps. (Attach worksheet) 7 8. Balance (Add lines 1 through 4, and then subtract lines 5, 6 and 7 from result) 8 9. Foreign dividends to be included in water's edge income (Multiply line 6 by 30%) 9 10. Total net book income of 80/20 corporations (Attach worksheet) 10 11. Net book income of 80/20 corporations to be included in water's edge income (Multiply line 10 by 30%) 11 12. Total water's edge income (Add lines 8, 9, and 11. Enter amount here and on Form 40, page 1, line 1, and mark circle c or c1 on page 1, line 1) (WE) 12 Water's edge method election instructions A corporation required to file its North Dakota return using the worldwide unitary combined report method must do so unless it elects to apportion its income using the water's edge method. A corporation elects the water's edge method by marking the circle entitled "Water's Edge Method" (c or c1) on page 1, line 1, for the first year of a five-year election. • An election must be made on the return as originally and timely filed. • Marking the circle for a sixth year is a new five-year election. • Any affiliated unitary foreign or domestic corporation that has income from North Dakota sources and is excluded from the water's edge group because it has less than twenty percent of its average property and payroll inside the U.S. is covered by the water's edge election and must file its water's edge return computing its income based on its single company pro forma federal taxable income. • If an election is not made for year six, the prior five-year election period lapses, and the filing method would be the worldwide unitary combined report method. A corporation electing the water's edge method must include only the apportionment factors and statutory adjustments of the water's edge group. • Returns for years two through five are then required to be filed under the water's edge method, and circle c or c1 should be marked for each year. • Marking the circle for years two through five does NOT constitute new, rolling five-year elections. Schedule WE general definitions "Water's edge group" includes a U.S. parent corporation, affiliated corporations incorporated in the U.S. (excluding 80/20 corporations), affiliated corporations incorporated in a possession of the U.S., IC DISCs, FSCs, export trade corporations and foreign affiliated corporations which meet a defined minimum of U.S. activity. "Affiliated corporation" means a parent corporation and any corporation of which more than fifty percent of the voting stock is owned directly or indirectly by the parent corporation or another member of the water's edge group. "Reversal of intercompany eliminations between water's edge corporations and 80/20 corporations" means the reversal of eliminations made between water's edge corporations and 80/20 corporations that are included in the federal consolidated return. Dividends, interest, royalties, capital gains and losses, intercompany profit on sales, etc. between water's edge corporations and 80/20 corporations that have been eliminated in preparing the consolidated federal return must be reversed. "Intercompany eliminations for water's edge group corporations" are eliminations of intercompany transactions between companies included in the water's edge group. amount of global intangible low taxed income under IRC section 951A is considered a foreign dividend. IRC section 78 gross up is not a foreign dividend. "80/20 corporation" is a corporation that is incorporated in the U.S., is eligible to be included in the federal consolidated return as defined in N.D.C.C. § 57-38.4-01(5) and has 20 percent or less of its average property and payroll for the tax year assigned to locations inside the fifty states, the District of Columbia, and possessions of the United States. "Net book income of an 80/20 corporation" means net book income after taxes for financial statement purposes. However, a corporation's net book income cannot be offset by a net book loss from another 80/20 corporation. "Foreign dividends" means any dividend received by a member of the water's edge group from any affiliated corporation incorporated outside the fifty states and District of Columbia, including amounts included in income computed under sections 951 through 954 of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) of 1986, as amended. The "Rescission of a water's edge election". A corporation's water's edge election is rescinded if: • It has had more than 50% of its voting stock acquired by a nonaffiliated corporation; • It was formed as the result of a reorganization or spinoff and is no longer a member of the water's edge group; or • It is completely liquidated. The water's edge election of any corporation receiving liquidated assets is not affected. Additional Information Regarding The Water's Edge Method Is Contained In N.D.C.C. ch. 57-38.4 and N.D. Admin. Code ch. 81-03-05.2 2024 Form 40 SFN 28714 (12-2024), Page 6 Schedule CR, Part I: Computation of tax due for corporations included in a North Dakota consolidated return Corporation List corporations apportioning income to North Dakota with a factor greater than -0first. Also list each company it declares to have filed a North Dakota tax return. See instructions. Name of corporation Federal Employer I.D. A B C Corporation A Corporation B Corporation C ______________ (name) ______________ (name) ______________ (name) ______________ FEIN ______________ FEIN ______________ FEIN ______________ ______________ ______________ Business Code 4. North Dakota apportionable income (Enter amount in Columns A, B & C from Form 40, page 1, line 4) (CX) 4 5. Apportionment factor (Enter factor from Part II, line 14 or 16) (LE) 5 6. Income apportioned to North Dakota (Line 4 multiplied by line 5) 7. Income allocated to North Dakota $ ______________ less related expenses $ ______________ 8. North Dakota income (Add lines 6 and 7) Business Code Business Code 6 (LF) 7 8 9. Exemption for new and expanding business (Attach worksheet) (CL) 9 (RE) 10 10. Renaissance zone income exemption 11. ND income after income exemptions (Subtract lines 9 and 10 from line 8) 12. North Dakota loss carryforward (Attach worksheet) 13. Subtotal (Subtract line 12 from line 11) 11 (LH) 12 13 14. Gross proceeds allocated to ND from sale of research tax credit (See instructions) (EF) 14 15. North Dakota taxable income (See instructions) (LI) 15 16. Income tax due (See tax rate table on Form 40, page 1) (EE) 16 17. Surtax on water's edge method election (3.5% of line 15) (ST) 17 18. Total income tax due (Add lines 16 and 17) (LJ) 18 19. Tax credits (Enter each company's credits from Schedule CR, Part III, line 25) (AZ) 19 20. Net income tax liability (Subtract line 19 from line 18) 20 a. Net income tax due (Add amounts on line 20, for all corporations. Enter total here and on page 1, line 20 and complete lines 21 through 23, on page 1) (GA) 20a Instructions for consolidated return using the combined report method All corporations filing a consolidated North Dakota return (i.e. unitary groups including more than one company on this return) must complete the three parts of Schedule CR and attach the completed schedule to Form 40 when filed. Space has been provided for three corporations (corporations A, B & C) having activity within North Dakota. If space is needed for additional corporations having activity within North Dakota, additional copies of Schedule CR can be obtained by photocopying both parts of this original schedule or by printing additional copies from our website at Complete page 1, lines 1-4 before starting to complete Schedule CR, part I. Schedule CR has been designed so the instructions for Form 40 in the booklet also apply to the line numbers on Schedule CR. For example, the instructions for page 1, lines 5-20 also apply to Schedule CR, part I, lines 5-20. After completing Schedule CR, part I, total lines 5 through 19 and enter each total on the corresponding line on page 1. 2024 Form 40 SFN 28714 (12-2024), Page 7 Schedule CR, Part II: Computation of factor for corporations filing a North Dakota consolidated return All Combined Corporations Note: When dividing numbers, carry the result out to six decimal places. If a sales factor weighted election applies, skip lines 1-8 and complete lines 9-12, 15 and 16. Property Factor: Average value at original cost of real and tangible personal property Corporation A Corporation B Corporation C ______________ (Name) ______________ (Name) ______________ (Name) ______________ FEIN ______________ FEIN ______________ FEIN Everywhere Average Property North Dakota Average Property 1. Inventories 1 2. Buildings and other depreciable assets 2 3. Depletable assets 3 4. Land 4 5. Other assets (Attach detail) 5 6. Rented property (Annual rent x 8) 6 (BL) (BH) 7 (BA) 7. Total average property (Add lines 1 through 6) 7a a. Property factor (Divide ND property by Everywhere property) 7b b. Total property factor (Add amounts on line 7a, columns A, B, and C) Payroll Factor: Wages, salaries, commissions and other compensation of employees 8. Payroll North Dakota Payroll Everywhere Payroll (BJ) 8 (BC) 8a a. Payroll factor (Divide ND payroll by Everywhere payroll) 8b b. Total payroll factor (Add amounts on line 8a, columns A, B, and C) Sales Factor: Gross receipts or sales (less returns and allowances, if applicable) Everywhere Sales 9. Everywhere sales 10. Sales delivered, shipped, or assignable to ND destinations (BM) 10 11. Sales shipped from ND to the U.S. Government, or to purchasers in a state or foreign country where the taxpayer was not subject to a tax measured by net income 12. Total sales (Add lines 9 through 11) North Dakota Sales 9 11 (BE) (BK) 12 a. Sales factor (Divide ND sales by Everywhere sales) 12a 12b b. Total sales factor (Add amounts on line 12a, columns A, B, and C) 13. Sum of the factors (Add lines 7a, 8a and 12a) 13 14. Apportionment factor—If a sales factor weighting election applies, skip lines 14 and 14a and go to line 15. Otherwise, divide line 13 by the number of factors having an amount greater than zero in the Everywhere column on lines 7, 8, and 12. Enter factor here and on Schedule CR, Part I, line 5 14 a. Total factor (Add amounts on line 14, columns A, B, and C). Enter result here and on page 1, line 5 14a Sales factor weighting election—If a sales factor weighting election applies, skip lines 1-8 and complete lines 15a-16a. See instructions. 15. a. Sales factor weighting election (Mark circle) (BS) 16. Apportionment factor- Enter the amount from line 12a. Enter the factor here and on Schedule CR, Part I, line 5 b Year of election period (1-5) (BO)________ 16 a. Total factor (Add amounts on line 16, columns A, B, and C). Enter result here and on page 1, line 5 16a 2024 Form 40 SFN 28714 (12-2024), Page 8 Schedule CR, Part III: Tax credits for corporations filing a North Dakota consolidated return using the combined report method If a credit is being claimed on lines 6-14, 16-18, or 22, a property tax clearance is required for each county the corporation has 50% or more interest in real property in North Dakota. The tax clearance requirement also applies to any officer responsible for the corporation's state tax filing or payment obligations. Failure to attach a copy of the property tax clearance for each county identified below may result in a credit being disallowed. See instructions for details. Does this requirement apply? Yes No If yes, enter county name(s). County name(s): ___________________________________________ (GS) 1. Contributions to nonprofit private colleges credit (LK) 1 2. Contributions to nonprofit private high schools credit (LL) 2 3. Contributions to nonprofit private primary schools credit (EL) 3 4. Geothermal, solar, wind, biomass energy device credits carried forward (Attach worksheet) (LM) 4 5. Employment of individuals with developmental disabilities or severe mental illness credit (LX) 5 6. Research and experimental expenditure credits generated by taxpayer (Attach worksheet) (LY) 6 7. Research and experimental expenditure credits purchased by taxpayer (Attach worksheet) (TO) 7 8. Renaissance Zone credits (Enter amount from Schedule RZ and attach) (RC) 8 9. Biodiesel or green diesel fuel production credit (Attach worksheet) (LO) 9 10. Soybean and canola crushing equipment costs credit (Attach worksheet) (TB) 10 11. Seed capital business investment credit (Attach documentation) (TS) 11 12. Biodiesel or green diesel fuel blending credit (Attach worksheet) (TD) 12 13. Biodiesel or green diesel fuel sales equipment costs credit (Attach worksheet) (TF) 13 14. Agricultural commodity processing facility investment credit (Attach documentation) (TE) 14 15. Endowment fund contribution credit (Attach documentation) (TG) 15 16. Internship employment credit (Attach worksheet) (TI) 16 17. Angel fund investment credit prior to July 1, 2017 carried forward (Attach documentation) (TJ) 17 18. Workforce recruitment credit (Attach worksheet) a. Number of qualified employees hired (TT)_____________ (TW) 18 19. Wages paid to a mobilized military employee credit (Attach Sch. ME) (TQ) 19 20. Housing incentive fund credit carried forward (Attach documentation) (TU) 20 21. Maternity home, child placing agency, or pregnancy help center tax credit (Attach Sch. MCP) (XA) 21 22. Automation tax credit (See instructions) (TZ) 22 23. Contributions to Rural Leadership ND scholarship tuition program credit (TY) 23 24. Apprentice tax credit (Attach worksheet) (XB) 24 25. Total tax credits (Add lines 1 through 24. Enter amount here and on page 1, line 19) 25 Corporation A Corporation B Corporation C __________ (name) __________ (name) __________ (name) __________ FEIN __________ FEIN __________ FEIN
Form 40 2024
More about the North Dakota Form 40 Corporate Income Tax Tax Return TY 2024
We last updated the Corporation Income Tax Return in February 2025, so this is the latest version of Form 40, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form 40 directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other North Dakota tax forms here.
eFile your North Dakota tax return now
eFiling is easier, faster, and safer than filling out paper tax forms. File your North Dakota and Federal tax returns online with TurboTax in minutes. FREE for simple returns, with discounts available for TaxFormFinder users!
File Now with TurboTaxRelated North Dakota Corporate Income Tax Forms:
TaxFormFinder has an additional 44 North Dakota income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms. These related forms may also be needed with the North Dakota Form 40.
Form Code | Form Name |
Form 40-ES | Corporation Estimated Tax Form |
Form 24740 | Application for Property Tax Exemption |
Form 24840 | Application For Property Tax Exemption For Improvements To Commercial And Residential Buildings |
Form 40-Bklt | Corporation Income Tax Instruction Booklet |
Form 40-EXT | Corporate Extension Payment Voucher |
Form 40-PV | Corporation Return Payment Voucher |
Form 40-QR | Application for Quick Refund of Overpayment of Estimated Income Tax for Corporations |
Form 40-UT | Underpayment of Estimated North Dakota Income Tax by Corporations |
Form 40-X | Amended Corporation Income Tax Return |
View all 45 North Dakota Income Tax Forms
Form Sources:
North Dakota usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated North Dakota Form 40 from the Office of State Tax Commissioner in February 2025.
Form 40 is a North Dakota Corporate Income Tax form. Like the Federal Form 1040, states each provide a core tax return form on which most high-level income and tax calculations are performed. While some taxpayers with simple returns can complete their entire tax return on this single form, in most cases various other additional schedules and forms must be completed, depending on the taxpayer's individual situation, to create a complete income tax return package.
About the Corporate Income Tax
The IRS and most states require corporations to file an income tax return, with the exact filing requirements depending on the type of company.
Sole proprietorships or disregarded entities like LLCs are filed on Schedule C (or the state equivalent) of the owner's personal income tax return, flow-through entities like S Corporations or Partnerships are generally required to file an informational return equivilent to the IRS Form 1120S or Form 1065, and full corporations must file the equivalent of federal Form 1120 (and, unlike flow-through corporations, are often subject to a corporate tax liability).
Additional forms are available for a wide variety of specific entities and transactions including fiduciaries, nonprofits, and companies involved in other specific types of business.
Historical Past-Year Versions of North Dakota Form 40
We have a total of thirteen past-year versions of Form 40 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

Form 40 2024

Form 40 - Corporation Income Tax Return (2023)

Form 40 - Corporation Income Tax Return (2022)

Form 40 - Corporation Income Tax Return (2021)

Form 40 - Corporation Income Tax Return 2020

Form 40 - Corporation Income Tax Return

Form 40 - Corporation Income Tax Return

Form 40 - Corporation Income Tax Return

Form 40 - Corporation Income Tax Return

Form 40 - Corporation Income Tax Return

Form 40 WEB (9476 - Draft, VersiForm)

Form 40 Corporation Income Tax Return

Form 40 - Corporation Income Tax Return
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While we do our best to keep our list of North Dakota Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.