North Dakota Property Tax Application for Abatement or Refund
Extracted from PDF file 2023-north-dakota-form-24775.pdf, last modified March 2016Property Tax Application for Abatement or Refund
Application For Abatement Or Refund Of Taxes North Dakota Century Code § 57-23-04 File with the County Auditor on or before November 1 of the year following the year in which the tax becomes delinquent. State of North Dakota Assessment District ___________________________________________ County of ________________________________ Property I.D. No. _____________________________________________ Name ________________________________________________________________ Telephone No. ______________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Legal description of the property involved in this application: Total true and full value of the property described above for the year ___________ is: Land Total true and full value of the property described above for the year ___________ should be: $ ____________________ Land $ ____________________ Improvements $ ____________________ Improvements $ ____________________ Total Total $ ____________________ $ ____________________ (1) (2) The difference of $ _____________________ true and full value between (1) and (2) above is due to the following reason(s): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Agricultural property true and full value exceeds its agricultural value defined in N.D.C.C. § 57-02-27.2 Residential or commercial property’s true and full value exceeds the market value Error in property description, entering the description, or extending the tax Nonexisting improvement assessed Complainant or property is exempt from taxation. Attach a copy of Application for Property Tax Exemption. Duplicate assessment Property improvement was destroyed or damaged by fire, flood, tornado, or other natural disaster (see N.D.C.C. § 57-23-04(1)(g)) Error in noting payment of taxes, taxes erroneously paid Property qualifies for Homestead Credit (N.D.C.C. § 57-02-08.1) or Disabled Veterans Credit (N.D.C.C. § 57-02-08.8). Attach a copy of the application. 10. Other (explain) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ The following facts relate to the market value of the residential or commercial property described above. For agricultural property, go directly to question #5. 1. Purchase price of property: $___________________ Date of purchase: ______________________________________________________ Terms: Cash _____________ Contract ____________ Trade ____________ Other (explain) _____________________________________ Was there personal property involved in the purchase price? ____________ Estimated value: $_____________________________________ yes/no 2. Has the property been offered for sale on the open market? __________. If yes, how long? ________________________________________ yes/no Asking price: $____________________ Terms of sale: __________________________________________________________________ 3. The property was independently appraised: __________ Purpose of appraisal: _________________________________________________ yes/no ___________________________________________________ Market value estimate: $__________________________________________ Appraisal was made by whom? _______________________________________________________________________________________ 4. The applicant's estimate of market value of the property involved in this application is $___________________________________________ 5. The estimated agricultural productive value of this property is excessive because of the following condition(s):_________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Applicant asks that _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ By filing this application, I consent to an inspection of the above-described property by an authorized assessment official for the purpose of making an appraisal of the property. I understand the official will give me reasonable notification of the inspection. See N.D.C.C. § 57-23-05.1. I declare under the penalties of N.D.C.C. § 12.1-11-02, which provides for a Class A misdemeanor for making a false statement in a governmental matter, that this application is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, a true and correct application. _______________________________________________ ___________ Signature of Preparer (if other than applicant) Date 24775 (2-2016) _____________________________________________ ___________ Signature of Applicant Date Recommendation of the Governing Body of the City or Township Recommendation of the governing board of ________________________________________ On _____________________, _________, the governing board of this municipality, after examination of this application and the facts, passed a resolution recommending to the Board of County Commissioners that the application be _______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dated this ___________ day of ___________________, ________. __________________________________________________ City Auditor or Township Clerk Action by the Board of County Commissioners Application was __________________________ by action of ______________________________ County Board of Commissioners. Approved/Rejected Based upon an examination of the facts and the provisions of North Dakota Century Code § 57-23-04, we approve this application. The taxable valuation is reduced from $ _________________________ to $ _____________________ and the taxes are reduced accordingly. The taxes, if paid, will be refunded to the extent of $ _________________________. The Board accepts $ ________________________ in full settlement of taxes for the tax year __________________________. We reject this application in whole or in part for the following reason(s). Written explanation of the rationale for the decision must be attached. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dated ___________________________________, _________ __________________________________________________ County Auditor _________________________________________________________ Chairperson Certification of County Auditor I certify that the Board of County Commissioners took the action stated above and the records of my office and the office of the County Treasurer show the following facts as to the assessment and the payment of taxes on the property described in this application. Year Taxable Value Date Paid (if paid) Tax Payment Made Under Written Protest? yes/no I further certify that the taxable valuation and the taxes ordered abated or refunded by the Board of County Commissioner are as follows: Reduction in Taxable Valuation Reduction in Taxes (must be within five business days of filing date) Date County Auditor Mailed Application to Township Clerk or City Auditor __________________________________ Date Application Was Filed With The County Auditor _____________________________ County Auditor’s File No. ______________________________ ____________________________________ Name of Applicant Or Refund Of Taxes _____________________________________ County Auditor Application For Abatement Year __________ Date
Application for Abatement or Refund of Taxes
More about the North Dakota Form 24775 Other
File with the County Auditor on or before November 1 of the year following the year in which the tax becomes delinquent.
We last updated the Property Tax Application for Abatement or Refund in February 2024, and the latest form we have available is for tax year 2023. This means that we don't yet have the updated form for the current tax year. Please check this page regularly, as we will post the updated form as soon as it is released by the North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner. You can print other North Dakota tax forms here.
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Form Sources:
North Dakota usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated North Dakota Form 24775 from the Office of State Tax Commissioner in February 2024.
Historical Past-Year Versions of North Dakota Form 24775
We have a total of seven past-year versions of Form 24775 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:
Application for Abatement or Refund of Taxes
Application for Abatement or Refund of Taxes
Application for Abatement or Refund of Taxes
Application for Abatement or Refund of Taxes
Application for Abatement or Refund of Taxes
Application for Abatement or Refund of Taxes
Application for Abatement or Refund of Taxes
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While we do our best to keep our list of North Dakota Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.