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North Dakota Free Printable Application for Property Tax Incentives for New or Expanding Businesses for 2025 North Dakota Application for Property Tax Exemption

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Application for Property Tax Exemption
Application for Property Tax Incentives for New or Expanding Businesses

Application For Property Tax Incentives For New or Expanding Businesses N.D.C.C. Chapter 40-57.1 Project Operator’s Application To __________________ City or County File with the City Auditor for a project located within a city; County Auditor for locations outside of city limits. A representative of each affected school district and township is included as a non-voting member in the negotiations and deliberation of this application. This application is a public record Identification Of Project Operator 1. Name of project operator of new or expanding business _______________________________________________ 2. Address of project ___________________________________________________________________________ City ___________________________________ County _______________________________ 3. Mailing address of project operator _____________________________________________________________ City ___________________________ State ______ Zip __________________ 4. Type of ownership of project Partnership Corporation Subchapter S corporation Cooperative Individual proprietorship Limited liability company 5. Federal Identification No. or Social Security No. ___________________________________________________ 6. North Dakota Sales and Use Tax Permit No. ______________________________________________________ 7. If a corporation, specify the state and date of incorporation __________________________________________ 8. Name and title of individual to contact __________________________________________________________ Mailing address _____________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip ____________________________________________________ Phone No. ________________ Project Operator’s Application For Tax Incentives 9. Indicate the tax incentives applied for and terms. Be specific. Property Tax Exemption Payments In Lieu of Taxes _______ Number of years _______ Beginning year _______ Ending year _______ Percent of exemption _______ Amount of annual payments (attach schedule if payments will vary) 10. Which of the following would better describe the project for which this application is being made: New business project 24734 (Rev. 2/14) Expansion of a existing business project -1- Description of Project Property 11. Legal description of project real property 12. Will the project property be owned or leased by the project operator? Owned Leased If the answer to 12 is leased, will the benefit of any incentive granted accrue to the project operator? Yes No If the property will be leased, attach a copy of the lease or other agreement establishing the project operator’s benefits. 13. Will the project be located in a new structure or an existing facility? New construction Existing facility If existing facility, when was it constructed? ______________________________________________________ If new construction, complete the following: a. Estimated date of commencement of construction of the project covered by this application ______________ b. Description of project to be constructed including size, type and quality of construction c. Projected number of construction employees during the project construction ___________________________ 14. Approximate date of commencement of this project’s operations ______________________________________ 15. Estimated market value of the property used for this project: 16. Estimate taxable valuation of the property eligible for exemption by multiplying the market values by 5 percent: a. Land ......................................... $ ____________ a. Land (not eligible) ..................... b. Existing buildings and structures for which an exemption is claimed.......................... $ ____________ b. Eligible existing buildings and structures .................................... $ ____________ c. Newly constructed buildings and structures when completed ................................... $ ____________ c. Newly constructed buildings and structures when completed ................................ $ ____________ d. Total taxable valuation of property eligible for exemption (Add lines b and c) ..................... $ ____________ d. Total ......................................... $ ____________ e. Enter the consolidated mill rate for the appropriate taxing district ........................................ e. Machinery and equipment ....... $ ____________ ____________ f. Annual amount of the tax exemption (Line d multiplied by line e) .................................... $ ____________ -2- Description of Project Business Note: “project” means a newly established business or the expansion portion of an existing business. Do not include any established part of an existing business. 17. Type of business to be engaged in: Ag processing Wholesaling Manufacturing Warehousing Retailing Services 18. Describe in detail the activities to be engaged in by the project operator, including a description of any products to be manufactured, produced, assembled or stored (attach additional sheets if necessary). 19. Indicate the type of machinery and equipment that will be installed 20. For the project only, indicate the projected annual revenue, expense, and net income (before tax) from either the new business or the expansion itself for each year of the requested exemption. New/Expansion Project only Year (12 mo. periods) Year 1 New/Expansion Project only Year 2 New/Expansion Project only Year 3 New/Expansion New/Expansion Project only Project only Year 4 Year 5 Annual revenue __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Annual expense __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Net income __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ 21. Projected annual average number of persons to be employed by the project itself at the project location for each year for the first five years and the estimated annual payroll. Year No. of Employees Estimated payroll Company-wide (before project) New/ Expansion Project only Year 1 New/ Expansion Project only Year 2 New/ Expansion Project only Year 3 New/ Expansion Project only Year 4 New/ Expansion Project only Year 5 (1) ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ (2) ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ (1) ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ (2) ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ (1) - full time (2) - part time -3- Previous Business Activity 22. Is the project operator succeeding someone else in this or a similar business? Yes No 23. Has the project operator conducted this business at this or any other location either in or outside of the state? Yes No 24. Has the project operator or any officers of the project received any prior property tax incentives? Yes No If the answer to 22, 23, or 24 is yes, give details including locations, dates, and name of former business (attach additional sheets if necessary). Business Competition 25. Is any similar business being conducted by other operators in the municipality? Yes No If YES, give name and location of competing business or businesses Property Tax Liability Disclosure Statement 26. Does the project operator own real property in North Dakota which has delinquent property tax levied against it? Yes No 27. Does the project operator own a greater than 50% interest in a business that has delinquent property tax levied against any of its North Dakota real property? Yes No If the answer to 26 or 27 is Yes, list and explain Use Only When Reapplying 28. The project operator is reapplying for property tax incentives for the following reason(s):  To present additional facts or circumstances which were not presented at the time of the original application  To request continuation of the present property tax incentives because the project has: moved to a new location had a change in project operation or additional capital investment of more than twenty percent had a change in project operators To request an additional annual exemption for the year of ______ on structures owned by a governmental entity and leased to the project operator. (See N.D.C.C. § 40-57.1-04.1) Notice to Competitors of Hearing Prior to the hearing, the applicant must present to the governing body of the county or city a copy of the affidavit of publication giving notice to competitors unless the municipality has otherwise determined there are no competitors. I, _______________________________________, do hereby certify that the answers to the above questions and all of the information contained in this application, including attachments hereto, are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that no relevant fact pertaining to the ownership or operation of the project has been omitted. ________________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________ Signature Title Date -4- PRIVACY ACT NOTIFICATION In compliance with the Privacy Act of 1974, disclosure of a social security number or Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) on this form is required under N.D.C.C. §§ 40-57.1-03, 40-57.1-07, and 57-01-15, and will be used for tax reporting, identification, and administration of North Dakota tax laws. Disclosure is mandatory. Failure to provide the social security number or FEIN may delay or prevent the processing of this form. Certification of Governing Body (To be completed by the Auditor of the City or County) The municipality shall, after granting any property tax incentives, certify the findings to the State Tax Commissioner and Director of Tax Equalization by submitting a copy of the project operator’s application with the attachments. The governing body, on the _____ day of _________________, 20____, granted the following: Property Tax Exemption Payments in lieu of taxes ______ Number of years ______ Beginning year ______ Ending year ______ Percent of exemption ______ Amount of annual payments (Attach schedule if payments will vary) ____________________________ Auditor -5- Notice To Competitors Of Hearing On Application For Property Tax Incentives Notice is hereby given that the ____________________________________________________________ (City or county governing body) of _____________________________________, North Dakota, will meet at _______________________ (City or county) (Time) on __________________at __________________________ to consider the application of (Date) (Location) (Project operator name and address) for property tax relief on the project which the applicant will use in the operation of _____________________________________________________________________________________ (Type of business) at ___________________________________________________________________________________ (Address) _____________________________________________________________________________________ (Legal description) Any competitor of that applicant may appear and be heard by the ________________________________ (City or county governing body) at the time and place designated herein. A competitor may provide written comments to the governing body before the scheduled hearing. This notice is given by the above-named applicant pursuant to the provisions of North Dakota Century Code § 40-57.1-03 North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner Guideline - Property Tax: Incentives for New or Expanding Businesses December 2017 North Dakota Century Code ch. 40-57.1 provides incentives in the form of property tax exemptions, payments in lieu of taxes, or a combination of both to a qualifying business. The incentives are granted at the discretion of the city or county in which the property is located. Before a municipality may grant a property tax exemption under N.D.C.C. § 40-57.1-03, the project must be certified as a primary sector business by the Commerce Department. A city or county with fewer than 40,000 population may grant an exemption to a project operating in the retail sector if the governing body has obtained approval from a majority of the qualified electors voting on the question at a city or county election held in conjunction with a statewide general election and if that governing body has established by resolution or ordinance the criteria that will be applied by the governing body to determine whether it is appropriate to grant an exemption for a project operating in the retail sector. Minimum criteria are specified in N.D.C.C. § 40-57.1-03(1). A city or county may not supersede or expand the provisions of this section under home rule authority. * Before a city grants a property tax incentive on a parcel that is anticipated to receive a property tax incentive for more than five years, the governing body of the city is required to send a letter, by certified mail, to the chairman of each county commission and the president of each school district affected by the tax incentive. The letter must provide terms of the proposed property tax incentive. * Within 30 days of receipt of the notice, each affected county and school district must notify the city, in writing, whether it elects to participate in granting the tax incentive on the county or school district portion of the property tax. If no letter is received, the city must treat each county or school district as participating in the property tax incentive. Definitions 1. Commencement of construction means the building or erecting of any im­provements other than site prepara­tion or excavation. 2. Commencement of project operation means “the date the plant actually goes into its planned operations. To use the example..., if a manufac­turing plant actually begins manu­facturing of its products in December, 1970, that would be the date of commencement of project operations. The Act does not purport to autho­rize granting of tax exemptions for the time of construction of plants.” 1969 N.D. Op. Att’y Gen. 415. 3. Local Development Corporation means a profit or nonprofit corporation incorporated in this state for the purpose of furthering the economic development of a specified communi­ty or area. 24892 G-15 www.nd.gov/tax | [email protected] 600 E. Boulevard Ave., Dept 127 | Bismarck, ND 58505-0599 701.328.3127 | Hearing/Speech Impaired: 800.366.6888 Incentives for New or Expanding Businesses Guideline 4. Municipality means a city or a coun­ty. 5. Primary sector means a business that adds value to a product, process, or service that results in the creation of new wealth. New wealth means revenues to a North Dakota business generated by sales of products or services to customers outside North Dakota, or revenues to a North Dakota business from sales in North Dakota, if the product or service was previously unavailable or of limited availability. 6. Project means any new revenue-pro­ducing business or an expansion to an existing business. 7. Project operator means the individ­ual, partner­ship, limited liability company (LLC), corpora­tion, or as­sociation that owns or operates the project. 8. Statewide general election, as provided in N.D.C.C. § 16.1-13-01, means the general election held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each even-numbered year. 9. Structure means any property where a business is conducted. The struc­ture might be an entire occupied by one busi­ness, or indi­vidual quarters within a larger building. building, if What Qualifies 10. New and existing buildings, struc­tures, and improvements owned or leased by a qualifying project may receive prop­ erty tax incentives. 11. New buildings, structures, and im­provements constructed and owned by a local development corporation may receive a partial or complete exemp­tion from ad valorem taxation while unoccupied. Once occu­pied, the exemp­tion continues until the next assessment date following the first occupancy. A qualifying project that locates in a building owned by a local develop­ment corporation qualifies for the proper­ty tax incentives, provided appli­cation is made and granted prior to occu­pancy. Allowable Incentives 12. A qualifying project may receive a complete or partial exemption from ad valorem taxation on structures used in or necessary to the opera­tion of a project for up to five years following the commencement of project operations. 13. The exemption period begins with the assess­ment date immediately follow­ing the date of commencement of pro­ject opera­tions. 14. Projects that produce or manufac­ture a product from agricultural commodities may receive a complete or partial proper­ty tax exemption on structures for up to ten years. 15. A project located in a structure leased from a governmental entity and which received a five-year property tax exemption qualifies for additional exemptions for up to five years. For the additional exemptions, the municipality grants the exemption one year at a time upon annual application. 16. Payments in lieu of taxes may be used in place of, or in combination with, property tax exemptions for quali­fying projects. The munic­ipality and project operator nego­tiate the amount of annual payments, when the payments begin, and the ending date, which may be no later than twenty years from the date pro­ject operations began. G-16 www.nd.gov/tax | [email protected] 600 E. Boulevard Ave., Dept 127 | Bismarck, ND 58505-0599 Page 2 701.328.3127 | Hearing/Speech Impaired: 800.366.6888 Incentives for New or Expanding Businesses Guideline 17. Payments in lieu of taxes are apportioned in the same manner as the general real estate taxes unless a taxing district enters into a written agreement for an alternate method. Any agreement entered into between the munici­pality and other taxing districts for an alternate method of apportioning the payments in lieu of taxes may not affect the apportionment to any taxing district that is not a party to the agree­ment. 18. The tax incentives are valid as long as the property is used for the pur­poses stated in the application. If there is a change in use or project operator, a new application for the incentives must be filed with and approved by the munici­ pality to receive the remainder of the incen­tives. Limitations 19. A pro­ject is not eligible for the property tax incentives if the pro­ject received a tax exemp­tion under tax increment financing. 20. The tax exemption and the payments in lieu of taxes are limited to the new or existing buildings or structures used in the qualifying project. 21. Tax incentives may not be granted for land. 22. Payments in lieu of taxes are not eligible for the 5% discount for early payment. Procedures 23. The project operator applies to the governing body of the municipality where the potential project is to be located. If the project will be within city limits, the project operator applies to the city governing body. If the project is outside city limits, applica­tion is made to the county commission. 24. The municipality forwards the application to the Department of Commerce, Division of Economic Development and Finance, P.O. Box 2057, Bismarck, ND 58502-2057, for its review and recommendation as to the eligibility of the project as a primary sector business. 25. Application for the property tax exemption must be made and granted prior to the com­mencement of construction if the pro­ject locates in a new structure. If the project locates in an existing struc­ture, application must be made and granted before the structure is occu­pied. For qualifying projects, applications for payments in lieu of property taxes may be made after construction or occupancy of the structure. A representative appointed by the board of each affected school district and of each affected township is included as a non-voting member during the negotiation and deliberation of granting tax incentives. 26. The project operator publishes two notices to competitors of hearing on the application. The notices are pub­lished in the official newspa­per of the city or county at least one week apart. The last notice must be pub­lished at least 15 days, but not more than 30 days, before the city or county considers the application. For exam­ple, notices published one week apart on May 1 and May 8 would be appropriate for a hearing scheduled any time between May 23 and June 7. An affidavit of publication is present­ed to the governing body prior to the hearing as proof of publication. Publication of notices is not required if the municipality determines that project competitors do not exist in the municipality. 27. The city or county holds a public hearing on the application and takes testimony both in favor of and in opposition to the grant­ing of the tax incentives. G-17 www.nd.gov/tax | [email protected] 600 E. Boulevard Ave., Dept 127 | Bismarck, ND 58505-0599 Page 3 701.328.3127 | Hearing/Speech Impaired: 800.366.6888 Incentives for New or Expanding Businesses Guideline 28. After the public hearing, the govern­ing body determines the best interests of the municipality and approves or denies, in whole or in part, the application for tax incentives. 29. The municipality certifies the tax incentives grant­ed by submitting a copy of the project operator’s application with the attach­ments to the State Tax Commis­sioner and coun­ty director of tax equalization. The county director of tax equalization advises the local assessor when the property is taxable or exempt. 30. Political subdivision grantors shall maintain records of business incentives provided to recipients. They shall prepare an annual political subdivision grantor report to the Department of Commerce before April 1 each year that includes: ● The name of the business receiving business incentives during that year; ● The number of jobs expected to be created or retained by each business as a result of the business incentives; ● The average compensation expected to be provided by the employer for the jobs expected to be created or retained as a result of the business incentives, including identification of the average benefits and average earnings to be provided by the employer for these jobs; and ● The total dollar value of all business incentives provided by the political subdivision during that year. Additional Conditions North Dakota Century Code § 40-57.1-03 provides that the governing body of a municipality, before the beginning of a taxable year for which a property tax exemption or the option to make payments in lieu of taxes has previously been approved by the governing body, may revoke or reduce an exemption, or revoke or increase payments in lieu of taxes for that taxable year for reasons specified in a negotiated agreement or if the governing body finds that: a. Information provided by the project operator has proven to be inaccurate or untrue; b. Use of the property by the project operator does not comply with the reasonable expectations of the governing body at the time the property tax exemption or the option to make payments in lieu of taxes was approved; c. The property has been improved to a substantially greater extent than the governing body reasonably anticipated at the time the property tax exemption or the option to make payments in lieu of taxes was approved; or d. There has been a change of ownership of the property since the property tax exemption or the option to make payments in lieu of taxes was approved. * Indicates significant change since last revised. G-18 www.nd.gov/tax | [email protected] 600 E. Boulevard Ave., Dept 127 | Bismarck, ND 58505-0599 Page 4 701.328.3127 | Hearing/Speech Impaired: 800.366.6888
Extracted from PDF file 2024-north-dakota-form-24740.pdf, last modified February 2014

More about the North Dakota Form 24740 Other TY 2024

This application must be filed with the assessor every year by February 1 of the year for which the exemption is claimed.

We last updated the Application for Property Tax Exemption in February 2025, so this is the latest version of Form 24740, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form 24740 directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other North Dakota tax forms here.

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Other North Dakota Other Forms:

TaxFormFinder has an additional 44 North Dakota income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.

Form Code Form Name
Form SFN 24777 Application For Senior Citizen Or Permanently And Totally Disabled Renter's Property Tax Refund
Form 24757 Application for Property Tax Homestead Credit for Senior Citizens and Disabled Persons
Form 24734 Application for Property Tax Exemption for New or Expanding Businesses
Form 24737 Application For Property Tax Exemption of a Farm Residence
Form 24740 Application for Property Tax Exemption

Download all ND tax forms View all 45 North Dakota Income Tax Forms

Form Sources:

North Dakota usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated North Dakota Form 24740 from the Office of State Tax Commissioner in February 2025.

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Historical Past-Year Versions of North Dakota Form 24740

We have a total of six past-year versions of Form 24740 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2024 Form 24740

Application for Property Tax Incentives for New or Expanding Businesses

2023 Form 24740

Application for Property Tax Incentives for New or Expanding Businesses

2022 Form 24740

Application for Property Tax Incentives for New or Expanding Businesses

2021 Form 24740

Application for Property Tax Incentives for New or Expanding Businesses

2019 Form 24740

Application for Property Tax Exemption

2018 Form 24740

Application for Property Tax Exemption

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While we do our best to keep our list of North Dakota Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

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Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/northdakota/form-24740