New York Request for Innocent Spouse Relief

Extracted from PDF file 2024-new-york-form-it-285.pdf, last modified April 2005Request for Innocent Spouse Relief
IT-285 Department of Taxation and Finance Request for Innocent Spouse Relief (and Separation of Liability and Equitable Relief) (12/24) Important: Do not file this form with your income tax return. See Where to file on page 4. Your first name and middle initial Your last name Your Social Security number Mailing address (number and street or PO Box) City, village, or post office State ZIP code Daytime phone number Apartment number Evening phone number Important notes: – For more information on the types of relief available, see Form IT-285-I, Instructions for Form IT-285, or visit (search: innocent spouse). – By law, the Tax Department must contact the person who was your spouse during the years for which you want relief. There are no exceptions, even for victims of spousal abuse or domestic violence. Your personal information (such as your current name, address, and employer) will be protected. However, if you petition the Division of Tax Appeals, your personal information may be released. See instructions. – You must answer all questions for your application to be considered for relief. Attach additional sheets as needed. 1 Are you requesting relief from a liability that resulted from a jointly filed return? Mark an X in the appropriate box. Yes. Go to line 2. No. Stop. You cannot file Form IT-285. 2 Are you requesting that all or part of your share of a joint refund, that was (or will be) applied against your spouse’s past-due debt (such as child support), be refunded to you? Yes. Stop. Use Form IT-280, Nonobligated Spouse Allocation, to make this request. Do not use Form IT-285. No. Go to line 3. 3 Enter the tax years for which you are requesting relief. Tax year Tax year Tax year Tax year Tax year Tax year Note: If the answers are not the same for each of the following questions for all tax years for which you are filing this form, submit an explanation (you must include your name and Social Security number). 4 Explain why you believe you qualify for relief. You must submit a statement and appropriate supporting documentation (see instructions). (continued) 285001240094 Page 2 of 4 IT-285 (12/24) 5 Information, if known, about your spouse (or former spouse) to whom you were married at the end of the years on line 3. First name and middle initial Last name Social Security number Mailing address (number and street or PO Box; see instructions) City, village, or post office State ZIP code Daytime phone number Apartment number Evening phone number 6 Provide all of the following information, as applicable, in regard to you and the person on line 5 (see instructions). Married and still living together since (mmddyyyy).......................................................................... Married and living apart since (mmddyyyy)..................................................................................... Widowed since (mmddyyyy) (Include a photocopy of the death certificate and will, if one exists.) ..................................................... Legally separated since (mmddyyyy) (Include a photocopy of your entire separation agreement.) ............................................................... Divorced since (mmddyyyy) (Include a photocopy of your entire divorce decree.) ......................................................................... Note: A divorce decree stating that your former spouse must pay all taxes does not necessarily mean you qualify for relief. 7 Were you a victim of spousal abuse or domestic violence, or suffering the effects of such abuse during the tax years for which you are requesting relief or when any of the returns were filed for those years (abuses include physical, psychological, sexual, emotional, or financial abuse)? Yes. See instructions. No. 8 When any of the returns listed in question 3 were filed, did you have a mental or physical health problem, or do you have a mental or physical health problem now? Yes. Attach a statement to explain the problem and when it started. Provide any supporting documentation. No. 9 What was the highest level of education you had completed when the return or returns were filed? Did not complete high school High School diploma or equivalent Some college College degree or higher. List any degrees you have: (continued) 285002240094 IT-285 (12/24) Page 3 of 4 10 For the years for which you want relief, how were you involved in the household finances? Mark all that apply. You were not involved in handling money for the household. Explain below. You knew the person on line 5 had separate accounts. You had joint accounts but you had limited use of them or did not use them. Explain below. You used joint accounts. You made deposits, paid bills, balanced the checkbook, or reviewed the monthly bank statements. You made decisions about how money was spent. For example, you paid bills or made decisions about household purchases. Other: Explain anything else you want to tell us about your household finances: 11 Were you involved with any of the following activities? Mark all that apply and explain, if necessary. You filled out or helped fill out the returns. You gathered receipts and canceled checks. You gave tax documents (such as federal Forms W-2, 1099, and so on) for the preparation of the returns. You reviewed the returns before they were filed. You asked questions about the content of the returns before they were filed. You did not review the returns before they were filed. Explain below. You did not know a joint return was filed. Other: Explain: None of the above. 12 When the returns were filed, did you know any amounts were due to New York State? Yes 285003240094 No If Yes, explain when and how you thought the amount of tax reported on your return would be paid: Page 4 of 4 IT-285 (12/24) 13 When the returns were filed, what did you know about any incorrect or missing information? Mark all that apply and explain, if necessary. You knew something was incorrect or missing, but you said nothing. Explain below. You knew something was incorrect or missing, and asked about it. Explain below. You did not know anything was incorrect or missing. Not applicable. There was no incorrect or missing information. Explain: 14 For the years you want relief, did you or the person named in question 5 incur any large purchases, expenses, or both? Yes. No. If Yes, describe any large expenses you or the person named in line 5 incurred (such as trips, home improvements, or private schooling) or any large purchases you or the person named in question 5 made (such as automobiles, appliances, jewelry, and so on). Include the types and amounts of the expenses and purchases, the years they were incurred or made, and by whom (you, the person named in line 5, or both). 15 Did you file federal Form 8857, Request for Innocent Spouse Relief, with the IRS for the same tax years and with the same missing or incorrect items on your returns for which you are filing this form? Yes. Include a copy of your Form 8857 and the final determination from the IRS, if applicable. No. 16 Provide any other information you want us to consider for the years that you are requesting relief from. This may help us determine if it would be unfair to hold you liable for the tax due during those years. ▼ Paid preparer must complete (see instr.) ▼ ▼ Taxpayer sign here ▼ Date Preparer’s signature Preparer’s NYTPRIN Firm’s name (or yours, if self-employed) Preparer’s PTIN or SSN Address Employer identification number Email: Where to file Your signature NYTPRIN excl. code Date Daytime phone number ( ) Email: Keep a copy of this form for your records. Generally, you should send this form to: NYS Tax Department, Protest Correspondence Unit, W A Harriman Campus, Albany NY 12227-5120. But, if you are meeting with a Department of Taxation and Finance employee, or you received a notice of deficiency, or you are using a private delivery service, see instructions. If you would like the Tax Department to correspond with your representative, you must complete and submit a power of attorney. 285004240094
Form IT-285 Request for Innocent Spouse Relief (and Separation of Liability of Equitable Relief) Revised 12/24
More about the New York Form IT-285 Individual Income Tax TY 2024
This form is used to have one spouse Form also used for Separation of Liability provide relief for the other. Equitable Relief. Also see TSB-M-11(11)I, Equitable Relief, for additional information.
We last updated the Request for Innocent Spouse Relief in February 2025, so this is the latest version of Form IT-285, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form IT-285 directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other New York tax forms here.
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eFiling is easier, faster, and safer than filling out paper tax forms. File your New York and Federal tax returns online with TurboTax in minutes. FREE for simple returns, with discounts available for TaxFormFinder users!
File Now with TurboTaxOther New York Individual Income Tax Forms:
TaxFormFinder has an additional 271 New York income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.
Form Code | Form Name |
Form IT-201 | Individual Income Tax Return |
Form IT-201-D | Resident Itemized Deduction Schedule (DISCONTINUED) |
IT-201-V | Payment Voucher for Income Tax Returns |
Form IT-2663 | Nonresident Real Property Estimated Income Tax Payment Form |
Form 203-I | Nonresident Income Tax Instructions |
View all 272 New York Income Tax Forms
Form Sources:
New York usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated New York Form IT-285 from the Department of Taxation and Finance in February 2025.
About the Individual Income Tax
The IRS and most states collect a personal income tax, which is paid throughout the year via tax withholding or estimated income tax payments.
Most taxpayers are required to file a yearly income tax return in April to both the Internal Revenue Service and their state's revenue department, which will result in either a tax refund of excess withheld income or a tax payment if the withholding does not cover the taxpayer's entire liability. Every taxpayer's situation is different - please consult a CPA or licensed tax preparer to ensure that you are filing the correct tax forms!
Historical Past-Year Versions of New York Form IT-285
We have a total of thirteen past-year versions of Form IT-285 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

Form IT-285 Request for Innocent Spouse Relief (and Separation of Liability of Equitable Relief) Revised 12/24

Form IT-285:9/15:Request for Innocent Spouse Relief (and Separation of Liability of Equitable Relief):it285

Form IT-285:9/15:Request for Innocent Spouse Relief (and Separation of Liability of Equitable Relief):it285

Form IT-285:9/15:Request for Innocent Spouse Relief (and Separation of Liability of Equitable Relief):it285

Form IT-285:9/15:Request for Innocent Spouse Relief (and Separation of Liability of Equitable Relief):it285

Form IT-285:9/15:Request for Innocent Spouse Relief (and Separation of Liability of Equitable Relief):it285

Form IT-285:9/15:Request for Innocent Spouse Relief (and Separation of Liability of Equitable Relief):it285

Form IT-285:9/15:Request for Innocent Spouse Relief (and Separation of Liability of Equitable Relief):it285

Form IT-285:9/15:Request for Innocent Spouse Relief (and Separation of Liability of Equitable Relief):it285

Form IT-285:9/15:Request for Innocent Spouse Relief (and Separation of Liability of Equitable Relief):it285

Form IT-285:9/14:Request for Innocent Spouse Relief (and Separation of Liability of Equitable Relief):it285

Form IT-285:9/12:Request for Innocent Spouse Relief (and Separation of Liability of Equitable Relief):it285

Form IT-285:9/12:Request for Innocent Spouse Relief (and Separation of Liability of Equitable Relief):it285
TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:
While we do our best to keep our list of New York Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.