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New York Free Printable Form IT-2102.6 Certificate of Income Tax Withheld Tax Year 2024 for 2025 New York Certificate of Income Tax Withheld

There are only 22 days left until tax day on April 16th! eFile your return online here , or request a six-month extension here .

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Certificate of Income Tax Withheld
Form IT-2102.6 Certificate of Income Tax Withheld Tax Year 2024

IT-2102.6 Department of Taxation and Finance Certificate of Income Tax Withheld (with instructions) If every effort to get a federal Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement, from your employer has failed, file this certificate with this year’s tax return, for this employer. If you were unable to get a federal Form W-2 from more than one employer, file a separate certificate for each employer. Complete this form, sign, and submit it with your return. Explain why you were unable to obtain a federal Form W-2 from your employer:  Enter any other information, such as the employer identification number (EIN), that will help the Tax Department locate your employer, or if you prefer, submit a copy of your payroll stub: Privacy notification The Commissioner of Taxation and Finance may collect and maintain personal information pursuant to the New York State Tax Law, including but not limited to, sections 5-a, 171, 171-a, 287, 308, 429, 475, 505, 697, 1096, 1142, and 1415 of that Law; and may require disclosure of Social Security numbers pursuant to 42 USC 405(c)(2)(C)(i). This information will be used to determine and administer tax liabilities and, when authorized by law, for certain tax offset and exchange of tax information programs as well as for any other lawful purpose. Enter your employer’s present name and address if different from that entered on the certificate: Information concerning quarterly wages paid to employees is provided to certain state agencies for purposes of fraud prevention, support enforcement, evaluation of the effectiveness of certain employment and training programs and other purposes authorized by law. Failure to provide the required information may subject you to civil or criminal penalties, or both, under the Tax Law. See our website or Publication 54, Privacy Notification, for more information. There may be additional information about UI Law and the Department of Labor. Do not detach. IT-2102.6 Certificate of Income Tax Withheld New York State • New York City • Yonkers Employee’s first name and initial Last name Your Social Security number Mailing address (number and street or PO Box) City, village, or post office Apt no. State ZIP code State ZIP code Use this form only when you are unable to obtain federal Form W-2 from your employer. Employer’s name Address (number and street or rural route) City, village, or post office 1 Total wages before any deductions ...................................................................................................... 2 New York State income tax withheld ..................................................................................................... 3 New York City income tax withheld ....................................................................................................... 4 .Yonkers income tax withheld ................................................................................................................ Whole dollars only .00 .00 .00 .00 1 2 3 4 I certify that the total amount of wages paid and New York State, New York City, and Yonkers tax withheld by the employer shown on this form are, to the best of my knowledge, correct. I further state that it was not possible to obtain federal Form W-2 from the employer for the reason noted above. Employee signature 110001240094 Date
Extracted from PDF file 2024-new-york-form-it-21026.pdf, last modified November 2006

More about the New York Form IT-2102.6 Individual Income Tax TY 2024

Submit this form if one or more of your employers did not give you your W-2 form.

We last updated the Certificate of Income Tax Withheld in January 2025, so this is the latest version of Form IT-2102.6, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form IT-2102.6 directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other New York tax forms here.

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Other New York Individual Income Tax Forms:

TaxFormFinder has an additional 271 New York income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.

Form Code Form Name
Form IT-201 Individual Income Tax Return
Form IT-201-D Resident Itemized Deduction Schedule (DISCONTINUED)
IT-201-V Payment Voucher for Income Tax Returns
Form IT-2663 Nonresident Real Property Estimated Income Tax Payment Form
Form 203-I Nonresident Income Tax Instructions

Download all NY tax forms View all 272 New York Income Tax Forms

Form Sources:

New York usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated New York Form IT-2102.6 from the Department of Taxation and Finance in January 2025.

Show Sources >

About the Individual Income Tax

The IRS and most states collect a personal income tax, which is paid throughout the year via tax withholding or estimated income tax payments.

Most taxpayers are required to file a yearly income tax return in April to both the Internal Revenue Service and their state's revenue department, which will result in either a tax refund of excess withheld income or a tax payment if the withholding does not cover the taxpayer's entire liability. Every taxpayer's situation is different - please consult a CPA or licensed tax preparer to ensure that you are filing the correct tax forms!

Historical Past-Year Versions of New York Form IT-2102.6

We have a total of thirteen past-year versions of Form IT-2102.6 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2024 Form IT-2102.6

Form IT-2102.6 Certificate of Income Tax Withheld Tax Year 2024

2023 Form IT-2102.6

Form IT-2102.6 Certificate of Income Tax Withheld Tax Year 2023

2022 Form IT-2102.6

Form IT-2102.6 Certificate of Income Tax Withheld Tax Year 2022

2021 Form IT-2102.6

Form IT-2102.6 Certificate of Income Tax Withheld Tax Year 2021

2020 Form IT-2102.6

Form IT-2102.6 Certificate of Income Tax Withheld Tax Year 2020

2019 Form IT-2102.6

Form IT-2102.6:2019:Certificate of Income Tax Withheld:it21026

2018 Form IT-2102.6

Form IT-2102.6:2018:Certificate of Income Tax Withheld:it21026

2017 Form IT-2102.6

Form IT-2102.6:2017:Certificate of Income Tax Withheld:IT21026

2016 Form IT-2102.6

Form IT-2102.6:2016:Certificate of Income Tax Withheld:IT21026

2015 Form IT-2102.6

Form IT-2102.6:2015:Certificate of Income Tax Withheld:IT21026

Certificate of Income Tax Withheld 2014 Form IT-2102.6

Form IT-2102.6:2014:Certificate of Income Tax Withheld:IT21026

Certificate of Income Tax Withheld 2013 Form IT-2102.6

Form IT-2102.6:2013:Certificate of Income Tax Withheld:IT21026

2012 Form IT-2102.6

Form IT-2102.6:2012:Certificate of Income Tax Withheld:IT21026

TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:

While we do our best to keep our list of New York Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/newyork/form-it-21026