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New York Free Printable Form CT-46-ATT:2014:Credit for Rehabilitation Expenses for Retail Enterprises and Historic Barns:CT46ATT for 2025 New York Credit for Rehabilitation Expenses for Retail Enterprises and Historic Barns (OBSOLETE)

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Credit for Rehabilitation Expenses for Retail Enterprises and Historic Barns (OBSOLETE)
Form CT-46-ATT:2014:Credit for Rehabilitation Expenses for Retail Enterprises and Historic Barns:CT46ATT

New York State Department of Taxation and Finance Credit for Rehabilitation Expenses for Retail Enterprises and Historic Barns Legal name of corporation beginning CT-46-ATT All filers must enter tax period: ending Employer identification number Schedule A – Rehabilitation expenditures for retail enterprises New York State sales tax vendor registration number Percentage of business receipts from retail sales........................................ Percentage of rehabilitated area used in retail sales.................................... A B C D E Description of property Primary use of Date of Life Rehabilitation rehabilitation expenditures rehabilitated area expenditure (years) expenditures (mm-dd-yy) F % Rates (see Rate schedule 1 in Form CT-46-I) 1 Add column G amounts (enter here and on Form CT-46, line 3).................................................................................... % % G Investment tax credit (E × F) 1 Schedule B – Rehabilitation expenditures for historic barns For lines 2 through 11, mark an X in the Yes or No box for each question to determine if you are eligible to claim this credit. 2 Has the barn been converted to residential use?......................................................................................................................... Yes   If Yes, stop. You do not qualify for this credit. 3 Is the barn listed in the National Register?................................................................................................................................... Yes   If Yes, the barn’s rehabilitation must be certified by the federal Secretary of Interior or the New York State Office of Parks,   Recreation and Historic Preservation. Attach a copy of the certification (see instructions). No 4 If you answered No to question 3, is the barn located in a registered historic district?................................................................ Yes No 5 If you answered Yes to question 4, is the barn of historic significance to the district?................................................................. Yes   If Yes, the barn must be a certified historic structure and the barn’s rehabilitation must be certified by the federal Secretary   of Interior or the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. Attach a copy of the certification. No No   If No, attach documentation from the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation stating the barn is of   no historic significance to the district (see TSB-M-97(5)(C), A Credit for Rehabilitation of Historic Barns). 6 If you answered No to questions 3 and 4, was the barn originally designed and used for storing farm equipment or   agricultural products or for housing livestock, and was the barn first placed into service before 1936?.................................. Yes   If No, stop. You do not qualify for this credit. 7 Has the historic appearance of the barn been materially altered?............................................................................................... Yes   If Yes, stop. You do not qualify for this credit.   If No, attach a copy of the letter from the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation stating   that the historic appearance of the barn has not been materially altered (see TSB-M-97(5)(C)). No No 8 Describe the measurement period used to determine whether the barn has been substantially rehabilitated (see instructions)...... 9 What is the adjusted basis of the barn as of the first day of the measurement period? (see instructions). ............... 9 10 Do the expenditures incurred during the measurement period to rehabilitate the barn exceed the greater of the amount   shown in question 9 or $5,000?................................................................................................................................................ Yes No    If No, stop. You do not qualify for this credit. 11 Did you use the straight-line method of depreciation over a recovery period specified in either Internal Revenue Code (IRC)   section 168(c) or 168(g), whichever is applicable to you?........................................................................................................ Yes No   If No, stop. You do not qualify for this credit. Date rehabilitation work began: Date rehabilitation work was completed: A B C D E Description of rehabilitation expenditures Date of Life Amount of Rehabilitation credit (attach additional sheets if necessary) expenditure(s) (years) expenditure(s) (column D × 25% (.25)) (mm-dd-yy) 12 Add column E amounts (enter here and on Form CT-46, line 4).................................................................................... 12 Attach to Form CT-46, Claim for Investment Tax Credit. 476001140094 Page 2 of 2  CT-46-ATT (2014) Instructions Purpose of form Use Form CT-46-ATT to claim a credit for the rehabilitation expenditures of retail enterprises (Schedule A) or historic barns (Schedule B). If you qualify for either credit, or both, complete the applicable schedule and attach this form to Form CT-46, Claim for Investment Tax Credit. The provisions for recapture applicable to investment tax credit property (Article 9-A section 210.12(g)) also apply to these credits. Refer to the instructions for computing recapture amounts in Schedule D on Form CT-46. Credit for rehabilitation expenditures for retail enterprises Section 210.12(k) allows a credit for qualified rehabilitation expenditures, as defined in Internal Revenue Code (IRC), section 47(c)(2). In addition to qualifying for the federal credit, the taxpayer must be a retail enterprise. A retail enterprise is a taxpayer registered as a vendor under Tax Law Article 28, and is at least 50% engaged in retail sales as defined in section 1101(b)(4)(i). The rehabilitated property must be located in New York State. The credit is limited to the portion of the expenditures attributable to the property employed in retail sales. Credit for rehabilitation expenditures for historic barns Section 210.12(l) allows a credit for qualified rehabilitation expenditures, as defined in IRC section 47(c)(2), paid or incurred for any barn located in New York State that is a qualified rehabilitated building, as defined in IRC section 47(c)(1). A barn must be a building originally designed and used for storing farm equipment or agricultural products, or for housing livestock. No rehabilitation credit is allowed for a barn converted to a residence or a barn whose historic appearance has been altered. A barn must either have been placed in service before 1936, or, if placed in service after that time, a barn must be a certified historic structure listed in the National Register of Historic Places, or located in a registered historic district certified by the Secretary of the Interior. Expenditures for the enlargement of a barn do not qualify for the credit. However, a barn will not be disqualified from the credit because it has been enlarged. In such cases, the total expenditures paid or incurred for rehabilitation must be apportioned to exclude those expenditures attributable to the enlargement. For detailed information concerning qualified rehabilitated expenditures, qualified rehabilitated buildings, alteration of the historic appearance of a barn, certified historic structures, registered historic districts, and enlargement of a barn, refer to TSB-M-97(5)(C), A Credit for Rehabilitation of Historic Barns. Computation of tax credit(s) Complete Schedules A and B as appropriate, and enter the total credits computed on Form CT-46, lines 3 and 4. Schedule A – Rehabilitation expenditures for retail enterprises Provide the information required in columns A, B, C, and D. Attach a separate page if you need more space. Enter in column E the portion of the qualified rehabilitation expenditures paid or incurred for that part of the building employed in retail sales activity. 476002140094 Schedule B – Rehabilitation expenditures for historic barns Questions 3 and 4 – If a barn is listed in the National Register, or a barn is located in a registered historic district and is of historic significance to the district, the barn is a certified historic structure. A certified historic structure must have a rehabilitation certified by the federal Secretary of Interior or the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. If the barn for which a credit is claimed is a certified historic structure, attach the appropriate certification. For more information, see TSB-M-97(5)(C). Questions 5 and 7 – Attach documentation that the historic appearance of the barn has not been materially altered and, where appropriate, documentation that the barn is of no historic significance to a registered historic district. One acceptable form of documentation is a letter from the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. Documentation that a federal rehabilitation credit of 10% or 20% has been allowed for a barn is another acceptable form of documentation. Questions 8 and 9 – To qualify for the credit, a barn must have been substantially rehabilitated. To determine whether a barn has been substantially rehabilitated, the expenditures incurred to rehabilitate the barn during a measurement period selected by the taxpayer must exceed the greater of the adjusted basis of the barn or $5,000. The measurement period is a 24-month period selected by the taxpayer and ending with or within the tax year. If the rehabilitation could reasonably be expected to be completed in phases set forth in architectural plans and specifications completed before the rehabilitation begins, the measurement period may be 60 months long. You may be required to submit documentation of the architectural plans and specifications at a later date. The adjusted basis is generally determined as of the beginning of the first day of the measurement period. Provide the information required in columns A, B, and C. Attach a separate page if you need more space. Column D – Enter in column D the amount of qualified rehabilitation expenditures paid or incurred for a qualified rehabilitated barn. If the expenditures include the cost of enlarging a barn and can be separately accounted for, exclude the expenditures attributable to the enlargement. Otherwise, on a separate page, show the total expenditures (including the enlargement) and the apportionment method to exclude the expenditures for the enlargement (as prescribed in TSB-M-97(5)(C)) that was used to arrive at the amount of rehabilitation expenditures entered in this column. Need help? and Privacy notification See Form CT-1, Supplement to Corporation Tax Instructions.
Extracted from PDF file 2019-new-york-form-ct-46-att.pdf, last modified October 2014

More about the New York Form CT-46-ATT Corporate Income Tax Tax Credit

This form is no longer in use.

We last updated the Credit for Rehabilitation Expenses for Retail Enterprises and Historic Barns (OBSOLETE) in March 2021, and the latest form we have available is for tax year 2019. This means that we don't yet have the updated form for the current tax year. Please check this page regularly, as we will post the updated form as soon as it is released by the New York Department of Taxation and Finance. You can print other New York tax forms here.

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Form CT-46 Claim for Investment Tax Credit

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Form Sources:

New York usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated New York Form CT-46-ATT from the Department of Taxation and Finance in March 2021.

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Form CT-46-ATT is a New York Corporate Income Tax form. States often have dozens of even hundreds of various tax credits, which, unlike deductions, provide a dollar-for-dollar reduction of tax liability. Some common tax credits apply to many taxpayers, while others only apply to extremely specific situations. In most cases, you will have to provide evidence to show that you are eligible for the tax credit, and calculate the amount of the credit to which you are entitled.

About the Corporate Income Tax

The IRS and most states require corporations to file an income tax return, with the exact filing requirements depending on the type of company.

Sole proprietorships or disregarded entities like LLCs are filed on Schedule C (or the state equivalent) of the owner's personal income tax return, flow-through entities like S Corporations or Partnerships are generally required to file an informational return equivilent to the IRS Form 1120S or Form 1065, and full corporations must file the equivalent of federal Form 1120 (and, unlike flow-through corporations, are often subject to a corporate tax liability).

Additional forms are available for a wide variety of specific entities and transactions including fiduciaries, nonprofits, and companies involved in other specific types of business.

Historical Past-Year Versions of New York Form CT-46-ATT

We have a total of nine past-year versions of Form CT-46-ATT in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2019 Form CT-46-ATT

Form CT-46-ATT:2014:Credit for Rehabilitation Expenses for Retail Enterprises and Historic Barns:CT46ATT

2018 Form CT-46-ATT

Form CT-46-ATT:2014:Credit for Rehabilitation Expenses for Retail Enterprises and Historic Barns:CT46ATT

2017 Form CT-46-ATT

Form CT-46-ATT:2014:Credit for Rehabilitation Expenses for Retail Enterprises and Historic Barns:CT46ATT

2016 Form CT-46-ATT

Form CT-46-ATT:2014:Credit for Rehabilitation Expenses for Retail Enterprises and Historic Barns:CT46ATT

2015 Form CT-46-ATT

Form CT-46-ATT:2014:Credit for Rehabilitation Expenses for Retail Enterprises and Historic Barns:CT46ATT

Credit for Rehabilitation Expenses for Retail Enterprises and Historic Barns 2014 Form CT-46-ATT

Form CT-46-ATT:2014:Credit for Rehabilitation Expenses for Retail Enterprises and Historic Barns:CT46ATT

Credit for Rehabilitation Expenses for Retail Enterprises and Historic Barns 2013 Form CT-46-ATT

Form CT-46-ATT:2013:Credit for Rehabilitation Expenses for Retail Enterprises and Historic Barns:CT46ATT

2012 Form CT-46-ATT

Form CT-46-ATT:2012:Credit for Rehabilitation Expenses for Retail Enterprises and Historic Barns:CT46ATT

2011 Form CT-46-ATT

Form CT-46-ATT:2011:Credit for Rehabilitation Expenses for Retail Enterprises and Historic Barns:CT46ATT

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While we do our best to keep our list of New York Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

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Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/newyork/form-ct-46-att