New York New York S Corporation Shareholders' Information Schedule

Extracted from PDF file 2024-new-york-form-ct-34-sh.pdf, last modified November 2024New York S Corporation Shareholders' Information Schedule
Department of Taxation and Finance New York S Corporation Shareholders’ Information Schedule Legal name of corporation CT-34-SH Employer identification number (EIN) File with Form CT-3-S Schedule A – Shareholders’ New York State modifications and credits (Enter the total amount reported by the New York S corporation on each line. Each shareholder must include their pro rata share of these amounts on their personal income tax return.) Part 1 – Total shareholder modifications related to S corporation items (see instructions) 1 New York State franchise tax imposed under Article 9-A ................................. 1 1a New York taxes imposed under Articles 24-A and 24-B and income taxes imposed by other taxing jurisdictions ........................................................... 1a 2 Federal depreciation deduction from Form CT-399, if applicable .................... 2 3 Other additions (file Form CT-225) ...................................................................... 3 4 Allowable New York depreciation from Form CT-399, if applicable ................. 4 Subtractions 5 Other subtractions (file Form CT-225) ................................................................. 5 Other items 6 Additions to itemized deductions ..................................................................... 6 (attach explanation) 7 Subtractions from itemized deductions ............................................................ 7 Part 2 – Total S corporation New York State credits and taxes on early dispositions (see instructions; file applicable forms) START-UP NY tax credits (see instructions) 8 START-UP NY business certificate number.............................................................. 8 9 Year of the START-UP NY business tax benefit period (enter the year number from 1 to 10) ............... 9 10 START-UP NY telecommunication services excise tax credit (Form CT-640) .................................... 10 11 Recapture of START-UP NY tax benefits (Form CT-645) ................................................................... 11 12 START-UP NY tax elimination credit tax-free NY area allocation factor (Form CT-638)...................... 12 13 START-UP NY tax elimination credit business allocation factor (Form CT-638) ................................. 13 START-UP NY tax elimination credit factors from partnership (for multiple partnerships attach separate statement; see instructions) 14 START-UP NY partnership EIN ........................................................................................................ 14 15 START-UP NY business certificate number (obtain number from your partnership) ..... 15 16 Year of the START-UP NY business tax benefit period (enter the year number from 1 to 10; obtain number from your partnership) ................................................................................................. 16 17 START-UP NY tax elimination credit tax-free NY area allocation factor (obtain factor from your partnership) ..................................................................................................................................... 17 18 START-UP NY tax elimination credit business allocation factor (obtain factor from your partnership) ... 18 Investment tax credits (see instructions) 19 Investment tax credit and employment incentive credit (Form CT-46) ...................................................... 19 20 Investment tax credit on research and development property (Form CT-46) ..................................... 20 21 Investment tax credit for eligible farmers on qualified property (Form CT-46) .................................... 21 22 Tax on early dispositions – investment tax credit, retail enterprise tax credit, historic barn credit, investment tax credit on research and development property, or investment tax credit for financial services industry (Form CT-44 or CT-46) ...................................................... 22 Empire zone (EZ) tax credits (see instructions) 23 EZ investment tax credit (Form CT-603) ............................................................................................. 23 24 25 Recaptured tax credit – EZ investment tax credit or EZ investment tax credit for financial services industry (Form CT-603 or CT-605) .................................................................................................... 25 Additions 433001240094 Page 2 of 5 CT-34-SH (2024) Part 2 – Total S corporation New York State credits and taxes on early dispositions (continued) Qualified empire zone enterprise (QEZE) tax credits (see instructions) 26 QEZE real property tax credit allowed (Form CT-606) ....................................................................... 26 27 Net recapture of QEZE real property tax credit (Form CT-606)........................................................... 27 28 QEZE tax reduction credit employment increase factor (Form CT-604).............................................. 28 29 QEZE tax reduction credit zone allocation factor (Form CT-604)........................................................ 29 30 QEZE tax reduction credit benefit period factor (Form CT-604).......................................................... 30 QEZE tax reduction credit factors from partnership (for multiple partnerships attach separate statement; see instructions) 31 QEZE partnership EIN...................................................................................................................... 31 32 QEZE employment increase factor (obtain factor from your partnership)............................................... 32 33 QEZE zone allocation factor (obtain factor from your partnership)......................................................... 33 34 QEZE benefit period factor (obtain factor from your partnership)........................................................... 34 Farmers’ school tax credit (see instructions) 35 Total acres of qualified agricultural property..................................................................................... 35 36 Total amount of eligible school district property taxes paid............................................................... 36 37 Total acres of qualified agricultural property converted to nonqualified use..................................... 37 38 Total acres of qualified conservation property................................................................................... 38 Other credits (file applicable forms) 39 Recapture of alternative fuels credit (Form CT-40) ............................................................................ 39 40 Credit for employment of persons with disabilities (Form CT-41) ....................................................... 40 41 Rehabilitation of historic properties credit (Form CT-238; also see Form CT-34-SH-I regarding project number reporting)................................................................................................................... 41 42 Recapture of rehabilitation of historic properties credit (Form CT-238)............................................... 42 43 Clean heating fuel credit (Form CT-241)............................................................................................. 43 44 45 Empire State commercial production credit (Form CT-246) ............................................................... 45 46 Empire State film production credit for the current year (Form CT-248).............................................. 46 47 Empire State film production credit for the second year (Form CT-248)............................................. 47 48 Empire State film production credit for the third year (Form CT-248).................................................. 48 49 Long-term care insurance credit (Form CT-249)................................................................................. 49 50 Credit for purchase of an automated external defibrillator (Form CT-250) ......................................... 50 51 Empire State film post-production credit for the current year (Form CT-261)...................................... 51 52 Empire State film post-production credit for the second year (Form CT-261)..................................... 52 53 Empire State film post-production credit for the third year (Form CT-261).......................................... 53 54 Excelsior jobs tax credit component (Form CT-607)............................................................................ 54 55 Excelsior investment tax credit component (Form CT-607)................................................................. 55 56 Excelsior research and development tax credit component (Form CT-607)........................................ 56 57 Excelsior real property tax credit component (Form CT-607) ............................................................. 57 57a Excelsior child care services tax credit component (Form CT-607)..................................................... 57a 58 Recapture of excelsior jobs program tax credit (Form CT-607)........................................................... 58 59 Brownfield redevelopment tax credit site preparation credit component (Form CT-611)..................... 59 60 Brownfield redevelopment tax credit tangible property credit component (Form CT-611)................... 60 61 Brownfield redevelopment tax credit on-site groundwater remediation credit component (Form CT-611). 61 62 Recapture of brownfield redevelopment tax credit (Form CT-611)...................................................... 62 63 Brownfield redevelopment tax credit site preparation credit component (Form CT-611.1).................. 63 64 Brownfield redevelopment tax credit tangible property credit component (Form CT-611.1)................ 64 65 Brownfield redevelopment tax credit on-site ground water remediation credit component (Form CT-611.1). 65 66 Recapture of brownfield redevelopment tax credit (Form CT-611.1)................................................... 66 67 Brownfield redevelopment tax credit site preparation credit component (Form CT-611.2).................. 67 68 Brownfield redevelopment tax credit tangible property credit component (Form CT-611.2)................ 68 69 Brownfield redevelopment tax credit on-site ground water remediation credit component (Form CT-611.2). 69 70 Recapture of brownfield redevelopment tax credit (Form CT-611.2)................................................... 70 71 Remediated brownfield credit for real property taxes (Form CT-612).................................................. 71 72 Recapture of remediated brownfield credit for real property taxes (Form CT-612)............................. 72 433002240094 CT-34-SH (2024) Page 3 of 5 Part 2 – Total S corporation New York State credits and taxes on early dispositions (continued) 73 Environmental remediation insurance credit (Form CT-613)............................................................... 73 74 Recapture of environmental remediation insurance credit (Form CT-613).......................................... 74 75 Security officer training tax credit (Form CT-631)................................................................................ 75 76 Economic transformation and facility redevelopment program jobs tax credit component (Form CT-633)................................................................................................................................. 76 77 Economic transformation and facility redevelopment program investment tax credit component (Form CT-633).................................................................................................................................. 77 78 Economic transformation and facility redevelopment program job training tax credit component (Form CT-633).................................................................................................................................. 78 79 Economic transformation and facility redevelopment program real property tax credit component (Form CT-633).................................................................................................................................. 79 80 Recapture of economic transformation and facilities redevelopment program tax credit (Form CT-633).... 80 81 Taxicabs and livery service vehicles accessible to persons with disabilities credit (Form CT-236)..... 81 82 QETC employment credit (Form DTF-621) ......................................................................................... 82 83 QETC capital tax credit (Form DTF-622) ............................................................................................ 83 84 Recapture of QETC capital tax credit (Form DTF-622) ...................................................................... 84 85 Low-income housing credit (Form DTF-624) ...................................................................................... 85 86 Recapture of low-income housing credit (Form DTF-626)................................................................... 86 87 Empire state jobs retention credit (Form CT-634)................................................................................ 87 88 Recapture of empire state jobs retention credit (Form CT-634).......................................................... 88 89 New York youth jobs program credit (Form CT-635)........................................................................... 89 90 Alcoholic beverage production credit for beer (Form CT-636)............................................................. 90 91 Alcoholic beverage production credit for cider (Form CT-636)............................................................ 91 92 Alcoholic beverage production credit for wine (Form CT-636) ............................................................ 92 93 Alcoholic beverage production credit for liquor containing more than 2%, but not more than 24% alcohol by volume (ABV) (Form CT-636) ................................................................................ 93 93a Alcoholic beverage production credit for liquor containing more than 24% ABV (Form CT-636) ........ 93a 94 Alternative fuels and electric vehicle recharging property credit (Form CT-637)................................. 94 95 Recapture of alternative fuels and electric vehicle recharging property credit (Form CT-637)............ 95 96 97 Real property tax credit for manufacturers (Form CT-641).................................................................. 97 98 Recapture of real property tax credit for manufacturers (Form CT-641).............................................. 98 99 Empire state musical and theatrical production credit (Form CT-642)................................................. 99 100 Hire a veteran credit (Form CT-643).................................................................................................... 100 101 Workers with disabilities tax credit (Form CT-644).............................................................................. 101 102 Employee training incentive program tax credit (Form CT-646).......................................................... 102 103 Farm workforce retention credit (Form CT-647).................................................................................. 103 104 Life sciences research and development tax credit (Form CT-648).................................................... 104 105 Farm donations to food pantries credit (Form CT-649; also see Form CT-34-SH-I regarding additional informational reporting)...................................................................................................................... 105 106 Empire State apprenticeship tax credit (Form CT-650)....................................................................... 106 107 Recovery tax credit (Form CT-651)..................................................................................................... 107 108 Employer-provided childcare credit (Form CT-652) ............................................................................ 108 109 New York City musical and theatrical production tax credit (Form CT-654)......................................... 109 110 Recapture of restaurant return-to-work credit (Form CT-655)............................................................. 110 111 112 COVID-19 capital costs credit (Form CT-657) .................................................................................... 112 113 Recapture of COVID-19 capital costs credit (Form CT-657) .............................................................. 113 114 Recapture of additional restaurant return-to-work credit (Form CT-658) ............................................ 114 115 Empire State digital gaming media production credit (Form CT-660) ................................................. 115 433003240094 Page 4 of 5 CT-34-SH (2024) Part 2 – Total S corporation New York State credits and taxes on early dispositions (continued) 116 117 118 119 120 121 Farm employer overtime credit (Form CT-661) .................................................................................. Child care creation and expansion credit (Form CT-662) ................................................................... Recapture of child care creation and expansion credit (Form CT-662) .............................................. Commercial security credit (Form CT-663).......................................................................................... Recapture of commercial security credit (Form CT-663)..................................................................... Other tax credits and recaptures (see instructions) 116 117 118 119 120 121 (complete Schedule B on the last page) 433004240094 CT-34-SH (2024) Page 5 of 5 Schedule B – Shareholders’ identifying information (see instructions) Photocopy Schedule B as needed. Attach all additional schedules to this form. Also mark an X in the box. A B C D E For each shareholder, Identifying number Percentage Shareholder Shareholder enter last name, first name, middle initial on first line; (SSN or EIN) of ownership residency status entity status enter home address on second and third lines. (make only one entry) (make only one entry) (attach federal Schedule K-1 for each shareholder) 1 for New York State I for individual 2 for New York City F for estate or trust 3 for Yonkers E for exempt 4 for NYS nonresident organization 1 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 4 6 5 7 6 8 7 9 8 10 9 11 10 11 433005240094
Form CT-34-SH New York S Corporation Shareholders' Information Schedule Tax Year 2024
More about the New York Form CT-34-SH Corporate Income Tax TY 2024
We last updated the New York S Corporation Shareholders' Information Schedule in January 2025, so this is the latest version of Form CT-34-SH, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form CT-34-SH directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other New York tax forms here.
eFile your New York tax return now
eFiling is easier, faster, and safer than filling out paper tax forms. File your New York and Federal tax returns online with TurboTax in minutes. FREE for simple returns, with discounts available for TaxFormFinder users!
File Now with TurboTaxOther New York Corporate Income Tax Forms:
TaxFormFinder has an additional 271 New York income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.
Form Code | Form Name |
Form CT-3M/4M | General Business Corporation MTA Surcharge Return (Obsolete) |
Form IT-204-LL | Partnership, Limited Liability Company, and Limited Liability Partnership Filing Fee Payment Form |
Form CT-34-SH | New York S Corporation Shareholders' Information Schedule |
Form CT-198.1 | Franchise Tax Return Information (OBSOLETE) |
Form CT-3-S | New York S Corporation Franchise Tax Return |
View all 272 New York Income Tax Forms
Form Sources:
New York usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated New York Form CT-34-SH from the Department of Taxation and Finance in January 2025.
About the Corporate Income Tax
The IRS and most states require corporations to file an income tax return, with the exact filing requirements depending on the type of company.
Sole proprietorships or disregarded entities like LLCs are filed on Schedule C (or the state equivalent) of the owner's personal income tax return, flow-through entities like S Corporations or Partnerships are generally required to file an informational return equivilent to the IRS Form 1120S or Form 1065, and full corporations must file the equivalent of federal Form 1120 (and, unlike flow-through corporations, are often subject to a corporate tax liability).
Additional forms are available for a wide variety of specific entities and transactions including fiduciaries, nonprofits, and companies involved in other specific types of business.
Historical Past-Year Versions of New York Form CT-34-SH
We have a total of fourteen past-year versions of Form CT-34-SH in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

Form CT-34-SH New York S Corporation Shareholders' Information Schedule Tax Year 2024

Form CT-34-SH New York S Corporation Shareholders' Information Schedule Tax Year 2023

Form CT-34-SH New York S Corporation Shareholders' Information Schedule Tax Year 2022

Form CT-34-SH New York S Corporation Shareholders' Information Schedule Tax Year 2021

Form CT-34-SH New York S Corporation Shareholders' Information Schedule Tax Year 2020

Form CT-34-SH:2019:New York S Corporation Shareholders' Information Schedule:ct34sh

Form CT-34-SH:2018:New York S Corporation Shareholders' Information Schedule:ct34sh

Form CT-34-SH:2017:New York S Corporation Shareholders' Information Schedule:ct34sh

Form CT-34-SH:2016:New York S Corporation Shareholders' Information Schedule:ct34sh

Form CT-34-SH:2015:New York S Corporation Shareholder's Information Schedule:CT34SH

Form CT-34-SH:2014:New York S Corporation Shareholder's Information Schedule:CT34SH

Form CT-34-SH:2013:New York S Corporation Shareholder's Information Schedule:CT34SH

Form CT-34-SH:2012:New York S Corporation Shareholder's Information Schedule:CT34SH

Form CT-34-SH:2011:New York S Corporation Shareholder's Information Schedule:CT34SH
TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:
While we do our best to keep our list of New York Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.