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New Mexico Free Printable  for 2025 New Mexico Tax Information Authorization

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Tax Information Authorization
Form ACD-31102

New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department ACD-31102 Rev. 03/27/2023 Tax Information Authorization Tax Disclosure PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN BLACK INK This form will expire three years from the date that this Tax Information Authorization Tax Disclosure form has been signed by the authorizing individual listed below. If your authorized representative changes, submit a new form to notify the Department. Check one (Required): q New q Update q Revoke q Revoke All Section I: Taxpayer Information *Required Fields (If the required fields are not complete, this form is VOID and the taxpayer's information will not be shared.) Name(s)* A. Tax Identification Number(s)* SSN: _ DBA Name(s) (If applicable) Mailing Address* (If the address is new or changed, mark this box q) City* _ _ -_ _ -_ _ _ _ _ _ -_ _- _ _ _ _ FEIN: _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NMBTIN:_ _-_ _ _ _ _ _- _ _- _ Spouse SSN: _ State* Zip Code* Telephone Number ( ) E-mail Address Fax Number ( ) C. Tax Program(s)* q All State Taxes q Personal Income Tax q Gross Receipts Tax q Wage Withholding Tax q Cannabis Excise Tax q Compensating Tax q Corporate Income Tax q Fiduciary Income Tax B. Reporting Period(s)* q All tax periods, or Specify: Tax Year(s): ___________ Starting Period: _________ Ending Period: _________ q Governmental Gross Receipts Tax q Interstate Telecommunications Gross Receipts Tax q Leased Vehicle Gross Receipts Tax and Surcharge q Non-wage Withholding Tax q Oil and Gas Tax q Other: ___________________ Section II: Authorized Representative Information Individual Representative's Name* TAP Logon (If applicable) Mailing Address* Telephone Number* ( ) City* State* Zip Code* Fax Number ( ) E-Mail Address* Section III: Information Authorization Check all that apply qA. Authorization to disclose tax information. The Department is authorized to disclose confidential tax information on file to the above-designated individual or firm. qB. Authorization of third-party representative to access Taxpayer Access Point (TAP). The taxpayer authorizes the above-designated individual to access TAP on their behalf. TAP discloses confidential tax information on file with the Taxation and Revenue Department. TAP allows for the submission of returns, payments, and refund requests. qC. Designation of third-party representative. The Department is notified that the above-designated individual or firm has been authorized to represent the taxpayer(s) before the Taxation and Revenue Department. The representative is authorized to perform all authorized acts that the taxpayer(s) can perform for the designated tax programs and tax periods, except for acts that only an individual admitted and licensed as a qualified representative in New Mexico can perform. qD. Designation of qualified representative. The Department is notified that the above-designated individual or firm has been authorized and is qualified to represent the taxpayer(s) before the Taxation and Revenue Department in a protest or administrative hearing. i. Designation type: ______________________________________________ ii. License/Enrollment Number: _____________________________________ iii. State of Jurisdiction: ___________________________________________ Authorizing Signature(s) By signing below, I acknowledge that the authorized individual representative(s) listed above, have the authority to receive Federal and State confidential information on behalf of the taxpayer listed above in tax matters related to this form per NMSA 1978, § 7-1-8 and 26 U.S.C. § 6103. By signing below, I (the taxpayer) am authorizing the New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department Secretary or Secretary’s delegate, to use facsimile, e-mail, or both. I understand that the fax numbers and e-mail addresses above will be used when providing confidential information. Printed Name* Printed Name Title Title Signature* Date* Signature Date • For taxpayers authorizing the Department to disclose return information for a married filing joint personal income tax return, both taxpayers must sign this form. • For a business or estate this form must be signed by a corporate officer, partner, or fiduciary who has been previously identified as such to the Department. New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department ACD-31102 Rev. 03/27/2023 Tax Information Authorization Tax Disclosure Instructions Who is required to submit ACD-31102 The Tax Information Authorization Tax Disclosure form is for a taxpayer who wants to give authorization to access their tax information to an individual who is not their spouse. A taxpayer can choose to authorize an individual or firm to access their tax information for filing purposes or research purposes by submitting a completed ACD-31102, Tax Information Authorization Tax Disclosure. A separate ACD31102 is needed for multiple individuals and/or firms. This form should also be used to update or revoke previously granted authorization to your tax information. Should you need assistance completing this form or if you have any questions, please contact the Department: Phone: 1-866-285-2996 Once the completed forms and attachments have been reviewed and processed, the individual or firm will be granted access to your taxpayer information. Line Instruction Check the box to indicate if this is a New, Update, Revoke*, or Revoke All* request. *If you need to revoke access to a previously authorized individual or firm, fill out their information in Section II: Authorized Representative Information. If you wish to revoke all access by all authorized individuals or firms select/ mark Revoke All. Section I: Taxpayer Information Provide all required information about the taxpayer. Required information is identified by asterisk (*). Fill out the following information: Name(s)*, Doing Business As (DBA), Mailing address*, City*, State*, Zip Code*, Telephone Number, E-mail address, and Fax Number. A. Tax Identification Number(s)* Provide all applicable tax identification numbers for the taxpayer. B. Reporting Period(s)* If you want your authorized representative to have access to all taxpayer data, current and historical select/mark All Tax Periods. If you want to grant access to a specific time frame, provide that information in the space provided. Tax Year(s)- provide the tax year or tax years for which you are granting authorization. Starting Period/Ending Period- provide both the starting period and the ending period if you are granting access for a specified time frame. IMPORTANT: The Tax Information Authorization, commonly referred to as a TIA, is valid for three years from the taxpayer(s) signature date. Once that time frame has expired, a new TIA is required. C. Tax Program(s) Check all tax programs that pertain to your tax situation. If the tax program is not selected, access will not be allowed, and you will be required to submit a new ACD-31102 for access to be granted. If selecting other, please specify in the space provided. Section II: Authorized Representative Information This form allows you to designate a tax authorization to a single individual or firm. If multiple individuals or firms need access to your taxpayer information, you must submit Form ACD-31102 for each individual or firm. Section III: Information Authorization A. through D. Please read the checkbox list carefully and mark all that apply to your tax situation. Your selection will determine what level of access your representative will be granted. D. Designation of Qualified Representative. You must provide the following information if known: i. Designation type (Attorney, Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Enrolled Agent, Other-specify ii. License Number iii. State of Jurisdiction Authorizing Signature This form must be signed by the taxpayer or taxpayers, if married filing joint. If this form is being submitted for business or estate, this form must be signed by a corporate officer, partner, or fiduciary. Form Submission You can mail or email your completed authorization form to the Department: Mail: NM Taxation and Revenue Department Attn: Compliance Registration Unit PO Box 8485 Albuquerque, NM 87198 E-mail: [email protected]
Extracted from PDF file 2024-new-mexico-form-acd-31102.pdf, last modified March 2023

More about the New Mexico Form ACD-31102 Other TY 2024

Used to authorize a third party to receive a taxpayer’s return or return information.

We last updated the Tax Information Authorization in February 2025, so this is the latest version of Form ACD-31102, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form ACD-31102 directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other New Mexico tax forms here.

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Form ACD-31102 Tax Information Authorization

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Form Sources:

New Mexico usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated New Mexico Form ACD-31102 from the Taxation and Revenue Department in February 2025.

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Historical Past-Year Versions of New Mexico Form ACD-31102

We have a total of eleven past-year versions of Form ACD-31102 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:

While we do our best to keep our list of New Mexico Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/newmexico/form-acd-31102