New Jersey Partnership Return and Filing Fee

Extracted from PDF file 2024-new-jersey-form-nj-1065.pdf, last modified September 2024Partnership Return and Filing Fee
NJ-1065 New Jersey Partnership Return 2024 Gross Income Tax For Calendar Year 2024, or Tax Year Beginning , 2024 and Ending , 20 Legal Name of Taxpayer Trade Name of Business if different from legal name above Address (number and street or rural route) City or Post Office State ZIP Code You Must Enter Your Federal EIN Federal EIN # of Resident Partners Principal Business Activity # of Nonresident Partners with Physical Nexus to NJ Date Business Started # of Nonresident Partners without Physical Nexus to NJ Check applicable boxes Initial Return Investment Club Final Return Composite Return is Filed for Nonresident Partners Amended Return Controlling Interest Transfer Tax Application for Federal Extension is Attached Tiered Partnership Substitute Method of Allocation Granted General Partnership Complete Liquidation Limited Partnership Qualified Investment Partnership Limited Liability Company Listed on U.S. National Stock Exchange Limited Liability Partnership Hedge Fund Partnership Income Column A Amount From All Sources 1. Ordinary Income (loss) from trade or business activities (See instructions)........................ 1. 2. Net income (loss) from rental real estate activities............................................................... 2. 3. Net income (loss) from other rental activities....................................................................... 3. 4. Guaranteed payments to partners........................................................................................ 4. 5. Interest income..................................................................................................................... 5. 6. Dividend income................................................................................................................... 6. 7. Royalty income..................................................................................................................... 7. 8. Net gain (loss) from disposition of property.......................................................................... 8. 9. Net IRC section 1231 gain (loss).......................................................................................... 9. 10. Other Income (loss).............................................................................................................. 10. 11. Tax-exempt interest income................................................................................................. 11. 12. Subtotal (Add lines 1 through 11)......................................................................................... 12. 13a. Taxes based on income................................................ 13a. 13b. Addition – difference between federal K-1 and NJK-1 for nonunitary partnerships........................................... 13b. 13c. Other additions – specify: 13c. 13d. Total additions (Add lines 13a through 13c)......................................................................... 13d. Column B Amount From NJ Sources Legal Name of Taxpayer Federal EIN Partnership Income Column A Amount From All Sources 14. Subtotal (Add lines 12 and 13d)........................................................................................... 15a. Guaranteed payments to partners................................ 15a. 15b. Interest income from federal obligations...................... 15b. 15c. Interest income from NJ obligations............................. 15c. 15d. IRC section 179 expense............................................. 15d. 15e. Subtraction – difference between the federal K-1 and NJK-1 for nonunitary partnerships................................ 15e. 15f. Other subtractions – specify: 15f. 14. 15g. Total subtractions (Add lines 15a through 15f)..................................................................... 15g. 16. Net partnership income (Subtract line 15g from line 14)...................................................... 16. 17. Net nonoperational income (loss) (From Schedule O, Part I, line 16).................................. 17. 18. Nonunitary partnership income (loss) (From Schedule A, Part III, line 2)............................ 18. 19a. Total operational income (Subtract lines 17 and 18 from line 16)........................................ 19a. 19b. Allocated operational income (Line 19a times allocation factor of . 19b. ) Column B Amount From NJ Sources 20. Nonoperational income (loss) Column A – Enter amount from Schedule O, Part I, line 16 Column B – Enter amount from Totals column of Schedule O, Part II, line 16.................... 20. 21. Nonunitary partnership income (loss) Column A – Enter amount from Schedule A, Part III, line 2 Column B – Enter amount from Schedule A, Part III, line 3................................................. 21. 22. Partnership income (loss) (Total lines 19a, 20, and 21 in column A, and lines 19b, 20, and 21 in column B).................................................................................................................... 22. 23a. Guaranteed payments to partners........................................................................................ 23a. 23b. Guaranteed payments to partners – pension....................................................................... 23b. 23c. Net guaranteed payment to partners (Subtract line 23b from line 23a)............................... 23c. 24. Net gain (loss) from disposition of assets as a result of a complete liquidation................... 24. 25. Total Nonresident Noncorporate Partners Share of Tax (Line 1c, column I of Partners Directory)............................................................................. 25. 26. Total Nonresident Corporate Partners Share of Tax (Line 1c, column J of Partners Directory)............................................................................ 26. Partnership Filing Fee 1a. Number of Resident Partners................................................... x $150.00 = 1a. 1b. Number of Nonresident Partners with Physical Nexus to New Jersey................................................. x $150.00 = 1b. 1c. Number of Nonresident Partners without Physical Nexus to New Jersey................................................. x $150.00 x = 1c. Allocation Factor 1d. Filing Fee (Add lines 1a–1c, but do not enter more than $250,000)................................................................................. 1d. 2. Installment Payment.......................................................................................................................................................... 2. 3. Less: Pass-Through Business Alternative Income Tax Credit........................................................................................... 3. 4. Less: Installment Payment from 2023............................................................................................................................... 4. 5. Less: PART-200-T Payment.............................................................................................................................................. 5. 6. Balance Due...................................................................................................................................................................... 6. 7. Refund............................................................................................................................................................................... 7. NJ-1065 Page 3 Partnership name as shown on Form NJ-1065 Partners Directory A Code B SS Number or FEIN Name and Principal Address % owned by Partner Final % owned by Partner Final % owned by Partner Final Federal EIN List all partners, including principal address. Add additional sheets as necessary. C D Distributive Share of Partnership Income (Loss) Total Distribution NJ Source E F Net Gain (Loss) From Disposition of Assets as a Result of a Complete Liquidation Total Gain (Loss) G H Pension Nonresident Partner’s Share of NJ Income NJ Source I J Nonresident Noncorporate Partner’s Share of Tax Corporate Partner’s Share of Tax K Share of PassThrough Business Alternative Income Tax 1a. Total this page. Enter zero if no tax is reported in column(s) I, J, and/or K 1b. Total from additional pages attached. Enter zero if no tax is reported in column(s) I, J, and/or K. 1c. Total tax (Add lines 1a and 1b). Enter the totals here. Signature of General Partner or Limited Liability Company Member. Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. Declaration of preparer (other than general partner) is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge. Paid Preparer’s Signature Date Check if Self-Employed Date Firm’s Name (or yours if self-employed) Preparer’s SS # or PTIN Preparer’s Address Preparer’s Federal EIN A complete federal Form 1065 including all schedules and supporting attachments may be required during the course of an audit. NJ-1065 Partnership name as shown on Form NJ-1065 Federal EIN Partners Directory A Code B SS Number or FEIN Name and Principal Address % owned by Partner Final % owned by Partner Final % owned by Partner Final % owned by Partner Final Page of List all partners, including principal address. Add additional sheets as necessary. C D Distributive Share of Partnership Income (Loss) Total Distribution NJ Source E F Net Gain (Loss) From Disposition of Assets as a Result of a Complete Liquidation Total Gain (Loss) NJ Source G H Pension Nonresident Partner’s Share of NJ Income Total This Page Enter zero if no tax is reported in column(s) I and/or J. I J Nonresident Noncorporate Partner’s Share of Tax Corporate Partner’s Share of Tax K Share of PassThrough Business Alternative Income Tax NJ-1065 Partnership name as shown on Form NJ-1065 Federal EIN Partners Directory A Code B SS Number or FEIN Name and Principal Address % owned by Partner Final % owned by Partner Final % owned by Partner Final % owned by Partner Final Page of List all partners, including principal address. Add additional sheets as necessary. C D Distributive Share of Partnership Income (Loss) Total Distribution NJ Source E F Net Gain (Loss) From Disposition of Assets as a Result of a Complete Liquidation Total Gain (Loss) NJ Source G H Pension Nonresident Partner’s Share of NJ Income Total This Page Enter zero if no tax is reported in column(s) I and/or J. I J Nonresident Noncorporate Partner’s Share of Tax Corporate Partner’s Share of Tax K Share of PassThrough Business Alternative Income Tax Schedule NJK-1 State of New Jersey For Calendar Year 2024, or Fiscal Year Beginning Part I 2024 Partner’s Share of Income (Form NJ-1065) , 2024 and ending , 20 General Information Partner’s SS # or Federal EIN (Do not use EIN of a disregarded entity. See instr.) Partnership’s Federal EIN Partner’s Name Partnership’s Name Street Address Partnership’s Street Address City State ZIP Code City Enter partner’s percentage of: (i) Before Decrease or Termination What type of entity is partner? (see instructions) Code Date partner’s interest in partnership began: Month Day State Year Final NJK-1 Hedge Fund Amended NJK-1 Member of Composite Return ZIP Code (ii) End of Year Profit Sharing % % Loss Sharing % % Capital Ownership % % If the partner is a disregarded entity, check the box and enter the partner’s: Federal EIN Part II Name Income Information Income Classification A. Total Distribution NJ-1040 Filers Enter Amounts on Line Shown Below B. New Jersey Source Amounts NJ-1040NR Filers 1. Partnership Income (Loss) 2. Net Guaranteed Payments 3. Partner’s 401(k) Contribution 4. Distributive Share of Partnership Income (loss) (Line 1 plus line 2 minus line 3) Line 21 5. Pension Line 20a 6. Net Gain (Loss) From Disposition of Assets as a Result of a Complete Liquidation Line 19 Part III Line19 Partner’s Information 1. Nonresident Partner’s Share of NJ Tax.................................................... 1. 2. Partner’s HEZ Deduction......................................................................... 2. 3. Partner’s Sheltered Workshop Tax Credit................................................ 3. 4. Share of Pass-Through Business Alternative Income Tax....................... 4. Part IV Line 23 Supplemental Information (Attach Schedule) This Form May be Reproduced Line 10b, Page 1, CBT-100 Line 8b, Page 1, CBT-100S Line 10, Page 1, CBT-100U Schedule T, NJ-CBT-1065 Line 52, NJ-1040NR Line 23, NJ-1080C Line 35a, NJ-1041 NJ-1065 – 2024 Schedule A Partnership name as shown on Form NJ-1065 Schedule A Part I Federal EIN Tiered Partnerships Complete this schedule before completing Form NJ-1065 (or Schedule O, if applicable). Partnership Income Column A Column B Amounts Reported by This Partnership on Federal Schedule K Portion of Amount in Column A Earned by Nonunitary Partnerships 1. Ordinary income (loss) from trade or business activities 1. 2. Net income (loss) from rental real estate activities 2. 3. Net income (loss) from other rental activities 3. 4. Guaranteed payments to partners 4. 5. Interest Income 5. 6. Dividend Income 6. 7. Royalty Income 7. 8. Net gain (loss) from disposition of property 8. 9. Net IRC section 1231 gain (loss) 9. 10. Other income (loss) 10. 11. Tax-exempt interest income 11. 12. 12. Totals Column C Amount Earned by This Partnership and Unitary Partnerships (A minus B) NJ-1065 – 2024 Schedule A Partnership name as shown on Form NJ-1065 Federal EIN Part II Partnership Information (Attach copies of all Schedule NJK-1(s) and PTE-K-1(s) Received) A 1. NJK-1 B C Name of Partnership, LLC, or Other Entity Federal EIN D E Date and State where Organized Percentage of Ownership F G H Type of Ownership Tax Accounting Method New Jersey Nexus Limited Partner General Partner Flow Through Separate Accounting Yes No I J Nonresident Partner’s Share of NJ Tax Share of Pass-Through Business Alternative Income Tax A. B. C. D. E. 2. Total Tax From Tiered Partnerships 3. Check the appropriate box to indicate how the amount on line 2, column J will be applied. Check only one box. Allocated to the partners (Form NJ-1065, Partners Directory) Nonresident Partners Tax (Form NJ-CBT-1065) Partnership Filing Fee (Form NJ-1065) Pass-Through Business Alternative Income Tax (Form PTE-100) *Taxpayers using a separate accounting method must complete Part III. Part III Separate Accounting of Nonunitary Partnership Income A 1. NJK-1 B C D E Name of Partnership, LLC, or Other Entity Nonunitary Partnership’s Federal EIN Distributive Share of Income/Loss from Nonunitary Partnership Taxpayer’s Share of Income Allocated to New Jersey A. B. C. 2. Total column D. Enter amount here and on NJ-1065, line 18 and line 21, column A........................... 3. Total column E. Enter amount here and on NJ-1065, line 21, column B.............................................. If additional space is needed, include a rider. NJ-1065 – 2024 Schedule O Partnership name as shown on Form NJ-1065 Schedule O Federal EIN Nonoperational Activity Complete this schedule before completing Form NJ-1065 (and after completing Schedule A, if applicable). Part I Calculation of Nonoperational Activity Elimination A Federal Schedule K (or Schedule A, Part I, Column C, if applicable) 1. Ordinary income (loss) from trade or business activities........... 1. 2. Net income (loss) from rental real estate activities.................... 2. 3. Net income (loss) from other rental activities............................ 3. 4. Guaranteed payments to partners............................................. 4. 5. Interest Income.......................................................................... 5. 6. Dividend Income........................................................................ 6. 7. Royalty Income.......................................................................... 7. 8. Net gain (loss) from disposition of property............................... 8. 9. Net IRC section 1231 gain (loss)............................................... 9. 10. Other income (loss)................................................................... 10. 11. Tax-exempt interest income...................................................... 11. 12. Subtotal (Add lines 1 through 11)............................................. 12. 13a. Taxes based on income............................................................. 13a. 13b. Other additions – specify:________________________ ........ 13b. 14a. Interest from federal obligations................................................ 14a. 14b. Interest from New Jersey obligations........................................ 14b. 14c. IRC section 179 expense.......................................................... 14c. 14d. Other subtractions – specify:______________________ ........ 14d. B C Nonoperational Operational 15. Net partnership income (Add lines 12–13b and subtract lines 14a–14d of column A)............................................................... 16. Net nonoperational income (Add lines 12–13b and subtract lines 14a–14d of column B) Enter on NJ-1065, line 17 and line 20, column A................................................................................. 17. Net operational income (Add lines 12–13b and subtract lines 14a–14d in column C)............................................................. 15. 16. 17. NJ-1065 – 2024 Schedule O Partnership name as shown on Form NJ-1065 Federal EIN Part II Calculation of Taxable Nonoperational Activity Activity ________________ 1. Ordinary income (loss) from trade or business activities....................... 2. Net income (loss) from rental real estate activities................................ 3. Net income (loss) from other rental activities........................................ 4. Guaranteed payments to partners......................................................... 5. Interest Income...................................................................................... 6. Dividend Income.................................................................................... 7. Royalty Income...................................................................................... 8. Net gain (loss) from disposition of property........................................... 9. Net IRC section 1231 gain (loss)........................................................... 10. Other income (loss)............................................................................... 11. Tax-exempt interest income.................................................................. 12. Subtotal (Add lines 1 through 11)......................................................... 13a. Taxes based on income......................................................................... 13b. Other additions – specify:______________________________ ......... 14a. Interest from federal obligations............................................................ 14b. Interest from New Jersey obligations.................................................... 14c. IRC section 179 expense...................................................................... 14d. Other subtractions – specify:____________________________ ......... 15. Net nonoperational income (Add lines 12–13b and subtract lines 14a–14d) Enter amount from Total column on NJ-1065, line 17........... 16. New Jersey’s Taxable Portion. Enter amount from Total column on NJ-1065, line 20, column B. Attach a schedule showing calculation (See instructions).................................................................................. 17. List states where nonoperational income is being assigned................. Activity ________________ Total NJ-1065 – 2024 Schedule B Partnership name as shown on Form NJ-1065 Schedule B Part I Federal EIN Sheltered Workshop Tax Credit Qualifications 1. Is each employee for which a credit is claimed a “Qualified Person” in accordance with P.L. 2005, c. 318?............................................ Yes No 2. Did each employee for which a credit is claimed work for at least 26 weeks during the privilege period and work at least 25 hours per week at or under the supervision of a sheltered workshop?...................................................................................................... Yes No NOTE: If the answer to either of the above questions is “No,” do not complete the rest of this form. The taxpayer does not qualify for the Sheltered Workshop Tax Credit. Otherwise, go to Part II. Part II Calculation of the Available Sheltered Workshop Tax Credit for Partnerships Column A Name Column B Social Security # Column C Total Wages 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Available Sheltered Workshop Tax Credit (Add lines 3 through 7)....................................................................................... * If there are more names, attach a schedule corresponding to Part II. Column A Enter the name of each qualified person employed by your partnership. Column B Enter the Social Security number of each qualified person employed by your partnership. Column C Enter the salary and wages paid during the tax year. Column D Enter the lesser of 20% of column C or $1,000 per qualified person. Column D 20% of Column C – Max $1,000 New Jersey Gross Income Tax NJ-NR-A Business Allocation Schedule (10-24) For Tax Years Beginning On and After January 1, 2023 Use this schedule if business activities are carried on both inside and outside New Jersey or if business activities are carried on 100% outside New Jersey. For tax years beginning on and after January 1, 2023, services are sourced based on market sourcing, not cost of performance. This form must be enclosed and filed with your New Jersey Income Tax return. Enter name, address, and Social Security/federal employer identification number as shown on Form NJ-1040NR, NJ-1041, or NJ-1065. Legal name of taxpayer Social Security Number/Federal EIN Trade name of business if different from legal name above For the Tax Year Ending (Month, Day, Year) Address (number and street or rural route) City or Post Office State ZIP Code Allocation Factor Receipts: Amounts (omit cents) 1. From sales of tangible personal property shipped to points within New Jersey..................................................... . 1. 2. From services, if the benefit of the service is received in New Jersey..................................................................... 2. 3. From rentals of property situated in New Jersey...................................................................................................... 3. 4. From royalties for the use in New Jersey of patents, copyrights, and trademarks.................................................... 4. 5. All other business receipts earned in New Jersey................................................................................................... 5. 6. Total New Jersey receipts (Total of lines 1 through 5)............................................................................................. 6. 7. Total receipts from all sales, services, rentals, royalties, and other business transactions everywhere.................. 7. 8. Allocation Factor (Divide line 6 by line 7) Carry the fraction to 6 decimal places.................................................... 8. NJ-1065E 2024 New Jersey – Corporate Partner’s Statement of Being an Exempt Corporation or Maintaining a Regular Place of Business In New Jersey PART 1 Entity Information EIN Name of Filing Entity Mailing Address City State ZIP Code Person to Contact PART 2 Partner Information Federal EIN Phone Number Name of Filing Entity Principal Address City State ZIP Code Maintains a Regular Place of Business By signing this statement, the partner is declaring that it maintains a regular place of business in New Jersey other than a statutory office and is subject to the New Jersey Corporation Business Tax in accordance with N.J.S.A. 54:10-1 et seq. A “regular place of business” is any bona fide office (other than a statutory office), factory, warehouse, or other space of the partner that is regularly maintained, occupied, and used by the partner in carrying on its business and in which one or more regular employees are in attendance. To maintain a place of business, the partner must either own or rent the premises. That cost must be borne directly by the partner and not by some related entity or person. List address of at least one such regular place of business in New Jersey: Failure to list at least one regular place of business will result in the partnership entity remitting a payment of tax on your share of New Jersey income. By signing this statement, the corporation is declaring that it is exempt from the Corporation Business Tax Act pursuant to N.J.S.A. 54:10A-3. By signing this statement, the corporate partner is declaring that it is an exempt IRC 501(c)(3) entity. By signing this statement, the corporate partner is declaring that it is a retirement plan approved by the Internal Revenue Service. By signing this statement, the corporate partner is declaring that it is a member of a combined group for Corporation Business Tax purposes and is unitary with the partnership within the meaning of N.J.S.A. 54:10A-4(gg). I further understand that this statement: 1. Must be made annually; and 2. Must not be made after the 15th day of the fourth month succeeding the close of the privilege period or after the return has been filed, whichever occurs first; and 3. Does not relieve the partnership of the requirement to remit tax to the Division on the corporate partner’s behalf if, for any reason, the corporate partner does not meet the criteria of being an exempt corporation or maintaining a regular place of business in New Jersey; and 4. Requires the corporate partner to notify the partnership and the Division of Taxation immediately in writing if the corporate partner submitted this form to the partnership in error. Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this statement, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true and correct and that I am properly authorized to sign and make this consent on behalf of: Name of Entity Signature of Corporate Officer and Title, General Partner or Limited Liability Company Member This Form May Be Reproduced and Must Be Retained By The Filing Entity Date N.J.S.A. 54:10A-3. Exempt corporations The following corporations shall be exempt from the tax imposed by this act: (a) Corporations subject to a tax assessed upon the basis of gross receipts, other than the alternative minimum assessment determined pursuant to section 7 of P.L. 2002, c.40 (C.54:10A-5a), and corporations subject to a tax assessed upon the basis of insurance premiums collected; (b) Corporations which operate regular route autobus service within this State under operating authority conferred pursuant to R.S. 48:4-3, provided, however, that the corporations shall not be exempt from the tax on net income imposed by section 5(c) of P.L. 1945, c.162 (C.54:10A-5); (c) Railroad, canal corporations, production credit associations organized under the Farm Credit Act of 1933, or agricultural cooperative associations incorporated or domesticated under or subject to chapter 13 of Title 4 of the Revised Statutes and exempt under Subtitle A, Chapter 1F, Part IV, Section 521 of the federal Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. s.521); (d) Cemetery corporations not conducted for pecuniary profit or any private shareholder or individual; (e) Nonprofit corporations, associations or organizations established, organized or chartered, without capital stock, under the provisions of Title 15, 16 or 17 of the Revised Statutes, Title 15A of the New Jersey Statutes or under a special charter or under any similar general or special law of this or any other state, and not conducted for pecuniary profit of any private shareholders or individual; (f) Sewerage and water corporations subject to a tax under the provisions of P.L. 1940, c.5 (C.54:30A-49 et seq.) or any statute or law imposing a similar tax or taxes; (g) Nonstock corporations organized under the laws of this State or of any other state of the United States to provide mutual ownership housing under federal law by tenants, provided, however, that the exemption hereunder shall continue only so long as the corporations remain subject to rules and regulations of the Federal Housing Authority and the Commissioner of the Federal Housing Authority holds membership certificates in the corporations and the corporate property is encumbered by a mortgage deed or deed of trust insured under the National Housing Act (48 Stat.1246) as amended by subsequent Acts of Congress. In order to be exempted under this subsection, corporations shall annually file a report on or before August 15 with the commissioner, in the form required by the commissioner, to claim such exemption, and shall pay a filing fee of $25; (h) Corporations not for profit organized under any law of this State where the primary purpose thereof is to provide for its shareholders or members housing in a retirement community as the same is defined under the provisions of the “Retirement Community Full Disclosure Act,” P.L. 1969, c.215 (C.45:22A-1 et seq.); (i) Corporations which are licensed as insurance companies under the laws of another state, including corporations which are surplus lines insurers declared eligible by the Commissioner of Banking and Insurance pursuant to section 11 of P.L. 1960, c.32 (C.17:22-6.45) to insure risks within this State; (j) (1) Municipal electric corporations that were in existence as of January 1, 1995, provided that all of their income is from sales, exchanges or deliveries of electricity derived from customers using electricity within their municipal boundaries; and (2) Municipal electric utilities that were in existence as of January 1, 1995, provided that all of their income is from sales, exchanges or deliveries of electricity derived from customers using electricity within their franchise area existing as of January 1, 1995. If a municipal electric corporation derives income from sales, exchanges or deliveries of electricity from customers using the electricity outside its municipal boundaries, the municipal electric corporation shall be subject to the tax imposed by this act on all income. If a municipal electric utility derives income from sales, exchanges or deliveries of electricity from customers using electricity outside its franchise area existing as of January 1, 1995, the municipal electric utility shall be subject to the tax imposed by the act on all income; and (k) A rural electric cooperative which is exclusively owned and controlled by the members it serves and is subject to the provisions of P.L. 2017, c.297 (C.48:24-1 et al.), provided that all of the cooperative’s income from the sale and distribution of electricity is derived from sales, exchanges, or deliveries of electricity to members using electricity within its franchise area. If a rural electric cooperative derives income from sales, exchanges, or deliveries of electricity from customers using electricity outside its franchise area, that rural electric cooperative shall be subject to the tax imposed by this act on income derived from those sales, exchanges, or deliveries. L.1945, c.162, s3; amended 1949, c.236, s.1; 1951, c.130; 1960, c.174, s.1; 1963, c.59; 1967, c.48; 1972, c.211, s.4; 1973, c.275; 1975, c.170, s.1; 1991, c.184, s.22; 1993, c.338; 1997, c.162, s.1; 1998, c.114, s.1; 2002, c.40, s.2; 2017, c.297, s.20 NJ-1065-V 2024 New Jersey Gross Income Tax Partnership Payment Voucher For period beginning Federal Employer ID Number (required) , 2024 and ending , 20 Return this voucher with payment to: - Filing Fee on Partnerships PO Box 642 Trenton, NJ 08646-0642 Partnership Name Mailing Address City, Town, Post Office State ZIP Code Make checks payable to “State of New Jersey – PART.” Write federal ID number and tax year on the check. Enter amount of payment here: $ , 0241900000000000000002412060000000000 Cut Along Dotted Line , . 0 0
2024 NJ-1065 Partnership Return
More about the New Jersey Form NJ-1065 Corporate Income Tax Tax Return TY 2024
We last updated the Partnership Return and Filing Fee in January 2025, so this is the latest version of Form NJ-1065, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form NJ-1065 directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other New Jersey tax forms here.
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File Now with TurboTaxRelated New Jersey Corporate Income Tax Forms:
TaxFormFinder has an additional 95 New Jersey income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms. These related forms may also be needed with the New Jersey Form NJ-1065.
Form Code | Form Name |
Form NJ-1065-V | Payment Voucher for NJ-1065 |
View all 96 New Jersey Income Tax Forms
Form Sources:
New Jersey usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated New Jersey Form NJ-1065 from the Division of Revenue in January 2025.
Form NJ-1065 is a New Jersey Corporate Income Tax form. Like the Federal Form 1040, states each provide a core tax return form on which most high-level income and tax calculations are performed. While some taxpayers with simple returns can complete their entire tax return on this single form, in most cases various other additional schedules and forms must be completed, depending on the taxpayer's individual situation, to create a complete income tax return package.
About the Corporate Income Tax
The IRS and most states require corporations to file an income tax return, with the exact filing requirements depending on the type of company.
Sole proprietorships or disregarded entities like LLCs are filed on Schedule C (or the state equivalent) of the owner's personal income tax return, flow-through entities like S Corporations or Partnerships are generally required to file an informational return equivilent to the IRS Form 1120S or Form 1065, and full corporations must file the equivalent of federal Form 1120 (and, unlike flow-through corporations, are often subject to a corporate tax liability).
Additional forms are available for a wide variety of specific entities and transactions including fiduciaries, nonprofits, and companies involved in other specific types of business.
Historical Past-Year Versions of New Jersey Form NJ-1065
We have a total of fourteen past-year versions of Form NJ-1065 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2024 NJ-1065 Partnership Return

2023 NJ-1065 Partnership Return

2022 NJ-1065

2021 NJ-1065

2020 NJ 1065

2019 NJ-1065 - Partnership Return

NJ 1065 - Partnership Return and Filing Fee

NJ-1065 - Partnership Return

2013 - Partnership Return

NJ-1065 - 2012 - form - pre-merge - draft - 11-20-12 - pm.qxp

TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:
While we do our best to keep our list of New Jersey Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.