New Hampshire Elderly and Disabled Property Tax Deferral Application

Extracted from PDF file 2024-new-hampshire-form-pa-30.pdf, last modified June 2024Elderly and Disabled Property Tax Deferral Application
FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS USE ONLY Print Form FORM NEW HAMPSHIRE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ADMINISTRATION PA-30 ELDERLY AND DISABLED TAX DEFERRAL APPLICATION Reset Form DUE MARCH 1 FOLLOWING THE NOTICE OF TAX STEP 1 OWNER AND APPLICANT NAME AND ADDRESS OWNER AND APPLICANT INFORMATION If required, is a PA-33 on file? OWNER YES NO APPLICANT'S LAST NAME APPLICANT'S FIRST NAME MI APPLICANT'S LAST NAME APPLICANT'S FIRST NAME MI STREET ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS (if different from above) CITY/TOWN STEP 2 PROPERTY LOCATION STATE PROPERTY LOCATION STREET CITY/TOWN NUMBER OF ACRES STEP 3 TO BE COMPLETED BY PROPERTY OWNER ZIPCODE COUNTY TAX MAP BOOK LOT BLOCK PAGE (a) Tax year for which the deferral is requested (b) Amount of requested tax deferral (c) Amount of tax bill (d) Is the applicant: YES NO 65 or older and has owned homestead for five (5) consecutive years; or Receives benefits under Title II or Title XVI of the Federal Social Security Act and has owned homestead for one year; and Living in the home? STEP 4 OWNER SIGNATURES I understand that upon approval of this application by the municipal assessing officials, a lien shall be created against the above described property, pursuant to RSA 72:38a. My signature below indicates my agreement with the obligation incurred against the property described in Step 2 above. Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this document and to the best of my belief the information herein is true, correct and complete. TYPE OR PRINT NAME SIGNATURE (IN INK) DATE TYPE OR PRINT NAME SIGNATURE (IN INK) DATE TYPE OR PRINT NAME SIGNATURE (IN INK) DATE TYPE OR PRINT NAME SIGNATURE (IN INK) DATE Page 1 of 3 PA-30 Rev 12/2019 NEW HAMPSHIRE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ADMINISTRATION FORM PA-30 STEP 5 APPROVAL BY THE MORTGAGEE ELDERLY AND DISABLED TAX DEFERRAL APPLICATION By signing below, the mortgagee signifies that they do approve and are duly notified that upon approval of this application by the municipal assessing officials, a lien shall be created against the above described property, pursuant to RSA 72:38-a, III. NAME OF MORTGAGE HOLDER SIGNATURE OF OFFICER OR AGENT FOR MORTGAGEE TITLE DATE TO BE COMPLETED BY MUNICIPAL ASSESSING OFFICIALS STEP 6 AMOUNT OF TAXES DEFERRED (a) Amount of tax deferred in prior years (b) Amount of tax deferred in current year (c) Total amount of taxes deferred [6(a) + 6(b)] STEP 7 PERCENT OF EQUITY VALUE ENCUMBERED (a) Enter the percentage of total equity value of the property encumbered in prior years (b) Enter the percentage of total equity value of the property encumbered in current year (c) Percentage of total equity value the property encumbered for: All Years [7(a) + 7(b)] STEP 8 MUNICIPAL DECISION GRANTED DENIED AMOUNT DATE Elderly Tax Deferral Disabled Tax Deferral For Deferrals: This page must be returned to the property owner after approval or denial, on or before July 1, following the date of Notice of Tax as defined in RSA 72:1-d, by first class mail. (RSA 72:34, IV) Reason for Denial STEP 9 APPROVAL OF A MAJORITY OF SELECTMEN / MUNICIPAL ASSESSING OFFICIALS PRINT / TYPE NAME OF SELECTMEN / MUNICIPAL ASSESSING OFFICIAL SIGNATURE (IN INK) OF SELECTMEN / MUNICIPAL ASSESSING OFFICIAL DATE PRINT / TYPE NAME OF SELECTMEN / MUNICIPAL ASSESSING OFFICIAL SIGNATURE (IN INK) OF SELECTMEN / MUNICIPAL ASSESSING OFFICIAL DATE PRINT / TYPE NAME OF SELECTMEN / MUNICIPAL ASSESSING OFFICIAL SIGNATURE (IN INK) OF SELECTMEN / MUNICIPAL ASSESSING OFFICIAL DATE PRINT / TYPE NAME OF SELECTMEN / MUNICIPAL ASSESSING OFFICIAL SIGNATURE (IN INK) OF SELECTMEN / MUNICIPAL ASSESSING OFFICIAL DATE PRINT / TYPE NAME OF SELECTMEN / MUNICIPAL ASSESSING OFFICIAL SIGNATURE (IN INK) OF SELECTMEN / MUNICIPAL ASSESSING OFFICIAL DATE PRINT / TYPE NAME OF SELECTMEN / MUNICIPAL ASSESSING OFFICIAL SIGNATURE (IN INK) OF SELECTMEN / MUNICIPAL ASSESSING OFFICIAL DATE Page 2 of 3 PA-30 Rev 12/2019 NEW HAMPSHIRE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ADMINISTRATION FORM PA-30 ELDERLY AND DISABLED TAX DEFERRAL APPLICATION WHO MAY FILE Under the provisions of RSA 72:38-a, I, any resident property owner may apply for a tax deferral if they: Are either at least 65 years of age or eligible under Title II or Title XVI of the Federal Social Security Act for benefits for the disabled; Have owned the homestead for at least five consecutive years if elderly or at least one year if disabled; and Are living in the home. WHEN TO FILE The completed Form PA-30 shall be filed by March 1 following the date of notice of tax. Example: If you are applying for a tax deferral from your 2014 property taxes, which are due no earlier than December 1, 2014, then you have until March 1, 2015 to file this form. WHERE TO FILE Once completed and signed in ink, this form shall be filed as follows: Original: Register of Deeds Copy: To the Selectmen / Municipal Assessing Officials of the municipality of your primary residence Copy: Property Owner TAX DEFERRAL PROVISIONS The municipal assessing officials may annually grant a person qualified under this paragraph a tax deferral for all or part of the taxes due, plus annual interest at five percent, if in their opinion the tax liability causes the taxpayer an undue hardship or possible loss of the property. The total of tax deferrals on a particular property shall not be more than 85 percent of its equity value. A tax deferral shall be subject to any prior liens on the property and shall be treated as such in any foreclosure proceedings. If the property is subject to a mortgage, the owner must have the mortgage holder's approval of the tax deferral. Such approval does not grant the town a preferential lien. APPEALS The municipal assessing officials shall send written notice advising the taxpayer of their decision to grant or deny the request for exemption by July 1. Failure of the municipal assessing officials to respond shall constitute a denial of the application. If an application for a property tax deferral is denied, an applicant may appeal in writing on or before September 1 following the date of notice of tax under RSA 72:1-d, to the New Hampshire Board of Tax and Land Appeals (BTLA) or the County Superior Court in the county where the property is located. Example: If you were denied a deferral from your 2014 property taxes, you have until September 1, 2015 to appeal. Forms for appealing to the Board of Tax and Land Appeals may be obtained from the New Hampshire Board of Tax and Land Appeals, 107 Pleasant Street, Concord, NH 03301, by calling (603) 271-2578 or by visiting their website at Be sure to specify that you are appealing the Elderly or Disabled Tax Deferral application denial. ADA COMPLIANCE Individuals who need auxiliary aids for effective communication in programs and services of the New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration are invited to make their needs and preferences known. Individuals with hearing or speech impairments may call TDD Access: Relay NH 1-800-735-2964. NEED HELP Contact your local municipality or the Municipal and Property Division at (603) 230-5950; or visit the department's website at LINE-BY-LINE INSTRUCTIONS STEP 1 Enter the complete name and address of the property owner(s) requesting a tax deferral under RSA 72:38-a. STEP 2 Enter the location, street address, municipality, county, number of acres, tax map, block and lot numbers, and book and page numbers of the property for which the RSA 72:38-a, deferral is requested. STEP 3 (a) (b) (c) (d) STEP 4 ALL property owners of record must type or print their full name, sign and date in ink, acknowledging that they understand and agree to the obligation incurred against the property by electing a deferral of taxes under RSA 72:38-a. If there are more than four owners, submit a supplemental list of names and signatures. STEP 5 Enter the name of the mortgage holder and obtain the signature of an authorized agent for the mortgage holder. STEP 6 The municipal assessing officials shall complete this step. (a) Enter the amount of taxes deferred in prior years. (b) Enter the amount of tax requested for deferral in the current year. (c) The total amount of the tax deferral (Step 6(a) plus Step 6(b)). STEP 7 The municipal assessing officials shall complete this step. (a) Enter the percentage of the total equity value encumbered under RSA 72:38-a in prior years. (b) Enter the percentage of the total equity value encumbered under RSA 72:38-a in the current year. (c) The percentage of the total equity value encumbered for all years combined (Step 7(a) plus Step 7(b)). If the result of Step 7(c) exceeds 85 percent, this application will be denied pursuant to RSA 72:38-a, I. STEP 8 The municipal assessing officials shall complete this step. Check applicable box for type of tax deferral. Check whether tax deferral was granted or denied. If granted, enter dollar amount granted. Enter date tax deferral was granted. STEP 9 Signatures of a majority of the local Selectmen or municipal assessing officials on the lines provided indicates approval. Enter the tax year for which the deferral is requested. Enter the amount of the requested tax deferral. Enter the amount of the tax bill for the year of this application. Check the appropriate boxes to indicate that all of the qualification requirements have been met. Page 3 of 3 PA-30 Rev 12/2019
More about the New Hampshire Form PA-30 Other TY 2024
We last updated the Elderly and Disabled Property Tax Deferral Application in March 2025, so this is the latest version of Form PA-30, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form PA-30 directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other New Hampshire tax forms here.
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File Now with TurboTaxOther New Hampshire Other Forms:
TaxFormFinder has an additional 51 New Hampshire income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.
Form Code | Form Name |
Form NH-PYT | General Tax Payment Voucher |
Form A-101 | Tax Appeal Form |
CD-410 | Settlement Agreement Offer |
CD-57-P | Real Estate Transfer Tax Declaration of Consideration (Purchaser) |
CD-57-S | Real Estate Transfer Tax Declaration of Consideration (Seller) |
View all 52 New Hampshire Income Tax Forms
Form Sources:
New Hampshire usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated New Hampshire Form PA-30 from the Department of Revenue Administration in March 2025.
Historical Past-Year Versions of New Hampshire Form PA-30
We have a total of six past-year versions of Form PA-30 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:
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While we do our best to keep our list of New Hampshire Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.