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New Hampshire Free Printable cu-18-2019.pdf for 2025 New Hampshire Notice of Change in Current Use Assessment

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Notice of Change in Current Use Assessment

NEW HAMPSHIRE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ADMINISTRATION FORM CU-18 NOTICE OF CHANGE IN CURRENT USE ASSESSMENT Print Form STEP 1 - FORM COMPLETED BY: PROPERTY OWNER/AGENT Reset Form MUNICIPAL ASSESSING OFFICIAL/DESIGNEE STEP 2 - PROPERTY OWNERSHIP LAST NAME/CORPORATION/TRUST NAME FIRST NAME/CORPORATION/TRUST NAME INITIAL LAST NAME/CORPORATION/TRUST NAME FIRST NAME/CORPORATION/TRUST NAME INITIAL MAILING ADDRESS MUNICIPALITY STATE ZIP CODE STEP 3 - PARCEL IDENTIFICATION (A SEPARATE FORM IS REQUIRED FOR EACH AFFECTED PARCEL OF LAND) MUNICIPALITY ACCESSIBLE STREET LOCATION TAX MAP AND LOT # STEP 4 - REASON FOR CHANGE (a) Recreational Reduction - Cub 304:02: 20% Reduction Removal 20% Reduction Application SPI Application (b) Farm land Soil Potential Index (SPI) percentage - Cub 304.03: (c) Forest land "Stewardship" assessment - Cub 304.07: Stewardship Removal Stewardship Application (d) Change to current use category - Cub 306: THE REQUIRED UPDATED MAP IS ENCLOSED Reclassification of a qualifying category or forest type. Change in qualifying current use acreage. Changed to non-qualifying current use land. STEP 5- PROVIDE DETAIL OF REASON AND DATE OF CHANGE IN STEP 4 Date of Change: STEP 6 - SIGNATURE OF OWNER/AGENT OR MUNICIPAL ASSESSING OFFICIAL/DESIGNEE TYPE OR PRINT NAME (In black or dark blue ink) SIGNATURE (In black or dark blue ink) DATE TYPE OR PRINT NAME (In black or dark blue ink) SIGNATURE (In black or dark blue ink) DATE STEP 7 - DATE MAILED TO: PROPERTY OWNER/AGENT DATE MUNICIPAL ASSESSING OFFICIAL/DESIGNEE Page 1 of 2 CU-18 Rev 1.3 9/2019 NEW HAMPSHIRE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ADMINISTRATION FORM CU-18 NOTICE OF CHANGE IN CURRENT USE ASSESSMENT INSTRUCTIONS WHO MUST FILE When a change has occurred which will affect the current use assessment under the provisions of RSA 79-A, it is recommended that either the landowner or their agent with power of attorney complete the Form CU-18, or the Municipal Assessing Officials or their designee complete the Form CU-18, to provide notice and documentation of a change. Either party may complete the Form CU-18 to provide the written notice of a change. WHAT TO FILE A separate Form CU-18 should be completed for each affected parcel of land, or contiguous parcels of land located in more than one municipality. If the landowner is requesting that the Soil Potential Index (SPI) be applied for farm land, or is requesting forest land stewardship assessment, the form shall be accompanied by the appropriate supporting documentation. If the CU-18 is completed by a landowner's agent, a copy of the power of attorney must be included with the Form CU-18. If there is a reclassification of a qualifying category or forest type, change in qualifying current use acreage, or a change to non-qualifying current use land, the landowner shall provide an updated map of the entire parcel or tract of land in accordance with Current Use Administrative Rule Cub 301.11. WHEN TO FILE Landowners or Municipal Assessing Officials should file the Form CU-18 when a change occurs that will have an affect on the current use assessment. WHERE TO FILE A landowner, or their agent, should file the completed form CU-18 and any accompanying documentation with the Municipal Assessing Officials in the municipality where the property is located. Municipal Assessing Officials or their designee should file the form with the landowner. A copy of the Form CU-18 and any accompanying documentation should be retained by the person who has filed the form. ADA Individuals who need auxiliary aids for effective communication in programs and services of the department are invited to make their needs and preferences know to the NH Department of Revenue Administration. NEED HELP? Contact the Municipality or the Municipal and Property Division at (603) 230-5950. LINE-BY-LINE FORM INSTRUCTIONS STEP 1 Indicate by checking the appropriate box whether the Form CU-18 is being completed by the landowner/agent with power of attorney, or the form is being completed by the Municipal Assessing Officials/designee. If completed by a landowner's agent, a copy of the power of attorney must be included with the Form CU-18. STEP 2 Provide the name and address of the current property owner(s). If there are more than two owners, submit a supplemental list containing the names of the additional landowners. STEP 3 Provide the name of the municipality where the parcel of land is located, the municipal tax map and lot number for the parcel of land, and the nearest street from which the parcel of land may be accessed. STEP 4 Indicate by checking the applicable boxes as the reason(s) for change: (a) Indicate whether the 20% recreational adjustment is being removed, or that the 20% recreational adjustment is being applied for. (b) Indicate whether the farm land soil potential index (SPI) is being applied for. (c) Indicate whether the forest land stewardship assessment is being removed, or that the forest land stewardship assessment is being applied for. (d) Provide an updated map and indicate whether the change to the current use category is the result of: 1. A reclassification of a qualifying category or forest type; or 2. There has been a change in the qualifying current use acreage; or 3. There has been a change to the land and it no longer qualifies for current use assessment. STEP 5 Provide written detail pertaining to the reason(s) for the change(s) in STEP 4 and included the date that the change(s) occurred. STEP 6 If the CU-18 is completed by the landowner/agent, provide the property owner printed name, signature, and date of their signature, or provide the printed name, signature, and date of signature by an agent with power of attorney including a copy of the agent's executed power or attorney. If the CU-18 is completed by the municipality, provide the Municipal Assessing Official/designee printed name, signature, and date of their signature. STEP 7 If the CU-18 is completed by the landowner/agent, check the box indicating that the Form CU-18 was mailed to the Municipal Assessing and provide the date that it was mailed. If the CU-18 is completed by the municipality, check the box indicating that the Form CU-18 was mailed to the property owner and the CU-18 date that is was mailed. Page 2 of 2 Rev 1.3 9/2019
Extracted from PDF file 2024-new-hampshire-form-cu-18.pdf, last modified May 2024

More about the New Hampshire Form CU-18 Individual Income Tax TY 2024

This form is used by the landowner to provide a notice if there is a change under the current assessment

We last updated the Notice of Change in Current Use Assessment in March 2025, so this is the latest version of Form CU-18, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form CU-18 directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other New Hampshire tax forms here.

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Other New Hampshire Individual Income Tax Forms:

TaxFormFinder has an additional 51 New Hampshire income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.

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Income Tax Instructions Interest and Dividends Tax Instruction Booklet
Form DP-10 Interest and Dividends Tax Return
Form DP-2210-2220 Instructions Form DP-2210-2220 (Interest & Dividends Tax Extension) Instructions
Form DP-10-ES Interest and Dividends Tax Estimated Quarterly
Form DP-2210-2220 Exceptions and Penalty for the Underpayment of Estimated Tax

Download all NH tax forms View all 52 New Hampshire Income Tax Forms

Form Sources:

New Hampshire usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated New Hampshire Form CU-18 from the Department of Revenue Administration in March 2025.

Show Sources >

About the Individual Income Tax

The IRS and most states collect a personal income tax, which is paid throughout the year via tax withholding or estimated income tax payments.

Most taxpayers are required to file a yearly income tax return in April to both the Internal Revenue Service and their state's revenue department, which will result in either a tax refund of excess withheld income or a tax payment if the withholding does not cover the taxpayer's entire liability. Every taxpayer's situation is different - please consult a CPA or licensed tax preparer to ensure that you are filing the correct tax forms!

Historical Past-Year Versions of New Hampshire Form CU-18

We have a total of three past-year versions of Form CU-18 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:

While we do our best to keep our list of New Hampshire Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/newhampshire/form-cu-18