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Montana Free Printable  for 2025 Montana Montana Individual Income Tax Amended Return Reconciliation

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Form AMD (Obsolete) is obsolete, and is no longer supported by the Montana Department of Revenue.

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Montana Individual Income Tax Amended Return Reconciliation
Form AMD (Obsolete)

Clear Form MONTANA AMD Worksheet Rev 05 15 Montana Individual Income Tax Amended Return Reconciliation Worksheet Social Security Numbers Your First Name and Initial Last Name Spouse’s First Name and Initial Tax year amending - - - - Last Name Y Y Y Y As Filed or Last Adjusted Income and Deductions Net Change As Amended 1. Federal adjusted gross income (AGI)................................................. 1. 2. Montana additions to federal adjusted gross income......................... 2. 3. Montana subtractions from federal adjusted gross income................ 3. 4. Montana adjusted gross income (add lines 1 and 2, then subtract line 3).................................................................................... 4. 5. Deductions (standard or itemized)..................................................... 5. 6. Exemption(s) amount......................................................................... 6. 7. Taxable income (add lines 5 and 6, then subtract from line 4)........... 7. Tax Liability 8. Tax...................................................................................................... 8. 9. Tax on lump sum distributions............................................................ 9. 10. Add lines 8 and 9 and enter the result here..................................... 10. 11. Capital gains tax credit......................................................................11. 12. Nonrefundable tax credits................................................................ 12. 13. Subtract lines 11 and 12 from line 10 and enter the result here....... 13. 14. Recapture tax(es)............................................................................. 14. 15. Voluntary check-off contribution programs....................................... 15. 16. Add lines 13 through 15 and enter the result here........................... 16. 17. Montana income tax withheld........................................................... 17. 18. Other income tax withheld, including any mineral royalty tax or tax withheld for you by a pass-through entity................................... 18. 19. Estimated and extension payments................................................. 19. 20. Refundable credits........................................................................... 20. 21. Tax paid with original return plus subsequent payments (tax only, do not include payments of penalty and interest)..................... 21. 22. Total refund(s) and overpayment(s) for year amending................... 22. 23. Add lines 17 through 21, then subtract line 22 and enter the result here........................................................................................ 23. 24. Refund. If line 23 is greater than line 16, enter the difference here... 24. 25. Tax Due. If line 23 is less than line 16, enter the difference here.... 25. The AMD Worksheet does not serve as an amended return on its own. When you file an amended tax return, you will need to complete a new tax return that reflects the corrections you are making. *15CW0101* *15CW0101* - Social Security Number - Explanation of change(s)—include additional pages if necessary. Tax Form and/ or Schedule Line Number Explanation *15CW0201* *15CW0201* AMD Worksheet Instructions Use the AMD Worksheet only to reconcile your original tax return and your amended tax return. The AMD Worksheet does not serve as an amended return on its own. When you file an amended tax return, you will need to complete a new tax return that reflects the corrections you are making. For example, if you are amending the 2012 tax year, use the 2012 tax form and complete a new tax return using the corrected information. 1099. If the mineral rights are held by a pass-through entity for which you have an ownership interest or an estate or trust from which you receive a distribution, enter the amount reported to you as your share of the withholding. If you had an ownership interest in a pass-through entity that had Montana source income and withheld Montana income tax, enter the amount here. This amount is reported to you on the Montana Schedule K-1 issued by the entity. Completing the AMD Worksheet Line 21: Enter any tax payments you made when you filed your original return and any subsequent payments that were applied to the tax liability for the year you are amending. Do not include penalty and interest. This amount should also be entered on your amended return. For each change you make to a line on the tax return, provide the line number and a detailed explanation of the adjustment in the Explanation of change(s) section. Married individuals who filed “married filing separately on the same form” will need to complete a separate AMD Worksheet for each spouse. Lines 8 and 11: Nonresidents and part-year residents should report the amount for Tax (line 8) and Capital Gains Tax Credit (line 11) after applying the ratio computed on Schedule IV (Nonresident/Part-year Resident Tax). Line 17: Enter the amount of the Montana income tax withheld from your income and reported in Box 17 of your federal Form W-2, or in Box 10 of your federal Form 1099-R. Montana mineral royalty tax withheld or income tax withheld as a result of an ownership interest in a pass-through entity cannot be reported on this line. Line 18: Enter the amount of the Montana income tax withheld from royalty payments received during the year. This is generally reported to you on federal Form Line 22: Enter any refund(s) received for the year you are amending. This includes refunds that may have been applied to another debt. You will also need to include any overpayment amount you requested to be applied to estimated tax payments for another year. Completing Your Amended Tax Return Remember to mark the “Amended Return” box found in the upper left hand corner of the return. If you are amending to change your filing status from joint to married filing separately on the same form or separate forms, include a detailed breakdown showing the allocation of income and deductions between spouses. Changes to income could affect other calculations made on your original return. If you itemized deductions, you should recalculate to see if your income changes affect the limitations for medical expenses and miscellaneous itemized deductions. An adjustment to income could also change the amount of your taxable social security benefits or the amount of the partial pension and annuity income exemption or the standard deduction. If your amended tax return results in: • • an increase of tax due and payment was not received, we will send you a statement of account showing any additional tax, penalties or interest due. Interest and late payment penalty are assessed on any unpaid tax from the prescribed due date of the original tax return until the tax is paid. See the Interest and Late Payment Penalty section. a refund, we will mail a check to you at the address you give us on your amended tax return. Sign Your Amended Return Be sure to sign your amended tax return. Please provide the name and the phone number of the third party designee we should contact if we have any questions about your amended return. Filing Your Amended Return When filing your amended return, include copies of all new schedules that you are filing for the first time, and all schedules that you sent with the original filing, even if none of the amounts previously reported have changed. While you are not required to file the AMD Worksheet with your amended return, including it may help the department to better understand your amendment(s). Your amended tax return should not be included with other tax returns that you are filing. For example, if you have a loss for tax year 2014 that you are carrying back to 2012, do not include the amended 2012 return with your 2014 return. If the amended tax return involves a change to your federal taxable income, you will need to file an amended Montana tax return within 90 days, whether you voluntarily changed your federal taxable income or if you received notification of the change to your federal taxable income by the Internal Revenue Service. If you do not notify us within 90 days of the change to your federal taxable income, we have five years from the date that the changes to your federal tax return become final to adjust your Montana tax return to reflect these same changes. Interest and Late Payment Penalty Interest is calculated from the original due date of the tax return being amended to the date of payment. The annual interest rate for all unpaid individual income taxes is 8%. If you do not pay the full amount due with your amended tax return, we will send you a statement of account with the penalties and interest due. Interest is attached to overpayments of taxes at the same rate as charged on delinquent taxes. Interest is not paid on a refund that results from a net operating loss carryback or carryforward or a credit such as Form 2EC, Elderly Homeowner/Renter Credit. Waiver of Late Payment Penalty When you file an amended return that reflects an increased tax liability, you may have the late payment penalty waived if you pay the tax and applicable interest in full. Simply mark the “Amended Return” box on the tax return. By doing so, you are requesting a waiver of the late payment penalty. Where to get tax forms and instructions or if you need help… By Internet: Look on our website at revenue.mt.gov Net Operating Losses (NOLs) By Phone: (866) 859-2254 (Toll Free) If you are amending to carry back a net operating loss (NOL), mark the “NOL” box in the upper left hand corner of Form 2. 444-6900 (Helena Area) (406) 444-2830 (TDD) By Mail: Montana Department of Revenue PO Box 5805 Helena, MT 59604-5805 You will need to include Form NOL, Montana Net Operating Loss, with your amended tax return. Failure to include the form will delay the processing of your amended return. Statute of Limitations If you determine that your Montana tax return was incorrect but the changes do not result in a change to your federal taxable income, you have five years from the original due date of the Montana tax return to file an amended return.
Extracted from PDF file 2017-montana-form-amd.pdf, last modified March 2013

More about the Montana Form AMD (Obsolete) Individual Income Tax


We last updated the Montana Individual Income Tax Amended Return Reconciliation in April 2021, and the latest form we have available is for tax year 2017. This means that we don't yet have the updated form for the current tax year. Please check this page regularly, as we will post the updated form as soon as it is released by the Montana Department of Revenue. You can print other Montana tax forms here.

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Other Montana Individual Income Tax Forms:

TaxFormFinder has an additional 78 Montana income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.

Form Code Form Name
Form 2EC Montana Elderly Homeowner/Renter Credit (OBSOLETE)
Form 2 Montana Individual Income Tax Return
Form AMD (Obsolete) Montana Individual Income Tax Amended Return Reconciliation
Form 2 Instructions Individual Income Tax Instructional Booklet
Form 2 SCHedule IV Non-Resident/Part-Year Resident Tax (OBSOLETE)

Download all MT tax forms View all 79 Montana Income Tax Forms

Form Sources:

Montana usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Montana Form AMD (Obsolete) from the Department of Revenue in April 2021.

Show Sources >

About the Individual Income Tax

The IRS and most states collect a personal income tax, which is paid throughout the year via tax withholding or estimated income tax payments.

Most taxpayers are required to file a yearly income tax return in April to both the Internal Revenue Service and their state's revenue department, which will result in either a tax refund of excess withheld income or a tax payment if the withholding does not cover the taxpayer's entire liability. Every taxpayer's situation is different - please consult a CPA or licensed tax preparer to ensure that you are filing the correct tax forms!

Historical Past-Year Versions of Montana Form AMD (Obsolete)

We have a total of seven past-year versions of Form AMD (Obsolete) in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:

While we do our best to keep our list of Montana Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/montana/form-amd-obsolete