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Montana Free Printable 2M for 2025 Montana Montana Individual Income Tax Return - Intermediate Form (DISCONTINUED)

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Form 2M is obsolete, and is no longer supported by the Montana Department of Revenue.

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Montana Individual Income Tax Return - Intermediate Form (DISCONTINUED)

Clear Form No Staples 2014 Montana Individual Income Tax Return Form 2M Calendar year income tax return for a Montana resident with a filing status of single, married filing jointly, or head of household First Name and Initial Mark this box Spouse’s First Name and Initial if this is an amended return. Mailing Address Last Name Social Security Number Deceased? Date of Death Last Name Spouse’s Social Security Number Deceased? Date of Death City State M M D D 2 0 Y Y M M D D 2 0 Y Y Zip+4 5a. X Yourself 5b. Spouse 5c. First Name 65 or older 65 or older Last Name Blind Blind Social Security Number Dependents Exemptions Filing Status (Mark only one box) 1. Single 2. Married filing jointly 3. Head of household 4. X Resident full year (This form is only to be used by full-year Montana residents. Nonresidents and part-year residents must use Form 2.) Enter number marked 5a. Enter number marked 5b. Mark if Disabled Relationship Enter the total number of dependents in line 5c. If more than 4 dependents, see instructions. 5c. Montana Adjusted Gross Income Federal Adjusted Gross Income 5d. Add lines 5a through 5c and enter total exemptions here.................................................................................................................... 5d. Enter amounts corresponding to your federal tax return. Round to nearest dollar. If no entry, leave blank. 6. Wages, salaries, tips, etc. Include federal Form(s) W-2...........................................................................................................................6. 7a. Taxable interest. Include federal Schedule B if required........................................................................................................................7a. 7b. Tax-exempt interest. Do not include on line 7a................................................................................................... 7b. 00 8. Ordinary dividends. Include federal Schedule B if required......................................................................................................................8. 9. Capital gain or (loss). Include federal Schedule D if required..................................................................................................................9. 10. IRA distributions..............................................................................Total amount 10a. Taxable amount 10b. 00 11. Pensions and annuities..................................................................Total amount 11a. Taxable amount 11b. 00 12. Unemployment compensation................................................................................................................................................................12. 13. Social security benefits...................................................................Total amount 13a. Taxable amount 13b. 00 14. Taxable refunds, credits or offsets of state and local income taxes.......................................................................................................14. 15. Add lines 6 through 14 (far right column.) This is your total income...................................................................................................15. 16. Educator expenses (Caution – see instructions on page 2).............................................................................. 16. 00 17. IRA deduction..................................................................................................................................................... 17. 00 18. Student loan interest deduction.......................................................................................................................... 18. 00 19. Tuition and fees (Caution – see instructions on page 3)................................................................................... 19. 00 20. Add lines 16 through 19 and enter the result here. This is your total adjustments to income..........................................................20. 21. Subtract line 20 from line 15 and enter the result here. This is your federal adjusted gross income...............................................21. 22. Interest and mutual fund dividends from state, county or municipal bonds from other states............................ 22. 00 23. Taxable federal refund........................................................................................................................................ 23. 00 24. Addition to federal taxable social security........................................................................................................... 24. 00 25. Medical care savings account nonqualified withdrawals.................................................................................... 25. 00 26. Add lines 22 through 25 and enter the result here. This is your Montana additions to federal adjusted gross income.................26. 27. Exempt interest and dividends from federal bonds, notes, and obligations....................................................... 27. 00 28. Exempt unemployment compensation............................................................................................................... 28. 00 29. Partial pension and annuity income exemption. Complete Worksheet IV on page 24....................................... 29. 00 30. Partial interest exemption for taxpayers 65 and older........................................................................................ 30. 00 31. Exemption for certain taxed tips and gratuities................................................................................................... 31. 00 32. Exempt medical care savings account deposits and earnings........................................................................... 32. 00 33. Subtraction from federal taxable social security/Tier I Railroad Retirement. Complete Worksheet VIII on page 26........33. 00 34. Subtraction for federal taxable Tier II Railroad Retirement................................................................................ 34. 00 35. Federally taxable refunds, credits or offsets of state income taxes.................................................................... 35. 00 36. Add lines 27 through 35 and enter the result here. This is your Montana subtractions from federal adjusted gross income.......36. 37. Add lines 21 and 26, then subtract line 36. This is your Montana adjusted gross income...............................................................37. *14CC0101* *14CC0101* 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Taxable Income Form 2M, Page 2 – 2014 Social Security Number: 38. Montana adjusted gross income from line 37....................................................................................................................................... 38. 39. Deductions Must mark one box. } 00 Standard Deduction (see Worksheet V on page 24) Itemized Deductions (from Form 2M, Schedule I, line 27)..................... 39. 00 40. Subtract line 39 from line 38 and enter the result here......................................................................................................................... 40. 00 42. Subtract line 41 from line 40 and enter the result here. This is your taxable income....................................................................... 42. 43. Tax from the tax table on page 4 of this form. If line 42 is zero or less than zero, enter zero...........................43. 00 00 Tax Credits 44. 2% capital gains tax credit.................................................................................................................................44. 00 45. Subtract line 44 from 43 and enter the result. If zero or less, enter zero. This is your resident tax after capital gains tax credit..... 45. 46. Enter the amount from Schedule II, line 6. This is your total nonrefundable credits....................................................................... 46. 00 00 47. Subtract line 46 from line 45 and enter the result. If zero or less, enter zero. This is your total tax after nonrefundable credits..47. 48. Montana income tax withheld. Include federal Form(s) W-2 and 1099.............................................................48. 00 00 49. 2014 estimated tax payments and amounts applied from your 2013 return......................................................49. 00 50. 2014 extension payment from Form EXT-14.....................................................................................................50. Payments 00 41. Multiply $2,330 by the number of exemptions on line 5d and enter the result here..........................................41. 00 51. Elderly Homeowner/Renter Credit from Form 2EC, line 13. Include Form 2EC...............................................51. 00 52. If filing an amended return: Payments made with original return...................................................................52. 00 53. If filing an amended return: Previously issued refunds..................................................................................53. 00 54. Add lines 48 through 52, then subtract line 53 and enter the result here. This is your total payments............................................ 54. 00 55. If line 47 is greater than line 54, subtract line 54 from line 47 and enter the result here. This is your tax due.................................. 55. 00 56. If line 54 is greater than line 47, subtract line 47 from line 54 and enter the result here. This is your tax overpaid.......................... 56. Amount You Owe or Your Refund Penalty, Interest and Contributions 57. Interest on underpayment of estimated taxes (see instructions on page 7)......................................................57. 00 Mark this box if estimated payments were made using the annualized method. Include Form EST-I. 58. Late file penalty, late payment penalty and interest (see instructions on page 8).............................................58. 00 59. Medical Care Savings Account 10% penalty.....................................................................................................59. 00 60. Total voluntary check-off contribution programs from lines 60a through 60d....................................................60. 00 other amount 60a. Nongame Wildlife Program $5 $10 60b. Child Abuse Prevention $5 $10 60c. Ag Literacy in MT Schools $5 $10 60d. MT Military Family Relief Fund $5 $10 00 00 00 other amount other amount 00 00 *14CC0201* *14CC0201* other amount 61. Add lines 57 through 60 and enter the result here. This is your total penalties, interest and contributions.................................. 61. 62. If you have tax due (amount on line 55), add lines 55 and 61 OR, if you have a tax overpayment (amount on line 56) and it is less than line 61, subtract line 56 from line 61. Enter the result here................. This is the amount you owe. ►62. Pay online at revenue.mt.gov. If writing a check, make it payable to MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE. 00 00 63. If you have a tax overpayment on line 56 and it is greater than line 61, subtract line 61 from line 56. This is your overpayment.... 63. 00 64. Enter the amount of line 63 you want applied to your 2015 estimated taxes....................................................................................... 64. 65. Subtract line 64 from line 63 and enter the result here........................................ This Direct Deposit Your Refund Complete 1, 2, 3 and 4 (please see instructions on page 9). 1. RTN# 00 is your refund. ►65. 00 2. ACCT# 3. If using direct deposit, you are required to mark one box. Checking 4. Is this refund going to an account that is located outside of the United States or its territories? Savings Yes No Under penalties of false swearing, I declare that I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct and complete. Your Signature is Required Date X Paid Preparer’s Signature Paid Preparer’s PTIN/SSN Third Party Designee Do you want to allow another person (such as a paid preparer) to discuss this return with us (see page 10)? Yes No Spouse’s Signature Date Daytime Telephone Number X Third Party Designee’s Printed Name Third Party Designee’s Phone Number Firm’s FEIN Mark this box if you do not want forms and instructions mailed to you next year. Form 2M, Page 3 – 2014 Social Security Number: Job Expenses and Certain Miscellaneous Deductions Gifts Taxes You Paid Medical and Dental Expenses Schedule I – Montana Form 2M Itemized Deductions Enter your itemized deductions on the corresponding line. File Schedule I with your Montana Form 2M. 1. Medical and dental expenses..............................................................................................................................1. 00 2. Enter amount from Form 2M, line 38...................................................................................................................2. 00 3. Multiply line 2 by 10% (0.10). But if either you or your spouse was born before January 2, 1950, multiply line 2 by 7.5% (0.075) instead (see instructions on page 11)..............................................................................3. 00 4. Subtract line 3 from line 1 and enter the result here, but not less than zero. This is your deductible medical and dental expense subject to a percentage of Montana Adjusted Gross Income.......................................................................................................... 4. 5. Medical insurance premiums not deducted elsewhere on your tax return............................................................................................. 5. 6. Long term care insurance premiums not deducted elsewhere on your tax return.................................................................................. 6. Complete lines 7a through 7d reporting your total federal income tax paid in 2014 before completing line 7e. 7a. Federal income tax withheld in 2014.................................................................................................................7a. 00 7b. Federal estimated tax payments paid in 2014...................................................................................................7b. 00 7c. 2013 federal income taxes paid in 2014............................................................................................................ 7c. 00 7d. Other back-year federal income taxes paid in 2014..........................................................................................7d. 00 7e. Add lines 7a through 7d. Enter the result here, but not more than $5,000 if you are filing single or head of household, or $10,000 if filing a joint return with your spouse. This is your federal income tax deduction...........................................................................................7e. 8. Real estate taxes paid in 2014............................................................................................................................................................... 8. 9. Personal property taxes paid in 2014 (see instructions on page 12)...................................................................................................... 9. 10. Other deductible taxes. List type and amount___________________________________________________________________ 10. 11. Home mortgage interest and points. If paid to the person from whom you bought the house, provide their name, social security number and address______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. 12. Qualified mortgage insurance premiums (Caution – see instructions on page 13)............................................................................. 12. 13. Investment interest. Include federal Form 4952................................................................................................................................... 13. 14. Charitable contributions made by cash or check during 2014.............................................................................................................. 14. 15. Charitable contributions made other than by cash or check during 2014............................................................................................. 15. 16. Charitable contribution carryover from the prior year........................................................................................................................... 16. 17. Child and dependent care expenses. Include Montana Form 2441-M................................................................................................. 17. 18. Casualty or theft loss(es). Include federal Form 4684.......................................................................................................................... 18. 19. Unreimbursed employee business expenses. Include federal Form 2106 or 2106-EZ.....................................19. 00 20. Other expenses. List type and amount_______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________20. 00 21. Add lines 19 and 20; enter the result here.........................................................................................................21. 00 22. Enter the amount on Form 2M, line 38 here......................................................................................................22. 00 23. Multiply line 22 by 2% (0.02) and enter the result here.....................................................................................23. 00 24. Subtract line 23 from line 21 and enter the result here, but not less than zero.................................................................................... 24. 25. Political contributions (limited to $100 per taxpayer)............................................................................................................................ 25. 26. Other miscellaneous deductions not subject to 2% of Montana Adjusted Gross Income. List type and amount________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 26. 27. Is the amount on Form 2M, line 38 more than $305,050 if filing jointly, $279,650 if filing head of household or $254,200 if filing single? If yes, mark this box and complete Worksheet VI-IDL. Otherwise, add lines 4 through 6, 7e through 18, and 24 through 26. Enter the result here and on Form 2M, line 39. This is your total itemized deductions............................................... 27. *14CC0301* *14CC0301* 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Form 2M, Page 4 – 2014 Social Security Number: Schedule II – Montana Form 2M Tax Credits Enter your Montana tax credits on the corresponding line. File Schedule II with your Montana Form 2M. We have listed below six credits that you can use when filing Montana Form 2M. However, the Montana Legislature has authorized 27 different income tax credits. See Montana Form 2, Schedule V for a list and description of these 27 available tax credits. If you are eligible for any of the other credits not listed below, you will have to file Montana Form 2 instead of Form 2M. For more information on the tax credits below, please see the instructions on page 14. Nonrefundable credits that are single-year credits and HAVE NO carryover provision. 1. College contribution credit. Include Form CC.................................................................................................................................................... 1. 2. Energy conservation installation credit. Include Form ENRG-C........................................................................................................................ 2. 3. Elderly care credit. Include Form ECC.............................................................................................................................................................. 3. Nonrefundable credits that HAVE a carryover provision that allows you to carry forward the unused portion of your credit to future tax years. 4a. Alternative energy systems credit. Recognized nonfossil form of energy generation. Include Form ENRG-B............................................... 4a. 4b. Alternative energy systems credit. Low emission wood or biomass combustion device. Include Form ENRG-B........................................... 4b. 5. Adoption credit. Include federal Form 8839....................................................................................................................................................... 5. 6. Add lines 1 through 5 and enter the result here and on Form 2M, line 46. This is your total nonrefundable credits................................... 6. Refundable credits are applied against your income tax liability with any remaining balance refunded to you. 7. Elderly homeowner/renter credit. Include Form 2EC. Enter the result on Form 2M, line 51. (You do not need to include Schedule II if this is the only credit you are claiming.)................................................................................................................................................................... 7. 2014 Montana Individual Income Tax Table 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 If Your Taxable Multiply If Your Taxable Multiply But Not And This Is But Not And This Is Income Is Your Taxable Income Is Your Taxable More Than Subtract Your Tax More Than Subtract Your Tax More Than Income By More Than Income By $0 $2,800 1% (0.010) $0 $10,300 $13,300 5% (0.050) $257 $2,800 $5,000 2% (0.020) $28 $13,300 $17,100 6% (0.060) $390 $5,000 $7,600 3% (0.030) $78 More Than $17,100 6.9% (0.069) $544 $7,600 $10,300 4% (0.040) $154 For example: Taxable income $6,800 X 3% (0.030) = $204. $204 minus $78 = $126 tax *14CC0401* *14CC0401*
Extracted from PDF file 2019-montana-form-2m.pdf, last modified October 2011

More about the Montana Form 2M Individual Income Tax Tax Return

Discontinued. Tax form 2 is used instead of this form.

We last updated the Montana Individual Income Tax Return - Intermediate Form (DISCONTINUED) in March 2021, and the latest form we have available is for tax year 2019. This means that we don't yet have the updated form for the current tax year. Please check this page regularly, as we will post the updated form as soon as it is released by the Montana Department of Revenue. You can print other Montana tax forms here.

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Related Montana Individual Income Tax Forms:

TaxFormFinder has an additional 78 Montana income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms. These related forms may also be needed with the Montana Form 2M.

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Form 2M-WKST (Obsolete) Worksheets

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Form Sources:

Montana usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Montana Form 2M from the Department of Revenue in March 2021.

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Form 2M is a Montana Individual Income Tax form. Like the Federal Form 1040, states each provide a core tax return form on which most high-level income and tax calculations are performed. While some taxpayers with simple returns can complete their entire tax return on this single form, in most cases various other additional schedules and forms must be completed, depending on the taxpayer's individual situation, to create a complete income tax return package.

About the Individual Income Tax

The IRS and most states collect a personal income tax, which is paid throughout the year via tax withholding or estimated income tax payments.

Most taxpayers are required to file a yearly income tax return in April to both the Internal Revenue Service and their state's revenue department, which will result in either a tax refund of excess withheld income or a tax payment if the withholding does not cover the taxpayer's entire liability. Every taxpayer's situation is different - please consult a CPA or licensed tax preparer to ensure that you are filing the correct tax forms!

Historical Past-Year Versions of Montana Form 2M

We have a total of eight past-year versions of Form 2M in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

Form 2M 2013 Form 2M

2013 Montana Individaul Income Tax Return - Form 2M

TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:

While we do our best to keep our list of Montana Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/montana/form-2m