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Minnesota Free Printable ST11, Sales and Use Tax Refund Request for 2025 Minnesota Sales and Use Tax Refund Request

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Sales and Use Tax Refund Request
ST11, Sales and Use Tax Refund Request

ST11 Sales and Use Tax Refund Request Business name Minnesota tax ID Address Period covered by this request City From Through State ZIP code State ZIP code Main business address in Minnesota (if different from above) City Name of person to contact about this request Title Phone Email Type of refund request you are filing (select all that apply): Sales tax paid in error to a vendor Construction exemptions for special projects under M.S. 297A.71. Project Type from statute Greater Minnesota Job Expansion Qualified Data Center Worksheet Create and attach a supporting worksheet for each type of request. Sales tax, use tax and all local taxes need to be separated by local taxing district on each worksheet. See instructions. Describe your business and the reason for your request. Refund Amount Requested . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The application must include sufficient information to permit the commissioner to verify the tax paid. 297A.75 Subd. 3a. Sign Here A request for refund filed by a corporation must bear the original signatures and titles of the officers having the authority to sign for the corporation. I declare under the penalties of criminal liability for willfully making a false claim that this claim has been examined, and, to the best of my (our) knowledge and belief, is true and complete. Signature of taxpayer or authorized representative Title Date Phone Preparer signature Preparer Minnesota tax ID number Date Preparer Phone Send Form ST11, your worksheet(s), and supporting documents: Mail: Minnesota Department of Revenue Mail Station 6330 600 N. Robert Street St. Paul, MN 55146-6330 Email: salesuse.claim@state.mn.us Rev. 3/21 Instructions for Form ST11 When should I use this form? • To request a refund of sales tax you paid in error such as: • Tax paid on exempt capital equipment • Tax paid on items used or consumed in industrial production • When the law required you to pay sales tax but now you can get a refund. Note: • You must be registered for sales or use tax. • Refunds of sales tax paid in error must be over $500. If you’re requesting $500 or less, request the refund from your vendor. • You can only file two of each type of purchaser refund requests per calendar year. • Your request form is not valid until fully complete. You must include sufficient information to verify your request. How long do I have to file? Generally, • If you paid sales tax on a purchase, you have 3 ½ years from the 20th day of the month following the purchase invoice date. • If you accrued use tax on the purchase, you have 3 ½ years from the original tax return due date. • If you signed a waiver (Form ST21, Consent to Extend Statute), follow that deadline. How do I fill out the form? 1. Enter your business Information • If your Minnesota tax ID number changed during the request period, file a separate form for each ID number. 2. Choose the type of request • Choose all that apply. • You can find instructions for each type of request on the following pages. 3. Create a worksheet • Create a worksheet listing the items you are requesting a refund for. See sample worksheets in these instructions. • If you want to make more than one request on the same form, you must complete a separate worksheet for each type of request. 4. Describe your business and the reason for your request 5. Indicate the total refund requested • Total the amounts from all worksheets. 6. Sign the form What happens next? We may ask for additional information, such as: • Copies of exemption certificates • Copies of vendor invoices • Lease agreements • Proof of payment • Backup documentation for your sales and use tax returns We will review your request, and send you a letter with our decision. If your request is approved and: • You do not owe other taxes, we will send you a refund of the tax plus any applicable interest. • You owe other government debts, we will use your refund to reduce or pay your balance due. Once your taxes are paid in full, we will send you the remaining refund amount. • You received a refund from us and a vendor refunded you for the same item, you must return the refund we gave you. Questions? Call 651-296-6181 or 1-800-657-3777. 1 Instructions and Sample Worksheets Sales Tax Paid in Error to a Vendor If you charged sales tax to your customers or accrued use tax in error, you can’t request a purchaser refund. File an amended return in e-Services, or see the instructions for filing a multiple period return. Sample Worksheet for Sales Tax Paid in Error to a Vendor The examples are for reference only. Add a column for each local tax. Invoice Date Invoice Number Vendor Name Item Purchased Mo/yr tax was paid Purchase price paid Total tax paid MN tax St. Cloud area tax Detailed description of use Exemption claimed 3/14/2020 7026 XYZ Supply Lubricants 3/20 1,000.00 73.75 68.75 5.00 Oil consumed in production equipment Industrial production 3/22/2020 7050 XYZ Supply Product Packaging 3/20 2,500.00 184.38 $171.88 $12.50 Product ID labels used in industrial production Industrial production 2/21/2020 1371 ABC Equipment CNC machine 2/20 15,000.00 1,106.25 1,031.25 75 .00 Machine used to produce our product TOTAL 1,364.38 1,271.88 92.50 Capital equipment Construction Exemption for Special Projects This is a limited exemption. See Minnesota Statutes 297A.71 for a list of qualifying projects. If a contractor paid tax, provide a statement showing the amount of sales or use tax each contractor paid. Sample Worksheet for Construction Exemptions The examples are for reference only. Add a column for each local tax. Invoice Date Invoice Number 1/23/2020 741 2/10/2020 4/16/2020 Vendor Name Item Purchased Specify sales or use tax Mo/yr tax was paid Purchase price paid Total tax paid MN tax Rochester tax Olmsted County Transit tax Construction Supply Co Lumber Sales 1/20 5,000.00 406.25 343.75 37.50 25.00 6832 XYZ Building Supply Floor Tile Sales 2/20 2,500.00 203.13 171.88 18.75 12.50 5589 ABC Supplies Paint Sales 4/20 1,000.00 81.25 68.75 7.50 5.00 TOTAL 690.63 584.38 63.75 42.50 Greater Minnesota Job Expansion If you have a certified facility with a Business Subsidy Agreement (BSA), use this form to request a refund. If a contractor paid tax, provide a statement showing the amount of sales or use tax each contractor paid. Sample Worksheet for Greater Minnesota Job Expansion The examples are for reference only. Add a column for each local tax. Invoice Date Invoice Number Vendor Name Item Purchased Specify sales or use tax Mo/yr tax was paid Purchase price paid Total tax paid MN tax 3/14/2020 1432 XYZ Supply Lubricants Use 3/20 800.00 55.00 55.00 4/22/2020 651 XYZ Supply Paint Supplies Sales 4/20 2,000.00 137.50 137.50 5/1/2020 976 ABC Building Supply Lumber Sales 5/20 7,000.00 481.25 481.25 TOTAL 673.75 673.75 2 Instructions and Sample Worksheets (continued) Qualified Data Center If you own a data center certified by DEED or own software in a certified facility, use this form to request a refund for tax paid on enterprise information technology equipment, computer software, and computer software maintenance agreements used in the center. Where multiple persons own different enterprise technology equipment and software in the center, each must request a refund for tax paid on the equipment and software owned by that person. When do I begin qualifying for the exemption? Depending on when the qualified data center met the threshold requirements, determines what purchases of enterprise information technology equipment and computer software qualify for the exemption. When did the data center meet the threshold requirements? The exemption applies to purchases made after Under the original thresholds enacted in 2011 June 30, 2012 Under the amended thresholds enacted in 2013 June 30, 2013 However, for computer software maintenance agreements, the exemption applies to purchases after June 30, 2013. When does this exemption expire? The exemption ends either: • 20 years from the date of the first purchase of “enterprise information technology equipment and computer software for use in a qualified data center”, or • By June 30, 2042, whichever is earlier. Sample Worksheet for Qualified Data Center The examples are for reference only. Add a column for each local tax. Invoice Date Invoice Number Vendor Name Item Purchased Specify sales or use tax Mo/yr tax was paid Purchase price paid Total tax paid MN tax Hennepin County tax Hennepin County Transit tax 2/14/2020 6813 ABC Power Generators Sales 2/20 6,000.00 451.50 412.50 9.00 30.00 Backup power source for the data center 3/1/12020 4975 XZY Company Racking System Sales 3/20 3,000.00 225.75 206.25 4.50 15.00 Holds data center equipment and ensures proper operating temperatures 4/4/2020 3357 XZY Company Cables Use 4/20 3,500.00 263.38 $240.63 5.25 17.50 Connects data center equipment 5/5/2020 7026 IT Co Networking monitoring software Sales 5/20 83,300.00 6,268.33 5,726.88 124.95 416.50 TOTAL 7,208.95 6,586.26 143.70 479.00 In addition to the worksheet, please attach: • • • • Detailed description of how equipment is used Certification letter from DEED Project description Documentation to verify the location of software and hardware, if necessary Copies of your use tax accruals if you paid use tax If you own the facility, also attach: • Description of any office space, meeting space, and mechanical facilities included in project square footage • Date of first qualifying purchases If you lease space within a qualifying facility, also provide: • An agreement or substantiation of the tenant relationship with the owner 3 Used to manage power and environmental factors in the data center
Extracted from PDF file 2024-minnesota-form-st11.pdf, last modified June 2020

More about the Minnesota Form ST11 Sales Tax TY 2024

We last updated the Sales and Use Tax Refund Request in February 2025, so this is the latest version of Form ST11, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form ST11 directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Minnesota tax forms here.

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Related Minnesota Sales Tax Forms:

TaxFormFinder has an additional 95 Minnesota income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms. These related forms may also be needed with the Minnesota Form ST11.

Form Code Form Name
Form ST11-MPA Sales and Use Tax Multiple Period Amended Return

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Form Sources:

Minnesota usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Minnesota Form ST11 from the Department of Revenue in February 2025.

Show Sources >

About the Sales Tax

Sales taxes are applied to the transfer of goods (and sometimes services) to the end consumer in most of the fifty states, and are collected by the vendor from their customers and remitted to the state taxation department on a regular basis. Therefore, most sales tax related tax forms are applicable to businesses, and not private individuals.

Historical Past-Year Versions of Minnesota Form ST11

We have a total of four past-year versions of Form ST11 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2024 Form ST11

ST11, Sales and Use Tax Refund Request

2023 Form ST11

ST11, Sales and Use Tax Refund Request

2022 Form ST11

ST11, Sales and Use Tax Refund Request

2021 Form ST11

ST11, Sales and Use Tax Refund Request

TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:

While we do our best to keep our list of Minnesota Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/minnesota/form-st11