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Maryland Free Printable TY 2023 Withholding Guide for 2025 Maryland Maryland Employer Withholding Guide

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Maryland Employer Withholding Guide
TY 2023 Withholding Guide

MARYLAND EMPLOYER WITHHOLDING GUIDE This guide is effective January 2023 and includes local income tax rates. These rates were current at the time this guide was developed. The Maryland Legislature may change this tax rate when in session. During this time, please check our Web site at www.marylandtaxes.gov for any changes. Revised March 2023 Comptroller of Maryland 110 Carroll Street Annapolis, MD 21411 Call 410-260-7980 from Central Maryland, or, 800-638-2937 from elsewhere www.marylandtaxes.gov Brooke E. Lierman Comptroller How to use this Employer Withholding Guide The instructions in this guide will provide you with the information you need to comply with the requirements for withholding Maryland income tax as required by law. These instructions include the percentage formulas to determine the amount of income tax to withhold from ­ employees’ wages. The withholding regular tables are not located in this guide. They can be found at www.marylandtaxes.gov or if you do not have access to the Internet, please call the forms line at 410-260-7951. We hope this guide will provide you with all the information you need. However, if you need a ­dditional assistance, please feel free to contact us: Comptroller of Maryland Revenue Administration Division 110 Carroll Street Annapolis, Maryland 21411-0001 410-260-7980 800-638-2937 www.marylandtaxes.gov Maryland Employer Withholding Forms MW506 Employer’s Return of Income Tax Withheld MW506A Employer’s Return of Income Tax Withheld Amended MW506AM Employer's Return of Income Tax Withheld for Accelerated Filers - Amended MW506M Employer's Return of Income Tax Withheld for Accelerated Filers MW507 Employee's Maryland Withholding Exemption Certificate MW507M Exemption from Maryland Withholding Tax for a Qualified Civilian Spouse of a U.S. Armed Forces Servicemember MW507P Annuity, Sick Pay and Retirement Distribution Request for Maryland Income Tax Withholding MW508 Annual Employer Withholding Reconciliation Return MW508A Annual Employer Withholding Reconciliation Return - Amended MW508CR Business Income Tax Credits - To be used by non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations only. 548P Limited Power of Attorney and Maryland Reporting Agents Authorization - to be used by reporting agents to secure information about withholding and sales & use tax returns or payments sent to the Comptroller of Maryland. It is used in place of the federal Form 8655. Reminders • The standard deduction rates have changed per new legislation enacted in the 2018 Legislative Session. • For the purpose of the percentage method calculation the Standard Deduction amounts are now minimum $ 1,700 and maximum $2,550. • Employers are responsible for ensuring that tax returns are filed and deposits and payments are made, even if the employer contracts with a third party to perform these acts. The employer remains responsible if the third party fails to perform any required action. If the third party fails to make the tax payments, the Comptroller may assess penalties and interest on the employer’s account. The employer is liable for all taxes, penalties and interest due. The employer may also be held personally liable for certain unpaid taxes. To verify that the appropriate returns have been filed and payments have been made, you may contact the Comptroller’s Office at 1-800-6382937 or from Central Maryland 410-260-7980. • Quarterly withholding tax returns are due on the 15th day of the month that follows the calendar quarter in which that income tax was withheld. Withholding tax rates for gambling winnings have changed. See page 5 for details. • Year End Annual Reconciliation of withholding tax using form MW508 are due on January 31st of each year effective July 1st, 2016. See page 7 for details. • A spouse whose wages are exempt from Maryland income tax under the Military Spouses Residency Relief Act may claim an exemption from Maryland withholding tax. See page 6 for details. • Employers or payors of payments subject to Maryland withholding taxes are required to submit their W-2/MW508 data electronically if they have 25 or more employees. The electronic file must be a modified EFW2 format text file and upload through bFile W2 Bulk Upload application. A PDF or Excel spreadsheet is not acceptable. Another acceptable electronic option is to use the bFile website and manually key in each W-2. See page 7 for details. • We do not automatically send paper withholding tax coupons to businesses that have not filed electronically in the past. We strongly encourage all businesses to file their withholding tax returns and payments and their annual MW508 reconciliation electronically whenever possible, by using our free bFile online service. bFile is safe and secure and provides an acknowledgement of filing. • You may file and pay your withholding return via the following three electronic methods: –  bFile - File Withholding Returns (MW506) – You may file and pay your employer withholding tax using electronic funds withdrawal (direct debit) as well as file your zero (0) balance withholding tax returns. bFile is located at www.marylandtaxes.gov under Online Services. –  Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) - Call 410-260-7980 to register. –  Credit Card - For alternative methods of payment, such as a credit card, visit our website at www. marylandtaxes.gov. NOTE - If you use any of these filing options, DO NOT file a paper return. • Be sure your Central Registration Number and phone number appear on all forms and correspondence. For questions concerning the withholding of Maryland and local taxes, please e-mail your questions to taxhelp@marylandtaxes. gov or call Taxpayer Services Division at 1-800-638-2937 or from Central Maryland 410-260-7980. MARYLAND EMPLOYER WITHHOLDING 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.  HOW THE LAW APPLIES Employers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 All Employers Register with Maryland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Employees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Employees' Social Security numbers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Records to Keep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Penalties for Failing to Comply. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Civil and Criminal Penalties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3.  PAYMENTS SUBJECT TO WITHHOLDING Taxable Wages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Nonresident Employees Subject to Withholding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Lottery & Gambling Winnings Subject to Withholding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Exemption Certificate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Withholding for Annuity, Sick Pay and Retirement Distributions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Mandatory Withholding on Retirement Distributions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Tax-exempt organizations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4.  DETERMINING THE AMOUNT TO BE WITHHELD How to Use the Percentage Charts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 5.  HOW TO FILE bFile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Year End Reconciliation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Names, Address and Federal Employer Identification Number Changes and Final Returns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Amendments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 MW506A, MW506AM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 MW508A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Where Amended Returns are to be Sent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 SPECIAL WITHHOLDING INFORMATION FOR SINGLES AND STUDENTS ONLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 IN THE EVENT OF A DISASTER OR EMERGENCY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 PERCENTAGE INCOME TAX WITHHOLDING RATES Maryland Resident Employees who work in Delaware. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.25 Percent Local Income Tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.40 Percent Local Income Tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.65 Percent Local Income Tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.75 Percent Local Income Tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.85 Percent Local Income Tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 3.00 Percent Local Income Tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 3.05 Percent Local Income Tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 3.10 Percent Local Income Tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 3.20 Percent Local Income Tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 ***** MARYLAND EMPLOYER WITHHOLDING 3 1. INTRODUCTION The withholding of Maryland income tax is a part of the state’s “pay-as-you-go” plan of income tax collection adopted by the 1955 session of the Maryland General Assembly. The provisions are set forth in the Tax-General Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland. The law aids in the proper collection of taxes required to be reported by individuals with taxable income. Generally speaking, the state’s system resembles the federal withholding plans. The distinctive differences between the state and federal systems are explained in this guide. Withholding tax is not an additional tax, but merely a ­collection device. Its purpose is to collect tax at the source, as the wages are earned, instead of collecting the tax a year after the wages were earned. Under the law, the sums withheld must be recorded by the employer or payor in a ledger account to clearly indicate the amount of tax withheld and that the tax withheld is the ­property of the State of Maryland. Funds set aside by the employer or payor from taxes ­withheld are deemed by law to be held in trust for the use and benefit of the State of Maryland. Any employer or payor who negligently fails to either withhold the required tax or to pay it to the Comptroller, or both, is held personally and ­individually liable for all monies involved. If the employer is a corporate entity, the personal liability extends and is applicable to the officer or agent of the corporation whose duty it is to withhold the tax and transmit it to the Comptroller as required by law. To help keep accurate employer records, every employer subject to the withholding provisions of the Maryland law is assigned a Central Registration Number (CRN) (this is your eight-digit Maryland tax account number). The Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) assigned to you by the IRS for federal purposes also is used for record-keeping purposes. If you do not have a FEIN when you apply for a Maryland account, we will assign you a CRN. When you receive your FEIN, you should notify us immediately. 2. HOW THE LAW APPLIES Employers Generally, an employer is a person or organization, subject to the jurisdiction of Maryland, for whom an individual performs a service as an employee. An employer who is not required by law to withhold Maryland income tax may withhold Maryland income tax through a voluntary arrangement with the employees or payees, provided that the employer registers with the Revenue Administration Division. This arrangement must conform to the Maryland withholding and payment requirements. All employers must register with Maryland All employers are required to register with the Revenue Administration Division by filing a Combined Registration Application Form CRA. You also can register online at www.marylandtaxes.gov. The employer will be assigned a CRN that will be used for employer income tax withholding as well as most other Maryland business taxes. Do not wait until withholding payments are due to register as an employer. Contact the Revenue Administration Division, Annapolis, Maryland 21411 (410-260-7980) as soon as you know you will be paying wages and withholding taxes. You should have only one CRN for withholding purposes. If you have more than one, notify the Revenue Administration Division. If you acquire another employer’s business, do not use the number assigned to that business. Request a Combined Registration Application Form CRA from the Revenue Administration Division or register online at www. marylandtaxes.gov. You must include your CRN and FEIN, if available, on all forms, attachments and correspondence you send to the Revenue Administration Division. For withholding purposes “employee” means: •  An individual, whether a resident or nonresident of Mary­ land, who performs any service in Maryland for wages. • A resident of Maryland who performs any service outside this state for wages. •  An officer, employee, or elected official of the United States, Maryland, or any other state or territory, or any political subdivision thereof, or the District of Columbia, or any agency or instrumentality of any of the above. • An officer of a corporation. Employees' Social Security numbers You must record the name and address of each employee or payee exactly as it appears on the Social Security card. If a new employee does not have a Social Security card, have the employee obtain one at any Social Security Administration office. Records to keep You are required to keep all records pertaining to the payment of wages and the deduction and withholding of Maryland income tax. These records must be available for inspection by the Revenue Administration Division and include: •  The amounts and dates of all wage payments to each employee. •  The amounts and dates for all Maryland income taxes ­withheld from wage payments to each employee. • ­The name, address, Social Security Number, and period of employment for each employee. • Each employee’s exemption certificate. • ­ Your identification number, the amount of Maryland income tax withheld and paid to the Comptroller of Maryland, and the dates payments were made. All records should be retained for a period of at least three years after the date the tax to which they relate became due or the date the tax was paid, whichever is later. Penalties for failing to comply Any employer who fails to file returns or remit amounts collected as required is subject to a penalty not to exceed 25% of the unpaid tax. If an employer pays tax, interest or penalty by check (or other instrument) that is not honored by the bank on which it is drawn, the employer shall be assessed a service charge of $30. Remember! The money you withhold from your employees is held in trust for the State of Maryland. Civil and Criminal Penalties Civil Penalties » Suspension or revocation of all business licenses issued by the State to the employer for willful failure to withhold or pay income tax to the Comptroller. »  Imposition of a $50 penalty for each violation for willful failure to provide an income tax statement or for providing a false withholding statement. Also, for willful non-compliance with a wage lien, the employer will be personally liable for excess wages paid to an employee subject to the lien. In addition, all unpaid withholding tax, interest and penalties, constitute a lien in favor of the State of Maryland, extending to all real and MARYLAND EMPLOYER WITHHOLDING 4 personal property belonging to the employer. Criminal Penalties (Upon Conviction) » Not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or imprisonment not exceeding five years or both, for: • Willful failure to file a return. • Willful failure to withhold the required tax. • Willful failure to pay the tax withheld to the Comptroller. » Not to exceed five-hundred dollars ($500) or imprisonment not exceeding six months or both, for: • Willful failure to provide a copy of withholding tax statement. • Providing a false or fraudulent withholding tax statement. • Failure to provide information on a withholding certificate or for filing a false certificate. • Willful failure to pay to the Comptroller salary wages or compensation subject to a salary lien. 3. PAYMENTS SUBJECT TO WITHHOLDING Taxable wages For withholding purposes, “wages” mean all compensation for services performed by an employee, including the cash value of all remuneration paid in any medium other than cash. (Exceptions are listed later in this section.) These exceptions are similar to the exclusions for federal withholding purposes, so that in most instances wages subject to federal withholding also will be subject to Maryland withholding. Taxable “wages” include all employee compensation, such as salaries, fees, bonuses, commissions, vacation allowances, back pay and retroactive increases. Wages paid in any form other than money are measured by their fair market value. These include lodging, meals, property or other considerations for personal services. Agricultural wages subject to Social Security (FICA) tax are subject to Maryland withholding tax. Tips and gratuities paid to an employee by a customer also are subject to withholding tax in the same manner as reported for federal purposes. Withholding is not required for the following: • Domestic service in a private home, local college club or local chapter of a college fraternity or sorority. •  Services performed by a duly ordained, commissioned or licensed minister of a church in the exercise of his ministry or by a member of a religious order in the ­exercise of duties required by such order. •  Nonresident individuals employed as seamen upon vessels engaged in oceanic and foreign trade or commerce while such vessels are within any of the ports of Maryland. • Single and student employees whose total income will be less than the minimum filing requirement. (See page 9.) •  Employees paid at a rate of less than $5,000 annually. Nonresident employees subject to withholding A nonresident is not subject to tax if: •  His income consists entirely of wages or other compensation for personal services performed in Maryland; and • The state of residence has agreed in writing to allow a ­reciprocal exemption from tax and withholding for each other’s residents. As a result of this provision, the residents of a number of states are exempt and no withholding of Maryland tax is to be made by the employer. Under such circumstances, it is necessary that Maryland Form MW507, Employee Maryland Withholding Exemption Certificate, be filed with the employer in which the employee certifies that he resides within one of the reciprocal states listed on the form. Nonresidents from states that have no income tax law or have no written reciprocal income tax agreement with this state are subject to Maryland tax and withholding must be made from salaries and wages for services performed in Maryland. Withholding is also required in a sale or exchange of real property and associated tangible personal property owned by a nonresident or nonresident entity. Lottery & gambling winnings subject to withholding Lottery and other gambling winnings in excess of $5,000 are subject to with­holding at a rate of 8.75% for Maryland residents or 8% for nonresidents. Pari-mutuel (horse racing) winnings in excess of $5,000 and at least 300 times as large as the original wager are subject to the same withholding rates. Exemption certificate At the time of or before hiring a new employee, the employer must obtain a certificate of exemption, Maryland Form MW507, from the employee. This certificate authorizes the employer to withhold Maryland income tax from the employee's salary, based on the number of withholding exemptions claimed on Form MW507. Often, the number of withholding exemptions will correspond with the number of personal exemptions allowed the employee in computing his tax on his Maryland income tax return. However, if the employee expects that his federal adjusted gross income will exceed $100,000 (or $150,000 if filing a joint income tax return) he must use the worksheet to recalculate the number of withholding exemptions to which he is entitled. The value of personal exemptions will be reduced at this income level on the Maryland income tax return. (To see the reduction in exemptions, at the various income levels, go to page two of Maryland Form MW507 which can be obtained at www.marylandtaxes.gov.) Also, if the employee expects that the amount of Maryland income tax withheld will not equal the Maryland tax liability, he must use the worksheet to recalculate the number of exemptions to which he is entitled. The employee also may enter into an agreement with the employer to have an additional amount of tax withheld. As long as the number of withholding exemptions claimed by the employee does not exceed the number he is entitled under the law, the total withholding exemptions shown on the Maryland Form MW507 do not have to agree with the total shown on the federal Form W-4. When a new employee files a certificate, the employer must make it effective with the first payment of wages. A certificate, once filed with the employer, will remain in effect until a new certificate is filed. If an employee fails to furnish a certificate, the employer is required to withhold the tax as if the employee had claimed one withholding exemption. An employer is required to submit a copy of the exemption certificate received by the Comptroller if: 1. The employer has any reason to believe this certificate is incorrect. 2. The employee claims more than ten (10) exemptions. 3. The employee claims exemption from withholding on the basis of nonresidence. 4. The employee claims exemption from withholding because he/she has no tax liability this year, and the MARYLAND EMPLOYER WITHHOLDING 5 wages are expected to exceed $200 a week. 5. The employee claims an exemption from withholding under the Military Spouses Residency Relief Act. (In this case, Form MW507M must be completed and attached to Form MW507.) When the exemption certificate is received, the Comptroller will make a determination and will notify the employer if a change is required. Withholding for annuity, sick pay and retirement distributions A payee of an annuity, sick pay or retirement distribution may request the payor to withhold tax with respect to payments of annuities, sick or retirement distribution ­payments. If such a request is made, the payor must deduct and withhold the tax as required. The amount requested to be withheld from each sick pay, annuity payment or retirement distribution must be a whole dollar amount of at least $5 per month for annuities and retirement distributions, and at least $2 per daily payment in the case of sick pay. Mandatory withholding on retirement distributions When a rollover distribution is subject to a mandatory federal withholding, the eligible rollover distribution of Maryland residents is subject to a mandatory state withholding of 7.75%. Otherwise, such withholding should not take place unless requested by the payee. Tax-exempt organizations Entities which are tax-exempt organizations under IRC 501(c)(3), and that are eligible to claim the Maryland Disability Employment Tax Credit or the Commuter Tax Credit against their withholding taxes, will use Form MW508CR to claim the amount of credit. The paper version of Form 500CR has been discontinued. MW508CR is attached to MW508 for employers submitting fewer than 25 Forms W-2 or 1099. MW508CR is attached to Form MW508A for those employers required to file electronically. See Administrative Release 34 4. DETERMINING THE AMOUNT TO BE WITHHELD Maryland law provides that the Comptroller develop withholding tax schedules to approximate the tax on wages, without considering the tax rates in effect that are less than 4.75%. In this guide, you will find the appropriate percentage for the computation of the amount of Maryland income tax to be withheld. Apply the applicable percentage to the taxable income. Note: there are two different rates explained below. The SINGLE rate is used by single employees; employees who are dependents on another person's tax return, or employees who are Married planning to file separately. The JOINT rate is used by Married taxpayers who plan to file joint returns, employees who qualify for Head of Household status on their tax return, or for employees who qualify as Widow or Widower with a dependent child. For employees who are residents of Maryland, use the rate corresponding to the area where the employee lives. Since each county sets its local income tax rate, there is the possibility of having 24 different local income tax rates. We have calculated 9 local income tax rates. Use the rate that equals or slightly exceeds the actual local income tax rate to ensure that sufficient tax is withheld. For employees who are not residents of Maryland, use the Nonresident rate, which includes no local tax; but does include the Special 2.25% Nonresident rate. For employees who are residents of Maryland and are working and paying withholding taxes in Delaware or any other nonreciprocal state, use the Delaware/Nonreciprocal state rate, which includes local tax and credit for taxes paid to another state or locality. Withholding is a combination of the state income tax rate and local taxes. When using the percentage method of withholding, the employer must follow these four steps: 1. Subtract an allowance for Standard Deduction (15 percent of wages for the payroll period with a minimum and maximum as set forth for the particular payroll) from the employee’s wages. 2. Multiply the amount of one withholding exemption for the payroll period by the number of exemptions claimed on the employee’s Form MW507. 3. Subtract the amount determined in Step 2 from the employee’s wages. 4. Apply the appropriate percentage rate table to the resulting figure to determine the amount of withholding, based on the employee’s county of residence. If the employee is a resident of a nonreciprocal state, use the special nonresident tax rate. Visit www.marylandtaxes.gov withholding calculator. to use our online 5. HOW TO FILE For filing purposes, employers will fall into one of five types of filing categories: • Accelerated – those employers who were required to withhold $15,000 or more for the preceding calendar year and who have $700 or more of accumulated withholding are required to remit the withholding payment within three business days following that payroll (pay date). You may request a waiver allowing monthly returns. A renewal of the waiver also is available if eligibility to file federal withholding tax returns on a monthly basis is unchanged. Pay date is defined as the date the paychecks are made ­available to employees. • Quarterly – those employers with less than $700 of withholding per quarter who are required to remit the tax withheld on a quarterly basis. • Monthly – those employers with more than $700 of withholding in any one quarter who are required to remit the tax withheld on a monthly basis. • Seasonal – those employers who operate only during certain months. You must obtain prior approval to file ­ on a seasonal basis. If approval is granted, you would only be required to file reports during the period your business is in operation. • A nnual – those employers with less than $250 withholding per calendar year are required to remit the tax withheld on an annual basis. The due date for filing an annual Form MW506 is the last day of January following the year to which such withholding applies. In addition, annual filers must file the Annual Reconciliation Form MW508 with the Form W-2 for each employee. bFile This online service is used to file and pay Employer’s Return of Income Tax Withheld (MW506). A valid FEIN or SSN and Maryland CRN (this is your eight-digit Maryland tax account number) are required. If you have not registered to file Maryland business taxes or do not have a CRN, you may register on our Web site at www.marylandtaxes.gov. You may be asked to provide a bank routing and transit number (RTN) and a depositor’s account number (DAN) to make payments of business taxes. The funds automatically will be withdrawn from your bank account on the date specified. Do not send a paper return when using bFile, this online service supports the current year and two previous MARYLAND EMPLOYER WITHHOLDING 6 years. If your return is for a prior period, you may request these forms by calling Taxpayer Service Division 410-2607980, or e-mail [email protected]. The Revenue Administration Division has sent postcards to withholding filers advising them we no longer send paper coupon books unless the postcard was returned or an e-mail was received requesting them. This is an effort to reduce and/or eliminate paper processing and to encourage employers to use the online service which has many benefits to offer: Fast – Enter your business and bank information once. The information will be filled in each time you file a return, using auto-fill. Accurate – The automatic fill-in feature eliminates the risk of accidently entering wrong business or bank information when you file your return. Easy – bFile supports filing and associating multiple businesses under one user registration. A list of the businesses will be displayed when you log on. History – All returns you file while logged on will be accessible to view in a consolidated list. You must include your CRN, and, if available, your FEIN on all withholding forms or other correspondence. This will ensure that all payments and/or adjustments are properly ­posted to your account. Each year, the Revenue Administration Division analyzes accounts. If a payment record requires a change in filing frequency, the employer will be notified. An employer may file a written request to change the filing frequency, which if approved will change at the beginning of the next calendar year. For paper filers, the coupon book for the new calendar year will reflect any change. The due dates of returns are as follows: Period Due date Period Due date January. . . . . . February 15 July . . . . . . . . August 15 February. . . . . March 15 August . . . . . . September 15 March . . . . . . . April 15 September . . . October 15 1st Quarter . . . April 15 3rd Quarter. . . October 15 April . . . . . . . . May 15 October . . . . . November 15 May. . . . . . . . . June 15 November. . . . December 15 June . . . . . . . . July 15 December. . . . January 15 2nd Quarter. . . July 15 4th Quarter. . . January 15 Annual . . . . . . January 31 If a due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, the return is due on the next business day. W-2 Wage and Tax Statements On or before January 31 of each year, employers must provide a wage and tax statement, federal Form W-2, to each employee. To ensure consistency in reporting, the Revenue Administration Division will require the state tax withheld (box 17) and local tax withheld (box 19) to be combined and reported as one amount in box 17 (state income tax), and leave box 18 (local wages) blank. The state pickup amount must be reported in box 14 (other). In addition, the word “STPICKUP” is to appear in box 14 (other) of your employees’ year-end printed Form W-2. Year-End Reconciliation On or before January 31st of each year, employers must file a year end reconciliation to the Revenue Administration Division using Form MW508. Employers have three options to file their Form MW508. Employers who have 25 or more W-2s to report are required to file electronically and must select option 1 or 2. Employers who have less than 25 W-2s to report may use option 3 – paper filing, however, we encourage all employers regardless of the number of statements to file electronically using one of the first two options below. Any underpayment must be submitted with the reconciliation. If the account is overpaid, please indicate on the MW508, whether you wish to have the overpayment refunded or applied as a credit to future periods. If you request the credit, please wait for notification of approval prior to using the credit. To obtain a complete copy of the 2022 Maryland Employer Reporting of W-2s Instructions and Specifications booklet, please visit www.marylandtaxes.gov. (1) bFile Bulk Upload Application. This application allows the user (employers/payroll providers) to log in to our bFile application and upload a text file in the modified EFW2 format. This application uses the same registration for filing Withholding and Sales and Use Tax returns and payments. As a registered user, you will create a history that can be viewed by you whenever you log in to the application. The Bulk Upload application is designed to accept one file and validate it before it will accept another file. We recommend that individuals who submit data for multiple employers create a separate registration for each employer, or create one logon and append all employer data in one file. Of the four required records within the electronic text file, the RV record is an electronic version of the paper form MW508, and is a required record if you file using this option. If requesting an overpayment or refund, the request must be included in the RV record. Also, in the “RV” record, the NAICS code (Business Activity Code) field position 333-338 is a required 6 digit field (included on the paper MW508). Blanks in these positions will cause your file to be rejected. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy. To find your NAICS code, please reference http:// www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/ or call 301763-INFO (4636)/ 800-923-8282 (Census Bureau). The bFile Bulk Upload Testing Application is available as well. This application allows users to test their ability to upload and transmit their W-2s and MW508s using a text or zip file, prior to uploading their annual production file. NOTE: at this time, 1099s cannot be submitted using this method. (2) bFile File Withholding Reconciliation Application. This application allows the user (employers/payroll providers) to log in to our bFile application and manually key the data from their MW508 and up to 250 W-2 forms. Each W-2 must be keyed in individually, and the user receives confirmation of the filing when completed. This application uses the same registration for filing Withholding and Sales and Use Tax returns and payments. As a registered user, you will create a history that can be viewed by you whenever you log in to the application. Only one MW508 may be filed online per business per tax year. If you need to correct a submitted filing then you must complete a paper form MW508A which can be downloaded from our website. Of the four required records within the electronic text file, the RV record is an electronic version of the paper form MW508, and is a required record if you file using this option. If requesting an overpayment or refund, the request must be included in the RV record. Also, in the “RV” record, the NAICS code (Business MARYLAND EMPLOYER WITHHOLDING 7 Activity Code) field position 333-338 is a required 6 digit field (included on the paper MW508). Blanks in these positions will cause your file to be rejected. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy. To find your NAICS code, please reference http:// www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/ or call 301763-INFO (4636)/ 800-923-8282 (Census Bureau). The reporting of 1099 withholding on the MW508 may be submitted by SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) paper. If submitting 25 or more 1099s, you are required to file electronically by SFTP. There is no other mode of electronic submission of 1099s. provided when they are prepared for the new calendar year. If your FEIN has changed, you may be issued another coupon book reflecting the new identification number. If you are using our online options and have updated the FEIN online, nothing more needs to be done. You must indicate if the business has been sold or discontinued. You can do this online as well as using Form MW506FR. You must notify the Comptroller of Maryland if withholding has temporarily stopped as well as an ending date for the temporary stoppage. Amendments MW506A or MW506AM To obtain a complete copy of The Maryland Employer Reporting of 1099s Instructions and Specifications please visit www.marylandtaxes.gov. The Form MW506A is used to amend Form MW506 information for the current calendar year. Enter the period and year being amended. Enter the previously reported and remitted amounts under “Previously Reported.” Enter the figures reflecting the change to the reported amounts under “Correct Reported.” NOTE: For questions on bFile Bulk Upload Application, bFile File Withholding Reconciliation Application, please contact the Revenue Administration Division at 410260-7150. If the correct amount is greater than the previously reported amount, enter the difference in the underpayment/ remittance block, and attach a check or money order payable to the Comptroller of Maryland. (3) File Using Paper This option is available to employers and payroll providers who have fewer than 25 W-2 forms to report. To file by paper you must: If the amount is less than the previously reported amount, enter the amount in the overpayment block. You may use this amount as a refund or credit against future withholdings. If you are requesting a credit, please wait for notification of approval prior to using the credit on a future period. Please check the appropriate box for a credit or refund on Form MW506A. • Complete Form MW508. • Attach all applicable W-2s and 1099s. • Then mail to: Revenue Administration Division Returns Processing, Room 206 110 Carroll Street Annapolis, Maryland 21411-0001 MW508A The Form MW508A is used to amend Form MW508 ­information. If you are not required to report electronically by federal or Maryland law, and do not wish to submit individual wage and tax statements, using federal Form W-2 (copy 1), the Revenue Administration Division will accept a computer printout provided it contains all of the following information: • Employer name • Employer address • Employer Central Registration Number and Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) • Employee name Enter the figures from the originally filed Form MW508 in the “Previously Reported” column. Enter the figures reflecting changes created by the Forms W-2C in the “Corrected Amounts” column. If the amount on line 3, “Corrected Amounts” column, is greater than the amount on line 2, attach a check or money order payable to the Comptroller of Maryland for the amount on line 5. If the amount on line 2 is greater than the amount on line 3, attach a statement containing the following information: 1.  Details how the overpayment occurred with all W-2s pertaining to that overpayment. • Employee address • Employee Social Security Number • Employee gross earnings • Employee Maryland earnings • Amount of Maryland state and local tax withheld from employee (one figure) The printout should list the employee’s names in alphabetical order or Social Security number order. Employers reporting on computer printouts are still required to furnish each employee with the annual wage and tax statement, or federal Form W-2, for reporting salaries and wages for Maryland tax withheld on the employee’s individual tax returns. For all corrections to individual employee accounts, a Form W2C must be submitted on paper. Name, Address, Federal Employer Identification Number Changes and Final Returns. You can make changes to your name, address, FEIN, and more online; or use the change of address or ownership form in the coupon book. Do not make the changes on the Form MW506. If you have elected to continue to use the coupon books, they will reflect the new information you have 2.  Whether you will use the overpayment as a credit against Maryland withholding tax for a future period, or if you prefer a direct refund. If you are requesting a credit, please wait for notification of approval prior to using the credit on a future period. 3. The method by which you submitted the original W-2, (magnetic tape, paper, etc.) An employer is not allowed to adjust the amounts reported as income tax withheld in a prior calendar year unless it is to ­correct an administrative error. An administrative error is any error that does not change the amount of income tax that was actually withheld. Generally, an employer cannot adjust the amounts reported for a prior year because the employee uses the amount shown on Form W-2 as a credit when filing the income tax return for the year. Where Amended Returns Are To Be Sent All returns in connection with withholding of Maryland income tax are to be sent to the following address:  omptroller of Maryland C Remittance Processing Center 110 Carroll Street Annapolis, Maryland 21411-0001 MARYLAND EMPLOYER WITHHOLDING 8 All remittances should be made by check or money order payable to the Comptroller of Maryland-WH. Employers are ­cautioned not to send cash by mail. SPECIAL WITHHOLDING INFORMATION FOR SINGLES AND STUDENTS ONLY • Frederick Co. The local tax rates for taxable year 2023 are as follows: (1) .0275 for taxpayers with Maryland taxable income of $100,000 or less and a filing status of married filing joint, head of household, and qualifying widow(er) with dependent child; If the employee’s income is below the following amounts and this income is their only income for the year, you will not be required to withhold Maryland Income Tax. (2) .0275 for taxpayers with Maryland taxable income of $50,000 or less and a filing status of single, married filing separately, and dependent; and Weekly $ 249.04 (3) .0296 for all other taxpayers. Biweekly $ 498.06 Semi-Monthly $ 539.59 Monthly $ 1,079.17 Quarterly $ 3,237.50 Annual $ 12,950.00 Daily $ 35.48 • For lump sum distribution of annual bonus, the withholding amount should be calculated at the highest State tax rate (5.75%), and the highest local tax rate for the county of residence (see the combined withholding percentage rate for lump sum distribution below). In the event of a disaster or an emergency If the Governor of Maryland declares a state of emergency, or, the President declares a federal major disaster or state of emergency, or, there is a widespread utility outage, any outof-state business that has no registration, nexus or tax filings in Maryland prior to the declared state of emergency will be exempt from certain registration requirements. This does not apply to a business with a prior request to be a Maryland registered business or to State or local government. These out-of-state businesses that do disaster- or emergency related work during a disaster as well as its out-of-state employees are not subject to the following: • State and local licensing or registration requirements. • State or County income taxes. • Unemployment insurance contributions. • Personal property tax. • Sales and Use Tax requirements. • Employer withholding tax requirements. However, such businesses must provide a statement related to the disaster to the Comptroller of Maryland with the following information: • Company name. • State of domicile. • Principal address. • Federal Tax Identification Number. • Date of entry into the state, and, • Contact information. NOTE: • Anne Arundel Co. The local tax rates for taxable year 2023 are as follows: (1) .0270 of an individual’s Maryland taxable income of $1 through $50,000; and (2) .0281 of an individual’s Maryland taxable income in excess of $50,000. MARYLAND EMPLOYER WITHHOLDING 9 Percentage method of withholding for MARYLAND RESIDENT EMPLOYEES WHO WORK IN DELAWARE Payroll period Amount of one exemption Weekly $ 61.54 Bi-weekly $ 123.08 Semi-monthly $ 133.33 Monthly $ 266.67 Quarterly $ 800.00 Annually $ 3,200.00 Daily $ 8.77 15% allowance for Standard Deduction* MIN $ 32.69 $ 65.38 $ 70.84 $ 141.67 $ 425.00 $ 1,700.00 $ 4.66 MAX $ 49.09 $ 98.08 $ 106.25 $ 212.50 $ 637.50 $ 2,550.00 $ 6.99 FORMULA Total wages (before any deductions) LESS Allowance for Standard Deduction (15% of wages for payroll period with a minimum and maximum as set forth for the particular payroll period) LESS Value of exemptions (number of exemptions times the allowable amount for one exemption as shown for the applicable payroll period) Equals TAXABLE INCOME * The standard Deduction is 15% of the gross income with a minimum of $1,700 and a maximum of $2,550. Note: The number of exemptions to be used in this formula is determined from the Form MW507 (Maryland Employee Exemption Certificate) filed by your employee. Form MW507 is available on our Web site at www.marylandtaxes.gov. (a) Married Filing Joint or Head of Household (b) Single including Married Filing Separately or Dependent Withholding - Weekly payroll period DO NOT WITHHOLD ON GROSS WAGES LESS THAN $96.00 IF THE taxable income is Over But not over $ 0 $ The amount to be withheld shall be of excess over 2,885 3.20% Withholding - Weekly payroll period DO NOT WITHHOLD ON GROSS WAGES LESS THAN $96.00 IF THE taxable income is The amount to be Over But not over withheld shall be $ 0 $ of excess over 1,923 3.20% $ 2,885 $ 3,365 92.31 plus 3.20% $ 2,885 $ 1,923 $ 2,404 61.54 plus 3.20% $ 1,923 $ 3,365 $ 4,327 107.69 plus 3.20% $ 3,365 $ 2,404 $ 2,885 76.92 plus 3.20% $ 2,404 $ 4,327 $ 5,769 138.46 plus 3.20% $ 4,327 $ 2,885 $ 4,808 92.31 plus 3.20% $ 2,885 $ $ 5,769 -- 184.62 plus 3.20% $ 5,769 Withholding - Bi-Weekly payroll period DO NOT WITHHOLD ON GROSS WAGES LESS THAN $192.00 IF THE taxable income is Over But not over $ 0 $ The amount to be withheld shall be of excess over 5,769 3.20% 4,808 -- 153.85 plus 3.20% $ 4,808 Withholding - Bi-Weekly payroll period DO NOT WITHHOLD ON GROSS WAGES LESS THAN $192.00 IF THE taxable income is Over But not over $ 0 $ The amount to be withheld shall be of excess over 3,846 3.20% $ 5,769 $ 6,731 184.62 plus 3.20% $ 5,769 $ 3,846 $ 4,808 123.08 plus 3.20% $ 3,846 $ 6,731 $ 8,654 215.38 plus 3.20% $ 6,731 $ 4,808 $ 5,769 153.85 plus 3.20% $ 4,808 $ $ 5,769 $ 9,615 184.62 plus 3.20% $ 5,769 $ 8,654 $ 11,538 11,538 276.92 plus 3.20% $ 8,654 -- 369.23 plus 3.20% $ 11,538 Withholding - Semi-Monthly payroll period DO NOT WITHHOLD ON GROSS WAGES LESS THAN $208.00 IF THE taxable income is Over But not over $ 0 $ The amount to be withheld shall be of excess over $ 9,615 9,615 Withholding - Semi-Monthly payroll period DO NOT WITHHOLD ON GROSS WAGES LESS THAN $208.00 IF THE taxable income is Over But not over $ 6,250 3.20% -- 307.69 plus 3.20% $ 0 $ The amount to be withheld shall be of excess over 4,167 3.20% $ 6,250 $ 7,292 200.00 plus 3.20% $ 6,250 $ 4,167 $ 5,208 133.33 plus 3.20% $ 4,167 $ 7,292 $ 9,375 233.33 plus 3.20% $ 7,292 $ 5,208 $ 6,250 166.67 plus 3.20% $ 5,208 $ $ 9,375 $ 12,500 12,500 300.00 plus 3.20% $ 9,375 $ -- 400.00 plus 3.20% $ 12,500 $ Withholding - Monthly payroll period DO NOT WITHHOLD ON GROSS WAGES LESS THAN $417.00 IF THE taxable income is Over But not over The amount to be withheld shall be of excess over 6,250 $ 10,417 10,417 200.00 plus 3.20% $ 6,250 -- 333.33 plus 3.20% $ 10,417 Withholding - Monthly payroll period DO NOT WITHHOLD ON GROSS WAGES LESS THAN $417.00 IF THE taxable income is Over But not over The amount to be withheld shall be of excess over $ 0 $ $ 12,500 $ 14,583 400.00 plus 3.20% $ 12,500 $ 8,333 $ $ 14,583 $ 18,750 466.67 plus 3.20% $ 14,583 $ 10,417 $ 12,500 333.33 plus 3.20% $ 10,417 $ 18,750 $ 25,000 600.00 plus 3.20% $ 18,750 $ 12,500 $ 20,833 400.00 plus 3.20% $ 12,500 $ $ $ 0 $ 25,000 12,500 3.20% -- 800.00 plus 3.20% $ 25,000 20,833 8,333 3.20% 10,417 266.67 plus 3.20% $ -- 666.67 plus 3.20% $ This table includes Maryland state and local income taxes less credit for Delaware income tax MARYLAND EMPLOYER WITHHOLDING 10 8,333 20,833 Percentage method of withholding for MARYLAND RESIDENT EMPLOYEES WHO WORK IN DELAWARE Payroll period Amount of one exemption Weekly $ 61.54 Bi-weekly $ 123.08 Semi-monthly $ 133.33 Monthly $ 266.67 Quarterly $ 800.00 Annually $ 3,200.00 Daily $ 8.77 15% allowance for Standard Deduction* MIN $ 32.69 $ 65.38 $ 70.84 $ 141.67 $ 425.00 $ 1,700.00 $ 4.66 MAX $ 49.09 $ 98.08 $ 106.25 $ 212.50 $ 637.50 $ 2,550.00 $ 6.99 FORMULA Total wages (before any deductions) LESS Allowance for Standard Deduction (15% of wages for payroll period with a minimum and maximum as set forth for the particular payroll period) LESS Value of exemptions (number of exemptions times the allowable amount for one exemption as shown for the applicable payroll period) Equals TAXABLE INCOME * The standard Deduction is 15% of the gross income with a minimum of $1,700 and a maximum of $2,550. Note: The number of exemptions to be used in this formula is determined from the Form MW507 (Maryland Employee Exemption Certificate) filed by your employee. Form MW507 is available on our Web site at www.marylandtaxes.gov. (a) Married Filing Joint or Head of Household (b) Single including Married Filing Separately or Dependent Withholding - Quarterly payroll period DO NOT WITHHOLD ON GROSS WAGES LESS THAN $1,250.00 IF THE taxable income is Over But not over $ 0 $ The amount to be withheld shall be of excess over 37,500 3.20% Withholding - Quarterly payroll period DO NOT WITHHOLD ON GROSS WAGES LESS THAN $1,250.00 IF THE taxable income is Over But not over $ 0 $ The amount to be withheld shall be of excess over 25,000 3.20% $ 37,500 $ 43,750 1,200.00 plus 3.20% $ 37,500 $ 25,000 $ 31,250 800.00 plus 3.20% $ 25,000 $ 43,750 $ 56,250 1,400.00 plus 3.20% $ 43,750 $ 31,250 $ 37,500 1,000.00 plus 3.20% $ 31,250 $ 56,250 $ 75,000 1,800.00 plus 3.20% $ 56,250 $ 37,500 $ 62,500 1,200.00 plus 3.20% $ 37,500 $ $ 75,000 -- 2,400.00 plus 3.20% $ 75,000 $ 0 $ The amount to be withheld shall be of excess over $ 62,500 DO NOT WITHHOLD ON GROSS WAGES LESS THAN $13.70 IF THE taxable income is Over But not over $ 412 3.20% -- 2,000.00 plus 3.20% Withholding - Daily payroll period Withholding - Daily payroll period DO NOT WITHHOLD ON GROSS WAGES LESS THAN $13.70 IF THE taxable income is Over But not over 62,500 0 $ The amount to be withheld shall be of excess over 275 3.20% $ 412 $ 481 13.19 plus 3.20% $ 412 $ 275 $ 343 8.79 plus 3.20% $ 275 $ 481 $ 618 15.38 plus 3.20% $ 481 $ 343 $ 412 10.99 plus 3.20% $ 343 $ 618 $ 824 19.78 plus 3.20% $ 618 $ 412 $ 687 13.19 plus 3.20% $ 412 $ $ 824 -- 26.37 plus 3.20% $ 824 Withholding - Annual payroll period DO NOT WITHHOLD ON GROSS WAGES LESS THAN $5,000.00 IF THE taxable income is Over But not over The amount to be withheld shall be of excess over $ 0 $ 150,000 3.20% $ 150,000 $ 175,000 4,800.00 plus 3.20% $ 150,000 $ 175,000 $ 225,000 5,600.00 plus 3.20% $ 175,000 $ 225,000 $ 300,000 7,200.00 plus 3.20% $ 225,000 $ 300,000 -- 9,600.00 plus 3.20% $ 300,000 687 -- 21.98 plus 3.20% $ 687 Withholding - Annual payroll period DO NOT WITHHOLD ON GROSS WAGES LESS THAN $5,000.00 IF THE taxable income is Over But not over The amount to be withheld shall be of excess over $ 0 $ 100,000 3.20% $ 100,000 $ 125,000 3,200.00 plus 3.20% $ 100,000 $ 125,000 $ 150,000 4,000.00 plus 3.20% $ 125,000 $ 150,000 $ 250,000 4,800.00 plus 3.20% $ 150,000 $ 250,000 -- 8,000.00 plus 3.20% $ 250,000 Lump Sum Distribution of Annual Bonus The amount to be withheld shall be 3.20% This table includes Maryland state and local income taxes less credit for Delaware income tax MARYLAND EMPLOYER WITHHOLDING 11 Percentage method of withholding for 2.25 PERCENT LOCAL INCOME TAX Payroll period Amount of one exemption Weekly $ 61.54 Bi-weekly $ 123.08 Semi-monthly $ 133.33 Monthly $ 266.67 Quarterly $ 800.00 Annually $ 3,200.00 Daily $ 8.77 15% allowance for Standard Deduction* MIN $ 32.69 $ 65.38 $ 70.84 $ 141.67 $ 425.00 $ 1,700.00 $ 4.66 MAX $ 49.09 $ 98.08 $ 106.25 $ 212.50 $ 637.50 $ 2,550.00 $ 6.99 FORMULA Total wages (before any deductions) LESS Allowance for Standard Deduction (15% of wages for payroll period with a minimum and maximum as set forth for the particular payroll period) LESS Value of exemptions (number of exemptions times the allowable amount for one exemption as shown for the applicable payroll period) Equals TAXABLE INCOME * The standard Deduction is 15% of the gross income with a minimum of $1,700 and a maximum of $2,550. Note: The number of exemptions to be used in this formula is determined from the Form MW507 (Maryland Employee Exemption Certificate) filed by your employee. Form MW507 is available on our Web site at www.marylandtaxes.gov. (a) Married Filing Joint or Head of Household (b) Single including Married Filing Separately or Dependent Withholding - Weekly payroll period Withholding - Weekly payroll period DO NOT WITHHOLD ON GROSS WAGES LESS THAN $96.00 IF THE taxable income is Over But not over $ 0 $ The amount to be withheld shall be of excess over 2,885 7.00% DO NOT WITHHOLD ON GROSS WAGES LESS THAN $96.00 IF THE taxable income is Over But not over $ 0 $ The amount to be withheld shall be of excess over 1,923 7.00% $ 2,885 $ 3,365 201.92 plus 7.25% $ 2,885 $ 1,923 $ 2,404 134.62 plus 7.25% $ 1,923 $ 3,365 $ 4,327 236.78 plus 7.50% $ 3,365 $ 2,404 $ 2,885 169.47 plus 7.50% $ 2,404 $ 4,327 $ 5,769 308.89 plus 7.75% $ 4,327 $ 2,885 $ 4,808 205.53 plus 7.75% $ 2,885 $ $ 5,769 -- 420.67 plus 8.00% $ 5,769 Withholding - Bi-Weekly payroll period $ 0 $ The amount to be withheld shall be of excess over 4,808 DO NOT WITHHOLD ON GROSS WAGES LESS THAN $192.00 IF THE taxable income is Over But not over $ 5,769 7.00% -- 354.57 plus 8.00% $ Withholding - Bi-Weekly payroll period DO NOT WITHHOLD ON GROSS WAGES LESS THAN $192.00 IF THE taxable income is Over But not over 4,808 0 $ The amount to be withheld shall be of excess over 3,846 7.00% $ 5,769 $ 6,731 403.85 plus 7.25% $ 5,769 $ 3,846 $ 4,808 269.23 plus 7.25% $ 3,846 $ 6,731 $ 8,654 473.56 plus 7.50% $ 6,731 $ 4,808 $ 5,769 338.94 plus 7.50% $ 4,808 $ $ 5,769 $ 9,615 411.06 plus 7.75% $ 5,769 $ 8,654 $ 11,538 11,538 617.79 plus 7.75% $ 8,654 -- 841.35 plus 8.00% $ 11,538 Withholding - Semi-Monthly payroll period DO NOT WITHHOLD ON GROSS WAGES LESS THAN $208.00 IF THE taxable income is Over But not over $ 0 $ The amount to be withheld shall be of excess over 6,250 7.00% $ 6,250 $ 7,292 437.50 plus 7.25% $ 6,250 $ 7,292 $ 9,375 513.02 plus 7.50% $ 7,292 $ $ 9,375 $ 12,500 12,500 669.27 plus 7.75% $ 9,375 -- 911.46 plus 8.00% $ 12,500 $ $ 0 $ of excess over 12,500 7.00% $ 12,500 $ 14,583 875.00 plus 7.25% $ 12,500 $ 14,583 $ 18,750 1,026.04 plus 7.50% $ 14,583 $ 18,750 $ 25,000 1,338.54 plus 7.75% $ 18,750 $ 25,000 -- 1,822.92 plus 8.00% $ 25,000 9,615 Withholding - Semi-Monthly payroll period IF THE taxable income is Over But not over $ 0 $ The amount to be withheld shall be of excess over 4,167 7.00% $ 4,167 $ 5,208 291.67 plus 7.25% $ 4,167 $ 5,208 $ 6,250 367.19 plus 7.50% $ 5,208 $ $ Withholding - Monthly payroll period The amount to be withheld shall be -- 709.13 plus 8.00% $ DO NOT WITHHOLD ON GROSS WAGES LESS THAN $208.00 6,250 $ 10,417 10,417 445.31 plus 7.75% $ 6,250 -- 768.23 plus 8.00% $ 10,417 Withholding - Monthly payroll period DO NOT WITHHOLD ON GROSS WAGES LESS THAN $417.00 IF THE taxable income is Over But not over 9,615 DO NOT WITHHOLD ON GROSS WAGES LESS THAN $417.00 IF THE taxable income is Over But not over $ 0 $ $ 8,333 $ The amount to be withheld shall be of excess over 8,333 7.00% 10,417 583.33 plus 7.25% $ 8,333 $ 10,417 $ 12,500 734.38 plus 7.50% $ 10,417 $ 12,500 $ 20,833 890.63 plus 7.75% $ 12,500 $ 20,833 MARYLAND EMPLOYER WITHHOLDING 12 -- 1,536.46 plus 8.00% $ 20,833 Percentage method of withholding for 2.25 PERCENT LOCAL INCOME TAX Payroll period Amount of one exemption Weekly $ 61.54 Bi-weekly $ 123.08 Semi-monthly $ 133.33 Monthly $ 266.67 Quarterly $ 800.00 Annually $ 3,200.00 Daily $ 8.77 15% allowance for Standard Deduction* MIN $ 32.69 $ 65.38 $ 70.84 $ 141.67 $ 425.00 $ 1,700.00 $ 4.66 MAX $ 49.09 $ 98.08 $ 106.25 $ 212.50 $ 637.50 $ 2,550.00 $ 6.99 FORMULA Total wages (before any deductions) LESS Allowance for Standard Deduction (15% of wages for payroll period with a minimum and maximum as set forth for the particular payroll period) LESS Value of exemptions (number of exemptions times the allowable amount for one exemption as shown for the applicable payroll period) Equals TAXABLE INCOME * The standard Deduction is 15% of the gross income with a minimum of $1,700 and a maximum of $2,550. Note: The number of exemptions to be used in this formula is determined from the Form MW507 (Maryland Employee Exemption Certificate) filed by your employee. Form MW507 is available on our Web site at www.marylandtaxes.gov. (a) Married Filing Joint or Head of Household (b) Single including Married Filing Separately or Dependent Withholding - Quarterly payroll period DO NOT WITHHOLD ON GROSS WAGES LESS THAN $1,250.00 IF THE taxable income is Over But not over $ 0 $ The amount to be withheld shall be of excess over 37,500 7.00% Withholding - Quarterly payroll period DO NOT WITHHOLD ON GROSS WAGES LESS THAN $1,250.00 IF THE taxable income is Over But not over $ 0 $ The amount to be withheld shall be of excess over 25,000 7.00% $ 37,500 $ 43,750 2,625.00 plus 7.25% $ 37,500 $ 25,000 $ 31,250 1,750.00 plus 7.25% $ 25,000 $ 43,750 $ 56,250 3,078.13 plus 7.50% $ 43,750 $ 31,250 $ 37,500 2,203.13 plus 7.50% $ 31,250 $ 56,250 $ 75,000 4,015.63 plus 7.75% $ 56,250 $ 37,500 $ 62,500 2,671.88 plus 7.75% $ 37,500 $ $ 75,000 -- 5,468.75 plus 8.00% $ 75,000 Withholding - Daily payroll period $ 0 $ The amount to be withheld shall be of excess over 412 7.00% -- 4,609.38 plus 8.00% $ 62,500 Withholding - Daily payroll period DO NOT WITHHOLD ON GROSS WAGES LESS THAN $13.70 IF THE taxable income is Over But not over 62,500 DO NOT WITHHOLD ON GROSS WAGES LESS THAN $13.70 IF THE taxable income is Over But not over $ 0 $ The amount to be withheld shall be of excess over 275 7.00% $ 275 $ 343 19.23 plus 7.25% $ 275 $ 412 $ 481 28.85 plus 7.25% $ 412 $ 343 $ 412 24.21 plus 7.50% $ 343 $ 481 $ 618 33.83 plus 7.50% $ 481 $ 618 $ 824 44.13 plus 7.75% $ 618 $ 824 -- 60.10 plus 8.00% $ 824 Withholding - Annual payroll period DO NOT WITHHOLD ON GROSS WAGES LESS THAN $5,000.00 IF THE taxable income is Over But not over $ 0 $ The amount to be withheld shall be of excess over 150,000 7.00% $ 150,000 $ 175,000 10,500.00 plus 7.25% $ 150,000 $ 175,000 $ 225,000 12,312.50 plus 7.50% $ 175,000 $ 225,000 $ 300,000 16,062.50 plus 7.75% $ 225,000 $ 300,000 -- 21,875.00 plus 8.00% $ 300,000 $ 412 $ 687 29.36 plus 7.75% $ 412 $ 687 -- 50.65 plus 8.00% $ 687 Withholding - Annual payroll period DO NOT WITHHOLD ON GROSS WAGES LESS THAN $5,000.00 IF THE taxable income is Over But not over $ 0 $ The amount to be withheld shall be of excess over 100,000 7.00% $ 100,000 $ 125,000 7,000.00 plus 7.25% $ 100,000 $ 125,000 $ 150,000 8,812.50 plus 7.50% $ 125,000 $ 150,000 $ 250,000 10,687.50 plus 7.75% $ 150,000 $ 250,000 -- 18,437.50 plus 8.00% Lump Sum Distribution of Annual Bonus The amount to be withheld shall be 8.00% MARYLAND EMPLOYER WITHHOLDING 13 $ 250,000 Percentage method of withholding for 2.40 PERCENT LOCAL INCOME TAX Payroll period Amount of one exemption Weekly $ 61.54 Bi-weekly $ 123.08 Semi-monthly $ 133.33 Monthly $ 266.67 Quarterly $ 800.00 Annually $ 3,200.00 Daily $ 8.77 15% allowance for Standard Deduction* MIN $ 32.69 $ 65.38 $ 70.84 $ 141.67 $ 425.00 $ 1,700.00 $ 4.66 MAX $ 49.09 $ 98.08 $ 106.25 $ 212.50 $ 637.50 $ 2,550.00 $ 6.99 FORMULA Total wages (before any deductions) LESS Allowance for Standard Deduction (15% of wages for payroll period with a minimum and maximum as set forth for the particular payroll period) LESS Value of exemptions (number of exemptions times the allowable amount for one exemption as shown for the applicable payroll period) Equals TAXABLE INCOME * The standard Deduction is 15% of the gross income with a minimum of $1,700 and a maximum of $2,550. Note: The number of exemptions to be used in this formula is determined from the Form MW507 (Maryland Employee Exemption Certificate) filed by your employee. Form MW507 is available on our Web site at www.marylandtaxes.gov. (a) Married Filing Joint or Head of Household (b) Single including Married Filing Separately or Dependent Withholding Daily Period DO NOT WITHHOLD ON GROSS WAGES LESS THAN $13.70. If taxable net income is: Over: But not over: $ 0 $ The amount to be withheld shall be of excess over Withholding Daily Period DO NOT WITHHOLD ON GROSS WAGES LESS THAN $13.70. If taxable net income is: Over: But not over: $ 412 7.15% 0 $ The amount to be withheld shall be of excess over 275 7.15% $ 412 $ 481 29.46 plus 7.40% $ 412 $ 275 $ 343 19.64 plus 7.40% $ 275 $ 481 $ 618 34.55 plus 7.65% $ 481 $ 343 $ 412 24.73 plus 7.65% $ 343 $ 618 $ 824 45.05 plus 7.90% $ 618 $ 412 $ 687 29.98 plus 7.90% $ 412 $ $ 824 -- 61.33 plus 8.15% $ 824 $ 0 $ The amount to be withheld shall be of excess over 51.68 plus 8.15% $ 687 DO NOT WITHHOLD ON GROSS WAGES LESS THAN $96 If taxable net income is: Over: But not over: $ 2,885 7.15% -- Withholding Weekly Period Withholding Weekly Period DO NOT WITHHOLD ON GROSS WAGES LESS THAN $96. If taxable net income is: Over: But not over: 687 0 $ The amount to be withheld shall be of excess over 1,923 7.15% $ 2,885 $ 3,365 206.25 plus 7.40% $ 2,885 $ 1,923 $ 2,404 137.50 plus 7.40% $ 1,923 $ 3,365 $ 4,327 241.83 plus 7.65% $ 3,365 $ 2,404 $ 2,885 173.08 plus 7.65% $ 2,404 $ 4,327 $ 5,769 31
Extracted from PDF file 2023-maryland-withholding-guide.pdf, last modified March 2023

More about the Maryland Withholding Guide Corporate Income Tax

Instructions for complying with the requirements for withholding Maryland income tax as required by law.

We last updated the Maryland Employer Withholding Guide in January 2024, and the latest form we have available is for tax year 2023. This means that we don't yet have the updated form for the current tax year. Please check this page regularly, as we will post the updated form as soon as it is released by the Maryland Comptroller of Maryland. You can print other Maryland tax forms here.

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Other Maryland Corporate Income Tax Forms:

TaxFormFinder has an additional 41 Maryland income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.

Form Code Form Name
Form 500X Amended Corporation Income Tax Return
Form 510E Application for Extension to File Pass-Through Entity
Fiduciary Booklet Maryland Instructions for Fiduciaries
Form 500 Maryland Corporation Income Tax Return
Form 500D Declaration of Estimated Corporation Income Tax

Download all MD tax forms View all 42 Maryland Income Tax Forms

Form Sources:

Maryland usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Maryland Withholding Guide from the Comptroller of Maryland in January 2024.

Show Sources >

About the Corporate Income Tax

The IRS and most states require corporations to file an income tax return, with the exact filing requirements depending on the type of company.

Sole proprietorships or disregarded entities like LLCs are filed on Schedule C (or the state equivalent) of the owner's personal income tax return, flow-through entities like S Corporations or Partnerships are generally required to file an informational return equivilent to the IRS Form 1120S or Form 1065, and full corporations must file the equivalent of federal Form 1120 (and, unlike flow-through corporations, are often subject to a corporate tax liability).

Additional forms are available for a wide variety of specific entities and transactions including fiduciaries, nonprofits, and companies involved in other specific types of business.

Historical Past-Year Versions of Maryland Withholding Guide

We have a total of six past-year versions of Withholding Guide in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2023 Withholding Guide

TY 2023 Withholding Guide

2022 Withholding Guide

2022 Withholding guide

2021 Withholding Guide


2020 Withholding Guide

2021 Withholding guide

2019 Withholding Guide

Tax Year 2019 - Maryland Employer Withholding Guide

TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:

While we do our best to keep our list of Maryland Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/maryland/withholding-guide