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Maryland Free Printable Maryland 2024 Instructions for Filing Corporation Income Tax Returns for 2025 Maryland Maryland Income Tax Form Instructions for Corporations

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Maryland Income Tax Form Instructions for Corporations
Maryland 2024 Instructions for Filing Corporation Income Tax Returns

MARYLAND 2024 Instructions for filing corporation income tax returns for calendar year or any other tax year or period beginning in 2024. Brooke E. Lierman, Comptroller Maryland Corporation Taxpayers claim certain business tax credits against their withholding taxes. These qualified organizations no longer use Form 500CR, but will use Form MW508CR as an attachment to Form MW508 (Annual Employer Withholding Reconciliation Return). See Administrative Release 34. This booklet contains the necessary instructions for a corporation to file a Maryland corporation income tax return for tax year 2024. Read the instructions carefully. Use blue or black ink when completing your forms and checks. Form 500CR is used to claim the following business tax credits against corporation and individual income tax. See the instructions for more information about these tax credits. To avoid delays in the processing of your return: • Do not use pencil or ink of any other color. • Do not print returns on colored paper. • Do not write on, staple or punch holes in the barcode. NON- REFUNDABLE TAX CREDITS PART S corporation instructions are not included in this booklet. S corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies and business trusts must use the Pass-Through Entity tax return, Form 510, or Pass-Through Entity Election Income Tax Return, Form 511. Enterprise Zone Tax Credit** A Maryland Disability Employment Tax Credit** C Job Creation Tax Credit** D Community Investment Tax Credit** E Manufacturing corporations are subject to a special single factor formula of receipts. The rules for calculating this single factor can be found in Maryland Tax Regulation Businesses That Create New Jobs Tax Credit F Cybersecurity Incentive Tax Credit for Buyers of Cybersecurity Technology or Cybersecurity Services** H-II Employer-Provided Long-Term Care Insurance Tax Credit I Direct Deposit of refunds is available for all corporations. New for 2024 Addition Modifications: FEDERAL Security Clearance Costs Tax Credit There are no new addition modifications. Maryland Employer Security Clearance Costs Tax Credit** J-I First Year Leasing Costs Tax Credit for Qualified Small Businesses** J-II Cannabis Reform – Alterations – House Bill 253: This bill alters the subtraction for ordinary and necessary business expenses related to a cannabis business by removing the reference to “medical” cannabis businesses and adding a reference to “registered cannabis businesses.” Research and Development Tax Credits for Businesses Not Certified as a “Small Business”** K-I Horse Racing Facility Ownership and Construction – House Bill 1524: This bill amends the subtraction for income recognized before, on, or after June 1, 2024, from the sale of property within or the expenditure of government funds on Laurel Park in Anne Arundel County, Pimlico Race Course in Baltimore City, or Bowie Race Course Training Center in Prince George’s County. Subtraction Modifications: There subtraction modifications. are changes to two Subtraction Modifications: Tax Credits: There are changes to two tax credits. Tax Credits: Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act of 2024 – Senate Bill 362: This bill repeals the Small Business Relief Tax Credit for paid sick and safe leave, effective June 1, 2024. Credit certificates issued prior to June 1, 2024 may be used to claim the credit. Commuter Tax Credit** M Work Opportunity Tax Credit O Non-Refundable One Maryland Economic Development Tax Credit** See 500CR Instructions P RESERVED Q Energy Storage Systems Tax Credit** R Automated External Defibrillator Tax Credit For Restaurants T Endow Maryland Tax Credit** V Preservation and Conservation Easements Tax Credit** X Apprentice Employee Tax Credit** Y Qualified Farms Tax Credit** Z RESERVED AA Catalytic Revitalization Project Tax Credit Alterations – Senate Bill 394: This bill specifies the credit certificate may now be issued by the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development in one of two ways: (1) for a project issued a single tax credit on completion, the taxpayer may claim a credit of 20% of the amount stated on the certificate for 5 consecutive years; and (2) for a phased project issued on completion of a phase, the taxpayer may claim 100% of the amount stated on the certificate. Endowments of Maryland Historically Black Colleges and Universities Tax Credit** BB Form 500CR Innovation Incentive Tax Credit for Investors in Innovation** H-I Research and Development Tax Credits for Businesses Certified as a “Small Business”** K-II REFUNDABLE TAX CREDITS Electronic Format In accordance with SB 36 of the Acts of 2018 of the Maryland General Assembly, the Comptroller of Maryland may grant a taxpayer a waiver of the requirement to file for certain tax credit(s) by electronic means. Form 500CRW, Request for a Waiver, must be submitted with the Form 500CR that establishes a reasonable cause for not filing by electronic means or that there is no feasible means of filing electronically creating an undue hardship. Tax-exempt organizations Organizations that are tax exempt under Internal Revenue Code 501(c) may be eligible to i PART Small Business Relief Tax Credit** B Catalytic Revitalization Projects and Historic Revitalization Tax Credit** G Biotechnology Investment Incentive Tax Credit** L RESERVED N Refundable One Maryland Economic Development Tax Credit** See 500CR Instructions P More Jobs for Marylanders Tax Credit ** S Film Production Activity Tax Credit** U Theatrical Production Tax Credit** W Maryland Historic Revitalization Tax Credit from Form 502S DDD **Required Certification must be included with Form 500CR or 502S. Tax exempt organizations which qualify for business tax credits against their withholding tax should use Form MW508CR to claim the tax credit on Form MW508. Credits that have expired: Both the Small Business Relief Tax Credit and the More Jobs for Marylanders Tax Credit expire on June 1, 2024 but can still be claimed on tax year 2024 returns. Filing electronically The State of Maryland participates in the Federal/State Modernized e-File program to file Maryland Corporation and Pass-Through Entity returns electronically. For the list of Software Vendors approved for e-filing Maryland returns or for additional program information, visit marylandtaxes.gov You may also contact our e-File Helpdesk by emailing efil@ marylandtaxes.gov or calling 410-260-7753. Forms and help For online business registration, tax forms, instructions, publications, and Maryland Tax Regulations, visit marylandtaxes.gov. E-mail your tax questions to: [email protected]. For assistance, call: 410-260-7980 in Central Maryland, or 1-800-MDTAXES (1-800-638-2937) from elsewhere. ii MARYLAND FORM 500 2024 CORPORATION INCOME TAX RETURN INSTRUCTIONS GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS • Nonprofit organizations that are exempt from taxation under IRC Section 501, except those with taxable income for federal purposes, such as unrelated business taxable income or exempt function income under IRC Section 527. FILING FORM 500 Form 500 must be filed electronically if the corporation plans to claim a business income tax credit from Form 500CR or the Maryland Historic Revitalization Tax Credit from Form 502S. Under Section 501, a variety of organizations, generally nonprofit groups organized for charitable or mutual benefit purposes, are exempt from income taxation. However, it may be subject to income tax if it has income from the operation of a business not related to the purpose for which they received their exemption. PURPOSE OF FORM Form 500 is used by a corporation and certain other organizations to file or to amend an income tax return for a specific tax year or period. NOTE: S corporations must use Form 510 — Maryland PassThrough Entity Income Tax Return, or Form 511 - Pass-Through Entity Election Income Tax Return. 1 The same tax treatment afforded for federal income tax purposes is afforded for Maryland income tax purposes. Income that is taxable for federal purposes also is taxable for Maryland purposes. Exempt corporations with federal taxable income must file Form 500 to report the income and pay the tax. WHO MUST FILE? TAXPAYERS REQUIRED TO FILE Every Maryland corporation must file an income tax return on Form 500, even if it has no taxable income or if the corporation is inactive. Every other corporation that is subject to Maryland income tax law and has income or losses attributable to sources within Maryland also must file Form 500. Whether or not required to file Form 500, nonprofit organizations operating in Maryland that are subject to federal exempt-status notification requirements must register with the Maryland Revenue Administration Division. To register, an authorized official must submit a letter of request accompanied by a copy of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) determination of tax-exempt status. Corporations operating in Maryland and in one or more other states are subject to Maryland income tax if their Maryland activity exceeds the provisions for federal protection from state taxation. U.S.C.A. Title 15, Section 381 of the Interstate Commerce Tax Act (P.L. 86-272) prescribes the extent of business activity required before states may impose income taxes. Other agencies such as the State Executive Department Secretary of State, State Department of Assessments and Taxation and Attorney General’s Office each has its own specific requirements for nonprofit organizations. • Investment conduits such as a Regulated Investment Company (RIC), and a Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit (REMIC), except those with taxable income for federal purposes. Investment conduits with such taxable income must file Form 500 reporting the taxable income. Real Estate Investment Trust should see Special Requirements For Certain Organizations. A multistate corporation that operates in Maryland but is not subject to the Maryland income tax law is not required to file, although a return reflecting an apportionment factor of zero may be filed for record purposes. Letters in lieu of filing will not be accepted. All financial institutions are subject to corporation income tax and have special apportionment rules. See Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) Chapter 03.04.08. • Individual retirement account (IRA) trusts that are exempt from taxation under IRC Section 408 (e)(1), except those with taxable income for federal purposes. IRA trusts with such taxable income must file Form 504 reporting the taxable income. ORGANIZATIONS EXEMPT FROM FILING The following organizations are not subject to the Maryland corporation income tax and are exempt from filing an income tax return on Form 500, except as specified: • Pass-through entities defined as partnerships in IRC Section 761, S corporations in IRC Sections 1361 and 1362, Limited Liability Companies (LLC) in Maryland Corporations and Associations Article Section 4A-101 and business trusts in Maryland Corporation and Associations Article Section 12-101. • Insurance companies within the meaning of the Insurance Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, Managed Care Organizations and Health Maintenance Organizations are subject to the insurance company premium tax. Insurance companies must contact the Maryland Insurance Administration regarding filing requirements and taxation. LLCs and Business Trusts are treated as partnerships for Maryland income tax purposes, unless they are treated as corporations for federal income tax purposes. • Common trust funds as defined in the Maryland Financial Institutions Article Section 3-501(b). • Fiduciary taxpayers must file an income tax return on Form 504. Fiduciaries who are an Electing Small Business Trust (ESBT) are taxable by Maryland. See Form 504 Instructions for more information. Pass-through entities must file an income tax return on Form 510 or Form 511. Additionally, each member must file an income tax return. An S corporation that is subject to federal income tax at the corporate level, also is subject to Maryland corporation income tax and Form 500 must be filed. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTAIN ORGANIZATIONS • Affiliated corporations that file consolidated federal returns must file separate Maryland returns for each member corporation. Each member corporation must file and report the taxable income or loss on a separate basis, without regard to the consolidation for federal income tax purposes. Consolidation adjustments reported for federal purposes are not allowed for Maryland purposes. Maryland will follow the IRS rules for a single member LLC that is disregarded as a separate entity (“check-the-box”) and certain partnerships that do not actively conduct a business and have elected not to be treated as a partnership. For additional information regarding the taxation and filing requirements of pass-through entities, see the instructions provided with Form 510 and Form 511. • Qualified Sub-S Subsidiaries are treated as divisions by the IRC and are not considered as separate entities for Maryland purposes. These divisions will be included on the parent 1 MARYLAND FORM 500 2024 CORPORATION INCOME TAX RETURN INSTRUCTIONS filed within three years from the date the original return was filed or within two years from the date the tax was paid, whichever is later. An original return filed before the due date is considered to have been filed on the date it was due. The following exceptions apply: company’s annual Maryland return. • A Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) is subject to the Maryland income tax when the REIT has taxable income at the federal level, as computed on Federal Form 1120-REIT. A Captive REIT may also have a Maryland income tax liability even if that entity does not have a federal income tax liability on its federal return. • A claim for refund filed within 3 years after the date of filing the original return is limited to the amount paid within the 3 years plus any extension of time for filing the return, immediately preceding the filing of the claim. A Captive REIT is a corporation, trust, or association that: • Is considered a REIT for the taxable year under IRC Section 856; • A claim for refund filed after 3 years, but within 2 years from the date the tax was paid is limited to the amount paid within the 2 years immediately before filing the claim. • Is not regularly traded on an established securities market; and • A claim for refund based on a federal NOL carryback must be filed within 3 years after the due date (including extensions) of the return for the tax year of the NOL. • More than 50% of the voting power or value of the beneficial interests or shares of which, at any time during the last half of the taxable year, are owned or controlled (directly or indirectly) by a single entity that is a C corporation. • If the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issues a final determination of adjustments that would result in an increase to Maryland taxable income, file the amended return within 90 days after the final determination. A Captive REIT does not include: • A real estate investment trust that is intended to become regularly traded on an established securities market; or • If the IRS issues a final report of adjustments that would result in a decrease to Maryland taxable income, file the amended return within 1 year after the final adjustment report or the final court decision, if appealed. • A corporation, trust, or association of which more than 50% of the voting power or value of the beneficial interests are owned directly or indirectly by: • If the claim for refund or credit for overpayment resulted from a final determination made by an administrative board or an appeal of a decision of an administrative board, that is more than 3 years from the date of filing the return or more than 2 years from the time the tax was paid, the claim for refund must be filed within 1 year of the date of the final decision of the administrative board or final decision of the highest court to which an appeal of the administrative board is taken. • Another non-captive REIT; • A nonprofit entity; • A listed Australian property trust, or an entity organized as a trust in which a listed Australian property trust owns or controls, directly or indirectly, 75% or more of the voting power or value of the beneficial interests or share of the trust; or • A qualified foreign entity. A qualified foreign entity is a corporation, trust, association, or partnership that is organized under the laws of a foreign government with which the United States government has a treaty, and: Note: Changes made as part of an amended return are subject to audit for up to three years from the date the amended return is filed. For more information regarding refund limitations, see Administrative Release 20. The returns must be filed with the • At least 75% of the total assets of the entity at the close of the entity’s taxable year are represented by real estate assets, cash and cash equivalents; Comptroller of Maryland Revenue Administration Division 110 Carroll Street Annapolis, MD 21411-0001 • Is not subject to tax on amounts distributed to the entities beneficial owners or is exempt from entity-level taxation; • Distributes at least 85% of the taxable income of the entity annually; and Corporations and organizations that are afforded a later due date for federal returns under the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) are afforded the same due date for Maryland income tax returns. • Of which not more than 10% of the voting power of the entity is owned or controlled directly or indirectly by a single entity or individual or the shares are regularly traded on an established securities market. 3 Form 500 must be signed by a duly authorized corporate officer. Preparers, other than corporate employees, also must print name and sign the return. A Captive REIT is required to report a Maryland addition modification for the amount of its federal dividends paid deduction. If a return is filed by a fiduciary, the fiduciary must print name and sign the return and attach verification of the authority to do so. See Instruction 9 - Signatures and Verification Manufacturing Corporations are subject to a special single factor formula of receipts. The rules for calculating the single factor can be found in Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) 2 SIGNATURES REQUIRED 4 WHEN AND WHERE TO FILE GENERAL INFORMATION FOR FORM 500 Accounting Periods The tax year or period used for the federal return must be used for the Maryland return. Accordingly, calendar tax years, fiscal tax years, 52-53 week tax years, and short tax periods may be necessary for Maryland filing purposes. File the original Form 500 by the 15th day of the 4th month following the close of the tax year or period, or by the original due date required for filing the federal return. A Maryland return must be filed for each reporting period for which a federal return is filed or required. The form used for filing Generally, a claim for a refund or overpayment credit must be 2 MARYLAND FORM 500 2024 CORPORATION INCOME TAX RETURN INSTRUCTIONS carryback year. must reflect the preprinted tax year in which the corporation’s tax year begins. The federal provisions for carryback and carryforward apply for purposes of the Maryland return unless you are following certain provisions of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) from which the State of Maryland has decoupled, including certain special depreciation allowances and 2-year carryback provisions (farming loss only). If an election to forgo a carryback is made, a copy of the federal election must have been included with the Maryland return for the loss year. In a 52-53 week tax year, Maryland follows federal treatment as to effective dates or the applicability of any provision expressed in terms of tax years beginning, including or ending with reference to a specified date. Use of Federal Figures In preparing Form 500, all items reported for federal purposes must be reported on the Maryland return in the same manner. The character of an item cannot be changed from that required or elected for federal purposes. An addition modification may be required in a carryback or carryforward year if the total Maryland addition modifications exceed the total Maryland subtraction modifications in the loss year (NAM or net operating loss modification recapture). Copy of Federal Return Required A copy of the actual federal income tax return through Schedule M2 as filed with the IRS for the corresponding tax period must be attached to Form 500. The Maryland filing will not be complete unless the required federal copy is attached. The required addition modification represents a recapture of the excess additions over subtractions and generally is equal to the lesser of the NOL deduction in the carryback year or the net addition modification in the loss year. For more information regarding net addition modification, refer to Administrative Release 18. Corporations included in a consolidated filing for federal income tax purposes must file separate returns for Maryland purposes and attach a copy of the actual consolidated federal return through Schedule M2 to each Maryland filing. Each Maryland filing also must include a copy of the columnar schedules of income and expense and of balance sheet items (which are required for the federal filing), reconciling the separate items of each member corporation to the consolidated totals. NET CAPITAL LOSSES. If a net capital loss carryback is used to reduce federal taxable income, an addition modification is required for the amount of the income reduction. The federal special deduction for dividends is treated as a current year deduction. It is deducted from federal taxable income before application of the net operating loss deduction. The deduction reduces taxable income and may create a net operating loss. Taxable Income The starting point for Form 500 is taxable income as developed for the federal income tax return after special deductions for dividends. (See “Specific Instructions” for line 1a and 1b.) No modification of the federal net operating loss or special deductions is allowed under Maryland income tax law except in the case of a Foreign Dividend Subtraction Carryforward (FDSC), decoupling modifications, and Section 10306.1 related party transactions. If an affiliated group of corporations files a consolidated return for federal purposes, each member corporation must calculate any net operating loss and special deductions based on its separate federal taxable income and loss. The deductions must be calculated in strict accordance with federal income tax provisions, as if the member corporation is not involved in a consolidated filing and files a separate return with the IRS. The federal net operating loss deduction effectively is allowed for the Maryland filing by using federal taxable income. The federal provisions for carryback and carryforward also apply for purposes of the Maryland return unless you are following certain provisions of the Job Creation, Worker Assistance Act of 2002, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. If an election to forgo a carryback is made, a copy of the federal election must have been included with the Maryland return for the loss year. Maryland modified income is federal taxable income after statutory addition and subtraction adjustments and/or modifications. For a list of the statutory addition and subtraction adjustments and modifications, see Specific Instructions. Maryland apportioned income is applicable only for multistate corporations and is developed by applying the apportionment factor to Maryland modified income. For an explanation of apportionment provisions, see Instructions for Schedule A – Computation of Apportionment Factor. For the tax year in which a net operating loss occurs, that current operating loss is used to offset Maryland modifications. If the total of addition modifications exceeds the total subtraction modifications in the tax year of the net operating loss, a modification to recapture the excess of additions over subtractions is required when claiming the corresponding net operating loss deduction. For more information, see Section 10205 of the Maryland Tax-General Article. Maryland taxable income is federal taxable income after statutory adjustments, modifications, and applicable apportionment. Maryland Business Income Tax Credits For information about credits against the tax, see Specific Instructions for lines 15c and 15d or the instructions provided for Form 500CR Maryland Business Income Tax Credits. Form 500CR Instructions are available online at marylandtaxes.gov. You must file Form 500CR electronically to claim a business income tax credit. NET OPERATING LOSS DEDUCTIONS. The NOL for Maryland purposes is the federal net operating loss. No modification of the federal NOL is allowed under Maryland income tax law except in the case of a foreign source dividend subtraction. For more information about foreign source dividend subtractions, refer to Administrative Release 18. Tax, Interest and Penalty The tax rate is 8.25%. The annual rate of interest charged for taxes owed to the State is 10.0075% from 01/01/24 through 12/31/24. The annual interest rate after 12/31/24 is 11.4825%. For more information, visit marylandtaxes.gov. A corporation included in a consolidated federal filing must use its separate federal NOL. An NOL should be entered on line 5 on Form 500 but may not be used to reduce line 6 to less than zero. Note: For 2020, Maryland has decoupled certain provisions from the CARES Act. For more information, see Tax Alert 7-24 at marylandtaxes.gov. A penalty is applicable for late filing of tax returns and/or late payment of any taxes due. Additional penalties are applicable for the filing of false, fraudulent or frivolous returns and civil and/or criminal fines and imprisonment may apply. Generally, the carryback of an NOL does not change the previously reported addition or subtraction modifications in a 3 MARYLAND FORM 500 2024 CORPORATION INCOME TAX RETURN INSTRUCTIONS the assessment or denial of the refund. In the case of delinquent taxes, the State will record a lien and judgment and proceed with legal action as necessary to effect collection of the balance due. 5 Failure to file a written request or attend the informal hearing will result in the assessment or denial of refund becoming final and non-appealable. OTHER MATTERS You may file an appeal with the Maryland Tax Court within 30 days of a final determination by the Compliance Division hearing officer. Extension of Time to File If unable to file Form 500 by the due date, a corporation must submit Form 500E - Maryland Application for Extension to File Corporation Income Tax Return. Maryland law provides for an extension of time to file, but in no case can an extension be granted for more than seven months beyond the original due date. Amended Return Form 500X has been combined with Form 500. To correct an error in previously filed returns, check the amended return box on page 1 and complete the entire return (where applicable) including the amended figures. Attach copies of the documents required and filed with the IRS. If the corrections affect only the Maryland return and not items of federal taxable income, include a thorough explanation of the changes. The request for extension of time to file will be granted for seven months, provided that: 1) The application is properly filed and submitted by the 15th day of the 4th month following the close of the tax year or period, or by the original due date required for filing of the federal return; and Each affected member of a consolidated federal filing also must include a schedule reconciling the amendments of each member corporation to the consolidated totals. 2) Full payment of any balance due is submitted with the application. Federal income tax law provides for certain capital loss carryback and carryforward. Any carryforward effectively is allowed when reporting federal taxable income on the Maryland return. Except as specifically decoupled from the CARES Act. For more information, see Tax Alert 7-24 at marylandtaxes.gov. Do not attach amended returns to an original corporation income tax filing. The application extends only the time allowed to file the annual income tax return and not the time allowed to pay the tax. For additional information regarding extensions of time to file, see the instructions provided with Form 500E. Estimated Income Tax Every corporation that reasonably expects its Maryland taxable income to develop a tax in excess of $1,000 for the tax year or period must make estimated income tax payments with Form 500D - Maryland Declaration of Estimated Corporation Income Tax. If the corporation is required to make multiple payments it will use a Form 500D for each of the additional payments. This form is available at marylandtaxes.gov. Amended return(s) must be filed electronically if the change is related to a business income tax credit from Form 500CR. NOTE: Changes made as part of an amended return are subject to audit for up to three years from the date that the amended return is filed. Federal Adjustments If the items of federal taxable income reported for any tax year or period are adjusted by the IRS and will increase Maryland taxable income, an amended return together with a copy of the final IRS adjustment report must be submitted within 90 days. Declaration of estimated income tax payments are due by the 15th day of the 4th, 6th, 9th and 12th months following the beginning of the tax year or period. The total estimated tax payments for the year must be at least 90% of the tax developed for the current tax year or 110% of the tax that was developed for the prior tax year. At least 25% of the total estimated tax must be remitted by each of the four installment due dates. Each affected member of a consolidated federal filing also must include a schedule reconciling the separate adjustments of each member corporation to the consolidated totals. Refund Claims Generally, a claim for a refund (amended return) must be filed within 3 years from the date the original return was filed or within 2 years from the date the tax was paid, whichever is later. A return filed early is considered filed on the date it was due. In the case of a short tax period, the total estimated tax required is the same as for a regular tax year: 90% of the tax developed for the current (short) tax year or 110% of the tax that was developed for the prior tax year. The minimum estimated tax for each of the installment due dates is the total estimated tax required divided by the number of installment due dates occurring during the short tax year. If the claim for refund resulted from an IRS adjustment or final decision of a federal court which is more than 3 years from the date of filing the return or more than 2 years from the time the tax was paid, a claim for refund must be filed within 1 year from the date of the adjustment or final decision. For additional information regarding estimated income tax, see the instructions provided with Form 500D. Audits and Appeals All items reported on Form 500 are subject to audit, verification and revision, including items reported for federal purposes. Returns and amendments are subject to audit and adjustment for a period of 3 years from the date the return was due (including extensions) or the date the return was filed, whichever is later. A claim for refund based on a federal net operating loss carryback must be filed within 3 years after the due date of the return for the tax year of the net operating loss. Taxpayer Identification Required for Returns and Other Documents All returns, correspondence, payments or other documents must indicate the corporation name, Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), type of tax and tax year(s) to which the document relates. In the event of revision and assessment or reduced refund, the Comptroller will notify the corporation. If in disagreement with the assessment or denial of the refund, the corporation may file with the Compliance Division a written request for revision of the assessment or reconsideration of the refund denial. The request, in either case, must be made by submitting an application for an informal hearing with the Compliance Division within 30 days of All corporations are required to secure a FEIN from the IRS. The FEIN is the number used by the IRS for processing purposes and also is the primary number used by the Maryland Revenue Administration Division. 4 MARYLAND FORM 500 2024 CORPORATION INCOME TAX RETURN INSTRUCTIONS 7 The type of tax and tax year(s) are necessary to identify the subject of the document and the intention of payments. This information ensures that documents and payments are applied to the correct account. Complete the federal income tax return first and use it in preparation of the Maryland return. After completing the Maryland return, assemble your return in the following order: Form 500, any required Maryland forms and their related attachments, any Maryland Schedule K-1 (510/511) or other statements showing credits claimed on corporation return, and the federal income tax return through Schedule M2. Use of Paid Preparers The Corporation is responsible for the timely filing of returns, payment of tax, responding to requests and all other requirements, even if a paid preparer is used. Substitute Forms You may file your Maryland income tax return on a computer-prepared or computer-generated substitute form provided the form is approved in advance by the Revenue Administration Division. The fact that a software package is available for retail purchase does not guarantee that it has been approved for use. NAME, ADDRESS AND OTHER INFORMATION Type or print the correct name and address in the designated area. Enter the corporation name exactly as specified in the Articles of Incorporation, or as amended, and continue with any “Trading As” (T/A) name if applicable. For additional information or to see a list of Approved Software Vendors for Maryland Substitute Tax Forms, visit marylandtaxes.gov. Enter the FEIN. If a FEIN has not been secured, enter “APPLIED FOR” followed by the date of application. If a FEIN has not been applied for, do so immediately. Employer Withholding of Income Tax Employers that make payments to individuals of salaries, wages, or compensation for personal services must withhold income tax as prescribed in published tables and remit the withholding to the Maryland Revenue Administration Division with Form MW506 or MW506M - Employer’s Return of Income Tax Withheld. Enter the date of incorporation and the federal business code number. The date of incorporation must be expressed numerically, using two digits each for the month, the day and the year. The Business Code is a six-digit number available from the federal return which identifies the principal business activity. An annual reconciliation is required to be filed on Form MW508 - Annual Employer Withholding Reconciliation Return and submitted with the state copy of the wage and tax statements issued to the employees as required by law. Check the applicable box if: (1) The name has changed; (2) This is an inactive corporation (in Maryland and elsewhere – Do not check the box for inactive if the corporation is inactive in Maryland but active elsewhere.); For additional information regarding employer withholding tax, contact the Taxpayer Services Division at 1-800-638-2937 or from Central Maryland at 410-260-7980. (3) This is the first filing of the corporation; Privacy Notice The Maryland Revenue Administration Division requests tax return information to administer the income tax laws of Maryland, including the determination and collection of the correct taxes and other amounts. Failure to provide all or part of the requested information may result in the disallowance of claimed amounts and an increased tax liability. In addition, the law makes provision for securing information from taxpayers that fail to supply required information, and a penalty may apply. (4) This is the final return of a corporation that has dissolved, liquidated or withdrawn from Maryland; or, (5) This tax year’s beginning and ending dates are different from last year’s due to an acquisition or consolidation. 8 Taxpayers have a right to access their tax records maintained by the Revenue Administration Division, and may inspect, amend or otherwise correct them. To obtain a copy, submit a written request containing the corporation name, address and identification number and specify the information needed. The request must be signed by an authorized corporation officer. SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS LINE 1a - TAXABLE INCOME PER FEDERAL RETURN Enter the taxable income before net operating loss and special deductions from the federal return. This amount can be found on line 28 of federal Form 1120, or line 25c of federal Form 1120-C. Use a minus sign (-) in front of the number to indicate a loss. As authorized by law, information furnished to the Revenue Administration Division may be given to the IRS, a proper official of any state that exchanges tax information with Maryland, and to an officer of this State having a right to the information in that officer’s official capacity. Also, the information may be obtained in accordance with a proper judicial or legislative order. 6 ASSEMBLING AND COMPLETING YOUR RETURN Federal taxable income should include any add-back for any charitable contribution from Line 19 of the federal Form 1120 that is over the federal charitable contribution limitation. A corporation included in a consolidated filing for federal income tax purposes must enter its separate federal taxable income, calculated using federal law as if the corporation had filed separately for federal purposes. Attach a copy of the actual consolidated federal income tax return through Schedule M2 and a schedule reconciling the income and expenses of each member of the consolidated filing. TAX YEAR OR PERIOD ENTER THE BEGINNING AND ENDING DATES IN THE SPACE PROVIDED AT THE TOP OF FORM 500. The form used in filing must reflect the preprinted tax year in which the corporation’s tax year begins. LINE 1b – SPECIAL DEDUCTION PER FEDERAL RETURN Enter the Special Deductions from federal Form 1120, line 29b or Form 1120-C, line 26b. A corporation included in a consolidated federal filing and claiming the special deductions must attach a schedule detailing the deduction(s) on a separate return basis. The same tax year or period used for the federal return must be used for Form 500. 5 MARYLAND FORM 500 2024 CORPORATION INCOME TAX RETURN INSTRUCTIONS LINE 1c – FEDERAL TAXABLE INCOME BEFORE NET OPERATING LOSS DEDUCTION LINE 3b – DIVIDENDS FOR DOMESTIC CORPORATION CLAIMING FOREIGN TAX CREDIT Subtract line 1b from line 1a. Enter the result in whole dollars. Enter the amount included in the income of a domestic corporation claiming a foreign tax credit as dividends under IRC Section 78 (foreign dividend gross-up). ADDITION ADJUSTMENTS All entries must be entered as positive amounts. LINE 3c – DIVIDENDS CORPORATION LINE 2a - SECTION 10-306.1 RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS FROM RELATED FOREIGN Enter dividends received from a corporation if the receiving corporation owns, directly or indirectly, 50% or more of the paying corporation’s outstanding shares of capital stock and the paying corporation is organized under the laws of a foreign government. Enter the amount of any disallowed deductions for related party transactions in accordance with Section 10-306.1 of the Maryland Tax-General Article. Attach a schedule listing the type of transaction, the name and FEIN of the related party receiving the income, and the amount of the transaction. This subtraction is limited to the amount of dividends included in federal taxable income. LINE 2b – DECOUPLING MODIFICATION ADDITION ADJUSTMENT LINE 3d – DECOUPLING MODIFICATION SUBTRACTION ADJUSTMENT If one or more of these apply, enter the total amount on line 2b and identify each item using the code letter. If one or more of these apply, enter the total amount on line 3d and identify each item using the code letter. CODE LETTER CODE LETTER E. Net addition modification to Maryland taxable income when claiming the federal depreciation allowances from which the State of Maryland has decoupled. Complete and attach Form 500DM. See Administrative Release 38. J. F. Net addition modification to Maryland taxable income when the federal special 2-year carryback (farming loss only) period was used for a net operating loss under federal law compared to Maryland taxable income without regard to the federal provisions. Complete and attach Form 500DM. K. Net subtraction modification to Maryland taxable income when the federal special 2-year carryback (farming loss only) period was used for a net operating loss under federal law compared to Maryland taxable income without regard to the federal provisions. Complete and attach Form 500DM. CD. Net addition modification to Maryland taxable income resulting from the federal deferral of income arising from business indebtedness discharged by reacquisition of a debt instrument. Complete and attach Form 500DM. CD. Net subtraction modification to Maryland taxable income resulting from the federal ratable inclusion of deferred income arising from business indebtedness discharged by reacquisition of a debt instrument. Complete and attach Form 500DM. DM. Net addition modification from multiple decoupling provisions. See the table at the bottom of Form 500DM for the line numbers and code letters to use. Complete and attach Form 500DM. DM. Net subtraction modification from multiple decoupling provisions. See the table at the bottom of Form 500DM for the line numbers and code letters to use. Complete and attach Form 500DM. DP. Net addition decoupling modification from a Pass-Through Entity. Complete and attach Form 500DM. Net subtraction modification to Maryland taxable income when claiming the federal depreciation allowances from which the State of Maryland has decoupled. Complete and attach Form 500DM. See Administrative Release 38. DP. Net subtraction decoupling modification from a PassThrough Entity. Complete and attach Form 500DM. NOTE: Maryland has decoupled certain provisions from the CARES Act. For more information, see Tax Alert 7-24 at marylandtaxes.gov. LINE 3e – TOTAL MARYLAND SUBTRACTION ADJUSTMENTS TO FEDERAL TAXABLE INCOME LINE 2c – TOTAL MARYLAND ADDITION ADJUSTMENTS TO FEDERAL TAXABLE INCOME Add lines 3a through 3d; enter the result in whole dollars. LINE 4– MARYLAND ADJUSTED FEDERAL TAXABLE INCOME BEFORE NOL DEDUCTION IS APPLIED Add lines 2a and 2b. Enter the result in whole dollars. SUBTRACTION ADJUSTMENTS Subtract line 3e from the sum of lines 1c and 2c; enter the result in whole dollars. All entries on lines 3a through 3e must be entered as positive amounts. LINE 5 – ADJUSTED FEDERAL NOL CARRYFORWARD AVAILABLE FROM PREVIOUS YEARS LINE 3a - SECTION 10-306.1 RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS The impact of the decoupling on the NOL Deduction is not calculated on Form 500DM with the other decoupling modifications. Instead, a pro forma or adjusted federal taxable income is first computed to include the effect of the other decoupling modifications, and then the pro forma or adjusted federal NOL is applied to reduce the pro forma or adjusted federal taxable income, to no less than zero. In a carryforward year, enter the pro forma or adjusted amount on line 5 (as a positive figure), entitled Adjusted Federal NOL Carryforward available from previous tax years (including FDSC). See Administrative Release 18 and CARES Act Tax Alert 7-24. Enter the amount of income reported on this return to the extent included in the addition for disallowed related party transactions on the Maryland tax return of the related party (line 2a), or, if a similar addition modification is made on the related party’s return filed in another state. Attach a schedule listing the type of transaction, the name and FEIN of the related party adding back the income on their Maryland tax return, and the amount of the transaction. 6 MARYLAND FORM 500 2024 CORPORATION INCOME TAX RETURN INSTRUCTIONS LINE 6– MARYLAND ADJUSTED FEDERAL TAXABLE INCOME Act Tax Alert 7-24. LINE 7d - DOMESTIC PRODUCTION ACTIVITIES DEDUCTION • If line 4 is less than or equal to zero, enter the amount from line 4 on line 6. Enter the amount of any deduction allowable under IRC Section 199 for income from domestic production activities claimed on the corporation’s federal income tax return. • If line 4 is both greater than zero and the amount on line 5, subtract line 5 from line 4. Enter result on line 6. LINE 7e - CAPTIVE REIT • If line 4 is less than or equal to the amount on line 5, enter zero on line 6. The amount of the total deduction for dividends paid that is claimed by a Captive REIT on federal Form 1120-REIT. For more information, see Section 10-306.2 of the Maryland Tax-General Article. MARYLAND ADDITION ADJUSTMENTS All entries must be entered as positive amounts. LINE 7a - STATE AND LOCAL INCOME TAX LINE 7f - OTHER ADDITIONS Enter the total of all net income taxes and all other taxes based on income that is imposed by any state or by a political subdivision of any state and deducted on the federal return. If one or more of these apply, enter the total amount on line 7f and identify each item using the code letter. Attach a schedule listing the type and amount of all taxes deducted on the federal return. The schedule of taxes must reconcile to the amount of tax expense reported on the federal return. CODE LETTER A. The oil percentage depletion allowance as deducted on the federal return, under IRC Sections 613 or 613A. Other depletion allowances that are provided for in Sections 613 or 613A are not required as an addition modification. LINE 7b - DIVIDENDS AND INTEREST FROM ANOTHER STATE, LOCAL OR FEDERAL TAX-EXEMPT OBLIGATION B. Total amount of credit(s) claimed in the current tax year to the extent allowed on Form 500CR for the following Business Tax Credits: Enterprise Zone Tax Credit, Maryland Disability Employment Tax Credit, Research and Development Tax Credit, Security Clearance Costs Tax Credit, Small Businesses Research & Development Tax Credit, Endowments of Maryland Historically Black Colleges and Universities Tax Credit. In addition, include any amount deducted as a donation to the extent that the amount of the donation is included in an application for the Endow Maryland Tax Credit on Form 500CR. Enter dividends and interest (less related expenses) attributable to any obligation or security of another state, a political subdivision or authority of another state. Also include interest and dividends that are exempted by federal law or treaty from federal but not state income tax, and attributable to the United States or a foreign government or an authority, commission, instrumentality or territory. Attach a schedule listing the source and amount of all dividends and interest reported on line 7b and any related expenses. Also include in the schedule any interest and dividends exempt by federal law or treaty from federal but not state income tax. C. The amount allowed in a prior tax year for reforestation or timber stand improvement if the commercial forest land was decertified in the previous year. See the corresponding subtraction modification listed under line 8b for more information. LINE 7c - NET OPERATING LOSS MODIFICATION RECAPTURE If claiming a net operating loss deduction (line 5) for this tax year, and if, in the tax year of the corresponding net operating loss, total addition modifications exceed total subtraction modifications, enter the smaller of: D. The amount of federal income tax expenses attributable to a child care center or family day care home, if the center or home is not licensed or registered as required by Maryland law. Net operating loss deduction attributable to the loss year (tax year in which the net operating loss occurred) G. Amount as required to nullify the impact of federal tax changes as determined by the Comptroller. OR Cumulative net operating loss deductions attributable to the loss year that are allowed for this tax year and all prior tax years H. Members of pass-through entities that elected to make payments attributable to members’ share of the passthrough entity taxable income. If you received a credit for tax paid by the pass-through entity on your distributive or pro rata share of income on Maryland Schedule K-1 (510/511), Part D enter the amount of the credit claimed on Form 500CR. + net addition modification (amount that addition modifications exceed subtraction modifications) for the loss year – total net operating loss for the loss year. These items are each considered to be a positive amount for purposes of this calculation. If the result of combining amounts is negative, use zero. Attach a schedule of all items and amounts reported on line 7f in the same categories as specified above. If the total net operating loss deduction for this tax year consists of net operating losses from more than one tax year, calculate the modification separately for each loss and enter the total. LINE 7g - TOTAL ADDITION MODIFICATION Add the amounts on lines 7a through 7f; enter the result in whole dollars. Attach a schedule of the calculation if, in the tax year of the net operating loss, total addition modifications exceed total subtraction modifications. SUBTRACTION MODIFICATIONS All entries on lines 8a through 8c must be entered as positive amounts. NOTE: This entry is a modification and not the net operating loss. For more information, see Section 10-205(e) of the Maryland Tax-General Article and Administrative Release 18 and CARES LINE 8a - INCOME FROM UNITED STATES OBLIGATIONS 7 MARYLAND FORM 500 2024 CORPORATION INCOME TAX RETURN INSTRUCTIONS Income attributable to an obligation of the United States or an instrumentality of the United States. (This includes dividends from mutual funds that invest in U.S. Government obligations. Only that portion of dividends attributable to interest from U.S. obligations can be subtracted. Income from Government National Mortgage Association securities may not be subtracted.) disposed or transferred assets as recorded in the books of the public service company and the adjusted basis of the assets for federal purposes calculated as of January 1, 2000. Add to this the amount of any carryover from a previous year. P. Interest on Build America Bonds that is included in your federal taxable income. See Administrative Release 13. LINE 8b - OTHER SUBTRACTIONS If one or more of these apply, enter the total amount on line 8b and identify each item using the code letter. Q. Income related to the sale or redevelopment of race courses in Maryland. For income realized prior to June 1, 2024, the subtraction includes the following: (1) the amount of gain recognized as a result of the (direct or indirect) sale of prop­ erty within Laurel Park in Anne Arundel County, Pimlico Race Course in Baltimore City, and Bowie Race Course Training Center in Prince George’s County; and (2) the amount of income recognized as a result of any expenditure of funds (directly or indirectly) by the State of Maryland, Baltimore City, or Anne Arundel County with respect to the Laurel Park site or Pimlico site. For income realized on or after June 1, 2024, the subtraction includes the following: (1) the amount of gain recognized as a result of the (direct or indirect) sale of property within Pimlico Race Course in Baltimore City and Bowie Race Course Training Center in Prince George’s County; and (2) the amount of income recognized as a result of any expenditure of funds (directly or indirectly) by the State of Maryland or Baltimore City with respect to the Pimlico site. CODE LETTER A. The percentage of the dividends received from an affiliated domestic international sales corporation equal to the percentage that would be excluded if the corporation did not qualify under IRC Section 992(a). B. Profit (without regard to losses) realized from the sale or exchange of bonds issued by Maryland or a political subdivision of Maryland. C. The amount of payment for relocation and assistance under the Maryland Real Property Article, Title 12, Subtitle 2. D. Refunds of income tax received from a state or a political subdivision of a state. E. Purchase and installation costs of certain enhanced agricultural management equipment as certified by the Maryland Department of Agriculture. Attach a copy of the certification. S. Amount of donations up to $1,000 of certain disposable diapers, certain hygiene products, and certain monetary gifts made by a taxpayer during the taxable year to certain qualified charitable entities that are registered with the Comptroller. To qualify for this subtraction, you must enter the value of the donation and the name of each qualified charitable entity (list the name(s) on Schedule C on form 500) to which a donation was made. The Comptroller may verify the donation with the qualified charitable entity. F. The amount of expenses for reforestation or timber stand improvement activity on 3 to 1,000 acres of commercial forest land, exclusive of federal funds. For information regarding qualification and a computation of expenses, contact the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. G. For a Regulated Investment Company, the amount of the addition for interest and dividends from state or local obligations of another state. Attach a schedule identifying all items and amounts claimed on line 8b in the same categories as specified above. Additionally, (1) list by source and amount the interest attributable to U.S. obligations and profit from the sale or exchange of bonds issued by Maryland or its political subdivisions, and (2) reconcile the income tax refunds to the federal return. H. Amount of ordinary and necessary expenses, including a reasonable allowance for salaries or compensation, paid or incurred during the taxable year in carrying on a trade or business as a State licensed or registered cannabis grower, processor, dispensary, or any other cannabis establishment licensed or registered by the State, only if the deduction for ordinary and necessary expenses is disallowed on the federal return under Section 280E of the Internal Revenue Code. You must include your Maryland Cannabis Administration business license or registration number on the line provided. If you are claiming the subtraction for expenses incurred under multiple license or registration numbers, only one number is required to be included. You are required to provide proof of Maryland Cannabis Administration business licenses or registrations and these expenses to the Comptroller upon request. LINE 8c - TOTAL SUBTRACTION MODIFICATION Add the amounts on lines 8a and 8b. Enter the result in whole dollars. LINE 9 – TOTAL MARYLAND MODIFICATIONS Subtract line 8c from 7g. Enter the result in whole dollars. If negative, enter as a negative number. LINE 10 - MARYLAND MODIFIED INCOME Add lines 6 and 9. Enter the result in whole dollars. THIS LINE MUST BE COMPLETED. I. Expenses incurred to buy and install handrails in an existing elevator in a healthcare facility (as defined in Section 19114 of the Health-General Article) or other building in which at least 50% of the space is used for medical purposes. Note: For additional information regarding the impact of the CARES act of 2020 for any addition or subtraction modifications, visit marylandtaxes.gov. L. The amount of wages for which a deduction is not allowed under IRC Section 280C(a), not exceeding the credit allowed for targeted jobs (Work Opportunity Tax Credit) under IRC Section 51. NOTE: To be completed by multistate corporations - unistate corporations skip to line 13. For unistate corporations, all income is allocable to Maryland. APPORTIONMENT OF INCOME LINE 11 - MARYLAND APPORTIONMENT FACTOR M. Amount as required to nullify the impact of federal tax changes as determined by the Comptroller. Enter the apportionment factor as calculated on Page 4 of Form 500. (The factor must be rounded to six decimal places.) N. The difference between the adjusted basis of certain 8 MARYLAND FORM 500 2024 CORPORATION INCOME TAX RETURN INSTRUCTIONS • CYBERSECURITY INCENTIVE TAX CREDIT. A nonrefundable credit may be claimed by a buyer of cybersecurity technology and/or cybersecurity services subject to certain maximum amounts. For detailed instructions, see instructions for Schedule A Computation of Apportionment Factor. LINE 12 - MARYLAND APPORTIONED INCOME Multiply the amount on line 10 by the factor shown on line 11. Enter the result in whole dollars. • APPRENTICE EMPLOYEE TAX CREDIT. This credit is not refundable and is applied against only the Maryland State income tax. Excess credit may be carried forward until the excess amount is fully used. The excess credit amount is applied against the Maryland State income tax after the application of all other business income tax credits on the Form 500CR. LINE 13 - MARYLAND TAXABLE INCOME Enter the amount from line 10 or line 12, whichever is applicable. LINE 14 - TAX Multiply the amount on line 13 by 8.25%. Enter the result in whole dollars. • QUALIFIED FARMS TAX CREDIT. Qualified farms that make an eligible food donation may be eligible for an income tax credit. A qualified farm that makes an eligible food donation is eligible for a tax credit amount equal to 100% of the value of the eligible food donation. A qualified farm that makes a donation of certified organic produce is eligible for tax credit amount equal to 100% of the value of the donated certified organic produce. Certification of the tax credit is issued by an individual or organization authorized by the State Department of Agriculture to receive eligible food donations from a qualified farm and issue the qualified farm a tax credit certificate. LINE 15 - PAYMENTS AND CREDITS 15a. Enter the total of amounts paid during the tax year with Form 500D - Maryland Corporation Declaration of Estimated Income Tax. Include any overpayment carried forward from the prior year Form 500. Also include amounts paid by the corporation using Form MW506NRS - Return of Income Tax Withheld for Nonresident Sale of Real Property. 15b. Enter any amount paid with Form 500E - Maryland Application for Extension to File Corporation Income Tax Return. 15c. • JOB CREATION TAX CREDIT. Certain businesses that create new qualified positions in Maryland may be eligible for tax credits based on the number of qualified positions created or wages paid for these positions. Enter the total of the nonrefundable business tax credits from Form 500CR. You must file Form 500 electronically to claim the following nonrefundable business tax credits from Form 500CR. • COMMUNITY INVESTMENT TAX CREDIT. Businesses that contribute $500 or more to approved neighborhood and community assistance programs may be eligible for a tax credit of 50% of approved contributions with a maximum credit of $250,000. • ENTERPRISE ZONE TAX CREDIT. Businesses located in an enterprise zone may be eligible for tax credits based upon wages paid to qualifying employees. • BUSINESSES THAT CREATE NEW JOBS TAX CREDIT. Certain businesses located in Maryland that create new positions or establish or expand business facilities in the state may be entitled to an income tax credit if a property tax credit is granted by Baltimore City or any county or municipal corporation of Maryland. • MARYLAND DISABILITY EMPLOYMENT TAX CREDIT. Businesses that employ persons with disabilities may be eligible for tax credits based upon wages paid to the qualified employees and the child care expenses and transportation expenses paid on behalf of the qualified employees. • MARYLAND RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT TAX CREDIT. Businesses may claim a credit for certain qualified research and development expenses. • EMPLOYER-PROVIDED LONG-TERM CARE INSURANCE TAX CREDIT. A credit may be claimed for costs incurred by an employer that provides long-term care insurance as part of an employee benefit package. • ENDOW MARYLAND TAX CREDIT. Businesses that make a donation to a qualified permanent endowment fund may be eligible for a tax credit of 25% of the approved donation amount. • ONE MARYLAND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TAX CREDIT. Businesses may claim credits for project costs to establish, relocate or expand a business in a Tier I county in Maryland. A portion of this credit may be refundable. • ENDOWMENTS OF MARYLAND HISTORICALLY BLACK COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES TAX CREDIT. A taxpayer may claim the Endowments of Maryland Historically Black Colleges and Universities Tax Credit against the State income tax in the amount stated on the tax credit certificate issued by the Comptroller. If the credit exceeds the State income tax for the taxable year, the excess credit is non-refundable, but it may be carried forward and applied to succeeding taxable years until fully utilized. • COMMUTER TAX CREDIT. Businesses may claim a credit for the cost of providing qualifying commuter benefits to the business entities’ employees. • ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEMS TAX CREDIT. Businesses and individuals may claim a credit for certain costs to install an energy storage system paid or incurred during the taxable year. • PRESERVATION AND CONSERVATION EASEMENTS TAX CREDIT. Certain businesses donating an easement to the Maryland Environmental Trust, the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation, or the Maryland Department of Natural Resources to preserve open space, natural resources, agriculture, forest land, watersheds, significant ecosystems, view sheds or historic properties, may be eligible for a credit. • FEDERAL SECURITY CLEARANCE COSTS TAX CREDIT. A business may be eligible to claim credits against the State income tax for certain costs related to federal-based security contracting. For a business to be eligible, it must apply to and be certified by the Maryland Department of Commerce. This credit is limited to employers with 500 or fewer employees. NOTE: If you claim a business tax credit for any of the above items, an addition to income must be included on line 7f. • WORK OPPORTUNITY TAX CREDIT. This bill creates a nonrefundable credit against the State income tax for up to 50% of the federal Work Opportunity Tax Credit claimed by 9 MARYLAND FORM 500 2024 CORPORATION INCOME TAX RETURN INSTRUCTIONS entity. After completion of the theatrical production activity, the qualified theatrical production entity shall apply to the Maryland Department of Commerce for a tax credit certificate. an employer with respect to a qualified individual who is employed in the State. Any unused amount of the credit may not be carried forward to any other tax year. • AUTOMATED EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATOR TAX CREDIT FOR RESTAURANTS. An individual or business entity that operates a qualifying restaurant in Maryland may claim a nonrefundable credit to cover up to the first $500 of the cost of an automated external defibrillator purchased for use at a restaurant during the taxable year. See Form 500CR, Part T for additional information. NOTE: If you claim a business tax credit for the Small Business Research and Development Tax Credit, an addition to income must be included on line 7f. • INNOVATION INCENTIVE TAX CREDITS. A refundable credit may be claimed based on the amount invested in a qualified Maryland technology company, subject to certain maximum amounts. • FIRST YEAR LEASING COSTS TAX CREDIT FOR QUALIFIED SMALL BUSINESSES. Certain small businesses performing security-based contracting which incur expenses for rental payments owed during the first year of a rental agreement for spaces leased in Maryland costs may be eligible to claim a credit for security costs certified by the Maryland Department of Commerce. • ELECTING PASS-THROUGH ENTITY MEMBER CREDIT. Businesses who are members of pass-through entities may claim a credit for tax paid by the pass-through entity on the member’s distributive or pro rata share of income. • CATALYTIC REVITALIZATION PROJECTS AND HISTORIC REVITALIZATION TAX CREDIT. This is a refundable income tax credit for substantial renovation of a property formerly owned by the state or federal government that was previously used as a college, K-12 school, hospital, mental health facility, or military facility. The Department of Housing and Community Development administers the credit and issue certificates to projects. NOTE: It is the taxpayer responsibility to maintain record of each qualified employee. Documentation needs to be provided
Extracted from PDF file 2024-maryland-corporate-booklet.pdf, last modified September 2024

More about the Maryland Corporate Booklet Corporate Income Tax TY 2024

Instructions for filing corporation income tax returns.

We last updated the Maryland Income Tax Form Instructions for Corporations in March 2025, so this is the latest version of Corporate Booklet, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Corporate Booklet directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Maryland tax forms here.

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Other Maryland Corporate Income Tax Forms:

TaxFormFinder has an additional 41 Maryland income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.

Form Code Form Name
Form 500X Amended Corporation Income Tax Return
Form 510E Application for Extension to File Pass-Through Entity
Fiduciary Booklet Maryland Instructions for Fiduciaries
Form 500 Maryland Corporation Income Tax Return
Form 500D Declaration of Estimated Corporation Income Tax

Download all MD tax forms View all 42 Maryland Income Tax Forms

Form Sources:

Maryland usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Maryland Corporate Booklet from the Comptroller of Maryland in March 2025.

Show Sources >

About the Corporate Income Tax

The IRS and most states require corporations to file an income tax return, with the exact filing requirements depending on the type of company.

Sole proprietorships or disregarded entities like LLCs are filed on Schedule C (or the state equivalent) of the owner's personal income tax return, flow-through entities like S Corporations or Partnerships are generally required to file an informational return equivilent to the IRS Form 1120S or Form 1065, and full corporations must file the equivalent of federal Form 1120 (and, unlike flow-through corporations, are often subject to a corporate tax liability).

Additional forms are available for a wide variety of specific entities and transactions including fiduciaries, nonprofits, and companies involved in other specific types of business.

Historical Past-Year Versions of Maryland Corporate Booklet

We have a total of eight past-year versions of Corporate Booklet in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2024 Corporate Booklet

Maryland 2024 Instructions for Filing Corporation Income Tax Returns

2023 Corporate Booklet

Tax Year 2023 Corporate Booklet

2022 Corporate Booklet

2022 Corporate Booklet

2020 Corporate Booklet

Maryland Corporate Booklet 2020

2019 Corporate Booklet

Tax Year 2019 - Maryland 2019 Instructions for filing corporation income tax returns

TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:

While we do our best to keep our list of Maryland Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/maryland/corporate-booklet