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Kentucky Free Printable  for 2025 Kentucky Application for Income Tax/LLET Credit for Recycling and/or Composting Equipment or Major Recycling Project - Form 41A720RC

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Application for Income Tax/LLET Credit for Recycling and/or Composting Equipment or Major Recycling Project - Form 41A720RC
Schedule RC

SCHEDULE RC APPLICATION FOR INCOME TAX/LLET CREDIT FOR RECYCLING AND/OR COMPOSTING EQUIPMENT OR MAJOR RECYCLING PROJECT Commonwealth of Kentucky Department of Revenue 2024 If major recycling project, check here and complete Part I and page 2. For equipment purchased or placed in service during taxable year beginning __ __ /__ __ /20__ __ , and ending __ __ /__ __ /20__ __ . KRS 141.390 Name of Entity: Type of Entity: Individual  C Corporation S Corporation General Partnership Federal Identification Number Limited Liability Pass-through Entity Other_________________________________ Kentucky Corporation/LLET Account Number ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Street Address, Route Number, or Post Office Box ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Telephone Number (Include Area Code) City State ZIP Code PART I—Composting and/or Recycling Equipment: Use Schedule RC—Part I Continuation on page 3 for additional equipment A Type of Equipment B C D Date of Purchase (Mo., Day,Yr.) Equipment Location (City in Kentucky) Date Placed in Service (Mo., Day,Yr.) (see instructions) E Purchase Price Installation Cost G For Department of Revenue Use Only Approved Amounts from Col. E and F 00 00 00 Identify the Equipment and Use (see instructions) Identify the Equipment and Use (see instructions) PART II—Credit Approved F 00 00 00 (For Department of Revenue Use Only) 00   1 Total of all amounts in Column G, Part I (including Part I continuation schedules).................................................. 00   2 Credit approved (Pass-through Entities, see instructions) ............................................................................... PART III—Amount of Credit Claimed (To be Completed by Taxpayer as Used) Maximum allowable credit in year of purchase or placed in service is limited to the lesser of 10% of Part II, line 2 or 25% of tax liability. For all other years, credit is limited to 25% of tax liability. LLET Income Tax 00 00 Amount from Part II, line 2, used in tax year ended __ __ /__ __ /20__ __................. 00 00 Amount from Part II, line 2, used in tax year ended __ __ /__ __ /20__ __ ................. 00 00 Amount from Part II, line 2, used in tax year ended __ __ /__ __ /20__ __ ................. 00 00 Amount from Part II, line 2, used in tax year ended __ __ /__ __ /20__ __ ................. 00 00 Amount from Part II, line 2, used in tax year ended __ __ /__ __ /20__ __ ................. I, the undersigned, declare under the penalties of perjury, that the above information, including all accompanying schedules, is a correct and complete listing of my equipment for exclusive use in Kentucky for recycling and/or composting. Signature Printed Name Reviewed by: Title (if applicable) Date Department of Revenue Representative Date Email Address Department of Revenue Representative Date Mail to: Department of Revenue, Division of Corporation Tax, Station 52, 501 High Street, Frankfort, KY 40601 240232 41A720RC (10-24) Page 1 of 7 Schedule RC (2024) Page 2 of 7 Complete this section if you are a partner, member, or shareholder of a pass–through entity that was approved for a Major Recycling Project. Name of Pass-through Entity Federal Identification Number ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ MAJOR RECYCLING PROJECT PART IV—Requirements Questionnaire Yes No   1 Was the investment in recycling or composting equipment more than $10,000,000 and used exclusively in Kentucky?...................................................................................................................................................... 1   2 Were there at least 400 full–time employees with an average hourly wage of more than 300 percent of the federal minimum wage?......................................................................................................................... 2 (a) Average minimum wage............................................................ $ (b) Number of employees earning this wage..................................   3 Did plant and equipment have a total cost of more than $500,000,000?............................................................................ 3 (a) Total cost................................................................................... $ If "yes" to all three requirements, you are entitled to the Major Recycling Credit. If "no" to any of the three questions, you are not entitled to the Major Recycling Credit. PART V—Credit Calculation   1   2   3   4   5   6 LLET Enter the LLET liability from Form 720, 720U, PTE, or 725 (see instructions)................................................................................................. 1 Enter the income tax liability from Form 720, 720U, 740, 740-NP, or 741 (see instructions)................................................................................................. 2 Limitation (line 1 and line 2 multiplied by 75% (.75))...................................................... 3 LLET Credit (see instructions)........................................................................................ 4 Corporation Income Tax Credit (see instructions)........................................................... 5 Individual Income Tax Credit—Enter on Form 740, 740–NP, or 741.............................. 6 Income Tax 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 PART VI—Amount of Credit Claimed A B C Taxable Year Credit Taken Balance of Major Amount of Credit Used Recycling Project Credit (Month/Year) LLET Income Tax LLET Income Tax   1 __ __ / __ __ __ __ 00 00 00 00   2 __ __ / __ __ __ __ 00 00 00 00   3 __ __ / __ __ __ __ 00 00 00 00   4 __ __ / __ __ __ __ 00 00 00 00   5 __ __ / __ __ __ __ 00 00 00 00   6 __ __ / __ __ __ __ 00 00 00 00   7 __ __ / __ __ __ __ 00 00 00 00   8   9 __ __ / __ __ __ __ 00 00 00 00 __ __ / __ __ __ __ 00 00 00 00 10 __ __ / __ __ __ __ 00 00 00 00 240233 41A720RC (10-24) SCHEDULE RC—PART I CONTINUATION Schedule RC (2024) Page ____ of ____ For equipment purchased or placed in service during taxable year beginning __ __ /__ __ /20__ __ , and ending __ __ /__ __ /20__ __ . Name of Entity   Federal Identification Number Kentucky Corporation/ LLET Account Number ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___     A Type of Equipment B Equipment Location (City in Kentucky) C D Date Placed in Service (Mo., Day, Yr.) (Mo., Day, Yr.) (see instructions) Date of Purchase E Purchase Price (if applicable) F Installation Cost G For Department of Revenue Use Only Approved Amounts from Col. E and F 00 00 00   Identify the Equipment and Use (see instructions) 00 00 00   Identify the Equipment and Use (see instructions) 00 00 00   Identify the Equipment and Use (see instructions) 00 00 00   Identify the Equipment and Use (see instructions) 00 00 00   Identify the Equipment and Use (see instructions) 00 00 00   Identify the Equipment and Use (see instructions) 00 00 00   Identify the Equipment and Use (see instructions) 00 00 00   Identify the Equipment and Use (see instructions) 240234 41A720RC (10-24) Page Total 00 Schedule RC (2024) INSTRUCTIONS FOR SCHEDULE RC Page 4 of 7 The Recycling and/or Composting Equipment or Major Recycling Project Credit is applied against the individual income tax imposed by KRS 141.020, the corporation income tax imposed by KRS 141.040, and the limited liability entity tax (LLET) imposed by KRS 141.0401. The amount of credit imposed against the corporation income tax and LLET can be different. Tax Preparer's Note: Per KRS 141.390(2)(a), “Any credit allowed against the income tax imposed pursuant to this chapter shall also be applied against the limited liability entity tax imposed by KRS 141.0401.” Therefore, 100 percent of the amount of credit approved, listed in Part II, Line 2, is available against both the income tax liability and the LLET liability (subject to the listed limitations). The amount of credit claimed and the resulting balance of credit available must be calculated separately for income tax and LLET. If the balance available for income tax or LLET reaches zero, no further credit is allowed against that tax liability. For example, any balance available for income tax cannot be used as a credit against the LLET nor can any balance available for the LLET be used as a credit against the income tax liability. Purpose of Schedule—This schedule is used for both the recycling credit and a Major Recycling Project. It is used to request approval for the amount of Kentucky income tax credit and LLET credit that is allowable for the purchase and installation of recycling or composting equipment. It is also used by individual, fiduciary, or corporate taxpayers to substantiate and maintain a record of the amount of credit claimed on their tax return. Who is Entitled to the Credit—Any taxpayer who purchases and places in service recycling or composting equipment to be used exclusively in Kentucky is entitled to the tax credit. If the purchaser is a pass-through entity, the partners are entitled to their pro rata or distributive share of any approved credit. For a Major Recycling Project, the taxpayer must meet the following requirements: (1) invest more than $10 million in recycling or composting equipment to be used exclusively in this state; (2) have at least 400 full time employees with an average hourly wage of more than 300 percent of the federal minimum wage; and (3) have plant and equipment with a total cost of more than $500 million. The Amount of the Credit and When Permitted—For recycling or composting equipment other than Major Recycling Projects, the total allowable tax credit is equal to 50% of the combined costs of qualifying equipment and installation, if any. The tax credit claimed in the tax year during which the recycling equipment is purchased or placed in service must not exceed 10% of the total tax credit allowable and must not exceed 25% of each tax liability which would be otherwise due. For all other years, the credit is limited to 25% of the tax liability. For LLET purposes, the credit is subject to the limitations applied against the LLET liability. Therefore, separate credit balances must be maintained. The unused portion of the credit may be carried forward to succeeding tax years. For a Major Recycling Project, tax credits approved for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2019, the total allowable credit is equal to 25% of the installed cost of the recycling or composting equipment. In each taxable year, the amount of credit claimed for all Major Recycling Projects is limited to 75% of the total of each tax liability which would be otherwise due for that taxable year. For LLET purposes, the credit is subject to the limitations applied against the LLET liability. Therefore, separate credit balances must be maintained. The credit is limited to a period of 30 years commencing with the approval of the recycling credit application. For a Major Recycling Project, tax credits approved for taxable years beginning before January 1, 2020, the total allowable credit is equal to 50% of the installed cost of the recycling or composting equipment. In each taxable year, the amount of credit claimed for all Major Recycling Projects is limited to 50% of the excess of the total of each tax liability over the baseline tax liability of the taxpayer not to exceed $2.5 million. The baseline tax liability is the tax liability of the taxpayer for the most recent tax year ending prior to January 1, 2005. For LLET purposes, the credit is subject to the limitations applied against the LLET liability. Therefore, separate credit balances must be maintained. The credit is limited to a period of 10 years commencing with the approval of the recycling credit application. Equipment that requires installation must be completely installed and placed in service during the first taxable year for which the tax credit is claimed. Pass-through Entities—Distribute any credit approved for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2007, to the partners, members, or shareholders on a pro rata or distributive share basis and record on Schedule K-1. Types of Equipment Qualifying as Eligible Purchases— KRS 141.390 provides the following pertinent definitions: (a) "Postconsumer waste" means any product generated by a business or consumer which has served its intended end use, and which has been separated from solid waste for the purposes of collection, recycling, composting, and disposition and which does not include secondary waste material or demolition waste; (b) "Recycling equipment" means any machinery or apparatus used exclusively to process postconsumer waste material and manufacturing machinery used exclusively to produce finished products composed of substantial postconsumer waste materials; and (c) "Composting equipment" means equipment used in a process by which biological decomposition of organic solid waste is carried out under controlled aerobic conditions, and which stabilizes the organic fraction into a material which can easily and safely be stored, handled, and used in an environmentally acceptable manner. Schedule RC (2024) Page 5 of 7 The following items may qualify as composting and recycling equipment if the conditions below are met: Balers Lift-gate Bob Cat Magnetic Separators Briquetters Material Recovery Facility Equipment Compactors Pallet Jacks Containers Perforators Conveyors Pumps with Oil Conveyor Systems Scales Crane with grappling hook Screeners Crushers Shears Densifyers Shredders End Loaders Tractor Exhaust Fans Trailer Fluffers Trucks and Roll-offs Fork Lifts Two-wheel Carts Granulators Vacuum Systems The conditions are as follows: (1) (2) (3) (4) Recycling or composting equipment must be used exclusively within this state for recycling or composting postconsumer waste materials. Recycling equipment or composting equipment is limited to the purchase and installation cost of equipment and does not include repairs, including major repairs, which are capitalized and depreciated. Recycling equipment or composting equipment does not include an equipment lease required to be capitalized and depreciated by the lessee for federal income tax purposes. When and Where to File Application—This application must be filed with the Department of Revenue, Division of Corporation Tax, Station 52, 501 High Street, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601, on or before the first day of the seventh month following the close of the taxable year in which the recycling or composting equipment was purchased or placed in service. For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2020 but before January 1, 2024, an application for tax credit for a Major Recycling Project may also be made on or before the first day of the seventh month following either the close of the taxable year in which the recycling or composting equipment is purchased or placed in service or the close of the taxable year immediately following the taxable year in which the recycling or composting equipment is purchased or placed in service. Applications bearing a postmark after the above date will not be approved. Prior approval must be obtained before claiming the credit. Only one application must be filed for all purchases qualifying during the taxable period for which the application is being filed. The original copy of the approved application will be returned to the purchaser. Signature—The application must be signed by the applicant or other authorized person. Unsigned applications will be returned. SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS Check Box—If a Major Recycling Project, check the box and complete Part I and page 2. Pass-through Entities—The total approved recycling and/or composting equipment or major recycling project credit must be reported on Form PTE, Schedule K. PART I—Composting and/or Recycling Equipment Manufacturing equipment used exclusively to produce finished products composed of “substantial” postconsumer waste means the finished product must contain postconsumer waste of at least fifty percent (50%) or more. Complete Columns A through F and the description portion for each type of equipment listed in Column A. If more than two types of equipment were purchased or placed in service during the taxable year, use Schedule RC-Part I Continuation on page 3. For example, a can crusher is recycling equipment, but home trash containers or trash bin collectors are not. Similar items used for collecting and/or separating postconsumer waste are not recycling equipment. Column A—Enter the specific name of the machinery, equipment, or apparatus. For each item listed, give a brief and concise description of the means by which it is used exclusively in the composting or recycling process. A self-contained "backyard composter" is composting equipment. Lawn tractors, mowers, and mulching or bagging attachments and other similar equipment used to gather organic waste for composting are not composting equipment. Column B—Enter the name of the city, or if not a city, the county, in Kentucky where the qualifying equipment or machinery is located. Column D—Enter the date placed in service, if applicable. If installation is required, enter the date the installation is completed and the equipment is ready for use. Column E—Enter the purchase price or contract price of the qualifying equipment or machinery purchased. Round the amount(s) entered to the nearest whole dollar. Schedule RC (2024) Page 6 of 7 Column F—Enter the cost of installing the equipment or machinery to make it ready for use. Installation cost includes shipping charges incurred and paid by the purchaser.Round the amount(s) entered to the nearest whole dollar. Generally, the total amount of Columns E and F should equal the cost basis allowable for Kentucky depreciation purposes. Invoices, installation contracts, and any other documentation necessary to verify cost of equipment and installation must be submitted to the Department of Revenue at the time the application is submitted. or income tax on Form 720 or 720U. Enter on Schedule TCS, Part II, Column E, the recycling/composting and major recycling project credits being claimed against the LLET on Form PTE. Credits cannot exceed the limitations set forth in KRS 141.390 or reduce the LLET tax liability below the $175 minimum. Column G—Do not complete Column G. This column is to be completed by the Department of Revenue to determine the total expense qualifying for the tax credit. PART IV—Requirements Questionnaire Identify the Equipment and Use—For the item of equipment listed, attach copies of vender invoices or other documentation showing the purchase price and installation cost of the equipment. Also, describe how the equipment will be used for recycling or composting postconsumer waste materials. Vendor invoices and other documentation must be reconciled to the cost of each item of equipment and the installation cost of each item of equipment included on Schedule RC. If the department is unable to reconcile the vendor invoices and other documentation to each item of equipment or the installation cost of each item of equipment included on Schedule RC, the application will not be approved until all information is received. To assist in the reconciliation, a spreadsheet showing the cost for each item of equipment should be attached to Schedule RC. PART II—Credit Approved Do not complete this part. It will be used by the Department of Revenue to show the amount of tax credit approved. PART III—Amount of Credit Claimed Entities subject to the LLET record the amount of approved credit claimed against the LLET in the LLET column for each taxable year. Individuals or entities other than pass-through entities record the amount of approved credit claimed against the income tax in the Income Tax column for each taxable year. Enter the current year credit claimed against the LLET and/or income tax on the appropriate line of the Kentucky tax return or Schedule TCS. (Do not record the credit for a Major Recycling Project in Part III. This amount will be recorded in Part V.) Attach a copy of the approved application, including the entries made to date in this part, to the Kentucky tax return for each year for which any approved credit reflected by this application is claimed. Recording the Tax Credit—Enter in the applicable column(s) on Schedule TCS, Part II, the recycling/composting and major recycling project credits being claimed against the LLET and/ For income tax purposes, pass-through entities must enter the credit approved by the Department of Revenue on Schedule K. MAJOR RECYCLING PROJECT Answer all questions. If yes to all three questions, continue to Part V. PART V—Credit Calculation Complete this part once you have received the approved application from the Department of Revenue. Each partner, member, or shareholder will complete this part based upon their specific tax information. Their share of the approved credit will be reported on Kentucky Schedule K-1. The credit for a Major Recycling Project may be claimed against the LLET (corporations and limited liability pass-through entities) and income tax (entities subject to the tax imposed under KRS 141.020 or 141.040). The amount of credit claimed for each tax may be different, and separate balances must be maintained. Line 3—Calculate the limitation, Line 1 and Line 2 multiplied by 75%. Note: For tax credits approved for taxable years beginning before January 1, 2020, the total allowable credit is equal to 50% of the installed cost of the recycling or composting equipment. The amount of credit claimed for all Major Recycling Projects is limited to 50% of the excess of the total of each tax liability over the baseline tax liability of the taxpayer not to exceed $2.5 million. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2019, the amount of credit claimed in a taxable year subsequent to the taxable year during which the recycling equipment is purchased shall not exceed seventy-five percent (75%) of the total of each tax liability, which would be otherwise due for that taxable year. KRS 141.390(2)(b)5 Line 4—Once the amount of credit is determined, enter here and in Part VI, Column C, LLET. Next, combine the LLET credit claimed here with the LLET credit claimed in Part III and enter the total on Schedule TCS, Part II, Column E. The credit claimed cannot reduce the LLET below the $175 minimum. Line 5—Once the amount of credit is determined, enter here and in Part VI, Column C, Income. Next, combine the income tax credit claimed here with the income tax credit claimed in Part III and enter the total on Schedule TCS, Part II, Column F. Schedule RC (2024) PART VI—Amount of Credit Claimed Individuals or entities other than general partnerships use this part to record the amount of the approved major recycling project credit and the amount of credit claimed for each taxable year. If no credit is taken, enter zero (-0-). The credit is limited to a period of 30 years for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2020 (10 years for tax years beginning before January 1, 2020) commencing with the approval of the recycling credit application. Attach a copy of the approved application, including the entries made to date, to the Kentucky tax return for each year for which any approved credit reflected by this application is claimed. Page 7 of 7 Column B—In the year the credit is approved, enter in both the LLET column and Income column the major recycling project credit approved by the Department of Revenue. The approved credit is the same for LLET and income tax purposes. For subsequent years, the balance of the LLET credit and Income credit will be the amount of Column B less Column C for the LLET column and Income column, respectively. Column C—For each year the credit is claimed against LLET, enter in the LLET column the amount of the credit from Part V, Line 4. For each year the credit is claimed against income tax, enter in the Income column the amount of the credit from Part V, Line 5 or 6.
Extracted from PDF file 2024-kentucky-schedule-rc.pdf, last modified June 2024

More about the Kentucky Schedule RC Corporate Income Tax Tax Credit TY 2024

We last updated the Application for Income Tax/LLET Credit for Recycling and/or Composting Equipment or Major Recycling Project - Form 41A720RC in March 2025, so this is the latest version of Schedule RC, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Schedule RC directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Kentucky tax forms here.

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Related Kentucky Corporate Income Tax Forms:

TaxFormFinder has an additional 129 Kentucky income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms. These related forms may also be needed with the Kentucky Schedule RC.

Form Code Form Name
Schedule RC-C Schedule RC-Part 1 Continuation (DISCONTINUED)
Schedule RC-R Recycling or Composting Equipment Tax Credit Recapture

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Form Sources:

Kentucky usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Kentucky Schedule RC from the Department of Revenue in March 2025.

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Schedule RC is a Kentucky Corporate Income Tax form. States often have dozens of even hundreds of various tax credits, which, unlike deductions, provide a dollar-for-dollar reduction of tax liability. Some common tax credits apply to many taxpayers, while others only apply to extremely specific situations. In most cases, you will have to provide evidence to show that you are eligible for the tax credit, and calculate the amount of the credit to which you are entitled.

About the Corporate Income Tax

The IRS and most states require corporations to file an income tax return, with the exact filing requirements depending on the type of company.

Sole proprietorships or disregarded entities like LLCs are filed on Schedule C (or the state equivalent) of the owner's personal income tax return, flow-through entities like S Corporations or Partnerships are generally required to file an informational return equivilent to the IRS Form 1120S or Form 1065, and full corporations must file the equivalent of federal Form 1120 (and, unlike flow-through corporations, are often subject to a corporate tax liability).

Additional forms are available for a wide variety of specific entities and transactions including fiduciaries, nonprofits, and companies involved in other specific types of business.

Historical Past-Year Versions of Kentucky Schedule RC

We have a total of twelve past-year versions of Schedule RC in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:

While we do our best to keep our list of Kentucky Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/kentucky/schedule-rc