Kentucky Kentucky Pass-Through Entity Income and LLET Return - Instructions

Extracted from PDF file 2024-kentucky-form-pte-instructions.pdf, last modified October 2024Kentucky Pass-Through Entity Income and LLET Return - Instructions
INSTRUCTIONS PTE Commonwealth of Kentucky Department of Revenue KENTUCKY PASS-THROUGH ENTITY INCOME AND LLET RETURN 2024 PURPOSE OF THE INSTRUCTIONS HOW TO OBTAIN ADDITIONAL FORMS These instructions have been designed for pass-through entities: S-corporations, partnerships, and general partnerships , which are required by law to file a Kentucky income tax and LLET return. Form PTE is complementary to the federal forms 1120S and 1065. Forms and instructions are available at all Kentucky Taxpayer Service Centers (see page 24). They may also be obtained by writing FORMS, Department of Revenue, 501 High Street, Station 23B, Frankfort, KY 40601, or by calling 502–564–3658. Forms can be downloaded from KENTUCKY TAX LAW CHANGES Enacted by the 2024 Regular Session of the Kentucky General Assembly Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Update—House Bill (HB) 8 updated the Internal Revenue Code reference date to December 31, 2023, for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2024. Extension of corporation income tax exemption for disaster response businesses—HB 8 extended the corporation income tax exemption for disaster response businesses to tax years beginning before January 1, 2027, but on or after January 1, 2021. The exemption, initially passed during the 2021 legislative session, was set to expire as of January 1, 2025. A disaster response business is exempt from income tax under KRS 141.040 (corporations) and KRS 141.020 (sole proprietorships) if the disaster response business has no presence in Kentucky and conducts no business in the state, except for disaster or emergency-related work during a disaster response period and the disaster or emergency-related work was requested by a registered business or a state and local government. Disaster response employees are exempt from individual income tax if they do not work or reside in Kentucky, except for disaster or emergency-related work during the disaster response period. NOTE: This exemption does not apply to the LLET or to taxes imposed under KRS 141.206 on pass-through entities, such as nonresident withholding. KRS 141.010, 141.020, and 141.040 Delay of the deferred tax deduction for companies filing a combined report—HB 8 delayed until tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2026, the deduction allowed companies filing a combined report that saw an increase in a net deferred tax liability, a decrease in a net deferred tax asset, or aggregate change from a net deferred tax asset to a net deferred tax liability as a result of the imposition of the combined reporting requirement. As initially passed, the deduction was to go into effect for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2024. KRS 141.039(2)(d)5 Tax Credit Changes: Broadband tax credit—HB 8 created a nonrefundable and nontransferable credit against LLET and corporate income tax for the amount of sales tax paid on eligible equipment and services used in the expansion of broadband services in Kentucky. The credit is allowed for purchases made on or after January 1, 2025, but before January 1, 2029. The credit is limited to 50% of the amount of sales tax paid, after reduction for seller reimbursements. The total amount of the credit is capped at $5 million for each taxable year. Companies must complete and file an application with the department by December 31 of the calendar year in which the investment was made. The department will review and approve the allowable credit amount by February 1. Distilled Spirits Tax Credit—2023 HB 5 modified the distilled spirits (DS) tax credit. For tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2024, eligible taxpayers may elect to a) waive any accumulated credits and claim a nonrefundable and nontransferable credit of 100% of the property taxes timely paid on up to 25,000 barrels of distilled spirits in a bonded warehouse or premises; or b) waive all future tax credits and claim a refundable credit against sales and use tax and employee withholding taxes resulting from capital projects that meet specific investment and employment targets. The amount of the refundable credit is limited to 50% of the taxpayer’s accumulated amount of DS credits and will be refunded over 15 years. KRS 141.389 Other important information Check the website for updated information: Press releases from the Department of Revenue provide important updates to tax information and are posted on the website soon after they are released. Taxpayers are advised to check the website regularly to get the most timely information on disaster relief provisions, policy updates, and other important developments. Page 1 of 24 PTE (2024) INSTRUCTIONS Kentucky Revised Statutes—Kentucky Revised Statutes are referred to in these instructions as “KRS” and can be found online at default.aspx . Page 2 of 24 KENTUCKY FORM CHANGES New: CURRENT YEAR INTEREST RATE Form PTET-P—Pass-Through Entity Tax Underpayment Penalty Calculations: Created to allow an electing pass-through entity to calculate the penalty due on the underpayment of estimated taxes for the pass-through entity tax (PTET). Per KRS 141.209, for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2024, an electing entity is required to make estimated tax payments. Pursuant to KRS 131.183, the 2025 tax interest rate has been set at 8 percent (8%). The rate charged by the Kentucky Department of Revenue on unpaid taxes is 10 percent (10%) and when interest is due on a refund, the rate is 6 percent (6%). Form 720-DS-ELECT—Distilled Spirits Tax Credit Election: Created to allow an entity with current or potential future distilled spirits tax credit amounts to elect how those amounts shall be treated under the legislative changes to KRS 141.389. Kentucky Administrative Regulations—Kentucky Administrative Regulations are referred to in these instructions as “KAR” and can be found online at legislature. . Schedule KQBI—Kentucky Qualified Broadband Investment Tax Credit Application and Schedule: Created to allow businesses to apply for the new broadband investment tax credit. PTE (2024) INSTRUCTIONS Page 3 of 24 Helpful Tips for Electronic Filing and Paying • Mandatory E-File and E-Pay if Gross Receipts ≥ $1,000,000—For tax years beginning on or after October 1, 2021, corporations and pass-through entities are required to file and submit payments electronically if their federal gross receipts are one million dollars ($1,000,000) or greater. This applies to Forms 720, 720U, PTE, 725, and 740NP-WH. • If your return or payment is rejected for an invalid Kentucky Corporation/LLET Account Number or Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), please complete Form 20A100, "Declaration of Representative," and contact our Registration Section at 502-5643306 for instructions on how to obtain an account number. • A person, taxpayer, or tax preparer required to electronically file a return, report, or statement may request a waiver as authorized by KRS 131.250(2). Form 8948 (K-C): Request for Waiver of Electronic Filing Requirement must be submitted via e-mail to [email protected] or [email protected] for approval before filing on paper. A copy of the approved form must be attached to the paper-filed return. • Online Payment Options—Visit for details on how to electronically pay your tax. To make payments, the FEIN is required along with the Kentucky Corporation/LLET six (6)-digit account number. • Payment by Check—If an electronic payment is not possible, a Form KBR-V is required when submitting a paper check for payment of the tax due on electronically filed and paper-filed returns. • Direct debit is an option for electronically filed forms; however, direct deposit is not. • To determine which forms are supported by your software, please consult with the company that develops your software. Filing Tips and Checkpoints The following list of filing tips is provided for your convenience to help ensure that returns are processed accurately and promptly. To avoid processing issues, please note the following: • Extensions—Extensions are for extending the filing date only; late payment penalties and interest apply to payments made after the original due date. • Account Closure—There are different requirements for the Secretary of State and the Department of Revenue when ceasing operations and closing an account. It is advised that you consult with both agencies when closing a business tax account. • Corrected K-1’s—Adjustments to LLET or distributive share require that corrected Kentucky K-1's are sent to all partners, members, or shareholders for proper compliance by taxpayers. • Account Number/FEIN—Always ensure the correct Kentucky Corporation/LLET account number and FEIN is used on the return being filed. • • Payments—If making payment by check, place payments on the front of the return so that they are clearly visible. Do not leave check stubs attached to checks. Check stubs will delay the machines that sort incoming mail, which causes longer processing times. Schedule A—Do not check the box on Schedule A, Apportionment and Allocation, indicating the use of an alternative allocation and apportionment formula if the corporation has not received written approval from the Department of Revenue. If written approval has been received, a copy of the letter from the Department of Revenue must be attached to the return when filed. • Incorrect Year Forms—Returns submitted on the wrong year form on or before the due date will be accepted as timely filed, but will require the return to be submitted on the correct year form before the return can be processed. • Additional errors that delay processing returns: • Estimated Payments—Make estimated payments on a timely basis to avoid penalty. • EFT Payments—When making EFT payments online, use the taxable year ending, NOT the due date of the payment. • Form KBR-V- Form KBR-V is a payment voucher for e-filed returns and for payments submitted separately for paper filed returns. It is NOT an extension form. To extend a filing date, use Form 720EXT, Extension of Time to File Kentucky Corporation/LLET Return. ¡ Incorrect form submitted ¡ Incorrect tax exemption code ¡ Incomplete information ¡ Missing forms or schedules ¡ Incorrect taxable year end ¡ Failure to include payment of tax due with the return ¡ Omitting Form 720EXT when paying with an extension PTE (2024) INSTRUCTIONS This page has been intentionally left blank. Page 4 of 24 PTE (2024) INSTRUCTIONS Page 5 of 24 IMPORTANT Pass-through entities must create a Kentucky Form 4562, Schedule D and Form 4797 by converting federal forms. Schedule 4562 Depreciation—For property placed in service after September 10, 2001, Kentucky depreciation (§168) is determined per the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) in effect on December 31, 2001. Section 179 Deduction—For property placed in service after September 10, 2001, but prior to January 1, 2020, only the expense deduction ($25,000) allowed under §179 of the IRC in effect on December 31, 2001, exclusive of any amendments made subsequent to that date, is allowed. For property placed in service on or after January 1, 2020, only the expense deduction ($100,000) allowed under §179 of the IRC in effect on December 31, 2003, exclusive of any amendments made subsequent to that date, is allowed, except that the phase-out provisions of §179 of the IRC limiting the qualifying investment in property, shall not apply. For 2020 returns and forward, any pass-through entity that for federal purposes elects in the current taxable year or has elected in past taxable years any of the following will have a different depreciation and IRC §179 expense deduction for Kentucky: • • • MACRS bonus depreciation; IRC §179 expense deduction in excess of $25,000 for property placed in service after September 10, 2001, but prior to January 1, 2020; or IRC §179 expense deduction in excess of $100,000 for property placed in service on or after January 1, 2020. If a pass-through entity has taken MACRS bonus depreciation or IRC §179 expense deduction in excess of the amounts outlined above for any year, federal and Kentucky differences will exist and the differences will continue through the life of the assets. Important: If a pass-through entity has not taken MACRS bonus depreciation or the IRC §179 expense deduction in excess of the amounts outlined above for any taxable year, then no adjustment will be needed for Kentucky income tax purposes. If federal Form 4562 is required to be filed for federal income tax purposes, a copy must be submitted with Form PTE to substantiate that no adjustment is required. Determining and Reporting Depreciation and IRC §179 Deduction Differences— 1. The depreciation from federal Form 1120S, Line 14 or Form 1065, Line 16(a) and depreciation claimed on federal Form 1125-A or elsewhere on Form 1120S or Form 1065 must be included on Form PTE, Part I, Line 3. If federal Form 4562 is required to be filed for federal income tax purposes, a copy must be attached to Form PTE. 2. Convert federal Form 4562 to a Kentucky form by entering Kentucky at the top center of the form above Depreciation and Amortization. Compute Kentucky depreciation (§168) per the IRC in effect on December 31, 2001, by ignoring the lines and instructions regarding the special depreciation allowance. NOTE: For Kentucky purposes, for property placed into service after September 10, 2001, but prior to January 1, 2020, the maximum IRC §179 deduction amount on Line 1 is $25,000 and the threshold cost of IRC §179 property on Line 3 is $200,000. For property placed into service after September 10, 2001, but prior to January 1, 2020, the maximum allowable IRC §179 deduction for Kentucky purposes is reduced dollar–for– dollar by the amount by which the cost of qualifying IRC §179 property placed in service during the year exceeds the threshold. In determining the IRC §179 deduction for Kentucky the income limitation on Line 11 should be determined by using Kentucky net income before the IRC §179 deduction instead of federal taxable income. For Kentucky purposes, for property placed into service on or after January 1, 2020, the maximum IRC §179 deduction amount on Line 1 is $100,000 and the phaseout threshold does not apply for purposes of determining Kentucky depreciation. 3. The pass-through entity must attach the Kentucky Form 4562 to Form PTE, and the amount from Kentucky Form 4562, Line 22 must be included on Form PTE, Part I, Line 13. A Kentucky Form 4562 must be filed for each year, even though a federal Form 4562 may not be required. Schedule 4797 and Schedule D Gains/Losses from Disposition of Assets—Determining and Reporting Differences in Gain or Loss From Disposition of Assets—If during the year the pass-through entity disposes of assets on which it has taken the special depreciation allowance or the additional IRC §179 deduction for federal income tax purposes, the pass-through entity will need to determine and report the difference in the amount of gain or loss on such assets as follows: 1. Convert federal Schedule D (Form 1120S or Form 1065) and other applicable federal forms to Kentucky forms by entering Kentucky at the top center of the form, and compute the Kentucky capital gain or (loss) from the disposal of assets using Kentucky basis. Enter the amount from Kentucky Schedule D, Line 7 on Form PTE, Schedule K, Section A, Line 4(d) or 7. Enter the amount from Kentucky Schedule D, Line 15 on Form PTE, Schedule K, Section A, Line 4(e) or 7. Federal Schedule D (Form 1120S or Form 1065) filed with the federal return and the Kentucky Schedule D must be attached to Form PTE. 2. If the amount reported on federal Form 1120S, Line 4 or Form 1065, Line 6 (from Form 4797, Line 17) is a gain, enter this amount on Form PTE, Part I, Line 14. If the amount reported on federal Form 1120S, Line 4 or 1065, Line 6 (from Form 4797, Line 17) is a loss, enter this amount on Form PTE, Part I, Line 5. Convert federal Form 4797 and other applicable federal forms to Kentucky forms by entering Kentucky at the top center of the form and compute the Kentucky gain or (loss) from the sale of business property listing Kentucky basis. If the amount on Kentucky Form 4797, Line 17 is a gain, enter this amount on Form PTE, Part I, Line 6. If the amount on Kentucky Form 4797, Line 17 is a loss, enter this amount on Form PTE, Part I, Line 15. Federal Form 4797 filed with the federal return and the Kentucky Form 4797 must be attached to Form PTE. PTE (2024) INSTRUCTIONS Tax Treatment of S Corporation and Shareholder(s) A corporation which elects S corporation treatment for federal income tax purposes per §§1361(a) and 1361(b) of the IRC must file as an S corporation for Kentucky income tax purposes. For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2007, an S corporation is classified as a limited liability pass–through entity per KRS 141.010(22). For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2007, an annual limited liability entity tax (LLET) must be paid by every corporation and every limited liability pass–through entity doing business in Kentucky on all Kentucky gross receipts or Kentucky gross profits per KRS 141.0401(2), unless specifically excluded. See LLET Exemption Codes on page 10 of these instructions. Register your business online at using the One Stop Business Services link. 1. Go to . 2. Click on Dashboard Login. 3. Welcome to the Kentucky Online Gateway. If you do not already have an account, click on Create An Account. Once a user account has been created, an email will be sent to you with further instructions to activate the account and login. You must use the activation link in the email prior to logging in to your account. 4. Once logged in, launch the Kentucky Business One Stop App. For tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2007, an S corporation is required: (1) to submit installments of tax on the recapture of LIFO reserves per IRC §1363(d); (2) pay tax on built-in gains per IRC §1374; and (3) pay tax on net passive investment income per IRC §1375. The tax rate imposed on the LIFO recapture, built–in gains, and net passive investment income is five percent (5%). KRS 141.040(4) In determining tax per KRS Chapter 141, a resident individual that is a shareholder of an S corporation must take into account the shareholder’s total distributive share of the S corporation’s items of income, loss, and deduction. In determining tax per KRS Chapter 141, a nonresident individual that is a shareholder of an S corporation must take into account the shareholder’s total distributive share of the S corporation’s items of income, loss, and deduction multiplied by the apportionment fraction. KRS 141.206(11) and KRS 141.206(7) and (8) Resident and nonresident individual shareholders are entitled to a nonrefundable LLET credit against tax imposed under KRS 141.020 (Kentucky individual income tax). The nonrefundable LLET credit allowed shareholders is the shareholders’ proportionate share of the LLET for the current year after the subtraction of any credits identified in KRS 141.0205 and reduced by $175. The credit allowed shareholders may be applied to the income tax assessed on income from the S corporation. Any remaining credit from the S corporation will be disallowed. KRS 141.0401(3) GENERAL INFORMATION Internal Revenue Code Reference Date—Kentucky’s Internal Revenue Code (IRC) reference date is December 31, 2023, exclusive of any amendments made subsequent to that date, other than amendments that extend provisions in effect on December 31, 2023, that would otherwise terminate, for purposes of computing corporation and individual income tax, except for depreciation differences per KRS 141.0101. KRS 141.010(21) Kentucky Tax Registration Application—Prior to doing business in Kentucky, each pass-through entity should complete a Kentucky Tax Registration Application, Form 10A100, to register for a Kentucky Corporation/LLET Account Number. This account number will be used for filing returns and remitting the corporation income tax per KRS 141.040 and the LLET per KRS 141.0401. Page 6 of 24 • If your business needs to register with both the Secretary of State and the Department of Revenue or only needs to register with the Department of Revenue, use the Register My Business option to register for tax accounts and your Commonwealth Business Identifier (CBI). • If the business is already registered with the Secretary of State and you do not already have access to the business on your Dashboard, choose the Link My Business option. Enter the Commonwealth Business Identifier (CBI), Security Token, and Business Name exactly as it appears on your Kentucky articles of organization/incorporation, your Kentucky Certificate of Authority, or your CBI letter (including all punctuation) and link your business, click Send Invite and follow the instructions sent to your email to register for tax accounts. The Link My Business option will require you to name at least one “One-Stop Portal Business Administrator” (for example, the business owner or representative). Note: The administrator can then delegate access to other individuals—for example, an attorney, accountant, or manager. The administrator also determines the appropriate authority level for delegates to make changes—this could range from filing annual reports with the Secretary of State’s office, changing the business address, or filing and paying taxes. Only the One Stop business administrator(s) can grant, approve, withdraw, or revoke access to the business. 5. Once you have linked your business, your business name and CBI number will appear in the My Businesses box on the dashboard, click on the CBI number, once your business loads, click on the Tax Administration tab to register for tax accounts. The paper application is available by calling the Department of Revenue, Division of Registration at 502–564–3306, or can be downloaded at (click on Find a Form, and search for 10A100). The application may be faxed to 502–227–0772 or e-mailed to [email protected] . PTE (2024) INSTRUCTIONS Who Must File—LLET and Corporation Income Tax LLET—The limitations imposed and protections provided by the United States Constitution or Pub. L. No. 86–272 do not apply to the limited liability entity tax imposed by KRS 141.0401. A Kentucky Pass-Through Entity Income and LLET Return (Form PTE) must be filed by every pass-through entity: (a) organized under the laws of this state; (b) having its commercial domicile in this state; (c) owning or leasing property in this state; (d) having one or more individuals performing services in this state; (e) maintaining an interest in a pass–through entity doing business in this state; (f) deriving income from or attributable to sources within this state, including deriving income directly or indirectly from a trust doing business in this state, or deriving income directly or indirectly from a single member limited liability company that is doing business in this state and is disregarded as an entity separate from its single member for federal income tax purposes; or (g) directing activities at Kentucky customers for the purpose of selling them goods or services. KRS 141.010(13), KRS 141.0401, and KRS 141.206 Disregarded Entities—A Qualified Sub Chapter S Subsidiary (QSSS) and a single member limited liability company (LLC) are treated in the same manner as they are treated for federal income tax purposes. Therefore, a QSSS or a single member LLC that is disregarded for federal income tax purposes should be included in the return filed by its single member (owner). All disregarded entities included in the return should be listed on the Schedule DE and attached to the return. KRS 141.010(13) and KRS 141.200(10) Pass–through Entities—A pass-through entity doing business in Kentucky solely as a partner or member in a pass-through entity will file Form PTE per KRS 141.010, 141.120, and 141.206. (See Schedule A—Apportionment and Allocation Instructions.) Nonresident Withholding Return (Form 740NP–WH) A partner or member that is a pass-through entity is not subject to withholding. “Pass-through entity” is defined by KRS 141.010(28). KRS 141.206(4) provides that every pass–through entity required to file a return under KRS 141.206(1), except publicly traded partnerships defined in KRS 141.0401(6)(a)18. and (b)14., must withhold Kentucky income tax on the distributive share, whether distributed or undistributed, of each nonresident individual partner, member, or shareholder. Withholding is at the highest rate provided in KRS 141.020. Page 7 of 24 Withholding is not required if: (a) the partner, member, or shareholder is exempt from withholding per KRS 141.206(6)(a); (b) the partner or member is exempt from Kentucky income tax per KRS 141.020; (c) the pass-through entity is a qualified investment partnership per KRS 141.206(14), and the partner, member, or shareholder is an individual; or (d) the partner or member is a pass-through entity. A pass-through entity required to withhold and file a return on Kentucky income tax per KRS 141.206 must make estimated tax payments if required by KRS 141.207. If the pass-through entity is required to make estimated tax payments visit www. for details on how to electronically pay your tax. If unable to pay electronically, use Form 740NP-WH-ES (Kentucky Estimated Tax Voucher). The reporting of a nonresident individual’s net distributive share income and withholding on Form 740NP–WH at the rate of 4.0% (.04) will satisfy the filing requirements of KRS 141.180 for a nonresident individual partner, member, or shareholder whose only Kentucky source income is net distributive share income. The partners’, members’, or shareholders’ distributive share of income must include all items of income or deduction used to compute adjusted gross income on the Kentucky return that are passed through to the partner, member, or shareholder by the pass–through entity, including but not limited to interest, dividends, capital gains or losses, guaranteed payments, and rents (KRS 141.206(8)). The nonresident individual partner, member, or shareholder may file a Kentucky Individual Income Tax Return Nonresident or Part–Year Resident (Form 740–NP) or a Kentucky Fiduciary Income Tax Return (Form 741) to take advantage of the credits and deductions. A pass–through entity must file Form 740NP–WH and complete a Form PTE–WH for each nonresident individual partner, member, or shareholder. Form 740NP–WH with a copy of each Form PTE–WH must be filed and paid with the Department of Revenue by the 15th day of the fourth month following the close of the taxable period. Provide two copies of Form PTE–WH to each partner, member, or shareholder. PTE (2024) INSTRUCTIONS Required Forms and Information—A pass-through entity must enter all applicable information on Form PTE, enclose a schedule for each line item or line item instruction which states “attach schedule,” and include the following Kentucky forms or schedules, if applicable: Kentucky Forms and Schedules 1. Pass-through Entity Income and LLET Return (Form PTE) 2. Kentucky Shareholder’s Share of Income, Credits, Deductions, Etc.—Schedule K–1 (Form PTE) 3. Apportionment and Allocation (Schedule A) 4. Limited Liability Entity Tax—Continuation Sheet (Schedule L–C) 5. Cost of Goods Sold (Schedule COGS) 6. Tax Credit Summary Schedule (Schedule TCS) 7. Related Party Costs Disclosure Statement (Schedule RPC) 8. Disregarded Entity Schedule, if applicable (Schedule DE) Required Federal Forms and Schedules All pass-through entities must provide a copy of the following federal forms submitted to the Internal Revenue Service. Not every form below applies to every pass-through entity. Only attach the forms and schedules that apply to your company’s specific tax situation. 1. Form 1120S or 1065, all pages 2. Form 1125-A—Cost of Goods Sold 3. Form 4797—Sales of Business Property 4. Schedule D—Capital Gains and Losses 5. Schedules for items on Form 1120S or 1065, Schedule L, which state, “attach schedule.” 6. Form 4562—Depreciation and Amortization 7. Form 8825—Rental Real Estate Income and Expenses of a Partnership or an S Corporation Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)—The Department of Revenue accepts electronically filed Corporation Income Tax/Limited Liability Entity Tax estimated tax voucher payments and extension payments for corporation income tax and limited liability entity tax. Before paying by EFT, the pass-through entity must have a valid six-digit Kentucky Corporation/LLET account number and have registered with the Department of Revenue to pay using EFT. Using an incorrect account number, such as an account number for withholding or sales and use tax, may result in the payment being credited to another taxpayer’s account. When making EFT payments online, use the taxable year ending, NOT the due date of the payment. For more information, contact the Department of Revenue at 800–839–4137 or 502–564–6020. The EFT registration form is available at Page 8 of 24 Accounting Procedures—Kentucky income tax law requires a pass-through entity to report income on the same calendar or fiscal year and to use the same methods of accounting required for federal income tax purposes. Any federally approved change in accounting periods or methods must be reported to the Department of Revenue. Check the applicable box on page 1, Item G, and attach a copy of the federal approval to the return when filed. KRS 141.140 Mailing/Payment—Only include payment for corporation income tax and/or LLET. No payment is due for general partnerships filing Form PTE. Mail the return with payment to: Kentucky Department of Revenue Frankfort, KY 40620-0021 Make the check(s) payable to the Kentucky State Treasurer. Mail returns with no tax due or refund requests to: Kentucky Department of Revenue Frankfort, KY 40618-0010 Filing/Payment Date—A pass-through entity return must be filed and payment must be made on or before the 15th day of the fourth month following the close of the taxable year. KRS 141.160, KRS 141.220, and 103 KAR 15:050 If the filing/payment date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a legal holiday, the filing/payment date is deemed to be on the next business day. KRS 446.030 Kentucky Extensions—A six-month extension of time to file a Kentucky Pass-through Entity Income and LLET Return (Form PTE) may be obtained by filing Form 720EXT by the original due date of the return. If a payment is made with an extension, Kentucky Form 720EXT must be used. For further information, see the instructions for Form 720EXT. 103 KAR 15:050 A General Partnership may file Form 40A102, Application for Extension of Time to File Individual, General Partnership, and Fiduciary Income Tax Returns, by the original due date of the return. Include a copy of the submitted Form 40A102 with the return when filed. Federal Extension—An S corporation or limited liability pass-through entity granted an extension of time for filing a federal income tax return will be granted the same extension of time for filing a Kentucky Pass-through Entity Income and LLET Return for the same taxable year if a copy of the federal Form 7004 is attached to the Kentucky return when it is filed. A copy of the federal extension submitted after the return is filed does not constitute a valid extension, and late filing penalties will be assessed. A copy of the federal Form 7004 should not be mailed to the Department of Revenue before filing the return. 103 KAR 15:050 NOTE: An extension of time to file a return does not extend the due date for payment of tax. PTE (2024) INSTRUCTIONS Estimated Taxes The Corporation Income/Limited Liability Entity Tax Estimated Tax Voucher, Form 720ES, is used to submit estimated tax payments for corporation income tax and LLET. See Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). If the pass-through entity is required to make estimated tax payments and needs Form 720ES vouchers, contact the Department of Revenue at 502–564–3658. Estimated Tax Payments—A pass-through entity must make estimated tax installments if its combined tax liability under KRS 141.040 and KRS 141.0401 can reasonably be expected to exceed $5,000. Estimated tax installments are required as follows: If the estimated tax is reasonably expected to exceed $5,000, 25% of the estimated tax must be paid by the 15th day of the 4th month, 15th day of the 6th month, 15th day of the 9th month, and the 15th day of the 12th month of the tax year. Recalculating Estimated Tax—If after the pass-through entity calculates and pays its estimated tax, it finds that its tax liability for the year will be more or less than originally estimated, it may have to recalculate its required installments. If earlier installments were underpaid, the pass-through entity may owe a penalty. An immediate payment should be made to reduce the amount of penalty resulting from the underpayment of earlier installments, whether caused by a change in estimate, failure to make a payment, or a mistake. Penalty—Failure to make estimated installments, pay an estimated installment in full, or pay estimated installments timely will result in an addition to tax that will be considered a penalty under KRS 141.044. The tax interest rate plus 2 percent identified under KRS 131.183 is the underpayment rate used to calculate the penalty. The entity should use Form 2220-K to determine the penalty. KRS 141.044 and KRS 141.990 Amended Return—To correct Form PTE as originally filed, file an amended Form PTE and check the appropriate box on page 1, Item G. If the amended return results in a change in income or a change in the distribution of any income or other information provided to partners or shareholders, an amended Schedule K–1 (Form PTE) must also be filed with the amended Form PTE and a copy given to each partner or shareholder. Check Item E(2) on each Schedule K–1 to indicate that it is an amended Schedule K–1. Internal Revenue Service Audit Adjustments—Partnerships and partners must report final federal adjustments arising from a partnership level audit or an administrative adjustment request and make any required payments no later than ninety (90) days after the final determination date by filing with the department a completed federal adjustments report. Use Form PTE or prior year’s Form 765 for reporting federal audit adjustments, check the Amended Return box, and attach the complete Revenue Agent Report (RAR) and all other information required by the department. An audited partnership must also notify each of its direct partners of their distributive share of the final federal adjustments, including all information required by the department, and it must file an amended withholding return for direct partners as required under KRS 141.206 and pay the additional amount of tax that would have been due had the final federal adjustments been reported properly as required. No later than Page 9 of 24 180 days after the final determination date, each direct partner taxed under KRS 141.020 or KRS 141.040 must file a federal adjustments report showing their distributive share of the adjustments reported to them by the partnership and pay any additional tax due as if final federal adjustments had been properly reported, plus any applicable penalty and interest. The direct and indirect partners of an audited partnership that are tiered partners and all of the partners of those tiered partners that are subject to tax under KRS 141.020 and 141.040 are subject to these reporting and payment requirements. If an audited partnership properly reports final federal adjustments within 90 days of the final determination date, it may make an election to pay, within 180 days of the final determination date, an amount in lieu of taxes, as determined under KRS 141.211(4)(b), owed by its direct and indirect partners. S-Corporations must report and pay income tax due resulting from final federal adjustments arising from any action by the Internal Revenue Service or reported by the taxpayer on a timely filed amended federal income tax return by filing a federal adjustments report with the department for the reviewed year and, if applicable, paying any additional tax owed within 180 days after the final determination date. Use Form PTE or prior year’s Form 720S for reporting federal audit adjustments, check the Amended Return box, and attach the complete Revenue Agent Report (RAR) and all other information required by the department. The department may assess any amount of tax, interest, and penalties due arising from the federal adjustments for a timely filed federal adjustments report or amended Kentucky tax return up to one year following the date the federal adjustments report or amended Kentucky return was filed. If a taxpayer fails to file the federal adjustments report, or the filed federal adjustment report omits final federal adjustments or understates the correct amount of tax owed, the department may assess any amounts of tax, interest, and penalties arising from the federal adjustments up to six years following the final determination date. A taxpayer may request a refund or credit of tax arising from federal adjustments made by the IRS by the later of four years after the date the tax was paid or up to one year from the date the federal adjustments report was required to be reported to the department. KRS 141.210, KRS 141.211, KRS 141.235, and KRS 134.580 Mail returns with federal audit adjustments (RAR) to: Corporate Governmental Programs Section P. O. Box 1074, Station 68 Frankfort, KY 40602-1074 Interest — Interest at the ta x interest rate plus t wo percent is applied to corporation income and LLET liabilities not paid by the date prescribed by law for filing the return (determined without regard to extensions thereof). See page 2 for the current year rate. PTE (2024) INSTRUCTIONS Penalties—Refer below. Failure to file a Kentucky Pass-Through Entity Income Tax and LLET Return by the filing date including extensions—2 percent of the tax due for each 30 days or fraction thereof that the return is late (maximum 20 percent). The minimum penalty is $10 for each tax. KRS 131.180(1) Failure to pay at least 75 percent of income tax and/or LLET determined due by the payment due date—2 percent of the tax due for each 30 days or fraction thereof that the payment is overdue (maximum 20 percent). The minimum penalty is $10 for each tax. KRS 131.180(2) Failure to make estimated installments, pay an estimated installment in full, or pay estimated installments timely—The addition to tax is considered a penalty under KRS 141.044. The underpayment rate is the tax interest rate plus 2 percent identified under KRS 131.183. KRS 141.044 • Page 10 of 24 End on the last day of the calendar month ending nearest to the last day of the 52/53-week tax year. Item A—Check the box that applies to the entity type filing this return. Item B—Enter the pass-through entity’s federal identification number (FEIN). See federal Publication 583 if the pass-through entity has not obtained this number. Item C—Enter the six-digit Kentucky Corporation/LLET Account Number on the applicable line at the top of each form and schedule and on all checks and correspondence. This number was included in correspondence received from the Department of Revenue at the time of registration. Using an incorrect account number, such as an account number for withholding or sales and use tax or the Kentucky Secretary of State organization number, may result in the payment and/or return being credited to another taxpayer’s account. Failure or refusal to file a Kentucky Pass-Through Entity Income Tax and LLET Return or furnish information requested in writing—5 percent of the tax assessed for each 30 days or fraction thereof that the return is not filed or the information is not submitted (maximum 50 percent). The minimum penalty is $100. KRS 131.180(3) If the Kentucky Corporation/LLET Account Number is not known, complete Form 20A100, “Declaration of Representative,” and contact Registration at 502–564–3306 for instructions on how to obtain an account number. Negligence—10 percent of the tax assessed. KRS 131.180(6) If the pass-through entity is exempt from LLET, enter one of the following two–digit codes in the space provided. Failure to include a valid code will delay the processing of the tax return and may result in a tax notice for assessment of tax, penalties, and interest. Fraud—50 percent of the tax assessed. KRS 131.180(7) Cost of Collection Fees—Fee percentage determined per KRS 131.440(1)(a) on all taxes which become due and owing for any reporting period, regardless of when due. These collection fees are in addition to all other penalties provided by law. KRS 131.440(1)(a) Records Retention—The Department of Revenue deems acceptable virtually any records retention system which results in an essentially unalterable method of records storage and retrieval, provided: (a) authorized Department of Revenue personnel are granted access, including any specialized equipment; (b) taxpayer maintains adequate back–up; and (c) taxpayer maintains documentation to verify the retention system is accurate and complete. FORM PTE—SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS Period Covered—File the 2024 return for calendar year 2024 and fiscal years that begin in 2024. For a fiscal year, fill in the taxable period beginning and ending at the top of Form PTE. NOTE: For 52/53 week filers, fill in the taxable period beginning and ending dates as specified below: • Begin on the first day of the calendar month beginning nearest to the first day of the 52/53-week tax year. Item D—LLET Exemption Code REASON CODE REASON 10 A public service corporation subject to tax under KRS 136.120. (S corporations only) 12 A property or facility which has been certified as a fluidized bed energy production facility as defined in KRS 211.390. 13 An alcohol production facility as defined in KRS 247.910. 18 21 A personal service corporation as defined in § 269A(b)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code. (S corporations only) A qualified investment partnership as defined in KRS 141.206(14)(a). NOTE: LLET Exempt codes are not applicable to general partnerships. PTE (2024) INSTRUCTIONS Item E—Income Tax Exemption Code If the pass-through entity is exempt from income tax, enter the following two–digit code in the space provided. Failure to include a valid code will delay the processing of the tax return and may result in a tax notice for assessment of tax, penalties, and interest. REASON CODE 22 Item F—3–Factor Apportionment Codes If the entity is defined in KRS 141.121 and required to use a three (3)-factor apportionment, it must enter one of the following two-digit codes in the space provided. These entities continue to use a three (3)-factor apportionment formula as provided in KRS 141.901 for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2018. Failure to include a valid code will delay the processing of the tax return and may result in a tax notice for assessment of tax, penalties, and interest. REASON CODE Revenue Service to change its taxable year, attach a copy of the document. • Amended Return—This is an amended tax return. Provide an explanation of all changes in Part V—Explanation of Amended Return Changes. • Short–period Return—This return is for a period of less than one year and not an initial return or a final return. Check the appropriate box in Part IV—Explanation of Final Return and/ or Short-Period Return. • Final Return—This is the pass-through entity’s final Kentucky tax return. Check the appropriate box in Part IV—Explanation of Final Return and/or Short-Period Return. REASON This return contains only the LLET as the S corporation is exempt from income tax as provided by Public Law 86–272. 3–FACTOR APPORTIONMENT CODES 31 Communications service as defined in KRS 136.602; 32 Cable service as defined in KRS 136.602; 33 Internet service as defined in 47 U.S.C. sec. 151; or 34 Other (attach statement) Item G—Check the applicable boxes: • Publicly Traded Partnership—The pass-through entity is a publicly traded partnership as provided by KRS 141.0401(6) (b)(14). • Qualified Investment Partnership—The pass-through entity is a qualified investment partnership per KRS 141.206(14)(a). • LLC—The pass-through entity is a Limited Liability Company (LLC). • LP—The pass-through entity is a Limited Partnership (LP). • LLP—The pass-through entity is a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP). • Initial Return—This is the pass-through entity’s first Kentucky tax return filed. Complete questions 1 and 2 on Schedule Q—Questionnaire. • Change of Accounting Period—The entity has changed its accounting period since it filed its prior year Kentucky tax return. Attach a statement to the tax return showing the entity’s taxable year end before the change and the new taxable year end. If the entity received written approval from the Internal Page 11 of 24 Item H—Enter the number of K-1’s issued or received and the number of owners included in this return. Name and Address—Print or type the pass-through entity’s name as set forth in the charter or articles of organization. For the address, include the suite, room, or other unit number after the street address. If the U.S. Postal Service does not deliver mail to the street address and the entity has a P.O. Box, show the box number instead of the street address. Change of Name—Check the box if the pass-through entity’s name has changed since the filing of the prior year Kentucky tax return. Attach a statement to the tax return providing the pass-through entity’s name reflected on the prior year Kentucky tax return. Telephone Number—Enter the business telephone number of the principal officer or chief accounting officer signing this return. State of Organization—Enter the state of organization. Date of Organization—Enter the date of organization. Principal Business Activity in Kentucky—Enter the entity’s principal business activity in Kentucky. North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS)— Enter your six–digit NAICS code. To view a complete listing of NAICS codes, visit the Census Bureau at https://www.census. gov/naics/ . PART I—ORDINARY INCOME (LOSS) COMPUTATION Line 1—Enter the amount from federal Form 1120S, Line 22, or Form 1065, Line 23 ordinary income (loss) from trade or business activities. Attach Form 1120S or Form 1065, all pages. Additions to Federal Ordinary Income—Lines 2 through 10 itemize additional income or disallowed deductions which are differences between federal ordinary income and Kentucky ordinary income. Line 2—Enter state taxes measured in whole or in part by gross or net income. “State” means any state of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, any territory or possession of the United States or any foreign country or political subdivision thereof. Attach a schedule reflecting the total taxes deducted on federal Form 1120S or 1065. KRS 141.039(2)(c) PTE (2024) INSTRUCTIONS Page 12 of 24 Line 3— See instructions on page 5 regarding depreciation and IRC §179 deduction differences, and if applicable, include the total of depreciation amounts from Form 1120S, Line 14 or Form 1065, Line 16(a), Form 1125-A and elsewhere on the return (do not include the IRC §179 deduction). If federal Form 4562 is required to be filed for federal income tax purposes, a copy must be attached. Line 16—Enter Kentucky allowable depletion using Kentucky taxable income and deductions. If the depletion is the same for both federal and Kentucky, do not make an entry on this line. To determine the allowable depletion deduction for Kentucky purposes, the percentage limitations per the IRC must be applied using Kentucky taxable income and deductions. Line 4—Enter related party expense additions from Schedule RPC, Part II, Section B, Line 1. Line 17—Enter the difference of the federal distributive share income amounts from federal Schedule(s) K-1 in excess of Kentucky distributive share amounts from Kentucky Schedule(s) K-1. Line 5—Enter the federal loss from federal Form 1120S, Line 4 or federal Form 1065, Line 6. If the loss from Form 4797, Line 17 is the same for both federal and Kentucky, do not make an entry on this line. Line 6—Enter the Kentucky gain from Kentucky Form 4797, Line 17. If the gain from Form 4797, Line 17 is the same for both federal and Kentucky, do not make an entry on this line. Line 7—Enter federal allowable depletion from federal Form 1120S, Line 15 or federal Form 1065, Line 17. Do not deduct depletion for oil and gas properties as each partner, member, or shareholder figures depletion on oil and gas properties. If the depletion is the same for both federal and Kentucky, do not make an entry on this line. Line 8—Enter the difference of the Kentucky distributive share income amounts from Kentucky Schedule(s) K-1 in excess of federal distributive share amounts from federal Schedule(s) K-1. Line 9—Enter the addition to federal taxable income equal to the excess of Kentucky taxable income over federal taxable income resulting from amendments to the IRC (excluding amendments affecting depreciation and the IRC §179 deduction) subsequent to the applicable IRC date. Attach a schedule to the tax return showing the detail of the addition, including the related IRC section(s). Line 18—Enter the subtraction from federal taxable income equal to the excess of federal taxable income over Kentucky taxable income resulting from amendments to the IRC (excluding amendments affecting depreciation and the IRC §179 deduction) subsequent to the applicable IRC date. Attach a schedule to the tax return showing the detail of the subtraction, including the related IRC section(s). Line 19—Enter any other subtractions from federal income not reported on Lines 12 through 18, and attach an explanation to the tax return. Line 20—Enter the total of Lines 12 through 19. Line 21—Subtract Line 20 from Line 11. PART II—LLET COMPUTATION General Partnerships—Part II—LLET COMPUTATION is not required. Except for Schedule L, Sections C, D, and E, the rest of the return and schedules must be completed. Line 1—Enter the amount from Schedule L, Section E, Line 1. Line 10—Enter any other additions to federal income not reported on Lines 2 through 9, and attach an explanation to the tax return. Line 2—Enter the sum of all tax credit recapture amounts from Schedule RC–R, Line 12, Form 8874(K)-B, Line 3, and/or Schedule DS, page 2, Line 10. Attach Schedule RC–R, Form 8874(K)-B and/or Schedule DS. Line 11—Enter the total of Lines 1 through 10. Line 3—Enter the total of Lines 1 and 2. Subtractions from Federal Ordinary Income—Lines 12 through 19 itemize additional deductions allowed which are differences between federal ordinary income and Kentucky ordinary income. Line 4—Enter the nonrefundable LLET credit from Kentucky Schedule(s) K–1. Copies of Kentucky Schedule(s) K–1 must be attached to the tax return in order to claim the credit. Line 12—Reserved for future use. Line 5—Enter the total nonrefundable tax credits from Schedule TCS, Part III, Column E, Line 1 (attach Schedule TCS). Line 13—Enter Kentucky depreciation (do not include IRC §179 deduction). See instructions on page 5 regarding depreciation and IRC §179 deduction differences, and if applicable, Kentucky Form 4562 must be attached. Line 14—Enter the federal gain from federal Form 1120S, Line 4 or federal Form 1065, Line 6. If the gain from Form 4797, Line 17 is the same for both federal and Kentucky, do not make an entry on this line. Line 15—Enter the Kentucky loss from Kentucky Form 4797, Line 17. If the loss from Form 4797, Line 17 is the same for both federal and Kentucky, do not make an entry on this line. Line 6—Enter the greater of Line 3 less Lines 4 and 5, or $175 minimum. Line 7—Enter the total estimated LLET payments made for the taxable year. Do not include the amount credited from the prior year. PTE (2024) INSTRUCTIONS Page 13 of 24 Line 8—Enter the total refundable tax credits from Schedule TCS, Part IV, Line 4 (attach Schedule TCS). Line 1—Enter tax from the Excess Net Passive Income Tax Worksheet, Line 13. (See instructions and worksheet on page 19.) Line 9—Reserved for future use. If the S corporation has accumulated earnings and profits at the close of its tax year, has passive investment income for the tax year that is in excess of twenty-five percent of gross receipts, and has excess passive income, the S corporation must pay a tax on the excess net passive income per KRS 141.040(4)(c). Complete Lines 1 through 3 and Line 9 of the worksheet on page 19 to make this determination. If Line 2 is greater than Line 3 and the S corporation has taxable income (see instructions for Line 9 of worksheet), it must pay the tax. Attach completed worksheet to the return. Line 10—Enter the amount of LLET paid with Form 720EXT, Extension of Time to File Kentucky Corporation/LLET Return. Line 11—Enter the amount credited to 2024 LLET from Form PTE, Part II, Line 21 of the 2023 return. Line 12—Enter the income tax overpayment from Part III, Line 13 credited to the 2024 LLET. If filing an amended return, enter the amount from the original return. Line 13—Enter the LLET paid on the original return. This line is used only when filing an amended return. Line 14—Enter the LLET overpayment on the original return. This line is used only when filing an amended return. Line 15—Enter the Estimated Tax Penalty and attach Form 2220-K. Line 16—If the total of Lines 6, 14, and 15 is greater than the total of Lines 7 through 13, enter the LLET due on this line and pay the amount due by the prescribed due date. Note: For entities with tax due on project income carried from Schedules KREDA-SP, KIDA-SP, KIRA-SP, KJDA-SP, KRA-SP, KJRA_SP, IEBA-SP, KBI-SP, and FON-SP, add the tax due from specified credit schedule(s) to the tax due line. Line 17—If the total of Lines 6, 14, and 15 is less than the total of Lines 7 through 13, enter the difference on this line as a positive number. Line 18—If an underpayment exists on Part III, Line 11, Income tax due, enter the portion of the overpayment on Line 17 to be credited to the 2024 corporation income tax. Enter the amount on this line and on Part III, Line 8. Line 19—If Line 17 reflects an overpayment, enter the portion of Line 17 to be credited to 2024 LLET interest due. Line 20—If Line 17 reflects an overpayment, enter the portion of Line 17 to be credited to the 2024 LLET late file/pay penalty due. Line 21—If Line 17 reflects an overpayment, enter the portion of Line 17 to be credited to 2025 LLET. Line 22—If Line 17 reflects an overpayment, enter the portion of Line 17 to be refunded (Line 17 less Lines 18 through 21). PART III – INCOME TAX COMPUTATION For S Corporations: Complete Lines 1 through 3 Partnerships: If checking the box, the Partnership elects to pay the tax on behalf of its partners due to an IRS audit per KRS 141.211(4). Skip to Line 4 Line 2—Enter the built–in gains tax from the Built–In Gains Tax Worksheet, Line 8. Attach completed worksheet to the return. (See instructions and worksheet on page 19.) If the S corporation for the taxable year has built-in gains per IRC §1374, the S corporation must pay a built-in gains tax as provided by KRS 141.040(4)(c). IRC §1374 provides that the built-in gains tax may apply to the following S corporations: (1) An S corporation that was a C corporation before it elected to be an S corporation; or (2) An S corporation that acquired an asset with a basis determined (in whole or in part) by reference to its basis (or the basis of any other property) in the hands of a C corporation per IRC §1374(d)(8). An S corporation may owe tax if it has net recognized built-in gain during the applicable recognition period. The applicable recognition period is the five (5) year period beginning: (1) For an asset held when the S corporation was a C corporation, on the first day of the first tax year for which the corporation is an S corporation; or (2) For an asset with a basis determined by reference to its basis (or the basis of any other property) in the hands of the C corporation, on the date the asset was acquired by the S corporation. A corporation must compute the built-in gains tax separately for the group of assets it held at the time its S election became effective and for each group of assets it acquired from a C corporation with the basis determined (in whole or in part) by reference to the basis of the asset (or any other property) in hands of the C corporation. For details, see §1.1374-8 of the Treasury Regulations. Line 3—Enter the amount of Tax installment on LIFO recapture. The first installment is paid on the C corporation’s final return, and the remaining three installments are paid on the S corporation’s first three tax returns. Attach a schedule showing the amounts and dates of the installments paid by the S corporation. Line 4—Total S Corporation: Enter the total of Lines 1 through 3, but not less than zero. Partnership: Enter the tax due that the partnership elects to pay on behalf of its partners resulting from an IRS audit. Line 5—Enter the total of the estimated income tax payments made for the taxable year. Do not include the amount credited from the prior year. PTE (2024) INSTRUCTIONS Line 6—Enter the amount of income tax paid with Form 720EXT, Extension of Time to File Kentucky Corporation/LLET Return. Line 7—Enter the amount credited to the 2024 income tax from Form PTE, Part III, Line 16 of the 2023 return. Line 8—Enter the LLET overpayment credited to the 2024 income tax from Part II, Line 18. If filing an amended return, enter the amount from the original return. Line 9—Enter the income tax paid on the original return. This line is used only when filing an amended return. Page 14 of 24 A pass-through entity must use Form PTE(K), Kentucky Schedule K For Pass-Through Entities With Economic Development Project(s), if the pass-through entity has one or more projects under the Kentucky Rural Economic Development Act (KREDA), Kentucky Industrial Development Act (KIDA), Kentucky Jobs Retention Agreement (KJRA), Kentucky Industrial Revitalization Act (KIRA), Kentucky Jobs Development Act (KJDA), Kentucky Business Investment Program (KBI), Kentucky Reinvestment Act (KRA), Incentives for Energy-related Business Act (IEBA), or Farming Operation Networking Project (FON). Section A—Income (Loss) and Deductions Line 10—Enter the income tax overpayment on the original return. This line is used only when filing an amended return. Line 1—Enter Kentucky ordinary income (loss) from Form PTE, Part I, Line 21. Line 11—If the total of Lines 4 and 10 is greater than the total of Lines 5 through 9, enter the difference on this line and pay the amount due by the prescribed due date. Line 2—Enter net income (loss) from rental real estate activities reported on federal Schedule K, Form 1120S or Form 1065, adjusted to reflect any differences in Kentucky and federal income tax laws. Attach federal Form 8825. Line 12—If the total of Lines 4 and 10 is less than the total of Lines 5 through 9, enter the difference on this line as a positive number. Line 13— If an underpayment exists on Part II, Line 16, LLET due, enter the portion of the overpayment on Line 12 to be credited to the 2024 LLET. Enter the amount on this line and on Part II, Line 12. Line 14— If Line 12 reflects an overpayment, enter the portion of Line 12 to be credited to 2024 corporation income tax interest due. Line 15— If Line 12 reflects an overpayment, enter the portion of Line 12 to be credited to the 2024 corporation income tax late file/ pay penalty due. Line 16— If Line 12 reflects an overpayment, enter the portion of Line 12 to be credited to 2025 corporation income tax. Line 17— If Line 12 reflects an overpayment, enter the portion of Line 12 to be refunded (Line 12 less Lines 13 through 16). PART IV—EXPLANATION OF FINAL RETURN AND/OR SHORT– PERIOD RETURN If a final return and/or short-period return is being filed, check the box next to the reason why the return was filed. If the box for Other is checked, please provide details in the space provided. PART V—EXPLANATION OF AMENDED RETURN CHANGES If an amended return is being filed, please provide a detailed explanation for any return changes in the space provided. If additional space is needed, attach a supporting statement. SCHEDULE Q—Answer all applicable questions on Schedule Q. SCHEDULE K (FORM PTE) General Instructions—Complete all applicable lines by entering the total pro rata share amount for each item listed. Federal instructions for Form 1120S or 1065 and federal Schedule K provide additional information which will assist the pass-through entity in completing Schedule K, Form PTE. Line 3(a)—Enter the gross income from other rental activities reported on federal Schedule K, Form 1120S or Form 1065. Line 3(b)—Enter the expenses from other rental activities reported on federal Schedule K, Form 1120S or Form 1065, adjusted to reflect any differences in Kentucky and federal income tax laws. Line 3(c)—Enter the difference of Line 3(a) and Line 3(b). Line 4(a)—Enter interest income from federal Schedule K, Form 1120S or Form 1065, adjusted to exclude tax-exempt U.S. government interest, if any, and to include interest income from obligations of states other than Kentucky and their political subdivisions. Lines 4(b) and 4(c)—Enter the amount of dividend and royalty income reported on federal Schedule K, Form 1120S or Form 1065. Line 4(d)—See instructions on page 5 regarding differences in gain or loss from disposition of assets, and if applicable, enter the amount from Line 7 of the Kentucky Schedule D that is portfolio income. Report any gain or loss that is not portfolio income on Line 7, Schedule K, Form PTE. Kentucky Schedule D must be attached to Form PTE. Otherwise, enter the amount from Line 7 of the federal Schedule D (Form 1120S or Form 1065) that is portfolio income. Line 4(e)—See instructions on page 5 regarding differences in gain or loss from disposition of assets, and if applicable, enter the amount from Line 15 of the Kentucky Schedule D that is portfolio income. Report any gain or loss that is not portfolio income on Line 7, Schedule K, Form PTE. Kentucky Schedule D must be attached to Form PTE. Otherwise, enter the amount from Line 15 of the federal Schedule D (Form 1120S or Form 1065) that is portfolio income. Line 4(f)—Enter any other portfolio income not reported on Lines 4(a) through 4(e), Schedule K, Form PTE. Line 5—Partnerships Only—Enter guaranteed payments to partners. PTE (2024) INSTRUCTIONS Line 6—See instructions on page 5 regarding differences in gain or loss from disposition of assets. If applicable, enter the amount from Line 7 of the Kentucky Form 4797, and Kentucky Form 4797 must be attached to Form PTE. Otherwise, enter net gain (loss) under IRC §1231 from federal Form 4797. Do not include net gains (losses) from involuntary conversions due to casualties or thefts on this line. Instead, report them on Kentucky Schedule K, Line 7. Line 7—Enter all other items of income (loss) of the pass-through entity not included on Lines 1 through 6. See federal instructions for Schedule K, Form 1120S or Form 1065. Line 8—Enter total contributions paid by the pass-through entity during its taxable year and attach a schedule showing separately the contributions subject to the 50 percent, 30 percent, and 20 percent limitations. These percentage limitations must be applied to the Kentucky amounts rather than the federal amounts. Line 9—See instructions on page 5 regarding depreciation and IRC §179 deduction differences, and if applicable, include the amount from Line 12 of the Kentucky Form 4562. Kentucky Form 4562 must be attached. Otherwise, enter IRC §179 deduction from federal Form 4562. Page 15 of 24 CR—Certified Rehabilitation tax credit per KRS 171.397; attach a copy of the Kentucky Heritage Council certification(s). UTC—Kentucky Unemployment tax credit per KRS 141.065; attach Schedule UTC. RC—Recycling/Composting Equipment tax credit per KRS 141.390
Form PTE Instructions
More about the Kentucky Form PTE Instructions Corporate Income Tax TY 2024
Pass Through Entity Tax - Instructions
We last updated the Kentucky Pass-Through Entity Income and LLET Return - Instructions in February 2025, so this is the latest version of Form PTE Instructions, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form PTE Instructions directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Kentucky tax forms here.
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TaxFormFinder has an additional 129 Kentucky income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.
View all 130 Kentucky Income Tax Forms
Form Sources:
Kentucky usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Kentucky Form PTE Instructions from the Department of Revenue in February 2025.
About the Corporate Income Tax
The IRS and most states require corporations to file an income tax return, with the exact filing requirements depending on the type of company.
Sole proprietorships or disregarded entities like LLCs are filed on Schedule C (or the state equivalent) of the owner's personal income tax return, flow-through entities like S Corporations or Partnerships are generally required to file an informational return equivilent to the IRS Form 1120S or Form 1065, and full corporations must file the equivalent of federal Form 1120 (and, unlike flow-through corporations, are often subject to a corporate tax liability).
Additional forms are available for a wide variety of specific entities and transactions including fiduciaries, nonprofits, and companies involved in other specific types of business.
Historical Past-Year Versions of Kentucky Form PTE Instructions
We have a total of five past-year versions of Form PTE Instructions in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:
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While we do our best to keep our list of Kentucky Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.