Kentucky Inheritance & Estate Tax Forms and Instructions Packet

Form 92A200P is obsolete, and is no longer supported by the Kentucky Department of Revenue.
Extracted from PDF file 2019-kentucky-form-92a200p.pdf, last modified February 2018Inheritance & Estate Tax Forms and Instructions Packet
Kentucky Inheritance and Estate Tax Forms and Instructions COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE For Dates of Death on or After January 1, 2005 (Revised February, 2018) Kentucky Department of Revenue Mission Statement As part of the Finance and Administration Cabinet, the mission of the Kentucky Department of Revenue is to administer tax laws, collect revenue, and provide services in a fair, courteous, and efficient manner for the benefit of the Commonwealth and its citizens. * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Kentucky Department of Revenue does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, genetic information or ancestry in employment or the provision of services. NOTICE If all taxable assets pass to exempt beneficiaries and a Federal Estate and Gift Tax Return is not required, it is not necessary to file an Inheritance Tax Return with the Kentucky Department of Revenue. An affidavit of exemption will be accepted for the final settlement and closing of the administration of an estate. If inheritance tax is due the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Form 92A200 or 92A205 should be used. The affidavit of exemption is to be filed only with the court. Do not send a copy of the affidavit to the Kentucky Department of Revenue. Sample Affidavit of Exemption AFFIDAVIT OF EXEMPTION Affiant ____________________________ , being first duly sworn, states that he/she is fiduciary or beneficiary of the estate of _______________________________ , who died on the _______ day of __________________ , _______ , a resident of _________________________ County, Kentucky. Affiant states that all assets of the estate pass to exempt beneficiaries pursuant to Kentucky Revised Statute 140.080* or exempt organizations pursuant to Kentucky Revised Statute 140.060** either by virtue of the decedent’s will, the intestate laws of this state, or by contract (survivorship, payable on death, trust, etc.). Affiant further states that a Kentucky Inheritance Tax Return will not be filed since no death tax is due the state and a Federal Estate and Gift Tax Return (Form 706) is not required to be filed because the gross estate is less than the required amount set out in Section 2010(c) of the Internal Revenue Code. This affidavit is being submitted to satisfy the requirements of Kentucky Revised Statute 395.605. __________________________________________________________ Signature Witness my hand this ________ day of __________________________ , __________ . Sworn and subscribed to before me by _____________________________________ this _______ day of ____________________________________________ , __________ . ______________________________________________________ Notary Public My commission expires______________________________________ *Exempt beneficiaries under KRS 140.080 include spouse, children, stepchildren, grandchildren, parent, brother, and sister. **Exempt organizations include educational, religious or other institutions, societies, or associations, whose sole purpose is to carry on charitable, educational, or religious work. Also, cities, towns or public institutions in this state qualify as exempt organizations provided that any transfer to such an organization is for public purposes. WHAT’S INCLUDED INHERITANCE AND ESTATE TAX FORMS No Tax Due Return (resident and nonresident) and Instructions (Form 92A201) Inheritance Tax Return (resident and nonresident) (Form 92A200) Inheritance Tax Return (short form) (resident and nonresident) (Form 92A205) Real Estate Valuation Information Form (Form 92A204) Election to Qualify Terminable Interest Property and/or Power of Appointment Property (Form 92A936) Election to Defer the Payment of Inheritance Tax Through Installments (Form 92A928) Affidavit of Exemption (Form 92A300) Inheritance Tax Table for Resident Decedent Inheritance Tax Table for Nonresident Decedent Blanket Consent GENERAL INFORMATION Supplemental Documents............................................................................................................................................... 1 Payment of Tax Discount........................................................................................................................................................................ 1 Installment Payments................................................................................................................................................... 1 Interest........................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Penalties........................................................................................................................................................................ 1 Property to be Included on the Return........................................................................................................................... 1 Valuation of Property—Fair Cash and Agricultural........................................................................................................ 2 Deductions........................................................................................................................................................................ 2 Federal Estate Tax............................................................................................................................................................. 2 Qualified Terminable Interest Property (QTIP) and/or Powers of Appointment (POA)............................................... 2 Property Previously Taxed............................................................................................................................................... 2 Example of Credit for Previously Taxed Property.......................................................................................................... 3 Distribution....................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Exemptions for Beneficiaries of a Resident Decedent.................................................................................................. 4 Exemptions for Beneficiaries of a Nonresident Decedent............................................................................................ 5 Bequest of T ax.................................................................................................................................................................. 5 Property Set Aside Under KRS 391.030(1)(c).................................................................................................................. 5 Estate Tax................................................................................................................................................................... 5 & 6 Value of a Life Estate........................................................................................................................................................ 6 Amended Return.............................................................................................................................................................. 7 Acceptance Letter............................................................................................................................................................. 7 Protest and Appeal........................................................................................................................................................... 7 Helpful Hints Where to Obtain Assistance......................................................................................................................................... 7 Reporting of Intangible Property Tax........................................................................................................................... 7 Fiduciary Return........................................................................................................................................................... 7 Office of the Taxpayer Ombudsman............................................................................................................................ 7 Website for Forms......................................................................................................................................................... 7 Definitions.................................................................................................................................................................. 8 & 9 Taxpayer Service Centers Locations and Phone Numbers......................................................................................... 10 Kentucky Taxpayers Bill of Rights........................................................................................................ inside back cover INHERITANCE AND ESTATE TAX FORMS IN THIS PACKET The forms in this packet should only be used if the date of death occurred on or after January 1, 2005. The forms may be duplicated on a computer and the space allocated for each item may be decreased or increased depending on the amount of space required. The forms may be used for a decedent who was a resident or a nonresident of Kentucky. If all taxable assets pass to exempt beneficiaries and a Federal Estate and Gift Tax Return is not required, it is not necessary to file an Inheritance Tax Return with the Kentucky Department of Revenue (DOR). An Affidavit of Exemption will be accepted for the final settlement and closing of the administration of an estate. If inheritance tax or estate tax is due the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Form 92A200 or 92A205 should be used. If the date of death occurred prior to January 1, 2005, contact the Financial Tax Section, Department of Revenue, Station 61, 501 High Street, Frankfort, KY 40601-2103, (502) 564-4810, fax (502) 564-2695. Three forms are included in this booklet. Choose one unless an Affidavit of Exemption is used. 1. No Tax Due Return (Form 92A201) This return may be used for an estate (Kentucky resident or nonresident) if: (1) there is no Kentucky inheritance tax due, (2) the date of death is on or after January 1, 2005, and (3) the entire estate passes to beneficiaries listed in the following group either by contract (survivorship, payable on death, trust, etc.), the decedents will, or the intestate laws of this state: (1) Surviving spouse, parent (2) Child (adult or infant) child by blood, stepchild, child adopted during infancy, or child adopted during adulthood who was reared by the decedent during infancy (3) Grandchild issue of child, stepchild, child adopted during infancy, or of a child adopted during adulthood who was reared by decedent during infancy (4) Brother, sister (whole or half) ➤ Refer to KRS 140.080 for (1) through (4) above (5) Exempt organizations—Refer to KRS 140.060 Exempt organizations include educational, religious or other institutions, societies, or associations, whose sole purpose is to carry on charitable, educational, or religious work. Also, cities, towns or public institutions in this state qualify as exempt organizations provided that any transfer to such an organization is for public purposes. 2. Inheritance Tax Return (Form 92A200) This return must be used for an estate (resident or nonresident) when: (1) the date of death is on or after January 1, 2005, and (2) any assets of the estate pass to taxable beneficiaries or taxable organizations, or when Forms 92A201 and 92A205 do not apply. Instructions are on the back of each schedule. 3. Inheritance Tax Return (Short Form) (Form 92A205) This return may be used for an estate (Kentucky resident or nonresident) when : (1) a federal estate tax return is not required to be filed, (2) the assets of the estate consist of 10 items or less, (3) no gifts or transfers where made within three years of death without full consideration, (4) no real or personal property was transferred with a retained life interest, (5) the decedent did not possess any power to appoint any real or personal property or have the use of any qualified terminable interest property, and (6) the decedent had not received any real or personal property from another decedent within five years and paid inheritance tax on the property. 92A201 (6-16) Kentucky Inheritance Tax Return Commonwealth of Kentucky DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE NO TAX DUE FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY 4 6 __ __ __ __ __ __ / __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ Account Number Tax Mo Year This return may be used if: (1) there is no Kentucky inheritance tax due, (2) the date of death is on or after January 1, 2005, and (3) the entire estate passes to beneficiaries listed in the following groups either by contract (survivorship, payable on death, trust, etc.), the decedent’s will, or the intestate laws of this state: (1) Surviving spouse, parent (2) Child (adult or infant) child by blood, stepchild, child adopted during infancy, or a child adopted during adulthood who was reared by decedent during infancy (3) Grandchild issue of child by blood, stepchild, child adopted during infancy, or of a child adopted during adulthood who was reared by decedent during infancy (4) Brother, sister (whole or half) ➤ Refer to KRS 140.080 for (1) through (4) above (5) Exempt organizations—Refer to KRS 140.060 Exempt organizations include educational, religious or other institutions, societies, or associations, whose sole purpose is to carry on charitable, educational, or religious work. Also, cities, towns or public institutions in this state qualify as exempt organizations provided that any transfer to such an organization is for public purposes. Decedent’s Name Last First Middle Initial Date of Death Social Security Number Occupation (If decedent was retired Age at Death at death, state occupation prior to retirement.) Cause of Death HR Code Number (if known) Residence (Domicile) at Time of Death Number and Street City Name and Address of Executor/Administrator/Beneficiary State Exec Atty Admr CPA ________ ________ ZIP Code County Name and Address of Preparer Did the decedent have a will? No Yes If Yes, attach a copy of the will. Did the decedent have a trust agreement? No Yes If Yes, attach a copy of the trust agreement. Filing status of Federal Estate and Gift Tax Return for this estate (check one): Not Required Required (enclose copy) Not Required, but filed for Portability (enclose copy) Schedules for listing property (real and personal) and beneficiaries are on the reverse side of this form. Listing of property is optional. Listing of beneficiaries and their relationship is required. Total Value of Property from Reverse Side ........................................... (optional) ➤ $ ✍ Under criminal penalties, I declare that this return, including accompanying documents, has been examined by me, and is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, correct and complete. ( ) Signature of Executor/Administrator/Beneficiary Date Telephone Number E-mail Address ( ) Signature of Preparer Date Telephone Number Mail to: Kentucky Department of Revenue, Frankfort, Kentucky 40620 E-mail Address 92A201 (6-16) PART I—PROPERTY (Optional Listing) Description and Location of Real or Personal Property Fair Cash Value at Date of Death Total Value of Property ....................................................................................➤ $ PART II—BENEFICIARIES (Must be completed) Name of Beneficiary Relation to Decedent (Required) If all taxable assets pass to exempt beneficiaries and a Federal Estate and Gift Tax Return is not filed, it is not necessary to file an Inheritance Tax Return with the Kentucky Department of Revenue. An affidavit of exemption will be accepted by the courts for the final settlement and closing of the administration of an estate. If inheritance tax is due the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Form 92A200 or 92A205 should be used. 92A200 (6-16) Commonwealth of Kentucky DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY KENTUCKY INHERITANCE TAX RETURN 4 6 __ __ __ __ __ __ / __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ Account Number Tax Requirements for use of this return—This return is to be filed when (1) the date of death is on or after January 1, 2005, (2) any assets of the estate pass to taxable beneficiaries or taxable organizations, (see page 4 of general information) and (3) Forms 92A201 and 92A205 do not apply. Pursuant to KRS 140.190, the beneficiaries as well as the personal representative(s) may be held personally liable for the tax. Decedent’s Name Last First Middle Initial Social Security Number Occupation (If decedent was retired at death, state occupation prior to retirement.) Mo Year Return Status (check one): Original Return Amended Return—Refund Amended Return—Tax Due Age at Death Date of Death Cause of Death HR Code Number Residence (Domicile) at Time of Death Number and Street City State Name and Address of Executor/Administrator/Beneficiary Exec Atty Admr CPA ________ ________ ZIP Code County Name and Address of Preparer Did the decedent have a will? No Yes If Yes, attach a copy of the will. Did the decedent have a trust agreement? No Yes If Yes, attach a copy of the trust agreement. Filing status of Federal Estate and Gift Tax Return for this estate (check one): Not Required Required (enclose copy) Not Required, but filed for Portability (enclose copy) Gross Estate 1. Individually owned assets...................................................................... $ 2. Jointly owned assets.............................................................................. $ 3. Qualified terminable interest property and/or powers of appointment.............................................................. $ 4. Previously taxed property...................................................................... $ 5. Gifts and transfers.................................................................................. $ Total Gross Estate ............................................................................................. $ Deductions 6. Funeral expenses.................................................................................... $ 7. Administration expenses....................................................................... $ 8. Debts of decedent................................................................................... $ 9. Federal estate tax— paid or estimated .................................... $ Total Deductions ................................................................................................ $ Net Estate (Total Gross Estate less Total Deductions) .................................... $ Total Tax Due from Tax Computation Form 92A200 ........................................ $ Interest and Penalty 10. Interest for late payment (see general information)..................................................................... $ 11. Late filing penalty (see general information)................................................................................ $ 12. Late payment penalty (see general information).......................................................................... $ 13. Total Due (tax plus interest and penalties, if applicable)............................................................. $ 14. Total previously paid....................................................................................................................... $ 15. Balance due/Refund ........................................................................................................................ $ Attach check payable to “Kentucky State Treasurer” to this return and mail to Kentucky Department of Revenue, Frankfort, KY 40620 ✍ Under criminal penalties, I declare that this return, including accompanying documents, has been examined by me, and is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, correct and complete. ( ) Signature of Executor/Administrator/Beneficiary Social Security Number Date Telephone Number E-mail Address of Executor/Administrator/Beneficiary ( ) Signature of Preparer Date Telephone Number E-mail Address 92A200 (6-16) Estate of: Page ____ of ____ Individually Owned Assets List in this schedule all items individually owned by the decedent including life insurance payable to the estate. (Please review instructions on reverse side for details.) Item Number Description of Property/Name of Corporation or Obligor/ Name of Bank or Debtor Accrued Rents/ Interest/Dividends Number of Shares 1. Total (including continuation page(s)) (enter on page 1, line 1)................................................ ➤ If additional space is needed, duplicate this page and attach as a continuation page(s). Fair Cash Value on Date of Death INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUALLY OWNED ASSETS All real proper ty individually owned must be lis ted in this schedule. For repor ting agricultural or horticultural land, see General Information—Valuation of Property—Fair Cash and Agricultural. Stocks and bonds individually owned are includable in this schedule. Stock values are determined by using an average of the high and low quoted selling price on the decedent’s date of death. In case of inactive stock such as closely held corporations, explain the method used in computing the value at the date of death. A balance sheet, at a date nearest the decedent’s death, together with a statement of net earnings and dividends paid for the five-year period immediately preceding the date of death, must be supplied in support of these valuations (ex. financial institution’s monthly statement.) Dividends declared and of record in the decedent’s name but not paid prior to death must be included in this schedule. Provide statements, lists, etc. supporting valuation of these assets. United States bonds individually owned as well as those payable upon death to another should be included in this schedule. Indicate series, maturity value and date of purchase of all United States bonds. In some instances, the estate will include stocks and bonds listed on a stock exchange that did not make sales on the date of the decedent’s death. When this occurs, their value must be determined by averaging the high and low for the last working day preceding the date of death and the first working day subsequent to the date of death. For reporting stock of a corporation owning qualified real estate passing to a qualified person(s), see General Information—Valuation of Property—Fair Cash and Agricultural. Mortgages, notes and cash individually owned must be listed in this schedule. List accrued interest to date of death. The description of mortgages and notes must include interest rate, the date the last payment of interest was made preceding the date of the decedent’s death, and the due date of the mortgages or notes. If an account is held out of state, show name and address of financial institution on the tax return. List life insurance payable to the insured or to the estate. Life insurance payable to a designated beneficiary, including a testamentary or inter vivos trustee, is tax-free. List in this schedule other individually owned items of the gross estate, such as debts due decedent; business or partnership (attach balance sheet showing capital accounts); claims, exclusive of those claimed under KRS 411.130 (wrongful death); rights; royalties; leaseholds; judgments; shares in trust funds; contracts; household goods and personal effects, including antiques, jewelry and collections of any type; farm products and growing crops; livestock; farm machinery; automobiles; etc. The value of an annuity or other payment made to a beneficiary of a deceased employee (other than the executor or equivalent) under (1) an exempt trust or qualified nontrusted annuity plan as described by the Internal Revenue Code or (2) a contract purchased by an educational or charitable organization as referred to in Section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii) or (vi) of the Internal Revenue Code or a religious organization exempt from tax under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(a), is taxable in the proportion that the total contributions made by the decedent bears to the total contributions made. The proceeds from a Retired Serviceman’s Family Protection Plan or Survivor Benefit Plan are exempt under KRS 140.015(2). Refer to KRS 140.063(3) and (4) regarding the taxation of individual retirement accounts and annuities as described in Section 408(a) and (b) of the Internal Revenue Code. Lump-sum distributions of an IRA are taxable. All other annuities, including deferred compensation plans, or payments other than those described in the preceding paragraph made to a beneficiary, executor or equivalent, are fully taxable if the decedent retained ownership at death such as the right to name or change the beneficiary and must be listed in this schedule. 92A200 (6-16) Estate of: Jointly Owned Assets Page ____ of ____ List in this schedule all property jointly owned by the decedent and other person(s). (Please review instructions on reverse side for details.) Item Number Description of Property/ Name of Corporation or Obligor/ Name of Bank or Debtor Name of Co-Owner(s) Decedent’s Interest (Fraction or %) Date Placed With or Value of 100% in Joint Without at Date of Death Names Survivorship REQUIRED REQUIRED 1. Total (including continuation page(s))..................................................................................................... ➤ Value of decedent’s interest (enter on page 1, line 2) ......................................................................... ➤ If additional space is needed, duplicate this page and attach as a continuation page(s). INSTRUCTIONS JOINTLY OWNED ASSETS All jointly owned property whether real estate (for reporting agricultural or horticultural land, see General Information—Valuation of Property—Fair Cash and Agricultural), tangible personal property, bank accounts, stocks, bonds, etc., must be reported (see KRS 140.050 below). All property placed in joint ownership by the decedent within three years of the date of death is subject to the tax in its entirety (see KRS 140.020(2) below). However, there is no presumption of contemplation of death as to certificates of deposit jointly owned, and only the percent of ownership of the decedent is taxable (see KRS 140.020(3) below). KRS 140.020(2) reads as follows: Every transfer made within three (3) years prior to the death of the grantor, vendor or donor of a material part of his estate, or in the nature of a final disposition or distribution thereof, and without an adequate valuable consideration, shall be construed prima facie to have been made in contemplation of death within the meaning of this chapter. If a transfer was made more than three (3) years prior to the death of the decedent it shall be a question of fact, to be determined by the proper tribunal, whether the transfer was made in contemplation of death. KRS 140.020(3) reads as follows: There shall be no presumption of contemplation of death as to certificates of deposit jointly owned and all such certificates of deposit shall be taxed pursuant to KRS 140.050. KRS 140.050 reads as follows: Whenever any real or personal property is held jointly in the names of two (2) or more persons, or as tenants by the entirety, or is deposited in banks or other depositories jointly in the names of two (2) or more persons and is payable to either or to the survivor upon the death of the other, the right of the surviving tenant by the entirety or the surviving joint tenant or joint depositor to the immediate ownership or possession and enjoyment of the property shall be deemed a transfer of one-half (1/2) or other proper fraction thereof, taxable under the provisions of this chapter in the same manner as though the part of the property to which the transfer relates belonged to the tenants by the entirety, joint tenants or joint depositors as tenants in common, and had been bequeathed or devised to the surviving tenant by the entirety, joint tenant or joint depositor by the deceased tenant by the entirety, joint tenant or just depositor. For stocks and bonds, a balance sheet, at a date nearest the decedent’s death, together with a statement of net earnings and dividends paid for the five-year period immediately preceding the date of death, must be supplied in support of these valuations (ex. financial institution’s monthly statement.) 92A200 (6-16) Estate of: Qualified Terminable Interest Property and/or Powers of Appointment Page ____ of ____ List in this schedule all items in which the decedent possessed a general power of appointment or property in which a qualified terminable interest property election was made in a prior estate. (Please review instructions on reverse side for details.) Item Number Name of Prior Decedent/ Donor Description of Property/Name of Corporation or Obligor/ Name of Bank or Debtor 1. Total (including continuation page(s)) (enter on page 1, line 3) ......................................➤ If additional space is needed, duplicate this page and attach as a continuation page(s). Fair Cash Value on Date of Death of Present Decedent INSTRUCTIONS QUALIFIED TERMINABLE INTEREST PROPERTY AND/OR POWERS OF APPOINTMENT KRS 140.100(4) requires that the value of a surviving spouse’s interest in a power of appointment trust or in qualified terminable interest property which was exempt as a part of the surviving spouse’s inheritable interest in the first spouse’s estate pursuant to an election made under KRS 140.080(1)(a) is includable in the surviving spouse’s estate.The property is includable at its value on the surviving spouse’s date of death. The personal representative of the decedent’s estate is entitled to recover from the trust or life estate the tax attributable to the trust unless the decedent directs otherwise in his will. Powers of Appointment All property passing under a power of appointment created by will, deed, trust agreement, contract, insurance policy or other instrument must be reported in this schedule whether or not the power of appointment is exercised. For taxation of transfers by power of appointment, refer to KRS 140.040 and 140.100(4). The method of computing the inheritance tax on any power of appointment property as described under KRS 140.040 is irrelevant in both the donor’s and the donee’s estates when such property is elected to be included in the surviving spouse’s total inheritable interest as property which qualifies for the federal estate tax marital deduction under Section 2056(b)(5) or 2056(b)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code. KRS 140.100(4) requires that the trust or life estate for which an election relates be included in the surviving spouse’s estate for Kentucky inheritance tax purposes at its value on the death of the surviving spouse regardless of where spouse is domiciled. If the surviving spouse has the power to appoint the remaindermen of the qualified trust or life estate, the property is taxed to the remaindermen named in the surviving spouse’s will and the rates and exemptions are based on their relationship to the surviving spouse. If the surviving spouse has no power to appoint the remaindermen of the qualified trust or life estate, the property is taxed to the remaindermen named in the first spouse’s will and the rates and exemptions are based on their relationship to the second spouse unless such rates and exemptions prove to increase the tax liability. If this occurs, the beneficiary may use the rates and exemptions in effect at the death of the first spouse. If the first decedent was a nonresident of Kentucky or died prior to July 1, 1985, the trust or life estate is not includable in the surviving spouse’s estate. Qualified Terminable Interest Property For purpose of the spousal exemption, the term total inheritable interest may include at the election of the personal representative (or trustee or transferee, if no personal representative) the entire value of a trust or property in which the surviving spouse was devised a life estate and which otherwise qualifies for the federal estate tax marital deduction under Section 2056(b)(5) or 2056(b)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended through December 31, 1984. The election is irrevocable and must be made on Form 92A936 on or before the due date of the tax return (as extended) or with the first tax return filed, whichever occurs last. It is not necessary that a similar election be made for purposes of the federal estate tax marital deduction or that a Federal Estate and Gift Tax Return be filed. The effect of the election is that the property (interest) will be treated as passing to the surviving spouse for purposes of the spousal exemption. 92A200 (6-16) Estate of: Previously Taxed Property Page ____ of ____ List in this schedule all items owned by the decedent at death that were taxed in a prior estate and the prior decedent having died within five years of this decedent’s date of death. (Please review instructions on reverse side for details.) Item Number Name and Date of Death of Prior Decedent Description of Property/Name of Corporation or Obligor/ Name of Bank or Debtor Amount of Tax Previously Paid 1. Total (including continuation page(s)) (enter on page 1, line 4)............................................ ➤ If additional space is needed, duplicate this page and attach as a continuation page(s). Fair Cash Value on Date of Death of Present Decedent INSTRUCTIONS PREVIOUSLY TAXED PROPERTY (PRIOR DECEDENT TO IMMEDIATE DECEDENT WITHIN FIVE YEARS) List all property owned by the immediate decedent at death that was taxed under the Kentucky Inheritance and Estate Tax Law (KRS Chapter 140) and received from a prior estate, the prior decedent having died within five years of the immediate decedent’s date of death. Property listed in this schedule must be specifically identified as having been so taxed or as having been acquired in exchange for property so taxed. All property correctly listed in this schedule is subject to a tax credit as provided in KRS 140.095. Separate tax credit computations must be made if the decedent paid tax in two or more prior estates. Identify the property previously taxed and take full credit for the tax paid by the immediate decedent in the prior estate. If full credit is not allowable, you will be billed for the additional tax plus applicable interest, if due. The credit is taken on the Tax Computation schedule as a part of this return. The methods used in evaluating property listed in this schedule will be the same as those used in evaluating like property listed in other schedules. Property listed in this schedule must be valued as of the date of the immediate decedent’s death and must not appear in any other schedule. See page 3 of general information for an example. 92A200 (6-16) Estate of: Gifts and Transfers Page ____ of ____ List in this schedule all gifts or transfers made within three years of the decedent’s date of death or when the decedent retained a life interest. (Please review instructions on reverse side for details.) Was life interest retained by the decedent? Yes No Item Number To Whom Made Description of Property Transferred Date of Transfer 1. Total (including continuation page(s)) (enter on page 1, line 5) .......................................... ➤ If additional space is needed, duplicate this page and attach as a continuation page(s). Value at Date of Death INSTRUCTIONS GIFTS AND TRANSFERS Include all gifts and transfers of property in this schedule made by the decedent within three years prior to death and any gift or transfer of property during the decedent’s lifetime in which a life estate or the income was retained by the decedent. If made by deed or trust, a copy of such instrument must be attached. In the event the taxability of the gift or transfer is not included in the taxable estate, submit details of the transfer and the reason for the exclusion. To determine the proper taxation of gifts and transfers, refer to KRS 140.020 (see below). For reporting agricultural or horticultural land, see General Information—Valuation of Property—Fair Cash and Agricultural. KRS 140.020 reads in part as follows: (1) Any property or interest therein, of which the decedent has made a transfer by trust or otherwise, in contemplation of or intended to take effect in possession or enjoyment at or after death, including a transfer under which the transferor has retained for his life or any period not ending before his death (a) the possession or enjoyment of, or the income from the property; or (b) the actual or contingent power to designate the persons who shall possess the property or the income therefrom, except in the case of a bona fide sale for an adequate and full consideration in money or money’s worth. It shall further apply to any property conveyed in trust over which the settlor has a power of revocation exercisable by will. (2) Every transfer made within three (3) years prior to the death of the grantor, vendor or donor of a material part of his estate, or in the nature of a final disposition or distribution thereof, and without an adequate valuable consideration, shall be construed to have been made in contemplation of death within the meaning of this chapter. 92A200 (6-16) Estate of: FUNERAL EXPENSES List in this schedule the cost of the funeral, monument and maintenance of cemetery lot actually paid and not reimbursed. Description To Whom Paid Amount Paid Funeral Monument Cemetery lot Maintenance of lot Other (specify) Total funeral expenses (not to exceed $5,000) (including continuation page(s)) (enter on page 1, line 6) ........................................................................................................... ➤ ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES List in this schedule administration expenses, including attorneys’ fees and commissions of executors and administrators, actually allowed and paid. Description To Whom Paid Executors’/Administrators’ commissions Attorneys’ fees Appraisers’ fees Other (specify) Total administration expenses (including continuation page(s)) (enter on page 1, line 7) ........................................................................................................... ➤ Attach a separate sheet for additional expenses if needed. Amount Paid 92A200 (6-16) Estate of: DEBTS OF DECEDENT (Please review instructions on reverse side for details.) Item Creditor Nature of Claim Number Amount 1. Total debts of decedent (including continuation page(s)) (enter on page 1, line 8) .............. ➤ FEDERAL ESTATE TAX Check whether paid or estimated. (Detailed instructions are on reverse side.) Total (enter on page 1, line 9)...................................................................................................... ➤ PROPERTY HAVING A SITUS OUTSIDE KENTUCKY (Detailed instructions are on reverse side.) Location and Description of Property Fair Cash Value at Date of Death Mortgages and Taxes Total (do not include on page 1) ................................................................................................. ➤ Net Value at Date of Death INSTRUCTIONS DEBTS OF DECEDENT Debts and taxes of the decedent paid by the personal representative are deductible. Please provide supporting documents (ex. receipts, bills, etc.) Real property taxes that were a lien against the decedent’s property at the date of death are deductible. Indicate the decedent’s percentage of liability for debts and taxes on jointly owned property. If the decedent is survived by a husband, her debts, with the exception of taxes or mortgages on her real property, are not deductible unless paid from the proceeds of her estate. List in this schedule all mortgages and liens of the decedent. Indicate the decedent’s share of liability if mortgage is secured by jointly owned property. Mortgages are not deductible to the extent secured by credit life insurance. FEDERAL ESTATE TAX The figure for this calculation should be obtained from the Federal Estate and Gift Tax Return. The federal estate tax is deductible in the proportion that the net estate in Kentucky subject to the federal estate taxes bears to the total net estate everywhere subject to federal estate taxes. This is calculated by dividing the Kentucky net estate, before the federal estate tax deduction, by the federal taxable estate including federal taxable gifts. PROPERTY HAVING A SITUS OUTSIDE KENTUCKY Show location, description and actual value, at date of death, of all decedent’s property having a situs outside Kentucky. This information is necessary to determine the amount of federal estate tax allowable as a deduction under KRS 140.090(1)(d). List mortgages and taxes on property. Intangible property located outside Kentucky is taxable and must be reported on the return if the decedent was domiciled in Kentucky. Social Security Number Relationship (If Any) Age $ $ Distributive Share Tax IF A FEDERAL ESTATE AND GIFT TAX RETURN WAS REQUIRED TO BE FILED, ATTACH A COPY TO THIS RETURN Total Tax Due (enter on page 1) ...................................................................................................................................................................... $ Less deferred payments (See general information)...................................................................................................................................... – Discount of 5% from tax if paid within 9 months from death....................................................................................................................... – Inheritance tax.................................................................................................................................................................................................. $ Total distributive shares (must equal Net Estate, page 1) ................................................................................ $ Total from continuation sheets ........................................................................................................................... $ $ List Names of Heirs and Beneficiaries Including Exempt Transfers. Itemize Shares of Property Received. (See general information.) TAX COMPUTATION SCHEDULE Estate of: ___________________________________________________ 92A200 (6-16) Social Security Number Relationship (If Any) Age Distributive Share $ $ $ Total to be entered on page 1 of Tax Computation Schedule............................................................................ $ List Names of Heirs and Beneficiaries Including Exempt Transfers. Itemize Shares of Property Received. (See general information.) TAX COMPUTATION SCHEDULE (Continuation Sheet) Estate of: ___________________________________________________ Tax 92A200 (6-16) 92A205 (6-16) Commonwealth of Kentucky DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Kentucky Inheritance Tax Return (Short Form) FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY 4 6 __ __ __ __ __ __ / __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ Account Number Tax Mo Year This form is designed for small, uncomplicated estates. Requirements for use of this return—This return may be used when (1) a federal estate tax return is not required to be filed, (2) the assets of the estate consist of 10 items or less, (3) no gifts or transfers were made within three years of death without full consideration, (4) no real or personal property was transferred with a retained life interest, (5) the decedent did not possess any power to appoint any real or personal property or have the use of any qualified terminable interest property, and (6) the decedent had not received any real or personal property from another decedent within five years and paid inheritance tax on the property. Pursuant to KRS 140.190, the beneficiaries as well as the personal representative(s) may be held personally liable for the tax. Decedent’s Name Last First Occupation (If decedent was Social Security Number retired at death, state occu pation prior to retirement.) Residence (Domicile) at Time of Death Number and Street Middle Initial Date of Death Age at Death Cause of Death City Name and Address of Executor/Administrator/Beneficiary State HR Code Number (if known) ZIP Code County Name and Address of Preparer Exec Atty Admr CPA _______ _______ Return Status (check one): Original Return Amended Return—Refund Amended Return—Tax Due Did the decedent have a will? No Yes If Yes, attach a copy of the will. Did the decedent have a trust agreement? No Yes If Yes, attach a copy of the trust agreement. Net Estate (from page 2)....................................................................................................................... $ Inheritance tax due from Section III on reverse side.......................................................................... $ Discount of 5% from tax if paid within 9 months from death............................................................ – Total Tax Due ......................................................................................................................................... $ Interest and Penalty Interest for late payment (see general information)................................................................................ $ Late filing penalty (see general information)............................................................................................ $ Late payment penalty (see general information)..................................................................................... $ Total due (tax plus interest and penalties, if applicable).......................................................................... $ Total previously paid................................................................................................................................... $ Balance due/Refund ................................................................................................................................... $ ✍ Attach check payable to “Kentucky State Treasurer” to this return and mail to Kentucky Department of Revenue, Frankfort, KY 40620 Under criminal penalties, I declare that this return, including accompanying documents, has been examined by me, and is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, correct and complete. ( ) Signature of Executor/Administrator/Beneficiary Social Security Number Date Telephone Number E-mail Address of Executor/Administrator/Beneficiary ( ) Signature of Preparer Date Telephone Number E-mail Address 92A205 (6-16) SECTION I—GROSS ESTATE List all items which decedent owned or in which the decedent had an interest. Complete Form 92A204, Real Estate Valuation Information Form, for each parcel of real estate. For stocks and bonds, a balance sheet, at a date nearest the decedent’s death, together with a statement of net earnings and dividends paid for the five-year period immediately preceding the date of death, must be supplied in support of these valuations (ex. financial institution’s monthly statement.) Ownership (Check or fill in applicable blocks) Description and Location of Real or Personal Property Individual Joint Survivorship REQUIRED With Without Date Placed in Joint Names REQUIRED Name of Co-Owner Fair Cash Value of 100% Interest at Date of Death Decedent’s Interest TOTAL GROSS ESTATE ..................................................................................................................................................... $__________________________ SECTION II—DEDUCTIONS Funeral expenses.................................................................................... $_______________________________ Monument............................................................................................... $_______________________________ Cemetery lot and maintenance of lot.................................................... $_______________________________ Subtotal (not to exceed $5,000)....................................................................................................................................... $__________________________ Personal representatives’ commissions.......................................................................................................................... $__________________________ Attorneys’ fees................................................................................................................................................................... $__________________________ Appraisers’ fees and court costs...................................................................................................................................... $__________________________ Mortgages and liens (decedent’s share).......................................................................................................................... $__________________________ Other debts of decedent (itemize only if total debts exceed $500): __________________________________________________________________________________________ ........................... $__________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ ........................... $__________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ ........................... $__________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ ........................... $__________________________ TOTAL DEDUCTIONS ........................................................................................................................................................ $__________________________ NET ESTATE (Total Gross Estate Less Total Deductions) (enter on page 1)............... $__________________________ Social Security Number Relationship (If Any) Age Distributive Share $ $ Total Inheritance Tax Due (enter on page 1) .................................................................................................................................................. $ Total distributive shares (must equal net estate) .............................................................................................. $ List Names of Heirs and Beneficiaries or Exempt Organizations. Itemize shares of property received. (See General Information) SECTION III—TAX COMPUTATION SCHEDULE Tax 92A205 (6-16) 92A204 (3-12) Commonwealth of Kentucky DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE REAL ESTATE VALUATION INFORMATION FORM (PLEASE COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH PIECE OF REAL ESTATE) ESTATE OF HR CODE NUMBER DATE OF DEATH Individually Owned Yes No Jointly Owned Yes No Decedent’s Interest (%) Qualified Terminable Interest Property Yes No Previously Taxed Property Yes No Gift Yes No Address of Real Estate_______________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I. FAIR CASH VALUE (Complete this section if agricultural or horticultural value not claimed) 1. Fair Cash Value on date of death.................................................................................. $__________________________ 2. Property Valuation Administrator’s Assessed Value (before homestead exemption) value as of date of death......................................... $__________________________ If fair cash value at date of death is different from the property valuation administrator’s date of death value, please explain. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Sale Price (if sold or purchased within five years)..................................................... $__________________________ If fair cash value at date of death is different from the sale price, please explain. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ II. AGRICULTURAL or HORTICULTURAL VALUE (Complete this section if the election is made to report the agricultural value or horticultural value for “qualified real estate.” This is only advantageous if the property passes to son(s)-in-law or daughter(s)-in-law.) A. Agricultural or horticultural assessment of the land by local property valuation administrator on date of death........................................... $__________________________ B. Fair cash value assessment of the residence located on the land by the local property valuation administrator on date of death....................... $__________________________ C. Agricultural or horticultural value of the land only on date of death....................... $__________________________ D. Fair cash value of the residence located on the land on date of death.................... $__________________________ E. Total of lines C and D ................................................................................................... $__________________________ GENERAL INFORMATION Crop/Tillable Land (Number Acres) Pasture/Nontillable Land (Number Acres) Woodland (Number Acres) Wasteland (Number Acres) Distance From Nearest Town Total Acres Please submit a legal description of the land for recording of the tax lien required by KRS 140.350 if agricultural or horticultural value is claimed. Please submit the names and addresses of all heirs who receive agricultural property if agricultural or horticultural value is claimed. 92A936 (3-12) Commonwealth of Kentucky DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ELECTION TO QUALIFY TERMINABLE INTEREST PROPERTY AND/OR POWER OF APPOINTMENT PROPERTY [KRS 140.080(1)(a)] INSTRUCTIONS: This election is to be signed by the decedent’s personal representative (or trustee or transferee if no personal representative). The election is irrevocable and must be filed with the Department of Revenue on or before the due date of the Inheritance Tax Return or with the first tax return filed, whichever occurs last. DECEDENT’S NAME_________________________________________________________________________________________ DECEDENT’S ADDRESS______________________________________________________________________________________ DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH___________________________________________ CODE HR_________________________ PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE’S NAME________________________________________________________________________ PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE’S ADDRESS____________________________________________________________________ PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE’S E-MAIL ADDRESS_____________________________________________________________ ( ) PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE’S TELEPHONE NUMBER_________________________________________________________ I, ___________________________________________________________________________, as personal representative (or trustee or transferee) of the Estate of ____________________________________________________________________ and pursuant to Item(s) __________________________ of decedent’s Last Will and Testament which creates a qualifying life income interest in a trust or life estate which is in a form that would qualify for the federal estate tax marital deduction under Section 2056(b)(5) or 2056(b)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended through December 31, 1984, hereby irrevocably elects to treat the property passing under said item(s) of decedent’s Last Will and Testament as property transferred to ________________________________________________ as surviving spouse for purposes of the exemption granted to the spouse under KRS 140.080(1)(a). It is understood that the remainder or balance of the trust or life estate will be included in the surviving spouse’s estate for Kentucky inheritance and estate tax purposes at its value on the death of the surviving spouse regardless of where surviving spouse is domiciled. Signature of Person Making the Election Date 92A928 (6-15) Commonwealth of Kentucky DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ELECTION TO DEFER THE PAYMENT OF INHERITANCE TAX THROUGH INSTALLMENTS Tax Must Exceed $5,000 INSTRUCTIONS: This election is to be signed by the beneficiary and filed in duplicate at the time the inheritance tax return is filed. (See KRS 140.222 to determine if the beneficiary qualifies to pay his tax through installments.) ESTATE OF_______________________________________________ DATE OF DEATH________________ HR_______________ BENEFICIARY’S NAME____________________________________ SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER – – AMOUNT OF T AX $_______________________________________ BENEFICIARY’S ADDRESS____________________________________________________________________________________ ( ) BENEFICIARY’S E-MAIL ADDRESS________________________________ PHONE NUMBER_________________________ To be able to pay your inheritance tax through the deferred payment plan in equal annual installments you must agree to the following terms and conditions: (1) The first installment shall be due and payable at the time the inheritance tax return is filed and the return must be filed timely. (2) Each succeeding installment is due one year from the date of the previous payment. (3) The portion of the tax remaining unpaid shall be charged with interest beginning 18 months after the decedent’s date of death. Pursuant under the provisions of KRS 140.222, the interest rate is established under KRS 131.010(6). (4) Your share of the inheritance tax exceeds $5,000. (5) The filing of this election together with payment of the first installment shall relieve the personal representative of the estate from further liability for the deferred tax payments and the bond requirements of KRS 140.210. (6) This election is not finally approved until all inheritance tax liabilities are determined by the department. (7) The beneficiary choosing to use the installment method for paying the tax is personally liable for the amount of the deferred tax remaining unpaid. (8) The statute of limitations for actions to collect these taxes shall be suspended for the period of time that the taxes are deferred. (9) The Department of Revenue may require the beneficiary to post sufficient security when the department reasonably believes collection of the tax may be in jeopardy. (10) Failure to pay any installment as it becomes due or to post the required security shall cause all unpaid installments to become immediately due and payable. (11) Failure to pay any installment as it becomes due may cause penalties to be applied pursuant to KRS 131.180. (12) The beneficiary is responsible for notifying the Financial Tax Section, Department of Revenue, Station 61, 501 High Street, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601-2103, of any change of address. I, ____________________________________________________________, hereby elect to pay my inheritance tax through 10 equal annual installments pursuant to KRS 140.222 in accordance with the terms and conditions above. Approved:________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Department of Revenue Signature of the Electing Beneficiary _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Date Date 92A300 (9-13) AFFIDAVIT OF EXEMPTION Affiant ____________________________ , being first duly sworn, states that he/she is fiduciary or beneficiary of the estate of _______________________________ , who died on the _______ day of _______________ , _______ , a resident of _________________________ County, Kentucky. Affiant states that all assets of the estate pass to exempt beneficiaries pursuant to Kentucky Revised Statute 140.080* or exempt organizations pursuant to Kentucky Revised Statute 140.060** either by virtue of the decedent’s will, the intestate laws of this state, or by contract (survivorship, payable on death, trust, etc.). Affiant further states that a Kentucky Inheritance Tax Return will not be filed since no death tax is due the state and a Federal Estate and Gift Tax Return (Form 706) is not required to be filed because the gross estate is less than the required amount set out in Section 2010(c) of the Internal Revenue Code. This affidavit is being submitted to satisfy the requirements of Kentucky Revised Statute 395.605. __________________________________________________________ Signature Witness my hand this ________ day of __________________________ , __________ . Sworn and subscribed to before me by _____________________________________ this _______ day of ____________________________________________ , __________ . ______________________________________________________ Notary Public My commission expires______________________________________ *Exempt beneficiaries under KRS 140.080 include spouse, children, stepchildren, grandchildren, parent, brother, and sister. **Exempt organizations include educational, religious or other institutions, societies, or associations, whose sole purpose is to carry on charitable, educational, or religious work. Also, cities, towns or public institutions in this state qualify as exempt organizations provided that any transfer to such an organization is for public purposes. (APPLICABLE FOR DATES OF DEATH ON OR AFTER JULY 1, 1998) INHERITANCE TAX TABLE FOR ESTATES OF DECEDENTS WHO WERE RESIDENTS OF KENTUCKY CLASS A—The following list of beneficiaries are exempt from paying inheritance tax. $500 $500- $1,000- $10,000- $20,000- $30,000- $45,000- $60,000- $100,000- $200,000- or less $1,000 $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 $45,000 $60,000 $100,000 $200,000 and over DISTRIBUTIVE SHARE BRACKETS (1) Surviving spouse, parent (2) Child (adult or infant) child by blood, stepchild, child adopted during infancy, or a child adopted during adulthood who was reared by decedent during infancy (3) Grandchild issue of child by blood, stepchild, child adopted during infancy, or of a child adopted during adulthood who was reared by decedent during infancy (4) Brother, sister (whole or half) CLASSIFICATION OF BENEFICIARY CLASS B 0 0 4% of Amt. $360 + 5% $860 + 6% $1,460 + $2,660 + $4,160 + $8,960 + $22,960 + over of Amt. of Amt. 8% of Amt. 10% of 12% of 14% of 16% of *Nephew, niece, half-nephew, half-niece, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, $1,000 over over over Amt. over Amt. over Amt. over Amt. over aunt, uncle, or great-grandchild who is grandchild of child by blood, $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 $45,000 $60,000 $100,000 $200,000 stepchild or child adopted during infancy . Exemption $1,000 CLASS C 0 6% of Amt. $30 + 6% $570 + 8% $1,370 + $2,3
Form 92A200P
More about the Kentucky Form 92A200P Corporate Income Tax Estimated
We last updated the Inheritance & Estate Tax Forms and Instructions Packet in May 2021, and the latest form we have available is for tax year 2019. This means that we don't yet have the updated form for the current tax year. Please check this page regularly, as we will post the updated form as soon as it is released by the Kentucky Department of Revenue. You can print other Kentucky tax forms here.
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TaxFormFinder has an additional 129 Kentucky income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.
View all 130 Kentucky Income Tax Forms
Form Sources:
Kentucky usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Kentucky Form 92A200P from the Department of Revenue in May 2021.
Form 92A200P is a Kentucky Corporate Income Tax form. While most taxpayers have income taxes automatically withheld every pay period by their employer, taxpayers who earn money that is not subject to withholding (such as self employed income, investment returns, etc) are often required to make estimated tax payments on a quarterly basis. Failure to make correct estimated payments can result in interest or penalties.
About the Corporate Income Tax
The IRS and most states require corporations to file an income tax return, with the exact filing requirements depending on the type of company.
Sole proprietorships or disregarded entities like LLCs are filed on Schedule C (or the state equivalent) of the owner's personal income tax return, flow-through entities like S Corporations or Partnerships are generally required to file an informational return equivilent to the IRS Form 1120S or Form 1065, and full corporations must file the equivalent of federal Form 1120 (and, unlike flow-through corporations, are often subject to a corporate tax liability).
Additional forms are available for a wide variety of specific entities and transactions including fiduciaries, nonprofits, and companies involved in other specific types of business.
Historical Past-Year Versions of Kentucky Form 92A200P
We have a total of six past-year versions of Form 92A200P in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:
TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:
While we do our best to keep our list of Kentucky Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.