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Kentucky Free Printable  for 2025 Kentucky Kentucky Fiduciary Income Tax Return Instructions

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Kentucky Fiduciary Income Tax Return Instructions
Form 741 Instructions

INSTRUCTIONS 741 INSTRUCTIONS—FORM 741 KENTUCKY FIDUCIARY INCOME TAX RETURN 2024 Commonwealth of Kentucky Department of Revenue WHO MUST FILE A return must be filed by the following: • Every resident estate with gross income for the taxable year of $1,200 or more; and every resident trust with gross income for the taxable year of $100 or more. • Every nonresident estate with gross income for the taxable year from Kentucky sources of $1,200 or more; and every nonresident trust with gross income for the taxable year from Kentucky sources of $100 or more. on Schedule M, Part I, line 3 and identify the income as “ESBT – S corporation income.” A separate schedule must be attached to the return to show the income and deductions applicable to S corporation portion of the ESBT. When computing income of the S corporation portion of the ESBT, the following must be considered: (1) Capital losses are allowed in computing income only to the extent of capital gains; (2) Passive losses and ordinary losses are deductible only against passive income and ordinary income, respectively; (3) No deduction is allowed for amounts distributed to beneficiaries; and (4) No additional deductions are allowed for state taxes. WHEN AND WHERE TO FILE LINE-BY-LINE INSTRUCTIONS Taxpayers must file by the 15th day of the 4th month following the close of the tax year. Mail the return to: Line 1—Enter the amount shown as federal adjusted total income from federal Form 1041, line 17. Enclose a complete copy of the federal return. Kentucky Department of Revenue Frankfort, KY 40620-0016 FIDUCIARY INCOME Kentucky income tax law is based on the federal income tax law in effect on December 31, 2023. The Department of Revenue generally follows the administrative regulations and rulings of the Internal Revenue Service in those areas where no specific Kentucky law exists. Kentucky law requires taxpayers to report income on the same calendar or fiscal year and to use the same methods of accounting as required for federal income tax purposes. Effective for taxable years ending after September 10, 2001, a fiduciary that for federal income tax purposes elects to use the 30 percent or the 50 percent special depreciation allowance will have a depreciation difference for Kentucky purposes. See Form 740 and Schedule M instructions or contact the Department of Revenue for more information. ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES In the case of a decedent’s estate, if the election was made not to deduct costs of administration, including attorney’s fees actually allowed and paid, on a Kentucky inheritance tax return, these expenses may be deducted on Form 741. A statement waiving the right to deduct these expenses for inheritance tax purposes must also be filed with Form 741. If the same administration expenses that were claimed on the Kentucky Inheritance Tax Return, Form 92A200 or Form 92A205, are also claimed on the federal fiduciary income tax return, Form 1041, an adjustment must be made to add these expenses to the Kentucky adjusted total income on the Kentucky Form 741, Schedule M, line 3. ELECTING SMALL BUSINESS TRUST (ESBT) An ESBT must report income, losses, and deductions allocated to the ESBT as an S corporation shareholder and the gain and loss from the disposition of S corporation stock on the Kentucky fiduciary return, and pay income tax accordingly. All S corporation income is reported on the return as regular income and is taxed at the same rates as all other income. Enter the S corporation income 42A741(I) (10-24) Line 3—Enter the portion of deductions that are allocated to the additional Kentucky income reported on line 2. These deductions are in addition to the deductions claimed on your federal Form 1041. Line 7—Enter the portion of deductions on federal Form 1041 allocable to Kentucky tax-exempt income reported on line 6. To compute unallowable deductions, divide the Kentucky tax exempt income by the entire income of the fiduciary. Multiply total deductions by this percentage. Report the amount of unallowable deductions on line 7. Line 10, Beneficiaries’ Shares of Income and Deductions— Income distribution deduction. Enter amount. Each beneficiary’s share of income, deductions, credits, etc., must be reported on a separate Schedule K-1 and filed with Form 741. A copy must be given to the beneficiary and a copy retained by the fiduciary. The income distributed or distributable to beneficiaries is the amount on page 1, line 10. Each beneficiary is required to include the distributed or distributable share of income, as shown on Schedule K-1, on the individual income tax return. The name and identification number of each beneficiary should be entered as it appears on the individual return. Estate returns should also identify the beneficiary class of each beneficiary by checking the box for the beneficiary class as determined by Kentucky inheritance laws. Beneficiary classes are listed below: CLASS A (1) Surviving spouse, parent (2) Child (adult or infant) child by blood, stepchild, child adopted during infancy, or a child adopted during adulthood who was reared by decedent during infancy (3) Grandchild issue of child by blood, stepchild, child adopted during infancy, or of a child adopted during adulthood who was reared by decedent during infancy (4) Brother, sister (whole or half) Page 1 of 5 Page 2 of 5 CLASS B *Nephew, niece, half-nephew or half-niece, daughter-in-law, sonin-law, aunt, uncle, or great-grandchild who is grandchild of child by blood, stepchild or child adopted during infancy . CLASS C All persons not included in Classes A or B and educational, religious, or other institutions, societies or associations, or public institutions not exempted by KRS 140.060 * Nephews and nieces by marriage and great nephews and nieces are Class C beneficiaries. Angel Investor Recapture—Enter amount of Angel investor income tax credit recapture. Line 17(c)—Add the amounts from lines 17(a) and (b), and enter total on line 17(c). Line 18—Nonrefundable Credits To claim credits for any of the following business incentive and other tax credits, complete Schedule ITC, page 1, and enter the amount on line 18. Enclose any applicable schedule(s) or certification(s) to substantiate the credit(s) claimed. Generally, federal rules and regulations apply but amounts reported may be different due to differences in Kentucky and federal laws, e.g., statutorily exempt income, U.S. government bonds, municipal interest, etc. • limited liability entity credit (KRS 141.0401(2)) • Kentucky small business tax credit • skills training investment credit Line 11—Enter excludable amount of retirement income. Enclose Schedule P if the pension income is more than $31,110 and is from a retirement system of the federal government, Commonwealth of Kentucky or a Kentucky local government. The fiduciary may claim a deduction for retirement income not distributed on Form 741, line 10. Each beneficiary is entitled to combine the retirement income distributed on line 10 with other pension income received and claim the pension income exclusion on his or her individual income tax return. • nonrefundable certified rehabilitation credit • credit for tax paid to another state • employer's unemployment credit • recycling and/or composting credit • Kentucky Investment Fund credit • qualified research facility credit • employer GED incentive credit • voluntary environmental remediation credit • biodiesel credit • clean coal incentive credit • ethanol credit • cellulosic ethanol credit • railroad maintenance and improvement tax credit • Endow Kentucky credit • New Markets Development Program credit • distilled spirits credit • angel investor credit • inventory tax credit • renewable chemical production credit Line 12, Federal Estate Tax Deduction—Enter amount. Refer to federal Form 1041 instructions for the definition of the federal estate tax deduction. The federal estate tax deduction does not include fiduciary income tax paid on federal Form 1041. A copy of the computation for the deduction must be enclosed with Form 741. Line 15, Nontaxable Intangible Income Attributable to Nonresident Beneficiaries—Enter the amount of intangible income included in line 14 that is attributable to the nonresident beneficiaries and was not deducted on line 10 as an income distribution deduction. Enclose federal Schedules K-1 or a schedule that lists the name, address, Social Security number and the amount of income of each beneficiary. Line 17(a), Tax Computation—Compute your tax by multiplying line 16 by 4% (.04). Line 17(b), Lump- sum Distribution — Special 10 –Year Averaging—Kentucky allows a special 10-year averaging method for determining tax on lump-sum distributions received from certain retirement plans that qualify for federal 10-year averaging. If this special method is used for federal purposes, Form 4972K, Kentucky Tax on Lump-Sum Distributions, and Schedule P, Pension Income Exclusion, must be filed with Form 741. Enter tax from Form 4972-K. Recycling Composting Recapture— Enter amount from Schedule RC-R. Distilled Spirits Recapture—Enter amount from Schedule DS-R. 42A741(I) (10-24) To claim credit(s) for tax paid to another state, enter the amount on line 18 and identify as "credit for tax paid to another state." A copy of the return filed with any state for which credit is being claimed must be enclosed with Form 741. Limited Liability Entity Tax Credit (KRS 141.0401(2))—An individual that is a partner, member or shareholder of a limited liability pass-through entity is allowed a limited liability entity tax (LLET) credit against the income tax imposed by KRS 141.020 equal to the individual's proportionate share of LLET computed on the gross receipts or gross profits of the limited liability pass-through entity as provided by KRS 141.0401(2), after the LLET is reduced by the minimum tax of $175 and by other tax credits for which the limited liability pass-through entity may be allowed. The credit allowed an individual that is a partner, member, or shareholder of a limited liability pass-through entity against income tax shall be applied only to income tax assessed on the individual's proportionate share of distributive income from the limited liability pass-through entity as provided by Page 3 of 5 KRS 141.0401(3)(b). Any remaining LLET credit shall be disallowed and shall not be carried forward to the next year. Line 20(c)—Nonresident Withholding from Form PTE-WH, line 9 and/or Pass-through Entity Tax Credit from Form PTET-CR, line 9. Nonrefundable Kentucky limited liability entity tax credit (KRS 141.0401(2))—The credit amount is shown on Kentucky Schedule(s) K-1 from pass-through entities (PTEs) or Form(s) 725 for single member limited liability companies. Copies of Kentucky Schedule(s) K-1 or Form(s) 725 must be attached to your return. Line 20(d)—Total amounts on line 20(a) through 20(c). Kentucky Limited Liability Entity Tax Credit Worksheet Complete a separate worksheet for each LLE. Retain for your records. Name______________________________________________ Address____________________________________________ FEIN______________________________________________ Line 21—Subtract line 20(d) from line 19. Any tax due must be paid in full at time of filing. Enclose check payable to the Kentucky State Treasurer. PENALTY AND INTEREST Estimated Tax Penalty—If the amount owed is more than $500, you may be subject to a penalty for underpayment of estimated tax. The amount of the penalty may be calculated on Form 2210‑K. Form 2210-K may also be used to claim exemptions to the penalty. If paying the penalty or claiming an exemption, complete Form 2210-K, enclose with your return and check the box beside line 22(a). Enter the amount of the penalty on line 22(a). Percentage of Ownership ....................... _______________ % If your return is filed after April 15, 2025, or any tax due on the return is paid after April 15, 2025, you may be subject to additional penalties and interest.   1. Enter Kentucky taxable income from Form 741, line 16........................... _______________ Late Filing Penalty—If a return is not filed by the due date or the extended due date, a penalty of 2 percent of the total tax due for each 30 days or fraction thereof that a return is not filed may be assessed, not to exceed 20 percent. The minimum penalty is $10.   2. Enter LLE income as shown on Kentucky Schedule K-1 or Form 725) ....................................... _______________   3. Subtract line 2 from line 1 and enter total here...................................... _______________   4. Enter Kentucky tax on income amount on line 1.................................... _______________   5. Enter Kentucky tax on income amount on line 3.................................... _______________   6. Subtract line 5 from line 4. If line 5 is larger than line 4, enter zero. This is your tax savings if income is ignored.............................................. _______________   7. Enter nonrefundable limited liability entity tax credit (from Kentucky Schedule K-1 or Form 725) ............... _______________   8. Enter the lesser of line 6 or line 7. This is your credit. Enter here and on Form 741, line 18.............................. _______________ Line 20(a)—Enter on line 20(a) all estimated tax payments, credit from the previous year’s return and/or extension payments. Line 20(b)—If Kentucky income tax was erroneously withheld on income in respect of a decedent, enclose a copy of the wage and tax statement of the deceased to Form 741. Enter on line 20(b) the amount of withholding. 42A741(I) (10-24) Late Payment Penalty—If the amount of tax due as shown on line 21 is not paid by the original due date of the return, a penalty of 2 percent of the tax computed due may be assessed for each 30 days or fraction thereof that the tax is past due, not to exceed 20 percent. The minimum penalty is $10. However, if the amount timely paid is 75 percent of the tax determined due by the Department of Revenue, no late payment penalty will be assessed. Interest—Interest will be assessed at the "tax interest rate" from the original due date of the return until the date of payment. Note: Penalties but not interest may be reduced or waived if reasonable cause for reduction or waiver can be shown. SIGNATURE To be valid, this return must be signed by the fiduciary or agent. If prepared by a person other than fiduciary or agent, type or print name of person preparing the return. SCHEDULE M (FORM 741) INSTRUCTIONS Part I—Additions to Federal Adjusted Total Income Line 1—Enter interest income from bonds issued by other states. Line 2—Enter additions from Kentucky Schedule(s) K-1 received from partnerships, fiduciaries and S corporations. Page 4 of 5 Line 3—Enter other additions to income. Other additions may include: • interest deducted by an electing small business trust (ESBT) on the federal Form 1041 for money borrowed to acquire S corporation stock; • state income taxes deducted on federal Form 1041; • the portion of a lump-sum distribution on which you have elected the 20 percent capital gains rate for federal income tax purposes (Schedule P and Form 4972-K required); • the federal net operating loss deduction; • the passive activity loss adjustment (see Form 8582-K and instructions); • differences in pension (3-year recovery rule) and IRA bases; • differences in gains (losses) from the sale of intangible assets amortized under the provisions of the Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1993; • federal depreciation if you have elected to take the 30 percent or the 50 percent special depreciation allowance for property placed in service after September 10, 2001. • real estate, local, and property taxes deducted on federal Form 1041. • investment interest deducted on federal Form 1041. • fiduciary fees deducted on federal Form 1041 other than those described in IRC Section 67(e). • attorney, accountant, and preparer fees deducted on federal Form 1041 other than those described in IRC Section 67(e). Line 4, Total Additions—Add lines 1 through 3. Enter on Schedule M, line 4 and on page 1, line 2. Part II—Subtractions from Federal Adjusted Total Income Line 5—Enter interest from U.S. government bonds and securities (enclose schedule). Line 6—Enter subtractions from Kentucky Schedule(s) K-1 received from partnerships, fiduciaries and S corporations. Line 7—Enter other subtractions from income. Other subtractions may include: • Kentucky net operating loss deduction; • passive activity loss adjustment (see Form 8582-K and instructions); • differences in the gains (losses) from the sale of intangible assets amortized under the provisions of the Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1993; 42A741(I) (10-24) • Nonresident trust or nonresident estate—Subtract the amount of income reported on Form 741, line 1 that is not taxable to Kentucky. Note: Deductions must also be adjusted to claim only that portion of deductions allocable to the Kentucky income; • Kentucky depreciation computed in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code in effect on December 31, 2001, if you have elected to take the 30 percent or the 50 percent special depreciation allowance for property placed in service after September 10, 2001; • income of military personnel. Additional information may be found in the instructions for Form 740. Line 8, Total Subtractions—Add lines 5 through 7. Enter on Schedule M, line 8 and on page 1, line 6. Note: The following items are still allowable on the 741 Kentucky Fiduciary Income Tax Return and do not need to be added back on Form 741, Schedule M: • Fiduciary fees paid or incurred to the fiduciary for administering the estate or trust during the tax year. • Attorney, accountant, and return preparer fees paid for preparation of fiduciary income tax returns, the decedent’s final individual income tax returns, and all estate and generation skipping transfer tax returns. SCHEDULE K-1 INSTRUCTIONS A Kentucky Schedule K-1 is required if you claim an income distribution deduction on Schedule B and have differences in income reported on Schedule M. Enclose copies of federal Schedule(s) K-1 if there are no differences. Schedule K-1 is used to report the portion of income distributed to beneficiaries that is subject to tax. All items of income subject to tax and all deductions are listed on Schedule K-1. • Enter in column (b) amounts from federal Form 1041, Schedule K-1; • enter in column (c) any difference between Kentucky and federal amounts (Schedule M); and • enter in column (d) the Kentucky income and deduction amounts. Line 11, Resident Beneficiary Adjustment—Complete line 11 to determine the net difference between the federal Schedule K-1 and the Kentucky Schedule K-1. Combine from column (c), lines 1 through 6, and portions of lines 9 and 10. Do not include amounts from lines 7, 8, 9(a), or other deductions that may qualify as itemized deductions. These amounts may be entered on the beneficiaries’ Form 740, Schedule A, Itemized Deductions Schedule. Page 5 of 5 Nonresident Beneficiaries (Form 740-NP Filers)—Complete Schedule K-1 for nonresident beneficiaries. This Schedule K-1 should reflect all income that has been claimed as part of the income distribution deduction. However, nonresident beneficiaries are only subject to tax on the following types of income: • from Kentucky sources; • from activities carried on in Kentucky; • from the performance of services in Kentucky; • from real or tangible property located in Kentucky; and • from a partnership or S corporation doing business in Kentucky. Line 12(a)—If an income distribution includes net distributable share income from a limited liability entity subject to tax under KRS 141.0401(2), complete line 12(a). Line 12(b)—Enter each beneficiary's share of Kentucky income tax withheld from Form PTE-WH or Pass-through entity tax credit from Form PTET-CR. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION If you need further assistance, contact a local Kentucky Taxpayer Service Center or the Department of Revenue, Frankfort, KY 40620, (502) 564-4581. 42A741(I) (10-24)
Extracted from PDF file 2024-kentucky-form-741-instructions.pdf, last modified November 2024

More about the Kentucky Form 741 Instructions Corporate Income Tax TY 2024

We last updated the Kentucky Fiduciary Income Tax Return Instructions in March 2025, so this is the latest version of Form 741 Instructions, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form 741 Instructions directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Kentucky tax forms here.

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Other Kentucky Corporate Income Tax Forms:

TaxFormFinder has an additional 129 Kentucky income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.

Form Code Form Name
Form 720S Kentucky S Corporation Income Tax and LLET Return
Schedule A Apportionment and Allocation for corporations and pass-through entities taxable both within and without Kentucky - Schedule 41A720A
Form 92A205 Inheritance Tax Return - Short Form
Form 92A300 Affidavit of Exemption - For administration of estates not owing KY death tax & not required to file a federal Estate & Gift Tax Return
Form 765-GP Kentucky General Partnership Income Return - Form 42A765-GP [OBSOLETE]

Download all KY tax forms View all 130 Kentucky Income Tax Forms

Form Sources:

Kentucky usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Kentucky Form 741 Instructions from the Department of Revenue in March 2025.

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About the Corporate Income Tax

The IRS and most states require corporations to file an income tax return, with the exact filing requirements depending on the type of company.

Sole proprietorships or disregarded entities like LLCs are filed on Schedule C (or the state equivalent) of the owner's personal income tax return, flow-through entities like S Corporations or Partnerships are generally required to file an informational return equivilent to the IRS Form 1120S or Form 1065, and full corporations must file the equivalent of federal Form 1120 (and, unlike flow-through corporations, are often subject to a corporate tax liability).

Additional forms are available for a wide variety of specific entities and transactions including fiduciaries, nonprofits, and companies involved in other specific types of business.

Historical Past-Year Versions of Kentucky Form 741 Instructions

We have a total of eight past-year versions of Form 741 Instructions in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:

While we do our best to keep our list of Kentucky Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/kentucky/form-741-instructions