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Sales and Compensating Use Tax Information Booklet
Pub. KS-1510 Sales Tax and Compensating Use Tax Booklet Rev. 11-22

Sales Tax and Compensating Use Tax Welcome to the Kansas business community! This publication has been prepared by the Kansas Department of Revenue (KDOR) to assist you in understanding how the Kansas sales and use tax applies to your business operation. Inside you will find information on what is taxable, what is exempt, how to collect, report, and pay your sales and use tax electronically, and other information of general interest to businesses. Our goal is to make collecting and paying these taxes as easy as possible and to help you avoid costly sales or use tax deficiencies. By law, businesses are now required to submit their Sales, Compensating Use and Withholding Tax returns electronically. Kansas offers several electronic file and pay solutions – see page 15. For the most up-to-date electronic information, visit our website. ksrevenue.gov Pub KS-1510 (Rev. 12-22) TABLE OF CONTENTS KANSAS SALES TAX......................................... 3 KANSAS CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER....... 15 Local Sales Tax Distribution of Revenue Sales Tax and Your Business File, Pay and Make Updates Electronically What Can I Do Electronically Requirements to File and Pay Pay By Credit Card Wire Transfers SALES THAT ARE TAXABLE............................ 3 Retail Sale, Rental or Lease of Tangible Personal Property Taxable Services Admissions RETAILERS’ SALES TAX................................... 16 Completing the ST-36 Sample Completed Sales Tax Filing COMPENSATING USE TAX............................... 18 SALES TAX EXEMPTIONS................................ 6 Retailers’ Compensating Use Tax Consumers’ Compensating Use Tax Reporting and Paying Consumers’ Compensating Use Tax Sample Completed CT-10U filing Reciprocal Discounts Reporting and Paying Retailers’ Compensating Use Tax Sample Completed CT-9U filing Midwest Border States Compact Exempt Buyers Buyers Who are Not Exempt Items Exempt from Sales Tax Uses That Are Exempt Other Special Situations KANSAS EXEMPTION CERTIFICATES........... 9 Using Exemption Certificates REGISTRATION AND TAX NUMBERS............. 9 Who Must Register How to Register Sales Tax Account Numbers Your Registration Certificate ADDITIONAL INFORMATION............................ 21 Important Reminders Reporting Business Changes Correcting a Return Obtaining a Sales Tax Refund When Returns are Late Personal Liability for Unpaid Taxes About Our Billing Process Bond Requirements Audits When in Doubt... RETAILER RESPONSIBILITIES........................ 10 The Cardinal Rule Collecting Tax from Your Customers Sales Tax Records Exemption Certificates Local Sales Tax Application on Destination-Based Sourcing Unique Sourcing Situations The Sales Tax Base Sales Tax Treatment of Selected Types of Sales and Incentives OTHER KANSAS TAXES.................................... 25 RESALE EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE (ST-28A) 28 MULTI-JURISDICTION EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE (ST-28M)............................... 29 DETERMINING THE FILING FREQUENCY...... 15 TAXPAYER ASSISTANCE................BACK COVER Your Filing Frequency If there is a conflict between the law and information found in this publication, the law remains the final authority. Under no circumstances should the contents of this publication be used to set or sustain a technical legal position. A library of current policy information is also available on the Kansas Department of Revenue’s website at: ksrevenue.gov 2 of Revenue then distributes local sales tax revenues to the counties and cities in which they were collected using the information provided by retailers on their tax filings. KANSAS SALES TAX Kansas is one of 45 states plus the District of Columbia* that levy a sales and the companion compensating use tax. The Kansas Retailers’ Sales Tax was enacted in 1937 at the rate of 2%, increasing over the years to the current state rate of 6.50%. 2.00% (1937) 2.50% (1958) 3.00% (1965) 4.00% (1986) 4.25% (1989) 4.90% (1992) 5.30% (2002) 6.30% (2010) 6.15% (2013) SALES TAX and YOUR BUSINESS Sales tax is paid by the final consumer of taxable goods or services to you, the retailer. A Kansas retailer is responsible for collecting sales tax from its customers on taxable transactions. In collecting sales tax, you are acting as an agent or partner with the Department of Revenue. A retailer holds the tax in trust for the state, and then sends it to the Department of Revenue on a regular basis using an electronic filing method. Paying sales tax is the duty of your customers — it is unlawful for a customer to refuse to pay the sales tax due on a taxable transaction. When added to the purchase price of taxable goods or services, the sales tax is a debt from the consumer to the retailer, and as such, is recoverable by the retailer from the customer in the same manner as any other debt. 6.50% (2015) * Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, and Oregon do not have a general sales or use tax. Purchases made in these states by Kansas consumers are automatically subject to Kansas use tax. See Kansas Use Taxes, herein. LOCAL SALES TAX In addition to the state sales tax, counties and cities in Kansas have the option of imposing a local sales tax. Before imposing a local sales tax, the governing body of the city or county must receive the approval of a majority of its voters. Cities may levy a local sales tax in five-hundredth percent increments (0.05%). Counties may levy a local sales tax in one-fourth percent increments (0.25%, 0.50%, etc.). Cities are authorized to impose a maximum sales tax rate of 3% (2% general and 1% special). Counties are authorized to impose a maximum 1% general sales tax rate. Legislative action is required for more than 1%. Although these are local taxes, the law requires them to be administered by the Kansas Department of Revenue. The local rate(s) are added to the state rate to arrive at the total sales tax percentage collected by Kansas retailers from their customers. Local tax applies whenever a state tax is due if the tax situs for the sale is in a county or city with a local tax with a few exceptions. SALES THAT ARE TAXABLE Kansas sales tax generally applies to three types of transactions. 1) The retail sale, rental, or lease of tangible personal property, including the sale or furnishing of utilities within the state of Kansas; 2) Charges for labor services to install, apply, repair, service, alter, or maintain tangible personal property; and 3) The sale of admissions to places providing amusement, entertainment or recreation services, including admissions to state, county, district, and local fairs. If you are engaged in any of these activities, you must collect sales tax from your customers. What follows is a detailed discussion of each of these general categories with examples. The law (K.S.A.) or regulation (K.A.R.) on which it is based is also included. EXAMPLE: The combined state and local sales tax rate in Garden City is 8.95%; the 6.50% state, a 1.45% Finney County tax, plus a 1% Garden City tax. The combined state and local sales tax rate for Finney County, outside the city limits of Garden City, is 7.95%; the 6.5% state, plus a 1.45% Finney County tax. IMPORTANT: The combined tax rate that is charged is based on the destination of the goods or service. In other words, the rate in effect where the customer takes delivery of the merchandise or makes first use of a taxable service. See Local Sales Tax Application Destination Based Sourcing, herein. RETAIL SALE, RENTAL OR LEASE OF TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY To be taxable, the sale must first be a retail sale; defined as follows. RETAIL SALE — an exchange of tangible personal property (goods, wares, merchandise, products and commodities) for money or other consideration to the final user or consumer occurring within the legal boundaries of the state of Kansas. Sales for resale (purchase of inventory), and sales to wholesalers and others who are not the final consumer are not taxed. However, these sales must be accompanied by an exemption certificate — see Exemption Certificates herein. Kansas sales tax also does not apply to goods shipped to another state. See Out-of-State Sales, herein. Sales Tax Jurisdictions To assist you in collecting and reporting the correct rate of sales tax, the Department of Revenue has developed Pub. KS1700, Sales Tax Jurisdictions, which contains an alphabetical listing of all Kansas county and city sales tax rates, their jurisdiction codes for tax reporting, and the effective dates of the tax. The Department of Revenue provides updates throughout the year of any quarterly tax rate changes, as well as additional jurisdictions imposing a local sales tax. This information is available on our website, as is a sales tax rate locator where tax rates can be obtained by entering an address or zip code. Tangible personal property — any item to which you can readily attach a monetary value (food, clothing, furniture, vehicles, computers, equipment, books, tapes, etc.). DISTRIBUTION OF REVENUE All state, county, and city sales tax collections are remitted to the Department of Revenue and the department deposits the state sales tax revenues into the state general fund, with a portion designated for the state highway fund. The Department 3 Tangible personal property has a physical presence, it can be owned or leased and can be moved. Tangible personal property is different from intangible personal property (stocks and bonds) or real property (land or buildings). Other types of taxable sales of tangible personal property listed in Kansas sales tax law follow. Exceptions are noted. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS. Materials and supplies sold to contractors, sub-contractors, or repairmen for use by them in construction projects are subject to sales tax. Exceptions: Materials purchased by a contractor using the vehicle is not registered in Kansas and is removed from Kansas within 10 days of the purchase; – Motor vehicles or trailers transferred by a person to a corporation solely in exchange for stock or securities in that corporation (the original sale is taxable — the transfer to the corporation is not); – Motor vehicles or trailers transferred by one corporation to another when all of the assets of such corporation are transferred to the other corporation; – Rolling stock used by a common carrier in interstate commerce; – Motor vehicles or trailers sold by an immediate family member to another immediate family member. Immediate family members are lineal ascendants or descendants and their spouses. a special project exemption number issued by the Kansas Department of Revenue or its authorized agent are exempt. COIN-OPERATED DEVICES. Sales made from any coin- operated device, dispensing or providing goods, amusement, or services are taxable. Examples include any type of vending machine, and car washes, and video or arcade game machines. Exception: Coin-operated laundry services (washers or dryers) are exempt from sales tax. Laundry detergent, bleach, etc. purchased from a vending machine are taxable. COMPUTER SOFTWARE. Sales of prewritten computer software and the services of modifying, altering, updating, or maintaining computer software are subject to sales tax. Computer equipment and hardware are also taxable. Sales and/or services relating to customized software are exempt. See EDU-71R Information Guide on our website. MEALS AND DRINKS. Meals or drinks sold to the public at any restaurant, private club, drinking establishment, catered event, café, diner, dining car, hotel, etc. are taxable. Drinks containing alcoholic liquor are subject to the Liquor Drink Tax rather than sales tax. Cereal Malt Beverage license holders (3.2% beer) do not collect the Liquor Drink Tax; instead, they collect Kansas Retailers’ Sales Tax on their drink sales. If selling other goods and services other than alcoholic and cereal malt beverages, the business must register for and collect Retailers’ Sales Tax. CMB permit holders are allowed to sell beer not more than 6% alcohol by volume in addition to CMB. These CMB permit holders will collect the applicable state and local sales tax on the sale of both CMB and beer. Retail liquor stores that sell beer will continue to collect the 8% liquor enforcement tax on those sales of beer. Other goods or services sold by a retail liquor store on their licensed premises (excluding the sale of lottery tickets) are subject to state and local sales tax which includes the sale of cereal malt beverage. For additional information see NOTICE 18-04. For more information on the sale of meals and drinks consult Pub. KS-1540, Kansas Business Taxes For Hotels, Motels and Restaurants. Exception: Free meals furnished to employees of public eating places are not taxed if the employee’s work is related to the furnishing or sale of such meals. Reduced cost employee meals are subject to tax based on the reduced price. PREPAID TELEPHONE CARDS. Sales of prepaid telephone calling cards or authorization numbers and the recharge of the card or number are taxable. Exception: There is no sales tax on the 911 service fee imposed on prepaid telephone cards. MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAILERS. The sale or exchange of motor vehicles is a taxable transaction. When you buy a car, truck, or other vehicle from a registered dealer, you must pay the sales tax to the dealer. When you buy a motor vehicle or trailer from an individual, you must pay the sales tax to the county treasurer upon registration. The rate of tax is determined using the sourcing rules for motor vehicles outlined herein. For more information on the sale of motor vehicles see Pub. KS-1526, Sales and Use Tax for Motor Vehicle Transactions and EDU-32A How Kansas Motor Vehicle Dealers Should Charge Sales Tax on Vehicle Sales. Exceptions: The following transactions are not taxed: – Motor Vehicles, semi trailers, pole trailers or aircraft sold to a bona fide resident of another state, provided UTILITIES. Included in the definition of tangible personal property are utilities. The following are subject to the state and local sales tax (exceptions noted): Cable, community antennae, and other subscriber radio and television services. Digital Satellite TV Subscriptions. Exception: The subscription fee is subject to the state sales tax only – local taxes do not apply. Electricity, gas, propane and heat. Exception: Agricultural and residential use of these utilities are exempt from state sales tax, but are subject to applicable local sales taxes in effect at the customer’s location. Telephone and Telegraph Services, Intrastate, interstate or international telecommunications services and any ancillary services sourced to Kansas. Exceptions: Any interstate or international 800 or 900 service; any interstate or international private communication service; any value-added nonvoice data service; any telecommunication service to a provider of telecommunication services, including carrier access service; or any service or transaction defined in this section among entities classified as members of an affiliated group as provided by 26 U.S.C. 1986. Telephone Answering Services, mobile phone services, beeper services, cellular phone services, and other similar services. Rental or Lease of Property Tangible personal property is taxable not only when it is sold at retail, but also when it is rented or leased. The sales tax is added to each rental or lease payment made, including “lease with option to buy” contracts and “rent to purchase” contracts. EXAMPLE: A Pittsburg, Kansas office equipment company leases copiers for $150 per month. Added to each monthly invoice will be the state sales tax plus the local sales tax in effect where the leased copier is located. Other examples of items commonly leased or rented that are taxable include: appliances; hotel and motel rooms1; boats; motor vehicles2; computers; movie videos/DVDs; equipment; tools; furniture; and trailers. Exceptions: Movies, films, and tapes rented to movie theaters are exempt since the sales tax is collected on the admission charge. Also, tangible personal property used as a dwelling (such as a mobile home) is exempt from sales tax when leased or rented for more than 28 consecutive days. Rooms rented for 28 consecutive days or less may also be subject to a transient guest tax. 2 Vehicles rented for 28 consecutive days or less are also subject to a vehicle rental excise tax. 1 NOTE: Tangible personal property purchased for the purpose 4 of leasing or renting, such as the purchase of cars (rental fleet) by a car rental agency, is exempt from sales and use taxes. This is considered to be a purchase of inventory for resale, and the rental agency would provide the seller with a completed ST-28A, Resale Exemption Certificate. flood, tornado, lightning, explosion, windstorm (80 mph or more), ice loading and attendant winds, terrorism, or earthquake. “Utility structure” means transmission and distribution lines owned by an independent transmission company or cooperative, the Kansas electric transmission authority or natural gas or electric public utility. – Construction, reconstruction, restoration, replacement, or repair of a bridge or highway. TAXABLE SERVICES A service is work done for others as an occupation or business. Kansas sales tax applies to the services of installing, applying, altering, repairing, servicing, or maintaining tangible personal property. CAUTION: Many service professionals provide both taxable and nontaxable services. There are also other special rules that apply to contractors and the labor services industry not discussed here. Consult the Policy Information Library on our website for additional information about specific service situations. Installing Installation services include installing plumbing, wiring, cabinets, light bulbs and other fixtures in an office building, planting trees, shrubs or grass, or installing tires or parts on a vehicle. EXAMPLE: A Colby, Kansas automotive repair shop installs a The following sales tax guideline has been issued by the Department of Revenue and is available on our website. • Pub. KS-1550 Sales and Use Tax for the Agricultural Industry muffler on a New York resident’s automobile in Colby. The total bill (muffler and labor) is subject to the state and local sales tax in effect in Colby, Kansas. ADMISSIONS Applying This category of taxable services includes painting, wallpapering, applying fertilizer/weed killer, waxing floors, and resurfacing parking lots. All of these services involve the application of tangible personal property — the paint, wallpaper, fertilizer, weed killer, wax, or asphalt/gravel. An admission or fee charged to any place providing amusement, entertainment, or recreation services is taxable. Taxable admissions include: Altering Services such as furniture refinishing, upholstery work, modifying or updating computer software, sewing, and alteration services change or alter the furniture, software, or clothing, and are taxable. Repairing, Servicing, and Maintaining Repair, service, and maintenance of tangible personal property includes these types of services: • appliance repair or service • car repair or service • dry cleaning, pressing, dyeing & laundry services (dry cleaning and laundry services are also subject to the Dry Cleaning Environmental Surcharge) • maintenance agreements • pet grooming • tool sharpening (saws, knives, etc.) • warranties (including extended & optional) • washing, waxing, or detailing vehicles Following is a representative list of services that are NOT TAXABLE because they do not involve the installation, application, service, maintenance, or repair of tangible personal property: accounting architectural broadcasting child care chimney-sweeping cleaning legal services consulting mowing engineering snow removal excavating towing/moving hair styling trash hauling Exceptions for Residential and Original Construction: Taxable services are exempt when performed in conjunction with the following. – Original construction of a building or facility. – Restoration, reconstruction, remodeling, or renovation of a residence. – Addition of an entire room or floor to an existing building or facility. – Completion of any unfinished portion of an existing building or facility for the first owner. – Restoration, reconstruction, or replacement of a building, facility or utility structure damaged or destroyed by fire, 5 Tickets to a concert, sporting event, movie, circus, rodeo, or any other event where a ticket is required; Admissions to a fair, amusement park, zoo, antique or craft show, club, or other facility charging an admission fee or cover charge; Dues or Memberships that entitle someone to use a facility for recreation or entertainment, such as a health club, country club, or the Knights of Columbus; Fees and charges for participation in sports, games, and other recreational activities. Exceptions: The following admissions and fees have been granted a sales tax exemption. – Admission to any cultural and historical event that occurs once every three years. – Sales of tangible personal property (such as a button) which will admit the buyer to an annual event sponsored by a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. – Fees and charges by Kansas political subdivisions for participation in sports, games and other recreational activities. This includes city baseball and softball leagues, or green fees or swimming pool fees at city or county owned facilities. – Fees and charges by a 501(c)(3) youth recreation organization, exclusively providing services to persons 18 years of age or younger, for participation in sports. Examples include: youth basketball, baseball, football, softball, or soccer leagues. – Entry fees and charges for participation in a special event or tournament sanctioned by a national sporting association to which spectators are charged an admission. Examples of entry fees exempt under this provision include: 1) American Bowling Conference (ABC) tournament; 2) Professional Golfers Association (PGA) tournament; 3) National Hot Rod Association (NHRA) race; and 4) Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) rodeo. – Fees charged by nonprofit humanitarian service providers exempt from property tax for participation in sports, games, and other recreational activities. Qualifying nonprofit service providers include: the American Red Cross, Big Brothers & Big Sisters, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, YMCA, YWCA, community health centers, and local community organizations. – Membership dues to military veterans organizations and their auxiliaries, such as the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American Legion. – Membership dues charged by a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization whose sole purpose is to support a nonprofit zoo. SALES TAX EXEMPTIONS Included with the taxable transactions in the previous section were some of the exceptions, or exempt sales. Other lawful sales tax exemptions fall into three general categories. These are: • buyers who are, and are not exempt, • specific items that are exempt, and • uses of an item which makes it exempt. EXEMPT BUYERS Direct purchases of goods or services by the following entities are exempt from sales tax (for a complete list see Pub. KS-1520, Kansas Exemption Certificates: • The U.S. Government, its agencies and instrumentalities • The state of Kansas and its political subdivisions, including school districts, counties, cities, port authorities, and groundwater management districts • Elementary and secondary schools • Noncommercial educational radio and TV stations • Nonprofit blood, tissue, and organ banks • Nonprofit educational institutions • Nonprofit 501(c)(3)* historical societies • Nonprofit hospitals • Nonprofit 501(c)(3)* museums • Nonprofit 501(c)(3)* primary care clinics/health centers • Nonprofit 501(c)(3)* religious organizations • Nonprofit 501(c)(3)* zoos * The 501(c)(3) designation refers to an Internal Revenue Code section exempting certain organizations from income tax. There is NOT an automatic exemption from sales tax for non-profit organizations. They must apply for an exempt entity certificate. Exception: When the state of Kansas or nonprofit hospital operates a taxable business (such as a public cafeteria or gift shop), or when a political subdivision sells or furnishes the utilities of electricity, gas, heat or water (except certain water retailers - see below), non-inventory items purchased for use in these taxable businesses are taxable to the otherwise exempt group. To claim its exemption, the exempt buyer must complete and furnish the appropriate exemption certificate to the seller (see Kansas Exemption Certificates, herein). The sale must also be a direct purchase — billed directly to the exempt buyer and paid for by a check or voucher from the exempt buyer. Purchases made by agents or employees of an exempt buyer with their personal funds are taxable. Exception: Purchases of hotel rooms by U.S. government employees on official business are exempt, regardless of the method of payment. Exempt Entity Identification Numbers. To help retailers identify the exempt buyers discussed in this section, the Department of Revenue will assign an Exempt Entity Identification Number and issue a Tax-Exempt Entity Exemption Certificate to qualified exempt buyers. From that date, Kansas exempt entities claiming a sales or use tax exemption must provide this completed exemption certificate (which includes their tax exempt number) to the retailer. See Pub. KS-1520. Other Exempt Buyers Sales tax exemptions are also granted to the following entities. Where applicable, the exemption certificate designed for that particular exemption is noted. Certain Nonprofit Medical Educational Organizations — The following 501(c)(3) organizations are exempt from paying sales tax when buying items for the listed uses, and 6 also exempt from collecting sales tax when these items are sold by or on behalf of the exempt organization for the stated purposes. This exemption is for goods and merchandise only. These organizations must still pay or collect sales tax on taxable services and admissions. • American Diabetes Association, Kansas Affiliate, Inc. • American Heart Association, Kansas Affiliate, Inc. • American Lung Association of Kansas, Inc. • Kansas Alliance for the Mentally Ill, Inc. and Kansas Mental Illness Awareness Council • Kansas Chapters of the Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Disorders Association, Inc. • Kansas Chapters of the Parkinson’s Disease Association • National Kidney Foundation of Kansas and Western Missouri • HeartStrings Community Foundation • Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Heart of America Chapter • Spina Bifida Association of Kansas • CHWC, Inc. • Cross-Lines Cooperative Council • Dreams Work, Inc. • KSDS, Inc. • Lyme Association of Greater Kansas City, Inc. • Dream Factory, Inc. • Ottawa Suzuki Strings, Inc. • International Association of Lions Clubs • Johnson County Young Matrons, Inc. • American Cancer Society, Inc. • Community Services of Shawnee, Inc. • Angel Babies Association Certain Water Retailers — Public water suppliers who pay the Clean Drinking Water Fee are exempt on all purchases of property or services for that utility. See NOTICE 04-08. Diplomatic Tax Exemption — Certain foreign missions and officials are entitled to a tax exemption based on reciprocal treaty agreements. Those entitled to tax exemption must present a Tax Exemption Card issued by the Office of Foreign Missions (OFM) of the U. S. Department of State. Details are in NOTICE 04-09. Domestic Violence Shelters — Property and services purchased by or on behalf of the domestic violence shelters that are member agencies of the Kansas coalition against sexual and domestic violence (KCSDV) are exempt. Habitat For Humanity — This organization may buy the materials that will be incorporated into its housing projects without sales tax. The exemption applies only to housing materials. Habitat for Humanity must still pay sales tax on all of its other purchases of goods or taxable services. Korean War Memorial — Property and services purchased by or on behalf of a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation organized to construct a Korean War Memorial are exempt from sales tax. The Department of Revenue has issued Project Exemption Certificates (PECs) to the qualifying entities. Parent-Teacher Associations — A PTA or PTO is exempt from paying sales tax when buying goods and services. It is also exempt from collecting sales tax on its sales of tangible personal property, but must collect tax when selling taxable services or admissions. Religious Organizations — All sales of tangible personal property and services purchased by a 501(c)(3) religious organization, and used exclusively for religious purposes, are exempt. Religious organizations also qualify to request a PEC so that materials purchased or furnished by a contractor to construct or remodel facilities for the religious organization are also exempt. Rural Volunteer Fire-Fighters — Property or services purchased by or on behalf of rural volunteer fire-fighters and used exclusively by them in the performance of their duties and functions are exempt from sales tax. Youth Development Programs — Sales of tangible personal property to a nonprofit organization for nonsectarian comprehensive multi-discipline youth development programs and activities, and all sales of tangible personal property by or on behalf of such organization are exempt from tax. Examples include: Boy Scout and Girl Scout Councils and Troops. Exception: Sales of taxable services and sales of property customarily used for human habitation (such as beds, chairs, bedding, and lamps) are taxable to a nonprofit youth development organization. Rolling stock (trucks, buses, tractor-trailers, etc.), repair or replacement parts, and motor fuels purchased by ICC carriers. Warehouse machinery & equipment, racking systems. An exemption certificate must be completed for these sales to be exempt. A detailed description of purchases qualifying for exemption is a part of each exemption certificate. Other Exempt Items The following items are exempt from sales tax in Kansas and do not require an exemption certificate: For a complete list of all tax exempt entities, see Pub. KS-1520, available on the Department of Revenue website. Food stamp purchases Child Nutrition Act (WIC program) purchases Lottery tickets Prescription drugs and insulin Orthopedic appliances Prosthetic Devices and Mobility Enhancing Equipment purchased by an individual for whom it was prescribed in writing by a licensed physician, chiropractor, optometrist, dentist, or podiatrist is not taxed [K.S.A. 79-3606(r)]. Exempt devices and mobility enhancing equipment include canes, chairlifts, crutches, eyeglasses, orthodontic braces, prosthetic limbs and braces, wheelchairs, and accessories attached to motor vehicles, such as wheelchair lifts or specialized hand or foot controls, oxygen delivery, kidney dialysis equipment and enteral feeding systems. Repair and replacement parts for the exempt equipment are also exempt if you have the original prescription order on file. NOTE: The labor services to install mobility enhancing equipment is taxable. BUYERS WHO ARE NOT EXEMPT The previous list of exempt buyers contains a number of nonprofit organizations. A common misconception is that all nonprofit organizations are exempt from sales tax. A federal exemption issued under section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code applies ONLY to federal and state INCOME TAX, this exemption does not extend to sales tax. Groups and organizations that are NOT EXEMPT from paying Kansas sales tax include: • • • • • alumni associations charitable and benevolent organizations clubs and professional associations labor unions athletic or sporting organizations ITEMS EXEMPT FROM SALES TAX NOTE: The Prosthetic Devices and Mobility Enhancing Items used by these industries and groups are exempt from sales tax: Equipment exemption does not apply to hot tubs, whirlpools, motor vehicles, or personal property which when installed becomes a fixture to real property. Repair and replacement parts for hearing aids, including the batteries, when sold by a person licensed in the practice of dispensing and fitting hearing aids pursuant to K.S.A. 745808 are exempt. See NOTICE 04-05 on our website. The labor services of repairing hearing aids when repaired by a person licensed in the practice of dispensing and fitting hearing aids pursuant to the provisions of K.S.A. 74-5808, are also exempt from Kansas sales tax. Aircraft sales, parts, and repair services for carriers in interstate or foreign commerce. Also sales of aircraft repair, modification and replacement parts and sales of services employed in the remanufacture, modification and repair of aircraft. See NOTICE 04-06. Broadcasting equipment purchased by over-the-air free access radio and television stations to generate their broadcast signals. Drill bits and explosives used in the exploration of oil and gas. Drugs and pharmaceuticals sold to veterinarians. Farm machinery and equipment. See also Pub. KS-1550, Kansas Sales and Use Tax for the Agricultural Industry. USES THAT ARE EXEMPT Other items are exempt from sales tax because of how they are used. NOTE: Work-site utility vehicles that are not more than 800 Agricultural Animals Sales of agricultural animals, including fowl (i.e., cattle, chickens, hogs, ostriches, sheep, etc.); and aquatic animals and plants are exempt when used in: pounds, 48 inches wide with four nonhighway tires, a steering wheel and has bench or bucket seating for at least two people side by side, may be purchased exempt from sales tax when used exclusively in farming and ranching. Also, precision farming equipment, purchased and installed on farm machinery and equipment, is exempt from sales tax. Food sold to groups providing meals to the elderly and homebound, and food sold by a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization under a food distribution program that sells the food below cost in exchange for community service and all sales of food products by or on behalf of any such contractor or organization for any such purpose. Integrated production machinery and equipment. Materials purchased by a community action group to repair or weatherize low-income housing. Medical supplies and durable medical equipment purchased by a nonprofit skilled nursing home, including oxygen delivery and kidney dialysis equipment and enteral feeding systems. Public health educational materials purchased by a nonprofit corporation for free distribution to the public. Railroad parts, materials, and services for railroad rolling stock used in interstate or foreign commerce. • agriculture or aquaculture • the production of food for human consumption; • the production of animal, dairy, poultry, or aquatic plant and animal products, fiber, or fur; • the production of offspring for the above purposes. Animals that are not used for agricultural purposes (i.e., pets, show horses, etc.) are taxable. Agricultural Soil Erosion Prevention Seeds, tree seedlings, chemicals, and services purchased and used for the purpose of producing plants to prevent soil erosion on land devoted to agricultural use are exempt from sales tax. 7 Propane for Agricultural Use Propane used for an agricultural purpose is exempt from sales tax. Examples include propane to power farm implements or to provide heat for brooder or farrowing houses. Propane used for a recreational purpose, such as RVs and barbecue grills, is taxable. similar combustible fuels are generally subject to the Kansas Motor Fuel tax (herein). However, these fuels are subject to sales tax when the motor fuel tax does not apply, such as dyed diesel fuel for non-highway purposes. Other fuels such as aviation fuel, jet fuel, kerosene, and propane are subject to sales or use tax unless their use or purpose qualifies for an exemption. For example, propane for agricultural use is exempt, but propane for an RV is taxed. Consumed in Production (ST-28C) Items that are essential and are depleted or dissipated within one year may be purchased without tax when they are consumed in the: • production, manufacture, processing, mining, drilling, refining or compounding of tangible personal property, • treatment of by-products or wastes of any the above processes, • providing of taxable services, • irrigation of crops, • storage or processing of grain. Isolated or Occasional Sales Sales tax is NOT collected when tangible personal property or taxable services are sold at an “isolated or occasional” sale. Isolated or occasional sales are as follows. 1) Infrequent sales of a nonrecurring nature made by a person not engaged in the business of selling tangible personal property. To qualify, the seller shall not; a. hold more than two selling events of a day’s duration in a 12 month period; b. conduct a planned annual selling event; or c. hold itself out as being engaged in the business of selling property or services of the type being sold. Examples include utilities to power manufacturing machinery, or fertilizers and insecticides used in the production of food. Ingredient or Component Part (ST-28D) Items that become a part of a finished product to be sold to the final consumer are exempt as an ingredient or component part. Some examples include, but are not limited to: Sales that usually meet this criteria are estate sales, farm sales, garage sales, and some auctions: • oil paints, watercolors, and canvas used to produce a piece of artwork for resale; • paper and ink for publishing newspapers and magazines; • containers, labels, shipping cases, twine, and wrapping paper which are not returned to the manufacturer; • paper bags, drinking straws, and paper plates used in food sales; and • feed for commercial livestock. 2) Any religious organization making one nonrecurring sale of tangible personal property in a twelve month period. The religious organization may acquire (purchase) tangible personal property for the purpose of selling at the fund raising event without paying sales tax on its purchase or collect sale sales tax when sold at the nonrecurring one day event. 3) Any sale by a bank, savings and loan institution, credit union or any finance company licensed under the provisions of the Kansas uniform consumer credit code, of tangible personal property which has been repossessed by any such entity. 4) Sale of business assets in conjunction with the sale or termination of a business (other than the sale of the business’s inventory, motor vehicles or trailers) if the sale is made in a complete and bona fide liquidation of a business of the seller. a. The term “business” shall mean a separate place of business subject to registration under the Kansas retailers’ sales tax act. b. The term “a complete and bona fide liquidation” shall mean the sale of all assets of the business conducted over a period of not more than 30 days beginning on the date of the first sale of assets, or as approved by the director of taxation. 5) Auctions. a. Take place at a location OTHER THAN one that is regularly used to conduct auctions. b. The goods being auctioned shall not have been purchased for resale. c. The goods being auctioned shall not have been consigned for sale by more than one party in addition to the principal seller at the auction. d. If some of the goods being auctioned satisfy the above requirements but others goods do not, the sale of every item at the auction shall be subject to sales tax. EXAMPLE: A Kansas resident has an estate sale before moving into a retirement home. The agent will not charge tax at the estate sale since it is an isolated sale of property that is owned by one household. As a general rule, if the item leaves with the product and is not returned for reuse by the manufacturer or retailer, it is an ingredient part. The “ingredient and component part” and “consumed in production” exemptions apply to many business types. More information on these exemptions can be found in Pub. KS-1520, available on our website. NOTE: Contractors are considered to be the final consumers of their materials and therefore may not use the consumed in production or ingredient or part exemption to purchase job materials. Resale Exemption (ST-28A) When buying your inventory from a wholesaler or another retailer, you will use a ST-28A Resale Exemption Certificate, or the PR-78SSTA Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement Certificate of Exemption (Kansas). A resale exemption certificate has two requirements: 1) the items purchased must be for resale in the usual course of the buyer’s business; and 2) the buyer must have a Kansas sales tax account number, except in drop shipment situations. OTHER SPECIAL SITUATIONS Exempt Construction Projects Materials and labor services sold to a buyer holding a special Project Exemption Certificate issued by the Department of Revenue or its authorized agent are exempt from tax. Most of the exempt buyers listed on pages 6 and 7 qualify to obtain a project exemption for most projects. A project exemption may also be issued to a business that qualifies for economic development incentives. Fuels Gasoline, diesel fuels, gasohol, alcohol fuels and other 8 EXAMPLE: An auctioneer conducts an auction of the inventory and fixtures of a clothing store. Sale of the inventory is subject to sales tax because the owner was engaged in the retail clothing business. The sale of the fixtures is not Blanket Exemption Certificates If you make recurring exempt sales of the same type to the same purchaser, it is not necessary to have an exemption certificate for each transaction. You may accept a blanket exemption certificate to cover future sales. ST-28A and ST-28M on pages 28 and 29 may be used as a blanket certificate. IMPORTANT: When you use a blanket exemption certificate subject to tax as an isolated sale of property on which tax has already been paid. Exception: The isolated or occasional sale of a motor vehicle or trailer is taxable — see page 4. Mobile or Manufactured Homes When a new mobile or manufactured home is sold, only 60% of the total selling price is subject to sales tax [K.S.A. 79-3606(ff)]. In this situation, trade-in allowances (described on page 14) are not allowed in determining the sales tax base. The rate of tax charged on these home sales is determined by the retailer’s location (see page 11). The sale of a used mobile or manufactured home (other than the original retail sale) is exempt under K.S.A. 79-3606(bb). for your regular exempt customers, ask them to verify or renew this document every year. Renewing yearly will help guarantee that the exempt customer’s information (i.e., exact business name and location, tax account number, etc.) remains accurate and up-to-date. CAUTION: When you use blanket exemption certificates, you should segregate any taxable purchases from that vendor and pay for them separately. Each buyer signs the exemption certificate acknowledging responsibility for payment of the tax if: KANSAS EXEMPTION CERTIFICATES “...the tangible personal property or service is used other than as stated ... or for any other purpose that is not exempt from sales or compensating tax...” USING EXEMPTION CERTIFICATES Exemption certificates are an important part of sales and use tax record keeping, but are often found lacking by our auditors. The information in this section will help you properly complete and accept exemption certificates. Pub. KS-1520, Kansas Exemption Certificates, is also a helpful resource. This publication contains all the exemption certificates currently in use and provides detailed information about each exemption. The publication is available on our website. Before accepting any certificate, carefully read the exemption statement and the accompanying explanation and instructions. Most certificates contain a restatement of the Kansas law (K.S.A. – Kansas Statutes Annotated), or regulation (K.A.R. – Kansas Administrative Regulations) authorizing the exemption. If your customer or the purchase does not fit the definition in the certificate or the exempt examples given, the sale is probably not exempt. The Kansas Exempt Entity Identification Number and Certificate are designed to help retailers and exempt customers complete the certificate process, not to replace it. See NOTICE 04-10 on our website. Record Keeping Keep all sales tax records, including exemption certificates and copies of tax exemption cards (Kansas or diplomatic), for your current year of business and at least three prior years. Penalties for Misuse A buyer who issues an exemption certificate in order to unlawfully avoid payment of the tax for business or personal gain is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction may be fined up to $1,000 or imprisoned for up to a year, or both. When a buyer is found to have used a ST-28A Resale Exemption Certificate to avoid payment of the tax, the director may also increase any penalty due on the tax by $250 or 10 times the tax due, whichever is greater, for each transaction where the misuse of a Resale Exemption Certificate occurred. REGISTRATION AND TAX NUMBERS WHO MUST REGISTER Completing an Exemption Certificate Follow these three rules when completing any exemption certificate. 1) Print or type all information, except for the authorized signature. The information on the certificate must be legible both to you and to our auditors. Do not print a signature on paper forms, although it is often helpful to print or type the name below the signature. (A signature is not required on an electronic exemption certificate.) 2) Fill in all the blanks. A certificate is complete only when all the information is provided. If there is a blank on the form, it must be filled in. Addresses must include the street or PO Box, city, state, and zip code. When the certificate requires a tax registration number, be sure your customer provides it. An exemption certificate is not complete unless the customer supplies the proper registration number(s). A seller may lawfully require a copy of the buyer’s sales tax certificate of registration as a condition of honoring the ST-28A Resale Exemption Certificate. [K.A.R. 92-19-25b] 3) Give specific descriptions. Be as precise as possible when describing the property or services purchased. You may use an itemized list, refer to an itemized invoice number, or at the very least provide a general description of the items. When describing a business activity, include the principal product(s) sold or manufactured. If you sell goods, admissions, or provide taxable services you must be registered with the Department of Revenue to collect sales tax from your customers on behalf of the state and, where applicable, the city and/or county. This requirement applies whether your business is a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or any other organizational type, including nonprofit, religious, governmental or educational groups. If you are making retail sales or providing taxable services in Kansas, you must register and collect the tax. Out-of-state retailers that maintain a physical presence in Kansas must register. Retailers from other states selling goods in Kansas at temporary locations (i.e., craft or trade shows, fairs, etc.) or non-resident contractors performing labor services in Kansas, must also obtain a permanent registration number. HOW TO REGISTER 9 To apply for a tax number or to register for Kansas Retailers’ Sales Tax, visit ksrevenue.gov and sign in to the KDOR Customer Service Center. After you complete the application you will receive a confirmation number for your registration and account number(s). For complete instructions about the application process, obtain Pub. KS-1216, Business Tax Application, from our website. If you prefer, you may apply in person – KDOR provides same-day registration service. An owner, partner, or a principal officer (president, vice-president, or secretary-treasurer) may bring the completed application to our assistance center. We will process the application, assign a registration number, and issue a Certificate of Registration if you have no outstanding tax liability. Another option is to mail or fax your completed business tax application to our office 3-4 weeks prior to making retail sales. This will ensure that your tax account number and registration certificate are issued before your first tax payment is due. 1 2 3 004–123456789F–01 Tax Type: Each tax type administered by the Department of Revenue has been assigned a number. The “004” is the number assigned to Retailers’ Sales Tax and appears on your registration certificate. Account Number = EIN (Employer Identification Number): The number is your federal EIN, followed by If you are not required to have an EIN, the Department of Revenue will create an account number for you. These account numbers begin with a “K” (or an “A” if registering online with the Kansas Business Center) followed by eight numbers and the “F.” Numerical Suffix: The two-digit code at the end of the A common misconception is that your sales tax number is also a “tax-exempt” number. You must complete an exemption certificate when buying your inventory or claiming another exemption. Although your sales tax number is required on exemption certificates used to purchase inventory and other exempt items, the primary purpose of this number is to identify your business for collecting and reporting the sales tax. Be sure to write your tax account number on all correspondence sent to the Department of Revenue. Filing Frequency: How often you are required to file your Kansas sales tax returns. Your filing frequency is determined by the amount of sales tax collected in a year using the chart on page 15. All retail sales of goods and enumerated services are considered taxable unless specifically exempt. Therefore, for every sale of merchandise or taxable services in Kansas, the sales receipt, invoice, or bill MUST either show that the total amount of sales tax due was collected, or be accompanied by a completed exemption certificate. Follow this rule to avoid the expense of having to pay sales tax on items you sold without charging the tax or obtaining a completed exemption certificate. COLLECTING TAX FROM YOUR CUSTOMERS www.ksrevenue.gov RETAILERS’ SALES TAX REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE 3 4 or anticipated starting date as indicated on your business tax application. Kansas retailers are responsible for collecting the full amount of sales tax due on each sale to the final user or consumer. Kansas retailers should follow this cardinal rule: After a tax account number has been assigned, a sales tax registration certificate is issued to you. When you receive it, check it for accuracy and report any corrections to the Department of Revenue immediately. The following is a sample sales tax registration certificate. 1 Inception Date: Date retail sales began at this location THE CARDINAL RULE YOUR REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE NAME OF BUSINESS 123 SW MARKET STREET ANYTOWN, KS 66661-1001 “K” or “A” number assigned by the Kansas Department of Revenue to record your account information. This number is partially “masked” to safeguard your EIN from public view. RETAILER RESPONSIBILITIES number is for Department of Revenue use. Generally it is “01” and denotes either the number of locations or the number of registrations under this EIN, “K”, or “A” number. KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Division of Taxation Tax Account Number: The tax-type and your EIN or location for this registration number. If you do not have a fixed business location, your mailing address is used. How to Display and Use Your Certificate Your registration certificate must be displayed in a “conspicuous location” in your business to let your customers know you are duly registered to collect and remit the taxes you are charging them. Many businesses place it in a display case or frame near their cash register. If you are registered for more than one tax, display them together. You must have a registration certificate at all times. If it is lost or destroyed, request a duplicate from the Department of Revenue. If you do not have a permanent fixed business location, carry your registration certificate with you. Many retailers traveling from site to site laminate their certificate to protect it during travel. Your certificate should be available at each temporary sales location to present should a local or state official request proof of registration. You may copy the certificate. Many suppliers will request a copy of your registration to verify your sales tax number on an exemption certificate. the letter “F.” The nine-digit EIN is issued by the Internal Revenue Service to identify employers and businesses. 3 2 4 Once your application is processed, your business is assigned a sales tax account number. Your sales tax account number has three distinct parts: 2 Business Name and Address: Name and physical 3 SALES TAX ACCOUNT NUMBERS 1 1 2 Tax Account Number: 004-XXXXX6789F-01 Inception Date: 01/12/2023 Filing Frequency: Monthly This Registration Certificate is valid until canceled and is not transferable. 10 There are two acceptable ways to collect sales tax from your customers. The sales tax must either be: separately stated as a line item on an invoice, or included in the price of the item. The most common method is to separately state the tax due on the invoice, bill, receipt, or other evidence of the transaction as shown in the examples that follow. If the tax is a line item, it must be clearly stated to the public as sales tax, and there must be a separate line on the invoice or receipt for the sales tax. If the tax is included in the price, it must be clearly stated to the public that the price includes all applicable sales taxes. This method is often used by contractors or when it is not practical to add the tax at the point of sale, such as vending machine sales and sales of concessions where a large volume of sales must be made quickly. CAUTION: When sales tax is included in the price, you For a sale to be exempt, an exemption certificate must be furnished or completed by the buyer, and kept by the seller with other sales tax records. Do not send exemption certificates to the Department of Revenue; they are an integral part of your sales tax records subject to inspection by the Department of Revenue. When the seller timely obtains an accurately completed exemption certificate from the buyer and keeps it on file as part of their records, the seller is relieved from collecting the tax due on that sale. You should obtain an exemption certificate before billing the customer or delivering the property. Retailers are responsible for obtaining a completed exemption certificate even though the purchaser may strike the tax from the bill or claim to be exempt only after receiving the merchandise. If you are unable to get a completed exemption certificate from a customer, the sale is considered taxable and you will be liable for the tax. In an audit situation, you have 120 days from date of notice to secure a completed exemption certificate from a customer. [K.S.A. 79-3609] Additional information about completing Kansas exemption certificates is on page 9. For more details about how to properly use exemption certificates as a buyer or seller, and exemption certificates currently in use, obtain Pub. KS-1520. DO NOT accept a copy of a customer’s sales tax registration certificate instead of an exemption certificate. The registration certificate shows the buyer is a retailer — it does not certify the purchase is exempt from tax. MUST compute the total sales without tax before reporting it as “Gross Sales” when you file. See page 17, Line 1 – Gross Sales/Receipts. IMPORTANT: It is illegal for a retailer to advertise to the public or any consumer –directly or indirectly that the sales/ use tax or any part of the tax will be paid or absorbed by the retailer; sales/use tax is not a part of the price to the consumer; or, all or part of the sales/use tax will be refunded when it is added to the price [K.S.A. 79-3605]. NOTE: Amounts collected as sales tax must be remitted to the state. If too much tax is collected, it must either be refunded to the customer or remitted to the state. SALES TAX RECORDS It is most important to keep neat, thorough, and adequate records of all aspects of your business operation. Keeping good records will enable you to accurately complete your sales and use tax returns, your business and personal income tax returns, and determine the overall profitability of your business. There is no prescribed format for sales tax records. They may be maintained on a computer or kept in a notebook. However, the content of your sales tax records is prescribed by law. Retailers must “keep records and books of all such sales, together with invoices, bills of lading, sales records, copies of bills of sale and other pertinent papers and documents...” [K.S.A. 79-3609] Whether maintained electronically or on paper, your sales tax records must contain the following documents and information. [K.A.R. 92-19-4b] LOCAL SALES TAX APPLICATION ON DESTINATION BASED SOURCING Kansas participates in the Streamlined Sales Tax Project (SSTP). One area of uniformity among the states is in “sourcing” – that is, which local sales tax rate is due. General Destination-Based Sourcing Rules Kansas is a destination-based sourcing state. Under the sourcing rules, the rate of sales tax due on instate sales will be the combined state and local sales tax rate in effect where the customer takes delivery/possession of the purchased item(s). The seller collects the sales tax rate in effect at the seller’s place of business for over-the-counter transactions. If the item(s) is shipped or delivered to the purchaser, the seller will collect the combined sales tax rate in effect at the location where the purchaser received the item(s). This will be the location where the seller delivers the item(s) to the purchaser, or if the seller ships the item(s), it will be the customer’s shipping address. If the shipping address is not known to the seller, then it is the sales tax rate in effect at the purchaser’s address as maintained by the seller in the normal course of business. If the seller’s records do not contain an address for the buyer, then the seller should source the sale to the address of the buyer shown on the buyer’s payment instrument. If there is no address on the payment instrument for the buyer, then the sale would be sourced to the seller’s location. EXAMPLE: A customer enters Joe’s Hardware in Pittsburg, 1) Gross receipts from the sale, rental, or lease of tangible personal property in the state of Kansas, including any services that are a part of the sale or lease, regardless of whether the receipts are considered to be taxable; 2) all deductions allowed by law and claimed when you filed (See Part II — Deductions on page 16); 3) the purchase price of all tangible personal property purchased for sale, consumption, or lease in the state of Kansas (the cost of your inventory, equipment, and fixtures); 4) all exemption certificates; and 5) a true and complete inventory taken yearly. You must keep these records for the current year of business and at least three prior years. Some records, such as the purchase price of equipment and fixtures, must be kept longer for federal tax purposes. Your sales tax records must be available for, and are subject to, inspection by the Director of Taxation or authorized representative (auditor) at all times during normal business hours. EXEMPTION CERTIFICATES An exemption certificate is a document that shows why sales tax was not charged on an otherwise taxable sale of goods or services. It allows you to purchase your inventory, ingredient parts, and certain consumables without tax, and authorizes you to sell taxable items to exempt customers without collecting tax. Most of the exemptions discussed on pages 6 through 9 require an exemption certificate. 11 Kansas, makes a purchase and takes possession of the item at the store. The combined rate of sales tax due is the rate in effect at Pittsburg, Kansas. EXAMPLE: A customer enters Joe’s Hardware in Pittsburg, Kansas, buys an item and asks the retailer to deliver it to him in Columbus, Kansas. Joe’s Hardware will charge the combined rate in effect at Columbus, Kansas (where the customer took delivery). Gifts/Delivery to Another Address or Location When the product is not received by the purchaser at the seller’s location and the purchaser has given the seller instructions to ship or deliver the product to a donee of the purchaser, then the sale is sourced to the donee’s address furnished by the purchaser. EXAMPLE: A Russell, Kansas resident buys a computer from EXAMPLE: A St. Francis resident enters into a one-year lease as lessee of computer equipment and rental payments are due monthly. The lessor’s business location is in Goodland. The consumer picks up the computer equipment from the lessor’s business in Goodland. This equipment will be located at the consumer’s residence in St. Francis during the term of the lease. Because the lessee first took possession of the computer equipment at the lessor’s business premises (Goodland), the first lease payment is subject to the sales tax rate in effect at Goodland. However, subsequent lease payments will be sourced to the consumer’s location of St. Francis. In contrast, if the lessor shipped the computer equipment to the consumer’s location, the first lease payment (as well as the subsequent lease payments) would have been sourced to the consumer’s location in St. Francis. a Wichita business as a gift for a student attending college and requests that the business ship it to the student’s address in Hays. The student is the purchaser’s donee, so the local sales tax applicable at the donee’s address in Hays, applies. Receipt by Shipping Company on Behalf of Buyer Receipt by a shipping company on behalf of a purchaser is not considered received for purposes of the sourcing rules. EXAMPLE: A Hutchinson, Kansas law firm orders office Sourcing for Transportation Equipment In general, transportation equipment means equipment used to carry persons or property in interstate commerce, such as aircraft (including containers attached thereto), buses, trucks, railcars and railroad locomotives. The general destination-based sourcing rules apply to the retail sale, lease or rental of transportation equipment. supplies from an office supply company in Overland Park and requests the company deliver its order to Jones Shipping Co., which the law firm has retained to deliver the order to its Hutchinson office. In this situation, receipt by Jones Shipping Co. is not considered receipt by the purchaser for purposes of applying the sourcing rules. Since the buyer did not receive the order at the seller’s location and the seller did not ship or deliver the order to the buyer or to a third party, the sale should be sourced to the address of the buyer shown on the seller’s business records. Sourcing for Electricity, Gas, Water or Heat The utilities of electricity, gas, water and heat are taxed at the local (and state) rate in effect at the customer’s location. Under the sourcing rules, these utilities are taxed based on the customer’s location. Residential and agricultural use of the utilities (except water) are subject only to local tax – the state sales tax of 6.50% does not apply to utilities used for a residential or agricultural purpose. Water for residential and agricultural use is exempt from both state and local sales tax. Sourcing of Services Destination-based sourcing rules applies to all retail sales of taxable services, as well as all sales of tangible personal property. This means that the sale of a taxable service is sourced or taxed based on the location where the purchaser of the services makes first use of those services (often the same location where services are performed). EXAMPLE: A rural Jefferson County resident brings his Telecommunications Sourcing Rules Telecommunications service has its own sourcing rules. These rules are consistent with the federal Mobile Telecommunications Sourcing Act. This means that telecommunications sales are generally sourced to the customer’s billing address. car to a mechanic in Topeka for repairs. The car repairs are performed at the mechanic’s shop in Topeka, and the consumer picks the car up at the shop location. The mechanic will collect the sales tax rate in effect in Topeka on the repair charges. If the mechanic had performed the repairs at the consumer’s residence, then he would collect the sales tax rate in
Extracted from PDF file 2023-kansas-publication-ks-1510.pdf, last modified December 2022

More about the Kansas Publication KS-1510 Sales Tax

This publication has been prepared by the Kansas Department of Revenue (KDOR) to assist you in understanding how the Kansas sales and use tax applies to your business operation.

We last updated the Sales and Compensating Use Tax Information Booklet in February 2024, and the latest form we have available is for tax year 2023. This means that we don't yet have the updated form for the current tax year. Please check this page regularly, as we will post the updated form as soon as it is released by the Kansas Department of Revenue. You can print other Kansas tax forms here.

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Related Kansas Sales Tax Forms:

TaxFormFinder has an additional 73 Kansas income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms. These related forms may also be needed with the Kansas Publication KS-1510.

Form Code Form Name
Publication KS-1520 Sales Tax Exemption Information Booklet and Certificates
Publication KS-1528 Application for Sales Tax Exemption Certificates Booklet

Download all KS tax forms View all 74 Kansas Income Tax Forms

Form Sources:

Kansas usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Kansas Publication KS-1510 from the Department of Revenue in February 2024.

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About the Sales Tax

Sales taxes are applied to the transfer of goods (and sometimes services) to the end consumer in most of the fifty states, and are collected by the vendor from their customers and remitted to the state taxation department on a regular basis. Therefore, most sales tax related tax forms are applicable to businesses, and not private individuals.

Historical Past-Year Versions of Kansas Publication KS-1510

We have a total of six past-year versions of Publication KS-1510 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2023 Publication KS-1510

Pub. KS-1510 Sales Tax and Compensating Use Tax Booklet Rev. 11-22

2022 Publication KS-1510

Pub. KS-1510 Sales Tax and Compensating Use Tax Booklet Rev. 11-22

2021 Publication KS-1510

Pub. KS-1510 Sales Tax and Compensating Use Tax Booklet Rev. 12-21

2020 Publication KS-1510

Pub. KS-1510 Sales Tax and Compensating Use Tax Booklet Rev. 12-20

2019 Publication KS-1510

Pub. KS-1510 Sales Tax and Compensating Use Tax Booklet Rev. 1-20

2018 Publication KS-1510

Pub. KS-1510 Sales Tax and Compensating Use Tax Booklet Rev. 1-18

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While we do our best to keep our list of Kansas Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

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Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/kansas/publication-ks-1510