Kansas Fiduciary Income Tax

Extracted from PDF file 2024-kansas-form-k-41.pdf, last modified July 2024Fiduciary Income Tax
K-41 2024 K-41 Page 1 140024 KANSAS FIDUCIARY INCOME TAX (Rev. 7-24) DO NOT STAPLE 2 __ 0 __ 2 __ 4 ; ending __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ For the taxable year beginning __ __ __ __ / __ Name of Estate or Trust Employer ID Number (EIN) Name of Fiduciary Filing Information Mailing Address (Number and Street, including Rural Route) Telephone Number City, Town or Post Office State Zip Code If your name or address has changed since last year, mark an “X” in this box. Residency Status (Mark ONE) Filing Status (Mark ONE) Estate Resident Trust Nonresident (See instructions) Income Tax Computation If this is an amended return, mark an “X” in this box. Date Established __ __ 1. Federal taxable income (Residents: Federal Form 1041; Nonresidents: Part III, line 49, column D) .......... 2. Resident fiduciary’s share of modifications to federal taxable income (residents only) Part I, line 27 or Part II, line (j) ..................................................................................................................... .............................................. Withholding & Payments DAY 2 3 4. Tax (from tax computation schedule on the last page of this form) .................................................................... 4 5. Kansas tax on lump sum distributions (see instructions) ................................................................................... 5 6. Nonresident beneficiary tax (Part IV total of column E) ..................................................................................... 6 7. TOTAL KANSAS TAX (add lines 4, 5 and 6) ...................................................................................................... 7 8. Credit for taxes paid to other states (resident estates or trusts only; see instructions) ..................................... 8 9. Other nonrefundable credits (enclose all appropriate schedules) ..................................................................... 9 10. Total credits (add lines 8 and 9)......................................................................................................................... 10 11. Balance (subtract line 10 from line 7; cannot be less than zero) ....................................................................... 11 DO T I M B U S T NO PHO PIES O C O T FORM 13. Kansas estimated tax paid ................................................................................................................................ S I H T OF 14. Amount paid with Kansas extension .................................................................................................................. 15. Refundable portion of tax credits ....................................................................................................................... 16. Credit for tax paid on the K-120S (Enclose K-9) ............................................................................................... 00 15 16 18 19 20. UNDERPAYMENT (if line 11 is greater than line 19) .......................................................................................... 20 21. INTEREST (see instructions) ............................................................................................................................. 21 22. PENALTY (see instructions) ............................................................................................................................... 22 NOTE: If both the “TOTAL line in Part IV, Column E” and “amount on line 23” are zero, DO NOT FILE this return. 24. REFUND (if line 19 is greater than line 11 subtract line 11 from line 19) ........................................................... PLEASE COMPLETE THE BACK OF THIS FORM 00 00 00 00 24 14 18. Amended filers: Overpayment from original return (this figure is a subtraction; see instructions) .............. 23. BALANCE DUE (add lines 20, 21 and 22) .............................................. 00 00 00 00 23 13 17 Write your EIN on your check or money order and make payable to: Kansas Fiduciary Tax YEAR 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 17. Amended filers: Payments remitted with original return ................................................................................. 19. Total refundable credits (add lines 12 through 17 and subtract line 18) ............................................................ __ __ __ __ 00 00 00 1 12. Kansas income tax withheld .............................................................................................................................. Refund or Balance Due __ __ MONTH 3. Kansas taxable income (Line 1 plus or minus line 2. See instructions . County Abbreviation Date of decedent’s death or date trust established: Bankruptcy Estate Credits School District Number K-41 Page 2 140124 PART I - MODIFICATIONS TO FEDERAL TAXABLE INCOME 25. Additions to federal taxable income: a. State and local bond interest (reduced by related expenses, enclose schedule) ................................................. 25a b. State or local taxes measured by income deducted on the federal return ........................................................... 25b DO IT M B U S NOT c. Administrative expenses claimed as deductions on Kansas estate tax return ..................................................... 25c d. Business interest expense carryforward deduction (I.R.C. § 163(j)) .................................................................... 25d e. Other additions (see instructions, enclose schedule) .......................................................................................... 25e S E I P O C PHOTO RM O F S I H OF T f. Total additions to federal income (add lines 25a through 25e) .............................................................................. 26. Subtractions from federal taxable income: a. Interest on U.S. Government obligations (reduced by related expenses, enclose schedule) .............................. b. State income tax refunds reported as income on federal return ........................................................................... 25f 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 26a 26b c. Exempt retirement benefits ................................................................................................................................... 26c d. Global intangible low-taxed income (GILTI) (I.R.C. § 951A) ................................................................................ 26d e. Disallowed business interest deduction (I.R.C. § 163(j)) ..................................................................................... 26e f. Disallowed business meal expenses (I.R.C.§ 274) ............................................................................................... 00 00 00 00 00 00 26f g. Other subtractions from federal taxable income (see instructions, enclose schedule) ......................................... 26g h. Total subtractions from federal taxable income (add lines 26a through 26g) ......................................................... 26h 27. Net modification to federal taxable income (subtract line 26h from line 25f) .............................................................. 27 PART II - COMPUTATION OF SHARES OF THE MODIFICATION TO FEDERAL TAXABLE INCOME NOTE: The Kansas fiduciary modification is to be allocated among the beneficiaries and the fiduciary in proportion to their share of the sum of the federal distributable net income and the amount distributed or required to be distributed from current income. (A) (B) Name and Address Social Security Number (D) (C) Percent of Share of fiduciary adjustment (line 27, Part I, multiplied by column C) Distribution RESIDENT BENEFICIARIES (a) % (b) % (c) % (d) % NONRESIDENT BENEFICIARIES (e) % (f) % (g) % (h) % (i) Charitable beneficiaries’ portion .......................................................................................................................( i ) Subtotal ........................................................................................................................................................... (j) Fiduciary’s portion ............................................................................................................................................( j ) % % % 100% Total ................................................................................................................................................................. I authorize the Director of Taxation or the Director’s designee to discuss my return and enclosures with my preparer. I declare under the penalties of perjury that to the best of my knowledge this is a true, correct, and complete return. sign here Signature of fiduciary Signature of preparer other than fiduciary Title Date Date Tax Preparer’s PTIN, EIN or SSN: Mail to: Fiduciary Tax, Kansas Department of Revenue, PO Box 750260, Topeka, KS 66699-0260 FOR NONRESIDENT ESTATES AND TRUSTS OR RESIDENT ESTATES AND TRUSTS WITH NONRESIDENT BENEFICIARIES K-41 Page 3 Attach 140224 PART III - COMPUTATION OF FEDERAL TAXABLE INCOME OF THE ESTATE OR TRUST FROM KANSAS SOURCES (A) These items correspond to those listed on Federal Form 1041 (B) Total income as reported on Federal Form 1041 (C) Amount from Kansas sources (D) Nonresident fiduciary’s portion of Col. C & capital gains not distributed 28. Interest income .................................................................................................. 29. Dividends ........................................................................................................... 30. Business income (loss) ...................................................................................... 31. Capital gain (loss) .............................................................................................. 32. Rents, royalties, partnerships, other estates and trusts, etc. ............................. 33. Farm income (loss) ............................................................................................ 34. Ordinary income (loss) ....................................................................................... 35. Other income ..................................................................................................... 36. Total income (Add lines 28 through 35 37. Interest 38. Taxes . 39. Fiduciary fees . 40. Charitable deductio . 41. Attorney, accountant, and return preparer fees 42a. Other deductions not subject to the 2% floor . 42b. Allowable miscellaneous itemized deductions subject to the 2% floor . 43. Total (Add lines 37 through 42 44. Subtract line 43 from line 36.............................................................................. 45. Distributions to beneficiarie . 46a. Estate tax deduction (fiduciary 46b. Estate tax deduction (beneficiary) 47. Exemption (For Column D, see instructions) 48. Total (Add lines 45 through 47 49. Taxable income (Subtract line 48 from line 44). 50. Total percent of all nonresident beneficiaries - from Part II, lines (e), (f), (g) & (h) 51. Total Kansas income of nonresident beneficiaries (Multiply line 49 by line 50). PART IV - NONRESIDENT BENEFICIARIES’ SHARES OF INCOME AND TAX TO BE WITHHELD (A) Name and Address (B) Social Security Number (C) Beneficiary’s Percentage NONRESIDENT BENEFICIARIES (a) % (b) % (c) % (d) % TOTAL. Enter amount from column E on line 6 ............................................................. % (D) Kansas Taxable Income (E) Tax to be withheld (Multiply Col. D by 2.5%) TAX COMPUTATION SCHEDULE If amount on line 3, Form K-41 is: Over But not over Enter on line 4, Form K-41: $ 0 $23,000 $23,000 ........................................ 5.2% of line 3 ..................................................... $1,196 plus 5.58% of excess over $23,000 TAX WITHHELD FOR NONRESIDENT BENEFICIARIES Under Kansas law the executor, administrator, trustee or other fiduciary of an estate or trust is required to withhold 2.5% (.025) of the amount distributable to each nonresident beneficiary. The amount to be withheld from each nonresident beneficiary is shown in Part IV, column (E). For each nonresident beneficiary from whom tax is withheld, three copies of form “K-18 Fiduciary Report of Nonresident Beneficiary Tax Withheld,” must be prepared. Copy the form K-18 shown above. Distribute copies of Form K-18 as follows: – to the beneficiary from whom the tax is withheld to enclose with their Kansas Income Tax return. – to the beneficiary for their records. – to be retained by fiduciary. K-18 K-18 Attach 140324 2024 FIDUCIARY REPORT OF NONRESIDENT BENEFICIARY TAX WITHHELD KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ENDING DATE OF ESTATE OR TRUSTS TAX YEAR _ NONRESIDENT BENEFICIARY’S NAME SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER STREET ADDRESS OR RURAL ROUTE CITY NAME OF ESTATE OR TRUST EIN OF TRUST NONRESIDENT BENEFICIARY’S SHARE OF DISTRIBUTABLE INCOME FROM KANSAS SOURCES: STATE ZIP CODE Taxable income...................................................... $ _____________ Modifications as if Kansas resident ....................... $ _____________ Amount of tax withheld .......................................... $ _____________* * Beneficiary: Enter this amount on the “Kansas Income Tax Withheld” line of your Kansas Individual Income Tax return (K-40).
K-41 - Kansas Fiduciary Income Tax - Revised 7-24
More about the Kansas Form K-41 Corporate Income Tax Tax Return TY 2024
We last updated the Fiduciary Income Tax in January 2025, so this is the latest version of Form K-41, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form K-41 directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Kansas tax forms here.
eFile your Kansas tax return now
eFiling is easier, faster, and safer than filling out paper tax forms. File your Kansas and Federal tax returns online with TurboTax in minutes. FREE for simple returns, with discounts available for TaxFormFinder users!
File Now with TurboTaxRelated Kansas Corporate Income Tax Forms:
TaxFormFinder has an additional 73 Kansas income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms. These related forms may also be needed with the Kansas Form K-41.
Form Code | Form Name |
Form K-41ES | Fiduciary Estimated Voucher |
View all 74 Kansas Income Tax Forms
Form Sources:
Kansas usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Kansas Form K-41 from the Department of Revenue in January 2025.
Form K-41 is a Kansas Corporate Income Tax form. Like the Federal Form 1040, states each provide a core tax return form on which most high-level income and tax calculations are performed. While some taxpayers with simple returns can complete their entire tax return on this single form, in most cases various other additional schedules and forms must be completed, depending on the taxpayer's individual situation, to create a complete income tax return package.
About the Corporate Income Tax
The IRS and most states require corporations to file an income tax return, with the exact filing requirements depending on the type of company.
Sole proprietorships or disregarded entities like LLCs are filed on Schedule C (or the state equivalent) of the owner's personal income tax return, flow-through entities like S Corporations or Partnerships are generally required to file an informational return equivilent to the IRS Form 1120S or Form 1065, and full corporations must file the equivalent of federal Form 1120 (and, unlike flow-through corporations, are often subject to a corporate tax liability).
Additional forms are available for a wide variety of specific entities and transactions including fiduciaries, nonprofits, and companies involved in other specific types of business.
Historical Past-Year Versions of Kansas Form K-41
We have a total of eleven past-year versions of Form K-41 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

K-41 - Kansas Fiduciary Income Tax - Revised 7-24

K-41 Fiduciary Income Tax Return Rev. 7-23

K-41 Fiduciary Income Tax Return Rev. 7-22

K-41 Fiduciary Income Tax Return Rev. 7-21

K-41 Fiduciary Income Tax Return Rev. 7-19

K-41 Fiduciary Income Tax Return Rev. 7-19

K-41 Fiduciary Income Tax Return Rev. 7-18_fillable

K-41 Fiduciary Income Tax Return Rev. 7-17

Fiduciary Income Tax Return K-41 Rev. 7-16


TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:
While we do our best to keep our list of Kansas Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.