Iowa New Jobs Tax Credit Worksheet 41-133

Extracted from PDF file 2023-iowa-form-ia-133.pdf, last modified September 2020New Jobs Tax Credit Worksheet 41-133
2023 IA 133 Iowa New Jobs Tax Credit Name(s): ___________________________________________________________________________ Social Security Number (SSN) or Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN): _________________ Pass-through entity (if applicable): _______________________________________________________ Pass-through FEIN: _______________________ Tax period ending date: ______________________ Tax credit certificate number for 260E agreement with a community college: ______________________ If you claimed the New Jobs Tax Credit under this agreement in a prior tax year, you are NOT eligible to claim it again for the same new jobs. Part I - Eligibility for New Jobs Tax Credit 1. Base employment level at the location with the 260E agreement ........................ 1. _______________ 2. Number of new jobs directly resulting from the project covered by the agreement for which the tax credit is being claimed. Enter number from line A1 of Schedule A ........................................................................................... 2. _______________ 3. Number of new jobs directly related to the jobs in line 2 for which the tax credit is being claimed. Enter number from line B1 of Schedule B ................................. 3. _______________ 4. Total new jobs claimed. Add lines 2 and 3. If partial jobs were reported, round down to the nearest whole number ............................................................ 4. _______________ 5. Total employment level in the current tax year at the location with the 260E agreement ............................................................................................................ 5. _______________ 6. Total employment gain at the location with the 260E agreement. Subtract line 1 from line 5.......................................................................................................... 6. _______________ 7. Total eligible new jobs. Enter the smaller of line 4 or line 6 .................................. 7. _______________ 8. Increased employment percentage. Divide line 7 by line 1 and round to three decimals (ex. 10.3%). If line 1 equals zero, report 10.0%. If this number is less than 10.0%, you are not eligible for the New Jobs Tax Credit for this tax year; do not claim this tax credit .................................................................................... 8. _____________ % Part II - Calculation of the New Jobs Tax Credit 9. Qualifying taxable wages for new jobs for which the tax credit is being claimed in tax year 2023. Add total qualifying taxable wages from line A2 of Schedule A and line B2 of Schedule B ................................................................. 9. _______________ 10. New Jobs Tax Credit. Multiply line 9 by the tax credit rate of 6% (.06). See Where to Report This Tax Credit in instructions............................................ 10. ______________ Part III - Pass-Through or Carryforward of the New Jobs Tax Credit 11. Pass-Through New Jobs Tax Credit from partnership, limited liability company (LLC), S corporation, estate or trust. See Where to Report This Tax Credit in instructions ...................................................................................... 11. ______________ 12. Carryforward of New Jobs Tax Credit from tax year 2022 under the tax credit certificate number listed above. Only for use by taxpayers filing an IA 1040, IA 1041, or IA 1120. See Where to Report This Tax Credit in instructions ........... 12. ______________ Include this form with your return. 41-133a (07/24/2023) 2023 IA 133, page 2 Schedule A - Employees in New Jobs Directly Resulting from the Project A Employee name B Employee SSN C Job title D E F Wages paid Hours Qualifying taxable during the tax share wages: Report the year lesser of column D or $36,100 multiplied by column E A1. Total new jobs (sum column E). Enter on line 2 of the IA 133 ........................ A1. _____________ A2. Total qualifying taxable wages (sum column F) ............................................. A2. _____________ Schedule B - Employees in New Jobs Directly Related to the New Jobs in Schedule A A B C D E F Employee name Employee Job title Wages paid Hours Qualifying taxable SSN during the tax share wages: Report the year lesser of column D or $36,100 multiplied by column E B1. Total new jobs (sum column E). Enter on line 3 of the IA 133 ........................ B1. _____________ B2. Total qualifying taxable wages (sum column F) ............................................. B2. _____________ 41-133b (07/24/2023) 2023 IA 133 Instructions, page 1 About the Iowa New Jobs Tax Credit A New Jobs Tax Credit can be claimed by a taxpayer who has entered into an Iowa Industrial New Jobs Training (260E) agreement with a community college and who has increased employment over the base employment level by at least 10.0%. The tax credit can be claimed in any tax year that either begins or ends during the term of the 260E agreement. However, the tax credit may not be taken until the base employment level has been exceeded by at least 10.0%. In the case of a taxpayer without a base employment level, the tax credit can be claimed for all eligible new jobs for the tax year selected by the taxpayer. The tax credit can only be claimed once for each new job. Base employment level means the number of fulltime jobs a business employs at the location covered by the 260E agreement on the date of the agreement. The number of full-time jobs is the total number of full-time equivalent jobs where part-time jobs are expressed as a share of a full-time job as explained in the instructions for Column E of Schedules A and B. In determining if the taxpayer has increased employment over the base employment level by at least 10.0%, only those new jobs directly resulting from the project covered by the agreement and those directly related to those new jobs are eligible. New jobs directly resulting from a project do not include jobs of recalled workers or replacement jobs or other jobs that formerly existed in the state. New jobs directly related to the new jobs resulting from the project means those jobs that directly support the new jobs. However, those new jobs do not include an in-state employee transferred to a position that would be considered a new job directly related to the new jobs resulting from the project unless the transferred employee’s vacant position is filled by a new employee. The burden of proof that a new job is directly related to the new jobs resulting from the project is on the taxpayer. Example: A taxpayer who has entered into a chapter 260E agreement to train new employees for a new product line transfers an in-state employee to be foreperson of the new product line and fills the transferred employee’s position with a new employee. The new foreperson’s position would be considered a job directly related to new jobs because it directly supports the new jobs and the transferred employee’s old position was filled by a new employee. Any credit in excess of the tax liability for the tax year may be credited to the tax liability for the following 10 tax years or until depleted, whichever is earlier. If you are only claiming a New Jobs Tax Credit carryforward from a prior tax year, skip lines 1 through 11. A separate IA 133 must be completed for each different 260E agreement under which a New Jobs Tax Credit, new or carryforward, is claimed. Pass-Through Entities - Allocation of Tax Credit If the business is a pass-through entity (partnership, LLC, S corporation, estate, or trust), the tax credit is allocated to the members. The tax credit allocation must be in the ratio of each member’s share of the earnings of the entity to the entity’s total earnings. Special allocations are not permitted. The pass-through entity must file the completed IA 133 with its return and report the tax credit to the Department and members as instructed (see Where to Report This Tax Credit). Schedules A and B New Jobs Details Schedules A and B must be completed to demonstrate eligibility for the New Jobs Tax Credit. In Schedule A, provide the name, Social Security Number (SSN), and job title for employees in the new jobs directly resulting from the project covered by the agreement. In Schedule B, provide the name, SSN, and job title for employees in the new jobs directly related to the new jobs reported in Schedule A. Complete multiple schedules if more lines are needed. Also, report total wages paid to each employee during tax year 2023 in column D. Column E equals the employee’s share of hours toward a full-time job based on the average number of hours worked each week. Enter 1 if the average was 35 hours or more; enter .75 if the average was 25 hours or more but under 35 hours; enter .5 if the average was 15 hours or more but under 25 hours; enter .25 if the average was under 15 hours. If the employee worked full-time and was only in the job for a portion of the year, enter the share of months. For example, enter .5 if the employee worked 6 months; enter .83 if the employee worked 10 months. 41-133c (07/24/2023) 2023 IA 133 Instructions, page 2 If the employee worked part-time for a portion of the year, multiply the two pro-rated numbers and round to two digits to the right of the decimal place. Column F equals qualifying taxable wages for the employees in jobs for which the taxpayer is claiming the New Jobs Tax Credit this tax year. Enter the lesser of column D or $36,100 multiplied by the hours share in column E to calculate qualifying taxable wages in column F. If the taxpayer claimed a tax credit for the job of the listed employee in a prior tax year, leave column F blank. If the taxpayer chooses to not claim a tax credit this tax year for the job of a listed employee, leave column F blank. On lines A1 and B1 of each respective schedule, total column E, including partial jobs, for that schedule. On lines A2 and B2 of each respective schedule, total column F for that schedule. Enter line A1 of Schedule A on line 2 of the IA 133. Enter line B1 of Schedule B on line 3 of the IA 133. Add lines A2 and B2 of Schedules A and B and enter that sum in line 9 of the IA 133. 2023 IA 133 Line Instructions Provide your name, SSN or Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), and tax period ending date. Also, report the tax credit certificate issued with the 260E agreement. If you are only claiming a New Jobs Tax Credit carryforward from a prior tax year, skip lines 1 through 11. Line 2: Number of new jobs claimed Report the number of new jobs on line A1 of Schedule A on the IA 133; include additional schedules if more than 15 employees. Report the sum with partial jobs if applicable. Line 3: Number of jobs directly related to the new jobs claimed Report the number of jobs directly related to the new jobs on line B1 of Schedule B on the IA 133; include additional schedules if more than six employees. Report the sum with partial jobs if applicable. Line 4: Total new jobs claimed Add lines 2 and 3. If partial jobs were reported, round down to the nearest whole number. The credit can only be claimed for full-time jobs or the aggregation of part-time jobs that equal a fulltime job. Line 5: Total employment level in the current tax year at the location with the 260E agreement Your total employment level is the number of fulltime equivalent jobs the business employs at the location covered by the 260E agreement on the last day of your tax year. The number of full-time jobs is the total number of full-time equivalent jobs where part-time jobs are expressed as a share of a full-time job as explained in the instructions for Column E of Schedules A and B. Line 9: Qualifying taxable wages For 2023, qualifying taxable wages are the first $36,100 paid to employees in new jobs or in jobs directly related to those new jobs, prorated by the average hours worked. For 2023, $36,100 is the amount of taxable wages on which an employer is required to pay unemployment taxes. Line 10: New Jobs Tax Credit Multiply line 9 by 6% (.06). This is your New Jobs Tax Credit. See Where to Report This Tax Credit. Line 11: Pass-through New Jobs Tax Credit If the taxpayer has received any pass-through New Jobs Tax Credit from a pass-through entity, report that amount on this line. If the taxpayer is only reporting a pass-through New Jobs Tax Credit, skip lines 1 through 10. File a separate IA 133 for each pass-through New Jobs Tax Credit received and provide the required information regarding the pass-through entity. See Where to Report This Tax Credit. Line 12: Carryforward of New Jobs Tax Credit from 2022 under reported tax credit certificate For individuals (IA 1040 filers), fiduciaries (IA 1041 filers), and corporations (IA 1120 filers), any carryforward from prior year(s) claimed under the same 260E contract must be reported on line 12. If the taxpayer is only reporting carryforward, skip lines 1 through 11. Include this form and the IA 148 with your IA1040, IA 1041, or IA 1120. Include this form with your IA 1065 or IA 1120S. 41-133d (07/24/2023) 2023 IA 133 Instructions, page 3 Where to report this tax credit: Iowa form: Enter amounts from lines 10, 11, or 12 on: • 1040 1120 1041 (amounts claimed at entity level) 1041 (amounts allocated to beneficiaries) IA 148 Tax Credits Schedule • IA 1041 Schedule K-1 • • and IA 1065 Schedule K-1 IA 1120S Schedule B 1120S • • IA 1065 Schedule B 1065 Additional instructions: • • and IA 1120S Schedule K-1 • Report line 10 and 11 amounts on the IA 148, Part I, Column D, using tax credit code 08 and the tax credit certificate number issued with the 260E agreement. List each tax credit claim earned or received separately. Report line 12 amounts on the IA 148, Part I, Column C, using tax credit code 08 and the tax credit certificate number issued with the 260E agreement. If you have other New Jobs Tax Credits to report in Column D under the same tax credit certificate number, report the line 12 carryforward amount on the same line. For line 11 amounts from another pass-through entity, report required information about the pass-through entity on the IA 148, Part IV. List each pass-through tax credit claim separately. Report the allocated share of line 10 and 11 amounts on each beneficiary’s IA 1041 Schedule K-1 using tax credit code 08 and the tax credit certificate number issued with the 260E agreement. List each tax credit claim earned or received separately. Instruct beneficiaries to report their allocated tax credit on line 11 of form IA 133 and include the IA 133 with their tax return. Report line 10 and 11 amounts on the IA 1065 Schedule B as earned by the entity (line 10) or received from another pass-through entity (line 11) and use tax credit code 08 and the tax credit certificate number issued with the 260E agreement. Also, report each member’s allocated share of the tax credit on the IA 1065 Schedule K-1 using tax credit code 08 and the tax credit certificate number issued with the 260E agreement. List each tax credit claim earned or received separately on Schedule B and Schedule K-1. Instruct members to report their allocated tax credit on line 11 of form IA 133 and include the IA 133 with their tax return. Report line 10 and 11 amounts on the IA 1120S Schedule B as earned by the entity (line 10) or received from another pass-through entity (line 11) and use tax credit code 08 and the tax credit certificate number issued with the 260E agreement. Also, report each member’s allocated share of the tax credit on the IA 1120S Schedule K-1 using tax credit code 08 and the tax credit certificate number issued with the 260E agreement. List each tax credit claim earned or received separately on Schedule B and Schedule K-1. Instruct members to report their allocated tax credit on line 11 of form IA 133 and include the IA 133 with their tax return. 41-133e (07/24/2023)
IA 133 New Jobs Tax Credit, 41-133
More about the Iowa Form IA 133 Corporate Income Tax Tax Credit
We last updated the New Jobs Tax Credit Worksheet 41-133 in February 2024, and the latest form we have available is for tax year 2023. This means that we don't yet have the updated form for the current tax year. Please check this page regularly, as we will post the updated form as soon as it is released by the Iowa Department of Revenue. You can print other Iowa tax forms here.
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File Now with TurboTaxOther Iowa Corporate Income Tax Forms:
TaxFormFinder has an additional 43 Iowa income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.
Form Code | Form Name |
Form IA 1041 | Fiduciary Return 63-001 |
IA 1041-C | Schedule C Computation of Nonresident's Tax Credit |
Form IA 1065 | Iowa Partnership Return of Income 41-016 |
Form IA 1120S | Income Tax Return for S Corporation |
Form IA 1120S Instructions | Form IA 1120S/K-1 Instructions |
View all 44 Iowa Income Tax Forms
Form Sources:
Iowa usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Iowa Form IA 133 from the Department of Revenue in February 2024.
Form IA 133 is an Iowa Corporate Income Tax form. States often have dozens of even hundreds of various tax credits, which, unlike deductions, provide a dollar-for-dollar reduction of tax liability. Some common tax credits apply to many taxpayers, while others only apply to extremely specific situations. In most cases, you will have to provide evidence to show that you are eligible for the tax credit, and calculate the amount of the credit to which you are entitled.
About the Corporate Income Tax
The IRS and most states require corporations to file an income tax return, with the exact filing requirements depending on the type of company.
Sole proprietorships or disregarded entities like LLCs are filed on Schedule C (or the state equivalent) of the owner's personal income tax return, flow-through entities like S Corporations or Partnerships are generally required to file an informational return equivilent to the IRS Form 1120S or Form 1065, and full corporations must file the equivalent of federal Form 1120 (and, unlike flow-through corporations, are often subject to a corporate tax liability).
Additional forms are available for a wide variety of specific entities and transactions including fiduciaries, nonprofits, and companies involved in other specific types of business.
Historical Past-Year Versions of Iowa Form IA 133
We have a total of thirteen past-year versions of Form IA 133 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

IA 133 New Jobs Tax Credit, 41-133

IA 133 New Jobs Tax Credit, 41-133

IA 133 New Jobs Tax Credit, 41-133

IA 133 New Jobs Tax Credit, 41-133

IA 133 New Jobs Tax Credit, 41-133

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IA 133 New Jobs Tax Credit, 41-133

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While we do our best to keep our list of Iowa Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.