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Iowa Free Printable Grain Tax Return and Instructions, 56068 for 2025 Iowa Grain Tax Return

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Grain Tax Return
Grain Tax Return and Instructions, 56068

IOWA Grain Tax Return Statement for January 1, 20 ____ thru December 31, 20 _____ This statement must be filed each year with your jurisdiction’s assessor between January 1 and 60 days thereafter. Contact information for all assessors can be found at the Iowa State Association of Assessors website: (www.iowa-assessors.org). Applicant Contact Information – Please Print Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________ Email:__________________________________________ To the Assessor for (jurisdiction) _________________________________________ , State of Iowa. List total bushels handled in each column then total at right bushels handled as: Kinds of grain All bushels received into warehouse Direct purchase for resale Received for manufacturing or processing Seed stock received for processing treatment and seed resale Number of bushels of handled Corn Corn (Sealed) Oats Soy beans Wheat Barley Rye Popcorn Seed corn Flax All other grain Total bushels of all seed and grain:_____________ I, the undersigned (for company, if applicable) _______________ engaged in handling grain in the above named taxing district. I hereby declare under penalty of perjury or false certificate, that I have examined this return, and, to the best of knowledge and belief, certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the number of bushels of each kind of grain handled in such district during the above-mentioned period. Signature: _______________________________________ Title:___________________________ Company: _______________________________________ Date: __________________________ Computation of tax: Grand total Bushels of All Seed and Grain (from above):__________________ Taxed 1/4 mill per bushel (1/40 of 1 cent per bushel) equals amount of tax imposed: $____________ This amount is due and payable in the same manner as taxes on general property tax. Tax on grain handled - Iowa Code section 428.35 56-068a (12/17/19) Grain Tax Return Instructions 1. Definitions. As used in this section: a) “Grain” means wheat, corn barley, oats, rye, flaxseed, field peas, soybeans, grain sorghums, spelts, and such other products as are usually stored in grain elevators. Such term excludes such seeds after being processed, and the products of such processing when packaged or sacked. b) “Handling or handled” means the receiving of grain at or in each elevator, warehouse, mill, processing plant, or other facility in this state in which it is received for storage, accumulation, sale, processing, or for any purpose whatsoever. c) “Person” means individuals, corporations, forms, and associations of whatever form. d) “Processing” shall not include hulling, cleaning, drying, grading, or polishing. 2. Tax imposed. An annual excise tax is hereby levied on such handling of grain in the amount provided in this section. All grain so handled shall be exempt from all taxation as property under the laws of this state. The amount of such excise tax shall be a sum equal to one-fourth mill per bushel upon all grain as herein defined in this section that is so handled. 3. Statement filing form. Every person engaged in handling grain shall, on the first day of January of each year and not later than 60 days thereafter, make and file with the assessor a statement of the number of bushels of grain handled by the person in that district during the year immediately preceding, or the part thereof, during which the person was engaged in handling grain. Upon demand, the assessor shall have the right to inspect all such person’s records thereof. A form for making the statement shall be included in the blanks prescribed by the Director of the Department of Revenue. If a statement is not furnished as required in this subsection, section 441.24 shall apply. 4. Assessment. The assessor of each such district, from the statement required or from such other information as the assessor may acquire, shall ascertain the number of bushels of grain handled by each person handling grain in the assessor’s district during the preceding year, or part thereof, and shall assess the amount herein provided to such person under the provisions of this section. 5. Computation of tax. The rate imposed by subsection 2 shall be applied to the number of bushels of grain so handled, and the computed amount thereof shall constitute the tax to be assessed. 6. Payment of tax. The tax, when determined, shall be entered in the same manner as general property taxes on the tax list of the taxing district, and the proceeds of the collection of the tax shall be distributed to the same taxing units and in the same proportion as the general property tax on the tax list of each taxing district. All provisions of the law relating to the assessment and collection of property taxes and the powers and duties of the county treasurer, county auditor, and all other officers with respect to the assessment, collection, and enforcement of property taxes apply to the assessment, collection, and enforcement of the tax imposed by this section. 56-068b (12/17/19)
Extracted from PDF file 2023-iowa-form-56-068.pdf, last modified January 2020

More about the Iowa Form 56-068 Other Tax Return

This statement must be filed each year with your city or county assessor between January 1 and 60 days thereafter. Contact information for all assessors can be found at the Iowa State Association of Assessors website: www.Iowa-Assessors.org

We last updated the Grain Tax Return in February 2024, and the latest form we have available is for tax year 2023. This means that we don't yet have the updated form for the current tax year. Please check this page regularly, as we will post the updated form as soon as it is released by the Iowa Department of Revenue. You can print other Iowa tax forms here.

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Other Iowa Other Forms:

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Form Sources:

Iowa usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Iowa Form 56-068 from the Department of Revenue in February 2024.

Show Sources >

Form 56-068 is an Iowa Other form. Like the Federal Form 1040, states each provide a core tax return form on which most high-level income and tax calculations are performed. While some taxpayers with simple returns can complete their entire tax return on this single form, in most cases various other additional schedules and forms must be completed, depending on the taxpayer's individual situation, to create a complete income tax return package.

Historical Past-Year Versions of Iowa Form 56-068

We have a total of six past-year versions of Form 56-068 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2023 Form 56-068

Grain Tax Return and Instructions, 56068

2022 Form 56-068

Grain Tax Return and Instructions, 56068

2021 Form 56-068

Grain Tax Return and Instructions, 56068

2020 Form 56-068

Grain Tax Return and Instructions, 56068

2019 Form 56-068

Grain Tax Return and Instructions, 56068

2018 Form 56-068

Iowa Special Assessment Credit, 54036

TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:

While we do our best to keep our list of Iowa Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/iowa/form-56-068