Indiana Enterprise Zone Loan Interest Credit

Extracted from PDF file 2024-indiana-form-schedule-lic.pdf, last modified July 2020Enterprise Zone Loan Interest Credit
Schedule LIC Indiana Department of Revenue Enterprise Zone Loan Interest Tax Credit State Form 21926 (R15 / 8-20) For Tax Year Ending: Month_________ Year _______ Enclosure Sequence No. 28 (Enclose completed schedule with annual state tax liability return.) Section A - Taxpayer Information Name of Taxpayer (lender) Social Security Number or FEIN Street Address County City or Town, State, and ZIP Code Taxpayer’s Telephone Number Section B - Qualified Loan Information (attach list of all borrowers) Section B continued on reverse side. Name of Borrower (A) Borrower’s Social Security Number or FEIN Street Address Borrower’s Telephone Number City or Town, State, and ZIP Code Date of Loan Origination: Use of Loan (check one): □ Business □ Personal Location Name of Borrower’s Enterprise Zone Section C - Report of Qualified Loans to Businesses by Enterprise Zone Locations Summarize the number of qualified loans to businesses in each enterprise zone and the amount of interest received during the taxable year. Enterprise Zone (a) Number of Loans (b) Interest Income Bedford $ Bloomington $ Connersville $ East Chicago $ Elkhart $ Evansville $ Ft. Harrison $ Ft. Wayne $ Frankfort $ Hammond $ Jeffersonville $ Subtotal $ Enterprise Zone 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (C) Number of Loans (d) Interest Income Lafayette $ La Porte $ Michigan City $ Mitchell $ New Albany $ Portage $ Richmond $ River Ridge $ Salem $ South Bend $ Vincennes $ Subtotal $ Section D - Credit for Qualified Loans for the Taxable Year 1. Grand total of all qualified loans to businesses listed in Section C, columns (a) and (c)..................... 1 $ 2. Total amount of loan interest income received from qualified loans in Section C, columns (b) and (d).. 2 $ 3. Amount of loan interest income received from other qualified nonbusiness loans made for home improvements within all enterprise zones............................................................................................ 3 $ 4. Total Loan Interest Credit - add amounts on lines 2 and 3; multiply result by 5 percent (.05)............. 4 $ 5. Indicate for which tax type you are applying this credit. Enter net amount of tax you are offsetting: a Adjusted Gross Income Tax b Insurance Premium Tax or Nonprofit Agricultural Organization Health Coverage Tax c Financial Institutions Tax The tax offset may not exceed the amount of available credit from line 4. Carry amount on line 5 to other credit line of your return. □ □ □ 6. Unused amount of credit available for carryover - subtract line 5 from line 4 and complete Section E... *24100000000* 24100000000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 5 $ 00 6 $ 00 Section B - Qualified Loan Information Continued (Attach additional sheets if necessary.) Name of Borrower (B) Borrower’s Social Security Number or FEIN Street Address Borrower’s Telephone Number City or Town, State, and ZIP Code Use of Loan (Business or Personal) Date of Loan Origination Location Name of Borrower’s Enterprise Zone Name of Borrower (C) Borrower’s Social Security Number or FEIN Street Address Borrower’s Telephone Number City or Town, State, and ZIP Code Use of Loan (Business or Personal) Date of Loan Origination Location Name of Borrower’s Enterprise Zone Name of Borrower (C) Borrower’s Social Security Number or FEIN Street Address Borrower’s Telephone Number City or Town, State, and ZIP Code Use of Loan (Business or Personal) Date of Loan Origination Location Name of Borrower’s Enterprise Zone Section E - Enterprise Zone Interest Credit Carryover (814) Enter the initial tax period in which the Enterprise Zone Loan Interest Credit was claimed. Enter the remaining unused amount of credit from Section D, line 6. Initial Tax Year Ending: Month ________________ Year_________ Enterprise Zone Loan Interest Credit Available for Carryforward from Section D, Line 6: $_______________________ Show how the unused credit is applied during the carryover period. Unused Credit (column (5)) is to be placed on your return for the next tax year. (1) Credit Carryforward 1st Following Tax Year (2) Total Amount of Tax (3) Type of Tax Liability Reduced (4) (5) Amount Applied Unused Credit __________ 2nd Following Tax Year __________ 3rd Following Tax Year __________ 4th Following Tax Year __________ 5th Following Tax Year __________ 6th Following Tax Year __________ 7th Following Tax Year __________ 8th Following Tax Year __________ 9th Following Tax Year __________ 10th Following Tax Year __________ Section F - Signature I certify I have examined this schedule and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information contained in this schedule is true, correct, and complete. Signature of Taxpayer:_____________________________ Title______________________ *24100000000* 24100000000 Date Signed:__________________ Instructions for Completing Schedule LIC Indiana Code (IC) 6-3.1-7-2 provides that a taxpayer who is in good standing with the Indiana Economic Development Corporation is entitled to a state income tax credit of 5% of the interest income received from qualified loans made before January 1, 2018. To qualify, the loan proceeds must be for purposes directly related to businesses located in an enterprise zone or for improvements increasing the assessed value of real property located in an enterprise zone.* A qualified loan also means a loan made to an individual or business that uses the loan proceeds toward the rehabilitation, repair, or improvement of a residence within an enterprise zone. *An enterprise zone created under IC 5-28-15 or an airport development zone (code # 802) designated under IC 8-22-3.5-14. Who May File for This Credit? For the purposes of eligibility, for the Loan Interest Credit, a taxpayer in good standing is defined as an entity conducting business operations within an enterprise zone that: 1) Receives interest on a qualified loan made during the tax year; 2) Pays the registration fee charged to zone businesses under IC 5-28-15-5; 3) Provides the assistance to urban enterprise associations required from zone businesses under IC 5-28-15-5(b); and 4) Complies with any requirements adopted by the board of the Indiana Economic Development Corporation for taxpayers claiming the Enterprise Zone Loan Interest Credit. Note: If the taxpayer is located outside an enterprise zone, the taxpayer is not required to reinvest its incentives within the enterprise zone, other than complying with 2) and 3) above. How Often Can I Claim a Credit? A claim for credit is filed annually for each qualified loan or in combination with all qualified loans made during the taxable year. Section A - Taxpayer Information 1) Type or print lender’s name and address. 2) Enter lender’s Social Security Number or Federal Employer Identification Number. 3) Enter Indiana county or O.O.S. (out-of-state). 4) Enter telephone number. Section B - Qualified Loan Information Enter the following information for each qualified loan, or provide a combined listing of borrowers within every enterprise zone. Attach additional sheets as necessary: 1) Enter the borrower’s name and location address within the enterprise zone. 2) Enter the borrower’s Social Security Number or Federal Employer Identification Number. 3) Enter the borrower’s telephone number. 4) Indicate the purpose of the loan (business or personal home improvement) and the date of loan origination. 5) Enter the name of the borrower’s enterprise zone location. Section C – Report of Qualified Loans to Businesses by Enterprise Zone Locations Summarize the number of qualified loans on which you received interest during the taxable year according to the enterprise zone in which the loan proceeds are used by the business borrower(s) (listed in Section B). Enter the total amount of interest income received from qualified loans to businesses during the taxable year attributed to the enterprise zone location of the borrower(s), columns (a) and (c). For purposes of the Loan Interest Credit, interest includes service charges, time-price differentials, and all other charges for the use of money. Interest received from loans and lines of credit existing at the time an enterprise zone was designated qualify for the credit if the proceeds are used for a qualified purpose. Interest from mortgage loans to acquire property does not qualify unless the property is used for business purposes (including renting or leasing). If the proceeds of a loan are used to both acquire and improve real property and the acquisition is not for a business purpose, only that portion of the interest attributable to the improvement of the property would qualify for the Loan Interest Credit. If the loan proceeds are used to acquire business property which is subsequently removed from an enterprise zone, only the interest received while the property was used for a business purpose within the enterprise zone would qualify for the credit. Section D – Credit for Qualified Loans for the Taxable Year Line 1. Enter the grand total of all qualified loans to businesses listed in Section C, columns (a) and (c). Line 2. Enter the amount of loan interest income received from businesses during the taxable year from qualified loans listed in Section C, columns (b) and (d). Line 3. Enter the total other loan interest income received from nonbusiness loans made for the purposes of rehabilitation, repair, or improvement of a residence or for improvements that increase the assessed value of real property located in any enterprise zone. Line 4. Add the amount of business and nonbusiness interest income and multiply the result by 5%. Line 5. Indicate the state tax liability you wish to offset by checking the appropriate tax type box and by entering the net amount of your state tax liability. Note: The net amount of tax entered on line 5 must be reduced by all other applicable tax liability credits and may not be greater than the amount on line 4. Carry the net amount of credit to be used to your tax type return. Line 6. Subtract line 5 from line 4. The result may not be less than zero. If it’s greater than zero, carry the excess unused amount of credit to Section E. Section E – Enterprise Zone Loan Interest Carryover Complete this section whenever there is a carryover of unused Loan Interest Credit. The amount of credit carryover from a taxable year shall be reduced to the extent that the carryover is used by the taxpayer to obtain credit against allowable state tax liabilities for any subsequent taxable year. Carryover is allowed up to 10 years following the date on which a qualified loan credit is claimed but not beyond the phase-out period that terminates the enterprise zone from which a qualified loan had originated. Enter in each column the applicable date or amounts for every succeeding taxable year in which a credit carryover is used. Section F – Signature The taxpayer or an authorized agent must sign this schedule. Where Can I Claim This Credit? The Loan Interest Credit can be applied as a credit against the taxpayer’s adjusted gross income tax (IC 6-3-1 through 6-3-7), insurance premium tax (IC 27-1-18-2) or nonprofit agricultural organization health coverage tax (IC 6-8-15), and financial institution tax (IC 6-5.5). A copy of Schedule LIC must be enclosed with the return; otherwise, the credit will be disallowed. The credit amount calculated on the LIC is to be taken as a credit against your tax liability on the return in the order listed above after first applying other credits allowed under IC 6-3.1-1-2. Use 3-digit code 814 to identify this credit where applicable. Refer to Income Tax Information Bulletin #66 at for additional information. Please see the instructions for your tax return to determine where the credit should be entered on the various tax forms. What if I Do Not Use All of My Credit? Any unused credit may be carried over to the next eligible tax return to be filed up to 10 years from the date of the loan until all credit has been used or the enterprise zone terminates. Note: A taxpayer is not entitled to a carryback or refund of any unused credit. The statute does allow the taxpayer to carry forward any unused credit. What if I Am an Entity Exempt from Adjusted Gross Income Tax? Entities exempt from adjusted gross income tax under IC 6-3-2-2.8(2) may “pass through” the credit to shareholders, partners, beneficiaries, or members of the pass-through entity. A pass-through entity is an S corporation, a partnership, a trust, a limited liability company, or a limited liability partnership. Each member’s tax credit is calculated by multiplying the total credit available by the percentage of the entity’s distributive income to which the shareholder, partner, beneficiary, or member is entitled. The pro rata share of the calculated credit is reported by the entity on each unit-holder’s Schedule IN K-1. A copy of Schedule LIC or IN K-1 must be enclosed with the return to claim your share of the credit. Whom Do I Contact if I Have Questions About the Enterprise Zone Loan Interest Credit? Questions concerning enterprise zone income tax provisions should be directed to: Indiana Department of Revenue Returns Processing Center Corporate Income Tax Section P.O. Box 7206 Indianapolis, IN 46207 (317) 232-0129 For questions concerning other provisions related to enterprise zones and current locations within the designated cities, contact: Indiana Economic Development Corporation 1 N. Capitol Ave., Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 (317) 232-8800
Form Schedule LIC
More about the Indiana Form Schedule LIC Individual Income Tax TY 2024
Form Schedule LIC is for a taxpayer who is eligible for a Loan Interest Credit conducting business operations within an enterprise zone
We last updated the Enterprise Zone Loan Interest Credit in March 2025, so this is the latest version of Form Schedule LIC, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form Schedule LIC directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Indiana tax forms here.
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View all 70 Indiana Income Tax Forms
Form Sources:
Indiana usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Indiana Form Schedule LIC from the Department of Revenue in March 2025.
About the Individual Income Tax
The IRS and most states collect a personal income tax, which is paid throughout the year via tax withholding or estimated income tax payments.
Most taxpayers are required to file a yearly income tax return in April to both the Internal Revenue Service and their state's revenue department, which will result in either a tax refund of excess withheld income or a tax payment if the withholding does not cover the taxpayer's entire liability. Every taxpayer's situation is different - please consult a CPA or licensed tax preparer to ensure that you are filing the correct tax forms!
Historical Past-Year Versions of Indiana Form Schedule LIC
We have a total of three past-year versions of Form Schedule LIC in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:
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