Ohio Application for Owner-Occupancy Tax Reduction
Extracted from PDF file 2023-ohio-form-dte-105c.pdf, last modified February 2014Application for Owner-Occupancy Tax Reduction
Reset Form DTE 105C Rev. 9/16 Auditor’s no. Application for Owner-Occupancy Tax Reduction File with the county auditor no later than Dec. 31. County Please read the back of this form before you complete it. See the instructions for a Late Application on the back of this form. Application for this year 20 - Parcel number Late application for prior year Tax district Name of owner(s) of home Address of home Date home acquired Type of home: Single family dwelling Unit within a multi-unit dwelling Is the land surrounding the home more than one acre? Yes Condominium No Do you occupy all of the home as your principal place of residence? Yes No If answer is no, give details If the applicant or the applicant’s spouse owns a second or vacation home, please provide the address and county below. Address City State ZIP code County I declare under penalty of perjury that I have examined this application and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. Signature of applicant Applicant’s address Phone number For County Auditor’s Use Only Tax Year Parcel number Date Total Acres Granted Land Building(s) $ $ Denied Total Taxable value eligible for deductions $ Land Name on tax duplicate Building Date filed Total Please read this before you complete the front of this application. General Instructions and Information Owner-Occupancy Credit: The owner-occupancy credit is a 2 1/2% reduction in the taxes charged by qualified levies. The reduction is applied against real property taxes and manufactured home taxes on any manufactured or mobile home on which a manufactured home tax is assessed. A “homestead” is a dwelling or a manufactured or mobile home taxed as real property that is owned and occupied as a home. See R.C. 323.151(A)(1). Qualifications: To receive the owner-occupancy homestead tax reduction, you must own and occupy your home as your principal place of residence (domicile) on Jan. 1 of the year you file for the reduction. A homeowner and spouse are entitled to this homestead tax reduction on only one home in Ohio, unless they can establish that they are domiciled separately. A person only has one principal place of residence. Your principal place of residence determines, among other things, where you are registered to vote and where you declare residency for income tax purposes. Current Application: If you are applying for the owneroccupancy tax reduction for the first time this year, check the box for Application for This Year. Late Application: If you also qualified for the owner-occupancy homestead tax reduction for last year, but did not file an application last year, you may file a Late Application by checking the late application box on the front of this form. Instructions: The line after Auditor’s Number is for the auditor only; do not write on it. The lines following Parcel Number and Tax District are for the parcel number of your home and for the taxing district in which it is located. If these lines are not already completed, both of these can be found on your tax bill. If you cannot locate them, contact your county auditor. In the line following Name of Owner(s) of the Home, list the names of all the owners. If all the names are not on your tax bill, list the names as they appear on the deed to your home.
More about the Ohio Form DTE 105C Other
We last updated the Application for Owner-Occupancy Tax Reduction in February 2024, and the latest form we have available is for tax year 2023. This means that we don't yet have the updated form for the current tax year. Please check this page regularly, as we will post the updated form as soon as it is released by the Ohio Department of Taxation. You can print other Ohio tax forms here.
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Form DTE 105C | Application for Owner-Occupancy Tax Reduction |
View all 83 Ohio Income Tax Forms
Form Sources:
Ohio usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Ohio Form DTE 105C from the Department of Taxation in February 2024.
Historical Past-Year Versions of Ohio Form DTE 105C
We have a total of six past-year versions of Form DTE 105C in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:
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While we do our best to keep our list of Ohio Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.