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Kansas Free Printable CRF Net Operating Loss Carry Forward (Rev. 8-12) for 2025 Kansas Net Operating Loss Carry Forward (OBSOLETE FORM)

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Form CRF is obsolete, and is no longer supported by the Kansas Department of Revenue.

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Net Operating Loss Carry Forward (OBSOLETE FORM)
CRF Net Operating Loss Carry Forward (Rev. 8-12)

SCHEDULE I KANSAS COMPUTATION SCHEDULE (B) (C) (D) (E) (G) (H) (J) j. NOL carried to 10th succeeding year (Net operating loss cannot be carried over beyond the 10th year) .................................................................................................................................. i. NOL carried to 9th succeeding year ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ h. NOL carried to 8th succeeding year .................................................................................................................................................................................................. g. NOL carried to 7th succeeding year ........................................................................................................................................................................... f. NOL carried to 6th succeeding year ...................................................................................................................................................... (F) Carry Forward Year(s) (I) (K) Tax Preparer Phone No. _________________________________________ Tax Preparer Name _____________________________________________ Taxpayer Social Security No. _____________________________________ Taxpayer Name ________________________________________________ SCHEDULE II KANSAS DISTRIBUTION SCHEDULE e. NOL carried to 5th succeeding year ................................................................................................................................. d. NOL carried to 4th succeeding year ......................................................................................................... c. NOL carried to 3rd succeeding year .................................................................................... b. NOL carried to 2nd succeeding year ............................................................. a. NOL carried to 1st succeeding year ........................................ 16. Net operating loss carry forward: 15. Modified taxable income ............................................................... 14. Net operating loss ................................................... c. __________________________ ...................... b. _________ Loss year utilized ........................... a. Charitable contributions ..................................... 13. Other adjustments: 12. Excess nonbusiness deductions ............................ 11. Exemptions ............................................................. 10. Nontaxable capital gain .......................................... 9. Net capital loss ....................................................... 8. Net operating loss included in line 3 ...................... 7. Taxable income per Kansas return ......................... 6. Total deductions ...................................................... 5. Less personal exemption ....................................... 4. Less standard or itemized deductions .................... 3. Kansas adjusted gross income .............................. 2. Modifications ........................................................... (A) Loss Year NET OPERATING LOSS CARRY FORWARD FORM KANSAS 1. Federal adjusted gross income .............................. (Rev. 8/12) CRF SCHEDULE III KANSAS ALLOCATION SCHEDULE Complete this schedule only if any one of the years involved was filed with a different filing status than any other year. You must complete this schedule for EACH YEAR that an allocation is necessary (see instructions). (L) Year: _________ 17. Wages, salaries, tips, etc. ............................................................................. 18. Interest ........................................................................................................... 19. Dividends less exclusion ............................................................................... 20. Business income ........................................................................................... 21. Taxable capital gains and losses ................................................................... 22. Rents, royalties and partnerships ................................................................. 23. Farm income .................................................................................................. 24. Other income ................................................................................................. 25. Other adjustments: ___________________________________________ 26. ___________________________________________ 27. Federal adjusted gross income (Add lines 17 through 26) ........................... 28. Modifications from Part A, Schedule S .......................................................... 29. Additions: ________________________________________________ 30. ________________________________________________ 31. Subtractions: ________________________________________________ 32. ________________________________________________ 33. Net Modifications (Add lines 29 and 30, then subtract lines 31 and 32) ....... 34. Kansas adjusted gross income ..................................................................... 35. Less standard or itemized deductions .......................................................... 36. Less exemptions ........................................................................................... 37. Taxable income (Line 34 minus lines 35 and 36) ........................................... Joint Income: (M) Taxpayer SSN: ___-__-____ Taxpayer Income: (N) Spouse SSN: ___-__-____ Spouse Income: INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM CRF GENERAL INFORMATION To qualify for a Kansas net operating loss carry forward, a taxpayer must have all of the following: 1) a federal net operating loss; 2) a Kansas Individual Income Tax Return, Form K-40, and supporting schedules on file for the loss year; and, 3) income or loss from Kansas sources or was a Kansas resident during the loss year. Kansas statutes require net operating losses which are incurred after December 31, 1987, be carried forward until fully used or until ten (10) years has elapsed, whichever occurs first. A Kansas net operating loss which is incurred after December 31, 1987 is not carried back prior to carrying the loss forward. For loss years prior to 1988, the loss carryover is limited to seven (7) years. NONRESIDENTS: A nonresident must determine his net operating loss as though he were a Kansas resident. The loss is determined from information on Form K-40 and is applied to income in the same manner as a resident of Kansas would claim the loss carry forward. The information shown on the Kansas nonresident allocation percentage schedule is not used to determine a Kansas net operating loss. Kansas source loss is not applied to Kansas source income when determining a Kansas nonresident net operating loss. If there was a change in marital status (divorce, marriage, or death of one of the spouses) between the year of the loss and any of the years to which the loss is carried, see the instructions for Schedule III. There are three basic steps involved in a net operating loss carry forward: STEP 1: Complete Schedule I to compute the amount of the loss. STEP 2: Carry the loss to the next succeeding tax year (Schedule S, Part A) STEP 3: Complete Schedule II to determine if there is any remaining loss to be carried to the next carried to the next succeeding year. STEP 4: Complete a separate CRF for each loss year. LINE BY LINE INSTRUCTIONS SCHEDULE I – KANSAS COMPUTATION SCHEDULE COLUMN (A) – Loss Year Lines 1 through 6: The information to be entered on these lines is taken from the front of the completed Kansas Income Tax Return, Form K-40. Line 7: Enter the Kansas taxable income from the loss year. This amount will be a negative figure. Line 8: If you have any prior year net operating loss included in the adjusted gross income, enter this amount on line 8. Because you are reducing the allowable loss shown on line 7 by the amounts shown on succeeding lines, the amount entered will be a positive figure. Line 9: Enter the same capital loss that was computed on your federal net operating loss claim as a positive figure. Line 10: Enter the portion of the federal long term capital gains excluded from income. Line 11: Enter the personal exemption claimed on the Kansas return. Line 12: Enclose a schedule showing the computation of the nonbusiness deductions in excess of nonbusiness income for Kansas and enter the result on line 12. The method of computing the nonbusiness deductions in excess of nonbusiness income is the same as that used for federal purposes. However, the total amount may differ because income (from Schedule S, Part A) and Kansas itemized deductions must be taken into consideration for the Kansas computation. Line 13: Do not make an entry on lines 13a, 13b and 13c in the loss year column. Line 14: Reduce the loss shown on line 7 by the total of lines 8 through 12. If the result is a negative figure, this will be your Kansas net operating loss. Carry the net operating loss from line 14 to the next succeeding tax year, Schedule S, Part A. SCHEDULE II – KANSAS DISTRIBUTION SCHEDULE Schedule II is used to determine the amount of loss that is absorbed and the remainder of the loss to be carried to the next succeeding year. The computations for Schedule II are essentially the same as those for Schedule I with a few exceptions. COLUMNS (B) through (K) – Carry Forward Years Lines 1 through 11: Enter the requested information from Form K-40, for the applicable year. For line 8, the Kansas net operating loss included in line 3 will need to be added. Line 12: The excess nonbusiness deductions are not added back. Line 12 is left blank for all years except the loss year. Line 13a: If the allowable portion of the charitable contributions shown on the federal itemized deductions have increased, show the same adjustment as shown on the federal net operating loss claim on line 13a. Line 13b: Enter the loss year that is being utilized (in case of multiple loss years), then enter amounts from that loss year. Line 13c: If you are utilizing more than one loss year, enter the year(s) and amounts from the additional loss year(s). Line 14: Enter an amount for the loss year only. Line 15: Add amounts on lines 7 through 13 to determine the modified taxable income and enter the result on line 15 (cannot be less than zero). NOTE: Line 7 may be either a positive or negative amount, while lines 8 through 13 are usually positive amounts. Line 16: This is the unused portion of the net operating loss. Column B – If the loss exceeds modified taxable income, show the difference on line 16b. Column C – If the loss exceeds modified taxable income, show the difference on line 16c. Column D – If the loss exceeds modified taxable income, show the difference on line 16d. Continue these line instructions for each column until the net operating loss is completely used or until it is carried forward 10 taxable years, whichever occurs first. SCHEDULE III – KANSAS ALLOCATION SCHEDULE This schedule is used when there is a change in marital status between the year of the loss and any of the years to which the loss is to be carried. The net operating loss of one spouse cannot be applied to the income of the other spouse; therefore, it is necessary to determine what portion of the jointly filed return applies to the spouse who sustained the loss. Column L – Joint Income Lines 17 through 37: Enter the information requested which is obtained from the joint federal and Kansas income tax returns. Column M – Taxpayer SSN and Income Lines 17 through 37: Enter the Social Security Number and the income, adjustments and deductions for the taxpayer who is claiming the loss carry forward. Column N – Spouse SSN and Income Lines 17 through 37: Enter the Social Security Number and the income, adjustments and deductions for the spouse. If Schedule III is used for the loss year and both spouses sustained a loss, the information in Column M will need to be carried to Schedule I of Form CRF to calculate the loss. However, if only one spouse sustained the loss, while the other spouse had income, use the information in Column L to calculate the loss on Schedule I. When Schedule III is used for the year to which a loss is carried, the information shown in Column M will be used to complete Schedule II of Form CRF to determine the income absorbed and the amount of remaining loss. The Kansas loss to be claimed on Schedule S, Part A, Line A12, cannot exceed the net income for the spouse who sustained the loss since the loss of one spouse cannot be applied to the income of the other spouse. To avoid a delay in processing or denial of the loss, enclose the following with your Kansas Individual Income Tax Return, Form K-40. • The completed CRF form. (You must submit a separate CRF for each loss year the net operating loss carry forward is applied.) • A copy of Federal Form 1045, Application for Tentative Refund. • A copy of Federal Schedule A, Itemized Deductions and Interest and Dividend Income. TAXPAYER ASSISTANCE For assistance in completing Form CRF, contact taxpayer assistance: Kansas Department of Revenue Docking State Office Building, 1st Floor 915 SW Harrison St. Topeka, KS 66625-2007 Phone: (785) 368-8222 Fax: (785) 291-3614 Additional copies of this credit schedule and other tax forms are available from our web site at: ksrevenue.org
Extracted from PDF file 2019-kansas-form-crf.pdf, last modified September 2012

More about the Kansas Form CRF Individual Income Tax

Individual income tax filers will no longer “add back” the federal net operating loss (NOL) deduction to their federal adjusted gross income (FAGI) beginning in tax year 2017.  There is not a subtraction modification or calculation for a Kansas individual income tax filer’s NOL. Start with FAGI.  The manner in which prior year NOLs are treated has not changed. Only the requirement to addback the amount of NOL claimed on the federal return. Beginning after December 31, 2016, an individual may not carry a prior year net operating loss forward to tax year 2013 or later years, or back to any earlier tax year.

We last updated the Net Operating Loss Carry Forward (OBSOLETE FORM) in March 2021, and the latest form we have available is for tax year 2019. This means that we don't yet have the updated form for the current tax year. Please check this page regularly, as we will post the updated form as soon as it is released by the Kansas Department of Revenue. You can print other Kansas tax forms here.

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Other Kansas Individual Income Tax Forms:

TaxFormFinder has an additional 73 Kansas income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.

Form Code Form Name
Form K-40ES Individual Estimated Income Tax Vouchers
Form K-40 Individual Income Tax Return
Form CRF Net Operating Loss Carry Forward (OBSOLETE FORM)
Form K-40V Kansas Payment Voucher
Form K-40H Homestead Claim

Download all KS tax forms View all 74 Kansas Income Tax Forms

Form Sources:

Kansas usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Kansas Form CRF from the Department of Revenue in March 2021.

Show Sources >

About the Individual Income Tax

The IRS and most states collect a personal income tax, which is paid throughout the year via tax withholding or estimated income tax payments.

Most taxpayers are required to file a yearly income tax return in April to both the Internal Revenue Service and their state's revenue department, which will result in either a tax refund of excess withheld income or a tax payment if the withholding does not cover the taxpayer's entire liability. Every taxpayer's situation is different - please consult a CPA or licensed tax preparer to ensure that you are filing the correct tax forms!

Historical Past-Year Versions of Kansas Form CRF

We have a total of seven past-year versions of Form CRF in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2019 Form CRF

CRF Net Operating Loss Carry Forward (Rev. 8-12)

2018 Form CRF

CRF Net Operating Loss Carry Forward (Rev. 8-12)

2017 Form CRF

CRF Net Operating Loss Carry Forward (Rev. 8-12)

2016 Form CRF

CRF Net Operating Loss Carry Forward (Rev. 8-12)

Credit Schedules 2015 Form CRF

CRF Net Operating Loss Carry Forward (Rev. 8-12)

Credit Schedules 2013 Form CRF

CRF Net Operating Loss Carry Forward (Rev. 8-12)

Credit Schedules 2011 Form CRF

Net Operating Loss Carry Forward CRF (Rev. 8-11)

TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:

While we do our best to keep our list of Kansas Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/index.php/kansas/form-crf