Iowa Composite Return 41-006

Extracted from PDF file 2022-iowa-form-ia-1040c.pdf, last modified October 2020Composite Return 41-006
2022 IA 1040C Composite Individual Income Tax Return for Nonresidents Partnerships, S Corporations, Trusts, and Limited Liability Companies for filing on behalf of Nonresident Partners, Shareholders, Beneficiaries, or Members For Fiscal year beginning ________ / _________, 2021, and ending _______ / ________ , 2022 STEP 1 Name and Address STEP 2 Exemptions STEP 3 Composite Income STEP 4 Deductions Company name: FEIN: _____________________ _____________________________________________________________ This return is for: Current mailing address: (number, street, apartment number, suite, PO Box) (Check one) _____________________________________________________________ Partners ☐ City, State, and ZIP: Shareholders ☐ _____________________________________________________________ Beneficiaries ☐ Name of contact person: Daytime phone: Members ☐ ________________________________ _____________________________ Enter the number of individuals (count) whose Iowa-source income exceeds the minimum income requirement. See instructions. ...................................... Count ▲ _______ X $40 =$ __________ 1. Enter the total Iowa-source income of all individuals whose Iowa-source income exceeds the minimum income requirement. ..................................................................... 1.▲_____________ .00 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Deduction in lieu of federal tax deduction. See instructions. ....................... 2.▲ ____________ .00 Qualified business income deduction. Include IA 8995C ............................ 3.▲ ____________ .00 Standard deduction. Multiply exemptions count in Step 2 by $2,210.......... 4.▲ ____________ .00 Total deductions. ADD lines 2 through 4 .......................................................................... 5. ______________ Composite taxable income. SUBTRACT line 5 from line 1 .............................................. 6. ______________ STEP 5 Compute tax from Tax Rate Schedule. See instructions............................. 7.▲ ____________ .00 Tax Iowa alternative minimum tax. See instructions .......................................... 8.▲ ____________ .00 Total tax. ADD lines 7 and 8. ............................................................................................ 9. ______________ STEP 6 Personal exemption dollar amount from Step 2 above. ............................... 10. _____________ .00 Credits Other nonrefundable credits. Include IA 148 Tax Credits Schedule. ........... 11.▲ ___________ .00 Total nonrefundable credits. ADD lines 10 and 11. ........................................................... 12. _____________ Balance. SUBTRACT line 12 from line 9. If less than zero, enter zero. ............................ 13.▲____________ Iowa fuel tax credit. Include IA 4136............................................................. 14.▲ ___________ .00 Other refundable credits. Include IA 148 Tax Credits Schedule. ................. 15.▲ ___________ .00 Estimated and voucher payments made for the tax year. ............................ 16.▲ ___________ .00 Total credits. ADD lines 14, 15, and 16. ............................................................................ 17. _____________ STEP 7 If line 17 is more than line 13, subtract line 13 from line 17. This is the Refund amount you overpaid. ........................................................................................................ 18.▲____________ or 19. Enter the amount from line 18. This is the REFUND amount............................................ 19.▲____________ Amount 20. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE. DO NOT USE THIS LINE. ..................... 20.▲ ___________ .00 Due 21. If line 17 is less than line 13, subtract line 17 from line 13 This is the AMOUNT OF TAX YOU OWE. ........................................................................ 21.▲____________ 22. Penalty. See instructions. .................................................................................................. 22.▲____________ 23. Interest. See instructions. .................................................................................................. 23.▲____________ 24. TOTAL AMOUNT DUE. ADD lines 21, 22, and 23, and enter here. ................................. 24.▲____________ Make check payable to Iowa Department of Revenue I, the undersigned, declare under penalties of perjury or false certificate, that I have examined this return, and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Signature of officer: _____________________________________________ Preparer’s signature: ____________________________________________ Title: ________________________________________ Date: ____________ Preparer’s name: ______________________________ Daytime telephone number: ______________________________________ Preparer’s address: ____________________________ Preparer’s PTIN: ______________________________ Date: ____________ Firm name: ___________________________________________________ Firm’s FEIN:___________________________________________________ SIGN AND DATE YOUR RETURN. MAIL TO: COMPOSITE RETURN PROCESSING IOWA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE PO BOX 9187 DES MOINES IA 50306-9187 41-006a (09/22/2022) 2022 IA 1040C, page 2 Schedule NR List all Nonresident Partners, Shareholders, Beneficiaries, or Members with Iowa-source income. All columns must be completed. In column E, enter yes or no to indicate whether the owner was included on page 1 of the IA 1040C. If more space is needed, copy this schedule and enclose with this return. A Name B SSN/FEIN C Address D Iowa-Source Income E Yes/No 41-006b (06/22/2022) 2022 IA 1040C Instructions, page 1 Instructions for Composite Iowa Individual Income Tax Return for Nonresidents Important—Read Before Completing ! This 2022 IA 1040C may only be used by a pass-through entity with a fiscal tax year to report a nonresident owner’s income earned during the entity’s tax year that began in 2021 and ended in 2022. It shall not be used to file on a composite basis for any tax year of a pass-through entity that began on or after January 1, 2022. See the 2022 IA PTEC Iowa Composite Return for more information on new composite return requirements that apply to tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2022. A pass-through entity may be required to file both a 2022 IA 1040C and a 2022 IA PTE-C. Filing Requirements Nonresident partners, shareholders, members, or beneficiaries who are individuals, trusts, or estates can be included in a composite return if they meet the following requirements: A nonresident member must have enough income to create a positive tax due. This minimum income requirement is met when the taxpayer’s Iowa-source income is reduced by the standard deduction, tax is calculated, the exemption credit is subtracted from the calculated tax, and Iowa tax due is still greater than $0.00. See IA 1040C instructions, page 2 for minimum income required based upon tax brackets. A nonresident member can be included if the income from this entity is the only Iowa-source income the member received for this tax year. Members with income from multiple Iowa sources must complete IA 1040 Iowa Individual Income Tax Return. Note: Enclose a copy of each nonresident owner’s Iowa Schedule K-1 along with the IA 1065 or IA 1120S. Enclose a copy of each nonresident beneficiary’s federal Schedule K-1 along with the IA 1041. All filers must complete and enclose IA 1040C, page 2, Schedule NR. Line Instructions Line 1: Each nonresident partner’s, shareholder’s, or member’s Iowa K-1 will show that partner’s, shareholder’s, or member’s income and nonresident modifications that are apportioned to Iowa. The apportioned amount of each item of Iowa K-1 income that is a part of federal adjusted gross income and the apportioned modifications of all nonresident partners, all nonresident shareholders, and/or all members included in this composite return are to be totaled and entered on this line. Nonresidents with other Iowa-source income are not to be included on IA 1040C. Beneficiaries of a trust do not have an Iowa K1, only a federal K-1. Consequently, when nonresident beneficiaries are included in the filing of a composite return with Iowa, they must total all income and/or capital gain from real property or tangible personal property located in Iowa and any other business income attributable to Iowa and enter on this line. Line 2: A deduction is allowed in lieu of the deduction for federal tax paid and is based upon the following schedule: Amount shown on line 1 Deduction $0-$49,999 = No deduction $50,000-$99,999 = 5% of line 1 $100,000-$199,999 = 10% of line 1 Over $200,000 = 15% of line 1 Line 3: Enter the amount from 2022 IA 8995C, Step 5, line 4. Include IA 8995C with your return. Line 8: Partners, shareholders, beneficiaries, or members reporting income on the composite return may also be subject to Iowa alternative minimum tax. The Iowa alternative minimum tax is imposed on most of the same tax preference and adjustment items treated as exclusions for federal alternative minimum tax purposes. See form IA 6251 to determine if any Iowa alternative minimum tax is due and enclose completed form if necessary. Line 11: Enter the total of the nonrefundable credits from Part I of IA 148 Tax Credits Schedule. You must complete IA 148 to include the total of all members’ credits that are included on this return. Beneficiaries must provide an additional worksheet with the amount of the tax credit for each member included on the return. Line 14: Enter the amount of fuel tax credit from IA 4136, line 8 attributable to the partners, shareholders, members, or beneficiaries on this return. The federal Schedule 4136 cannot be used. The Iowa credit does not apply to fuel used in on-road vehicles or pleasure boats. 41-006c (06/22/2022) 2022 IA 1040C Instructions, page 2 Line 15: Enter the total of the refundable credits from Part II of IA 148 Tax Credits Schedule. You must complete IA 148 Tax Credits Schedule to include the total of all members’ credits that are included on this return. Beneficiaries must provide an additional worksheet with the amount of the tax credit for each member included on this return. Line 16: Enter the total amount of estimated tax payments and any of the prior year’s carryforward applied to your estimated payments for the tax year. Line 22: Failure to Timely File a Return: A penalty of 5% will be added to the tax due for failure to timely file a return if the return is filed after the original due date of the return and if at least 90% of the correct amount of tax is not paid by the original due date of the return. Failure to Timely Pay the Tax Due: A penalty of 5% will be added to the tax due if the return is filed by the original due date and at least 90% of the correct amount of tax is not paid by the original due date of the return. This penalty is in addition to the penalty for failure to timely file, if applicable. Minimum Income Requirement for Each Tax Bracket Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable $3,176 $2,920 $2,881 $2,850 $2,748 $2,679 Audit or Examination Deficiency: A penalty of 5% will be added to the unpaid tax if the Department discovers an underpayment during an audit or examination. Penalty for Willful Failure to File: A penalty of 75% will be added to the tax due for willful failure to file a return or for filing with intent to evade tax. Waivers: Penalties can be waived under limited circumstances, as described in Iowa Code section 421.27. Complete and submit a Penalty Waiver Request form (78-629) to request a penalty be waived. Line 23: Interest must be added to delinquent tax. Interest is added at a rate of 0.4% per month beginning on the due date of the return and accrues each month until paid in full. Line 24: Final payment for the return must be made with form IA 1040V using the partnership’s, limited liability company’s, S corporation’s, or trust’s identification number. There is not an electronic payment option. IA 1040C Tax Rate Schedule If Line 6 Is Over 0 1,743 3,486 6,972 15,687 26,145 34,860 52,290 78,435 But Not Over 1,743 3,486 6,972 15,687 26,145 34,860 52,290 78,435 Over Tax Rate 0 plus 5.75 plus 17.43 plus 95.87 plus 456.67 plus 1,045.46 plus 1,564.87 plus 2,654.25 plus 4,599.44 plus 0.33% 0.67% 2.25% 4.14% 5.63% 5.96% 6.25% 7.44% 8.53% Of Excess Over 0 1,743 3,486 6,972 15,687 26,145 34,860 52,290 78,435 41-006d (10/06/2022)
IA 1040C Composite Individual Income Tax Return (41006)
More about the Iowa Form IA 1040C Individual Income Tax
We last updated the Composite Return 41-006 in January 2023, and the latest form we have available is for tax year 2022. This means that we don't yet have the updated form for the current tax year. Please check this page regularly, as we will post the updated form as soon as it is released by the Iowa Department of Revenue. You can print other Iowa tax forms here.
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eFiling is easier, faster, and safer than filling out paper tax forms. File your Iowa and Federal tax returns online with TurboTax in minutes. FREE for simple returns, with discounts available for TaxFormFinder users!
File Now with TurboTaxOther Iowa Individual Income Tax Forms:
TaxFormFinder has an additional 43 Iowa income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.
Form Code | Form Name |
Form IA 1040 | Individual Income Tax Return |
IA 1040-V | Tax Payment Voucher |
IA 104-Wkst | Itemized Deduction Worksheet |
IA 1040-B | Form 1040 Schedule B (Interest and Dividend Income) |
IA 1040 Table | IA 1040 Tax Tables |
View all 44 Iowa Income Tax Forms
Form Sources:
Iowa usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Iowa Form IA 1040C from the Department of Revenue in January 2023.
About the Individual Income Tax
The IRS and most states collect a personal income tax, which is paid throughout the year via tax withholding or estimated income tax payments.
Most taxpayers are required to file a yearly income tax return in April to both the Internal Revenue Service and their state's revenue department, which will result in either a tax refund of excess withheld income or a tax payment if the withholding does not cover the taxpayer's entire liability. Every taxpayer's situation is different - please consult a CPA or licensed tax preparer to ensure that you are filing the correct tax forms!
Historical Past-Year Versions of Iowa Form IA 1040C
We have a total of twelve past-year versions of Form IA 1040C in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

IA 1040C Composite Individual Income Tax Return (41006)

IA 1040C Composite Individual Income Tax Return (41006)

IA 1040C Composite Individual Income Tax Return (41006)

IA 1040C Composite Individual Income Tax Return (41106)

IA 1040C Composite Individual Income Tax Return, 41-006

IA 1040C Composite Individual Income Tax Return (41106)

IA 1040C Composite Individual Income Tax Return (41106)

1040C Composite Individual Income Tax Return

1040C Composite Individual Income Tax Return

Iowa 1040C income tax composite return

PDF Form Pack

Iowa 1040C income tax composite return
TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:
While we do our best to keep our list of Iowa Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.