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Iowa Free Printable Business Property Tax Credit Application, 54024 for 2025 Iowa Business Property Tax Credit Application

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Business Property Tax Credit Application
Business Property Tax Credit Application, 54024

Application for Business Property Tax Credit Iowa Code chapter 426C and Iowa Administrative Code 701—80.30 This application must be received by the city or county assessor where the property is located on or before July 1. An application received after July 1 will be considered as an application for the following year. Upon the filing of a claim and allowance of the credit, the credit is allowed on the parcel or property unit for successive years without further filing as long as the property satisfies the requirements for the credit. Contact information for all assessors can be found at the Iowa State Association of Assessors website: iowa-assessors.org. Applicant/Owner contact information – please print Name: __________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing address: __________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________ Email: _______________________________________________________ Date: _____________________ City/County assessing jurisdiction: _________________________________ Owner’s name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Parcel numbers (attach additional sheets if necessary): __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Property address: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ I certify that this parcel, or property unit, as defined in Iowa Code section 426C.1, is classified and taxed as commercial, industrial, or railway property under chapter 434. I certify that the property is not rented or leased to low-income individuals or families as authorized by section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code. I certify that the property/property unit indicated above is not a mobile home park, manufactured home community, land-leased community, or assisted living facility, as those terms are defined in section 441.21, subsection 13, or property primarily used or intended for human habitation containing three or more separate dwelling units and not eligible for the credit. I, the undersigned, declare under penalties of perjury or false certificate, that I have examined this application, and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. Signature: _______________________________________________________ Date: ___________________ Written notification must be given to the assessor if this property unit ceases to qualify for the credit. Office use only: Assessment year applicable: ______________ Assessor or authorized representative: I recommend that the application be: allowed ☐ disallowed ☐ (Provide reasons below) Reasons for disallowance: ___________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Signed: _________________________________________________________ Date: __________________ Board of Supervisors: allowed ☐ disallowed ☐ Date: __________________ County #: ______________ Year of application: _________________ Unit #: ________________________ # of Parcels: ____________ Sequence: _______________________________________________________ 54-024a (10/27/2021) Business Property Tax Credit Claim Instructions, page 2 Definitions “Parcel” means as defined in Iowa Code section 445.1 and, for purposes of business property tax credits, claimed for fiscal years beginning on or after July 1, 2016, “parcel” also means that portion of a parcel assigned to be commercial property, industrial property, or railway property under Iowa Code chapter 434. “Contiguous parcels” means any of the following: a. Parcels that share a common boundary. b. Parcels within the same building or structure regardless of whether the parcels share a common boundary. c. Permanent improvements to the land that are situated on one or more parcels of land that are assessed and taxed separately from the permanent improvements if the parcels of land upon which the permanent improvements are situated share a common boundary. “Property unit” means contiguous parcels all of which are located within the same county, with the same property tax classification, are owned by the same person, and are operated by that person for a common use and purpose. “Dwelling unit” means an apartment, group of rooms, or single room that is occupied as separate living quarters, or, if vacant, is intended for occupancy as separate living quarters, in which a tenant can live and sleep separately from any other persons in the building. A vacant dwelling unit that does not have active utility services is not considered to be intended for occupancy. Dwelling units do not include hotels, motels, inns, or other buildings where rooms are rented for less than one month. Claims for credit The initial application form may be filed by a “person” which under Iowa law is defined as an individual, corporation, limited liability company, government, government subdivision or agency, business trust, estate, trust, partnership or association or any other legal entity. Applications for the business property tax credit must be received on or before July 1 of the assessment year. For example, the first application for a business property tax credit against property taxes due and payable during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2017, must be received in the office of the assessor on or before July 1, 2016.If the claim for the tax credit is allowed, it continues to be allowed on the parcel or property for successive years as long as the parcel or property unit satisfies the requirements for the credit. If the parcel or property unit no longer qualifies for the credit, the owner shall provide written notice to the assessor on or before the filing date after the date the property ceases to be qualified for the credit. If all or a portion of a parcel or property unit that is allowed a credit is sold, transferred, or ownership otherwise changes, the buyer, transferee, or new owner who wishes to receive the credit must refile the claim for credit. Eligibility and amount of credit A person may claim and receive one credit for each eligible parcel unless the parcel is part of a property unit for which a credit is claimed. A person may claim and receive one credit for each property unit. A credit approved for a property unit shall be proportionally allocated to the several parcels within the property unit in the proportion that each parcel’s total amount of property taxes due and payable bears to the total amount of property taxes due and payable on the property unit. Only parcels classified and taxed as commercial property, industrial property, or railway property under Iowa Code chapter 434 are eligible for a credit. Property units are comprised of parcels assessed as commercial property, industrial property, or railway property under Iowa Code chapter 434, in the same county, with the same classification, owned by the same person, are contiguous as defined above, are separate items on a tax list, and are operated by that person for a common use and purpose. Property that does not qualify: (1) Property that is rented or leased and authorized by section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code for the applicable assessment year (low income housing). (2) Property that is a mobile home park, manufactured home community, land-leased community, or assisted living facility as those terms are defined in Iowa Code section 441.21, subsection 13, or that is property primarily used or intended for human habitation containing three or more separate dwelling units. Instructions to assessors The assessor remits the claims for credit to the county auditor with the assessor’s recommendation for allowance or disallowance. If disallowance is recommended, the assessor shall submit the reasons for the recommendation, in writing, to the county auditor. The county auditor forwards the claims and recommendations to the board of supervisors. The board shall allow or disallow the claims. The board shall notify claimant of disallowance. 54-024b (10/27/2021)
Extracted from PDF file 2023-iowa-form-54-024.pdf, last modified January 2020

More about the Iowa Form 54-024 Other Tax Credit

We last updated the Business Property Tax Credit Application in February 2024, and the latest form we have available is for tax year 2023. This means that we don't yet have the updated form for the current tax year. Please check this page regularly, as we will post the updated form as soon as it is released by the Iowa Department of Revenue. You can print other Iowa tax forms here.

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Other Iowa Other Forms:

TaxFormFinder has an additional 43 Iowa income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.

Form Code Form Name
Form 54-028 Homestead Property Tax Credit Application
Form 54-001 Iowa Property Tax Credit Claim
Form 54-024 Business Property Tax Credit Application
Form 54-023 Application for Family Farm Property Tax Credit
Form 54-014 Iowa Mobile/Manufactured/Modular Home Owner Application for Reduced Tax Rate

Download all IA tax forms View all 44 Iowa Income Tax Forms

Form Sources:

Iowa usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Iowa Form 54-024 from the Department of Revenue in February 2024.

Show Sources >

Form 54-024 is an Iowa Other form. States often have dozens of even hundreds of various tax credits, which, unlike deductions, provide a dollar-for-dollar reduction of tax liability. Some common tax credits apply to many taxpayers, while others only apply to extremely specific situations. In most cases, you will have to provide evidence to show that you are eligible for the tax credit, and calculate the amount of the credit to which you are entitled.

Historical Past-Year Versions of Iowa Form 54-024

We have a total of seven past-year versions of Form 54-024 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2023 Form 54-024

Business Property Tax Credit Application, 54024

2022 Form 54-024

Business Property Tax Credit Application, 54024

2021 Form 54-024

Business Property Tax Credit Application, 54024

2020 Form 54-024

Business Property Tax Credit Application, 54024

2019 Form 54-024

Business Property Tax Credit Application, 54024

2018 Form 54-024

Iowa Special Assessment Credit, 54036

2017 Form 54-024

Iowa Special Assessment Credit, 54036

TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:

While we do our best to keep our list of Iowa Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/index.php/iowa/form-54-024