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Indiana Free Printable GA-110L for 2025 Indiana Business Tax Claim for Refund

There are only 17 days left until tax day on April 16th! eFile your return online here , or request a six-month extension here .

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Business Tax Claim for Refund

Form GA-110L Indiana Department of Revenue Claim for Refund State Form 615 (R20 / 1-25) POA-1 form Included Name of Taxpayer Taxpayer Identification Number (include 3 digit location) Address Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) City State ZIP Social Security Number Indicate only one tax type from one of the following sections: Section A – The GA110L is not to be used for Withholding, Individual, or Corporate Income tax. See instructions. County Innkeepers Food & Beverage Motor Vehicle Rental Sales & Use (Not Fuel Related) Sales & Use (Utilities) HRT-103 Other Section B Aviation Fuel Excise Gasoline Use Oil Inspection Fee Sales (Diesel) Surcharge (Special Fuel - see instructions) Other Fuel Related Section C Aeronautics Cigarette Excise Alcohol Excise Other Tobacco Products Excise IRP/BPR Motor Carrier Fuel Tax Oversize/Overweight VSE-103 Section D BAS IFTA UCR Provide the explanation as to why a refund is due: Year or Period Ending (mm/dd/yyyy) Requested Refund Amount Date(s) of Tax Payment(s) Year or Period Ending (mm/dd/yyyy) Requested Refund Amount Date(s) of Tax Payment(s) I hereby certify that the foregoing account is just and correct; that the amount claimed is legally due, after allowing all just credits; and that no part of the same has been paid. I further understand that this refund may be applied to any liability which I currently have outstanding. Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this form, including the accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true, correct, and complete. Sign Form GA-110L and include evidence to support your claim. Failure to attach ALL documentation with your claim may result in your claim being rejected or denied. Signature: Printed Name: Title: Daytime Phone Number: Email: Date: For Department Use Only Tax Analyst/Auditor: Date: Supervisor: Date: Claim Number: Year Interest Paid From Interest Paid To Total Interest Amount Total Refund Amount DLN Instructions for Completing Form GA-110L Complete a separate Form GA-110L for each tax type and location. Fill in all blanks as any missing or incomplete information may delay the processing of your Claim for Refund or may cause the Claim for Refund to be rejected or denied. Make sure any and all returns have been filed. Note. Claim for Refund (Form GA-110L) can be completed electronically via the Indiana Department of Revenue’s (DOR) secure e-services portal, the Indiana Taxpayer Information Management Engine (INTIME), at intime.dor.in.gov. As of Dec. 1, 2020, DOR no longer accepts any removable media to include CDs, DVDs, or USB flash drives from customers needing to submit documents. Any media received in this manner will be returned or destroyed. Customers should use INTIME to submit data and documents in a secure, quick, and efficient manner. and contract for items such as software and warranties; proof of payment (credit invoice or canceled checks); utility bills showing meter number; use tax journal and any additional documentation to support your claim. Failure to attach ALL documentation with your claim may result in your claim being rejected or denied. Do not use removable media (CDs, DVDs, or USB flash drives) to submit documents. Any media received in this manner will be returned or destroyed. • For a refund claim to be valid, a refund amount must be a request for the amount legally due for a specific tax period. Refund claim amounts must be separately stated by period or tax year. Include each requested refund amount for the appropriate period(s). • To request refund of penalty and/or collection fees select the ‘Other’ checkbox, and indicate the tax type, and whether it is a refund of penalty, collection fees, or both. Collection fees are not refunded based on refund of underlying tax. Collection fees are only refunded when imposed due to department error. • Be sure to sign the GA-110L form and include a daytime phone number and email address. The form must be signed to be a valid refund claim. Including a correct email address will help to expedite the refund process. • Complete and attach a Power of Attorney (POA-1) form authorizing DOR to discuss your claim and specific tax type with someone other than the taxpayer. An electronic POA (ePOA) can be completed via DOR’s secure e-services portal, INTIME, at intime.dor.in.gov. DOR will not accept protective claims submitted at the end of the calendar year. All supporting documentation must be submitted with the GA-110L claim. • Include the taxpayer’s name, address, and correct Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) with location number that was assigned by the state for your specific location. • Check only ONE Tax Type. ○ Each tax type requires a separate GA-110L. ○ Refunds of the Surcharge tax are available to non-motor carriers who purchased special fuel (diesel, biodiesel, compressed natural gas or liquified natural gas) in Indiana from July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. The vehicle make, model and Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) must be included, along with purchase receipts. ○ This form is NOT to be used for Withholding, Individual, or Corporate Income tax, including Financial Institutions Tax, Composite Tax and Pass Through Entity Tax. Refunds for these tax types must be requested with the appropriate amended return. All amended WH-3’s must include corrected wage statements as well. • Include a complete explanation of why the refund is due. Attach ALL evidence to support your claim. Examples are not all inclusive: invoices showing tax paid; copy of exemption certificate if it is an exempt customer; purchase agreement Allow 60 days for processing before contacting DOR regarding the status of your claim. For a refund to be valid, it must include: 1. The refund amount; 2. The tax period for which the refund is due; 3. The reason for the refund; 4. The taxpayer’s signature; and 5. All required supporting documentation If your claim does not include these items, it will be rejected or denied. Mailing/Contact Information Please use the information below based on the tax type selected. Section A Section B Section C Section D Indiana Dept. of Revenue P.O. Box 935 Indianapolis, IN 46206-0935 Indiana Dept. of Revenue P.O. Box 1971 Indianapolis, IN 46206-1971 Indiana Dept. of Revenue P.O. Box 901 Indianapolis, IN 46206-0901 Indiana Dept. of Revenue P.O. Box 6075 Indianapolis, IN 46206-6075 (317) 232-2240 (317) 615-2630 intime.dor.in.gov (317) 615-2710 intime.dor.in.gov (317) 615-7200 [email protected]
Extracted from PDF file 2024-indiana-form-ga-110l.pdf, last modified February 2025

More about the Indiana Form GA-110L Other TY 2024

This form can be used to claim refunds due on a variety of Indiana taxes such as Sales Tax, Innkeeper's tax, income tax withholding, etc.

Complete a separate Form GA-110L for each tax type and location. Fill-in all blanks because any missing or incomplete information may delay the processing of your Claim for Refund or may cause the Claim for Refund to be rejected or denied. Make sure any and all returns have been filed. This can now be done directly via INTIME.

We last updated the Business Tax Claim for Refund in March 2025, so this is the latest version of Form GA-110L , fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form GA-110L directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Indiana tax forms here.

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Form Sources:

Indiana usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Indiana Form GA-110L from the Department of Revenue in March 2025.

Show Sources >

Historical Past-Year Versions of Indiana Form GA-110L

We have a total of seven past-year versions of Form GA-110L in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:

While we do our best to keep our list of Indiana Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/index.php/indiana/form-ga-110l