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Indiana Free Printable  for 2025 Indiana Application for Consolidated Tax Filing Number

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Application for Consolidated Tax Filing Number
Form BT-1C

Form BT-1C Indiana Department of Revenue State Form 48515 (R7 / 8-20) No Fee Required Application for Consolidated Tax Filing Number Application for permission to report and remit sales tax or food and beverage tax for the indicated business locations on a consolidated return as provided in IC 6-2.5-6-3. Please check the type of consolidated return you are requesting to file. Select only one per BT-1C. □ □ Sales Tax Food and Beverage (Same County) □ □ Food and Beverage (Same City/Same Town) County Innkeepers Tax Please print or type all information. Contact the Department at (317) 232-2240 for more information regarding this application. 1. Taxpayer Identification Number 2. Federal Identification Number ____________________________________ TID# (10 Digits) ____________________________________ FID# (9 Digits) 3. Name of contact person: (Person responsible for filing tax forms) 4. Contact person’s daytime telephone number: 5. List all business locations for consolidated filing. Attach additional sheet if necessary. (P.O. Box numbers cannot be used as a business location address) LOC # (3 Digits) Business Location Name Street City State ZIP Code Signature of owner, partner, corporate officer, or resident agent. Signed:_____________________________________ Title:_____________________________ List additional names/locations on a separate sheet if necessary. Date:__________________ Instructions for Completing Form BT-1C Purpose: Use Form BT-1C to apply for filing a consolidated return for either Retail Sales Tax or Food and Beverage Tax. Instructions for Food and Beverage For Sales Tax: You must continue to file separate returns for all locations until the application is approved by the department. Upon approval a consolidated reporting number will be assigned. When completing BT-1s for new locations that are to be included in the consolidated reporting number refer to Section B, line 9. If you are filing consolidated for Food and Beverage (FAB) Tax, it should be noted that all locations must be within the same taxing boundary. Consolidated returns can be filed for businesses located within a county, city or town, but the location must be within just one tax boundary. A boundary for a municipality could be a county or city and/or town. For Food and Beverage Tax: This form will also allow you to add an existing registered location to your consolidated account. Example: • Be sure to answer all applicable questions. Failure to do so may result in delays in establishing your account. • Please print legibly or type the information on your application. • Note: Any outstanding tax liability owed by the applicant or an owner, partner, or officer will delay application approval. Line 1: Enter your Taxpayer Identification Number. The Taxpayer Identification Number (TID) is applicable only if you have previously registered with the department. The TID is a 10 digit number shown on the Registered Retail Merchant Certificate. Line 2: Enter your Federal Identification Number. According to federal guidelines, most partnerships and all corporations are required to obtain a federal identification number. This number also is required whenever you withhold federal income tax from employees, regardless of ownership type. You may get this number by completing the Internal Revenue Service Form SS-4. This form may be obtained from your local IRS office or by calling 1-800-829-3676. Your federal identification number is assigned to you by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Line 3 and 4: Enter the name and the daytime telephone number of a person within your organization that the department may contact about tax related matters. Line 5: Enter your 3 digit location number (LOC#) as shown on your Retail Merchant Certificate. Enter business name or DBA (doing business as) and street address, city, state, and ZIP code. Note: The business location address cannot be a P.O. Box number. You have restaurants located in Hendricks County, they are: 001 ABC Diner Avon 002 ABC Diner Avon 003 ABC Diner Avon 004 ABC Diner Brownsburg 005 ABC Diner Plainfield 006 ABC Diner Plainfield 007 ABC Diner Amo 008 ABC Diner Clayton 009 ABC Diner Clayton You are allowed to file consolidated for all nine diners, since they are all located in Hendricks County. You can also choose to file another consolidated return for all of the diners located in Avon and still another consolidated return for the diners in Plainfield. Therefore, ABC Diners could file three consolidated returns: one for Hendricks County, one for Avon, and one for Plainfield. Signature Section This application must be signed by the owner, general partner, corporate officer, or resident agent before it will be accepted by the department. Mail to: Indiana Department of Revenue P.O. 6197 Indianapolis, IN 46206-6197 Please allow four to six weeks for processing. Additional Information If you have further questions regarding this application, contact the department at (317) 232-2240.
Extracted from PDF file 2023-indiana-form-bt-1c.pdf, last modified August 2020

More about the Indiana Form BT-1C Other

We last updated the Application for Consolidated Tax Filing Number in February 2024, and the latest form we have available is for tax year 2023. This means that we don't yet have the updated form for the current tax year. Please check this page regularly, as we will post the updated form as soon as it is released by the Indiana Department of Revenue. You can print other Indiana tax forms here.

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Download all IN tax forms View all 70 Indiana Income Tax Forms

Form Sources:

Indiana usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Indiana Form BT-1C from the Department of Revenue in February 2024.

Show Sources >

Historical Past-Year Versions of Indiana Form BT-1C

We have a total of six past-year versions of Form BT-1C in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2019 Form BT-1C

BT-1C (06-12).indd

2018 Form BT-1C

BT-1C (06-12).indd

TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:

While we do our best to keep our list of Indiana Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/index.php/indiana/form-bt-1c