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Florida Free Printable  for 2025 Florida Authorization and Consent of Subsidiary Corporation to be Included in a Consolidated Income and Emergency Excise Tax Return R.01/13

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Authorization and Consent of Subsidiary Corporation to be Included in a Consolidated Income and Emergency Excise Tax Return R.01/13
Form F-1122

Authorization and Consent of Subsidiary Corporation to be Included in a Consolidated Income Tax Return F-1122 R. 01/13 TC Rule 12C-1.051 Florida Administrative Code Effective 01/13 This form is only required to be attached to the Florida Form F-1120 for a subsidiary’s initial authorization to be included in the Florida consolidated income tax return. For Calendar Year or Other taxable year beginning , , and ending , . Name Street Address City State 1 Date incorporated ZIP 2 Federal Employer Identification Number 3 Place incorporated 4 Name of Common Parent Corporation 5 Federal Employer Identification Number (Parent) The subsidiary corporation authorizes: (a) The common parent corporation named above to make a consolidated income tax return on its behalf for the taxable year for which this form is filed. (b) The common parent corporation (or, if it fails, the Executive Director of the Department of Revenue or a designee) to make a consolidated income tax return on its behalf for each future taxable year for which a consolidated return must be made by the affiliated group. The subsidiary corporation, in consideration of the privilege of joining in the making of a consolidated return with the common parent corporation, therefore consents to and agrees to be bound by the terms of section 220.131, Florida Statutes, and Rule 12C-1.0131, Florida Administrative Code. Signature Under penalties of perjury, I declare the subsidiary corporation named above has authorized me to sign this form on its behalf, and I have examined this form and the information contained in it is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, correct, and complete. ________________________________________________________ Signature of Officer / Authorized Person ______________________________________ Phone Number ________________________________________________________ Title ______________________________________ Date
Extracted from PDF file 2024-florida-form-f-1122.pdf, last modified June 2015

More about the Florida Form F-1122 Corporate Income Tax TY 2024

We last updated the Authorization and Consent of Subsidiary Corporation to be Included in a Consolidated Income and Emergency Excise Tax Return R.01/13 in February 2025, so this is the latest version of Form F-1122, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form F-1122 directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Florida tax forms here.

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Other Florida Corporate Income Tax Forms:

TaxFormFinder has an additional 40 Florida income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.

Form Code Form Name
Form F-1120N Instructions for Preparing Form F-1120
Form DR-1 Florida Business Tax Application
Form F-1120 Florida Corporate Income/Franchise Tax Return
Form F-1120ES Declaration/Installment of Florida Estimated Income/Franchise Tax R.01/17
Form F-7004 Tentative Income/Franchise Tax Return and Application for Extension of Time to File Return R.01/15

Download all FL tax forms View all 41 Florida Income Tax Forms

Form Sources:

Florida usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Florida Form F-1122 from the Department of Revenue in February 2025.

Show Sources >

About the Corporate Income Tax

The IRS and most states require corporations to file an income tax return, with the exact filing requirements depending on the type of company.

Sole proprietorships or disregarded entities like LLCs are filed on Schedule C (or the state equivalent) of the owner's personal income tax return, flow-through entities like S Corporations or Partnerships are generally required to file an informational return equivilent to the IRS Form 1120S or Form 1065, and full corporations must file the equivalent of federal Form 1120 (and, unlike flow-through corporations, are often subject to a corporate tax liability).

Additional forms are available for a wide variety of specific entities and transactions including fiduciaries, nonprofits, and companies involved in other specific types of business.

Historical Past-Year Versions of Florida Form F-1122

We have a total of fourteen past-year versions of Form F-1122 in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:

While we do our best to keep our list of Florida Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/index.php/florida/form-f-1122