Connecticut Summary of Add Back and Exceptions to Add Back of Interest and Intangible Expenses

Extracted from PDF file 2024-connecticut-form-ct-1120ab.pdf, last modified December 2016Summary of Add Back and Exceptions to Add Back of Interest and Intangible Expenses
Department of Revenue Services State of Connecticut (Rev. 12/16) Form CT-1120AB Summary of Add Back and Exceptions to Add Back of Interest and Intangible Expenses For Income Year Beginning: _______________________, _______, and Ending: __________________________ , ________ . Corporation name Connecticut Tax Registration Number Complete this form in blue or black ink only. Form CT-1120AB, Summary of Add Back and Exceptions to Add Back of Interest and Intangible Expenses, must be completed by each corporation that paid, accrued, or incurred interest expenses to a related member or intangible expenses and costs, and interest expenses and costs related to intangibles to a related member. See Special Notice 2003(22), Interest Expense Add Back. To be entitled to an exception from the add back of expenses and a corresponding deduction from net income, the taxpayer must complete and attach this form to Form CT-1120, Corporation Business Tax Return. Failure to complete Form CT-1120AB and attach all supporting documentation will result in a disallowance of the exception(s). Part I - Required Add Back All interest expenses and intangible expenses and costs that are paid, accrued, or incurred to a related member must be added back to income and may be subtracted if any one or more of the statutory exceptions are met. A - Interest Expenses Add Back Total interest expenses paid to a related member: Do not include any interest expense and costs related to intangibles. Enter amount here and on Form CT-1120, Schedule D, Line 4. .... 1. 00 1. Intangible expenses and costs paid to a related member. ......................................................... 1. 00 2. Interest expenses and costs related to the intangible property. ................................................. 2. 00 3. Total: Add Line 1 and Line 2. Enter here and on Form CT-1120, Schedule D, Line 5. .................. 3. 00 1. B - Total Intangible Expenses Add Back Part II - Exceptions to Add Back A - Exceptions to Interest Expenses Add Back 1. Enter amount from Part III, Schedule A, Line 6. Enter here and on Form CT-1120, Schedule D, Line 15. ........................................................... 1. 2. Enter amount from Part III, Schedule B, Line 1. Enter here and on Form CT-1120, Schedule D, Line 16. ........................................................... 2. 3. Enter amount from Part III, Schedule C, Line 5 or Schedule D, Line 5. Enter here and on Form CT-1120, Schedule D, Line 17. ........................................................... 3. 4. Total Exceptions: Add Lines 1 through 3 and enter total here. ................................................ 4. 00 00 00 00 B - Exceptions to Intangible Expenses Add Back 1. Enter amount from Part IV, Schedule A, Line 5 or Schedule B, Line 3. Enter here and on Form CT-1120, Schedule D, Line 18. ........................................................... 1. 00 Part III - Exceptions to Interest Expenses Add Back Schedule A - Exception for Interest Paid, Accrued, or Incurred to a Related Member That is Taxed at a Similar Rate in This State, in Another State, or in a Foreign Nation The exception only applies to transactions with a related member when that related member files on a separate company basis in another state. This exception does not apply to transactions with a related member when the related member: •Files in another jurisdiction with the taxpayer on a combined, consolidated, or unitary basis which results in the interest expense of the taxpayer and the interest income of the related member being offset or eliminated; •Has a net operating loss; or •Pays tax on a basis other than net income including but not limited to a gross receipts tax, capital base tax, or a business and occupational tax. A. Can the taxpayer establish by clear and convincing evidence that a principal purpose of the payment of interest to a related member was not to avoid the payment of taxes due under Chapter 208 of the Connecticut General Statutes? Yes No B. Was the interest that the taxpayer paid to a related member paid according to a written contract that reflects an arm’s length rate of interest and sets forth the terms of the loan? Yes No If the answers to both questions above are Yes, attach a copy of pertinent parts of the contract that support this exception, provide related member’s information in Question C, and complete Lines 1 through 6. Failure to provide the requested information will result in a denial of the exception. C. Related Member Information Name of Related Member Federal Employer ID Number (FEIN) Fiscal period of related member Date of written contract M M D D Y Y Y Y Name of state or foreign nation in which the related member is subject to a tax on net income 1. Enter the amount of deductible interest added back by taxpayer and paid to a related member. 1. 2. Amount of interest income included in the measure of net income of the related member subject to tax in Connecticut, another state, or in a foreign nation ............................................. 2. 3. Enter the taxable income before apportionment and before application of net operating losses of the related member in Connecticut, in another state, or in a foreign nation. .......................... 3. 4. Enter the tax paid by the related member in Connecticut, in another state, or in a foreign nation. (Do not include tax paid in a unitary state or in a state in which a combined return is filed.) ........ 4. 5. Divide Line 4 by Line 3 ............................................................................................................... 5. 6. Exception amount: If Line 5 is equal to or greater than 4.5% (.045), enter the amount from Line 1 here and on Part II A, Line 1. Otherwise enter “0.” .......................................................... 6. 00 00 00 00 0. 00 If claiming this exception for transactions with more than one related member, complete the above schedule for each related member and enter the total for all related members on Part II A, Line 1. Form CT-1120AB (Rev. 12/16) Page 2 of 6 Schedule B - Unreasonable Exception A. Has the taxpayer received written confirmation from the Commissioner of Revenue Services (the Commissioner) that the adjustments required under Conn. Gen. Stat. §12-218d are unreasonable? Yes No If the answer to Question A above is Yes, enter the letter date: __________________________ and complete Line 1, below. If the answer to Question A above is No, answer Question B. B. Can the taxpayer establish by clear and convincing evidence that the required add back of interest paid, accrued, or incurred to a related member is unreasonable? Yes No If the answer to Question B above is Yes, the taxpayer must complete Questions C through H in their entirety and provide the requested information. Failure to answer every question in Part III, Schedule B and to provide the requested information will result in a denial of the exception. Provide a description of the business purpose of each loan which includes: C. The date the loan originated; The relevant terms of the loan; An explanation of how the principal was transferred; The dates interest payments were made; and The tax jurisdictions in which the related member filed or will file its corporate income tax returns. D. Was the interest that the taxpayer paid to a related member paid according to a written contract or contracts signed by both the taxpayer and related member? Yes No E. Did the taxpayer enter into the written contract or contracts after corporate changes that were undertaken based, in whole or in part, on advice relating to the reduction of state taxes? Yes No Were the written contract or contracts: F. Negotiated at arm’s length? .............................................................................................................. Yes Signed by both the taxpayer and related member? .......................................................................... Yes No No No No Did the written contract or contracts relate to a: G. Related member’s acquisition of the taxpayer? ................................................................................ Yes Cash management program? ........................................................................................................... Yes No Was the interest payment made to a related member that: Had net operating losses (NOLs) that offset the interest income received?..................................... Yes H. Received a dividend from the taxpayer in the form of a debt instrument?........................................ Yes Filed or will file in a state or states that calculate the corporate income tax on a unitary basis? ...... Yes Filed or will file in a state that does not subject the interest income to tax? ..................................... Yes Paid or will pay dividends (directly or indirectly) to the taxpayer? .................................................... Yes 1. Exception amount: Enter here and on Part II A, Line 2. ........................................................... Form CT-1120AB (Rev. 12/16) 1. No No No No 00 Page 3 of 6 Schedule C - Exception for Certain Related Members That are Insurance Companies A. Can the taxpayer establish by clear and convincing evidence that a principal purpose of the payment of interest to a related member was not to avoid the payment of taxes due under Chapter 208 of the Connecticut General Statutes? Yes No B. Was the interest that the taxpayer paid to a related member paid according to a written contract or contracts that reflects an arm’s length rate of interest and sets forth the terms of the loan? Yes No Is the related member that received the interest income a company subject to tax under Chapter 207 of the Connecticut C. General Statutes or subject to a tax in another state that is comparable to the tax under Chapter 207 of the Connecticut General Statutes? Yes No If the answers to Question A, B, and C above are Yes, complete the following schedule. If the answers to Question A, B, or C above are No, the taxpayer does not qualify for this exception. Name of Related Member FEIN Contract Date State in Which Taxes Were Paid Amount Deducted 1. 00 2. 00 3. 00 4. 00 5. 00 Total: Enter here and on Part II A, Line 3. ................................................................................................ Schedule D - Exception for Interest Paid to a Related Member Located in a Country With Which the U.S. Has a Comprehensive Income Tax Treaty A. Was any interest paid, accrued, or incurred to a related member in a foreign nation which has in force a comprehensive income tax treaty with the United States? Yes No If the answer to Question A above is Yes, complete the following schedule: Name of Related Member Name of Foreign Nation Description of Treaty Amount Deducted 1. 00 2. 00 3. 00 4. 00 5. Total: Enter here and on Part II A, Line 3. ............................................................................................... Form CT-1120AB (Rev. 12/16) 00 Page 4 of 6 Part IV - Intangible Expenses and Costs Paid to a Related Member As Provided in Conn. Gen. Stat. §12-218c Did the taxpayer deduct intangible expenses and costs in connection with a transaction with a related member involving: The A. direct or indirect acquisition, use, maintenance or management, ownership, sale, exchange, or any other disposition of intangible property? ................................... Yes Factoring Royalty, transactions or discounting transactions? ...................................................... Yes patents, technical and copyright fees? ............................................................. Yes Licensing fees? .............................................................................................................. Yes No No No No Did the taxpayer deduct directly or indirectly, interest expenses and costs in connection with a transaction with a related member B. that involved the direct or indirect acquisition, maintenance, management, ownership, sale, exchange, or disposition of intangible property? Yes No If the answer to Question B above is Yes, the taxpayer must add back all intangible expenses and costs and interest expenses or costs directly or indirectly related to the intangible property unless an exception in Schedule A or Schedule B can be claimed. Failure to complete Part IV, Schedule A or Schedule B will result in a denial of the exception. Schedule A - Exception for Intangible Expenses Paid to Unrelated Third-Party A. Did the related member to whom the taxpayer paid the intangible expenses and costs, directly or indirectly pay the amount deducted to an unrelated third-party during the same income year? Yes No Can the corporation establish by a preponderance of evidence that the transaction giving rise to the intangible expenses and B. costs between the corporation and the related member did not have as a principal purpose the avoidance of any portion of the Corporation Business Tax. Yes No If the answer to Question A above is Yes, provide documentation that supports this claim. If the answers to Question A and Question B above are Yes, enter the following information: Name of Related Member Name of Unrelated Third-Party Amount Deducted 1. 00 2. 00 3. 00 4. 00 5. Total: Enter here and on Part II B, Line 1. ......................................................................................... 00 Form CT-1120AB (Rev. 12/16) Page 5 of 6 Schedule B - Unreasonable Exception A. Has the taxpayer received written confirmation from the Commissioner that the adjustments required under Conn. Gen. Stat. §12-218c are unreasonable? Yes No If the answer to Question A above is Yes, enter the letter date: __________________________ and complete Line 1, below. If the answer to Question A above is No, answer Question B. Can the taxpayer establish by clear and convincing evidence that the required add back of intangible expenses and costs paid, B. accrued, or incurred to a related member and interest expenses or costs directly or indirectly related to the intangible property is unreasonable? Yes No If the answer to Question B above is Yes, the taxpayer must complete Questions C through H in their entirety and provide the requested information. Failure to answer every question in Part IV, Schedule B and to provide the requested information will result in a denial of the exception. Provide a description of the intangible expenses and costs, including the following information: C. The date of the contract relating to the payment of intangible expenses and costs; The relevant terms of the contract relating to the payment of intangible expenses and costs; An explanation of how the intangible property was used in the taxpayer’s business; The dates the intangible expenses and costs were paid or incurred; and The tax jurisdictions in which the related member filed or will file its corporate income tax returns. D. Did any entity, other than the related member, ever own the intangible property? Yes No E. Were the intangible expenses and costs paid to a related member according to a written contract or contracts signed by both the taxpayer and related member? Yes No F. Did the taxpayer rely on a transfer pricing study to determine the amount of intangible expenses and costs? Yes No Did the taxpayer enter into the contract or contracts relating to the payment of intangible expenses and G. costs after corporate changes that were undertaken based, in whole or in part, on advice relating to the reduction of state taxes? Yes No Were the intangible expenses and costs paid to a related member that: Has NOLs that offset the intangible expenses and costs it received? ............................................. Yes H. Filed or will file in a state or states that calculate the corporate income tax on a unitary basis? ...... Yes Filed or will file in a state that does not subject income from intangibles to tax? ............................. Yes Paid or will pay dividends (directly or indirectly) to the taxpayer? ................................................... Yes No No No No Total Exception Amount 1. Intangible expenses and costs paid to a related member. ......................................................... 1. 00 2. Interest expenses and costs related to the intangible property. .................................................. 2. 00 3. Total: Add Line 1 and Line 2. Enter amount here and on Part II B, Line 1. .................................... 3. 00 Form CT-1120AB (Rev. 12/16) Page 6 of 6
CT-1120AB, 2016 Summary of Add Back and Exceptions to Add Back of Interest and Intangible Expenses
More about the Connecticut Form CT-1120AB Corporate Income Tax TY 2024
We last updated the Summary of Add Back and Exceptions to Add Back of Interest and Intangible Expenses in February 2025, so this is the latest version of Form CT-1120AB, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form CT-1120AB directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Connecticut tax forms here.
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TaxFormFinder has an additional 85 Connecticut income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.
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View all 86 Connecticut Income Tax Forms
Form Sources:
Connecticut usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Connecticut Form CT-1120AB from the Department of Revenue Services in February 2025.
About the Corporate Income Tax
The IRS and most states require corporations to file an income tax return, with the exact filing requirements depending on the type of company.
Sole proprietorships or disregarded entities like LLCs are filed on Schedule C (or the state equivalent) of the owner's personal income tax return, flow-through entities like S Corporations or Partnerships are generally required to file an informational return equivilent to the IRS Form 1120S or Form 1065, and full corporations must file the equivalent of federal Form 1120 (and, unlike flow-through corporations, are often subject to a corporate tax liability).
Additional forms are available for a wide variety of specific entities and transactions including fiduciaries, nonprofits, and companies involved in other specific types of business.
Historical Past-Year Versions of Connecticut Form CT-1120AB
We have a total of thirteen past-year versions of Form CT-1120AB in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

CT-1120AB, 2016 Summary of Add Back and Exceptions to Add Back of Interest and Intangible Expenses

CT-1120AB, 2016 Summary of Add Back and Exceptions to Add Back of Interest and Intangible Expenses

CT-1120AB, 2016 Summary of Add Back and Exceptions to Add Back of Interest and Intangible Expenses

CT-1120AB, 2016 Summary of Add Back and Exceptions to Add Back of Interest and Intangible Expenses

CT-1120AB, 2016 Summary of Add Back and Exceptions to Add Back of Interest and Intangible Expenses

CT-1120AB, 2016 Summary of Add Back and Exceptions to Add Back of Interest and Intangible Expenses

CT-1120AB, 2016 Summary of Add Back and Exceptions to Add Back of Interest and Intangible Expenses

CT-1120AB, 2016 Summary of Add Back and Exceptions to Add Back of Interest and Intangible Expenses

CT-1120AB, Summary of Add Back and Exceptions to Add Back of Interest and Intangible Expenses

CT-1120AB, Summary of Add Back and Exceptions to Add Back of Interest and Intangible Expenses

CT-1120AB, Summary of Add Back and Exceptions to Add Back of Interest and Intangible Expenses

Form CT-1120AB, 2012 Summary of Add Back and Exceptions to Add Back of Interest and Intangible Expenses

Form CT-1120AB, 2011 Summary of Add Back and Exceptions to Add Back of Interest and Intangible Expenses
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While we do our best to keep our list of Connecticut Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.