Arkansas Application for Income Tax Exemption
Extracted from PDF file 2023-arkansas-form-ar1023ct.pdf, last modified June 2023Application for Income Tax Exemption
PRINT FORM AR1023CT CLEAR FORM CTES231 STATE OF ARKANSAS CORPORATION INCOME TAX SECTION Application for Income Tax Exempt Status PART I ,GHQWLÀFDWLRQRI$SSOLFDQW 1a Full Name of Organization (As shown in organizing document) 2 FEIN E C/O NameLIDSSOLFDEOH 3 Name and telephone number of person to be contacted if additional information is needed F Address 1XPEHU6WUHHWDQG5RRPRU6XLWH1XPEHU ( ) 4 Tax Year 0RQWK<HDU G City or Town, State and ZIP Code 5 Date Incorporated or Formed 6 Activity Codes6HH,QVWUXFWLRQV 7 Arkansas Code Section applying under 8 Date began activity in Arkansas 9 Domestic or Foreign 10 IRC Exempt Under 11 IRS Approval Date 12 IRS Expiration Date 13 +DVWKHRUJDQL]DWLRQ¿OHG$UNDQVDV&RUSRUDWLRQ,QFRPH7D[5HWXUQV" Yes No ,I³<HV´VWDWHWKHWD[\HDUV¿OHG 14 Check the box for your type of organization. BE SURE TO ATTACH A COMPLETE COPY OF THE CORRESPONDING DOCUMENTS TO THE APPLICATION BEFORE MAILING. 01 &RUSRUDWLRQ Attach a copy of your Articles of Incorporation (including amendments and restatements) showing approval by the appropriate 6WDWHRႈFLDODOVRLQFOXGHDFRS\RI\RXU%\ODZV 02 7UXVW 03 &RRSHUDWLYH $WWDFKDFRS\RI\RXUFUHDWLQJGRFXPHQWVDQGDFRS\RI\RXU%\ODZV5XOHVDQG5HJXODWLRQV 04 3DUWQHUVKLS $WWDFKDFRS\RI\RXU3DUWQHUVKLS$JUHHPHQWDQG%\ODZVLIDQ\ 05 $VVRFLDWLRQ Attach a copy of your Articles of Association, Constitution, or other creating documents, with a declaration or other evidence the RUJDQL]DWLRQZDVIRUPHGE\DGRSWLRQRIWKHGRFXPHQWE\PRUHWKDQRQHSHUVRQDOVRLQFOXGHDFRS\RI\RXU%\ODZV Attach a copy of your Trust Indenture or Agreement, including all appropriate signatures and dates. ,I\RXDUHDFRUSRUDWLRQRUDQXQLQFRUSRUDWHGDVVRFLDWLRQWKDWKDVQRW\HWDGRSWHG%\ODZVFKHFNKHUH I declare under the penalties of perjury that I am authorized to sign this application on behalf of the organization and that I have examined this application, including the accompanying schedules and attachments, and to the best of my knowledge, it is true, correct and complete. Please Sign Here Signature Title or Authority Signer Mail To: AR1023CT Page 1 (R 1/29/2020) Corporation Income Tax 32%R[ Little Rock, AR 72203 Date CTES232 PART II Activities and Operational Information 1 Provide a detailed narrative description of all the activities of the organization - past, present and planned. Do not merely refer to or repeat the language in your organizational document. Describe each activity separately in the order of importance. Each description should include, as a minimum, the following: (a) a detailed GHVFULSWLRQRIWKHDFWLYLW\LQFOXGLQJLWVSXUSRVHEZKHQWKHDFWLYLW\ZDVRUZLOOEHLQLWLDWHGDQGFZKHQDQGE\ZKRPWKHDFWLYLW\ZLOOEHFRQGXFWHG 2 :LOODQ\RIWKHRUJDQL]DWLRQ¶VLQFRPHEHFUHGLWHGWRVXUSOXVRULQXUHWRWKHEHQH¿WRIDQ\SULYDWHVWRFNKROGHURULQGLYLGXDO" ,I³<HV´H[SODLQEHORZ Yes No 3 :KDWDUHRUZLOOEHWKHRUJDQL]DWLRQ¶VVRXUFHVRI¿QDQFLDOVXSSRUW"/LVWLQRUGHURIVL]H 4 'HVFULEHWKHRUJDQL]DWLRQ¶VIXQGUDLVLQJSURJUDPERWKDFWXDODQGSODQQHGDQGH[SODLQWRZKDWH[WHQWLWKDVEHHQSXWLQWRHႇHFW,QFOXGHGHWDLOVRIIXQGUDLVLQJ activities such as selective mailings, formation of fundraising committees, use of volunteers or professional fundraisers, etc. Attach representative copies of VROLFLWDWLRQVIRU¿QDQFLDOVXSSRUW 5 $WWDFKDFRS\RIWKHODWHVW¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVKRZLQJWKHDVVHWVOLDELOLWLHVUHFHLSWVDQGGLVEXUVHPHQWVRIWKHRUJDQL]DWLRQ 1RWH,IWKHDERYHVSDFHVDUHLQVXႈFLHQWIRUUHVSRQVH\RXPD\DWWDFKDGGLWLRQDOSDJHVDV necessary. AR1023CT Page 2 (R 1/28/2020)
More about the Arkansas Form AR1023CT Corporate Income Tax Voucher
We last updated the Application for Income Tax Exemption in February 2024, and the latest form we have available is for tax year 2023. This means that we don't yet have the updated form for the current tax year. Please check this page regularly, as we will post the updated form as soon as it is released by the Arkansas Department of Revenue. You can print other Arkansas tax forms here.
eFile your Arkansas tax return now
eFiling is easier, faster, and safer than filling out paper tax forms. File your Arkansas and Federal tax returns online with TurboTax in minutes. FREE for simple returns, with discounts available for TaxFormFinder users!
File Now with TurboTaxOther Arkansas Corporate Income Tax Forms:
TaxFormFinder has an additional 39 Arkansas income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.
Form Code | Form Name |
Form AR1000TC | Schedule of Tax Credits and Business Incentive Credits |
Form AR1100CT | Corporation Income Tax Return |
Form AR1100S | Subchapter S Corporation Income Tax Return |
Form AR1103-Supp | Supplemental |
Form AR1113 | Phenylketonuria & Other Metabolic Disorders Credit |
View all 40 Arkansas Income Tax Forms
Form Sources:
Arkansas usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Arkansas Form AR1023CT from the Department of Revenue in February 2024.
Form AR1023CT is an Arkansas Corporate Income Tax form. Payment vouchers are provided to accompany checks mailed to pay off tax liabilities, and are used by the revenue department to record the purpose of the check and the SSN/EIN of the taxpayer who sent it. Many states recommend that taxpayers also write their social security number and the purpose of the payment on the check itself, in case the accompanying payment voucher is misplaced or destroyed.
About the Corporate Income Tax
The IRS and most states require corporations to file an income tax return, with the exact filing requirements depending on the type of company.
Sole proprietorships or disregarded entities like LLCs are filed on Schedule C (or the state equivalent) of the owner's personal income tax return, flow-through entities like S Corporations or Partnerships are generally required to file an informational return equivilent to the IRS Form 1120S or Form 1065, and full corporations must file the equivalent of federal Form 1120 (and, unlike flow-through corporations, are often subject to a corporate tax liability).
Additional forms are available for a wide variety of specific entities and transactions including fiduciaries, nonprofits, and companies involved in other specific types of business.
Historical Past-Year Versions of Arkansas Form AR1023CT
We have a total of thirteen past-year versions of Form AR1023CT in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:
PA 149 AR 1023 Front A
TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:
While we do our best to keep our list of Arkansas Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.