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Arizona Free Printable Arizona Form 140PTC for 2025 Arizona Property Tax Refund (Credit) Claim Package

There are only 16 days left until tax day on April 16th! eFile your return online here , or request a six-month extension here .

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Property Tax Refund (Credit) Claim Package
Arizona Form 140PTC

DO NOT STAPLE ANY ITEMS TO THE CLAIM. Arizona Form 140PTC FOR CALENDAR YEAR Property Tax Refund (Credit) Claim 2024 You must file this form or Arizona Form 204 by April 15, 2025. Check box 95 if amending claim for tax year 2024 Check box 82F if filing under extension 95 1 1 2 3 79 82F Your First Name and Middle Initial Last Name Spouse’s First Name and Middle Initial (if a joint claim) Last Name Current Home Address - number and street, rural route City, Town or Post Office Enter your SSN(s). Apt. No. State ZIP Code Your Social Security Number Spouse’s Social Security No. Daytime Phone (with area code) 94 REVENUE USE ONLY. DO NOT MARK IN THIS AREA. 88 Your Date of Birth (required) MM D D Y Y Y Y QUALIFICATIONS FOR CREDIT (Check the boxes that apply): 4 On December 31, 2024, were you renting or did you own? If you own a mobile home but rent the space, check “Rent”.................................................... 5 Were you an Arizona resident for all of 2024? If “No”, STOP. You do not qualify........................................................................ 6 Did you pay property taxes on your home, pay rent, or pay a combination of both in 2024? See instructions for qualifications. If “No”, STOP. You do not qualify........................................................................ 7 Is this the only Property Tax Refund being claimed in your household? If “No”, STOP. You do not qualify........................................................................ 8 Were you age 65 or older in 2024? Enter your birth date in box 79 above..... 9 Did you receive Title 16, SSI payments in 2024? If “Yes”, include proof. If you answered “No” to both 8 and 9, STOP. You do not qualify......................... INCOME Rent Own 4   Yes No 5   6   7 8     9   81 PM 10 Total Household Income: Enter the amount from page 2, Part 1, line J, column 4......................................................... 10 CREDIT 11 a If you lived alone, enter the amount of credit from page 2, Part 1, Schedule 1, and check the box............................................................................................................................... 11a  Schedule 1 b If you lived with your spouse or one or more other persons, enter the amount of credit from page 2, Part 1, Schedule 2, and check the box.........................................................11b  Schedule 2 11 12 If you owned your property, enter property taxes actually paid during 2024. Include proof of property taxes paid during 2024................................................................................................................................... 12 13 If you rented, enter property taxes paid by your landlord on your portion of rents. Include Form 201............................ 13 14 Total property taxes paid in 2024. Add lines 12 and 13................................................................................................... 14 15 Amount of Property Tax Credit: Enter the smaller of line 11 or line 14........................................................................ 15 16 If you have been claimed as a dependent on anyone else’s tax return, complete the following: Name Of Taxpayer Who Claimed You Social Security Number 80 RCVD 00 00 00 00 00 00 Address: If you are not claimed as a dependent on anyone else’s tax return, turn the form over and complete Part 2. If someone else claims you as a dependent, skip lines 17 and 18, and complete line 19. 17 18 19 Credit for increased excise taxes from Form 140PTC, page 2, Part 2, line 6............................................................... 17 Enter the number from page 2, Part 2, line 2, here....................................................................................... 18 Total Credit: Add lines 15 and 17, and enter the total. See the instructions if you have to file Arizona Form 140 or Form 140A..................................................................................................................................... 19 Direct Deposit of Refund: Check box 19A if your deposit will be ultimately placed in a foreign account; see instructions. 19A ROUTING NUMBER 00 00 ACCOUNT NUMBER C  Checking or 98 S  Savings If this is your first claim for 2024, STOP HERE AND GO TO THE SIGNATURE BOX ON PAGE 2. If this is an amended claim, complete lines 20 through 22, and check box 95 at the top of the form. AMENDED 20 Enter the amount from line 5 of the worksheet on page 6 of the instructions.................................................................. 20 21 Additional refund: If line 19 is larger than line 20, subtract line 20 from line 19.............................................................. 21 22 Amount to pay: If line 19 is less than line 20, subtract line 19 from line 20. Make check payable to Arizona Department of Revenue; write your SSN on payment, and include your payment with Form 140PTC.............. 22 ADOR 10567 (24) 00 00 00 Continued on page 2  Your Name (as shown on page 1) Part 1 Your Social Security Number (1) YOU Schedule of Household Income (2) YOUR SPOUSE (3) OTHER PERSONS (4) TOTAL (1+2+3) A B C D E Salaries, wages, tips, etc., received in 2024............................................. A Dividend and interest income received in 2024........................................ B Business and farm income........................................................................ C Gain or loss from sale or exchange of property........................................ D Pension and annuity income. Include Arizona state and local retirement benefits, civil service, and military retirement. Do not include social security or railroad retirement benefits......................... E F Rent and royalty income........................................................................... F G S corporation, partnership, estate, and trust income................................ G H Alimony..................................................................................................... H I Other Income: Specify source on separate sheet.................................... I J Total household income: Add lines A through I in column (4). Enter here and on the front of this form, line 10............................ J Use the amount on line J, column 4, to compute your credit from the proper schedule below. 2024 Schedule 1 2024 Schedule 2 Household Income $ 0 - 1,750 1,751 - 1,850 1,851 - 1,950 1,951 - 2,050 2,051 - 2,150 If you live alone, use this Schedule. Tax Credit $502 479 457 435 412 2,151 - 2,250 2,251 - 2,350 2,351 - 2,450 2,451 - 2,550 2,551 - 2,650 2,651 - 2,750 Part 2 390 368 345 323 301 279 Household Income $ 2,751 - 2,850 2,851 - 2,950 2,951 - 3,050 3,051 - 3,150 3,151 - 3,250 3,251 - 3,350 3,351 - 3,450 3,451 - 3,550 3,551 - 3,650 3,651 - 3,750 3,751 and up If you live with your spouse or another person, use this Schedule. Tax Credit $256 234 212 189 167 Household Income $ 0 - 2,500 2,501 - 2,650 2,651 - 2,800 2,801 - 2,950 2,951 - 3,100 145 123 100 78 56 0 Tax Credit $502 479 457 435 412 3,101 - 3,250 3,251 - 3,400 3,401 - 3,550 3,551 - 3,700 3,701 - 3,850 3,851 - 4,000 Household Income $ 4,001 - 4,150 4,151 - 4,300 4,301 - 4,450 4,451 - 4,600 4,601 - 4,750 390 368 345 323 301 279 Enter the amount of credit on the front of this form, line 11. Credit for Increased Excise Taxes 4,751 - 4,900 4,901 - 5,050 5,051 - 5,200 5,201 - 5,350 5,351 - 5,500 5,501 and up Tax Credit $256 234 212 189 167 145 123 100 78 56 0 Do not complete Part 2 if you completed line 16 on page 1 of Form 140PTC. Do not complete Part 2 if you were sentenced for at least 60 days of 2024 to a county, state, or federal prison. Note: If you are filing a joint Property Tax Credit claim with your spouse, and you are also claiming the Excise Tax Credit on Form 140PTC, you cannot claim the Excise Tax Credit for your spouse if your spouse was sentenced for at least 60 days during 2024 to a county, state or federal prison. 1 List dependents. See the instructions. (a) FIRST AND LAST NAME (b) SOCIAL SECURITY NO. (Do not list yourself or spouse.) (d) NO. OF MONTHS LIVED IN YOUR HOME IN 2024 1a 1b 1c Enter total number of dependents listed on lines 1a through 1c. Also, enter this amount on Form 140PTC, page 1, line 18....... 2 If you are married filing a joint claim, enter the number “2” here. Otherwise, enter the number “1”................................................ 3 Add the amount on line 2 and line 3, and enter the total................................................................................................................... 4 00 Multiply the amount on line 4 by $25, and enter the result................................................................................................................ 5 00 Enter the smaller of line 5 or $100. Also, enter this amount on Form 140PTC, page 1, line 17..................................................... 6 Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have read this return and any documents with it, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, they are true, correct and complete. Declaration of preparer (other than taxpayer) is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge. PLEASE SIGN HERE 2 3 4 5 6 (c) RELATIONSHIP  YOUR SIGNATURE DATE  SPOUSE’S SIGNATURE DATE OCCUPATION SPOUSE’S OCCUPATION PAID PREPARER’S SIGNATURE DATE FIRM’S NAME (PREPARER’S IF SELF-EMPLOYED) PAID PREPARER’S STREET ADDRESS PAID PREPARER’S TIN PAID PREPARER’S CITY ADOR 10567 (24) STATE ZIP CODE PAID PREPARER’S PHONE NUMBER Mail to Arizona Department of Revenue, PO Box 52138, Phoenix, AZ 85072-2138 AZ Form 140PTC (2024) Page 2 of 2
Extracted from PDF file 2024-arizona-form-140ptc.pdf, last modified January 2018

More about the Arizona Form 140PTC Individual Income Tax Tax Credit TY 2024

This is the property tax refund credit for Arizona. This easy to use package features "Fill it in...It does the math". Form 140PTC requires you to list multiple forms of income, such as wages, interest, or alimony .

We last updated the Property Tax Refund (Credit) Claim Package in February 2025, so this is the latest version of Form 140PTC, fully updated for tax year 2024. You can download or print current or past-year PDFs of Form 140PTC directly from TaxFormFinder. You can print other Arizona tax forms here.

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Other Arizona Individual Income Tax Forms:

TaxFormFinder has an additional 95 Arizona income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms.

Form Code Form Name
Form 140 Resident Personal Income Tax Return
Form A-4 Employee’s Arizona Withholding Election
Form 140ES Individual Estimated Tax Payment Booklet
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Download all AZ tax forms View all 96 Arizona Income Tax Forms

Form Sources:

Arizona usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Arizona Form 140PTC from the Department of Revenue in February 2025.

Show Sources >

Form 140PTC is an Arizona Individual Income Tax form. States often have dozens of even hundreds of various tax credits, which, unlike deductions, provide a dollar-for-dollar reduction of tax liability. Some common tax credits apply to many taxpayers, while others only apply to extremely specific situations. In most cases, you will have to provide evidence to show that you are eligible for the tax credit, and calculate the amount of the credit to which you are entitled.

About the Individual Income Tax

The IRS and most states collect a personal income tax, which is paid throughout the year via tax withholding or estimated income tax payments.

Most taxpayers are required to file a yearly income tax return in April to both the Internal Revenue Service and their state's revenue department, which will result in either a tax refund of excess withheld income or a tax payment if the withholding does not cover the taxpayer's entire liability. Every taxpayer's situation is different - please consult a CPA or licensed tax preparer to ensure that you are filing the correct tax forms!

Historical Past-Year Versions of Arizona Form 140PTC

We have a total of fourteen past-year versions of Form 140PTC in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2024 Form 140PTC

Arizona Form 140PTC

2023 Form 140PTC

Arizona Form 140PTC

2021 Form 140PTC

Arizona Booklet 140PTC

2020 Form 140PTC

Arizona Form 140PTC

2019 Form 140PTC


2018 Form 140PTC

Arizona Form 140PTC

2017 Form 140PTC

Arizona Form 140PTC

2016 Form 140PTC

Arizona Booklet 140PTC

Property Tax Refund (Credit) Claim Package - This easy to use package features "Fill it in...It does the math" 2015 Form 140PTC


Property Tax Refund (Credit) Claim 2014 Form 140PTC

Arizona Form 140PTC

Property Tax Refund (Credit) Claim Package - This easy to use package features "Fill it in...It does the math" 2013 Form 140PTC


TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:

While we do our best to keep our list of Arizona Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By TaxFormFinder.org **
Source: http://www.taxformfinder.org/index.php/arizona/form-140ptc