Illinois Income Tax Credits Information and Worksheets

Extracted from PDF file 2023-illinois-form-schedule-1299-i.pdf, last modified January 2024Income Tax Credits Information and Worksheets
Illinois Department of Revenue 2023 Schedule 1299-I Income Tax Credits Information and Worksheets What’s New for 2023? • • • • • Public Act 102-1053 created the Recovery and Mental Health income tax credit (Credit Code 0180) effective for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2023. Public Act 102-0700 increased the maximum K-12 Instructional Materials and Supplies credit (Credit Code 5740) amount allowed for Form IL-1040 filers. For tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2023, the maximum credit allowed for a single taxpayer is $500 or $1000 for taxpayers married, filing jointly. No new credits will be allowed for the: • Adoption credit (Credit Code 5780) for tax years beginning on or after July 12, 2024; • Agritourism Liability Insurance income tax credit (Credit Code 5440) for tax years ending after December 31, 2023; and • Invest in Kids credit (Credit Code 5660) for tax years ending after December 31, 2023. NOTE: These credits may still be carried forward according to their provisions. See each credit’s specific instructions for more information. Public Act 103-0009 extended the following income tax credits • Historic Preservation tax credit (Credit Code 1030) until tax years ending on or before December 31, 2028; and • New Markets Development tax credit (Credit Code 5500) until tax years ending on or before June 30, 2031. Public Act 103-0268 created the Hydrogen Fuel Replacement tax credit effective for tax years ending on or after December 31, 2027. General Information If you earned any of the following income tax credits: • TECH-PREP Youth Vocational Programs, • Dependent Care Assistance Program, • Film Production Services, • Employee Child Care (Corporate filers only), • Enterprise Zone Investment, • Enterprise Zone Construction Jobs, • High Impact Business Construction Jobs, • High Impact Business Investment, • REV Illinois Investment, • Affordable Housing Donations, • Economic Development for a Growing Economy (EDGE), • New Construction EDGE, • Research and Development, • Wages Paid to Ex-Felons, • Student-Assistance Contributions, • Angel Investment, • New Markets Development, • River Edge Historic Preservation, • River Edge Construction Jobs, • Live Theater Production, • Hospital, • Invest in Kids, • K-12 Instructional Materials and Supplies (Form IL-1040 filers), • Adoption (Form IL-1040 filers), • Data Center Construction Employment , • Historic Preservation, • Apprenticeship Education Expense, • Agritourism Liability Insurance,or • Recovery and Mental Health, use the instructions and worksheets in this schedule to determine the amount of credit to list in • Column E, Credit Earned or Carried, of Schedule 1299-C, Income Tax Subtractions and Credits (for individuals), • Column E, Credit Amount Earned, of Schedule 1299-A, Tax Subtractions and Credits (for partnerships and S corporations), and • Column F, Credit Amount Earned, of Schedule 1299-D, Income Tax Credits (for corporations and fiduciaries). Schedule 1299-I (R-12/23) Printed by the authority of the state of Illinois - electronic only - one copy. Page 1 of 17 If you are filing an Illinois combined unitary return, complete one Illinois Schedule 1299-D or 1299-A for the entire unitary business group by listing the credit by unitary member. See the specific Schedule 1299 instructions for more information. Keep a copy of your worksheets or calculations and Schedule 1299-I in your records. You may be required to submit further information to support your filing. Follow the specific schedule instructions for how to enter your credits on your Schedule 1299-C, 1299-D or 1299-A. What if I have more credits than space allows on the form? For several credits, you may have more qualifying items than space provided. For any of these credits in which you exceed the allotted space to calculate the credit, use a separate sheet in the same format and include the individual amounts from multiple sheets and the total from the worksheet in these instructions on the line for each credit on Schedules 1299-C, 1299-D, or 1299-A. Do not enter the total on your additional sheets. For example, if you have more than three qualifying properties for the Enterprise Zone Investment credit, use an additional sheet in the same format provided on the Enterprise Zone Investment credit Worksheet. Add the totals from the worksheet and the additional sheets and enter the total on Schedules 1299-C or 1299-A, Column E, or Schedule 1299-D, Column F, for your Enterprise Zone Investment credit. What if I received a distributive share of a credit? If you received a distributive share of a credit, report the credit amount in Step 3, Column F of Schedules 1299-A and 1299-C and Step 3, Column G of Schedule 1299-D per the specific Schedule 1299 instructions. Schedules K-1-P are required as support for any credit being claimed that was distributed to the claiming entity by a partnership or S corporation. Additionally, if you receive more than one Schedule K-1-P for any eligible credit, add the amounts from all Schedules K-1-P for that credit and enter the total in • Column F, Distributive Share Credit from K-1-P, on the corresponding line of Schedule 1299-A, • Column F, Distributive Share or Transfer, on the corresponding line of Schedule 1299-C, or • Column G, Distributive Share Credit from K-1-P, on the corresponding line of Schedule 1299-D that you enter that credit code. If you file an Illinois combined unitary return, see specific unitary instructions and examples on the Schedule 1299-D or Schedule 1299-A Instructions. How do I report a transferred credit? If you received a transferred credit, report the transferred amount in Step 3, Column G of Schedule 1299-A, Step 3, Column F of Schedule 1299-C, and Step 3, Column H of Schedule 1299-D per the specific Schedule 1299 instructions. Proof of the transferred credit is required as support for any credit being claimed. What must I attach to Schedule 1299? ATTACH: Schedule K-1-P, Partner’s or Shareholder’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, and Recapture, if you are a partner in a partnership or a shareholder in an S corporation, and you received a Schedule K-1-P from the partnership or S corporation showing an amount of credit that you may claim on your Schedule 1299. In order to claim amounts reported to you on a Schedule K-1-P, the tax year ending listed on the Schedule K-1-P you received must fall within your tax year. Note: All income tax credits are distributable by partnerships and S corporations, except: • TECH-PREP Youth Vocational Programs • Dependent Care Assistance Program Tax • Employee Child Care • High Impact Business Investment • K-12 Instructional Materials and Supplies • Adoption ATTACH: Certificates issued by the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) if • you entered into an agreement with DCEO and DCEO issued a tax certificate to you indicating the name of the credit and the amount of the credit allowed in this taxable year; or • you purchased or had credit transferred to you from another business and the credit purchase or transfer was approved by DCEO, who then issued you a tax certificate indicating the name of the credit and the amount of credit allowed in this taxable year. Note: Any income tax credit administered by DCEO requires a copy of the certificate to claim the credit. Those income tax credits include: • Film Production Services • Economic Development for a Growing Economy (EDGE) • New Markets Development • Angel Investment • Live Theater Production • Data Center Construction Employment • Apprenticeship Education Expense • Enterprise Zone Construction Jobs • High Impact Business Construction Jobs • New Construction EDGE Schedule 1299-I (R-12/23) Page 2 of 17 • River Edge Construction Jobs • REV Illinois Investment See the DCEO website for a list of incentives (credits) and DCEO contact information. ATTACH: Certificates issued by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) if • you entered into an agreement with DNR and • DNR issued a tax certificate to you indicating the name of the credit and the amount of the credit allowed in this taxable year. Note: Any income tax credit administered by DNR requires a copy of the certificate to claim the credit. Those income tax credits include: • River Edge Historic Preservation • Historic Preservation See the DNR website for a list of credits and contact information. ATTACH: Certificates issued by the Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDOA) if • you applied for a tax certificate with IDOA and • IDOA issued a tax certificate to you indicating the name of the credit and the amount of the credit allowed in this taxable year. Note: Any income tax credit administered by IDOA requires a copy of the certificate to claim the credit. The income tax credit includes: • Agritourism Liability Insurance See the IDOA website for information about the credit and contact information. ATTACH: Certificates issued by the Department of Human Services (DHS) if • you applied for a tax certificate with DHS and • DHS issued a tax certificate to you indicating the name of the credit and the amount of the credit allowed in this taxable year. Note: Any income tax credit administered by DHS requires a copy of the certificate to claim the credit. The income tax credit includes: • Recovery and Mental Health See the DHS website for information about the credit and contact information. ATTACH: Any other documents (including transfer of credit documentation) required by the Illinois Department of Revenue (IDOR) and noted in these instructions or your Schedule 1299 instructions. • If you claim the Affordable Housing Donations credit, you must attach a copy of proof of the credit issued by the Illinois Housing Development Authority or the city of Chicago. • If you transferred the Hospital credit, you must attach a written notice of the transfer that you issued to the transferee. If you claim the Hospital credit because the credit was transferred to you, you must attach a copy of the written notice of the transfer that the seller or donor sent to IDOR. See Specific Instructions for the required written notice information. • If you claim the Adoption credit, you must attach federal Form 8839, Qualified Adoption Expenses. Failure to follow these instructions and attach required documentation will result in one or more of the following: a delay in the processing of your return, the disallowance of the subtraction or credit, or the issuance of correspondence from IDOR. You also may be required to submit further information to support your filing. Should I round? You must round the dollar amounts on Schedule 1299-I to whole-dollar amounts. To do this, you should drop any amount less than 50 cents and increase any amount of 50 cents or more to the next higher dollar. What if I need additional assistance or forms? • For assistance, forms, or schedules, visit our website at or scan the QR code provided. • Write us at: ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE PO BOX 19001 SPRINGFIELD IL 62794-9001 • Call 1 800 732-8866 or 217 782-3336 (TTY at 1 800 544-5304). • Visit a taxpayer assistance office - 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Springfield office) and 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (all other offices), Monday through Friday. Specific Instructions These instructions and worksheets are to be used to determine the amount of credit to list on your Schedule • 1299-A, Column E for credits earned in the current year. • 1299-C, Column E for credits earned in the current year and credits carried forward from past years. Use a separate line on Schedule 1299-C for each tax year in which a credit was earned or is being carried. • 1299-D, Column F for credits earned in the current year. See the instructions for the specific Schedule 1299 you are filing for additional information. Schedule 1299-I (R-12/23) Page 3 of 17 Each credit has a four-digit code used to identify it on Schedule 1299-C, 1299-D, or 1299-A. The first digit of the code indicates how many years the credit can be carried forward. For example, all credits that can be carried forward two years start with “2”. The remaining three digits are the unique indicator for that specific code. Ten year carry forwards will use two digits for the year and two digits as the unique indicator. Credit codes that start with “0” cannot be carried forward. If you earn more than one of the same eligible credit code with the same expiration date, you should add the amounts from all of that credit code when calculating the credit earned in the current year. Credit Code Income Tax Credit Name Active Credits 0160 Apprenticeship Education Expense 0180 Recovery and Mental Health 2000 TECH-PREP Youth Vocational Programs 2200 Dependent Care Assistance Program 5000 Film Production Services 5040 Employee Child Care (Corporate filers only) 5080 Enterprise Zone Investment 5120 Enterprise Zone Construction Jobs 5160 High Impact Business Construction Jobs 5220 High Impact Business Investment 5230 REV Illinois Investment 5260 Affordable Housing Donations 5300 Economic Development for a Growing Economy (EDGE) 5320 New Construction EDGE 5340 Research and Development 5380 Wages Paid to Ex-Felons 5420 Student-Assistance Contributions 5440 Agritourism Liability Insurance 5460 Angel Investment 5500 New Markets Development 5540 River Edge Historic Preservation 5560 River Edge Construction Jobs 5580 Live Theater Production 5620 Hospital 5660 Invest in Kids 5740 K-12 Instructional Materials and Supplies (Form IL-1040 filers only) 5780 Adoption (Form IL-1040 filers only) 5820 Data Center Construction Employment 1030 Historic Preservation Expired Credits, but can still be carried forward or distributed 5700 Natural Disaster (Credit earned in tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2017 and beginning prior to January 1, 2019). Credit may not be used on returns for tax periods beginning after December 31, 2023. 1000 Historic Preservation (Credit earned in tax years ending on or before December 31, 2015). Credit may not be transferred, carried forward, or distributed on returns for tax periods ending after December 31, 2025. Tax Credits that can be used in the current year Apprenticeship Education Expense (Credit Code 0160) 35 ILCS 5/231 For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2020, and beginning on or before January 1, 2025, the employer of one or more qualifying apprentices shall be allowed a credit against income tax for qualified education expenses incurred on behalf of a qualifying apprentice. This credit cannot be carried forward. Contact DCEO for more information. Following the specific Schedule 1299 instructions, enter the Apprenticeship Education Expense tax credit (Code 0160) on Step 3 of: Schedule 1299-A – credits from DCEO certificates in Column E and credits distributed to you in Column F. Schedule 1299-C – credits from DCEO certificates in Column E and credits distributed to you in Column F. Schedule 1299-D – credits from DCEO certificates in Column F and credits distributed to you in Column G. This credit is not transferable. Attach a copy of every DCEO certificate and Schedule(s) K-1-P you received listing this credit to your Schedule 1299. Schedule 1299-I (R-12/23) Page 4 of 17 Recovery and Mental Health (Credit Code 0180) 35 ILCS 5/233 For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2023, employers who employ eligible individuals in recovery from a substance use disorder or mental illness in part-time and full-time positions within Illinois shall be allowed a credit against the qualified employer’s income tax liability. This credit cannot be carried forward. Contact DHS for more information. Following the specific Schedule 1299 instructions, enter the Recovery and Mental Health tax credit (Code 0180) on Step 3 of: Schedule 1299-A – credits from DHS certificates in Column E and credits distributed to you in Column F. Schedule 1299-C – credits from DHS certificates in Column E and credits distributed to you in Column F. Schedule 1299-D – credits from DHS certificates in Column F and credits distributed to you in Column G. This credit is not transferable. Attach a copy of every DHS certificate and Schedule(s) K-1-P you received listing this credit to your Schedule 1299. Tax Credits that can be carried for two years TECH-PREP Youth Vocational Programs (Credit Code 2000) 35 ILCS 5/209 “Qualifying TECH-PREP programs” are those certified by the Illinois State Board of Education. You may take this credit, for tax years ending on or after June 30, 1995, if • you are primarily engaged in manufacturing, and • you have direct payroll expenses for qualifying cooperative secondary school youth vocational programs in Illinois, or you pay for personal services performed by a TECH-PREP student or instructor who would be subject to withholding if they were employed by you and no other credit is claimed by the actual employer. You may not take this credit for programs with national standards that have been or will be approved by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Apprenticeship Training, or any federal agency succeeding to the responsibilities of that bureau. Add the amount of direct payroll expenses for cooperative secondary school youth vocational programs and the amount paid to a TECH-PREP student or instructor employed by you for personal services performed. Enter the total amount on the line below. Multiply this amount by 20 percent (.20). x .20 = Following the specific Schedule 1299 instructions, enter the TECH-PREP Youth Vocational Programs tax credit (Code 2000) on Step 3 of: Schedule 1299-C – credits from the line above in Column E. Schedule 1299-D – credits from the line above in Column F. This credit is not distributable or transferable. Dependent Care Assistance Program (Credit Code 2200) 35 ILCS 5/210 You qualify for this credit, for tax years ending on or after June 30, 1995, if • you are primarily engaged in manufacturing, and • you have an on-site facility dependent care assistance program that is in Illinois and on the premises of your workplace. Enter the amount of your expenses, reported under the IRC Section 129(d)(7), that were used for on-site dependent care on the line below. Multiply this amount by 5 percent (.05). x .05 = Total Note: This credit cannot be claimed if the five percent (.05) Employee Child Care Credit is claimed. Following the specific Schedule 1299 instructions, enter the Dependent Care Assistance Program tax credit (Code 2200) on Step 3 of: Schedule 1299-C – credits from the total above in Column E. Schedule 1299-D – credits from the total above in Column F. This credit is not distributable or transferable. Tax Credits that can be carried for five years Film Production Services (Credit Code 5000) 35 ILCS 5/213 For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2004 and prior to January 1, 2033, film producers of qualified projects shall be allowed a credit. For accredited productions commencing on or after January 1, 2009, this credit is equal to 30 percent of qualified expenditures including Illinois production spending and Illinois labor, and an additional 15 percent on salaries paid to individuals who live in geographic areas of high poverty or high unemployment. To qualify for this credit you must have • applied for and received a Tax Credit Certificate (indicating the amount of credit) from DCEO, or • received a certificate from DCEO showing that a credit was transferred to you. A transfer of this credit may be made by the taxpayer earning the credit within one year after the credit is awarded in accordance with rules adopted by DCEO. Contact DCEO for more information. Schedule 1299-I (R-12/23) Page 5 of 17 Following the specific Schedule 1299 instructions, enter the Film Production Services tax credit (Code 5000) on Step 3 of: Schedule 1299-A – credits from DCEO certificates in Column E, credits distributed to you in Column F, and credits transferred to you in Column G. Schedule 1299-C – credits from DCEO certificates in Column E, and credits distributed and transferred to you in Column F. Schedule 1299-D – credits from DCEO certificates in Column F, credits distributed to you in Column G, and credits transferred to you in Column H. Attach a copy of every DCEO certificate and Schedule(s) K-1-P received listing this credit to your Schedule 1299. Employee Child Care (Corporate filers only) (Credit Code 5040) 35 ILCS 5/210.5 “Start-up costs” include planning, site-preparation, construction, renovation, or acquisition of a child care facility. You may take this credit if • you file Form IL-1120, or Form IL-990-T taxed as a corporation, and • you provide a child care facility, located in Illinois, for the children of your employees. Note: You must keep records documenting all costs for which the credit is being claimed. This is a two-part income tax credit. Part One – For tax years ending on or after December 31, 2007, a credit of 30 percent (.30) of the “start-up costs” spent by you to provide a child care facility for the children of your employees is allowed. Enter the total amount of “start-up costs” to provide the child care facility. Multiply this amount by 30 percent (.30), and enter the result. x .30 = Part Two – For tax years ending on or after December 31, 2000, a credit of five percent (.05) of the annual amount paid by you to provide the child care facility for your employees’ children is allowed. Enter the annual amount paid to provide the child care facility. Multiply this amount by five percent (.05), and enter the result. x .05 = Note: The five percent (.05) credit cannot be claimed if the Dependent Care Assistance Program Tax Credit is claimed. Following the specific Schedule 1299 instructions, enter the Employee Child Care tax credit (Code 5040) total of Part One and Part Two in Column F on Step 3 of Schedule 1299-D. This credit is not distributable or transferable. Enterprise Zone Investment (Credit Code 5080) 35 ILCS 5/201(f) “Qualified property” is property that • is tangible, whether new or used, including buildings and structural components of buildings; • is depreciable according to Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 167; • has a useful life of four or more years as of the date placed in service in Illinois; and • is acquired by purchase as defined in IRC Section 179(d). Qualified property can be new or used but does not qualify for the Enterprise Zone Credit if it was previously used in Illinois in a manner that qualified for that credit or for the Replacement Tax Investment Credit on Form IL-477, Replacement Tax Investment Credits. Qualified property includes buildings and structural components of buildings that are real property. It does not include land or improvements to real property that are not a structural component of a building, such as landscaping, sewer lines, local access roads, fencing, parking lots, and other appurtenances. Any improvement or addition made on or after the date the enterprise zone or river edge redevelopment zone was designated, or on or after the date the business was designated as a high impact business, is considered to be qualified property to the extent that the improvement or addition increases the adjusted basis of the property previously placed in service in Illinois and otherwise meets the requirements of qualified property. For taxable years ending on or after July 1, 2006, you may take this credit if you • placed qualified property in service in an Illinois enterprise zone within the tax year, • placed it in service on or after the date the zone was officially designated as an enterprise zone, and • continued to use the qualified property on the last day of your tax year. Using the worksheet below and these instructions, figure your Enterprise Zone Investment credit to enter on your Schedule 1299. Column A – Describe each item of qualified property you placed in service in an Illinois enterprise zone. Column B – Enter the month and year each item of qualified property was placed in service in Illinois. An item is placed in service on the earlier of • the date the item is placed in a condition or state of readiness and availability for its specifically assigned function, or • the date the depreciation period of the item begins. (Generally, this will be the same date the item is placed in service for purposes of the federal depreciation deduction.) Column C – If you are using the federal accelerated cost recovery system (ACRS) to depreciate the property, enter the ACRS class assigned to each item of qualified property. Property assigned to an ACRS class of less than four years is not qualified. If you are not using the ACRS method to depreciate the property, enter the useful life assigned to the property for federal depreciation purposes. The useful life of the property when placed in service must be four or more years to qualify. Schedule 1299-I (R-12/23) Page 6 of 17 Column D – Indicate whether each item of qualified property is new or used. If the property was previously used, enter the abbreviation of the state where the property was located. If you are filing Schedule 1299-D or 1299-A and the property was previously used in Illinois, but not in a manner that qualified for this credit or for the Replacement Tax Investment Credit on Form IL-477, maintain a statement in your records to provide upon request. Column E – Enter the name of the enterprise zone in which the property is used. Note: Qualified enterprise zones are listed on the DCEO website. Column F – For each item of property, enter the basis used to figure the depreciation deduction for federal income tax purposes. Generally, the basis will be the purchase price, plus any capital expenditures, minus any rebates and IRC Section 179 deductions. The basis is not reduced by depreciation, including bonus depreciation, except depreciation you were allowed to claim before the date you placed it in service in Illinois, or in an Illinois enterprise or river edge redevelopment zone. Column G – If you placed property in service in an enterprise zone, the credit rate is .005. Column H – Multiply each entry in Column F by the amount in Column G, and enter the result in Column H. Line 4 – Follow the instructions on the worksheet. Enterprise Zone Investment Worksheet A Description of qualified property B C D E F G Date placed in ACRS New/Used Name of zone Basis Rate service in Illinois class (see instr.) Month Year H Column F x Column G 1 / 2 / .005 2 3 / 4 Total Column H, Lines 1 through 3. .005 1 .005 3 4 Following the specific Schedule 1299 instructions, enter the Enterprise Zone Investment tax credit (Code 5080) on Step 3 of: Schedule 1299-A – credits from Line 4 above in Column E and credits distributed to you in Column F. Schedule 1299-C – credits from Line 4 above in Column E and credits distributed to you in Column F. Schedule 1299-D – credits from Line 4 above in Column F and credits distributed to you in Column G. This credit is not transferable. Attach a copy of every Schedule(s) K-1-P received listing this credit to your Schedule 1299. Enterprise Zone Construction Jobs (Credit Code 5120) 35 ILCS 5/201(f) For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2021, a taxpayer who has been awarded a credit certificate by DCEO is entitled to a credit. The amount of the credit shall be 50 percent (75 percent if the project is located in an underserved area) of the amount of the incremental income tax attributable to Enterprise Zone construction jobs credit employees employed in the course of completing an Enterprise Zone construction jobs project. To qualify for the credit, you must have applied for and received a tax credit certificate from DCEO. Contact DCEO for more information. Following the specific Schedule 1299 instructions, enter the Enterprise Zone Construction Jobs tax credit (Code 5120) on Step 3 of: Schedule 1299-A – credits from DCEO certificates in Column E and credits distributed to you in Column F. Schedule 1299-C – credits from DCEO certificates in Column E and credits distributed to you in Column F. Schedule 1299-D – credits from DCEO certificates in Column F and credits distributed to you in Column G. This credit is not transferable. Attach a copy of every DCEO certificate and Schedule(s) K-1-P received listing this credit to your Schedule 1299. High Impact Business Construction Jobs (Credit Code 5160) 35 ILCS 5/201(h-5) For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2021, a taxpayer who has been awarded a credit certificate by DCEO is entitled to a credit. The amount of the credit shall be 50 percent (75 percent if the project is located in an underserved area) of the amount of the incremental income tax attributable to High Impact Business construction jobs credit employees employed in the course of completing a High Impact Business construction jobs project. To qualify for the credit, you must have applied for and received a tax credit certificate from DCEO. Contact DCEO for more information. Following the specific Schedule 1299 instructions, enter the High Impact Business Construction Jobs tax credit (Code 5160) on Step 3 of: Schedule 1299-A – credits from DCEO certificates in Column E and credits distributed to you in Column F. Schedule 1299-C – credits from DCEO certificates in Column E and credits distributed to you in Column F. Schedule 1299-D – credits from DCEO certificates in Column F and credits distributed to you in Column G. This credit is not transferable. Attach a copy of every DCEO certificate and Schedule(s) K-1-P received listing this credit to your Schedule 1299. Schedule 1299-I (R-12/23) Page 7 of 17 High Impact Business Investment (Credit Code 5220) 35 ILCS 5/201(h) “Qualified property” is property that • is tangible, whether new or used, including buildings and structural components of buildings; • is depreciable according to Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 167; • has a useful life of four or more years as of the date placed in service in Illinois; and • is acquired by purchase as defined in IRC Section 179(d). Qualified property, whether new or used, includes buildings and structural components of buildings that are real property. It does not include land or improvements to real property that are not a structural component of a building, such as landscaping, sewer lines, local access roads, fencing, parking lots, and other appurtenances. Any improvement or addition made on or after the date the business was designated as a high impact business, is considered to be qualified property to the extent that the improvement or addition increases the adjusted basis of the property previously placed in service in Illinois and otherwise meets the requirements of qualified property. For tax years ending on or after December 31, 1987, you may take this credit if • your business has been designated as a high impact business, • you placed qualified property in service on or after the date the business was designated as a high impact business and on or before the last day of your current tax year, and • you continued to use the qualified property on the last day of your tax year. You may not take this credit • if the property is eligible for the Enterprise Zone Investment credit. • until the minimum investments in qualified property required under Section 5.5 of the Illinois Enterprise Zone Act have been satisfied. You should take the credit applicable to the minimum investments in the tax year in which the minimum investments were completed. Credit for additional investments (beyond the minimum investments) is available only in the year the qualified property is placed in service. Using the worksheet on Page 8 and these instructions, figure your High Impact Business Investment credit to enter on your Schedule 1299. Lines 1 through 3 – For each qualified property that you are claiming a credit: Column A – Describe each item of qualified property placed in service in Illinois. Column B – Enter the month and year each item of qualified property was placed in service in Illinois. An item is placed in service on the earlier of • the date the item is placed in a condition or state of readiness and availability for its specifically assigned function, or • the date the depreciation period of the item begins. (Generally, this will be the same date the item is placed in service for purposes of the federal depreciation deduction.) Column C – If you are using the federal accelerated cost recovery system (ACRS) to depreciate the property, enter the ACRS class assigned to each item of qualified property. Property assigned to an ACRS class of less than four years is not qualified. If you are not using the ACRS method to depreciate the property, enter the useful life assigned to the property for federal depreciation purposes. The useful life of the property when placed in service must be four or more years to qualify. Column D – Indicate whether each item of qualified property is new or used. If the property was previously used, enter the abbreviation of the state where the property was located. In addition, if the property was previously used in Illinois, but not in a manner that qualified for this credit or for the Replacement Tax Investment Credit on Form IL-477, maintain a statement in your records to provide upon request. Column E – For each item of property, enter the basis used to figure the depreciation deduction for federal income tax purposes. Generally, the basis will be the purchase price, plus any capital expenditures, minus any rebates and IRC Section 179 deductions. The basis is not reduced by depreciation, including bonus depreciation, except depreciation you were allowed to claim before the date you placed it in service in Illinois, or in an Illinois enterprise or river edge redevelopment zone. Column F – Multiply each entry in Column E by .5 percent (.005) and enter the result in Column F. Line 4 - Follow the instructions on the worksheet. High Impact Business Investment Worksheet A Description of qualified property B Date placed in service in Illinois Month Year C ACRS class D New/Used (see instructions) E F Basis Column E x .5% (.005) 1_______________________ 2_______________________ _____ / _____ _______________ _______________ _______________ 1 _________________ _____ / _____ _______________ _______________ _______________ 2 _________________ 3_______________________ _____ / _____ _______________ _______________ _______________ 3 _________________ 4 Total Column F, Lines 1 through 3. 4 Following the specific Schedule 1299 instructions, enter the High Impact Business Investment tax credit (Code 5220) on Step 3 of: Schedule 1299-C – credits from Line 4 above in Column E. Schedule 1299-D – credits from Line 4 above in Column F. This credit is not distributable or transferable. Schedule 1299-I (R-12/23) Page 8 of 17 Reimagining Energy and Vehicles (REV) Illinois Investment (Credit Code 5230) 35 ILCS 5/237 “Qualified property” is property that (1) is tangible, whether new or used, including buildings and structural components of buildings; (2) is depreciable pursuant to Section 167 of the Internal Revenue Code, except that “3-year property” as defined in Section 168(c)(2)(A) of that Code is not eligible for the credit provided by this Section; (3) is acquired by purchase as defined in Section 179(d) of the Internal Revenue Code; (4) is used at the site of the REV Illinois Project by the taxpayer; and (5) has not been previously used in Illinois in such a manner and by such a person as would qualify for the credit. Public Act 102-0669 provides for tax years beginning on or after November 16, 2021, a credit for taxpayers against the tax imposed by subsections (a) and (b) of Section 201 for investment in qualified property which is placed in service at the site of a REV Illinois Project subject to an agreement between the taxpayer and DCEO pursuant to the Reimagining Energy and Vehicles in Illinois Act. The credit is equal to 0.5 percent of the basis for the property. The credit is only available in the taxable year in which the property is put into service. Any taxpayer qualifying for the REV Illinois Investment Tax Credit shall not be eligible for either the investment tax credits in Section 201(e), (f), or (h) of the Illinois Income Tax Act. The credit is nonrefundable, but may be carried forward for five years. Contact DCEO for more information. Using the worksheet below and these instructions, figure your REV Illinois Investment credit to enter on your Schedule 1299. Column A – Describe each item of qualified property you placed in service in a REV Illinois Project. Column B – Enter the month and year each item of qualified property was placed in service in Illinois. An item is placed in service on the earlier of • the date the item is placed in a condition or state of readiness and availability for its specifically assigned function, or • the date the depreciation period of the item begins. (Generally, this will be the same date the item is placed in service for purposes of the federal depreciation deduction.) Column C – If you are using the federal accelerated cost recovery system (ACRS) to depreciate the property, enter the ACRS class assigned to each item of qualified property. Property assigned to an ACRS class of less than four years is not qualified. If you are not using the ACRS method to depreciate the property, enter the useful life assigned to the property for federal depreciation purposes. The useful life of the property when placed in service must be four or more years to qualify. Column D – Indicate whether each item of qualified property is new or used. If the property was previously used, enter the abbreviation of the state where the property was located. If you are filing Schedule 1299-D or 1299-A and the property was previously used in Illinois, but not in a manner that qualified for this credit or for the Replacement Tax Investment Credit on Form IL-477, maintain a statement in your records to provide upon request. Column E – Enter the location of the REV Illinois Project in which the property is used. Column F – For each item of property, enter the basis used to figure the depreciation deduction for federal income tax purposes. Generally, the basis will be the purchase price, plus any capital expenditures, minus any rebates and IRC Section 179 deductions. The basis is not reduced by depreciation, including bonus depreciation, except depreciation you were allowed to claim before the date you placed it in service in Illinois, or in an Illinois enterprise or river edge redevelopment zone or in the location of a REV Illinois Project. Column G – If you placed property in service in a REV Illinois Project, the credit rate is .005. Column H – Multiply each entry in Column F by the amount in Column G, and enter the result in Column H. Line 4 – Follow the instructions on the worksheet. REV Illinois Investment Credit Worksheet A B C D Description of Date placed ACRS New/Used qualified property in service in class (see instr.) Illinois Month Year E F G H Location of REV Basis Rate Column F x Column G Illinois Project 1 / 2 / .005 2 3 / 4 Total Column H, Lines 1 through 3. .005 1 .005 3 4 Following the specific Schedule 1299 instructions, enter the REV Illinois Investment tax credit (Code 5230) on Step 3 of: Schedule 1299-A – credits from Line 4 above in Column E and credits distributed to you in Column F. Schedule 1299-C – credits from Line 4 above in Column E and credits distributed to you in Column F. Schedule 1299-D – credits from Line 4 above in Column F and credits distributed to you in Column G. This credit is not transferable. Attach a copy of every DCEO certificate and Schedule(s) K-1-P received listing this credit to your Schedule 1299. Schedule 1299-I (R-12/23) Page 9 of 17 Affordable Housing Donations (Credit Code 5260) 35 ILCS 5/214 You may take this credit if • you have made a donation under Section 7.28 of the Illinois Housing Development Act for the development of affordable housing in Illinois, • you made the donation in a tax year ending on or after December 31, 2001, through a tax year ending on or before December 31, 2026, and • you were issued an Illinois Affordable Housing Tax Credit certificate from Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) or the City of Chicago’s Department of Housing and Economic Development, • you received Schedule(s) K-1-P distributing this credit to you by a pass-through entity, or • you received a transfer of credit meeting the following criteria: • Under IITA Section 214(c), the credit allowed under this Section may be transferred: A) to the purchaser of land that has been designated solely for affordable housing projects in accordance with the Illinois Housing Development Act; or B) to another donor who has also made a donation in accordance with Section 7.28 of the Illinois Housing Development Act. • Persons or entities not subject to the tax imposed by IITA Section 201(a) and (b) and who made a donation under Section 7.28 of the Illinois Housing Development Act are entitled to a credit as described in this Section and may transfer that credit as provided in this subsection (c). (IITA Section 214(a)) • Transfer of the credit shall be made pursuant to 47 Ill. Adm. Code 355.309. • Transfer may be made of all or of any portion of the credit allowable to the transferor. However, any portion of a credit that has already been used to reduce the tax of a transferor may not be transferred. The credit is 50 percent (.50) of the total amount of your donation to qualified affordable housing projects or the total amount of the credit that was distributed or transferred to you. Following the specific Schedule 1299 instructions, enter the Affordable Housing Donations tax credit (Code 5260) on Step 3 of: Schedule 1299-A – credits earned from IHDA or City of Chicago certificates in Column E, credits distributed to you in Column F, and credits transferred to you in Column G. Schedule 1299-C – credits earned from IHDA or City of Chicago certificates in Column E, and credits distributed and transferred to you in Column F. Schedule 1299-D – credits earned from IHDA or City of Chicago certificates in Column F, credits distributed to you in Column G, and credits transferred to you in Column H. Attach the IHDA or City of Chicago certificates, any Schedule(s) K-1-P received listing this credit, and any transfer documentation to support the credit claimed to your Schedule 1299. Economic Development for a Growing Economy (EDGE) (Credit Code 5300) 35 ILCS 5/211 You may take this credit if • you have entered into an agreement with DCEO, either under the Economic Development for a Growing Economy Tax Credit Act or the Corporate Headquarters Relocation Act, between January 1, 1999, and June 30, 2027, and • you meet the conditions stated in your agreement with DCEO. Contact DCEO for more information. Following the specific Schedule 1299 instructions, enter the Economic Development for a Growing Economy (EDGE) tax credit (Code 5300) on Step 3 of: Schedule 1299-A – credits from DCEO certificates in Column E and credits distributed to you in Column F. Schedule 1299-C – credits from DCEO certificates in Column E and credits distributed to you in Column F. Schedule 1299-D – credits from DCEO certificates in Column F and credits distributed to you in Column G. This credit is not transferable. Attach a copy of every DCEO certificate and Schedule(s) K-1-P received listing this credit to your Schedule 1299. New Construction EDGE (Credit Code 5320) 35 ILCS 10/5-51 For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2021, a taxpayer who has been awarded a credit certificate by DCEO is entitled to a credit. The amount of the credit shall be 50% (75% if the project is located in an underserved area) of the amount of the incremental income tax attributable to New Construction EDGE credit employees employed in the course of completing a New Construction EDGE project. To qualify for the credit, you must have applied for and received a tax credit certificate from DCEO. Contact DCEO for more information. Following the specific Schedule 1299 instructions, enter the New Construction EDGE tax credit (Code 5320) on Step 3 of: Schedule 1299-A – credits from DCEO certificates in Column E and credits distributed to you in Column F. Schedule 1299-C – credits from DCEO certificates in Column E and credits distributed to you in Column F. Schedule 1299-D – credits from DCEO certificates in Column F and credits distributed to you in Column G. This credit is not transferable. Attach a copy of every DCEO certificate and Schedule(s) K-1-P received listing this credit to your Schedule 1299. Schedule 1299-I (R-12/23) Page 10 of 17 Research and Development (Credit Code 5340) 35 ILCS 5/201(k) A taxpayer is entitled to take this credit for tax years ending on or after December 31, 2004 and ending prior to January 1, 2027. (Qualifying expenses must be from research activities conducted in Illinois.) “Qualifying expenses” are expenditures qualifying under IRC Section 41 that are attributable to research in Illinois, including certain payments to qualified organizations for basic research in Illinois. “Qualifying expenses for increasing research activities in Illinois” are the excess of qualifying expenses incurred for the current tax year over qualifying expenses incurred for the base period. “Base period” is the three tax periods immediately preceding the current year. “Qualified research” is research or experimental activities that create or improve a function, performance, reliability, or quality. Research must be performed in Illinois and be of a technical nature and be intended to be useful in the development of a new or improved business component held for sale, lease, license, or use by you in your business. You may take this credit if you have certain qualifying expenses for increasing qualified research activities in Illinois. You may not take this credit for the following types of activities: • research conducted after the beginning of commercial production; • research adapting an existing product or process to a particular customer’s need; • duplication of an existing product or process; • surveys or studies; • research relating to certain internal-use computer software; • research conducted outside Illinois; • research in the social sciences, arts, or humanities; or • research funded by another person (or government entity). Using the worksheet and instructions below, figure your Illinois qualifying expenses to enter on the Research and Development Worksheet on your Schedule 1299-C or 1299-A, Step 2 or Schedule 1299-D, Step 1. Research and Development Worksheet (Qualifying expenses must be from research activities conducted in Illinois.) A Enter the following: B Base period avg. expenses This year’s expenses 1 Illinois wages for qualified services. See instructions below. 1 ___________________ ___________________ 2 Illinois cost of supplies 2 ___________________ 3 Illinois rental or lease costs of computers 3 ___________________ 4 65% (.65) of Illinois contract expenses 4 ___________________ ___________________ 5 Illinois basic research payments to qualified organizations (corporations only) 5 ___________________ ___________________ 6 Add Lines 1 through 5 of each column. Total Illinois qualifying expenses. 6 ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Lines 1 through 5 – Follow the instructions below to determine the amount to enter in Column A and Column B. Column A – Enter the yearly average of the base period qualified expenses resulting from activities that were conducted in Illinois. If you were not doing business in Illinois during one or more of the tax years included in the base period, use “0” as the factor for that tax year when computing the yearly average base period qualified expenses. If you were doing business in Illinois for less than an entire year during any tax year in the base period, the qualifying expenses (Lines 1 through 5) for that year must be annualized as follows: (qualified expenses x number of days taxable by Illinois) ÷ (365). Column B – Enter the current year qualified expenses resulting from activities that were conducted in the State of Illinois. Line 6 – Add Lines 1 through 5 of each column. Transfer the amount on Line 6 in both columns to the Research and Development Worksheet on Schedule 1299-C or 1299-A, Step 2 or Schedule 1299-D, Step 1. Follow the instructions on your Schedule 1299 to determine the amount to enter as the Research and Development tax credit (Code 5340) on Step 3 of: Schedule 1299-A – credits from Step 2 in Column E and credits distributed to you in Column F. Schedule 1299-C – credits from Step 2 in Column E and credits distributed to you in Column F. Schedule 1299-D – credits from Step 1 in Column F and credits distributed to you in Column G. This credit is not transferable. Attach any Schedule(s) K-1-P received listing this credit to your Schedule 1299. Wages Paid to Ex-Felons (Credit Code 5380) 35 ILCS 5/216 “Qualified wages” means wages you paid during the one-year period beginning with the date an ex-offender begins working for you. Only wages that are subject to unemployment tax under IRC Section 3306 qualify. This includes amounts in excess of the maximum taxable wage. Wages paid during any period for which you received federally funded payments for on-the-job training for the ex-offender do not qualify. A “qualified ex-offender” means an Illinois resident who • has been convicted of any crime in this State or of any offense in any other jurisdiction, other than an offense or attempted offense that would subject a person to registration under the Sex Offender Registration Act; • was sentenced to a period of incarceration in an Illinois adult correctional center; and • was hired by you within three years after being released from the adult correctional center. Schedule 1299-I (R-12/23) Page 11 of 17 For tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2007, the Credit for Wages Paid to Ex-Felons is 5 percent (.05) of qualified wages paid during the taxable year to an employee who is a qualified ex-offender. The total credits for all tax years for wages paid to a particular ex-offender may not exceed $1500. Using the worksheet and these instructions, figure your Wages Paid to Ex-Felons credit to enter on your Schedule 1299. Lines 1 through 3 – For each ex-offender for whom you are claiming a credit: Column A – Enter the name of the qualified ex-offender. Column B – Enter the Social Security number of the qualified ex-offender. Column C – Enter the date you hired the qualified ex-offender. Column D – Enter the amount of qualified wages you paid to this ex-offender during the taxable year. Do not include any wages paid more than one year after the date of hiring. Column E – Multiply the amount in Column D by 5 percent (.05). Column G – If you claimed a Wages Paid to Ex-Felons credit for this ex-offender in the prior year, enter the total amount of credit claimed. Otherwise, enter “0”. Column H – Subtract the amount in Column G from Column F. This amount cannot be less than zero. Column I – Enter the amount from Column E or Column H, whichever is less. Line 4 – Follow the instructions on the worksheet. Wages Paid to Ex-Felons Worksheet A B Name SSN C D Date hired Qualified wages E F G H I Col. D Max credit Prior x 5% (.05) amount credit Col. F minus Col. G 1 / $1,500 1 2 / $1,500 2 3 / $1,500 3 4 Add Column I, Lines 1 through 3. Enter the lesser of Column E or H 4 Following the specific Schedule 1299 instructions, enter the Wages Paid to Ex-Felons tax credit (Code 5380) on Step 3 of: Schedule 1299-A – credits from Line 4 above in Column E and credits distributed to you in Column F. Schedule 1299-C – credits from Line 4 above in Column E and credits distributed to you in Column F. Schedule 1299-D – credits from Line 4 above in Column F and credits distributed to you in Column G. This credit is not transferable. Attach any Schedule(s) K-1-P received listing this credit to your Schedule 1299. Student-Assistance Contributions (Credit Code 5420) 35 ILCS 5/218 “Qualified Illinois prepaid tuition programs” include: • Illinois Bright Start College Savings Program, • Illinois Bright Directions College Savings Program, • College Illinois Prepaid Tuition Program. For taxable years ending on or after December 31, 2009, and on or before December 31, 2024, if you are an employer who makes a matching contribution to a qualified Illinois prepaid tuition program on behalf of your employees, you are entitled to a credit of 25 percent (.25) of the contribution for each employee or $500 per employee, whichever is less. Using the worksheet and instructions, figure your Student-Assistance Contributions credit to enter in your Schedule 1299. Lines 1 through 3 – For each employee for whom you made a matching contribution: Column A – Enter the name of the employee. Column B – Enter the Social Security number of the employee. Column C – Enter the amount of the matching contribution you made. Column D – Multiply the amount in Column C by 25 percent (.25). Column F – Enter the amount from Column D or the amount from Column E, whichever is less. Line 4 – Follow the instructions on the worksheet. Student-Assistance Contributions Worksheet A B Name C SSN D Qualified Column C contribution amount x 25% (.25) E 1 $500 1 2 $500 3 4 3 4 Add Column F, Lines 1 through 3. Schedule 1299-I (R-12/23) F Max credit Enter the lesser amount of Column D or E $500 2 Page 12 of 17 Following the specific Schedule 1299 instructions, enter the Student-Assistance Contributions tax credit (Code 5420) on Step 3 of: Schedule 1299-A – credits from Line 4 above in Column E and credits distributed to you in Column F. Schedule 1299-C – credits from Line 4 above in Column E and credits distributed to you in Column F. Schedule 1299-D – credits from Line 4 above in Column F and credits distributed to you in Column G. This credit is not transferable. Attach any Schedule(s) K-1-P received listing this credit to your Schedule 1299. Agritourism Liability Insurance (Credit Code 5440) 35 ILCS 5/232 For tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2022, and ending on or before December 31, 2023, an Agritourism Liability Insurance credit may be claimed in an amount equal to the lesser of 100% of the liability insurance premiums paid during the taxable year or $1,000. To qualify for the credit, you must have applied for and received a tax credit certificate from IDOA. Contact IDOA for more information. Following the specific Schedule 1299 instructions, enter the Agritourism Liability Insurance tax credit (Code 5440) on Step 3 of: Schedule 1299-A – credits from IDOA certificates in Column E and credits distributed to you in Column F. Schedule 1299-C – credits from IDOA certificates in Column E and credits distributed to you in Column F. Schedule 1299-D – credits from IDOA certificates in Column F and credits distributed to you in Column G. This credit is not transferable. Attach a copy of every IDOA certificate and Schedule(s) K-1-P received listing this credit to your Schedule 1299. Angel Investment (Credit Code 5460) 35 ILCS 5/220 For tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2011, and ending on or before December 31, 2026, an Angel Investment credit may be claimed in an amount equal to: • 25 percent (.25) of an investment made directly in a qualified new business, or • 35 percent (.35) of an investment made directly in a qualified new business venture in which: • the new business is a minority-owned business, a women-owned business, or a business owned a person with a disability (as those terms are used and defined in the Business Enterprise for Minorities, Women, and Persons with Disabilities Act); or • the principal place of the business is located in a county with a population of not more than 250,000. To qualify for the credit, you must have applied for and received a tax credit certificate from DCEO. Contact DCEO for more information. Following the specific Schedule 1299 instructions, enter the Angel Investment tax credit (Code 5460) on Step 3 of: Schedule 1299-A – credits from DCEO certificates in Column E and credits distributed to you in Column F. Schedule 1299-C – credits from DCEO certificates in Column E and credits distributed to you in Column F. Schedule 1299-D – credits from DCEO certificates in Column F and credits distributed to you in Column G. This credit is not transferable. Attach a copy of every DCEO certificate and Schedule(s) K-1-P received listing this credit to your Schedule 1299. New Markets Development (Credit Code 5500) 20 ILCS 663/1 et. seq. The New Markets Development credit is allowed for qualified investments made in a community development entity in tax years beginning on or after December 31, 2008 and ending before July 1, 2031. Credits are allowed on the second anniversary of the investment and the next four anniversaries. To qualify for this credit, you must have applied for and received a tax credit certificate from DCEO. Contact DCEO for more information. Following the specific Schedule 1299 instructions, enter the New Markets Development tax credit (Code 5500) on Step 3 of: Schedule 1299-A – credits from DCEO certificates in Column E and credits distributed to you in Column F. Schedule 1299-C – credits from DCEO certificates in Column E and credits distributed to you in Column F. Schedule 1299-D – credits from DCEO certificates in Column F and credits distributed to you in Column G. This credit is not transferable. Attach a copy of every DCEO certificate and Schedule(s) K-1-P received listing this credit to your Schedule 1299. River Edge Historic Preservation (Credit Code 5540) 35 ILCS 5/221 For tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2012, and ending prior to January 1, 2027, the River Edge Historic Preservation credit is available for projects located in river edge redevelopment zones. The credit is awarded by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). To qualify for this credit, you must have applied for and received a tax credit certificate from DNR. Contact DNR for more information. Following the specific Schedule 1299 instructions, enter the River Edge Historic Preservation tax credit (Code 5540) on Step 3 of: Schedule 1299-A – credits from DNR certificates in Column E and credits distributed to you in Column F. Schedule 1299-C – credits from DNR certificates in Column E and credits distributed to you in Column F. Schedule 1299-D – credits from DNR certificates in Column F and credits distributed to you in Column G. This credit is not transferable. Attach a copy of every DNR certificate and Schedule(s) K-1-P received listing this credit to your Schedule 1299. Schedule 1299-I (R-12/23) Page 13 of 17 River Edge Construction Jobs (Credit Code 5560) 35 ILCS 5/221 For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2021, and ending prior to January 1, 2027, a taxpayer who has been awarded a credit certificate by DCEO is entitled to a credit. The amount of the credit shall be 50% (75% if the project is located in an underserved area) of the amount of the incremental income tax attributable to River Edge construction job employees employed in the course of completing a River Edge construction job project. To qualify for the credit, you must have applied for and received a tax credit certificate from DCEO. Contact DCEO for more information. Following the specific Schedule 1299 instructions, enter the River Edge Construction Jobs tax credit (Code 5560) on Step 3 of: Schedule 1299-A – credits from DCEO certificates in Column E and credits distributed to you in Column F. Schedule 1299-C – credits from DCEO certificates in Column E and credits distributed to you in Column F. Schedule 1299-D – credits from DCEO certificates in Column F and credits distributed to you in Column G. This credit is not transferable. Attach a copy of every DCEO certificate and Schedule(s) K-1-P received listing this credit to your Schedule 1299. Live Theater Production (Credit Code 5580) 35 ILCS 5/222 For tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2012, and beginning prior to January 1, 2027, the Live Theater Production credit is awarded based on applications approved through DCEO. To qualify for this credit, you must have • applied for and received a tax credit certificate from DCEO, or • received a certificate from DCEO showing that a credit was transferred to you. A transfer of the tax credit may be made by the taxpayer earning the credit within one year after the credit is awarded in accordance with rules adopted by DCEO. Contact DCEO for more information. Following the specific Schedule 1299 instructions, enter the Live Theater Production tax credit (Code 5580) on Step 3 of: Schedule 1299-A – credits from DCEO certificates in Column E, credits distributed to you in Column F, and credits transferred to you in Column G. Schedule 1299-C – credits from DCEO certificates in Column E, and credits distributed and transferred to you in Column F. Schedule 1299-D – credits from DCEO certificates in Column F, credits distributed to you in Column G, and credits transferred to you in Column H. Attach a copy of every DCEO certificate and Schedule(s) K-1-P received listing this credit to your Schedule 1299. Hospital (Credit Code 5620) 35 ILCS 5/223 For tax years ending on or after December 31, 2012, and ending on or before December 31, 2027, the Hospital credit is available to the owner of a hospital that • is licensed under the Hospital Licensing Act, and • is not exempt from federal income taxes under the Internal Revenue Code. The credit is an amount equal to the lesser of the amount of real property taxes paid on Illinois property used for hospital purposes during the prior tax year or the cost of free or discounted services provided during the current tax year at Illinois locations in accordance with the hospital’s charitable financial assistance policy, measured at cost. The Hospital credit may be transferred, either by selling or donating the credit, • by the taxpayer who originally earned the credit, and • only if the transfer occurs within one year after the due date of the transferor’s return for the period in which the credit is earned. The taxpayer transferring the credit must attach to their Schedule 1299-C,1299-D, or 1299-A a copy of the written notice of the transfer stating the intent to sell or donate the credit, including the amount of credit to be transferred, the date of the transfer, and the name, address, and the Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) or Social Security Number (SSN) of the recipient. A copy of this notice must also be provided to the recipient of the credit who in turn should attach a copy of the notice to their Schedule 1299-C, 1299-D or 1299-A when filing their return. If you transfer the credit after your original return has been submitted, you must submit an amended return and all affected supporting documents to report the transfer. Use the worksheet below to figure your Hospital credit. Hospital Worksheet 1 E nter the amount of real property taxes paid during the tax year on Illinois real property used for hospital purposes during the prior tax year. 2 E nter the cost of free or discounted services provided at Illinois locations during the tax year pursuant to the hospital’s charitable financial assistance policy, measured at cost. 2 1 3 Enter the lesser of Line 1 or Line 2. This is your Hospital credit before transfers. 3 4 Enter any amount of the credit from Line 3 you h
2023 Schedule 1299-I, Income Tax Credits Information and Worksheets
More about the Illinois Form Schedule 1299-I Individual Income Tax
Use this Schedule to determine the amount of credit to list in Schedule 1299-C, Schedule 1299-A, and Schedule 1299-D
We last updated the Income Tax Credits Information and Worksheets in January 2024, and the latest form we have available is for tax year 2023. This means that we don't yet have the updated form for the current tax year. Please check this page regularly, as we will post the updated form as soon as it is released by the Illinois Department of Revenue. You can print other Illinois tax forms here.
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File Now with TurboTaxRelated Illinois Individual Income Tax Forms:
TaxFormFinder has an additional 75 Illinois income tax forms that you may need, plus all federal income tax forms. These related forms may also be needed with the Illinois Form Schedule 1299-I.
Form Code | Form Name |
Schedule 1299-S | Enterprise Zones, Foreign Trade Zones, and Sub-Zones |
Schedule 1299-A | Tax Subtractions and Credits -for partnerships and S corporations) |
Schedule 1299-B | River Edge Redevelopment Zone or Foreign Trade Zone -or sub-zone) Subtractions -for corporations and fiduciaries) |
Schedule 1299-C | Income Tax Subtractions & Credits For Individuals |
Schedule 1299-D | Income Tax Credits -for corporations and fiduciaries |
View all 76 Illinois Income Tax Forms
Form Sources:
Illinois usually releases forms for the current tax year between January and April. We last updated Illinois Form Schedule 1299-I from the Department of Revenue in January 2024.
About the Individual Income Tax
The IRS and most states collect a personal income tax, which is paid throughout the year via tax withholding or estimated income tax payments.
Most taxpayers are required to file a yearly income tax return in April to both the Internal Revenue Service and their state's revenue department, which will result in either a tax refund of excess withheld income or a tax payment if the withholding does not cover the taxpayer's entire liability. Every taxpayer's situation is different - please consult a CPA or licensed tax preparer to ensure that you are filing the correct tax forms!
Historical Past-Year Versions of Illinois Form Schedule 1299-I
We have a total of two past-year versions of Form Schedule 1299-I in the TaxFormFinder archives, including for the previous tax year. Download past year versions of this tax form as PDFs here:

2023 Schedule 1299-I, Income Tax Credits Information and Worksheets

2021 Schedule 1299-I, Income Tax Credits Information and Worksheets
TaxFormFinder Disclaimer:
While we do our best to keep our list of Illinois Income Tax Forms up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is the form on this page out-of-date or not working? Please let us know and we will fix it ASAP.